1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  27 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  28 #include "logging/logStream.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/metaspace/metachunk.hpp"
  30 #include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
  31 #include "memory/metaspace/chunkManager.hpp"
  32 #include "memory/metaspace/metaspaceCommon.hpp"
  33 #include "memory/metaspace/occupancyMap.hpp"
  34 #include "memory/metaspace/virtualSpaceNode.hpp"
  35 #include "memory/virtualspace.hpp"
  36 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  37 #include "services/memTracker.hpp"
  38 #include "utilities/copy.hpp"
  39 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  40 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  42 namespace metaspace {
  44 // Decide if large pages should be committed when the memory is reserved.
  45 static bool should_commit_large_pages_when_reserving(size_t bytes) {
  46   if (UseLargePages && UseLargePagesInMetaspace && !os::can_commit_large_page_memory()) {
  47     size_t words = bytes / BytesPerWord;
  48     bool is_class = false; // We never reserve large pages for the class space.
  49     if (MetaspaceGC::can_expand(words, is_class) &&
  50         MetaspaceGC::allowed_expansion() >= words) {
  51       return true;
  52     }
  53   }
  55   return false;
  56 }
  58 // byte_size is the size of the associated virtualspace.
  59 VirtualSpaceNode::VirtualSpaceNode(bool is_class, size_t bytes) :
  60     _is_class(is_class), _top(NULL), _next(NULL), _rs(), _container_count(0), _occupancy_map(NULL) {
  61   assert_is_aligned(bytes, Metaspace::reserve_alignment());
  62   bool large_pages = should_commit_large_pages_when_reserving(bytes);
  63   _rs = ReservedSpace(bytes, Metaspace::reserve_alignment(), large_pages);
  65   if (_rs.is_reserved()) {
  66     assert(_rs.base() != NULL, "Catch if we get a NULL address");
  67     assert(_rs.size() != 0, "Catch if we get a 0 size");
  68     assert_is_aligned(_rs.base(), Metaspace::reserve_alignment());
  69     assert_is_aligned(_rs.size(), Metaspace::reserve_alignment());
  71     MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)_rs.base(), mtClass);
  72   }
  73 }
  75 void VirtualSpaceNode::purge(ChunkManager* chunk_manager) {
  76   DEBUG_ONLY(this->verify();)
  77     Metachunk* chunk = first_chunk();
  78   Metachunk* invalid_chunk = (Metachunk*) top();
  79   while (chunk < invalid_chunk ) {
  80     assert(chunk->is_tagged_free(), "Should be tagged free");
  81     MetaWord* next = ((MetaWord*)chunk) + chunk->word_size();
  82     chunk_manager->remove_chunk(chunk);
  83     chunk->remove_sentinel();
  84     assert(chunk->next() == NULL &&
  85         chunk->prev() == NULL,
  86         "Was not removed from its list");
  87     chunk = (Metachunk*) next;
  88   }
  89 }
  91 void VirtualSpaceNode::print_map(outputStream* st, bool is_class) const {
  93   if (bottom() == top()) {
  94     return;
  95   }
  97   const size_t spec_chunk_size = is_class ? ClassSpecializedChunk : SpecializedChunk;
  98   const size_t small_chunk_size = is_class ? ClassSmallChunk : SmallChunk;
  99   const size_t med_chunk_size = is_class ? ClassMediumChunk : MediumChunk;
 101   int line_len = 100;
 102   const size_t section_len = align_up(spec_chunk_size * line_len, med_chunk_size);
 103   line_len = (int)(section_len / spec_chunk_size);
 105   static const int NUM_LINES = 4;
 107   char* lines[NUM_LINES];
 108   for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i ++) {
 109     lines[i] = (char*)os::malloc(line_len, mtInternal);
 110   }
 111   int pos = 0;
 112   const MetaWord* p = bottom();
 113   const Metachunk* chunk = (const Metachunk*)p;
 114   const MetaWord* chunk_end = p + chunk->word_size();
 115   while (p < top()) {
 116     if (pos == line_len) {
 117       pos = 0;
 118       for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i ++) {
 119         st->fill_to(22);
 120         st->print_raw(lines[i], line_len);
 121         st->cr();
 122       }
 123     }
 124     if (pos == 0) {
 125       st->print(PTR_FORMAT ":", p2i(p));
 126     }
 127     if (p == chunk_end) {
 128       chunk = (Metachunk*)p;
 129       chunk_end = p + chunk->word_size();
 130     }
 131     // line 1: chunk starting points (a dot if that area is a chunk start).
