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rev 4110 : whitespace fixes

  29 include $(SPEC)
  30 include MakeBase.gmk
  31 include JavaCompilation.gmk
  32 include SetupJavaCompilers.gmk
  34 ################################################################################
  35 # Setup the rules to build interim langtools, which is compiled by the boot 
  36 # javac and can be run on the boot jdk. This will be used to compile
  37 # the rest of the product. Each module is compiled separately to allow a modular
  38 # boot jdk to override system classes using -Xoverride:.
  40 # Param 1 - Name of module to compile
  41 # Param 2 - Name of modules to depend on
  42 define SetupInterimModule
  43   $$(eval $$(call SetupJavaCompilation,BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $1), \
  44       SETUP := BOOT_JAVAC, \
  45       DISABLE_SJAVAC := true, \
  46       SRC := $(LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/share/classes \
  47           $$(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/$(strip $1)), \
  48       EXCLUDES := sun com/sun/tools/jdeps com/sun/tools/javap, \

  49       EXCLUDE_FILES := module-info.java, \
  50       COPY := .gif .png .xml .css .js javax.tools.JavaCompilerTool, \
  51       BIN := $(BUILDTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/override_modules/$(strip $1), \
  52       ADD_JAVAC_FLAGS := -Xbootclasspath/p:$$(call PathList, \
  53           $$(foreach m, $2, $(BUILDTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/override_modules/$$m)), \
  54   ))
  56   $$(BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $1)): $$(foreach m, $2, $$(BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $$m)))
  58   TARGETS += $$(BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $1))
  59 endef
  61 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, java.compiler))
  62 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, jdk.compiler, java.compiler))
  63 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, jdk.jdeps, jdk.compiler java.compiler))
  64 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, jdk.javadoc, java.compiler jdk.compiler))
  66 all: $(TARGETS)

  29 include $(SPEC)
  30 include MakeBase.gmk
  31 include JavaCompilation.gmk
  32 include SetupJavaCompilers.gmk
  34 ################################################################################
  35 # Setup the rules to build interim langtools, which is compiled by the boot
  36 # javac and can be run on the boot jdk. This will be used to compile
  37 # the rest of the product. Each module is compiled separately to allow a modular
  38 # boot jdk to override system classes using -Xoverride:.
  40 # Param 1 - Name of module to compile
  41 # Param 2 - Name of modules to depend on
  42 define SetupInterimModule
  43   $$(eval $$(call SetupJavaCompilation,BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $1), \
  44       SETUP := BOOT_JAVAC, \
  45       DISABLE_SJAVAC := true, \
  46       SRC := $(LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/share/classes \
  47           $$(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/$(strip $1)), \
  48       EXCLUDES := sun com/sun/tools/jdeps com/sun/tools/javap \
  49           com/sun/tools/jdeprscan, \
  50       EXCLUDE_FILES := module-info.java, \
  51       COPY := .gif .png .xml .css .js javax.tools.JavaCompilerTool, \
  52       BIN := $(BUILDTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/override_modules/$(strip $1), \
  53       ADD_JAVAC_FLAGS := -Xbootclasspath/p:$$(call PathList, \
  54           $$(foreach m, $2, $(BUILDTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/override_modules/$$m)), \
  55   ))
  57   $$(BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $1)): $$(foreach m, $2, $$(BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $$m)))
  59   TARGETS += $$(BUILD_INTERIM_$(strip $1))
  60 endef
  62 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, java.compiler))
  63 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, jdk.compiler, java.compiler))
  64 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, jdk.jdeps, jdk.compiler java.compiler))
  65 $(eval $(call SetupInterimModule, jdk.javadoc, java.compiler jdk.compiler))
  67 all: $(TARGETS)
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