1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26 // The CompiledIC represents a compiled inline cache.
  27 //
  28 // In order to make patching of the inline cache MT-safe, we only allow the following
  29 // transitions (when not at a safepoint):
  30 //
  31 //
  32 //         [1] --<--  Clean -->---  [1]
  33 //            /       (null)      \
  34 //           /                     \      /-<-\
  35 //          /          [2]          \    /     \
  36 //      Interpreted  ---------> Monomorphic     | [3]
  37 //  (compiledICHolderOop)        (klassOop)     |
  38 //          \                        /   \     /
  39 //       [4] \                      / [4] \->-/
  40 //            \->-  Megamorphic -<-/
  41 //                  (methodOop)
  42 //
  43 // The text in paranteses () refere to the value of the inline cache receiver (mov instruction)
  44 //
  45 // The numbers in square brackets refere to the kind of transition:
  46 // [1]: Initial fixup. Receiver it found from debug information
  47 // [2]: Compilation of a method
  48 // [3]: Recompilation of a method (note: only entry is changed. The klassOop must stay the same)
  49 // [4]: Inline cache miss. We go directly to megamorphic call.
  50 //
  51 // The class automatically inserts transition stubs (using the InlineCacheBuffer) when an MT-unsafe
  52 // transition is made to a stub.
  53 //
  54 class CompiledIC;
  56 class CompiledICInfo {
  57   friend class CompiledIC;
  58  private:
  59   address _entry;              // entry point for call
  60   Handle  _cached_oop;         // Value of cached_oop (either in stub or inline cache)
  61   bool    _is_optimized;       // it is an optimized virtual call (i.e., can be statically bound)
  62   bool    _to_interpreter;     // Call it to interpreter
  63  public:
  64   address entry() const        { return _entry; }
  65   Handle  cached_oop() const   { return _cached_oop; }
  66   bool    is_optimized() const { return _is_optimized; }
  67 };
  69 class CompiledIC: public ResourceObj {
  70   friend class InlineCacheBuffer;
  71   friend class ICStub;
  74  private:
  75   NativeCall*   _ic_call;       // the call instruction
  76   oop*          _oop_addr;      // patchable oop cell for this IC
  77   RelocIterator _oops;          // iteration over any and all set-oop instructions
  78   bool          _is_optimized;  // an optimized virtual call (i.e., no compiled IC)
  80   CompiledIC(NativeCall* ic_call);
  81   CompiledIC(Relocation* ic_reloc);    // Must be of virtual_call_type/opt_virtual_call_type
  83   // low-level inline-cache manipulation. Cannot be accessed directly, since it might not be MT-safe
  84   // to change an inline-cache. These changes the underlying inline-cache directly. They *newer* make
  85   // changes to a transition stub.
  86   void set_ic_destination(address entry_point);
  87   void set_cached_oop(oop cache);
  89   // Reads the location of the transition stub. This will fail with an assertion, if no transition stub is
  90   // associated with the inline cache.
  91   address stub_address() const;
  92   bool is_in_transition_state() const;  // Use InlineCacheBuffer
  94  public:
  95   // conversion (machine PC to CompiledIC*)
  96   friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_before(address return_addr);
  97   friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(address call_site);
  98   friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(Relocation* call_site);
 100   // Return the cached_oop/destination associated with this inline cache. If the cache currently points
 101   // to a transition stub, it will read the values from the transition stub.
 102   oop  cached_oop() const;
 103   address ic_destination() const;
 105   bool is_optimized() const   { return _is_optimized; }
 107   // State
 108   bool is_clean() const;
 109   bool is_megamorphic() const;
 110   bool is_call_to_compiled() const;
 111   bool is_call_to_interpreted() const;
 113   address end_of_call() { return  _ic_call->return_address(); }
 115   // MT-safe patching of inline caches. Note: Only safe to call is_xxx when holding the CompiledIC_ock
 116   // so you are guaranteed that no patching takes place. The same goes for verify.
 117   //
 118   // Note: We do not provide any direct access to the stub code, to prevent parts of the code
 119   // to manipulate the inline cache in MT-unsafe ways.