 132     lines[0][pos] = p == (const MetaWord*)chunk ? '.' : ' ';
 134     // Line 2: chunk type (x=spec, s=small, m=medium, h=humongous), uppercase if
 135     // chunk is in use.
 136     const bool chunk_is_free = ((Metachunk*)chunk)->is_tagged_free();
 137     if (chunk->word_size() == spec_chunk_size) {
 138       lines[1][pos] = chunk_is_free ? 'x' : 'X';
 139     } else if (chunk->word_size() == small_chunk_size) {
 140       lines[1][pos] = chunk_is_free ? 's' : 'S';
 141     } else if (chunk->word_size() == med_chunk_size) {
 142       lines[1][pos] = chunk_is_free ? 'm' : 'M';
 143     } else if (chunk->word_size() > med_chunk_size) {
 144       lines[1][pos] = chunk_is_free ? 'h' : 'H';
 145     } else {
 146       ShouldNotReachHere();
 147     }
 149     // Line 3: chunk origin
 150     const ChunkOrigin origin = chunk->get_origin();
 151     lines[2][pos] = origin == origin_normal ? ' ' : '0' + (int) origin;
 153     // Line 4: Virgin chunk? Virgin chunks are chunks created as a byproduct of padding or splitting,
 154     //         but were never used.
 155     lines[3][pos] = chunk->get_use_count() > 0 ? ' ' : 'v';
 157     p += spec_chunk_size;
 158     pos ++;
 159   }
 160   if (pos > 0) {
 161     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i ++) {
 162       st->fill_to(22);
 163       st->print_raw(lines[i], line_len);
 164       st->cr();
 165     }
 166   }
 167   for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i ++) {
 168     os::free(lines[i]);
 169   }
 170 }
 173 #ifdef ASSERT
 174 uintx VirtualSpaceNode::container_count_slow() {
 175   uintx count = 0;
 176   Metachunk* chunk = first_chunk();
 177   Metachunk* invalid_chunk = (Metachunk*) top();
 178   while (chunk < invalid_chunk ) {
 179     MetaWord* next = ((MetaWord*)chunk) + chunk->word_size();
 180     do_verify_chunk(chunk);
 181     // Don't count the chunks on the free lists.  Those are
 182     // still part of the VirtualSpaceNode but not currently
 183     // counted.
 184     if (!chunk->is_tagged_free()) {
 185       count++;
 186     }
 187     chunk = (Metachunk*) next;
 188   }
 189   return count;
 190 }
 191 #endif
 193 #ifdef ASSERT
 194 // Verify counters, all chunks in this list node and the occupancy map.
 195 void VirtualSpaceNode::verify() {
 196   uintx num_in_use_chunks = 0;
 197   Metachunk* chunk = first_chunk();
 198   Metachunk* invalid_chunk = (Metachunk*) top();
 200   // Iterate the chunks in this node and verify each chunk.
 201   while (chunk < invalid_chunk ) {
 202     DEBUG_ONLY(do_verify_chunk(chunk);)
 203       if (!chunk->is_tagged_free()) {
 204         num_in_use_chunks ++;
 205       }
 206     MetaWord* next = ((MetaWord*)chunk) + chunk->word_size();
 207     chunk = (Metachunk*) next;
 208   }
 209   assert(_container_count == num_in_use_chunks, "Container count mismatch (real: " UINTX_FORMAT
 210       ", counter: " UINTX_FORMAT ".", num_in_use_chunks, _container_count);
 211   // Also verify the occupancy map.
 212   occupancy_map()->verify(this->bottom(), this->top());
 213 }
 214 #endif // ASSERT
 216 #ifdef ASSERT
 217 // Verify that all free chunks in this node are ideally merged
 218 // (there not should be multiple small chunks where a large chunk could exist.)
 219 void VirtualSpaceNode::verify_free_chunks_are_ideally_merged() {
 220   Metachunk* chunk = first_chunk();
 221   Metachunk* invalid_chunk = (Metachunk*) top();
 222   // Shorthands.
