1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.net.http;
  28 import java.io.IOException;
  29 import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
  30 import java.net.URI;
  31 import java.net.http.HttpConnection.Mode;
  32 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  33 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
  34 import java.util.Collection;
  35 import java.util.HashMap;
  36 import java.util.LinkedList;
  37 import java.util.List;
  38 import java.util.Map;
  39 import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
  40 import sun.net.httpclient.hpack.Encoder;
  41 import sun.net.httpclient.hpack.Decoder;
  42 import static java.net.http.SettingsFrame.*;
  43 import static java.net.http.Utils.BUFSIZE;
  44 import java.util.ArrayList;
  45 import java.util.Collections;
  46 import java.util.Formatter;
  47 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
  48 import sun.net.httpclient.hpack.DecodingCallback;
  50 /**
  51  * An Http2Connection. Encapsulates the socket(channel) and any SSLEngine used
  52  * over it. Contains an HttpConnection which hides the SocketChannel SSL stuff.
  53  *
  54  * Http2Connections belong to a Http2ClientImpl, (one of) which belongs
  55  * to a HttpClientImpl.
  56  *
  57  * Creation cases:
  58  * 1) upgraded HTTP/1.1 plain tcp connection
  59  * 2) prior knowledge directly created plain tcp connection
  60  * 3) directly created HTTP/2 SSL connection which uses ALPN.
  61  *
  62  * Sending is done by writing directly to underlying HttpConnection object which
  63  * is operating in async mode. No flow control applies on output at this level
  64  * and all writes are just executed as puts to an output Q belonging to HttpConnection
  65  * Flow control is implemented by HTTP/2 protocol itself.
  66  *
  67  * Hpack header compression
  68  * and outgoing stream creation is also done here, because these operations
  69  * must be synchronized at the socket level. Stream objects send frames simply
  70  * by placing them on the connection's output Queue. sendFrame() is called
  71  * from a higher level (Stream) thread.
  72  *
  73  * asyncReceive(ByteBuffer) is always called from the selector thread. It assembles
  74  * incoming Http2Frames, and directs them to the appropriate Stream.incoming()
  75  * or handles them directly itself. This thread performs hpack decompression
  76  * and incoming stream creation (Server push). Incoming frames destined for a
  77  * stream are provided by calling Stream.incoming().
  78  */
  79 class Http2Connection implements BufferHandler {
  81     final Queue<Http2Frame> outputQ;
  82     volatile boolean closed;
  84     //-------------------------------------
  85     final HttpConnection connection;
  86     HttpClientImpl client;
  87     final Http2ClientImpl client2;
  88     Map<Integer,Stream> streams;
  89     int nextstreamid = 3; // stream 1 is registered separately
  90     int nextPushStream = 2;
  91     Encoder hpackOut;
  92     Decoder hpackIn;
  93     SettingsFrame clientSettings, serverSettings;
  94     ByteBufferConsumer bbc;
  95     final LinkedList<ByteBuffer> freeList;
  96     final String key; // for HttpClientImpl.connections map
  97     FrameReader reader;
  99     // Connection level flow control windows
 100     int sendWindow = INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE;
 102     final static int DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
 103     private static ByteBuffer[] empty = Utils.EMPTY_BB_ARRAY;
 105     final ExecutorWrapper executor;
 107     /**
 108      * This is established by the protocol spec and the peer will update it with
 109      * WINDOW_UPDATEs, which affects the sendWindow.
 110      */
 111     final static int INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 64 * 1024 - 1;
 113     // TODO: need list of control frames from other threads
 114     // that need to be sent
 116     /**
 117      * Case 1) Create from upgraded HTTP/1.1 connection.
 118      * Is ready to use. Will not be SSL. exchange is the Exchange
 119      * that initiated the connection, whose response will be delivered
 120      * on a Stream.
