1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  30 // Forward decl;
  31 class BitMapClosure;
  33 // Operations for bitmaps represented as arrays of unsigned integers.
  34 // Bit offsets are numbered from 0 to size-1.
  36 // The "abstract" base BitMap class.
  37 //
  38 // The constructor and destructor are protected to prevent
  39 // creation of BitMap instances outside of the BitMap class.
  40 //
  41 // The BitMap class doesn't use virtual calls on purpose,
  42 // this ensures that we don't get a vtable unnecessarily.
  43 //
  44 // The allocation of the backing storage for the BitMap are handled by
  45 // the subclasses. BitMap doesn't allocate or delete backing storage.
  46 class BitMap VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  47   friend class BitMap2D;
  49  public:
  50   typedef size_t idx_t;         // Type used for bit and word indices.
  51   typedef uintptr_t bm_word_t;  // Element type of array that represents
  52                                 // the bitmap.
  54   // Hints for range sizes.
  55   typedef enum {
  56     unknown_range, small_range, large_range
  57   } RangeSizeHint;
  59  private:
  60   bm_word_t* _map;     // First word in bitmap
  61   idx_t      _size;    // Size of bitmap (in bits)
  63  protected:
  64   // Return the position of bit within the word that contains it (e.g., if
  65   // bitmap words are 32 bits, return a number 0 <= n <= 31).
  66   static idx_t bit_in_word(idx_t bit) { return bit & (BitsPerWord - 1); }
  68   // Return a mask that will select the specified bit, when applied to the word
  69   // containing the bit.
  70   static bm_word_t bit_mask(idx_t bit) { return (bm_word_t)1 << bit_in_word(bit); }
  72   // Return the index of the word containing the specified bit.
  73   static idx_t word_index(idx_t bit)  { return bit >> LogBitsPerWord; }
  75   // Return the bit number of the first bit in the specified word.
  76   static idx_t bit_index(idx_t word)  { return word << LogBitsPerWord; }
  78   // Return the array of bitmap words, or a specific word from it.
  79   bm_word_t* map()                 { return _map; }
  80   const bm_word_t* map() const     { return _map; }
  81   bm_word_t  map(idx_t word) const { return _map[word]; }
  83   // Return a pointer to the word containing the specified bit.
  84   bm_word_t* word_addr(idx_t bit)             { return map() + word_index(bit); }
  85   const bm_word_t* word_addr(idx_t bit) const { return map() + word_index(bit); }
  87   // Set a word to a specified value or to all ones; clear a word.
  88   void set_word  (idx_t word, bm_word_t val) { _map[word] = val; }
  89   void set_word  (idx_t word)            { set_word(word, ~(bm_word_t)0); }
  90   void clear_word(idx_t word)            { _map[word] = 0; }
  92   // Utilities for ranges of bits.  Ranges are half-open [beg, end).
  94   // Ranges within a single word.
  95   bm_word_t inverted_bit_mask_for_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end) const;
  96   void  set_range_within_word      (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
  97   void  clear_range_within_word    (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
  98   void  par_put_range_within_word  (idx_t beg, idx_t end, bool value);
 100   // Ranges spanning entire words.
 101   void      set_range_of_words         (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 102   void      clear_range_of_words       (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 103   void      set_large_range_of_words   (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 104   void      clear_large_range_of_words (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 106   static void clear_range_of_words(bm_word_t* map, idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 108   // The index of the first full word in a range.
 109   idx_t word_index_round_up(idx_t bit) const;
 111   // Verification.
 112   void verify_index(idx_t index) const NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
 113   void verify_range(idx_t beg_index, idx_t end_index) const NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
 115   // Statistics.
 116   static idx_t* _pop_count_table;
 117   static void init_pop_count_table();
 118   static idx_t num_set_bits(bm_word_t w);
 119   static idx_t num_set_bits_from_table(unsigned char c);
 121   // Allocation Helpers.
 123   // Allocates and clears the bitmap memory.
