1 #
   2 #
   3 # Copyright (c) 1996, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   5 #
   6 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   9 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
  10 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  11 #
  12 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  15 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  16 # accompanied this code).
  17 #
  18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  19 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  20 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  21 #
  22 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  23 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  24 # questions.
  25 #
  28 #*****************************************************************************
  29 #*                    Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1998                     *
  30 #*                                                                           *
  31 #* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998                                              *
  32 #*                                                                           *
  33 #*****************************************************************************
  35 # To add a generator sun.rmi.rmic.Foo which is invoked via the -foo option:
  36 #
  37 #   1. Add "foo" to generator.args list.
  38 #   2. Add line: generator.class.foo=sun.rmi.rmic.Foo
  39 #   3. Update rmic.usage string to include new arguments.
  41 # For each available generator, list the command line argument used
  42 # to invoke it.  The value can be a single item or a comma separated
  43 # list.
  45 generator.args=v1.1,vcompat,v1.2,iiop,idl,xprint
  47 # For each generator, specify the class to invoke, using the following
  48 # syntax:
  49 #
  50 #     generator.class.{arg}=fullClassName
  51 #
  52 # The 'default' entry is required and will be used if none of the args
  53 # specified in generator.args is passed. Note that {arg} is compared
  54 # using String.equalsIgnoreCase().
  56 generator.class.default=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  58 generator.class.v1.1=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  59 generator.class.vcompat=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  60 generator.class.v1.2=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  61 generator.class.iiop=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.StubGenerator
  62 generator.class.idl=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.IDLGenerator
  63 generator.class.xprint=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.PrintGenerator
  65 # If a generator needs a BatchEnvironment other than
  66 # sun.rmi.rmic.BatchEnvironment, specify it as follows:
  67 #
  68 #     generator.env.{arg}=fullClassName
  70 generator.env.iiop=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  71 generator.env.idl=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  72 generator.env.xprint=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  74 rmic.usage=Usage: {0} <options> <class names>\
  75 \n\
  76 \nwhere <options> includes:\
  77 \n  -keep          Do not delete intermediate generated source files\
  78 \n  -keepgenerated (same as "-keep")\
  79 \n  -v1.1          Create stubs/skeletons for 1.1 stub protocol version\
  80 \n  -vcompat       Create stubs/skeletons compatible with both\
  81 \n                           1.1 and 1.2 stub protocol versions\
  82 \n  -v1.2          (default) Create stubs for 1.2 stub protocol version only\
  83 \n  -iiop          Create stubs for IIOP. When present, <options> also includes:\
  84 \n\
  85 \n                   -always           Create stubs even when they appear current\
  86 \n                   -alwaysgenerate   (same as "-always")\
  87 \n                   -nolocalstubs     Do not create stubs optimized for same process\
  88 \n\
  89 \n  -idl           Create IDL. When present, <options> also includes:\
  90 \n\
  91 \n                   -noValueMethods   Do not generate methods for valuetypes \
  92 \n                   -always           Create IDL even when it appears current\
  93 \n                   -alwaysgenerate   (same as "-always")\
  94 \n\
  95 \n  -g             Generate debugging info\
  96 \n  -nowarn        Generate no warnings\
  97 \n  -nowrite       Do not write compiled classes to the file system\
  98 \n  -verbose       Output messages about what the compiler is doing\
  99 \n  -classpath <path>      Specify where to find input class files\
 100 \n  -bootclasspath <path>  Override location of bootstrap class files\
 101 \n  -extdirs <path>        Override location of installed extensions\
 102 \n  -d <directory>         Specify where to place generated class files\
 103 \n  -J<runtime flag>       Pass argument to the java interpreter\
 104 \n
 106 #
 107 # Generic Messages
 108 #
 110 rmic.cant.read=Can''t read: {0}
 111 rmic.cant.write=Can''t write: {0}
 112 rmic.option.unsupported=The {0} option is no longer supported.
 113 rmic.option.unimplemented=The {0} option is not yet implemented.
 114 rmic.option.already.seen=The {0} option may be specified no more than once.
 115 rmic.option.requires.argument=The {0} option requires an argument.
 116 rmic.no.such.directory=The {0} directory does not exist.
 117 rmic.no.such.option={0} is an invalid option or argument.
 118 rmic.wrote=[wrote {0}]
 119 rmic.errors={0} errors
 120 rmic.1error=1 error
 121 rmic.warnings={0} warnings
 122 rmic.1warning=1 warning
 123 rmic.done_in=[done in {0} ms]
 124 rmic.no.memory=\
 125         The compiler has run out of memory.  Consider using the "-J-Xmx<size>" command line option to increase the maximum heap size.
 126 rmic.stack.overflow=\
 127         The compiler has run out of stack space.  Consider using the "-J-Xss<size>" command line option to increase the memory allocated for the Java stack.
