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3697   int nonstatic_contended_count = 0;
3698   FieldAllocationCount fac_contended;
3699   for (AllFieldStream fs(_fields, cp); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
3700     FieldAllocationType atype = (FieldAllocationType) fs.allocation_type();
3701     if (fs.is_contended()) {
3702       fac_contended.count[atype]++;
3703       if (!fs.access_flags().is_static()) {
3704         nonstatic_contended_count++;
3705       }
3706     }
3707   }
3710   // Calculate the starting byte offsets
3711   int next_static_oop_offset    = InstanceMirrorKlass::offset_of_static_fields();
3712   int next_static_double_offset = next_static_oop_offset +
3713                                       ((fac->count[STATIC_OOP]) * heapOopSize);
3714   if ( fac->count[STATIC_DOUBLE] &&
3715        (Universe::field_type_should_be_aligned(T_DOUBLE) ||
3716         Universe::field_type_should_be_aligned(T_LONG)) ) {
3717     next_static_double_offset = align_size_up(next_static_double_offset, BytesPerLong);
3718   }
3720   int next_static_word_offset   = next_static_double_offset +
3721                                     ((fac->count[STATIC_DOUBLE]) * BytesPerLong);
3722   int next_static_short_offset  = next_static_word_offset +
3723                                     ((fac->count[STATIC_WORD]) * BytesPerInt);
3724   int next_static_byte_offset   = next_static_short_offset +
3725                                   ((fac->count[STATIC_SHORT]) * BytesPerShort);
3727   int nonstatic_fields_start  = instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes() +
3728                                 nonstatic_field_size * heapOopSize;
3730   int next_nonstatic_field_offset = nonstatic_fields_start;
3732   const bool is_contended_class     = parsed_annotations->is_contended();
3734   // Class is contended, pad before all the fields
3735   if (is_contended_class) {
3736     next_nonstatic_field_offset += ContendedPaddingWidth;
3737   }

3839       allocation_style = 1;     // allocate oops last
3840       next_nonstatic_double_offset = next_nonstatic_field_offset;
3841     }
3842   } else {
3843     ShouldNotReachHere();
3844   }
3846   int nonstatic_oop_space_count   = 0;
3847   int nonstatic_word_space_count  = 0;
3848   int nonstatic_short_space_count = 0;
3849   int nonstatic_byte_space_count  = 0;
3850   int nonstatic_oop_space_offset = 0;
3851   int nonstatic_word_space_offset = 0;
3852   int nonstatic_short_space_offset = 0;
3853   int nonstatic_byte_space_offset = 0;
3855   // Try to squeeze some of the fields into the gaps due to
3856   // long/double alignment.
3857   if (nonstatic_double_count > 0) {
3858     int offset = next_nonstatic_double_offset;
3859     next_nonstatic_double_offset = align_size_up(offset, BytesPerLong);
3860     if (compact_fields && offset != next_nonstatic_double_offset) {
3861       // Allocate available fields into the gap before double field.
3862       int length = next_nonstatic_double_offset - offset;
3863       assert(length == BytesPerInt, "");
3864       nonstatic_word_space_offset = offset;
3865       if (nonstatic_word_count > 0) {
3866         nonstatic_word_count      -= 1;
3867         nonstatic_word_space_count = 1; // Only one will fit
3868         length -= BytesPerInt;
3869         offset += BytesPerInt;
3870       }
3871       nonstatic_short_space_offset = offset;
3872       while (length >= BytesPerShort && nonstatic_short_count > 0) {
3873         nonstatic_short_count       -= 1;
3874         nonstatic_short_space_count += 1;
3875         length -= BytesPerShort;
3876         offset += BytesPerShort;
3877       }
3878       nonstatic_byte_space_offset = offset;
3879       while (length > 0 && nonstatic_byte_count > 0) {

