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rev 9508 : 8037825: Fix warnings and enable "warnings as errors" in serviceability native libraries

1665     if ((error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) && (clazz != NULL)) {
1666         error = eventFilter_setLocationOnlyFilter(node, index++, clazz,
1667                                                   method, location);
1668     }
1669     /*
1670      * Create the new handler node
1671      */
1672     error = installHandler(node, func, JNI_FALSE);
1674     if (error != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
1675         (void)eventHandler_free(node);
1676         node = NULL;
1677     }
1678     return node;
1679 }
1681 HandlerNode *
1682 eventHandler_createPermanentInternal(EventIndex ei, HandlerFunction func)
1683 {
1684     return createInternal(ei, func, NULL,
1685                           NULL, NULL, (jlocation)NULL, JNI_TRUE);
1686 }
1688 HandlerNode *
1689 eventHandler_createInternalThreadOnly(EventIndex ei,
1690                                       HandlerFunction func,
1691                                       jthread thread)
1692 {
1693     return createInternal(ei, func, thread,
1694                           NULL, NULL, (jlocation)NULL, JNI_FALSE);
1695 }
1697 HandlerNode *
1698 eventHandler_createInternalBreakpoint(HandlerFunction func,
1699                                       jthread thread,
1700                                       jclass clazz,
1701                                       jmethodID method,
1702                                       jlocation location)
1703 {
1704     return createInternal(EI_BREAKPOINT, func, thread,
1705                           clazz, method, location, JNI_FALSE);
1706 }
1708 jvmtiError
1709 eventHandler_installExternal(HandlerNode *node)
1710 {
1711     return installHandler(node,
1712                           standardHandlers_defaultHandler(node->ei),
1713                           JNI_TRUE);
1714 }

1665     if ((error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) && (clazz != NULL)) {
1666         error = eventFilter_setLocationOnlyFilter(node, index++, clazz,
1667                                                   method, location);
1668     }
1669     /*
1670      * Create the new handler node
1671      */
1672     error = installHandler(node, func, JNI_FALSE);
1674     if (error != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
1675         (void)eventHandler_free(node);
1676         node = NULL;
1677     }
1678     return node;
1679 }
1681 HandlerNode *
1682 eventHandler_createPermanentInternal(EventIndex ei, HandlerFunction func)
1683 {
1684     return createInternal(ei, func, NULL,
1685                           NULL, NULL, 0, JNI_TRUE);
1686 }
1688 HandlerNode *
1689 eventHandler_createInternalThreadOnly(EventIndex ei,
1690                                       HandlerFunction func,
1691                                       jthread thread)
1692 {
1693     return createInternal(ei, func, thread,
1694                           NULL, NULL, 0, JNI_FALSE);
1695 }
1697 HandlerNode *
1698 eventHandler_createInternalBreakpoint(HandlerFunction func,
1699                                       jthread thread,
1700                                       jclass clazz,
1701                                       jmethodID method,
1702                                       jlocation location)
1703 {
1704     return createInternal(EI_BREAKPOINT, func, thread,
1705                           clazz, method, location, JNI_FALSE);
1706 }
1708 jvmtiError
1709 eventHandler_installExternal(HandlerNode *node)
1710 {
1711     return installHandler(node,
1712                           standardHandlers_defaultHandler(node->ei),
1713                           JNI_TRUE);
1714 }