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2410   } else {
2411     warning("Unrecognized value " UINTX_FORMAT " for CMSRemarkVerifyVariant",
2412             CMSRemarkVerifyVariant);
2413   }
2414   if (!silent) gclog_or_tty->print(" done] ");
2415   return true;
2416 }
2418 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_1() {
2419   ResourceMark rm;
2420   HandleMark  hm;
2421   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2423   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2424   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2426   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2427   MarkRefsIntoClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm());
2428   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2430   gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),

2431                          true,   // younger gens are roots
2432                          true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
2433                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2434                          should_unload_classes(),
2435                          &notOlder,
2436                          NULL,
2437                          NULL);  // SSS: Provide correct closure

2439   // Now mark from the roots
2440   MarkFromRootsClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2441     verification_mark_bm(), verification_mark_stack(),
2442     false /* don't yield */, true /* verifying */);
2443   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2444   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2445   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2446     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2447     // address.
2448     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2449     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2450     _restart_addr = NULL;
2451     verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure, ra, _span.end());
2452   }
2453   assert(verification_mark_stack()->isEmpty(), "Should have been drained");
2454   verify_work_stacks_empty();
2456   // Marking completed -- now verify that each bit marked in
2457   // verification_mark_bm() is also marked in markBitMap(); flag all

2478   void do_klass(Klass* k) {
2479     k->oops_do(&_oop_closure);
2480   }
2481 };
2483 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_2() {
2484   ResourceMark rm;
2485   HandleMark  hm;
2486   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2488   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2489   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2491   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2492   MarkRefsIntoVerifyClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm(),
2493                                      markBitMap());
2494   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
2496   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2498   gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),

2499                          true,   // younger gens are roots
2500                          true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
2501                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2502                          should_unload_classes(),
2503                          &notOlder,
2504                          NULL,
2505                          &cld_closure);

2507   // Now mark from the roots
2508   MarkFromRootsVerifyClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2509     verification_mark_bm(), markBitMap(), verification_mark_stack());
2510   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2511   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2512   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2513     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2514     // address.
2515     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2516     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2517     _restart_addr = NULL;
2518     verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure, ra, _span.end());
2519   }
2520   assert(verification_mark_stack()->isEmpty(), "Should have been drained");
2521   verify_work_stacks_empty();
2523   VerifyKlassOopsKlassClosure verify_klass_oops(verification_mark_bm());
2524   ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(&verify_klass_oops);

2895 // CMS work
2897 // The common parts of CMSParInitialMarkTask and CMSParRemarkTask.
2898 class CMSParMarkTask : public AbstractGangTask {
2899  protected:
2900   CMSCollector*     _collector;
2901   uint              _n_workers;
2902   CMSParMarkTask(const char* name, CMSCollector* collector, uint n_workers) :
2903       AbstractGangTask(name),
2904       _collector(collector),
2905       _n_workers(n_workers) {}
2906   // Work method in support of parallel rescan ... of young gen spaces
2907   void do_young_space_rescan(uint worker_id, OopsInGenClosure* cl,
2908                              ContiguousSpace* space,
2909                              HeapWord** chunk_array, size_t chunk_top);
2910   void work_on_young_gen_roots(uint worker_id, OopsInGenClosure* cl);
2911 };
2913 // Parallel initial mark task
2914 class CMSParInitialMarkTask: public CMSParMarkTask {

2915  public:
2916   CMSParInitialMarkTask(CMSCollector* collector, uint n_workers) :
2917       CMSParMarkTask("Scan roots and young gen for initial mark in parallel",
2918                      collector, n_workers) {}
2919   void work(uint worker_id);
2920 };
2922 // Checkpoint the roots into this generation from outside
2923 // this generation. [Note this initial checkpoint need only
2924 // be approximate -- we'll do a catch up phase subsequently.]
2925 void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsInitial() {
2926   assert(_collectorState == InitialMarking, "Wrong collector state");
2927   check_correct_thread_executing();
2928   TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats tms(_collectorState,GenCollectedHeap::heap()->gc_cause());
2930   save_heap_summary();
2931   report_heap_summary(GCWhen::BeforeGC);
2933   ReferenceProcessor* rp = ref_processor();
2934   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Control point invariant");
2935   {
2936     // acquire locks for subsequent manipulations
2937     MutexLockerEx x(bitMapLock(),
2938                     Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);

