1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "gc_implementation/g1/collectionSetChooser.hpp"
  27 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
  28 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/space.inline.hpp"
  31 CSetChooserCache::CSetChooserCache() {
  32   for (int i = 0; i < CacheLength; ++i)
  33     _cache[i] = NULL;
  34   clear();
  35 }
  37 void CSetChooserCache::clear() {
  38   _occupancy = 0;
  39   _first = 0;
  40   for (int i = 0; i < CacheLength; ++i) {
  41     HeapRegion *hr = _cache[i];
  42     if (hr != NULL)
  43       hr->set_sort_index(-1);
  44     _cache[i] = NULL;
  45   }
  46 }
  48 #ifndef PRODUCT
  49 bool CSetChooserCache::verify() {
  50   int index = _first;
  51   HeapRegion *prev = NULL;
  52   for (int i = 0; i < _occupancy; ++i) {
  53     guarantee(_cache[index] != NULL, "cache entry should not be empty");
  54     HeapRegion *hr = _cache[index];
  55     guarantee(!hr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
  56     if (prev != NULL) {
  57       guarantee(prev->gc_efficiency() >= hr->gc_efficiency(),
  58                 "cache should be correctly ordered");
  59     }
  60     guarantee(hr->sort_index() == get_sort_index(index),
  61               "sort index should be correct");
  62     index = trim_index(index + 1);
  63     prev = hr;
  64   }
  66   for (int i = 0; i < (CacheLength - _occupancy); ++i) {
  67     guarantee(_cache[index] == NULL, "cache entry should be empty");
  68     index = trim_index(index + 1);
  69   }
  71   guarantee(index == _first, "we should have reached where we started from");
  72   return true;
  73 }
  74 #endif // PRODUCT
  76 void CSetChooserCache::insert(HeapRegion *hr) {
  77   assert(!is_full(), "cache should not be empty");
  78   hr->calc_gc_efficiency();
  80   int empty_index;
  81   if (_occupancy == 0) {
  82     empty_index = _first;
  83   } else {
  84     empty_index = trim_index(_first + _occupancy);
  85     assert(_cache[empty_index] == NULL, "last slot should be empty");
  86     int last_index = trim_index(empty_index - 1);
  87     HeapRegion *last = _cache[last_index];
  88     assert(last != NULL,"as the cache is not empty, last should not be empty");
  89     while (empty_index != _first &&
  90            last->gc_efficiency() < hr->gc_efficiency()) {
  91       _cache[empty_index] = last;
  92       last->set_sort_index(get_sort_index(empty_index));
  93       empty_index = last_index;
  94       last_index = trim_index(last_index - 1);
  95       last = _cache[last_index];
  96     }
  97   }
  98   _cache[empty_index] = hr;
  99   hr->set_sort_index(get_sort_index(empty_index));
 101   ++_occupancy;
 102   assert(verify(), "cache should be consistent");
 103 }
 105 HeapRegion *CSetChooserCache::remove_first() {
 106   if (_occupancy > 0) {
 107     assert(_cache[_first] != NULL, "cache should have at least one region");
 108     HeapRegion *ret = _cache[_first];
 109     _cache[_first] = NULL;
 110     ret->set_sort_index(-1);
 111     --_occupancy;
 112     _first = trim_index(_first + 1);
 113     assert(verify(), "cache should be consistent");
 114     return ret;
 115   } else {
 116     return NULL;
 117   }
 118 }
 120 // this is a bit expensive... but we expect that it should not be called
 121 // to often.