 121      */
 122     Http2Connection(HttpConnection connection, Http2ClientImpl client2,
 123             Exchange exchange) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 124         this.outputQ = new Queue<>();
 125         String msg = "Connection send window size " + Integer.toString(sendWindow);
 126         Log.logTrace(msg);
 128         //this.initialExchange = exchange;
 129         assert !(connection instanceof SSLConnection);
 130         this.connection = connection;
 131         this.client = client2.client();
 132         this.client2 = client2;
 133         this.executor = client.executorWrapper();
 134         this.freeList = new LinkedList<>();
 135         this.key = keyFor(connection);
 136         streams = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
 137         initCommon();
 138         //sendConnectionPreface();
 139         Stream initialStream = createStream(exchange);
 140         initialStream.registerStream(1);
 141         initialStream.requestSent();
 142         sendConnectionPreface();
 143         connection.configureMode(Mode.ASYNC);
 144         // start reading and writing
 145         // start reading
 146         AsyncConnection asyncConn = (AsyncConnection)connection;
 147         asyncConn.setAsyncCallbacks(this::asyncReceive, this::shutdown);
 148         asyncReceive(connection.getRemaining());
 149         asyncConn.startReading();
 150     }
 152     // async style but completes immediately
 153     static CompletableFuture<Http2Connection> createAsync(HttpConnection connection,
 154             Http2ClientImpl client2, Exchange exchange) {
 155         CompletableFuture<Http2Connection> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
 156         try {
 157             Http2Connection c = new Http2Connection(connection, client2, exchange);
 158             cf.complete(c);
 159         } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
 160             cf.completeExceptionally(e);
 161         }
 162         return cf;
 163     }
 165     /**
 166      * Cases 2) 3)
 167      *
 168      * request is request to be sent.
 169      */
 170     Http2Connection(HttpRequestImpl request) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 171         InetSocketAddress proxy = request.proxy();
 172         URI uri = request.uri();
 173         InetSocketAddress addr = Utils.getAddress(request);
 174         String msg = "Connection send window size " + Integer.toString(sendWindow);
 175         Log.logTrace(msg);
 176         this.key = keyFor(uri, proxy);
 177         this.connection = HttpConnection.getConnection(addr, request, this);
 178         streams = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
 179         this.client = request.client();
 180         this.client2 = client.client2();
 181         this.executor = client.executorWrapper();
 182         this.freeList = new LinkedList<>();
 183         this.outputQ = new Queue<>();
 184         nextstreamid = 1;
 185         initCommon();
 186         connection.connect();
 187         connection.configureMode(Mode.ASYNC);
 188         // start reading
 189         AsyncConnection asyncConn = (AsyncConnection)connection;
 190         asyncConn.setAsyncCallbacks(this::asyncReceive, this::shutdown);
 191         sendConnectionPreface();
 192         asyncConn.startReading();
 193     }
 195     // NEW
 196     synchronized void obtainSendWindow(int amount) throws InterruptedException {
 197         while (amount > 0) {
 198             int n = Math.min(amount, sendWindow);
 199             sendWindow -= n;
 200             amount -= n;
 201             if (amount > 0)
 202                 wait();
 203         }
 204     }
 206     synchronized void updateSendWindow(int amount) {
 207         if (sendWindow == 0) {
 208             sendWindow += amount;
 209             notifyAll();
 210         } else
 211             sendWindow += amount;
 212     }
 214     synchronized int sendWindow() {
 215         return sendWindow;
 216     }
 218     static String keyFor(HttpConnection connection) {
 219         boolean isProxy = connection.isProxied();
 220         boolean isSecure = connection.isSecure();
 221         InetSocketAddress addr = connection.address();
 223         return keyString(isSecure, isProxy, addr.getHostString(), addr.getPort());
 224     }
 226     static String keyFor(URI uri, InetSocketAddress proxy) {
 227         boolean isSecure = uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("https");
 228         boolean isProxy = proxy != null;
 230         String host;
 231         int port;
 233         if (isProxy) {
 234             host = proxy.getHostString();
 235             port = proxy.getPort();
 236         } else {
 237             host = uri.getHost();
 238             port = uri.getPort();
 239         }
 240         return keyString(isSecure, isProxy, host, port);
 241     }
 243     // {C,S}:{H:P}:host:port
 244     // C indicates clear text connection "http"