 128 rmic.class.not.found=\
 129         Class {0} not found.
 130 rmic.missing.property=Missing property generator.class.{0}
 131 rmic.cannot.instantiate=Cannot instantiate class {0}
 132 rmic.cannot.use.both=Cannot use both {0} and {1}
 133 rmic.resource.not.found={0} not found.
 134 rmic.no.output.dir=\
 135         Cannot find suitable output directory for {0}. Use the -d option to specify a root directory.
 136 rmic.cannot.create.dir=\
 137         Cannot create output directory {0}.
 139 #
 140 # JRMP Messages
 141 #
 143 rmic.cant.make.stubs.for.interface=\
 144         {0} is an interface; stubs are needed only for remote object classes.
 145 rmic.must.implement.remote=\
 146         Class {0} does not implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; only remote objects need stubs and skeletons.
 147 rmic.must.implement.remote.directly=\
 148         Stubs are only needed for classes that directly implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; class {0} does not directly implement a remote interface.
 149 rmic.must.throw.remoteexception=\
 150         {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw java.rmi.RemoteException.
 151 rmic.must.only.throw.exception=\
 152         Method {0} is not a valid remote method implementation because it throws {1}; implementations of remote methods may only throw java.lang.Exception or its subclasses.
 153 warn.rmic.tie.found=\
 154         An IIOP "tie" exists for class {0}:\
 155         \n  {1}\
 156         \nIf you use PortableRemoteObject.exportObject, you should remove this file; otherwise, your server object will be exported to IIOP rather than to JRMP.
 158 #
 159 # RMI-IIOP Messages
 160 #
 162 rmic.generated=[generated {0} in {1} ms]
 163 rmic.previously.generated=[previously generated file {0} is current]
 164 warn.rmic.member.not.mapped=\
 165     Data member {0} of class {1} was not mapped to IDL.
 167 rmic.iiop.constraint.1=\
 168     {0} is not a valid interface: does not inherit from java.rmi.Remote.
 169 rmic.iiop.constraint.2=\
 170     serialPersistentFields array of class {0} is invalid: references non-existent members.
 171 rmic.iiop.constraint.3=\
 172     {0} is not a valid remote interface: {1} is not a valid primitive or String constant.
 173 rmic.iiop.constraint.4=\
 174     {0} is not a valid value: serialPersistentFields must be private static final.
 175 rmic.iiop.constraint.5=\
 176     {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw RemoteException or a superclass of RemoteException.
 177 rmic.iiop.constraint.6=\
 178     {0} is not a valid remote interface: inherited interfaces {1} both declare method {2}.
 179 rmic.iiop.constraint.7=\
 180     {0} is not a valid type: {1} differ only in case.
 181 rmic.iiop.constraint.8=\
 182     {0} is not a valid remote implementation: has no remote interfaces.
 183 rmic.iiop.constraint.9=\
 184     serialPersistentFields array member {0} of class {1} is invalid: type does not match declared member.
 185 rmic.iiop.constraint.10=\
 186     {0} is not a valid value: implements java.rmi.Remote.
 187 rmic.iiop.constraint.11=\
 188     {0} is not a valid value: does not implement java.io.Serializable.
 189 rmic.iiop.constraint.12=\
 190     {0} is not a valid value: invalid parent.
 191 rmic.iiop.constraint.13=\
 192     {0} is not a valid interface: the idl name for method {1} conflicts with another method.
 193 rmic.iiop.constraint.14=\
 194     {0} is not a valid abstract interface: not an interface.
 195 rmic.iiop.constraint.15=\
 196     {0} is not a valid abstract interface: implements java.rmi.Remote.
 197 rmic.iiop.constraint.16=\
 198     {0} is not a valid remote interface: not an interface.
 199 rmic.iiop.constraint.17=\
 200     {0} is not a valid remote implementation: not a class.
 201 rmic.iiop.constraint.18=\
 202     {0} is not a valid interface: method {1} may not pass an exception which implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity.
 203 rmic.iiop.constraint.19=\
 204     {0} is not a valid interface: the idl name for constant {1} conflicts with another constant.
 205 rmic.iiop.constraint.20=\
 206     {0} is not a valid class: the idl name for member {1} conflicts with another member.
 207 rmic.iiop.constraint.21=\
 208     {0} is a remote implementation class and cannot be used as a method argument or return type in {1}.
 209 rmic.iiop.constraint.22=\
 210     Internal failure: (Method) exception {0} not a class type.
 211 rmic.iiop.constraint.23=\
 212     Internal failure: (Method) caught null pointer exception for {0}.
 213 rmic.iiop.constraint.24=\
 214     Class {0} contains an invalid return type.
 215 rmic.iiop.constraint.25=\
 216     Class {0} contains an invalid argument type in method {1}.
 217 rmic.iiop.constraint.26=\
 218     Could not compile {0}.
 219 rmic.iiop.constraint.27=\
 220     Could not load class {0}.
 221 rmic.iiop.constraint.28=\
 222     {0} is a remote implementation class and cannot be used as a data member in {1}.