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rev 8768 : 7174936: several String methods claim to always create new String
Reviewed-by: dholmes, bchristi

1876                 i--;
1877             }
1878             if (i < min) {
1879                 return -1;
1880             }
1881             int j = i - 1;
1882             int start = j - (targetCount - 1);
1883             int k = strLastIndex - 1;
1885             while (j > start) {
1886                 if (source[j--] != target[k--]) {
1887                     i--;
1888                     continue startSearchForLastChar;
1889                 }
1890             }
1891             return start - sourceOffset + 1;
1892         }
1893     }
1895     /**
1896      * Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. The
1897      * substring begins with the character at the specified index and
1898      * extends to the end of this string. <p>
1899      * Examples:
1900      * <blockquote><pre>
1901      * "unhappy".substring(2) returns "happy"
1902      * "Harbison".substring(3) returns "bison"
1903      * "emptiness".substring(9) returns "" (an empty string)
1904      * </pre></blockquote>
1905      *
1906      * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
1907      * @return     the specified substring.
1908      * @exception  IndexOutOfBoundsException  if
1909      *             {@code beginIndex} is negative or larger than the
1910      *             length of this {@code String} object.
1911      */
1912     public String substring(int beginIndex) {
1913         if (beginIndex < 0) {
1914             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beginIndex);
1915         }
1916         int subLen = value.length - beginIndex;
1917         if (subLen < 0) {
1918             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(subLen);
1919         }
1920         return (beginIndex == 0) ? this : new String(value, beginIndex, subLen);
1921     }
1923     /**
1924      * Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. The
1925      * substring begins at the specified {@code beginIndex} and
1926      * extends to the character at index {@code endIndex - 1}.
1927      * Thus the length of the substring is {@code endIndex-beginIndex}.
1928      * <p>
1929      * Examples:
1930      * <blockquote><pre>
1931      * "hamburger".substring(4, 8) returns "urge"
1932      * "smiles".substring(1, 5) returns "mile"
1933      * </pre></blockquote>
1934      *
1935      * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
1936      * @param      endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
1937      * @return     the specified substring.
1938      * @exception  IndexOutOfBoundsException  if the
1939      *             {@code beginIndex} is negative, or
1940      *             {@code endIndex} is larger than the length of
1941      *             this {@code String} object, or
1942      *             {@code beginIndex} is larger than
1943      *             {@code endIndex}.
1944      */
1945     public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
1946         if (beginIndex < 0) {
1947             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beginIndex);
1948         }
1949         if (endIndex > value.length) {
1950             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(endIndex);
1951         }
1952         int subLen = endIndex - beginIndex;
1953         if (subLen < 0) {
1954             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(subLen);
1955         }
1956         return ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == value.length)) ? this
1957                 : new String(value, beginIndex, subLen);
1958     }
1960     /**
1961      * Returns a new character sequence that is a subsequence of this sequence.
1962      *
1963      * <p> An invocation of this method of the form
1964      *
1965      * <blockquote><pre>
1966      * str.subSequence(begin,&nbsp;end)</pre></blockquote>
1967      *
1968      * behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
1969      *
1970      * <blockquote><pre>
1971      * str.substring(begin,&nbsp;end)</pre></blockquote>
1972      *