 245     // S indicates secure "https"
 246     // H indicates host (direct) connection
 247     // P indicates proxy
 248     // Eg: "S:H:foo.com:80"
 249     static String keyString(boolean secure, boolean proxy, String host, int port) {
 250         char c1 = secure ? 'S' : 'C';
 251         char c2 = proxy ? 'P' : 'H';
 253         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
 254         sb.append(c1).append(':').append(c2).append(':')
 255                 .append(host).append(':').append(port);
 256         return sb.toString();
 257     }
 259     String key() {
 260         return this.key;
 261     }
 263     void putConnection() {
 264         client2.putConnection(this);
 265     }
 267     private static String toHexdump1(ByteBuffer bb) {
 268         bb.mark();
 269         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(512);
 270         Formatter f = new Formatter(sb);
 272         while (bb.hasRemaining()) {
 273             int i =  Byte.toUnsignedInt(bb.get());
 274             f.format("%02x:", i);
 275         }
 276         sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1);
 277         bb.reset();
 278         return sb.toString();
 279     }
 281     private static String toHexdump(ByteBuffer bb) {
 282         List<String> words = new ArrayList<>();
 283         int i = 0;
 284         bb.mark();
 285         while (bb.hasRemaining()) {
 286             if (i % 2 == 0) {
 287                 words.add("");
 288             }
 289             byte b = bb.get();
 290             String hex = Integer.toHexString(256 + Byte.toUnsignedInt(b)).substring(1);
 291             words.set(i / 2, words.get(i / 2) + hex);
 292             i++;
 293         }
 294         bb.reset();
 295         return words.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
 296     }
 298     private void decodeHeaders(HeaderFrame frame, DecodingCallback decoder) {
 299         boolean endOfHeaders = frame.getFlag(HeaderFrame.END_HEADERS);
 301         ByteBuffer[] buffers = frame.getHeaderBlock();
 302         for (int i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) {
 303             hpackIn.decode(buffers[i], endOfHeaders && (i == buffers.length - 1), decoder);
 304         }
 305     }
 307     int getInitialSendWindowSize() {
 308         return serverSettings.getParameter(SettingsFrame.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE);
 309     }
 311     void close() {
 312         GoAwayFrame f = new GoAwayFrame();
 313         f.setDebugData("Requested by user".getBytes());
 314         // TODO: set last stream. For now zero ok.
 315         sendFrame(f);
 316     }
 318     // BufferHandler methods
 320     @Override
 321     public ByteBuffer getBuffer(int n) {
 322         return client.getBuffer(n);
 323     }
 325     @Override
 326     public void returnBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) {
 327         client.returnBuffer(buf);
 328     }
 330     @Override
 331     public void setMinBufferSize(int n) {
 332         client.setMinBufferSize(n);
 333     }
 335     private final Object readlock = new Object();
 337     void asyncReceive(ByteBuffer buffer) {
 338         synchronized (readlock) {
 339             try {
 340                 if (reader == null) {
 341                     reader = new FrameReader(buffer);
 342                 } else {
 343                     reader.input(buffer);
 344                 }
 345                 while (true) {
 346                     if (reader.haveFrame()) {
 347                         List<ByteBuffer> buffers = reader.frame();
 349                         ByteBufferConsumer bbc = new ByteBufferConsumer(buffers, this::getBuffer);
 350                         processFrame(bbc);
 351                         if (bbc.consumed()) {
 352                             reader = new FrameReader();
 353                             return;
 354                         } else {
 355                             reader = new FrameReader(reader);
 356                         }
 357                     } else
 358                         return;
 359                 }
 360             } catch (Throwable e) {
 361                 String msg = Utils.stackTrace(e);
 362                 Log.logTrace(msg);
 363                 shutdown(e);
 364             }
 365         }
 366     }
 368     void shutdown(Throwable t) {
 369         Log.logError(t);
 370         closed = true;
 371         client2.deleteConnection(this);
 372         List<Stream> c = new LinkedList<>(streams.values());
 373         for (Stream s : c) {
 374             s.cancelImpl(t);
 375         }
 376         connection.close();
 377     }
 379     /**
 380      * Handles stream 0 (common) frames that apply to whole connection and passes
 381      * other stream specific frames to that Stream object.
 382      *
 383      * Invokes Stream.incoming() which is expected to process frame without
 384      * blocking.