 223   const size_t size_med = (is_class() ? ClassMediumChunk : MediumChunk) * BytesPerWord;
 224   const size_t size_small = (is_class() ? ClassSmallChunk : SmallChunk) * BytesPerWord;
 225   int num_free_chunks_since_last_med_boundary = -1;
 226   int num_free_chunks_since_last_small_boundary = -1;
 227   while (chunk < invalid_chunk ) {
 228     // Test for missed chunk merge opportunities: count number of free chunks since last chunk boundary.
 229     // Reset the counter when encountering a non-free chunk.
 230     if (chunk->get_chunk_type() != HumongousIndex) {
 231       if (chunk->is_tagged_free()) {
 232         // Count successive free, non-humongous chunks.
 233         if (is_aligned(chunk, size_small)) {
 234           assert(num_free_chunks_since_last_small_boundary <= 1,
 235               "Missed chunk merge opportunity at " PTR_FORMAT " for chunk size " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX ".", p2i(chunk) - size_small, size_small);
 236           num_free_chunks_since_last_small_boundary = 0;
 237         } else if (num_free_chunks_since_last_small_boundary != -1) {
 238           num_free_chunks_since_last_small_boundary ++;
 239         }
 240         if (is_aligned(chunk, size_med)) {
 241           assert(num_free_chunks_since_last_med_boundary <= 1,
 242               "Missed chunk merge opportunity at " PTR_FORMAT " for chunk size " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX ".", p2i(chunk) - size_med, size_med);
 243           num_free_chunks_since_last_med_boundary = 0;
 244         } else if (num_free_chunks_since_last_med_boundary != -1) {
 245           num_free_chunks_since_last_med_boundary ++;
 246         }
 247       } else {
 248         // Encountering a non-free chunk, reset counters.
 249         num_free_chunks_since_last_med_boundary = -1;
 250         num_free_chunks_since_last_small_boundary = -1;
 251       }
 252     } else {
 253       // One cannot merge areas with a humongous chunk in the middle. Reset counters.
 254       num_free_chunks_since_last_med_boundary = -1;
 255       num_free_chunks_since_last_small_boundary = -1;
 256     }
 258     MetaWord* next = ((MetaWord*)chunk) + chunk->word_size();
 259     chunk = (Metachunk*) next;
 260   }
 261 }
 262 #endif // ASSERT
 264 void VirtualSpaceNode::inc_container_count() {
 265   assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
 266   _container_count++;
 267 }
 269 void VirtualSpaceNode::dec_container_count() {
 270   assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
 271   _container_count--;
 272 }
 274 #ifdef ASSERT
 275 void VirtualSpaceNode::verify_container_count() {
 276   assert(_container_count == container_count_slow(),
 277       "Inconsistency in container_count _container_count " UINTX_FORMAT
 278       " container_count_slow() " UINTX_FORMAT, _container_count, container_count_slow());
 279 }
 280 #endif
 282 VirtualSpaceNode::~VirtualSpaceNode() {
 283   _rs.release();
 284   if (_occupancy_map != NULL) {
 285     delete _occupancy_map;
 286   }
 287 #ifdef ASSERT
 288   size_t word_size = sizeof(*this) / BytesPerWord;
 289   Copy::fill_to_words((HeapWord*) this, word_size, 0xf1f1f1f1);
 290 #endif
 291 }
 293 size_t VirtualSpaceNode::used_words_in_vs() const {
 294   return pointer_delta(top(), bottom(), sizeof(MetaWord));
 295 }
 297 // Space committed in the VirtualSpace
 298 size_t VirtualSpaceNode::capacity_words_in_vs() const {
 299   return pointer_delta(end(), bottom(), sizeof(MetaWord));
 300 }
 302 size_t VirtualSpaceNode::free_words_in_vs() const {
 303   return pointer_delta(end(), top(), sizeof(MetaWord));
 304 }
 306 // Given an address larger than top(), allocate padding chunks until top is at the given address.
 307 void VirtualSpaceNode::allocate_padding_chunks_until_top_is_at(MetaWord* target_top) {
 309   assert(target_top > top(), "Sanity");
 311   // Padding chunks are added to the freelist.
 312   ChunkManager* const chunk_manager = Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(this->is_class());
 314   // shorthands
 315   const size_t spec_word_size = chunk_manager->specialized_chunk_word_size();
 316   const size_t small_word_size = chunk_manager->small_chunk_word_size();
 317   const size_t med_word_size = chunk_manager->medium_chunk_word_size();
 319   while (top() < target_top) {
 321     // We could make this coding more generic, but right now we only deal with two possible chunk sizes
 322     // for padding chunks, so it is not worth it.
