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rev 8116 : 8077364: "if( !this )" construct prevents build on Xcode 6.3

  40    Set::operator const SparseSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  41 const SparseSet *Set::asSparseSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  42 class VectorSet;
  43 /* Removed for MCC BUG
  44    Set::operator const VectorSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  45 const VectorSet *Set::asVectorSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  46 class ListSet;
  47 /* Removed for MCC BUG
  48    Set::operator const ListSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  49 const ListSet *Set::asListSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  50 class CoSet;
  51 /* Removed for MCC BUG
  52    Set::operator const CoSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  53 const CoSet *Set::asCoSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  55 //------------------------------setstr-----------------------------------------
  56 // Create a string with a printable representation of a set.
  57 // The caller must deallocate the string.
  58 char *Set::setstr() const
  59 {
  60   if( !this ) return os::strdup("{no set}");
  61   Set &set = clone();           // Virtually copy the basic set.
  62   set.Sort();                   // Sort elements for in-order retrieval
  64   uint len = 128;               // Total string space
  65   char *buf = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char,len, mtCompiler);// Some initial string space
  67   register char *s = buf;       // Current working string pointer
  68   *s++ = '{';
  69   *s = '\0';
  71   // For all elements of the Set
  72   uint hi = (uint)-2, lo = (uint)-2;
  73   for( SetI i(&set); i.test(); ++i ) {
  74     if( hi+1 == i.elem ) {        // Moving sequentially thru range?
  75       hi = i.elem;                // Yes, just update hi end of range
  76     } else {                      // Else range ended
  77       if( buf+len-s < 25 ) {      // Generous trailing space for upcoming numbers
  78         int offset = (int)(s-buf);// Not enuf space; compute offset into buffer
  79         len <<= 1;                // Double string size
  80         buf = REALLOC_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char,buf,len, mtCompiler); // Reallocate doubled size

  40    Set::operator const SparseSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  41 const SparseSet *Set::asSparseSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  42 class VectorSet;
  43 /* Removed for MCC BUG
  44    Set::operator const VectorSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  45 const VectorSet *Set::asVectorSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  46 class ListSet;
  47 /* Removed for MCC BUG
  48    Set::operator const ListSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  49 const ListSet *Set::asListSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  50 class CoSet;
  51 /* Removed for MCC BUG
  52    Set::operator const CoSet*() const { assert(0); return NULL; } */
  53 const CoSet *Set::asCoSet() const { assert(0); return NULL; }
  55 //------------------------------setstr-----------------------------------------
  56 // Create a string with a printable representation of a set.
  57 // The caller must deallocate the string.
  58 char *Set::setstr() const
  59 {
  60   if( this == NULL ) return os::strdup("{no set}");
  61   Set &set = clone();           // Virtually copy the basic set.
  62   set.Sort();                   // Sort elements for in-order retrieval
  64   uint len = 128;               // Total string space
  65   char *buf = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char,len, mtCompiler);// Some initial string space
  67   register char *s = buf;       // Current working string pointer
  68   *s++ = '{';
  69   *s = '\0';
  71   // For all elements of the Set
  72   uint hi = (uint)-2, lo = (uint)-2;
  73   for( SetI i(&set); i.test(); ++i ) {
  74     if( hi+1 == i.elem ) {        // Moving sequentially thru range?
  75       hi = i.elem;                // Yes, just update hi end of range
  76     } else {                      // Else range ended
  77       if( buf+len-s < 25 ) {      // Generous trailing space for upcoming numbers
  78         int offset = (int)(s-buf);// Not enuf space; compute offset into buffer
  79         len <<= 1;                // Double string size
  80         buf = REALLOC_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char,buf,len, mtCompiler); // Reallocate doubled size

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