 385      */
 386     void processFrame(ByteBufferConsumer bbc) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 387         Http2Frame frame = Http2Frame.readIncoming(bbc);
 388         Log.logFrames(frame, "IN");
 389         int streamid = frame.streamid();
 390         if (streamid == 0) {
 391             handleCommonFrame(frame);
 392         } else {
 393             Stream stream = getStream(streamid);
 394             if (stream == null) {
 395                 // should never receive a frame with unknown stream id
 396                 resetStream(streamid, ResetFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
 397             }
 398             if (frame instanceof PushPromiseFrame) {
 399                 PushPromiseFrame pp = (PushPromiseFrame)frame;
 400                 handlePushPromise(stream, pp);
 401             } else if (frame instanceof HeaderFrame) {
 402                 // decode headers (or continuation)
 403                 decodeHeaders((HeaderFrame) frame, stream.rspHeadersConsumer());
 404                 stream.incoming(frame);
 405             } else
 406                 stream.incoming(frame);
 407         }
 408     }
 410     private void handlePushPromise(Stream parent, PushPromiseFrame pp)
 411             throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 413         HttpRequestImpl parentReq = parent.request;
 414         int promisedStreamid = pp.getPromisedStream();
 415         if (promisedStreamid != nextPushStream) {
 416             resetStream(promisedStreamid, ResetFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
 417             return;
 418         } else {
 419             nextPushStream += 2;
 420         }
 421         HeaderDecoder decoder = new HeaderDecoder();
 422         decodeHeaders(pp, decoder);
 423         HttpHeadersImpl headers = decoder.headers();
 424         HttpRequestImpl pushReq = HttpRequestImpl.createPushRequest(parentReq, headers);
 426         Stream.PushedStream pushStream = createPushStream(parent, pushReq);
 427         pushStream.registerStream(promisedStreamid);
 428         parent.incoming_pushPromise(pushReq, pushStream);
 429     }
 431     private void handleCommonFrame(Http2Frame frame)
 432             throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 434         switch (frame.type()) {
 435           case SettingsFrame.TYPE:
 436           { SettingsFrame f = (SettingsFrame)frame;
 437             handleSettings(f);}
 438             break;
 439           case PingFrame.TYPE:
 440           { PingFrame f = (PingFrame)frame;
 441             handlePing(f);}
 442             break;
 443           case GoAwayFrame.TYPE:
 444           { GoAwayFrame f = (GoAwayFrame)frame;
 445             handleGoAway(f);}
 446             break;
 447           case WindowUpdateFrame.TYPE:
 448           { WindowUpdateFrame f = (WindowUpdateFrame)frame;
 449             handleWindowUpdate(f);}
 450             break;
 451           default:
 452             protocolError(ErrorFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
 453         }
 454     }
 456     void resetStream(int streamid, int code) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 457         Log.logError(
 458             "Resetting stream {0,number,integer} with error code {1,number,integer}",
 459             streamid, code);
 460         ResetFrame frame = new ResetFrame();
 461         frame.streamid(streamid);
 462         frame.setErrorCode(code);
 463         sendFrame(frame);
 464         streams.remove(streamid);
 465     }
 467     private void handleWindowUpdate(WindowUpdateFrame f)
 468             throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 469         updateSendWindow(f.getUpdate());
 470     }
 472     private void protocolError(int errorCode)
 473             throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 474         GoAwayFrame frame = new GoAwayFrame();
 475         frame.setErrorCode(errorCode);
 476         sendFrame(frame);
 477         String msg = "Error code: " + errorCode;
 478         shutdown(new IOException("protocol error"));
 479     }
 481     private void handleSettings(SettingsFrame frame)
 482             throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 483         if (frame.getFlag(SettingsFrame.ACK)) {
 484             // ignore ack frames for now.
 485             return;
 486         }
 487         serverSettings = frame;
 488         SettingsFrame ack = getAckFrame(frame.streamid());
 489         sendFrame(ack);
 490     }
 492     private void handlePing(PingFrame frame)
 493             throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 494         frame.setFlag(PingFrame.ACK);
 495         sendFrame(frame);
 496     }
 498     private void handleGoAway(GoAwayFrame frame)
 499             throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 500         //System.err.printf("GoAWAY: %s\n", ErrorFrame.stringForCode(frame.getErrorCode()));
 501         shutdown(new IOException("GOAWAY received"));
 502     }
 504     private void initCommon() {
 505         clientSettings = client2.getClientSettings();
 507         // serverSettings will be updated by server
 508         serverSettings = SettingsFrame.getDefaultSettings();
 509         hpackOut = new Encoder(serverSettings.getParameter(HEADER_TABLE_SIZE));
 510         hpackIn = new Decoder(clientSettings.getParameter(HEADER_TABLE_SIZE));
 511     }
 513     /**
 514      * Max frame size we are allowed to send
 515      */
 516     public int getMaxSendFrameSize() {
 517         int param = serverSettings.getParameter(MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
 518         if (param == -1) {
 519             param = DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE;
 520         }
 521         return param;
 522     }
 524     /**
 525      * Max frame size we will receive
 526      */
 527     public int getMaxReceiveFrameSize() {
 528         return clientSettings.getParameter(MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
 529     }
 531     // Not sure how useful this is.