2987   // Need to remember all newly created CLDs,
2988   // so that we can guarantee that the remark finds them.
2989   ClassLoaderDataGraph::remember_new_clds(true);
2991   // Whenever a CLD is found, it will be claimed before proceeding to mark
2992   // the klasses. The claimed marks need to be cleared before marking starts.
2993   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2995   if (CMSPrintEdenSurvivorChunks) {
2996     print_eden_and_survivor_chunk_arrays();
2997   }
2999   {
3000     COMPILER2_PRESENT(DerivedPointerTableDeactivate dpt_deact;)
3001     if (CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled) {
3002       // The parallel version.
3003       FlexibleWorkGang* workers = gch->workers();
3004       assert(workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
3005       uint n_workers = workers->active_workers();
3006       CMSParInitialMarkTask tsk(this, n_workers);

3007       gch->set_par_threads(n_workers);
3008       initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_young_gen_rescan(n_workers);
3009       if (n_workers > 1) {
3010         StrongRootsScope srs;
3011         workers->run_task(&tsk);
3012       } else {
3013         StrongRootsScope srs;
3014         tsk.work(0);
3015       }
3016       gch->set_par_threads(0);
3017     } else {
3018       // The serial version.
3019       CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
3020       gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
3021       gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),

3022                              true,   // younger gens are roots
3023                              true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
3024                              GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
3025                              should_unload_classes(),
3026                              &notOlder,
3027                              NULL,
3028                              &cld_closure);
3029     }
3030   }
3032   // Clear mod-union table; it will be dirtied in the prologue of
3033   // CMS generation per each younger generation collection.
3035   assert(_modUnionTable.isAllClear(),
3036        "Was cleared in most recent final checkpoint phase"
3037        " or no bits are set in the gc_prologue before the start of the next "
3038        "subsequent marking phase.");
3040   assert(_ct->klass_rem_set()->mod_union_is_clear(), "Must be");
3042   // Save the end of the used_region of the constituent generations
3043   // to be used to limit the extent of sweep in each generation.

4434   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
4435   Par_MarkRefsIntoClosure par_mri_cl(_collector->_span, &(_collector->_markBitMap));
4437   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4438   {
4439     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mri_cl);
4440     _timer.stop();
4441     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4442       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4443         "Finished young gen initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4444         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4445     }
4446   }
4448   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4449   _timer.reset();
4450   _timer.start();
4452   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&par_mri_cl, true);
4454   gch->gen_process_roots(_collector->_cmsGen->level(),

4455                          false,     // yg was scanned above
4456                          false,     // this is parallel code
4457                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4458                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4459                          &par_mri_cl,
4460                          NULL,
4461                          &cld_closure);
4462   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4463          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4464          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4465   _timer.stop();
4466   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4467     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4468       "Finished remaining root initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4469       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4470   }
4471 }
4473 // Parallel remark task
4474 class CMSParRemarkTask: public CMSParMarkTask {
4475   CompactibleFreeListSpace* _cms_space;
4477   // The per-thread work queues, available here for stealing.
4478   OopTaskQueueSet*       _task_queues;
4479   ParallelTaskTerminator _term;

4481  public:
4482   // A value of 0 passed to n_workers will cause the number of
4483   // workers to be taken from the active workers in the work gang.
4484   CMSParRemarkTask(CMSCollector* collector,
4485                    CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space,
4486                    uint n_workers, FlexibleWorkGang* workers,
4487                    OopTaskQueueSet* task_queues):

4488     CMSParMarkTask("Rescan roots and grey objects in parallel",
4489                    collector, n_workers),
4490     _cms_space(cms_space),
4491     _task_queues(task_queues),
4492     _term(n_workers, task_queues) { }

4494   OopTaskQueueSet* task_queues() { return _task_queues; }
4496   OopTaskQueue* work_queue(int i) { return task_queues()->queue(i); }
4498   ParallelTaskTerminator* terminator() { return &_term; }
4499   uint n_workers() { return _n_workers; }
4501   void work(uint worker_id);
4503  private:
4504   // ... of  dirty cards in old space
4505   void do_dirty_card_rescan_tasks(CompactibleFreeListSpace* sp, int i,
4506                                   Par_MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl);
4508   // ... work stealing for the above
4509   void do_work_steal(int i, Par_MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl, int* seed);
4510 };
4512 class RemarkKlassClosure : public KlassClosure {

