/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #ifndef SHARE_MEMORY_METASPACE_MSFREECHUNKLIST_HPP #define SHARE_MEMORY_METASPACE_MSFREECHUNKLIST_HPP #include "memory/allocation.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/msChunklevel.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/msCounter.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/msMetachunk.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/msMetachunkList.hpp" class outputStream; namespace metaspace { // This is the free list underlying the ChunkManager. // // Chunks are kept in a vector of double-linked double-headed lists // (using Metachunk::prev/next). One list per chunk level exists. // // Chunks in these lists are roughly ordered: uncommitted chunks // are added to the back of the list, fully or partially committed // chunks to the front. // // (Small caveat: commit state of a chunk may change as a result of // actions on neighboring chunks, if the chunk is smaller than a commit // granule and therefore shares its granule with neighbors. So it may change // after the chunk has been added to the list. // It will never involuntarily uncommit: only chunks >= granule size are uncommitted. // But it may get involuntarily committed if an in-granule neighbor is committed and // causes committing of the whole granule. // In practice this is not a big deal; it has very little consequence.) // // Beyond adding at either front or at back, we do not sort on insert, since the // insert path is used during Metaspace reclamation which may happen at GC pause. // // During retrieval (at class loading), we search the list for a chunk of at least // n committed words to satisfy the caller requested committed word size. We stop // searching at the first fully uncommitted chunk. // // Note that even though this is an O(n) search, in practice this is not a problem: // - in all likelihood the requested commit word size is way smaller than even a single // commit granule, so 99% of all searches would end at the first chunk (which is either // uncommitted or committed to at least one commit granule size). // - in all likelihood chunks, when added to this list, are either fully committed // or fully uncommitted (see Settings::uncommit_on_return_min_word_size()). // // Should we ever encounter situations where the O(n) search is a bottleneck, this // structure can easily be optimized (e.g. a BST). But for now lets keep this simple. class FreeChunkList { Metachunk* _first; Metachunk* _last; IntCounter _num_chunks; SizeCounter _committed_word_size; void add_front(Metachunk* c) { if (_first == NULL) { assert(_last == NULL, "Sanity"); _first = _last = c; c->set_prev(NULL); c->set_next(NULL); } else { assert(_last != NULL, "Sanity"); c->set_next(_first); c->set_prev(NULL); _first->set_prev(c); _first = c; } } // Add chunk to the back of the list. void add_back(Metachunk* c) { if (_last == NULL) { assert(_first == NULL, "Sanity"); _last = _first = c; c->set_prev(NULL); c->set_next(NULL); } else { assert(_first != NULL, "Sanity"); c->set_next(NULL); c->set_prev(_last); _last->set_next(c); _last = c; } } public: FreeChunkList() : _first(NULL), _last(NULL) {} // Remove given chunk from anywhere in the list. Metachunk* remove(Metachunk* c) { assert(contains(c), "Must be contained here"); Metachunk* pred = c->prev(); Metachunk* succ = c->next(); if (pred) { pred->set_next(succ); } if (succ) { succ->set_prev(pred); } if (_first == c) { _first = succ; } if (_last == c) { _last = pred; } c->set_next(NULL); c->set_prev(NULL); _committed_word_size.decrement_by(c->committed_words()); _num_chunks.decrement(); return c; } void add(Metachunk* c) { assert(contains(c) == false, "Chunk already in freelist"); assert(_first == NULL || _first->level() == c->level(), "wrong level"); // Uncomitted chunks go to the back, fully or partially committed to the front. if (c->committed_words() == 0) { add_back(c); } else { add_front(c); } _committed_word_size.increment_by(c->committed_words()); _num_chunks.increment(); } // Removes the first chunk from the list and returns it. Returns NULL if list is empty. Metachunk* remove_first() { Metachunk* c = _first; if (c != NULL) { remove(c); } return c; } // Find and removes a chunk in this list which has at least min_committed_words committed words. // Returns NULL if not found. Metachunk* find_matching(size_t min_committed_words) { Metachunk* c = _first; while (c != NULL && c->committed_words() > 0) { if (c->committed_words() <= min_committed_words) { remove(c); return c; } c = c->next(); } return NULL; } // Returns reference to the first chunk in the list, or NULL Metachunk* first() const { return _first; } #ifdef ASSERT bool contains(const Metachunk* c) const; void verify() const; #endif // Returns number of chunks int num_chunks() const { return _num_chunks.get(); } // Returns total committed word size size_t committed_word_size() const { return _committed_word_size.get(); } void print_on(outputStream* st) const; }; // A vector of free chunk lists, one per chunk level class FreeChunkListVector { FreeChunkList _lists[chunklevel::NUM_CHUNK_LEVELS]; const FreeChunkList* list_for_level(chunklevel_t lvl) const { DEBUG_ONLY(chunklevel::check_valid_level(lvl)); return _lists + lvl; } FreeChunkList* list_for_level(chunklevel_t lvl) { DEBUG_ONLY(chunklevel::check_valid_level(lvl)); return _lists + lvl; } const FreeChunkList* list_for_chunk(const Metachunk* c) const { return list_for_level(c->level()); } FreeChunkList* list_for_chunk(const Metachunk* c) { return list_for_level(c->level()); } public: // Remove given chunk from its list. List must contain that chunk. void remove(Metachunk* c) { list_for_chunk(c)->remove(c); } // Remove first node unless empty. Returns node or NULL. Metachunk* remove_first(chunklevel_t lvl) { Metachunk* c = list_for_level(lvl)->remove_first(); return c; } void add(Metachunk* c) { list_for_chunk(c)->add(c); } // Returns number of chunks for a given level. int num_chunks_at_level(chunklevel_t lvl) const { return list_for_level(lvl)->num_chunks(); } // Returns number of chunks for a given level. size_t committed_word_size_at_level(chunklevel_t lvl) const { return list_for_level(lvl)->committed_word_size(); } // Returns reference to first chunk at this level, or NULL if sublist is empty. Metachunk* first_at_level(chunklevel_t lvl) const { return list_for_level(lvl)->first(); } // Look for a chunk: starting at level, up to and including max_level, // return the first chunk whose committed words >= min_committed_words. // Return NULL if no such chunk was found. Metachunk* search_chunk_ascending(chunklevel_t level, chunklevel_t max_level, size_t min_committed_words); // Look for a chunk: starting at level, down to (including) the root chunk level, // return the first chunk whose committed words >= min_committed_words. // Return NULL if no such chunk was found. Metachunk* search_chunk_descending(chunklevel_t level, size_t min_committed_words); // Returns total size in all lists (regardless of commit state of underlying memory) size_t word_size() const; // Returns total committed size in all lists size_t committed_word_size() const; // Returns number of chunks in all lists int num_chunks() const; #ifdef ASSERT bool contains(const Metachunk* c) const; void verify() const; #endif void print_on(outputStream* st) const; }; } // namespace metaspace #endif // SHARE_MEMORY_METASPACE_MSFREECHUNKLIST_HPP