 532     public int getMaxHeadersSize() {
 533         return serverSettings.getParameter(MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE);
 534     }
 536     private static final String CLIENT_PREFACE = "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n";
 538     private static final byte[] PREFACE_BYTES =
 539         CLIENT_PREFACE.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
 541     /**
 542      * Sends Connection preface and Settings frame with current preferred
 543      * values
 544      */
 545     private void sendConnectionPreface() throws IOException {
 546         ByteBufferGenerator bg = new ByteBufferGenerator(this);
 547         bg.getBuffer(PREFACE_BYTES.length).put(PREFACE_BYTES);
 548         ByteBuffer[] ba = bg.getBufferArray();
 549         connection.write(ba, 0, ba.length);
 551         bg = new ByteBufferGenerator(this);
 552         SettingsFrame sf = client2.getClientSettings();
 553         Log.logFrames(sf, "OUT");
 554         sf.writeOutgoing(bg);
 555         WindowUpdateFrame wup = new WindowUpdateFrame();
 556         wup.streamid(0);
 557         // send a Window update for the receive buffer we are using
 558         // minus the initial 64 K specified in protocol
 559         wup.setUpdate(client2.client().getReceiveBufferSize() - (64 * 1024 - 1));
 560         wup.computeLength();
 561         wup.writeOutgoing(bg);
 562         Log.logFrames(wup, "OUT");
 563         ba = bg.getBufferArray();
 564         connection.write(ba, 0, ba.length);
 565     }
 567     /**
 568      * Returns an existing Stream with given id, or null if doesn't exist
 569      */
 570     Stream getStream(int streamid) {
 571         return streams.get(streamid);
 572     }
 574     /**
 575      * Creates Stream with given id.
 576      */
 577     Stream createStream(Exchange exchange) {
 578         Stream stream = new Stream(client, this, exchange);
 579         return stream;
 580     }
 582     Stream.PushedStream createPushStream(Stream parent, HttpRequestImpl pushReq) {
 583         Stream.PushGroup<?> pg = parent.request.pushGroup();
 584         return new Stream.PushedStream(pg, client, this, parent, pushReq);
 585     }
 587     void putStream(Stream stream, int streamid) {
 588         streams.put(streamid, stream);
 589     }
 591     void deleteStream(Stream stream) {
 592         streams.remove(stream.streamid);
 593     }
 595     static final int MAX_STREAM = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2;
 597     // Number of header bytes in a Headers Frame
 598     final static int HEADERS_HEADER_SIZE = 15;
 600     // Number of header bytes in a Continuation frame
 601     final static int CONTIN_HEADER_SIZE = 9;
 603     /**
 604      * Encode the headers into a List<ByteBuffer> and then create HEADERS
 605      * and CONTINUATION frames from the list and return the List<Http2Frame>.
 606      *
 607      * @param frame
 608      * @return
 609      */
 610     private LinkedList<Http2Frame> encodeHeaders(OutgoingHeaders frame) {
 611         LinkedList<ByteBuffer> buffers = new LinkedList<>();
 612         ByteBuffer buf = getBuffer();
 613         buffers.add(buf);
 614         encodeHeadersImpl(frame.stream.getRequestPseudoHeaders(), buffers);
 615         encodeHeadersImpl(frame.getUserHeaders(), buffers);
 616         encodeHeadersImpl(frame.getSystemHeaders(), buffers);
 618         for (ByteBuffer b : buffers) {
 619             b.flip();
 620         }
 622         LinkedList<Http2Frame> frames = new LinkedList<>();
 623         int maxframesize = getMaxSendFrameSize();
 625         HeadersFrame oframe = new HeadersFrame();
 626         oframe.setFlags(frame.getFlags());
 627         oframe.streamid(frame.streamid());
 629         oframe.setHeaderBlock(getBufferArray(buffers, maxframesize));
 630         frames.add(oframe);
 631         // Any buffers left?
 632         boolean done = buffers.isEmpty();
 633         if (done) {
 634             oframe.setFlag(HeaderFrame.END_HEADERS);
 635         } else {
 636             ContinuationFrame cf = null;
 637             while (!done) {
 638                 cf = new ContinuationFrame();
 639                 cf.streamid(frame.streamid());
 640                 cf.setHeaderBlock(getBufferArray(buffers, maxframesize));
 641                 frames.add(cf);
 642                 done = buffers.isEmpty();
 643             }
 644             cf.setFlag(HeaderFrame.END_HEADERS);
 645         }
 646         return frames;
 647     }
 649     // should always return at least one buffer
 650     private static ByteBuffer[] getBufferArray(LinkedList<ByteBuffer> list, int maxsize) {
 651         assert maxsize >= BUFSIZE;
 652         LinkedList<ByteBuffer> newlist = new LinkedList<>();
 653         int size = list.size();
 654         int nbytes = 0;
 655         for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
 656             ByteBuffer buf = list.getFirst();
 657             if (nbytes + buf.remaining() <= maxsize) {
 658                 nbytes += buf.remaining();
 659                 newlist.add(buf);
 660                 list.remove();
 661             } else {
 662                 break;
 663             }
 664         }
 665         return newlist.toArray(empty);
 666     }
 668     /**
 669      * Encode all the headers from the given HttpHeadersImpl into the given List.