 323     size_t padding_chunk_word_size = small_word_size;
 324     if (is_aligned(top(), small_word_size * sizeof(MetaWord)) == false) {
 325       assert_is_aligned(top(), spec_word_size * sizeof(MetaWord)); // Should always hold true.
 326       padding_chunk_word_size = spec_word_size;
 327     }
 328     MetaWord* here = top();
 329     assert_is_aligned(here, padding_chunk_word_size * sizeof(MetaWord));
 330     inc_top(padding_chunk_word_size);
 332     // Create new padding chunk.
 333     ChunkIndex padding_chunk_type = get_chunk_type_by_size(padding_chunk_word_size, is_class());
 334     assert(padding_chunk_type == SpecializedIndex || padding_chunk_type == SmallIndex, "sanity");
 336     Metachunk* const padding_chunk =
 337         ::new (here) Metachunk(padding_chunk_type, is_class(), padding_chunk_word_size, this);
 338     assert(padding_chunk == (Metachunk*)here, "Sanity");
 339     DEBUG_ONLY(padding_chunk->set_origin(origin_pad);)
 340     log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Created padding chunk in %s at "
 341         PTR_FORMAT ", size " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX ".",
 342         (is_class() ? "class space " : "metaspace"),
 343         p2i(padding_chunk), padding_chunk->word_size() * sizeof(MetaWord));
 345     // Mark chunk start in occupancy map.
 346     occupancy_map()->set_chunk_starts_at_address((MetaWord*)padding_chunk, true);
 348     // Chunks are born as in-use (see MetaChunk ctor). So, before returning
 349     // the padding chunk to its chunk manager, mark it as in use (ChunkManager
 350     // will assert that).
 351     do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(padding_chunk, true);
 353     // Return Chunk to freelist.
 354     inc_container_count();
 355     chunk_manager->return_single_chunk(padding_chunk);
 356     // Please note: at this point, ChunkManager::return_single_chunk()
 357     // may already have merged the padding chunk with neighboring chunks, so
 358     // it may have vanished at this point. Do not reference the padding
 359     // chunk beyond this point.
 360   }
 362   assert(top() == target_top, "Sanity");
 364 } // allocate_padding_chunks_until_top_is_at()
 366 // Allocates the chunk from the virtual space only.
 367 // This interface is also used internally for debugging.  Not all
 368 // chunks removed here are necessarily used for allocation.
 369 Metachunk* VirtualSpaceNode::take_from_committed(size_t chunk_word_size) {
 370   // Non-humongous chunks are to be allocated aligned to their chunk
 371   // size. So, start addresses of medium chunks are aligned to medium
 372   // chunk size, those of small chunks to small chunk size and so
 373   // forth. This facilitates merging of free chunks and reduces
 374   // fragmentation. Chunk sizes are spec < small < medium, with each
 375   // larger chunk size being a multiple of the next smaller chunk
 376   // size.
 377   // Because of this alignment, me may need to create a number of padding
 378   // chunks. These chunks are created and added to the freelist.
 380   // The chunk manager to which we will give our padding chunks.
 381   ChunkManager* const chunk_manager = Metaspace::get_chunk_manager(this->is_class());
 383   // shorthands
 384   const size_t spec_word_size = chunk_manager->specialized_chunk_word_size();
 385   const size_t small_word_size = chunk_manager->small_chunk_word_size();
 386   const size_t med_word_size = chunk_manager->medium_chunk_word_size();
 388   assert(chunk_word_size == spec_word_size || chunk_word_size == small_word_size ||
 389       chunk_word_size >= med_word_size, "Invalid chunk size requested.");
 391   // Chunk alignment (in bytes) == chunk size unless humongous.
 392   // Humongous chunks are aligned to the smallest chunk size (spec).
 393   const size_t required_chunk_alignment = (chunk_word_size > med_word_size ?
 394       spec_word_size : chunk_word_size) * sizeof(MetaWord);
 396   // Do we have enough space to create the requested chunk plus
 397   // any padding chunks needed?
