/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "prims/jvm.h" #include "runtime/arguments.hpp" #include "unittest.hpp" #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp" class ArgumentsTest : public ::testing::Test { public: static intx parse_xss_inner_annotated(const char* str, jint expected_err, const char* file, int line_number); // Expose the private Arguments functions. static Arguments::ArgsRange check_memory_size(julong size, julong min_size, julong max_size) { return Arguments::check_memory_size(size, min_size, max_size); } static jint parse_xss(const JavaVMOption* option, const char* tail, intx* out_ThreadStackSize) { return Arguments::parse_xss(option, tail, out_ThreadStackSize); } }; TEST_F(ArgumentsTest, atojulong) { char ullong_max[32]; int ret = jio_snprintf(ullong_max, sizeof(ullong_max), JULONG_FORMAT, ULLONG_MAX); ASSERT_NE(-1, ret); julong value; const char* invalid_strings[] = { "", "-1", "-100", " 1", "2 ", "3 2", "1.0", "0x4.5", "0x", "0x0x1" "0.001", "4e10", "e" "K", "M", "G", "1MB", "1KM", "AA", "0B", "18446744073709551615K", "17179869184G", "999999999999999999999999999999" }; for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(invalid_strings); i++) { ASSERT_FALSE(Arguments::atojulong(invalid_strings[i], &value)) << "Invalid string '" << invalid_strings[i] << "' parsed without error."; } struct { const char* str; julong expected_value; } valid_strings[] = { { "0", 0 }, { "4711", 4711 }, { "1K", 1ULL * K }, { "1k", 1ULL * K }, { "2M", 2ULL * M }, { "2m", 2ULL * M }, { "4G", 4ULL * G }, { "4g", 4ULL * G }, { "0K", 0 }, { ullong_max, ULLONG_MAX }, { "0xcafebabe", 0xcafebabe }, { "0XCAFEBABE", 0xcafebabe }, { "0XCAFEbabe", 0xcafebabe }, { "0x10K", 0x10 * K } }; for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(valid_strings); i++) { ASSERT_TRUE(Arguments::atojulong(valid_strings[i].str, &value)) << "Valid string '" << valid_strings[i].str << "' did not parse."; ASSERT_EQ(valid_strings[i].expected_value, value); } } TEST_F(ArgumentsTest, check_memory_size__min) { EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(999, 1000, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_too_small); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(1000, 1000, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(1001, 1000, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx - 2, max_intx - 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_too_small); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx - 1, max_intx - 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx - 0, max_intx - 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx - 1, max_intx, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_too_small); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx , max_intx, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); NOT_LP64( EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size((julong)max_intx + 1, max_intx, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size( max_intx - 1, (julong)max_intx + 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_too_small); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size( max_intx , (julong)max_intx + 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_too_small); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size((julong)max_intx + 1, (julong)max_intx + 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size((julong)max_intx + 2, (julong)max_intx + 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); ); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_uintx - 2, max_uintx - 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_too_small); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_uintx - 1, max_uintx - 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_uintx , max_uintx - 1, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_uintx - 1, max_uintx, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_too_small); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_uintx , max_uintx, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); } TEST_F(ArgumentsTest, check_memory_size__max) { EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_uintx - 1, 1000, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_uintx , 1000, max_uintx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx - 2 , 1000, max_intx - 1), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx - 1 , 1000, max_intx - 1), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx , 1000, max_intx - 1), Arguments::arg_too_big); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx - 1 , 1000, max_intx), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size(max_intx , 1000, max_intx), Arguments::arg_in_range); NOT_LP64( EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size((julong)max_intx + 1 , 1000, max_intx), Arguments::arg_too_big); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size( max_intx , 1000, (julong)max_intx + 1), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size((julong)max_intx + 1 , 1000, (julong)max_intx + 1), Arguments::arg_in_range); EXPECT_EQ(check_memory_size((julong)max_intx + 2 , 1000, (julong)max_intx + 1), Arguments::arg_too_big); ); } // A random value - used to verify the output when parsing is expected to fail. static const intx no_value = 4711; inline intx ArgumentsTest::parse_xss_inner_annotated(const char* str, jint expected_err, const char* file, int line_number) { intx value = no_value; jint err = parse_xss(NULL /* Silence error messages */, str, &value); EXPECT_EQ(err, expected_err) << "Failure from: " << file << ":" << line_number; return value; } // Wrapper around the help function - gives file and line number when a test failure occurs. #define parse_xss_inner(str, expected_err) ArgumentsTest::parse_xss_inner_annotated(str, expected_err, __FILE__, __LINE__) static intx calc_expected(julong small_xss_input) { assert(small_xss_input <= max_julong / 2, "Sanity"); // Match code in arguments.cpp julong julong_ret = align_size_up_(small_xss_input, K) / K; assert(julong_ret <= (julong)max_intx, "Overflow: " JULONG_FORMAT, julong_ret); return (intx)julong_ret; } static char buff[100]; static char* to_string(julong value) { jio_snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), JULONG_FORMAT, value); return buff; } TEST_VM_F(ArgumentsTest, parse_xss) { // Test the maximum input value - should fail. { EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(max_julong), JNI_EINVAL), no_value); NOT_LP64(EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(max_uintx), JNI_EINVAL), no_value)); } // Test values "far" away from the uintx boundary. { LP64_ONLY(EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(max_julong / 2), JNI_OK), calc_expected(max_julong / 2))); EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(INT_MAX), JNI_OK), calc_expected(INT_MAX)); EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(INT_MAX / 2), JNI_OK), calc_expected(INT_MAX / 2)); } // Test value aligned both to K and vm_page_size. { EXPECT_TRUE(is_size_aligned(32 * M, K)); EXPECT_TRUE(is_size_aligned(32 * M, (size_t)os::vm_page_size())); EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(32 * M), JNI_OK), (intx)(32 * M / K)); } // Test values around the uintx boundary. { // Reverse calculation of ThreadStackSize in os_windows.cpp julong page_aligned_max_uintx = align_size_down_((julong)max_uintx, (size_t)os::vm_page_size()); julong expected_max = align_size_down_(page_aligned_max_uintx, K) / K; ASSERT_LE(expected_max, (julong)max_intx) << "expected_max will overflow intx"; // Calculation used in os_windows.cpp julong max_expanded = align_size_up_(expected_max * K, (size_t)os::vm_page_size()); ASSERT_LE(max_expanded, (julong)max_uintx) << "max_expanded will overflow uintx"; // Test exact max and values around max EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(max_expanded), JNI_OK), (intx)expected_max); EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(max_expanded - 1), JNI_OK), (intx)expected_max); EXPECT_EQ(parse_xss_inner(to_string(max_expanded + 1), JNI_EINVAL), no_value); } }