 122 void CSetChooserCache::remove(HeapRegion *hr) {
 123   assert(_occupancy > 0, "cache should not be empty");
 124   assert(hr->sort_index() < -1, "should already be in the cache");
 125   int index = get_index(hr->sort_index());
 126   assert(_cache[index] == hr, "index should be correct");
 127   int next_index = trim_index(index + 1);
 128   int last_index = trim_index(_first + _occupancy - 1);
 129   while (index != last_index) {
 130     assert(_cache[next_index] != NULL, "should not be null");
 131     _cache[index] = _cache[next_index];
 132     _cache[index]->set_sort_index(get_sort_index(index));
 134     index = next_index;
 135     next_index = trim_index(next_index+1);
 136   }
 137   assert(index == last_index, "should have reached the last one");
 138   _cache[index] = NULL;
 139   hr->set_sort_index(-1);
 140   --_occupancy;
 141   assert(verify(), "cache should be consistent");
 142 }
 144 static inline int orderRegions(HeapRegion* hr1, HeapRegion* hr2) {
 145   if (hr1 == NULL) {
 146     if (hr2 == NULL) return 0;
 147     else return 1;
 148   } else if (hr2 == NULL) {
 149     return -1;
 150   }
 151   if (hr2->gc_efficiency() < hr1->gc_efficiency()) return -1;
 152   else if (hr1->gc_efficiency() < hr2->gc_efficiency()) return 1;
 153   else return 0;
 154 }
 156 static int orderRegions(HeapRegion** hr1p, HeapRegion** hr2p) {
 157   return orderRegions(*hr1p, *hr2p);
 158 }
 160 CollectionSetChooser::CollectionSetChooser() :
 161   // The line below is the worst bit of C++ hackery I've ever written
 162   // (Detlefs, 11/23).  You should think of it as equivalent to
 163   // "_regions(100, true)": initialize the growable array and inform it
 164   // that it should allocate its elem array(s) on the C heap.
 165   //
 166   // The first argument, however, is actually a comma expression
 167   // (set_allocation_type(this, C_HEAP), 100). The purpose of the
 168   // set_allocation_type() call is to replace the default allocation
 169   // type for embedded objects STACK_OR_EMBEDDED with C_HEAP. It will
 170   // allow to pass the assert in GenericGrowableArray() which checks
 171   // that a growable array object must be on C heap if elements are.
 172   //
 173   // Note: containing object is allocated on C heap since it is CHeapObj.
 174   //
 175   _markedRegions((ResourceObj::set_allocation_type((address)&_markedRegions,
 176                                              ResourceObj::C_HEAP),
 177                   100),
 178                  true),
 179   _curMarkedIndex(0),
 180   _numMarkedRegions(0),
 181   _unmarked_age_1_returned_as_new(false),
 182   _first_par_unreserved_idx(0)
 183 {}
 187 #ifndef PRODUCT
 188 bool CollectionSetChooser::verify() {
 189   int index = 0;
 190   guarantee(_curMarkedIndex <= _numMarkedRegions,
 191             "_curMarkedIndex should be within bounds");
 192   while (index < _curMarkedIndex) {
 193     guarantee(_markedRegions.at(index++) == NULL,
 194               "all entries before _curMarkedIndex should be NULL");
 195   }
 196   HeapRegion *prev = NULL;
 197   while (index < _numMarkedRegions) {
 198     HeapRegion *curr = _markedRegions.at(index++);
 199     if (curr != NULL) {
 200       int si = curr->sort_index();
 201       guarantee(!curr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 202       guarantee(si > -1 && si == (index-1), "sort index invariant");
 203       if (prev != NULL) {
 204         guarantee(orderRegions(prev, curr) != 1, "regions should be sorted");
 205       }
 206       prev = curr;
 207     }
 208   }
 209   return _cache.verify();
 210 }
 211 #endif
 213 bool
 214 CollectionSetChooser::addRegionToCache() {
 215   assert(!_cache.is_full(), "cache should not be full");
 217   HeapRegion *hr = NULL;
 218   while (hr == NULL && _curMarkedIndex < _numMarkedRegions) {
 219     hr = _markedRegions.at(_curMarkedIndex++);
 220   }
 221   if (hr == NULL)
 222     return false;
 223   assert(!hr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 224   assert(hr->sort_index() == _curMarkedIndex-1, "sort_index invariant");
 225   _markedRegions.at_put(hr->sort_index(), NULL);
 226   _cache.insert(hr);
 227   assert(!_cache.is_empty(), "cache should not be empty");
 228   assert(verify(), "cache should be consistent");
 229   return false;
 230 }
 232 void
 233 CollectionSetChooser::fillCache() {
 234   while (!_cache.is_full() && addRegionToCache()) {
 235   }
 236 }
 238 void
 239 CollectionSetChooser::sortMarkedHeapRegions() {
 240   guarantee(_cache.is_empty(), "cache should be empty");
 241   // First trim any unused portion of the top in the parallel case.
