1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "gc/shared/ageTable.hpp"
  29 #include "gc/shared/cardGeneration.hpp"
  30 #include "gc/shared/cardTableRS.hpp"
  31 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
  32 #include "gc/shared/genCollectedHeap.hpp"
  33 #include "gc/shared/generation.hpp"
  34 #include "gc/shared/generationSpec.hpp"
  35 #include "gc/shared/oopStorage.hpp"
  36 #include "gc/shared/space.hpp"
  37 #include "gc/serial/defNewGeneration.hpp"
  38 #include "gc/serial/vmStructs_serial.hpp"
  40 #include "gc/cms/vmStructs_cms.hpp"
  41 #include "gc/g1/vmStructs_g1.hpp"
  42 #include "gc/parallel/vmStructs_parallelgc.hpp"
  43 #endif
  45 #define VM_STRUCTS_GC(nonstatic_field,                                                                                               \
  46                       volatile_nonstatic_field,                                                                                      \
  47                       static_field,                                                                                                  \
  48                       unchecked_nonstatic_field)                                                                                     \
  49   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_STRUCTS_CMSGC(nonstatic_field,                                                                                     \
  50                                 volatile_nonstatic_field,                                                                            \
  51                                 static_field))                                                                                       \
  52   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_STRUCTS_G1GC(nonstatic_field,                                                                                      \
  53                                volatile_nonstatic_field,                                                                             \
  54                                static_field))                                                                                        \
  55   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_STRUCTS_PARALLELGC(nonstatic_field,                                                                                \
  56                                      volatile_nonstatic_field,                                                                       \
  57                                      static_field))                                                                                  \
  58   VM_STRUCTS_SERIALGC(nonstatic_field,                                                                                               \
  59                       volatile_nonstatic_field,                                                                                      \
  60                       static_field)                                                                                                  \
  61   /**********************************************************************************/                                               \
  62   /* Generation and Space hierarchies                                               */                                               \
  63   /**********************************************************************************/                                               \
  64                                                                                                                                      \
  65   unchecked_nonstatic_field(AgeTable,          sizes,                                         sizeof(AgeTable::sizes))               \
  66                                                                                                                                      \
  67   nonstatic_field(BarrierSet,                  _fake_rtti,                                    BarrierSet::FakeRtti)                  \
  68                                                                                                                                      \
  69   nonstatic_field(BarrierSet::FakeRtti,        _concrete_tag,                                 BarrierSet::Name)                      \
  70                                                                                                                                      \
  71   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetTable,            _bottom,                                       HeapWord*)                             \
  72   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetTable,            _end,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
  73                                                                                                                                      \
  74   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetSharedArray,      _reserved,                                     MemRegion)                             \
  75   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetSharedArray,      _end,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
  76   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetSharedArray,      _vs,                                           VirtualSpace)                          \
  77   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetSharedArray,      _offset_array,                                 u_char*)                               \
  78                                                                                                                                      \
  79   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetArray,            _array,                                        BlockOffsetSharedArray*)               \
  80   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetArray,            _sp,                                           Space*)                                \
  81   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace, _next_offset_threshold,                        HeapWord*)                             \
  82   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace, _next_offset_index,                            size_t)                                \
  83                                                                                                                                      \
  84   nonstatic_field(BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace, _unallocated_block,                         HeapWord*)                             \
  85                                                                                                                                      \
  86   nonstatic_field(CardGeneration,              _rs,                                           CardTableRS*)                          \
  87   nonstatic_field(CardGeneration,              _bts,                                          BlockOffsetSharedArray*)               \
  88   nonstatic_field(CardGeneration,              _shrink_factor,                                size_t)                                \
  89   nonstatic_field(CardGeneration,              _capacity_at_prologue,                         size_t)                                \
  90   nonstatic_field(CardGeneration,              _used_at_prologue,                             size_t)                                \
  91                                                                                                                                      \
  92   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _whole_heap,                                   const MemRegion)                       \
  93   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _guard_index,                                  const size_t)                          \
  94   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _last_valid_index,                             const size_t)                          \
  95   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _page_size,                                    const size_t)                          \
  96   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _byte_map_size,                                const size_t)                          \
  97   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _byte_map,                                     jbyte*)                                \
  98   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _cur_covered_regions,                          int)                                   \
  99   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _covered,                                      MemRegion*)                            \
 100   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _committed,                                    MemRegion*)                            \