1973      * This method is defined so that the {@code String} class can implement
1974      * the {@link CharSequence} interface.
1975      *
1976      * @param   beginIndex   the begin index, inclusive.
1977      * @param   endIndex     the end index, exclusive.
1978      * @return  the specified subsequence.
1979      *
1980      * @throws  IndexOutOfBoundsException
1981      *          if {@code beginIndex} or {@code endIndex} is negative,
1982      *          if {@code endIndex} is greater than {@code length()},
1983      *          or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than {@code endIndex}
1984      *
1985      * @since 1.4
1986      * @spec JSR-51
1987      */
1988     public CharSequence subSequence(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
1989         return this.substring(beginIndex, endIndex);
1990     }
1992     /**
1993      * Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string.
1994      * <p>
1995      * If the length of the argument string is {@code 0}, then this
1996      * {@code String} object is returned. Otherwise, a new
1997      * {@code String} object is created, representing a character
1998      * sequence that is the concatenation of the character sequence
1999      * represented by this {@code String} object and the character
2000      * sequence represented by the argument string.<p>
2001      * Examples:
2002      * <blockquote><pre>
2003      * "cares".concat("s") returns "caress"
2004      * "to".concat("get").concat("her") returns "together"
2005      * </pre></blockquote>
2006      *
2007      * @param   str   the {@code String} that is concatenated to the end
2008      *                of this {@code String}.
2009      * @return  a string that represents the concatenation of this object's
2010      *          characters followed by the string argument's characters.
2011      */
2012     public String concat(String str) {
2013         int otherLen = str.length();
2014         if (otherLen == 0) {
2015             return this;
2016         }
2017         int len = value.length;
2018         char buf[] = Arrays.copyOf(value, len + otherLen);
2019         str.getChars(buf, len);
2020         return new String(buf, true);
2021     }
2023     /**
2024      * Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of
2025      * {@code oldChar} in this string with {@code newChar}.
2026      * <p>
2027      * If the character {@code oldChar} does not occur in the
2028      * character sequence represented by this {@code String} object,
2029      * then a reference to this {@code String} object is returned.
2030      * Otherwise, a new {@code String} object is created that
2031      * represents a character sequence identical to the character sequence
2032      * represented by this {@code String} object, except that every
2033      * occurrence of {@code oldChar} is replaced by an occurrence
2034      * of {@code newChar}.
2035      * <p>
2036      * Examples:
2037      * <blockquote><pre>
2038      * "mesquite in your cellar".replace('e', 'o')
2039      *         returns "mosquito in your collar"
2040      * "the war of baronets".replace('r', 'y')
2041      *         returns "the way of bayonets"
2042      * "sparring with a purple porpoise".replace('p', 't')
2043      *         returns "starring with a turtle tortoise"
2044      * "JonL".replace('q', 'x') returns "JonL" (no change)
2045      * </pre></blockquote>
2046      *
2047      * @param   oldChar   the old character.
2048      * @param   newChar   the new character.
2049      * @return  a string derived from this string by replacing every
2050      *          occurrence of {@code oldChar} with {@code newChar}.

2796      * <p>
2797      * <b>Note:</b> This method is locale sensitive, and may produce unexpected
2798      * results if used for strings that are intended to be interpreted locale
2799      * independently.
2800      * Examples are programming language identifiers, protocol keys, and HTML
2801      * tags.
2802      * For instance, {@code "title".toUpperCase()} in a Turkish locale
2803      * returns {@code "T\u005Cu0130TLE"}, where '\u005Cu0130' is the
2805      * To obtain correct results for locale insensitive strings, use
2806      * {@code toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)}.
2807      * <p>
2808      * @return  the {@code String}, converted to uppercase.
2809      * @see     java.lang.String#toUpperCase(Locale)
2810      */
2811     public String toUpperCase() {
2812         return toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
2813     }
2815     /**
2816      * Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace
2817      * omitted.
2818      * <p>
2819      * If this {@code String} object represents an empty character
2820      * sequence, or the first and last characters of character sequence
2821      * represented by this {@code String} object both have codes
2822      * greater than {@code '\u005Cu0020'} (the space character), then a
2823      * reference to this {@code String} object is returned.
2824      * <p>
2825      * Otherwise, if there is no character with a code greater than
2826      * {@code '\u005Cu0020'} in the string, then a new
2827      * {@code String} object representing an empty string is created
2828      * and returned.
2829      * <p>
2830      * Otherwise, let <i>k</i> be the index of the first character in the
2831      * string whose code is greater than {@code '\u005Cu0020'}, and let
2832      * <i>m</i> be the index of the last character in the string whose code
2833      * is greater than {@code '\u005Cu0020'}. A new {@code String}
2834      * object is created, representing the substring of this string that
2835      * begins with the character at index <i>k</i> and ends with the
2836      * character at index <i>m</i>-that is, the result of
2837      * {@code this.substring(k, m + 1)}.
2838      * <p>
2839      * This method may be used to trim whitespace (as defined above) from
2840      * the beginning and end of a string.
2841      *
2842      * @return  A copy of this string with leading and trailing white
2843      *          space removed, or this string if it has no leading or
2844      *          trailing white space.
2845      */
2846     public String trim() {
2847         int len = value.length;
2848         int st = 0;
2849         char[] val = value;    /* avoid getfield opcode */
2851         while ((st < len) && (val[st] <= ' ')) {
2852             st++;
2853         }
2854         while ((st < len) && (val[len - 1] <= ' ')) {
2855             len--;
2856         }
2857         return ((st > 0) || (len < value.length)) ? substring(st, len) : this;
2858     }
2860     /**
2861      * This object (which is already a string!) is itself returned.
2862      *