3889         nonstatic_oop_space_count = 1; // Only one will fit
3890         length -= heapOopSize;
3891         offset += heapOopSize;
3892       }
3893     }
3894   }
3896   int next_nonstatic_word_offset = next_nonstatic_double_offset +
3897                                      (nonstatic_double_count * BytesPerLong);
3898   int next_nonstatic_short_offset = next_nonstatic_word_offset +
3899                                       (nonstatic_word_count * BytesPerInt);
3900   int next_nonstatic_byte_offset = next_nonstatic_short_offset +
3901                                      (nonstatic_short_count * BytesPerShort);
3902   int next_nonstatic_padded_offset = next_nonstatic_byte_offset +
3903                                        nonstatic_byte_count;
3905   // let oops jump before padding with this allocation style
3906   if( allocation_style == 1 ) {
3907     next_nonstatic_oop_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
3908     if( nonstatic_oop_count > 0 ) {
3909       next_nonstatic_oop_offset = align_size_up(next_nonstatic_oop_offset, heapOopSize);
3910     }
3911     next_nonstatic_padded_offset = next_nonstatic_oop_offset + (nonstatic_oop_count * heapOopSize);
3912   }
3914   // Iterate over fields again and compute correct offsets.
3915   // The field allocation type was temporarily stored in the offset slot.
3916   // oop fields are located before non-oop fields (static and non-static).
3917   for (AllFieldStream fs(_fields, cp); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
3919     // skip already laid out fields
3920     if (fs.is_offset_set()) continue;
3922     // contended instance fields are handled below
3923     if (fs.is_contended() && !fs.access_flags().is_static()) continue;
3925     int real_offset = 0;
3926     const FieldAllocationType atype = (const FieldAllocationType) fs.allocation_type();
3928     // pack the rest of the fields
3929     switch (atype) {

4045     int current_group = -1;
4046     while ((current_group = (int)bm.get_next_one_offset(current_group + 1)) != (int)bm.size()) {
4048       for (AllFieldStream fs(_fields, cp); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
4050         // skip already laid out fields
4051         if (fs.is_offset_set()) continue;
4053         // skip non-contended fields and fields from different group
4054         if (!fs.is_contended() || (fs.contended_group() != current_group)) continue;
4056         // handle statics below
4057         if (fs.access_flags().is_static()) continue;
4059         int real_offset = 0;
4060         FieldAllocationType atype = (FieldAllocationType) fs.allocation_type();
4062         switch (atype) {
4063           case NONSTATIC_BYTE:
4064             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_size_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, 1);
4065             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4066             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += 1;
4067             break;
4069           case NONSTATIC_SHORT:
4070             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_size_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, BytesPerShort);
4071             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4072             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += BytesPerShort;
4073             break;
4075           case NONSTATIC_WORD:
4076             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_size_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, BytesPerInt);
4077             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4078             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += BytesPerInt;
4079             break;
4081           case NONSTATIC_DOUBLE:
4082             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_size_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, BytesPerLong);
4083             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4084             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += BytesPerLong;
4085             break;
4087           case NONSTATIC_OOP:
4088             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_size_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, heapOopSize);
4089             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4090             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += heapOopSize;
4092             // Record this oop in the oop maps
4093             if( nonstatic_oop_map_count > 0 &&
4094                 nonstatic_oop_offsets[nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1] ==
4095                 real_offset -
4096                 int(nonstatic_oop_counts[nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1]) *
4097                 heapOopSize ) {
4098               // This oop is adjacent to the previous one, add to current oop map
4099               assert(nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1 < max_nonstatic_oop_maps, "range check");
4100               nonstatic_oop_counts[nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1] += 1;
4101             } else {
4102               // This oop is not adjacent to the previous one, create new oop map
4103               assert(nonstatic_oop_map_count < max_nonstatic_oop_maps, "range check");
4104               nonstatic_oop_offsets[nonstatic_oop_map_count] = real_offset;
4105               nonstatic_oop_counts [nonstatic_oop_map_count] = 1;
4106               nonstatic_oop_map_count += 1;
4107               if( first_nonstatic_oop_offset == 0 ) { // Undefined
4108                 first_nonstatic_oop_offset = real_offset;

