1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 // All heaps contains a "permanent generation," containing permanent
  26 // (reflective) objects.  This is like a regular generation in some ways,
  27 // but unlike one in others, and so is split apart.
  29 class PermanentGenerationSpec;
  31 // This is the "generation" view of a CompactingPermGen.
  32 // NOTE: the shared spaces used for CDS are here handled in
  33 // a somewhat awkward and potentially buggy fashion, see CR 6801625.
  34 // This infelicity should be fixed, see CR 6897789.
  35 class CompactingPermGenGen: public OneContigSpaceCardGeneration {
  36   friend class VMStructs;
  37   // Abstractly, this is a subtype that gets access to protected fields.
  38   friend class CompactingPermGen;
  40 private:
  41   // Shared spaces
  42   PermanentGenerationSpec* _spec;
  43   size_t _shared_space_size;
  44   VirtualSpace _ro_vs;
  45   VirtualSpace _rw_vs;
  46   VirtualSpace _md_vs;
  47   VirtualSpace _mc_vs;
  48   BlockOffsetSharedArray* _ro_bts;
  49   BlockOffsetSharedArray* _rw_bts;
  50   OffsetTableContigSpace* _ro_space;
  51   OffsetTableContigSpace* _rw_space;
  53   // With shared spaces there is a dichotomy in the use of the
  54   // _virtual_space of the generation.  There is a portion of the
  55   // _virtual_space that is used for the unshared part of the
  56   // permanent generation and a portion that is reserved for the shared part.
  57   // The _reserved field in the generation represents both the
  58   // unshared and shared parts of the generation.  The _reserved
  59   // variable is initialized for only the unshared part but is
  60   // later extended to include the shared part during initialization
  61   // if shared spaces are being used.
  62   // The reserved size for the _virtual_space for CompactingPermGenGen
  63   // is the size of the space for the permanent generation including the
  64   // the shared spaces.  This can be seen by the use of MaxPermSize
  65   // in the allocation of PermanentGenerationSpec.  The space for the
  66   // shared spaces is committed separately (???).
  67   // In general at initialization only a part of the
  68   // space for the unshared part of the permanent generation is
  69   // committed and more is committed as the permanent generation is
  70   // grown.  In growing the permanent generation the capacity() and
  71   // max_capacity() of the generation are used.  For the permanent
  72   // generation (implemented with a CompactingPermGenGen) the capacity()
  73   // is taken from the capacity of the space (_the_space variable used for the
  74   // unshared part of the generation) and the max_capacity() is based
  75   // on the size of the _reserved variable (which includes the size of the
  76   // shared spaces) minus the size of the shared spaces.
  78   // These values are redundant, but are called out separately to avoid
  79   // going through heap/space/gen pointers for performance.
  80   static HeapWord* unshared_bottom;
  81   static HeapWord* unshared_end;
  82   static HeapWord* shared_bottom;
  83   static HeapWord* readonly_bottom;
  84   static HeapWord* readonly_end;
  85   static HeapWord* readwrite_bottom;
  86   static HeapWord* readwrite_end;
  87   static HeapWord* miscdata_bottom;
  88   static HeapWord* miscdata_end;
  89   static HeapWord* misccode_bottom;
  90   static HeapWord* misccode_end;
  91   static HeapWord* shared_end;
  93   // List of klassOops whose vtbl entries are used to patch others.
  94   static void**        _vtbl_list;
  96   // Performance Counters
  97   GenerationCounters*  _gen_counters;
  98   CSpaceCounters*      _space_counters;
 100   void initialize_performance_counters();
 102 public:
 104   enum {
 105     vtbl_list_size = 16, // number of entries in the shared space vtable list.
 106     num_virtuals = 200   // number of virtual methods in Klass (or
 107                          // subclass) objects, or greater.
 108   };
 110   enum {
 111     ro = 0,  // read-only shared space in the heap
 112     rw = 1,  // read-write shared space in the heap
 113     md = 2,  // miscellaneous data for initializing tables, etc.
 114     mc = 3,  // miscellaneous code - vtable replacement.
 115     n_regions = 4
 116   };
 118   CompactingPermGenGen(ReservedSpace rs, ReservedSpace shared_rs,
 119                        size_t initial_byte_size, int level, GenRemSet* remset,
 120                        ContiguousSpace* space,
 121                        PermanentGenerationSpec* perm_spec);
 123   const char* name() const {
 124     return "compacting perm gen";
 125   }
 127   const char* short_name() const {
 128     return "Perm";
 129   }
 131   // Return the maximum capacity for the object space.  This
 132   // explicitly does not include the shared spaces.