 670      */
 671     private void encodeHeadersImpl(HttpHeaders hdrs, LinkedList<ByteBuffer> buffers) {
 672         ByteBuffer buffer;
 673         if (!(buffer = buffers.getLast()).hasRemaining()) {
 674             buffer = getBuffer();
 675             buffers.add(buffer);
 676         }
 677         for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : hdrs.map().entrySet()) {
 678             String key = e.getKey();
 679             String lkey = key.toLowerCase();
 680             List<String> values = e.getValue();
 681             for (String value : values) {
 682                 hpackOut.header(lkey, value);
 683                 boolean encoded = false;
 684                 do {
 685                     encoded = hpackOut.encode(buffer);
 686                     if (!encoded) {
 687                         buffer = getBuffer();
 688                         buffers.add(buffer);
 689                     }
 690                 } while (!encoded);
 691             }
 692         }
 693     }
 695     public void sendFrames(List<Http2Frame> frames) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 696         for (Http2Frame frame : frames) {
 697             sendFrame(frame);
 698         }
 699     }
 701     static Throwable getExceptionFrom(CompletableFuture<?> cf) {
 702         try {
 703             cf.get();
 704             return null;
 705         } catch (Throwable e) {
 706             if (e.getCause() != null)
 707                 return e.getCause();
 708             else
 709                 return e;
 710         }
 711     }
 714     void execute(Runnable r) {
 715         executor.execute(r, null);
 716     }
 718     private final Object sendlock = new Object();
 720     /**
 721      *
 722      */
 723     void sendFrame(Http2Frame frame) {
 724         synchronized (sendlock) {
 725             try {
 726                 if (frame instanceof OutgoingHeaders) {
 727                     OutgoingHeaders oh = (OutgoingHeaders) frame;
 728                     Stream stream = oh.getStream();
 729                     stream.registerStream(nextstreamid);
 730                     oh.streamid(nextstreamid);
 731                     nextstreamid += 2;
 732                     // set outgoing window here. This allows thread sending
 733                     // body to proceed.
 734                     stream.updateOutgoingWindow(getInitialSendWindowSize());
 735                     LinkedList<Http2Frame> frames = encodeHeaders(oh);
 736                     for (Http2Frame f : frames) {
 737                         sendOneFrame(f);
 738                     }
 739                 } else {
 740                     sendOneFrame(frame);
 741                 }
 743             } catch (IOException e) {
 744                 if (!closed) {
 745                     Log.logError(e);
 746                     shutdown(e);
 747                 }
 748             }
 749         }
 750     }
 752     /**
 753      * Send a frame.
 754      *
 755      * @param frame
 756      * @throws IOException
 757      */
 758     private void sendOneFrame(Http2Frame frame) throws IOException {
 759         ByteBufferGenerator bbg = new ByteBufferGenerator(this);
 760         frame.computeLength();
 761         Log.logFrames(frame, "OUT");
 762         frame.writeOutgoing(bbg);
 763         ByteBuffer[] currentBufs = bbg.getBufferArray();
 764         connection.write(currentBufs, 0, currentBufs.length);
 765     }
 768     private SettingsFrame getAckFrame(int streamid) {
 769         SettingsFrame frame = new SettingsFrame();
 770         frame.setFlag(SettingsFrame.ACK);
 771         frame.streamid(streamid);
 772         return frame;
 773     }
 775     static class HeaderDecoder implements DecodingCallback {
 776         HttpHeadersImpl headers;
 778         HeaderDecoder() {
 779             this.headers = new HttpHeadersImpl();
 780         }
 782         @Override
 783         public void onDecoded(CharSequence name, CharSequence value) {
 784             headers.addHeader(name.toString(), value.toString());
 785         }
 787         HttpHeadersImpl headers() {
 788             return headers;
 789         }
 790     }
 791 }