4130       // this is expected to alleviate memory contention effects for
4131       // subclass fields and/or adjacent object.
4132       // If this was the default group, the padding is already in place.
4133       if (current_group != 0) {
4134         next_nonstatic_padded_offset += ContendedPaddingWidth;
4135       }
4136     }
4138     // handle static fields
4139   }
4141   // Entire class is contended, pad in the back.
4142   // This helps to alleviate memory contention effects for subclass fields
4143   // and/or adjacent object.
4144   if (is_contended_class) {
4145     next_nonstatic_padded_offset += ContendedPaddingWidth;
4146   }
4148   int notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4150   int nonstatic_fields_end      = align_size_up(notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end, heapOopSize);
4151   int instance_end              = align_size_up(notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end, wordSize);
4152   int static_fields_end         = align_size_up(next_static_byte_offset, wordSize);
4154   int static_field_size         = (static_fields_end -
4155                                    InstanceMirrorKlass::offset_of_static_fields()) / wordSize;
4156   nonstatic_field_size          = nonstatic_field_size +
4157                                   (nonstatic_fields_end - nonstatic_fields_start) / heapOopSize;
4159   int instance_size             = align_object_size(instance_end / wordSize);
4161   assert(instance_size == align_object_size(align_size_up(
4162          (instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes() + nonstatic_field_size*heapOopSize),
4163           wordSize) / wordSize), "consistent layout helper value");
4165   // Invariant: nonstatic_field end/start should only change if there are
4166   // nonstatic fields in the class, or if the class is contended. We compare
4167   // against the non-aligned value, so that end alignment will not fail the
4168   // assert without actually having the fields.
4169   assert((notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end == nonstatic_fields_start) ||
4170          is_contended_class ||
4171          (nonstatic_fields_count > 0), "double-check nonstatic start/end");
4173   // Number of non-static oop map blocks allocated at end of klass.
4174   const unsigned int total_oop_map_count =
4175     compute_oop_map_count(_super_klass, nonstatic_oop_map_count,
4176                           first_nonstatic_oop_offset);
4178 #ifndef PRODUCT
4179   if (PrintFieldLayout) {
4180     print_field_layout(_class_name,
4181           _fields,

3697   int nonstatic_contended_count = 0;
3698   FieldAllocationCount fac_contended;
3699   for (AllFieldStream fs(_fields, cp); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
3700     FieldAllocationType atype = (FieldAllocationType) fs.allocation_type();
3701     if (fs.is_contended()) {
3702       fac_contended.count[atype]++;
3703       if (!fs.access_flags().is_static()) {
3704         nonstatic_contended_count++;
3705       }
3706     }
3707   }
3710   // Calculate the starting byte offsets
3711   int next_static_oop_offset    = InstanceMirrorKlass::offset_of_static_fields();
3712   int next_static_double_offset = next_static_oop_offset +
3713                                       ((fac->count[STATIC_OOP]) * heapOopSize);
3714   if ( fac->count[STATIC_DOUBLE] &&
3715        (Universe::field_type_should_be_aligned(T_DOUBLE) ||
3716         Universe::field_type_should_be_aligned(T_LONG)) ) {
3717     next_static_double_offset = align_up(next_static_double_offset, BytesPerLong);
3718   }
3720   int next_static_word_offset   = next_static_double_offset +
3721                                     ((fac->count[STATIC_DOUBLE]) * BytesPerLong);
3722   int next_static_short_offset  = next_static_word_offset +
3723                                     ((fac->count[STATIC_WORD]) * BytesPerInt);
3724   int next_static_byte_offset   = next_static_short_offset +
3725                                   ((fac->count[STATIC_SHORT]) * BytesPerShort);
3727   int nonstatic_fields_start  = instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes() +
3728                                 nonstatic_field_size * heapOopSize;
3730   int next_nonstatic_field_offset = nonstatic_fields_start;
3732   const bool is_contended_class     = parsed_annotations->is_contended();
3734   // Class is contended, pad before all the fields
3735   if (is_contended_class) {
3736     next_nonstatic_field_offset += ContendedPaddingWidth;
3737   }