 101   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _guard_region,                                 MemRegion)                             \
 102   nonstatic_field(CardTable,                   _byte_map_base,                                jbyte*)                                \
 103   nonstatic_field(CardTableBarrierSet,         _defer_initial_card_mark,                      bool)                                  \
 104   nonstatic_field(CardTableBarrierSet,         _card_table,                                   CardTable*)                            \
 105                                                                                                                                      \
 106   nonstatic_field(CollectedHeap,               _reserved,                                     MemRegion)                             \
 107   nonstatic_field(CollectedHeap,               _is_gc_active,                                 bool)                                  \
 108   nonstatic_field(CollectedHeap,               _total_collections,                            unsigned int)                          \
 109                                                                                                                                      \
 110   nonstatic_field(CompactibleSpace,            _compaction_top,                               HeapWord*)                             \
 111   nonstatic_field(CompactibleSpace,            _first_dead,                                   HeapWord*)                             \
 112   nonstatic_field(CompactibleSpace,            _end_of_live,                                  HeapWord*)                             \
 113                                                                                                                                      \
 114   nonstatic_field(ContiguousSpace,             _top,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
 115   nonstatic_field(ContiguousSpace,             _concurrent_iteration_safe_limit,              HeapWord*)                             \
 116   nonstatic_field(ContiguousSpace,             _saved_mark_word,                              HeapWord*)                             \
 117                                                                                                                                      \
 118   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _old_gen,                                      Generation*)                           \
 119   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _tenuring_threshold,                           uint)                                  \
 120   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _age_table,                                    AgeTable)                              \
 121   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _eden_space,                                   ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 122   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _from_space,                                   ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 123   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _to_space,                                     ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 124                                                                                                                                      \
 125   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _reserved,                                     MemRegion)                             \
 126   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _virtual_space,                                VirtualSpace)                          \
 127   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _stat_record,                                  Generation::StatRecord)                \
 128                                                                                                                                      \
 129   nonstatic_field(Generation::StatRecord,      invocations,                                   int)                                   \
 130   nonstatic_field(Generation::StatRecord,      accumulated_time,                              elapsedTimer)                          \
 131                                                                                                                                      \
 132   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _name,                                         Generation::Name)                      \
 133   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _init_size,                                    size_t)                                \
 134   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _max_size,                                     size_t)                                \
 135                                                                                                                                      \
 136   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _young_gen,                                    Generation*)                           \
 137   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _old_gen,                                      Generation*)                           \
 138   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _young_gen_spec,                               GenerationSpec*)                       \
 139   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _old_gen_spec,                                 GenerationSpec*)                       \
 140                                                                                                                                      \
 141   nonstatic_field(HeapWord,                    i,                                             char*)                                 \
 142                                                                                                                                      \
 143   nonstatic_field(MemRegion,                   _start,                                        HeapWord*)                             \
 144   nonstatic_field(MemRegion,                   _word_size,                                    size_t)                                \
 145                                                                                                                                      \
 146   nonstatic_field(OffsetTableContigSpace,      _offsets,                                      BlockOffsetArray)                      \
 147                                                                                                                                      \
 148   nonstatic_field(Space,                       _bottom,                                       HeapWord*)                             \
 149   nonstatic_field(Space,                       _end,                                          HeapWord*)
 151 #define VM_TYPES_GC(declare_type,                                         \
 152                     declare_toplevel_type,                                \
 153                     declare_integer_type)                                 \
 154   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_TYPES_CMSGC(declare_type,                               \
 155                              declare_toplevel_type,                       \
 156                              declare_integer_type))                       \
 157   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_TYPES_G1GC(declare_type,                                \
 158                              declare_toplevel_type,                       \
 159                              declare_integer_type))                       \
 160   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_TYPES_PARALLELGC(declare_type,                          \
 161                                    declare_toplevel_type,                 \
 162                                    declare_integer_type))                 \
 163   VM_TYPES_SERIALGC(declare_type,                                         \
 164                     declare_toplevel_type,                                \
 165                     declare_integer_type)                                 \
 166   /******************************************/                            \
 167   /* Generation and space hierarchies       */                            \
 168   /* (needed for run-time type information) */                            \
 169   /******************************************/                            \
 170                                                                           \
 171   declare_toplevel_type(CollectedHeap)                                    \
 172            declare_type(GenCollectedHeap,             CollectedHeap)      \