 120   //
 121   // They all takes a TRAP argument, since they can cause a GC if the inline-cache buffer is full.
 122   //
 123   void set_to_clean();  // Can only be called during a safepoint operation
 124   void set_to_monomorphic(const CompiledICInfo& info);
 125   void set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info, Bytecodes::Code bytecode, TRAPS);
 127   static void compute_monomorphic_entry(methodHandle method, KlassHandle receiver_klass,
 128                                         bool is_optimized, bool static_bound, CompiledICInfo& info, TRAPS);
 130   // Location
 131   address instruction_address() const { return _ic_call->instruction_address(); }
 133   // Misc
 134   void print()             PRODUCT_RETURN;
 135   void print_compiled_ic() PRODUCT_RETURN;
 136   void verify()            PRODUCT_RETURN;
 137 };
 139 inline CompiledIC* CompiledIC_before(address return_addr) {
 140   CompiledIC* c_ic = new CompiledIC(nativeCall_before(return_addr));
 141   c_ic->verify();
 142   return c_ic;
 143 }
 145 inline CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(address call_site) {
 146   CompiledIC* c_ic = new CompiledIC(nativeCall_at(call_site));
 147   c_ic->verify();
 148   return c_ic;
 149 }
 151 inline CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(Relocation* call_site) {
 152   CompiledIC* c_ic = new CompiledIC(call_site);
 153   c_ic->verify();
 154   return c_ic;
 155 }
 158 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 159 // The CompiledStaticCall represents a call to a static method in the compiled
 160 //
 161 // Transition diagram of a static call site is somewhat simpler than for an inlined cache:
 162 //
 163 //
 164 //           -----<----- Clean ----->-----
 165 //          /                             \
 166 //         /                               \
 167 //    compilled code <------------> interpreted code
 168 //
 169 //  Clean:            Calls directly to runtime method for fixup
 170 //  Compiled code:    Calls directly to compiled code
 171 //  Interpreted code: Calls to stub that set methodOop reference
 172 //
 173 //
 174 class CompiledStaticCall;
 176 class StaticCallInfo {
 177  private:
 178   address      _entry;          // Entrypoint
 179   methodHandle _callee;         // Callee (used when calling interpreter)
 180   bool         _to_interpreter; // call to interpreted method (otherwise compiled)
 182   friend class CompiledStaticCall;
 183  public:
 184   address      entry() const    { return _entry;  }
 185   methodHandle callee() const   { return _callee; }
 186 };
 189 class CompiledStaticCall: public NativeCall {
 190   friend class CompiledIC;
 192   // Also used by CompiledIC
 193   void set_to_interpreted(methodHandle callee, address entry);
 194   bool is_optimized_virtual();
 196  public:
 197   friend CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_before(address return_addr);
 198   friend CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_at(address native_call);
 199   friend CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_at(Relocation* call_site);
 201   // State
 202   bool is_clean() const;
 203   bool is_call_to_compiled() const;
 204   bool is_call_to_interpreted() const;
 206   // Clean static call (will force resolving on next use)
 207   void set_to_clean();
 209   // Set state. The entry must be the same, as computed by compute_entry.
 210   // Computation and setting is split up, since the actions are separate during
 211   // a OptoRuntime::resolve_xxx.
 212   void set(const StaticCallInfo& info);
 214   // Compute entry point given a method
 215   static void compute_entry(methodHandle m, StaticCallInfo& info);
 217   // Stub support
 218   address find_stub();
 219   static void set_stub_to_clean(static_stub_Relocation* static_stub);
 221   // Misc.
 222   void print()  PRODUCT_RETURN;
 223   void verify() PRODUCT_RETURN;
 224 };
 227 inline CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_before(address return_addr) {
 228   CompiledStaticCall* st = (CompiledStaticCall*)nativeCall_before(return_addr);
 229   st->verify();
 230   return st;
 231 }
 233 inline CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_at(address native_call) {
 234   CompiledStaticCall* st = (CompiledStaticCall*)native_call;
 235   st->verify();
 236   return st;
 237 }
 239 inline CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_at(Relocation* call_site) {
 240   return compiledStaticCall_at(call_site->addr());
 241 }