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  66   }
  67 };
  69 class KlassSizeStats;
  71 class ConstantPool : public Metadata {
  72   friend class VMStructs;
  73   friend class BytecodeInterpreter;  // Directly extracts a klass in the pool for fast instanceof/checkcast
  74   friend class Universe;             // For null constructor
  75  private:
  76   Array<u1>*           _tags;        // the tag array describing the constant pool's contents
  77   ConstantPoolCache*   _cache;       // the cache holding interpreter runtime information
  78   InstanceKlass*       _pool_holder; // the corresponding class
  79   Array<u2>*           _operands;    // for variable-sized (InvokeDynamic) nodes, usually empty
  81   // Array of resolved objects from the constant pool and map from resolved
  82   // object index to original constant pool index
  83   jobject              _resolved_references;
  84   Array<u2>*           _reference_map;

  86   enum {
  87     _has_preresolution = 1,           // Flags
  88     _on_stack          = 2
  89   };
  91   int                  _flags;  // old fashioned bit twiddling
  92   int                  _length; // number of elements in the array
  94   union {
  95     // set for CDS to restore resolved references
  96     int                _resolved_reference_length;
  97     // keeps version number for redefined classes (used in backtrace)
  98     int                _version;
  99   } _saved;
 101   void set_tags(Array<u1>* tags)               { _tags = tags; }
 102   void tag_at_put(int which, jbyte t)          { tags()->at_put(which, t); }
 103   void release_tag_at_put(int which, jbyte t)  { tags()->release_at_put(which, t); }
 105   u1* tag_addr_at(int which) const             { return tags()->adr_at(which); }

 143   jfloat* float_at_addr(int which) const {
 144     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
 145     return (jfloat*) &base()[which];
 146   }
 148   jdouble* double_at_addr(int which) const {
 149     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
 150     return (jdouble*) &base()[which];
 151   }
 153   ConstantPool(Array<u1>* tags);
 154   ConstantPool() { assert(DumpSharedSpaces || UseSharedSpaces, "only for CDS"); }
 155  public:
 156   static ConstantPool* allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, int length, TRAPS);
 158   bool is_constantPool() const volatile     { return true; }
 160   Array<u1>* tags() const                   { return _tags; }
 161   Array<u2>* operands() const               { return _operands; }

 163   bool has_preresolution() const            { return (_flags & _has_preresolution) != 0; }
 164   void set_has_preresolution()              { _flags |= _has_preresolution; }
 166   // Redefine classes support.  If a method refering to this constant pool
 167   // is on the executing stack, or as a handle in vm code, this constant pool
 168   // can't be removed from the set of previous versions saved in the instance
 169   // class.
 170   bool on_stack() const                      { return (_flags &_on_stack) != 0; }
 171   void set_on_stack(const bool value);
 173   // Klass holding pool
 174   InstanceKlass* pool_holder() const      { return _pool_holder; }
 175   void set_pool_holder(InstanceKlass* k)  { _pool_holder = k; }
 176   InstanceKlass** pool_holder_addr()      { return &_pool_holder; }
 178   // Interpreter runtime support
 179   ConstantPoolCache* cache() const        { return _cache; }
 180   void set_cache(ConstantPoolCache* cache){ _cache = cache; }
 182   // Create object cache in the constant pool