 398   MetaWord* const next_aligned =
 399       static_cast<MetaWord*>(align_up(top(), required_chunk_alignment));
 400   if (!is_available((next_aligned - top()) + chunk_word_size)) {
 401     return NULL;
 402   }
 404   // Before allocating the requested chunk, allocate padding chunks if necessary.
 405   // We only need to do this for small or medium chunks: specialized chunks are the
 406   // smallest size, hence always aligned. Homungous chunks are allocated unaligned
 407   // (implicitly, also aligned to smallest chunk size).
 408   if ((chunk_word_size == med_word_size || chunk_word_size == small_word_size) && next_aligned > top())  {
 409     log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Creating padding chunks in %s between %p and %p...",
 410         (is_class() ? "class space " : "metaspace"),
 411         top(), next_aligned);
 412     allocate_padding_chunks_until_top_is_at(next_aligned);
 413     // Now, top should be aligned correctly.
 414     assert_is_aligned(top(), required_chunk_alignment);
 415   }
 417   // Now, top should be aligned correctly.
 418   assert_is_aligned(top(), required_chunk_alignment);
 420   // Bottom of the new chunk
 421   MetaWord* chunk_limit = top();
 422   assert(chunk_limit != NULL, "Not safe to call this method");
 424   // The virtual spaces are always expanded by the
 425   // commit granularity to enforce the following condition.
 426   // Without this the is_available check will not work correctly.
 427   assert(_virtual_space.committed_size() == _virtual_space.actual_committed_size(),
 428       "The committed memory doesn't match the expanded memory.");
 430   if (!is_available(chunk_word_size)) {
 431     LogTarget(Debug, gc, metaspace, freelist) lt;
 432     if (lt.is_enabled()) {
 433       LogStream ls(lt);
 434       ls.print("VirtualSpaceNode::take_from_committed() not available " SIZE_FORMAT " words ", chunk_word_size);
 435       // Dump some information about the virtual space that is nearly full
 436       print_on(&ls);
 437     }
 438     return NULL;
 439   }
 441   // Take the space  (bump top on the current virtual space).
 442   inc_top(chunk_word_size);
 444   // Initialize the chunk
 445   ChunkIndex chunk_type = get_chunk_type_by_size(chunk_word_size, is_class());
 446   Metachunk* result = ::new (chunk_limit) Metachunk(chunk_type, is_class(), chunk_word_size, this);
 447   assert(result == (Metachunk*)chunk_limit, "Sanity");
 448   occupancy_map()->set_chunk_starts_at_address((MetaWord*)result, true);
 449   do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(result, true);
 451   inc_container_count();
 453   if (VerifyMetaspace) {
 454     DEBUG_ONLY(chunk_manager->locked_verify());
 455     DEBUG_ONLY(this->verify());
 456   }
 458   DEBUG_ONLY(do_verify_chunk(result));
 460   result->inc_use_count();
 462   return result;
 463 }
 466 // Expand the virtual space (commit more of the reserved space)
 467 bool VirtualSpaceNode::expand_by(size_t min_words, size_t preferred_words) {
 468   size_t min_bytes = min_words * BytesPerWord;
 469   size_t preferred_bytes = preferred_words * BytesPerWord;
 471   size_t uncommitted = virtual_space()->reserved_size() - virtual_space()->actual_committed_size();
 473   if (uncommitted < min_bytes) {
 474     return false;
 475   }
 477   size_t commit = MIN2(preferred_bytes, uncommitted);
 478   bool result = virtual_space()->expand_by(commit, false);
 480   if (result) {
 481     log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Expanded %s virtual space list node by " SIZE_FORMAT " words.",
 482         (is_class() ? "class" : "non-class"), commit);
 483     DEBUG_ONLY(Atomic::inc(&g_internal_statistics.num_committed_space_expanded));
 484   } else {
 485     log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Failed to expand %s virtual space list node by " SIZE_FORMAT " words.",
 486         (is_class() ? "class" : "non-class"), commit);
 487   }
 489   assert(result, "Failed to commit memory");
 491   return result;
 492 }
 494 Metachunk* VirtualSpaceNode::get_chunk_vs(size_t chunk_word_size) {
 495   assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
 496   Metachunk* result = take_from_committed(chunk_word_size);
 497   return result;
 498 }
 500 bool VirtualSpaceNode::initialize() {
 502   if (!_rs.is_reserved()) {
 503     return false;
 504   }
 506   // These are necessary restriction to make sure that the virtual space always
 507   // grows in steps of Metaspace::commit_alignment(). If both base and size are
 508   // aligned only the middle alignment of the VirtualSpace is used.
