1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   3  * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
   5  *
   6  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   9  *
  10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  13  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  14  * accompanied this code).
  15  *
  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  * questions.
  23  *
  24  */
  26 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  28 #include "memory/metaspace/allocationGuard.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/metaspace/freeBlocks.hpp"
  30 #include "memory/metaspace/metaspaceCommon.hpp"
  31 #include "memory/metaspace/virtualSpaceNode.hpp"
  33 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  34 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  35 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  36 #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
  38 namespace metaspace {
  41 // Print a size, in words, scaled.
  42 void print_scaled_words(outputStream* st, size_t word_size, size_t scale, int width) {
  43   print_human_readable_size(st, word_size * sizeof(MetaWord), scale, width);
  44 }
  46 // Convenience helper: prints a size value and a percentage.
  47 void print_scaled_words_and_percentage(outputStream* st, size_t word_size, size_t compare_word_size, size_t scale, int width) {
  48   print_scaled_words(st, word_size, scale, width);
  49   st->print(" (");
  50   print_percentage(st, compare_word_size, word_size);
  51   st->print(")");
  52 }
  54 static const char* display_unit_for_scale(size_t scale) {
  55   const char* s = NULL;
  56   switch(scale) {
  57     case 1: s = "bytes"; break;
  58     case BytesPerWord: s = "words"; break;
  59     case K: s = "KB"; break;
  60     case M: s = "MB"; break;
  61     case G: s = "GB"; break;
  62     default:
  63       ShouldNotReachHere();
  64   }
  65   return s;
  66 }
  68 // Print a human readable size.
  69 // byte_size: size, in bytes, to be printed.
  70 // scale: one of 1 (byte-wise printing), sizeof(word) (word-size printing), K, M, G (scaled by KB, MB, GB respectively,
  71 //         or 0, which means the best scale is choosen dynamically.
  72 // width: printing width.
  73 void print_human_readable_size(outputStream* st, size_t byte_size, size_t scale, int width)  {
  74   if (scale == 0) {
  75     // Dynamic mode. Choose scale for this value.
  76     if (byte_size == 0) {
  77       // Zero values are printed as bytes.
  78       scale = 1;
  79     } else {
  80       if (byte_size >= G) {
  81         scale = G;
  82       } else if (byte_size >= M) {
  83         scale = M;
  84       } else if (byte_size >= K) {
  85         scale = K;
  86       } else {
  87         scale = 1;
  88       }
  89     }
  90     return print_human_readable_size(st, byte_size, scale, width);
  91   }
  93 #ifdef ASSERT
  94   assert(scale == 1 || scale == BytesPerWord ||
  95          scale == K || scale == M || scale == G, "Invalid scale");
  96   // Special case: printing wordsize should only be done with word-sized values
  97   if (scale == BytesPerWord) {
  98     assert(byte_size % BytesPerWord == 0, "not word sized");
  99   }
 100 #endif
 102   if (width == -1) {
 103     if (scale == 1) {
 104       st->print(SIZE_FORMAT " bytes", byte_size);
 105     } else if (scale == BytesPerWord) {
 106       st->print(SIZE_FORMAT " words", byte_size / BytesPerWord);
 107     } else {
 108       const char* display_unit = display_unit_for_scale(scale);
 109       float display_value = (float) byte_size / scale;
 110       // Prevent very small but non-null values showing up as 0.00.
 111       if (byte_size > 0 && display_value < 0.01f) {
 112         st->print("<0.01 %s", display_unit);
 113       } else {
 114         st->print("%.2f %s", display_value, display_unit);
 115       }
 116     }
 117   } else {
 118     if (scale == 1) {
 119       st->print("%*" PRIuPTR " bytes", width, byte_size);
 120     } else if (scale == BytesPerWord) {
 121       st->print("%*" PRIuPTR " words", width, byte_size / BytesPerWord);
 122     } else {
 123       const char* display_unit = display_unit_for_scale(scale);
 124       float display_value = (float) byte_size / scale;
 125       // Since we use width to display a number with two trailing digits, increase it a bit.
 126       width += 3;
 127       // Prevent very small but non-null values showing up as 0.00.
 128       if (byte_size > 0 && display_value < 0.01f) {
 129         st->print("%*s %s", width, "<0.01", display_unit);
 130       } else {
 131         st->print("%*.2f %s", width, display_value, display_unit);
 132       }
 133     }
 134   }
 135 }
 137 // Prints a percentage value. Values smaller than 1% but not 0 are displayed as "<1%", values
 138 // larger than 99% but not 100% are displayed as ">100%".
 139 void print_percentage(outputStream* st, size_t total, size_t part) {
 140   if (total == 0) {
 141     st->print("  ?%%");
 142   } else if (part == 0) {
 143     st->print("  0%%");
 144   } else if (part == total) {
 145     st->print("100%%");
 146   } else {
 147     // Note: clearly print very-small-but-not-0% and very-large-but-not-100% percentages.
 148     float p = ((float)part / total) * 100.0f;
 149     if (p < 1.0f) {
 150       st->print(" <1%%");
 151     } else if (p > 99.0f){
 152       st->print(">99%%");
 153     } else {
 154       st->print("%3.0f%%", p);
 155     }
 156   }
 157 }
 159 const char* loaders_plural(uintx num) {
 160   return num == 1 ? "loader" : "loaders";
 161 }
 163 const char* classes_plural(uintx num) {
 164   return num == 1 ? "class" : "classes";
 165 }
 167 void print_number_of_classes(outputStream* out, uintx classes, uintx classes_shared) {
 168   out->print(UINTX_FORMAT " %s", classes, classes_plural(classes));
 169   if (classes_shared > 0) {
 170     out->print(" (" UINTX_FORMAT " shared)", classes_shared);
 171   }
 172 }
 174 // Given a net allocation word size, return the raw word size we actually allocate.
 175 // Note: externally visible for gtests.
 176 //static
 177 size_t get_raw_word_size_for_requested_word_size(size_t word_size) {
 179   size_t byte_size = word_size * BytesPerWord;
 181   // Deallocated metablocks are kept in a binlist which limits their minimal
 182   //  size to at least the size of a binlist item (2 words).
 183   byte_size = MAX2(byte_size, FreeBlocks::minimal_word_size * BytesPerWord);
 185   // Metaspace allocations are aligned to word size.
 186   byte_size = align_up(byte_size, allocation_alignment_bytes);
 188   // If we guard allocations, we need additional space for a prefix.
 189 #ifdef ASSERT
 190   if (Settings::use_allocation_guard()) {
 191     byte_size += align_up(prefix_size(), allocation_alignment_bytes);
 192   }
 193 #endif
 195   size_t raw_word_size = byte_size / BytesPerWord;
 197   assert(raw_word_size * BytesPerWord == byte_size, "Sanity");
 199   return raw_word_size;
 201 }
 203 } // namespace metaspace