4570     work_queue(worker_id));
4572   // Rescan young gen roots first since these are likely
4573   // coarsely partitioned and may, on that account, constitute
4574   // the critical path; thus, it's best to start off that
4575   // work first.
4576   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4577   {
4578     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mrias_cl);
4579     _timer.stop();
4580     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4581       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4582         "Finished young gen rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4583         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4584     }
4585   }
4587   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4588   _timer.reset();
4589   _timer.start();
4590   gch->gen_process_roots(_collector->_cmsGen->level(),

4591                          false,     // yg was scanned above
4592                          false,     // this is parallel code
4593                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4594                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4595                          &par_mrias_cl,
4596                          NULL,
4597                          NULL);     // The dirty klasses will be handled below
4599   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4600          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4601          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4602   _timer.stop();
4603   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4604     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4605       "Finished remaining root rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4606       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4607   }
4609   // ---------- unhandled CLD scanning ----------
4610   if (worker_id == 0) { // Single threaded at the moment.
4611     _timer.reset();
4612     _timer.start();

5050     assert(pst->valid(), "Error");
5051   }
5052 }
5054 // Parallel version of remark
5055 void CMSCollector::do_remark_parallel() {
5056   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
5057   FlexibleWorkGang* workers = gch->workers();
5058   assert(workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
5059   // Choose to use the number of GC workers most recently set
5060   // into "active_workers".  If active_workers is not set, set it
5061   // to ParallelGCThreads.
5062   uint n_workers = workers->active_workers();
5063   if (n_workers == 0) {
5064     assert(n_workers > 0, "Should have been set during scavenge");
5065     n_workers = ParallelGCThreads;
5066     workers->set_active_workers(n_workers);
5067   }
5068   CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space  = _cmsGen->cmsSpace();
5070   CMSParRemarkTask tsk(this,
5071     cms_space,
5072     n_workers, workers, task_queues());
5074   // Set up for parallel process_roots work.
5075   gch->set_par_threads(n_workers);
5076   // We won't be iterating over the cards in the card table updating
5077   // the younger_gen cards, so we shouldn't call the following else
5078   // the verification code as well as subsequent younger_refs_iterate
5079   // code would get confused. XXX
5080   // gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(true); // parallel
5082   // The young gen rescan work will not be done as part of
5083   // process_roots (which currently doesn't know how to
5084   // parallelize such a scan), but rather will be broken up into
5085   // a set of parallel tasks (via the sampling that the [abortable]
5086   // preclean phase did of eden, plus the [two] tasks of
5087   // scanning the [two] survivor spaces. Further fine-grain
5088   // parallelization of the scanning of the survivor spaces
5089   // themselves, and of precleaning of the younger gen itself
5090   // is deferred to the future.
5091   initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_young_gen_rescan(n_workers);
5093   // The dirty card rescan work is broken up into a "sequence"
5094   // of parallel tasks (per constituent space) that are dynamically
5095   // claimed by the parallel threads.
5096   cms_space->initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_rescan(n_workers);
5098   // It turns out that even when we're using 1 thread, doing the work in a
5099   // separate thread causes wide variance in run times.  We can't help this
5100   // in the multi-threaded case, but we special-case n=1 here to get
5101   // repeatable measurements of the 1-thread overhead of the parallel code.
5102   if (n_workers > 1) {
5103     // Make refs discovery MT-safe, if it isn't already: it may not
5104     // necessarily be so, since it's possible that we are doing
5105     // ST marking.
5106     ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator mt(ref_processor(), true);
5107     StrongRootsScope srs;
5108     workers->run_task(&tsk);
5109   } else {
5110     ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator mt(ref_processor(), false);
5111     StrongRootsScope srs;
5112     tsk.work(0);
5113   }
5115   gch->set_par_threads(0);  // 0 ==> non-parallel.
5116   // restore, single-threaded for now, any preserved marks
5117   // as a result of work_q overflow
5118   restore_preserved_marks_if_any();
5119 }
5121 // Non-parallel version of remark
5122 void CMSCollector::do_remark_non_parallel() {
5123   ResourceMark rm;
5124   HandleMark   hm;
5125   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
5126   ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator mt(ref_processor(), false);
5128   MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure
5129     mrias_cl(_span, ref_processor(), &_markBitMap, NULL /* not precleaning */,
5130              &_markStack, this,
5131              false /* should_yield */, false /* not precleaning */);