 124   template <class Allocator>
 125   static bm_word_t* allocate(const Allocator&, idx_t size_in_bits);
 127   // Reallocates and clears the new bitmap memory.
 128   template <class Allocator>
 129   static bm_word_t* reallocate(const Allocator&, bm_word_t* map, idx_t old_size_in_bits, idx_t new_size_in_bits);
 131   // Free the bitmap memory.
 132   template <class Allocator>
 133   static void free(const Allocator&, bm_word_t* map, idx_t size_in_bits);
 135   // Protected functions, that are used by BitMap sub-classes that support them.
 137   // Resize the backing bitmap memory.
 138   //
 139   // Old bits are transfered to the new memory
 140   // and the extended memory is cleared.
 141   template <class Allocator>
 142   void resize(const Allocator& allocator, idx_t new_size_in_bits);
 144   // Set up and clear the bitmap memory.
 145   //
 146   // Precondition: The bitmap was default constructed and has
 147   // not yet had memory allocated via resize or (re)initialize.
 148   template <class Allocator>
 149   void initialize(const Allocator& allocator, idx_t size_in_bits);
 151   // Set up and clear the bitmap memory.
 152   //
 153   // Can be called on previously initialized bitmaps.
 154   template <class Allocator>
 155   void reinitialize(const Allocator& allocator, idx_t new_size_in_bits);
 157   // Set the map and size.
 158   void update(bm_word_t* map, idx_t size) {
 159     _map = map;
 160     _size = size;
 161   }
 163   // Protected constructor and destructor.
 164   BitMap(bm_word_t* map, idx_t size_in_bits) : _map(map), _size(size_in_bits) {}
 165   ~BitMap() {}
 167  public:
 168   // Pretouch the entire range of memory this BitMap covers.
 169   void pretouch();
 171   // Accessing
 172   static idx_t calc_size_in_words(size_t size_in_bits) {
 173     return word_index(size_in_bits + BitsPerWord - 1);
 174   }
 176   static idx_t calc_size_in_bytes(size_t size_in_bits) {
 177     return calc_size_in_words(size_in_bits) * BytesPerWord;
 178   }
 180   idx_t size() const          { return _size; }
 181   idx_t size_in_words() const { return calc_size_in_words(size()); }
 182   idx_t size_in_bytes() const { return calc_size_in_bytes(size()); }
 184   bool at(idx_t index) const {
 185     verify_index(index);
 186     return (*word_addr(index) & bit_mask(index)) != 0;
 187   }
 189   // Align bit index up or down to the next bitmap word boundary, or check
 190   // alignment.
 191   static idx_t word_align_up(idx_t bit) {
 192     return align_up(bit, BitsPerWord);
 193   }
 194   static idx_t word_align_down(idx_t bit) {
 195     return align_down(bit, BitsPerWord);
 196   }
 197   static bool is_word_aligned(idx_t bit) {
 198     return word_align_up(bit) == bit;
 199   }
 201   // Set or clear the specified bit.
 202   inline void set_bit(idx_t bit);
 203   inline void clear_bit(idx_t bit);
 205   // Atomically set or clear the specified bit.
 206   inline bool par_set_bit(idx_t bit);
 207   inline bool par_clear_bit(idx_t bit);
 209   // Put the given value at the given offset. The parallel version
 210   // will CAS the value into the bitmap and is quite a bit slower.
 211   // The parallel version also returns a value indicating if the
 212   // calling thread was the one that changed the value of the bit.
 213   void at_put(idx_t index, bool value);
 214   bool par_at_put(idx_t index, bool value);
 216   // Update a range of bits.  Ranges are half-open [beg, end).
 217   void set_range   (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 218   void clear_range (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 219   void set_large_range   (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 220   void clear_large_range (idx_t beg, idx_t end);
 221   void at_put_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end, bool value);
 222   void par_at_put_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end, bool value);
 223   void at_put_large_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end, bool value);
 224   void par_at_put_large_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end, bool value);
 226   // Update a range of bits, using a hint about the size.  Currently only
 227   // inlines the predominant case of a 1-bit range.  Works best when hint is a
 228   // compile-time constant.