 133   size_t max_capacity() const;
 135   void update_counters();
 137   void compute_new_size() {
 138     assert(false, "Should not call this -- handled at PermGen level.");
 139   }
 141   bool must_be_youngest() const { return false; }
 142   bool must_be_oldest() const { return false; }
 144   OffsetTableContigSpace* ro_space() const { return _ro_space; }
 145   OffsetTableContigSpace* rw_space() const { return _rw_space; }
 146   VirtualSpace*           md_space()       { return &_md_vs; }
 147   VirtualSpace*           mc_space()       { return &_mc_vs; }
 148   ContiguousSpace* unshared_space() const { return _the_space; }
 150   static bool inline is_shared(const oopDesc* p) {
 151     return (HeapWord*)p >= shared_bottom && (HeapWord*)p < shared_end;
 152   }
 153   // RedefineClasses note: this tester is used to check residence of
 154   // the specified oop in the shared readonly space and not whether
 155   // the oop is readonly.
 156   static bool inline is_shared_readonly(const oopDesc* p) {
 157     return (HeapWord*)p >= readonly_bottom && (HeapWord*)p < readonly_end;
 158   }
 159   // RedefineClasses note: this tester is used to check residence of
 160   // the specified oop in the shared readwrite space and not whether
 161   // the oop is readwrite.
 162   static bool inline is_shared_readwrite(const oopDesc* p) {
 163     return (HeapWord*)p >= readwrite_bottom && (HeapWord*)p < readwrite_end;
 164   }
 166   bool is_in_unshared(const void* p) const {
 167     return OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::is_in(p);
 168   }
 170   bool is_in_shared(const void* p) const {
 171    return p >= shared_bottom && p < shared_end;
 172    }
 174   inline bool is_in(const void* p) const {
 175     return is_in_unshared(p) || is_in_shared(p);
 176   }
 178   inline PermanentGenerationSpec* spec() const { return _spec; }
 179   inline void set_spec(PermanentGenerationSpec* spec) { _spec = spec; }
 181   void pre_adjust_pointers();
 182   void adjust_pointers();
 183   void space_iterate(SpaceClosure* blk, bool usedOnly = false);
 184   void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
 185   void younger_refs_iterate(OopsInGenClosure* blk);
 186   void compact();
 187   void post_compact();
 188   size_t contiguous_available() const;
 190   void clear_remembered_set();
 191   void invalidate_remembered_set();
 193   inline bool block_is_obj(const HeapWord* addr) const {
 194     if      (addr < the_space()->top()) return true;
 195     else if (addr < the_space()->end()) return false;
 196     else if (addr < ro_space()->top())  return true;
 197     else if (addr < ro_space()->end())  return false;
 198     else if (addr < rw_space()->top())  return true;
 199     else                                return false;
 200   }
 203   inline size_t block_size(const HeapWord* addr) const {
 204     if (addr < the_space()->top()) {
 205       return oop(addr)->size();
 206     }
 207     else if (addr < the_space()->end()) {
 208       assert(addr == the_space()->top(), "non-block head arg to block_size");
 209       return the_space()->end() - the_space()->top();
 210     }
 212     else if (addr < ro_space()->top()) {
 213       return oop(addr)->size();
 214     }
 215     else if (addr < ro_space()->end()) {
 216       assert(addr == ro_space()->top(), "non-block head arg to block_size");
 217       return ro_space()->end() - ro_space()->top();
 218     }
 220     else if (addr < rw_space()->top()) {
 221       return oop(addr)->size();
 222     }
 223     else {
 224       assert(addr == rw_space()->top(), "non-block head arg to block_size");
 225       return rw_space()->end() - rw_space()->top();
 226     }
 227   }
 229   static void generate_vtable_methods(void** vtbl_list,
 230                                       void** vtable,
 231                                       char** md_top, char* md_end,
 232                                       char** mc_top, char* mc_end);
 234   void verify(bool allow_dirty);
 236   // Serialization
 237   static void initialize_oops() KERNEL_RETURN;
 238   static void serialize_oops(SerializeOopClosure* soc);
 239   void serialize_bts(SerializeOopClosure* soc);
 241   // Initiate dumping of shared file.
 242   static jint dump_shared(GrowableArray<oop>* class_promote_order, TRAPS);
 244   // JVM/TI RedefineClasses() support:
 245   // Remap the shared readonly space to shared readwrite, private if
 246   // sharing is enabled. Simply returns true if sharing is not enabled
 247   // or if the remapping has already been done by a prior call.
 248   static bool remap_shared_readonly_as_readwrite();
 249 };