5159       _modUnionTable.dirty_range_iterate_clear(cms_span,
5160                                                &markFromDirtyCardsClosure);
5161       verify_work_stacks_empty();
5162       if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
5163         gclog_or_tty->print(" (re-scanned "SIZE_FORMAT" dirty cards in cms gen) ",
5164           markFromDirtyCardsClosure.num_dirty_cards());
5165       }
5166     }
5167   }
5168   if (VerifyDuringGC &&
5169       GenCollectedHeap::heap()->total_collections() >= VerifyGCStartAt) {
5170     HandleMark hm;  // Discard invalid handles created during verification
5171     Universe::verify();
5172   }
5173   {
5174     GCTraceTime t("root rescan", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5176     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5178     gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
5179     StrongRootsScope srs;
5181     gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),

5182                            true,  // younger gens as roots
5183                            false, // use the local StrongRootsScope
5184                            GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
5185                            should_unload_classes(),
5186                            &mrias_cl,
5187                            NULL,
5188                            NULL); // The dirty klasses will be handled below
5190     assert(should_unload_classes()
5191            || (roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
5192            "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
5193   }
5195   {
5196     GCTraceTime t("visit unhandled CLDs", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5198     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5200     // Scan all class loader data objects that might have been introduced
5201     // during concurrent marking.
5202     ResourceMark rm;
5203     GrowableArray<ClassLoaderData*>* array = ClassLoaderDataGraph::new_clds();

2410   } else {
2411     warning("Unrecognized value " UINTX_FORMAT " for CMSRemarkVerifyVariant",
2412             CMSRemarkVerifyVariant);
2413   }
2414   if (!silent) gclog_or_tty->print(" done] ");
2415   return true;
2416 }
2418 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_1() {
2419   ResourceMark rm;
2420   HandleMark  hm;
2421   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2423   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2424   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2426   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2427   MarkRefsIntoClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm());
2428   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2430   {
2431     StrongRootsScope srs(1);
2433     gch->gen_process_roots(&srs,
2434                            _cmsGen->level(),
2435                            true,   // younger gens are roots

2436                            GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2437                            should_unload_classes(),
2438                            &notOlder,
2439                            NULL,
2440                            NULL);
2441   }
2443   // Now mark from the roots
2444   MarkFromRootsClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2445     verification_mark_bm(), verification_mark_stack(),
2446     false /* don't yield */, true /* verifying */);
2447   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2448   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2449   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2450     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2451     // address.
2452     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2453     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2454     _restart_addr = NULL;
2455     verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure, ra, _span.end());
2456   }
2457   assert(verification_mark_stack()->isEmpty(), "Should have been drained");
2458   verify_work_stacks_empty();
2460   // Marking completed -- now verify that each bit marked in
2461   // verification_mark_bm() is also marked in markBitMap(); flag all

2482   void do_klass(Klass* k) {
2483     k->oops_do(&_oop_closure);
2484   }
2485 };
2487 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_2() {
2488   ResourceMark rm;
2489   HandleMark  hm;
2490   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2492   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2493   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2495   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2496   MarkRefsIntoVerifyClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm(),
2497                                      markBitMap());
2498   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
2500   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2502   {
2503     StrongRootsScope srs(1);
2505     gch->gen_process_roots(&srs,
2506                            _cmsGen->level(),
2507                            true,   // younger gens are roots

2508                            GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2509                            should_unload_classes(),
2510                            &notOlder,
2511                            NULL,
2512                            &cld_closure);
2513   }
2515   // Now mark from the roots
2516   MarkFromRootsVerifyClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2517     verification_mark_bm(), markBitMap(), verification_mark_stack());
2518   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2519   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2520   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2521     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2522     // address.
2523     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2524     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2525     _restart_addr = NULL;
2526     verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure, ra, _span.end());
2527   }
2528   assert(verification_mark_stack()->isEmpty(), "Should have been drained");
2529   verify_work_stacks_empty();
2531   VerifyKlassOopsKlassClosure verify_klass_oops(verification_mark_bm());
2532   ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(&verify_klass_oops);