2959     public static String format(Locale l, String format, Object... args) {
2960         return new Formatter(l).format(format, args).toString();
2961     }
2963     /**
2964      * Returns the string representation of the {@code Object} argument.
2965      *
2966      * @param   obj   an {@code Object}.
2967      * @return  if the argument is {@code null}, then a string equal to
2968      *          {@code "null"}; otherwise, the value of
2969      *          {@code obj.toString()} is returned.
2970      * @see     java.lang.Object#toString()
2971      */
2972     public static String valueOf(Object obj) {
2973         return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();
2974     }
2976     /**
2977      * Returns the string representation of the {@code char} array
2978      * argument. The contents of the character array are copied; subsequent
2979      * modification of the character array does not affect the newly
2980      * created string.
2981      *
2982      * @param   data   a {@code char} array.
2983      * @return  a newly allocated string representing the same sequence of
2984      *          characters contained in the character array argument.
2985      */
2986     public static String valueOf(char data[]) {
2987         return new String(data);
2988     }
2990     /**
2991      * Returns the string representation of a specific subarray of the
2992      * {@code char} array argument.
2993      * <p>
2994      * The {@code offset} argument is the index of the first
2995      * character of the subarray. The {@code count} argument
2996      * specifies the length of the subarray. The contents of the subarray
2997      * are copied; subsequent modification of the character array does not
2998      * affect the newly created string.
2999      *
3000      * @param   data     the character array.
3001      * @param   offset   the initial offset into the value of the
3002      *                  {@code String}.
3003      * @param   count    the length of the value of the {@code String}.
3004      * @return  a string representing the sequence of characters contained
3005      *          in the subarray of the character array argument.
3006      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset} is
3007      *          negative, or {@code count} is negative, or
3008      *          {@code offset+count} is larger than
3009      *          {@code data.length}.
3010      */
3011     public static String valueOf(char data[], int offset, int count) {
3012         return new String(data, offset, count);
3013     }
3015     /**
3016      * Returns a String that represents the character sequence in the
3017      * array specified.
3018      *
3019      * @param   data     the character array.
3020      * @param   offset   initial offset of the subarray.
3021      * @param   count    length of the subarray.
3022      * @return  a {@code String} that contains the characters of the
3023      *          specified subarray of the character array.

3024      */
3025     public static String copyValueOf(char data[], int offset, int count) {
3026         // All public String constructors now copy the data.
3027         return new String(data, offset, count);
3028     }
3030     /**
3031      * Returns a String that represents the character sequence in the
3032      * array specified.
3033      *
3034      * @param   data   the character array.
3035      * @return  a {@code String} that contains the characters of the
3036      *          character array.
3037      */
3038     public static String copyValueOf(char data[]) {
3039         return new String(data);
3040     }
3042     /**
3043      * Returns the string representation of the {@code boolean} argument.
3044      *
3045      * @param   b   a {@code boolean}.
3046      * @return  if the argument is {@code true}, a string equal to
3047      *          {@code "true"} is returned; otherwise, a string equal to
3048      *          {@code "false"} is returned.
3049      */
3050     public static String valueOf(boolean b) {
3051         return b ? "true" : "false";
3052     }