3839       allocation_style = 1;     // allocate oops last
3840       next_nonstatic_double_offset = next_nonstatic_field_offset;
3841     }
3842   } else {
3843     ShouldNotReachHere();
3844   }
3846   int nonstatic_oop_space_count   = 0;
3847   int nonstatic_word_space_count  = 0;
3848   int nonstatic_short_space_count = 0;
3849   int nonstatic_byte_space_count  = 0;
3850   int nonstatic_oop_space_offset = 0;
3851   int nonstatic_word_space_offset = 0;
3852   int nonstatic_short_space_offset = 0;
3853   int nonstatic_byte_space_offset = 0;
3855   // Try to squeeze some of the fields into the gaps due to
3856   // long/double alignment.
3857   if (nonstatic_double_count > 0) {
3858     int offset = next_nonstatic_double_offset;
3859     next_nonstatic_double_offset = align_up(offset, BytesPerLong);
3860     if (compact_fields && offset != next_nonstatic_double_offset) {
3861       // Allocate available fields into the gap before double field.
3862       int length = next_nonstatic_double_offset - offset;
3863       assert(length == BytesPerInt, "");
3864       nonstatic_word_space_offset = offset;
3865       if (nonstatic_word_count > 0) {
3866         nonstatic_word_count      -= 1;
3867         nonstatic_word_space_count = 1; // Only one will fit
3868         length -= BytesPerInt;
3869         offset += BytesPerInt;
3870       }
3871       nonstatic_short_space_offset = offset;
3872       while (length >= BytesPerShort && nonstatic_short_count > 0) {
3873         nonstatic_short_count       -= 1;
3874         nonstatic_short_space_count += 1;
3875         length -= BytesPerShort;
3876         offset += BytesPerShort;
3877       }
3878       nonstatic_byte_space_offset = offset;
3879       while (length > 0 && nonstatic_byte_count > 0) {

3889         nonstatic_oop_space_count = 1; // Only one will fit
3890         length -= heapOopSize;
3891         offset += heapOopSize;
3892       }
3893     }
3894   }
3896   int next_nonstatic_word_offset = next_nonstatic_double_offset +
3897                                      (nonstatic_double_count * BytesPerLong);
3898   int next_nonstatic_short_offset = next_nonstatic_word_offset +
3899                                       (nonstatic_word_count * BytesPerInt);
3900   int next_nonstatic_byte_offset = next_nonstatic_short_offset +
3901                                      (nonstatic_short_count * BytesPerShort);
3902   int next_nonstatic_padded_offset = next_nonstatic_byte_offset +
3903                                        nonstatic_byte_count;
3905   // let oops jump before padding with this allocation style
3906   if( allocation_style == 1 ) {
3907     next_nonstatic_oop_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
3908     if( nonstatic_oop_count > 0 ) {
3909       next_nonstatic_oop_offset = align_up(next_nonstatic_oop_offset, heapOopSize);
3910     }
3911     next_nonstatic_padded_offset = next_nonstatic_oop_offset + (nonstatic_oop_count * heapOopSize);
3912   }
3914   // Iterate over fields again and compute correct offsets.
3915   // The field allocation type was temporarily stored in the offset slot.
3916   // oop fields are located before non-oop fields (static and non-static).
3917   for (AllFieldStream fs(_fields, cp); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
3919     // skip already laid out fields
3920     if (fs.is_offset_set()) continue;
3922     // contended instance fields are handled below
3923     if (fs.is_contended() && !fs.access_flags().is_static()) continue;
3925     int real_offset = 0;
3926     const FieldAllocationType atype = (const FieldAllocationType) fs.allocation_type();
3928     // pack the rest of the fields
3929     switch (atype) {