2903 // CMS work
2905 // The common parts of CMSParInitialMarkTask and CMSParRemarkTask.
2906 class CMSParMarkTask : public AbstractGangTask {
2907  protected:
2908   CMSCollector*     _collector;
2909   uint              _n_workers;
2910   CMSParMarkTask(const char* name, CMSCollector* collector, uint n_workers) :
2911       AbstractGangTask(name),
2912       _collector(collector),
2913       _n_workers(n_workers) {}
2914   // Work method in support of parallel rescan ... of young gen spaces
2915   void do_young_space_rescan(uint worker_id, OopsInGenClosure* cl,
2916                              ContiguousSpace* space,
2917                              HeapWord** chunk_array, size_t chunk_top);
2918   void work_on_young_gen_roots(uint worker_id, OopsInGenClosure* cl);
2919 };
2921 // Parallel initial mark task
2922 class CMSParInitialMarkTask: public CMSParMarkTask {
2923   StrongRootsScope* _strong_roots_scope;
2924  public:
2925   CMSParInitialMarkTask(CMSCollector* collector, StrongRootsScope* strong_roots_scope, uint n_workers) :
2926       CMSParMarkTask("Scan roots and young gen for initial mark in parallel", collector, n_workers),
2927       _strong_roots_scope(strong_roots_scope) {}
2928   void work(uint worker_id);
2929 };
2931 // Checkpoint the roots into this generation from outside
2932 // this generation. [Note this initial checkpoint need only
2933 // be approximate -- we'll do a catch up phase subsequently.]
2934 void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsInitial() {
2935   assert(_collectorState == InitialMarking, "Wrong collector state");
2936   check_correct_thread_executing();
2937   TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats tms(_collectorState,GenCollectedHeap::heap()->gc_cause());
2939   save_heap_summary();
2940   report_heap_summary(GCWhen::BeforeGC);
2942   ReferenceProcessor* rp = ref_processor();
2943   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Control point invariant");
2944   {
2945     // acquire locks for subsequent manipulations
2946     MutexLockerEx x(bitMapLock(),
2947                     Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);

2996   // Need to remember all newly created CLDs,
2997   // so that we can guarantee that the remark finds them.
2998   ClassLoaderDataGraph::remember_new_clds(true);
3000   // Whenever a CLD is found, it will be claimed before proceeding to mark
3001   // the klasses. The claimed marks need to be cleared before marking starts.
3002   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
3004   if (CMSPrintEdenSurvivorChunks) {
3005     print_eden_and_survivor_chunk_arrays();
3006   }
3008   {
3009     COMPILER2_PRESENT(DerivedPointerTableDeactivate dpt_deact;)
3010     if (CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled) {
3011       // The parallel version.
3012       FlexibleWorkGang* workers = gch->workers();
3013       assert(workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
3014       uint n_workers = workers->active_workers();
3016       StrongRootsScope srs(n_workers);
3018       CMSParInitialMarkTask tsk(this, &srs, n_workers);
3019       gch->set_par_threads(n_workers);
3020       initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_young_gen_rescan(n_workers);
3021       if (n_workers > 1) {

3022         workers->run_task(&tsk);
3023       } else {

3024         tsk.work(0);
3025       }
3026       gch->set_par_threads(0);
3027     } else {
3028       // The serial version.
3029       CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
3030       gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
3032       StrongRootsScope srs(1);
3034       gch->gen_process_roots(&srs,
3035                              _cmsGen->level(),
3036                              true,   // younger gens are roots

3037                              GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
3038                              should_unload_classes(),
3039                              &notOlder,
3040                              NULL,
3041                              &cld_closure);
3042     }
3043   }
3045   // Clear mod-union table; it will be dirtied in the prologue of
3046   // CMS generation per each younger generation collection.
3048   assert(_modUnionTable.isAllClear(),
3049        "Was cleared in most recent final checkpoint phase"
3050        " or no bits are set in the gc_prologue before the start of the next "
3051        "subsequent marking phase.");
3053   assert(_ct->klass_rem_set()->mod_union_is_clear(), "Must be");
3055   // Save the end of the used_region of the constituent generations
3056   // to be used to limit the extent of sweep in each generation.