1876                 i--;
1877             }
1878             if (i < min) {
1879                 return -1;
1880             }
1881             int j = i - 1;
1882             int start = j - (targetCount - 1);
1883             int k = strLastIndex - 1;
1885             while (j > start) {
1886                 if (source[j--] != target[k--]) {
1887                     i--;
1888                     continue startSearchForLastChar;
1889                 }
1890             }
1891             return start - sourceOffset + 1;
1892         }
1893     }
1895     /**
1896      * Returns a string that is a substring of this string. The
1897      * substring begins with the character at the specified index and
1898      * extends to the end of this string. <p>
1899      * Examples:
1900      * <blockquote><pre>
1901      * "unhappy".substring(2) returns "happy"
1902      * "Harbison".substring(3) returns "bison"
1903      * "emptiness".substring(9) returns "" (an empty string)
1904      * </pre></blockquote>
1905      *
1906      * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
1907      * @return     the specified substring.
1908      * @exception  IndexOutOfBoundsException  if
1909      *             {@code beginIndex} is negative or larger than the
1910      *             length of this {@code String} object.
1911      */
1912     public String substring(int beginIndex) {
1913         if (beginIndex < 0) {
1914             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beginIndex);
1915         }
1916         int subLen = value.length - beginIndex;
1917         if (subLen < 0) {
1918             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(subLen);
1919         }
1920         return (beginIndex == 0) ? this : new String(value, beginIndex, subLen);
1921     }
1923     /**
1924      * Returns a string that is a substring of this string. The
1925      * substring begins at the specified {@code beginIndex} and
1926      * extends to the character at index {@code endIndex - 1}.
1927      * Thus the length of the substring is {@code endIndex-beginIndex}.
1928      * <p>
1929      * Examples:
1930      * <blockquote><pre>
1931      * "hamburger".substring(4, 8) returns "urge"
1932      * "smiles".substring(1, 5) returns "mile"
1933      * </pre></blockquote>
1934      *
1935      * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
1936      * @param      endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
1937      * @return     the specified substring.
1938      * @exception  IndexOutOfBoundsException  if the
1939      *             {@code beginIndex} is negative, or
1940      *             {@code endIndex} is larger than the length of
1941      *             this {@code String} object, or
1942      *             {@code beginIndex} is larger than
1943      *             {@code endIndex}.
1944      */
1945     public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
1946         if (beginIndex < 0) {
1947             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beginIndex);
1948         }
1949         if (endIndex > value.length) {
1950             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(endIndex);
1951         }
1952         int subLen = endIndex - beginIndex;
1953         if (subLen < 0) {
1954             throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(subLen);
1955         }
1956         return ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == value.length)) ? this
1957                 : new String(value, beginIndex, subLen);
1958     }
1960     /**
1961      * Returns a character sequence that is a subsequence of this sequence.
1962      *
1963      * <p> An invocation of this method of the form
1964      *
1965      * <blockquote><pre>
1966      * str.subSequence(begin,&nbsp;end)</pre></blockquote>
1967      *
1968      * behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
1969      *
1970      * <blockquote><pre>
1971      * str.substring(begin,&nbsp;end)</pre></blockquote>
1972      *
1973      * @apiNote
1974      * This method is defined so that the {@code String} class can implement
1975      * the {@link CharSequence} interface.
1976      *
1977      * @param   beginIndex   the begin index, inclusive.
1978      * @param   endIndex     the end index, exclusive.
1979      * @return  the specified subsequence.
1980      *
1981      * @throws  IndexOutOfBoundsException
1982      *          if {@code beginIndex} or {@code endIndex} is negative,
1983      *          if {@code endIndex} is greater than {@code length()},
1984      *          or if {@code beginIndex} is greater than {@code endIndex}
1985      *
1986      * @since 1.4
1987      * @spec JSR-51
1988      */
1989     public CharSequence subSequence(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
1990         return this.substring(beginIndex, endIndex);
1991     }
1993     /**
1994      * Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string.
1995      * <p>
1996      * If the length of the argument string is {@code 0}, then this
1997      * {@code String} object is returned. Otherwise, a
1998      * {@code String} object is returned that represents a character
1999      * sequence that is the concatenation of the character sequence
2000      * represented by this {@code String} object and the character
2001      * sequence represented by the argument string.<p>
2002      * Examples:
2003      * <blockquote><pre>
2004      * "cares".concat("s") returns "caress"
2005      * "to".concat("get").concat("her") returns "together"
2006      * </pre></blockquote>
2007      *
2008      * @param   str   the {@code String} that is concatenated to the end
2009      *                of this {@code String}.
2010      * @return  a string that represents the concatenation of this object's
2011      *          characters followed by the string argument's characters.
2012      */
2013     public String concat(String str) {
2014         int otherLen = str.length();
2015         if (otherLen == 0) {
2016             return this;
2017         }
2018         int len = value.length;
2019         char buf[] = Arrays.copyOf(value, len + otherLen);
2020         str.getChars(buf, len);
2021         return new String(buf, true);
2022     }
2024     /**
2025      * Returns a string resulting from replacing all occurrences of
2026      * {@code oldChar} in this string with {@code newChar}.
2027      * <p>
2028      * If the character {@code oldChar} does not occur in the
2029      * character sequence represented by this {@code String} object,
2030      * then a reference to this {@code String} object is returned.
2031      * Otherwise, a {@code String} object is returned that
2032      * represents a character sequence identical to the character sequence
2033      * represented by this {@code String} object, except that every
2034      * occurrence of {@code oldChar} is replaced by an occurrence
2035      * of {@code newChar}.
2036      * <p>
2037      * Examples:
2038      * <blockquote><pre>
2039      * "mesquite in your cellar".replace('e', 'o')
2040      *         returns "mosquito in your collar"
2041      * "the war of baronets".replace('r', 'y')
2042      *         returns "the way of bayonets"
2043      * "sparring with a purple porpoise".replace('p', 't')
2044      *         returns "starring with a turtle tortoise"
2045      * "JonL".replace('q', 'x') returns "JonL" (no change)
2046      * </pre></blockquote>
2047      *
2048      * @param   oldChar   the old character.
2049      * @param   newChar   the new character.
2050      * @return  a string derived from this string by replacing every
2051      *          occurrence of {@code oldChar} with {@code newChar}.