 242   if (_first_par_unreserved_idx > 0) {
 243     if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) {
 244       gclog_or_tty->print("     Truncating _markedRegions from %d to %d.\n",
 245                           _markedRegions.length(), _first_par_unreserved_idx);
 246     }
 247     assert(_first_par_unreserved_idx <= _markedRegions.length(),
 248            "Or we didn't reserved enough length");
 249     _markedRegions.trunc_to(_first_par_unreserved_idx);
 250   }
 251   _markedRegions.sort(orderRegions);
 252   assert(_numMarkedRegions <= _markedRegions.length(), "Requirement");
 253   assert(_numMarkedRegions == 0
 254          || _markedRegions.at(_numMarkedRegions-1) != NULL,
 255          "Testing _numMarkedRegions");
 256   assert(_numMarkedRegions == _markedRegions.length()
 257          || _markedRegions.at(_numMarkedRegions) == NULL,
 258          "Testing _numMarkedRegions");
 259   if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) {
 260     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("     Sorted %d marked regions.", _numMarkedRegions);
 261   }
 262   for (int i = 0; i < _numMarkedRegions; i++) {
 263     assert(_markedRegions.at(i) != NULL, "Should be true by sorting!");
 264     _markedRegions.at(i)->set_sort_index(i);
 265     if (G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo > 0) {
 266       if (i == 0) gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Sorted marked regions:");
 267       if (i < G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo ||
 268           (_numMarkedRegions-i) < G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo) {
 269         HeapRegion* hr = _markedRegions.at(i);
 270         size_t u = hr->used();
 271         gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Region %d: %d used, %d max live, %5.2f%%.",
 272                       i, u, hr->max_live_bytes(),
 273                       100.0*(float)hr->max_live_bytes()/(float)u);
 274       }
 275     }
 276   }
 277   if (G1PolicyVerbose > 1)
 278     printSortedHeapRegions();
 279   assert(verify(), "should now be sorted");
 280 }
 282 void
 283 printHeapRegion(HeapRegion *hr) {
 284   if (hr->isHumongous())
 285     gclog_or_tty->print("H: ");
 286   if (hr->in_collection_set())
 287     gclog_or_tty->print("CS: ");
 288   gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Region " PTR_FORMAT " (%s%s) "
 289                          "[" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT"] "
 290                          "Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "K, garbage: " SIZE_FORMAT "K.",
 291                          hr, hr->is_young() ? "Y " : "  ",
 292                          hr->is_marked()? "M1" : "M0",
 293                          hr->bottom(), hr->end(),
 294                          hr->used()/K, hr->garbage_bytes()/K);
 295 }
 297 void
 298 CollectionSetChooser::addMarkedHeapRegion(HeapRegion* hr) {
 299   assert(!hr->isHumongous(),
 300          "Humongous regions shouldn't be added to the collection set");
 301   assert(!hr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 302   _markedRegions.append(hr);
 303   _numMarkedRegions++;
 304   hr->calc_gc_efficiency();
 305 }
 307 void
 308 CollectionSetChooser::
 309 prepareForAddMarkedHeapRegionsPar(size_t n_regions, size_t chunkSize) {
 310   _first_par_unreserved_idx = 0;
 311   size_t max_waste = ParallelGCThreads * chunkSize;
 312   // it should be aligned with respect to chunkSize
 313   size_t aligned_n_regions =
 314                      (n_regions + (chunkSize - 1)) / chunkSize * chunkSize;
 315   assert( aligned_n_regions % chunkSize == 0, "should be aligned" );
 316   _markedRegions.at_put_grow((int)(aligned_n_regions + max_waste - 1), NULL);
