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rev 6796 : [mq]: templateOopIterate
rev 6797 : [mq]: vaTests
rev 6798 : [mq]: oneSwitch
rev 6799 : [mq]: latestChanges
rev 6800 : [mq]: replaceTemplateDispatchWithMacroDispatch

@@ -63,14 +63,25 @@
 class ParCompactionManager;
 class KlassSizeStats;
 class Klass : public Metadata {
   friend class VMStructs;
+ public:
+  enum DispatchTag {
+    _instance,
+    _instance_ref,
+    _instance_mirror,
+    _instance_class_loader,
+    _type_array,
+    _obj_array
+  };
+  enum { _primary_super_limit = 8 };
   // note: put frequently-used fields together at start of klass structure
   // for better cache behavior (may not make much of a difference but sure won't hurt)
-  enum { _primary_super_limit = 8 };
   // The "layout helper" is a combined descriptor of object layout.
   // For klasses which are neither instance nor array, the value is zero.
   // For instances, layout helper is a positive number, the instance size.

@@ -145,20 +156,25 @@
   // Remembered sets support for the oops in the klasses.
   jbyte _modified_oops;             // Card Table Equivalent (YC/CMS support)
   jbyte _accumulated_modified_oops; // Mod Union Equivalent (CMS support)
+  const DispatchTag _dispatch_tag;
   // Constructor
-  Klass();
+  Klass(DispatchTag dispatch_tag, bool dummy /*ignored*/) : _dispatch_tag(_instance) {} // SSS: For Dummy objects
+  Klass(DispatchTag dispatch_tag);
   void* operator new(size_t size, ClassLoaderData* loader_data, size_t word_size, TRAPS) throw();
   enum MethodLookupMode { normal, skip_overpass, skip_defaults };
   bool is_klass() const volatile { return true; }
+  DispatchTag dispatch_tag() const { return _dispatch_tag; }
   // super
   Klass* super() const               { return _super; }
   void set_super(Klass* k)           { _super = k; }
   // initializes _super link, _primary_supers & _secondary_supers arrays

@@ -556,66 +572,10 @@
   static void clean_weak_klass_links(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, bool clean_alive_klasses = true);
   static void clean_subklass_tree(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive) {
     clean_weak_klass_links(is_alive, false /* clean_alive_klasses */);
-  // iterators
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, ExtendedOopClosure* blk) = 0;
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate_v(oop obj, ExtendedOopClosure* blk) {
-    return oop_oop_iterate(obj, blk);
-  }
-  // In case we don't have a specialized backward scanner use forward
-  // iteration.
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate_backwards_v(oop obj, ExtendedOopClosure* blk) {
-    return oop_oop_iterate_v(obj, blk);
-  }
-#endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
-  // Iterates "blk" over all the oops in "obj" (of type "this") within "mr".
-  // (I don't see why the _m should be required, but without it the Solaris
-  // C++ gives warning messages about overridings of the "oop_oop_iterate"
-  // defined above "hiding" this virtual function.  (DLD, 6/20/00)) */
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, ExtendedOopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) = 0;
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate_v_m(oop obj, ExtendedOopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) {
-    return oop_oop_iterate_m(obj, blk, mr);
-  }
-  // Versions of the above iterators specialized to particular subtypes
-  // of OopClosure, to avoid closure virtual calls.
-#define Klass_OOP_OOP_ITERATE_DECL(OopClosureType, nv_suffix)                \
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk) {     \
-    /* Default implementation reverts to general version. */                 \
-    return oop_oop_iterate(obj, blk);                                        \
-  }                                                                          \
-                                                                             \
-  /* Iterates "blk" over all the oops in "obj" (of type "this") within "mr". \
-     (I don't see why the _m should be required, but without it the Solaris  \
-     C++ gives warning messages about overridings of the "oop_oop_iterate"   \
-     defined above "hiding" this virtual function.  (DLD, 6/20/00)) */       \
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix##_m(oop obj,                        \
-                                             OopClosureType* blk,            \
-                                             MemRegion mr) {                 \
-    return oop_oop_iterate_m(obj, blk, mr);                                  \
-  }
-#define Klass_OOP_OOP_ITERATE_BACKWARDS_DECL(OopClosureType, nv_suffix)      \
-  virtual int oop_oop_iterate_backwards##nv_suffix(oop obj,                  \
-                                                   OopClosureType* blk) {    \
-    /* Default implementation reverts to general version. */                 \
-    return oop_oop_iterate_backwards_v(obj, blk);                            \
-  }
-#endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
   virtual void array_klasses_do(void f(Klass* k)) {}
   // Return self, except for abstract classes with exactly 1
   // implementor.  Then return the 1 concrete implementation.
   Klass *up_cast_abstract();