2797      * <p>
2798      * <b>Note:</b> This method is locale sensitive, and may produce unexpected
2799      * results if used for strings that are intended to be interpreted locale
2800      * independently.
2801      * Examples are programming language identifiers, protocol keys, and HTML
2802      * tags.
2803      * For instance, {@code "title".toUpperCase()} in a Turkish locale
2804      * returns {@code "T\u005Cu0130TLE"}, where '\u005Cu0130' is the
2806      * To obtain correct results for locale insensitive strings, use
2807      * {@code toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)}.
2808      * <p>
2809      * @return  the {@code String}, converted to uppercase.
2810      * @see     java.lang.String#toUpperCase(Locale)
2811      */
2812     public String toUpperCase() {
2813         return toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
2814     }
2816     /**
2817      * Returns a string whose value is this string, with any leading and trailing
2818      * whitespace removed.
2819      * <p>
2820      * If this {@code String} object represents an empty character
2821      * sequence, or the first and last characters of character sequence
2822      * represented by this {@code String} object both have codes
2823      * greater than {@code '\u005Cu0020'} (the space character), then a
2824      * reference to this {@code String} object is returned.
2825      * <p>
2826      * Otherwise, if there is no character with a code greater than
2827      * {@code '\u005Cu0020'} in the string, then a
2828      * {@code String} object representing an empty string is
2829      * returned.
2830      * <p>
2831      * Otherwise, let <i>k</i> be the index of the first character in the
2832      * string whose code is greater than {@code '\u005Cu0020'}, and let
2833      * <i>m</i> be the index of the last character in the string whose code
2834      * is greater than {@code '\u005Cu0020'}. A {@code String}
2835      * object is returned, representing the substring of this string that
2836      * begins with the character at index <i>k</i> and ends with the
2837      * character at index <i>m</i>-that is, the result of
2838      * {@code this.substring(k, m + 1)}.
2839      * <p>
2840      * This method may be used to trim whitespace (as defined above) from
2841      * the beginning and end of a string.
2842      *
2843      * @return  A string whose value is this string, with any leading and trailing white
2844      *          space removed, or this string if it has no leading or
2845      *          trailing white space.
2846      */
2847     public String trim() {
2848         int len = value.length;
2849         int st = 0;
2850         char[] val = value;    /* avoid getfield opcode */
2852         while ((st < len) && (val[st] <= ' ')) {
2853             st++;
2854         }
2855         while ((st < len) && (val[len - 1] <= ' ')) {
2856             len--;
2857         }
2858         return ((st > 0) || (len < value.length)) ? substring(st, len) : this;
2859     }
2861     /**
2862      * This object (which is already a string!) is itself returned.
2863      *