4447   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
4448   Par_MarkRefsIntoClosure par_mri_cl(_collector->_span, &(_collector->_markBitMap));
4450   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4451   {
4452     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mri_cl);
4453     _timer.stop();
4454     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4455       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4456         "Finished young gen initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4457         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4458     }
4459   }
4461   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4462   _timer.reset();
4463   _timer.start();
4465   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&par_mri_cl, true);
4467   gch->gen_process_roots(_strong_roots_scope,
4468                          _collector->_cmsGen->level(),
4469                          false,     // yg was scanned above

4470                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4471                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4472                          &par_mri_cl,
4473                          NULL,
4474                          &cld_closure);
4475   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4476          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4477          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4478   _timer.stop();
4479   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4480     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4481       "Finished remaining root initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4482       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4483   }
4484 }
4486 // Parallel remark task
4487 class CMSParRemarkTask: public CMSParMarkTask {
4488   CompactibleFreeListSpace* _cms_space;
4490   // The per-thread work queues, available here for stealing.
4491   OopTaskQueueSet*       _task_queues;
4492   ParallelTaskTerminator _term;
4493   StrongRootsScope*      _strong_roots_scope;
4495  public:
4496   // A value of 0 passed to n_workers will cause the number of
4497   // workers to be taken from the active workers in the work gang.
4498   CMSParRemarkTask(CMSCollector* collector,
4499                    CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space,
4500                    uint n_workers, FlexibleWorkGang* workers,
4501                    OopTaskQueueSet* task_queues,
4502                    StrongRootsScope* strong_roots_scope):
4503     CMSParMarkTask("Rescan roots and grey objects in parallel",
4504                    collector, n_workers),
4505     _cms_space(cms_space),
4506     _task_queues(task_queues),
4507     _term(n_workers, task_queues),
4508     _strong_roots_scope(strong_roots_scope) { }
4510   OopTaskQueueSet* task_queues() { return _task_queues; }
4512   OopTaskQueue* work_queue(int i) { return task_queues()->queue(i); }
4514   ParallelTaskTerminator* terminator() { return &_term; }
4515   uint n_workers() { return _n_workers; }
4517   void work(uint worker_id);
4519  private:
4520   // ... of  dirty cards in old space
4521   void do_dirty_card_rescan_tasks(CompactibleFreeListSpace* sp, int i,
4522                                   Par_MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl);
4524   // ... work stealing for the above
4525   void do_work_steal(int i, Par_MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl, int* seed);
4526 };
4528 class RemarkKlassClosure : public KlassClosure {

4586     work_queue(worker_id));
4588   // Rescan young gen roots first since these are likely
4589   // coarsely partitioned and may, on that account, constitute
4590   // the critical path; thus, it's best to start off that
4591   // work first.
4592   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4593   {
4594     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mrias_cl);
4595     _timer.stop();
4596     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4597       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4598         "Finished young gen rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4599         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4600     }
4601   }
4603   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4604   _timer.reset();
4605   _timer.start();
4606   gch->gen_process_roots(_strong_roots_scope,
4607                          _collector->_cmsGen->level(),
4608                          false,     // yg was scanned above

4609                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4610                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4611                          &par_mrias_cl,
4612                          NULL,
4613                          NULL);     // The dirty klasses will be handled below
4615   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4616          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4617          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4618   _timer.stop();
4619   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4620     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4621       "Finished remaining root rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4622       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4623   }
4625   // ---------- unhandled CLD scanning ----------
4626   if (worker_id == 0) { // Single threaded at the moment.
4627     _timer.reset();
4628     _timer.start();