4045     int current_group = -1;
4046     while ((current_group = (int)bm.get_next_one_offset(current_group + 1)) != (int)bm.size()) {
4048       for (AllFieldStream fs(_fields, cp); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
4050         // skip already laid out fields
4051         if (fs.is_offset_set()) continue;
4053         // skip non-contended fields and fields from different group
4054         if (!fs.is_contended() || (fs.contended_group() != current_group)) continue;
4056         // handle statics below
4057         if (fs.access_flags().is_static()) continue;
4059         int real_offset = 0;
4060         FieldAllocationType atype = (FieldAllocationType) fs.allocation_type();
4062         switch (atype) {
4063           case NONSTATIC_BYTE:
4064             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, 1);
4065             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4066             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += 1;
4067             break;
4069           case NONSTATIC_SHORT:
4070             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, BytesPerShort);
4071             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4072             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += BytesPerShort;
4073             break;
4075           case NONSTATIC_WORD:
4076             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, BytesPerInt);
4077             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4078             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += BytesPerInt;
4079             break;
4081           case NONSTATIC_DOUBLE:
4082             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, BytesPerLong);
4083             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4084             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += BytesPerLong;
4085             break;
4087           case NONSTATIC_OOP:
4088             next_nonstatic_padded_offset = align_up(next_nonstatic_padded_offset, heapOopSize);
4089             real_offset = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4090             next_nonstatic_padded_offset += heapOopSize;
4092             // Record this oop in the oop maps
4093             if( nonstatic_oop_map_count > 0 &&
4094                 nonstatic_oop_offsets[nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1] ==
4095                 real_offset -
4096                 int(nonstatic_oop_counts[nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1]) *
4097                 heapOopSize ) {
4098               // This oop is adjacent to the previous one, add to current oop map
4099               assert(nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1 < max_nonstatic_oop_maps, "range check");
4100               nonstatic_oop_counts[nonstatic_oop_map_count - 1] += 1;
4101             } else {
4102               // This oop is not adjacent to the previous one, create new oop map
4103               assert(nonstatic_oop_map_count < max_nonstatic_oop_maps, "range check");
4104               nonstatic_oop_offsets[nonstatic_oop_map_count] = real_offset;
4105               nonstatic_oop_counts [nonstatic_oop_map_count] = 1;
4106               nonstatic_oop_map_count += 1;
4107               if( first_nonstatic_oop_offset == 0 ) { // Undefined
4108                 first_nonstatic_oop_offset = real_offset;

4130       // this is expected to alleviate memory contention effects for
4131       // subclass fields and/or adjacent object.
4132       // If this was the default group, the padding is already in place.
4133       if (current_group != 0) {
4134         next_nonstatic_padded_offset += ContendedPaddingWidth;
4135       }
4136     }
4138     // handle static fields
4139   }
4141   // Entire class is contended, pad in the back.
4142   // This helps to alleviate memory contention effects for subclass fields
4143   // and/or adjacent object.
4144   if (is_contended_class) {
4145     next_nonstatic_padded_offset += ContendedPaddingWidth;
4146   }
4148   int notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end = next_nonstatic_padded_offset;
4150   int nonstatic_fields_end      = align_up(notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end, heapOopSize);
4151   int instance_end              = align_up(notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end, wordSize);
4152   int static_fields_end         = align_up(next_static_byte_offset, wordSize);
4154   int static_field_size         = (static_fields_end -
4155                                    InstanceMirrorKlass::offset_of_static_fields()) / wordSize;
4156   nonstatic_field_size          = nonstatic_field_size +
4157                                   (nonstatic_fields_end - nonstatic_fields_start) / heapOopSize;
4159   int instance_size             = align_object_size(instance_end / wordSize);
4161   assert(instance_size == align_object_size(align_up(
4162          (instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes() + nonstatic_field_size*heapOopSize),
4163           wordSize) / wordSize), "consistent layout helper value");
4165   // Invariant: nonstatic_field end/start should only change if there are
4166   // nonstatic fields in the class, or if the class is contended. We compare
4167   // against the non-aligned value, so that end alignment will not fail the
4168   // assert without actually having the fields.
4169   assert((notaligned_nonstatic_fields_end == nonstatic_fields_start) ||
4170          is_contended_class ||
4171          (nonstatic_fields_count > 0), "double-check nonstatic start/end");
4173   // Number of non-static oop map blocks allocated at end of klass.
4174   const unsigned int total_oop_map_count =
4175     compute_oop_map_count(_super_klass, nonstatic_oop_map_count,
4176                           first_nonstatic_oop_offset);
4178 #ifndef PRODUCT
4179   if (PrintFieldLayout) {
4180     print_field_layout(_class_name,
4181           _fields,

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