  66   }
  67 };
  69 class KlassSizeStats;
  71 class ConstantPool : public Metadata {
  72   friend class VMStructs;
  73   friend class BytecodeInterpreter;  // Directly extracts a klass in the pool for fast instanceof/checkcast
  74   friend class Universe;             // For null constructor
  75  private:
  76   Array<u1>*           _tags;        // the tag array describing the constant pool's contents
  77   ConstantPoolCache*   _cache;       // the cache holding interpreter runtime information
  78   InstanceKlass*       _pool_holder; // the corresponding class
  79   Array<u2>*           _operands;    // for variable-sized (InvokeDynamic) nodes, usually empty
  81   // Array of resolved objects from the constant pool and map from resolved
  82   // object index to original constant pool index
  83   jobject              _resolved_references;
  84   Array<u2>*           _reference_map;
  86   // Needed for JvmtiConstantPoolReconstituter.
  87   // Map from a pseudo-string index to the original Utf8 entry index.
  88   // Each u4 entry consist of two packed u2 integers:
  89   //   JVM_CONSTANT_String index and JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 index
  90   GrowableArray<u4>*   _pseudo_string_map;
  92   enum {
  93     _has_preresolution = 1,           // Flags
  94     _on_stack          = 2
  95   };
  97   int                  _flags;  // old fashioned bit twiddling
  98   int                  _length; // number of elements in the array
 100   union {
 101     // set for CDS to restore resolved references
 102     int                _resolved_reference_length;
 103     // keeps version number for redefined classes (used in backtrace)
 104     int                _version;
 105   } _saved;
 107   void set_tags(Array<u1>* tags)               { _tags = tags; }
 108   void tag_at_put(int which, jbyte t)          { tags()->at_put(which, t); }
 109   void release_tag_at_put(int which, jbyte t)  { tags()->release_at_put(which, t); }
 111   u1* tag_addr_at(int which) const             { return tags()->adr_at(which); }

 149   jfloat* float_at_addr(int which) const {
 150     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
 151     return (jfloat*) &base()[which];
 152   }
 154   jdouble* double_at_addr(int which) const {
 155     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
 156     return (jdouble*) &base()[which];
 157   }
 159   ConstantPool(Array<u1>* tags);
 160   ConstantPool() { assert(DumpSharedSpaces || UseSharedSpaces, "only for CDS"); }
 161  public:
 162   static ConstantPool* allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, int length, TRAPS);
 164   bool is_constantPool() const volatile     { return true; }
 166   Array<u1>* tags() const                   { return _tags; }
 167   Array<u2>* operands() const               { return _operands; }
 169   GrowableArray<u4>* pseudo_string_map() {
 170     if (_pseudo_string_map == NULL) {
 171       _pseudo_string_map = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtClass) GrowableArray<u4>(1, true);
 172     }
 173     return _pseudo_string_map;
 174   }
 176   void map_pseudo_string_indices(u2 index, u2 utf8_idx) {
 177     u4 packed = index << 16 | utf8_idx;
 178     pseudo_string_map()->append(packed);
 179   }
 181   u2 get_pseudo_string_utf8_index(u2 index) {
 182     GrowableArray<u4>* map = pseudo_string_map();
 183     int len = map->length();
 184     // The entries are ordered by value so that a binary search can be
 185     // used if a performance bottleneck is observed in this area.
 186     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 187       u4 packed = map->at(i);
 188       u2 idx = (packed >> 16) & 0xFF;
 189       if (idx == index) {
 190         u2 utf8_idx = packed & 0xFF;
 191         assert(utf8_idx > 0, "Utf8 cp index in pseudo-string map must be positive");
 192         return utf8_idx;
 193       }
 194     }
 195     assert(true, "not found a matching entry in pseudo-string map");
 196     return 0;
 197   }
 199   bool has_preresolution() const            { return (_flags & _has_preresolution) != 0; }
 200   void set_has_preresolution()              { _flags |= _has_preresolution; }
 202   // Redefine classes support.  If a method refering to this constant pool
 203   // is on the executing stack, or as a handle in vm code, this constant pool
 204   // can't be removed from the set of previous versions saved in the instance
 205   // class.
 206   bool on_stack() const                      { return (_flags &_on_stack) != 0; }
 207   void set_on_stack(const bool value);
 209   // Klass holding pool
 210   InstanceKlass* pool_holder() const      { return _pool_holder; }
 211   void set_pool_holder(InstanceKlass* k)  { _pool_holder = k; }
 212   InstanceKlass** pool_holder_addr()      { return &_pool_holder; }
 214   // Interpreter runtime support
 215   ConstantPoolCache* cache() const        { return _cache; }
 216   void set_cache(ConstantPoolCache* cache){ _cache = cache; }
 218   // Create object cache in the constant pool