 229   void set_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end, RangeSizeHint hint);
 230   void clear_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end, RangeSizeHint hint);
 231   void par_set_range(idx_t beg, idx_t end, RangeSizeHint hint);
 232   void par_clear_range  (idx_t beg, idx_t end, RangeSizeHint hint);
 234   // Clearing
 235   void clear_large();
 236   inline void clear();
 238   // Iteration support.  Returns "true" if the iteration completed, false
 239   // if the iteration terminated early (because the closure "blk" returned
 240   // false).
 241   bool iterate(BitMapClosure* blk, idx_t leftIndex, idx_t rightIndex);
 242   bool iterate(BitMapClosure* blk) {
 243     // call the version that takes an interval
 244     return iterate(blk, 0, size());
 245   }
 247   // Looking for 1's and 0's at indices equal to or greater than "l_index",
 248   // stopping if none has been found before "r_index", and returning
 249   // "r_index" (which must be at most "size") in that case.
 250   idx_t get_next_one_offset (idx_t l_index, idx_t r_index) const;
 251   idx_t get_next_zero_offset(idx_t l_index, idx_t r_index) const;
 253   idx_t get_next_one_offset(idx_t offset) const {
 254     return get_next_one_offset(offset, size());
 255   }
 256   idx_t get_next_zero_offset(idx_t offset) const {
 257     return get_next_zero_offset(offset, size());
 258   }
 260   // Like "get_next_one_offset", except requires that "r_index" is
 261   // aligned to bitsizeof(bm_word_t).
 262   idx_t get_next_one_offset_aligned_right(idx_t l_index, idx_t r_index) const;
 264   // Returns the number of bits set in the bitmap.
 265   idx_t count_one_bits() const;
 267   // Set operations.
 268   void set_union(const BitMap& bits);
 269   void set_difference(const BitMap& bits);
 270   void set_intersection(const BitMap& bits);
 271   // Returns true iff "this" is a superset of "bits".
 272   bool contains(const BitMap& bits) const;
 273   // Returns true iff "this and "bits" have a non-empty intersection.
 274   bool intersects(const BitMap& bits) const;
 276   // Returns result of whether this map changed
 277   // during the operation
 278   bool set_union_with_result(const BitMap& bits);
 279   bool set_difference_with_result(const BitMap& bits);
 280   bool set_intersection_with_result(const BitMap& bits);
 282   void set_from(const BitMap& bits);
 284   bool is_same(const BitMap& bits) const;
 286   // Test if all bits are set or cleared
 287   bool is_full() const;
 288   bool is_empty() const;
 290   void print_on_error(outputStream* st, const char* prefix) const;
 292 #ifndef PRODUCT
 293  public:
 294   // Printing
 295   void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
 296 #endif
 297 };
 299 // A concrete implementation of the the "abstract" BitMap class.
 300 //
 301 // The BitMapView is used when the backing storage is managed externally.
 302 class BitMapView : public BitMap {
 303  public:
 304   BitMapView() : BitMap(NULL, 0) {}
 305   BitMapView(bm_word_t* map, idx_t size_in_bits) : BitMap(map, size_in_bits) {}
 306 };
 308 // A BitMap with storage in a ResourceArea.
 309 class ResourceBitMap : public BitMap {
 311  public:
 312   ResourceBitMap() : BitMap(NULL, 0) {}
 313   // Clears the bitmap memory.
 314   ResourceBitMap(idx_t size_in_bits);
 316   // Resize the backing bitmap memory.
 317   //
 318   // Old bits are transfered to the new memory
 319   // and the extended memory is cleared.
 320   void resize(idx_t new_size_in_bits);
 322   // Set up and clear the bitmap memory.
 323   //
 324   // Precondition: The bitmap was default constructed and has
 325   // not yet had memory allocated via resize or initialize.
 326   void initialize(idx_t size_in_bits);
 328   // Set up and clear the bitmap memory.
 329   //
 330   // Can be called on previously initialized bitmaps.