 173   declare_toplevel_type(Generation)                                       \
 174            declare_type(DefNewGeneration,             Generation)         \
 175            declare_type(CardGeneration,               Generation)         \
 176   declare_toplevel_type(Space)                                            \
 177            declare_type(CompactibleSpace,             Space)              \
 178            declare_type(ContiguousSpace,              CompactibleSpace)   \
 179            declare_type(OffsetTableContigSpace,       ContiguousSpace)    \
 180   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet)                                       \
 181            declare_type(ModRefBarrierSet,             BarrierSet)         \
 182            declare_type(CardTableBarrierSet,          ModRefBarrierSet)   \
 183   declare_toplevel_type(CardTable)                                        \
 184            declare_type(CardTableRS, CardTable)                           \
 185   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet::Name)                                 \
 186   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetSharedArray)                           \
 187   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetTable)                                 \
 188            declare_type(BlockOffsetArray,             BlockOffsetTable)   \
 189            declare_type(BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace,  BlockOffsetArray)   \
 190            declare_type(BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace, BlockOffsetArray) \
 191                                                                           \
 192   /* Miscellaneous other GC types */                                      \
 193                                                                           \
 194   declare_toplevel_type(AgeTable)                                         \
 195   declare_toplevel_type(Generation::StatRecord)                           \
 196   declare_toplevel_type(GenerationSpec)                                   \
 197   declare_toplevel_type(HeapWord)                                         \
 198   declare_toplevel_type(MemRegion)                                        \
 199   declare_toplevel_type(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer)                           \
 200   declare_toplevel_type(VirtualSpace)                                     \
 201                                                                           \
 202   /* Pointers to Garbage Collection types */                              \
 203                                                                           \
 204   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet*)                                      \
 205   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetSharedArray*)                          \
 206   declare_toplevel_type(CardTable*)                                       \
 207   declare_toplevel_type(CardTable*const)                                  \
 208   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableRS*)                                     \
 209   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableBarrierSet*)                             \
 210   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableBarrierSet**)                            \
 211   declare_toplevel_type(CollectedHeap*)                                   \
 212   declare_toplevel_type(ContiguousSpace*)                                 \
 213   declare_toplevel_type(DefNewGeneration*)                                \
 214   declare_toplevel_type(GenCollectedHeap*)                                \
 215   declare_toplevel_type(Generation*)                                      \
 216   declare_toplevel_type(GenerationSpec**)                                 \
 217   declare_toplevel_type(HeapWord*)                                        \
 218   declare_toplevel_type(HeapWord* volatile)                               \
 219   declare_toplevel_type(MemRegion*)                                       \
 220   declare_toplevel_type(OffsetTableContigSpace*)                          \
 221   declare_toplevel_type(Space*)                                           \
 222   declare_toplevel_type(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer*)                          \
 223                                                                           \
 224   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet::FakeRtti)
 226 #define VM_INT_CONSTANTS_GC(declare_constant,                               \
 227                             declare_constant_with_value)                    \
 228   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_INT_CONSTANTS_CMSGC(declare_constant,                     \
 229                                       declare_constant_with_value))         \
 230   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_INT_CONSTANTS_G1GC(declare_constant,                      \
 231                                      declare_constant_with_value))          \
 232   ALL_GCS_ONLY(VM_INT_CONSTANTS_PARALLELGC(declare_constant,                \
 233                                            declare_constant_with_value))    \
 234   VM_INT_CONSTANTS_SERIALGC(declare_constant,                               \
 235                             declare_constant_with_value)                    \
 236                                                                             \
 237   /********************************************/                            \
 238   /* Generation and Space Hierarchy Constants */                            \
 239   /********************************************/                            \
 240                                                                             \
 241   declare_constant(AgeTable::table_size)                                    \
 242                                                                             \
 243   declare_constant(BarrierSet::ModRef)                                      \
 244   declare_constant(BarrierSet::CardTableBarrierSet)                         \
 245                                                                             \
 246   declare_constant(BOTConstants::LogN)                                      \
 247   declare_constant(BOTConstants::LogN_words)                                \
 248   declare_constant(BOTConstants::N_bytes)                                   \
 249   declare_constant(BOTConstants::N_words)                                   \
 250   declare_constant(BOTConstants::LogBase)                                   \
 251   declare_constant(BOTConstants::Base)                                      \
 252   declare_constant(BOTConstants::N_powers)                                  \
 253                                                                             \
 254   declare_constant(CardTable::clean_card)                                   \
 255   declare_constant(CardTable::last_card)                                    \
 256   declare_constant(CardTable::dirty_card)                                   \
 257   declare_constant(CardTable::Precise)                                      \
 258   declare_constant(CardTable::ObjHeadPreciseArray)                          \
 259   declare_constant(CardTable::card_shift)                                   \
 260   declare_constant(CardTable::card_size)                                    \
 261   declare_constant(CardTable::card_size_in_words)                           \
 262                                                                             \
 263   declare_constant(CardTableRS::youngergen_card)                            \
 264                                                                             \
 265   declare_constant(CollectedHeap::Serial)                                   \
 266   declare_constant(CollectedHeap::Parallel)                                 \
 267   declare_constant(CollectedHeap::CMS)                                      \
 268   declare_constant(CollectedHeap::G1)                                       \
 269                                                                             \
 270   /* constants from Generation::Name enum */                                \
 271                                                                             \
 272   declare_constant(Generation::DefNew)                                      \
 273   declare_constant(Generation::MarkSweepCompact)                            \
 274   declare_constant(Generation::Other)                                       \
 275                                                                             \
 276   declare_constant(Generation::LogOfGenGrain)                               \
 277   declare_constant(Generation::GenGrain)                                    \