 509   assert_is_aligned(_rs.base(), Metaspace::commit_alignment());
 510   assert_is_aligned(_rs.size(), Metaspace::commit_alignment());
 512   // ReservedSpaces marked as special will have the entire memory
 513   // pre-committed. Setting a committed size will make sure that
 514   // committed_size and actual_committed_size agrees.
 515   size_t pre_committed_size = _rs.special() ? _rs.size() : 0;
 517   bool result = virtual_space()->initialize_with_granularity(_rs, pre_committed_size,
 518       Metaspace::commit_alignment());
 519   if (result) {
 520     assert(virtual_space()->committed_size() == virtual_space()->actual_committed_size(),
 521         "Checking that the pre-committed memory was registered by the VirtualSpace");
 523     set_top((MetaWord*)virtual_space()->low());
 524     set_reserved(MemRegion((HeapWord*)_rs.base(),
 525         (HeapWord*)(_rs.base() + _rs.size())));
 527     assert(reserved()->start() == (HeapWord*) _rs.base(),
 528         "Reserved start was not set properly " PTR_FORMAT
 529         " != " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(reserved()->start()), p2i(_rs.base()));
 530     assert(reserved()->word_size() == _rs.size() / BytesPerWord,
 531         "Reserved size was not set properly " SIZE_FORMAT
 532         " != " SIZE_FORMAT, reserved()->word_size(),
 533         _rs.size() / BytesPerWord);
 534   }
 536   // Initialize Occupancy Map.
 537   const size_t smallest_chunk_size = is_class() ? ClassSpecializedChunk : SpecializedChunk;
 538   _occupancy_map = new OccupancyMap(bottom(), reserved_words(), smallest_chunk_size);
 540   return result;
 541 }
 543 void VirtualSpaceNode::print_on(outputStream* st, size_t scale) const {
 544   size_t used_words = used_words_in_vs();
 545   size_t commit_words = committed_words();
 546   size_t res_words = reserved_words();
 547   VirtualSpace* vs = virtual_space();
 549   st->print("node @" PTR_FORMAT ": ", p2i(this));
 550   st->print("reserved=");
 551   print_scaled_words(st, res_words, scale);
 552   st->print(", committed=");
 553   print_scaled_words_and_percentage(st, commit_words, res_words, scale);
 554   st->print(", used=");
 555   print_scaled_words_and_percentage(st, used_words, res_words, scale);
 556   st->cr();
 557   st->print("   [" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ", "
 558       PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ")",
 559       p2i(bottom()), p2i(top()), p2i(end()),
 560       p2i(vs->high_boundary()));
 561 }
 563 #ifdef ASSERT
 564 void VirtualSpaceNode::mangle() {
 565   size_t word_size = capacity_words_in_vs();
 566   Copy::fill_to_words((HeapWord*) low(), word_size, 0xf1f1f1f1);
 567 }
 568 #endif // ASSERT
 570 void VirtualSpaceNode::retire(ChunkManager* chunk_manager) {
 571   DEBUG_ONLY(verify_container_count();)
 572   assert(this->is_class() == chunk_manager->is_class(), "Wrong ChunkManager?");
 573   for (int i = (int)MediumIndex; i >= (int)ZeroIndex; --i) {
 574     ChunkIndex index = (ChunkIndex)i;
 575     size_t chunk_size = chunk_manager->size_by_index(index);
 577     while (free_words_in_vs() >= chunk_size) {
 578       Metachunk* chunk = get_chunk_vs(chunk_size);
 579       // Chunk will be allocated aligned, so allocation may require
 580       // additional padding chunks. That may cause above allocation to
 581       // fail. Just ignore the failed allocation and continue with the
 582       // next smaller chunk size. As the VirtualSpaceNode comitted
 583       // size should be a multiple of the smallest chunk size, we
 584       // should always be able to fill the VirtualSpace completely.
 585       if (chunk == NULL) {
 586         break;
 587       }
 588       chunk_manager->return_single_chunk(chunk);
 589     }
 590     DEBUG_ONLY(verify_container_count();)
 591   }
 592   assert(free_words_in_vs() == 0, "should be empty now");
 593 }
 595 } // namespace metaspace