 331   void reinitialize(idx_t size_in_bits);
 332 };
 334 // A BitMap with storage in a specific Arena.
 335 class ArenaBitMap : public BitMap {
 336  public:
 337   // Clears the bitmap memory.
 338   ArenaBitMap(Arena* arena, idx_t size_in_bits);
 340  private:
 341   // Don't allow copy or assignment.
 342   ArenaBitMap(const ArenaBitMap&);
 343   ArenaBitMap& operator=(const ArenaBitMap&);
 344 };
 346 // A BitMap with storage in the CHeap.
 347 class CHeapBitMap : public BitMap {
 349  private:
 350   // Don't allow copy or assignment, to prevent the
 351   // allocated memory from leaking out to other instances.
 352   CHeapBitMap(const CHeapBitMap&);
 353   CHeapBitMap& operator=(const CHeapBitMap&);
 355  public:
 356   CHeapBitMap() : BitMap(NULL, 0) {}
 357   // Clears the bitmap memory.
 358   CHeapBitMap(idx_t size_in_bits);
 359   ~CHeapBitMap();
 361   // Resize the backing bitmap memory.
 362   //
 363   // Old bits are transfered to the new memory
 364   // and the extended memory is cleared.
 365   void resize(idx_t new_size_in_bits);
 367   // Set up and clear the bitmap memory.
 368   //
 369   // Precondition: The bitmap was default constructed and has
 370   // not yet had memory allocated via resize or initialize.
 371   void initialize(idx_t size_in_bits);
 373   // Set up and clear the bitmap memory.
 374   //
 375   // Can be called on previously initialized bitmaps.
 376   void reinitialize(idx_t size_in_bits);
 377 };
 379 // Convenience class wrapping BitMap which provides multiple bits per slot.
 380 class BitMap2D VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
 381  public:
 382   typedef BitMap::idx_t idx_t;          // Type used for bit and word indices.
 383   typedef BitMap::bm_word_t bm_word_t;  // Element type of array that
 384                                         // represents the bitmap.
 385  private:
 386   ResourceBitMap _map;
 387   idx_t          _bits_per_slot;
 389   idx_t bit_index(idx_t slot_index, idx_t bit_within_slot_index) const {
 390     return slot_index * _bits_per_slot + bit_within_slot_index;
 391   }
 393   void verify_bit_within_slot_index(idx_t index) const {
 394     assert(index < _bits_per_slot, "bit_within_slot index out of bounds");
 395   }
 397  public:
 398   // Construction. bits_per_slot must be greater than 0.
 399   BitMap2D(idx_t bits_per_slot) :
 400       _map(), _bits_per_slot(bits_per_slot) {}
 402   // Allocates necessary data structure in resource area. bits_per_slot must be greater than 0.
 403   BitMap2D(idx_t size_in_slots, idx_t bits_per_slot) :
 404       _map(size_in_slots * bits_per_slot), _bits_per_slot(bits_per_slot) {}
 406   idx_t size_in_bits() {
 407     return _map.size();
 408   }
 410   // Returns number of full slots that have been allocated
 411   idx_t size_in_slots() {
 412     // Round down
 413     return _map.size() / _bits_per_slot;
 414   }
 416   bool is_valid_index(idx_t slot_index, idx_t bit_within_slot_index);
 417   bool at(idx_t slot_index, idx_t bit_within_slot_index) const;
 418   void set_bit(idx_t slot_index, idx_t bit_within_slot_index);
 419   void clear_bit(idx_t slot_index, idx_t bit_within_slot_index);
 420   void at_put(idx_t slot_index, idx_t bit_within_slot_index, bool value);
 421   void at_put_grow(idx_t slot_index, idx_t bit_within_slot_index, bool value);
 422 };
 424 // Closure for iterating over BitMaps
 426 class BitMapClosure VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
 427  public:
 428   // Callback when bit in map is set.  Should normally return "true";
 429   // return of false indicates that the bitmap iteration should terminate.
 430   virtual bool do_bit(BitMap::idx_t offset) = 0;
 431 };