2960     public static String format(Locale l, String format, Object... args) {
2961         return new Formatter(l).format(format, args).toString();
2962     }
2964     /**
2965      * Returns the string representation of the {@code Object} argument.
2966      *
2967      * @param   obj   an {@code Object}.
2968      * @return  if the argument is {@code null}, then a string equal to
2969      *          {@code "null"}; otherwise, the value of
2970      *          {@code obj.toString()} is returned.
2971      * @see     java.lang.Object#toString()
2972      */
2973     public static String valueOf(Object obj) {
2974         return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();
2975     }
2977     /**
2978      * Returns the string representation of the {@code char} array
2979      * argument. The contents of the character array are copied; subsequent
2980      * modification of the character array does not affect the returned
2981      * string.
2982      *
2983      * @param   data     the character array.
2984      * @return  a {@code String} that contains the characters of the
2985      *          character array.
2986      */
2987     public static String valueOf(char data[]) {
2988         return new String(data);
2989     }
2991     /**
2992      * Returns the string representation of a specific subarray of the
2993      * {@code char} array argument.
2994      * <p>
2995      * The {@code offset} argument is the index of the first
2996      * character of the subarray. The {@code count} argument
2997      * specifies the length of the subarray. The contents of the subarray
2998      * are copied; subsequent modification of the character array does not
2999      * affect the returned string.
3000      *
3001      * @param   data     the character array.
3002      * @param   offset   initial offset of the subarray.
3003      * @param   count    length of the subarray.
3004      * @return  a {@code String} that contains the characters of the
3005      *          specified subarray of the character array.

3006      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset} is
3007      *          negative, or {@code count} is negative, or
3008      *          {@code offset+count} is larger than
3009      *          {@code data.length}.
3010      */
3011     public static String valueOf(char data[], int offset, int count) {
3012         return new String(data, offset, count);
3013     }
3015     /**
3016      * Equivalent to {@link #valueOf(char[], int, int)}.

3017      *
3018      * @param   data     the character array.
3019      * @param   offset   initial offset of the subarray.
3020      * @param   count    length of the subarray.
3021      * @return  a {@code String} that contains the characters of the
3022      *          specified subarray of the character array.
3023      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset} is
3024      *          negative, or {@code count} is negative, or
3025      *          {@code offset+count} is larger than
3026      *          {@code data.length}.
3027      */
3028     public static String copyValueOf(char data[], int offset, int count) {

3029         return new String(data, offset, count);
3030     }
3032     /**
3033      * Equivalent to {@link #valueOf(char[])}.

3034      * 
3035      * @param   data   the character array.
3036      * @return  a {@code String} that contains the characters of the
3037      *          character array.
3038      */
3039     public static String copyValueOf(char data[]) {
3040         return new String(data);
3041     }
3043     /**
3044      * Returns the string representation of the {@code boolean} argument.
3045      *
3046      * @param   b   a {@code boolean}.
3047      * @return  if the argument is {@code true}, a string equal to
3048      *          {@code "true"} is returned; otherwise, a string equal to
3049      *          {@code "false"} is returned.
3050      */
3051     public static String valueOf(boolean b) {
3052         return b ? "true" : "false";
3053     }