 317 }
 319 jint
 320 CollectionSetChooser::getParMarkedHeapRegionChunk(jint n_regions) {
 321   jint res = Atomic::add(n_regions, &_first_par_unreserved_idx);
 322   assert(_markedRegions.length() > res + n_regions - 1,
 323          "Should already have been expanded");
 324   return res - n_regions;
 325 }
 327 void
 328 CollectionSetChooser::setMarkedHeapRegion(jint index, HeapRegion* hr) {
 329   assert(_markedRegions.at(index) == NULL, "precondition");
 330   assert(!hr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 331   _markedRegions.at_put(index, hr);
 332   hr->calc_gc_efficiency();
 333 }
 335 void
 336 CollectionSetChooser::incNumMarkedHeapRegions(jint inc_by) {
 337   (void)Atomic::add(inc_by, &_numMarkedRegions);
 338 }
 340 void
 341 CollectionSetChooser::clearMarkedHeapRegions(){
 342   for (int i = 0; i < _markedRegions.length(); i++) {
 343     HeapRegion* r =   _markedRegions.at(i);
 344     if (r != NULL) r->set_sort_index(-1);
 345   }
 346   _markedRegions.clear();
 347   _curMarkedIndex = 0;
 348   _numMarkedRegions = 0;
 349   _cache.clear();
 350 };
 352 void
 353 CollectionSetChooser::updateAfterFullCollection() {
 354   G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
 355   clearMarkedHeapRegions();
 356 }
 358 void
 359 CollectionSetChooser::printSortedHeapRegions() {
 360   gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Printing %d Heap Regions sorted by amount of known garbage",
 361                 _numMarkedRegions);
 363   DEBUG_ONLY(int marked_count = 0;)
 364   for (int i = 0; i < _markedRegions.length(); i++) {
 365     HeapRegion* r = _markedRegions.at(i);
 366     if (r != NULL) {
 367       printHeapRegion(r);
 368       DEBUG_ONLY(marked_count++;)
 369     }
 370   }
 371   assert(marked_count == _numMarkedRegions, "must be");
 372   gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Done sorted heap region print");
 373 }
 375 void CollectionSetChooser::removeRegion(HeapRegion *hr) {
 376   int si = hr->sort_index();
 377   assert(si == -1 || hr->is_marked(), "Sort index not valid.");
 378   if (si > -1) {
 379     assert(_markedRegions.at(si) == hr, "Sort index not valid." );
 380     _markedRegions.at_put(si, NULL);
 381   } else if (si < -1) {
 382     assert(_cache.region_in_cache(hr), "should be in the cache");
 383     _cache.remove(hr);
 384     assert(hr->sort_index() == -1, "sort index invariant");
 385   }
 386   hr->set_sort_index(-1);
 387 }
 389 // if time_remaining < 0.0, then this method should try to return
 390 // a region, whether it fits within the remaining time or not
 391 HeapRegion*
 392 CollectionSetChooser::getNextMarkedRegion(double time_remaining,
 393                                           double avg_prediction) {
 394   G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
 395   G1CollectorPolicy* g1p = g1h->g1_policy();
 396   fillCache();
 397   if (_cache.is_empty()) {
 398     assert(_curMarkedIndex == _numMarkedRegions,
 399            "if cache is empty, list should also be empty");
 400     return NULL;
 401   }
 403   HeapRegion *hr = _cache.get_first();
 404   assert(hr != NULL, "if cache not empty, first entry should be non-null");
 405   double predicted_time = g1h->predict_region_elapsed_time_ms(hr, false);
 407   if (g1p->adaptive_young_list_length()) {
 408     if (time_remaining - predicted_time < 0.0) {
 409       g1h->check_if_region_is_too_expensive(predicted_time);
 410       return NULL;
 411     }
 412   } else {
 413     if (predicted_time > 2.0 * avg_prediction) {
 414       return NULL;
 415     }
 416   }
 418   HeapRegion *hr2 = _cache.remove_first();
 419   assert(hr == hr2, "cache contents should not have changed");
 421   return hr;
 422 }