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@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
 #   -builds and runs adlc via adlc.make
 #   -generates JVMTI source and docs via jvmti.make (JSR-163)
 #   -generate sa-jdi.jar (JDI binding to core files)
 # It assumes the following flags are set:
-# CFLAGS Platform_file, Src_Dirs, SYSDEFS, AOUT, Obj_Files
+# CFLAGS Platform_file, Src_Dirs_I, Src_Dirs_V, SYSDEFS, AOUT, Obj_Files
 # -- D. Ungar (5/97) from a file by Bill Bush
 # Don't override the built-in $(MAKE).
 # Instead, use "gmake" (or "gnumake") from the command line.  --Rose

@@ -43,49 +43,19 @@
 GENERATED   = $(TOPDIR)/../generated
 VM          = $(GAMMADIR)/src/share/vm
 Plat_File   = $(Platform_file)
 CDG         = cd $(GENERATED); 
-# Pick up MakeDeps' sources and definitions
-include $(GAMMADIR)/make/$(Platform_os_family)/makefiles/makedeps.make
-MakeDepsClass = MakeDeps.class
 UpdatePCH         = $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) $(MFLAGS) 
 UpdatePCH         = \# precompiled header is not used
 PrecompiledOption = 
-MakeDeps    = $(RUN.JAVA) $(PrecompiledOption) -classpath $(GENERATED) MakeDeps
-Include_DBs/GC          = $(VM)/includeDB_gc \
-                          $(VM)/includeDB_gc_parallel \
-                          $(VM)/gc_implementation/includeDB_gc_parallelScavenge \
-                          $(VM)/gc_implementation/includeDB_gc_concurrentMarkSweep \
-                          $(VM)/gc_implementation/includeDB_gc_parNew \
-                          $(VM)/gc_implementation/includeDB_gc_g1     \
-                          $(VM)/gc_implementation/includeDB_gc_serial \
-                          $(VM)/gc_implementation/includeDB_gc_shared
-Include_DBs/CORE        = $(VM)/includeDB_core   $(Include_DBs/GC) \
-                          $(VM)/includeDB_jvmti \
-                          $(VM)/includeDB_features
-Include_DBs/COMPILER1   = $(Include_DBs/CORE) $(VM)/includeDB_compiler1
-Include_DBs/COMPILER2   = $(Include_DBs/CORE) $(VM)/includeDB_compiler2
-Include_DBs/TIERED      = $(Include_DBs/CORE) $(VM)/includeDB_compiler1 $(VM)/includeDB_compiler2
-Include_DBs/ZERO        = $(Include_DBs/CORE) $(VM)/includeDB_zero
-Include_DBs/SHARK       = $(Include_DBs/ZERO) $(VM)/includeDB_shark
-Include_DBs = $(Include_DBs/$(TYPE))
 Cached_plat = $(GENERATED)/platform.current
-Cached_db   = $(GENERATED)/includeDB.current
-Incremental_Lists = $(Cached_db)
-# list generation also creates $(GENERATED)/$(Cached_plat)
 AD_Dir   = $(GENERATED)/adfiles
 ADLC     = $(AD_Dir)/adlc
 AD_Spec  = $(GAMMADIR)/src/cpu/$(Platform_arch)/vm/$(Platform_arch_model).ad
 AD_Src   = $(GAMMADIR)/src/share/vm/adlc

@@ -100,51 +70,30 @@
 # Wierd argument adjustment for "gnumake -j..."
 adjust-mflags   = $(GENERATED)/adjust-mflags
 MFLAGS-adjusted = -r `$(adjust-mflags) "$(MFLAGS)" "$(HOTSPOT_BUILD_JOBS)"`
-# default target: make makeDeps, update lists, make vm
+# default target: update lists, make vm
 # done in stages to force sequential order with parallel make
 default: vm_build_preliminaries the_vm
         @echo All done.
 # This is an explicit dependency for the sake of parallel makes.
-vm_build_preliminaries:  checks $(Incremental_Lists) $(AD_Files_If_Required) jvmti_stuff sa_stuff
+vm_build_preliminaries:  checks $(Cached_plat) $(AD_Files_If_Required) jvmti_stuff sa_stuff
         @# We need a null action here, so implicit rules don't get consulted.
-# make makeDeps: (and zap the cached db files to force a nonincremental run)
-$(GENERATED)/$(MakeDepsClass): $(MakeDepsSources)
-        @$(REMOTE) $(COMPILE.JAVAC) -classpath $(GAMMADIR)/src/share/tools/MakeDeps -d $(GENERATED) $(MakeDepsSources)
-        @echo Removing $(Incremental_Lists) to force regeneration.
-        @rm -f $(Incremental_Lists)
-        @$(CDG) echo >$(Cached_plat)
-# make incremental_lists, if cached files out of date, run makeDeps
-$(Incremental_Lists): $(Include_DBs) $(Plat_File) $(GENERATED)/$(MakeDepsClass)
-        $(CDG) cat $(Include_DBs) > $(GENERATED)/includeDB
-        $(CDG) if [ ! -r incls ] ; then \
-        mkdir incls ; \
-        fi
-        $(CDG) (echo $(CDG) echo $(MakeDeps) diffs UnixPlatform $(Cached_plat) $(Cached_db) $(Plat_File) $(GENERATED)/includeDB $(MakeDepsOptions)) >
-        $(CDG) $(REMOTE) sh $(GENERATED)/
-        $(CDG) cp includeDB    $(Cached_db)
+$(Cached_plat): $(Plat_File)
         $(CDG) cp $(Plat_File) $(Cached_plat)
-# symbolic target for command lines
-lists: $(Incremental_Lists)
-        @: lists are now up to date
 # make AD files as necessary
-ad_stuff: $(Incremental_Lists) $(adjust-mflags)
+ad_stuff: $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
         @$(MAKE) -f adlc.make $(MFLAGS-adjusted)
 # generate JVMTI files from the spec
-jvmti_stuff: $(Incremental_Lists) $(adjust-mflags)
+jvmti_stuff: $(Cached_plat) $(adjust-mflags)
         @$(MAKE) -f jvmti.make $(MFLAGS-adjusted)
 # generate SA jar files and native header
         @$(MAKE) -f sa.make $(MFLAGS-adjusted)

@@ -167,21 +116,20 @@
         @$(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS-adjusted)
 install: the_vm
         @$(MAKE) -f vm.make install
-# next rules support "make foo.[oi]"
+# next rules support "make foo.[ois]"
 %.o %.i %.s:
         $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) $@
         #$(MAKE) -f vm.make $@
 # this should force everything to be rebuilt
         rm -f $(GENERATED)/*.class
-        $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(GENERATED)/$(MakeDepsClass)
         $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) clean
 # just in case it doesn't, this should do it
         $(MAKE) -f vm.make $(MFLAGS) clean