5066     assert(pst->valid(), "Error");
5067   }
5068 }
5070 // Parallel version of remark
5071 void CMSCollector::do_remark_parallel() {
5072   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
5073   FlexibleWorkGang* workers = gch->workers();
5074   assert(workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
5075   // Choose to use the number of GC workers most recently set
5076   // into "active_workers".  If active_workers is not set, set it
5077   // to ParallelGCThreads.
5078   uint n_workers = workers->active_workers();
5079   if (n_workers == 0) {
5080     assert(n_workers > 0, "Should have been set during scavenge");
5081     n_workers = ParallelGCThreads;
5082     workers->set_active_workers(n_workers);
5083   }
5084   CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space  = _cmsGen->cmsSpace();
5086   StrongRootsScope srs(n_workers);
5088   CMSParRemarkTask tsk(this, cms_space, n_workers, workers, task_queues(), &srs);
5090   // Set up for parallel process_roots work.
5091   gch->set_par_threads(n_workers);
5092   // We won't be iterating over the cards in the card table updating
5093   // the younger_gen cards, so we shouldn't call the following else
5094   // the verification code as well as subsequent younger_refs_iterate
5095   // code would get confused. XXX
5096   // gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(true); // parallel
5098   // The young gen rescan work will not be done as part of
5099   // process_roots (which currently doesn't know how to
5100   // parallelize such a scan), but rather will be broken up into
5101   // a set of parallel tasks (via the sampling that the [abortable]
5102   // preclean phase did of eden, plus the [two] tasks of
5103   // scanning the [two] survivor spaces. Further fine-grain
5104   // parallelization of the scanning of the survivor spaces
5105   // themselves, and of precleaning of the younger gen itself
5106   // is deferred to the future.
5107   initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_young_gen_rescan(n_workers);
5109   // The dirty card rescan work is broken up into a "sequence"
5110   // of parallel tasks (per constituent space) that are dynamically
5111   // claimed by the parallel threads.
5112   cms_space->initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_rescan(n_workers);
5114   // It turns out that even when we're using 1 thread, doing the work in a
5115   // separate thread causes wide variance in run times.  We can't help this
5116   // in the multi-threaded case, but we special-case n=1 here to get
5117   // repeatable measurements of the 1-thread overhead of the parallel code.
5118   if (n_workers > 1) {
5119     // Make refs discovery MT-safe, if it isn't already: it may not
5120     // necessarily be so, since it's possible that we are doing
5121     // ST marking.
5122     ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator mt(ref_processor(), true);

5123     workers->run_task(&tsk);
5124   } else {
5125     ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator mt(ref_processor(), false);

5126     tsk.work(0);
5127   }
5129   gch->set_par_threads(0);  // 0 ==> non-parallel.
5130   // restore, single-threaded for now, any preserved marks
5131   // as a result of work_q overflow
5132   restore_preserved_marks_if_any();
5133 }
5135 // Non-parallel version of remark
5136 void CMSCollector::do_remark_non_parallel() {
5137   ResourceMark rm;
5138   HandleMark   hm;
5139   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
5140   ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator mt(ref_processor(), false);
5142   MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure
5143     mrias_cl(_span, ref_processor(), &_markBitMap, NULL /* not precleaning */,
5144              &_markStack, this,
5145              false /* should_yield */, false /* not precleaning */);

5173       _modUnionTable.dirty_range_iterate_clear(cms_span,
5174                                                &markFromDirtyCardsClosure);
5175       verify_work_stacks_empty();
5176       if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
5177         gclog_or_tty->print(" (re-scanned "SIZE_FORMAT" dirty cards in cms gen) ",
5178           markFromDirtyCardsClosure.num_dirty_cards());
5179       }
5180     }
5181   }
5182   if (VerifyDuringGC &&
5183       GenCollectedHeap::heap()->total_collections() >= VerifyGCStartAt) {
5184     HandleMark hm;  // Discard invalid handles created during verification
5185     Universe::verify();
5186   }
5187   {
5188     GCTraceTime t("root rescan", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5190     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5192     gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
5193     StrongRootsScope srs(1);
5195     gch->gen_process_roots(&srs,
5196                            _cmsGen->level(),
5197                            true,  // younger gens as roots

5198                            GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
5199                            should_unload_classes(),
5200                            &mrias_cl,
5201                            NULL,
5202                            NULL); // The dirty klasses will be handled below
5204     assert(should_unload_classes()
5205            || (roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
5206            "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
5207   }
5209   {
5210     GCTraceTime t("visit unhandled CLDs", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5212     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5214     // Scan all class loader data objects that might have been introduced
5215     // during concurrent marking.
5216     ResourceMark rm;
5217     GrowableArray<ClassLoaderData*>* array = ClassLoaderDataGraph::new_clds();

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