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rev 57601 : [mq]: metaspace-improvement

@@ -21,622 +21,277 @@
  * questions.
 #include "precompiled.hpp"
 #include "logging/log.hpp"
-#include "logging/logStream.hpp"
-#include "memory/binaryTreeDictionary.inline.hpp"
-#include "memory/freeList.inline.hpp"
+#include "memory/metaspace/constants.hpp"
+#include "memory/metaspace/chunkAllocSequence.hpp"
+#include "memory/metaspace/chunkLevel.hpp"
 #include "memory/metaspace/chunkManager.hpp"
 #include "memory/metaspace/metachunk.hpp"
-#include "memory/metaspace/metaDebug.hpp"
-#include "memory/metaspace/metaspaceCommon.hpp"
 #include "memory/metaspace/metaspaceStatistics.hpp"
-#include "memory/metaspace/occupancyMap.hpp"
 #include "memory/metaspace/virtualSpaceNode.hpp"
+#include "memory/metaspace/virtualSpaceList.hpp"
 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
-#include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
 namespace metaspace {
-ChunkManager::ChunkManager(bool is_class)
-      : _is_class(is_class), _free_chunks_total(0), _free_chunks_count(0) {
-  _free_chunks[SpecializedIndex].set_size(get_size_for_nonhumongous_chunktype(SpecializedIndex, is_class));
-  _free_chunks[SmallIndex].set_size(get_size_for_nonhumongous_chunktype(SmallIndex, is_class));
-  _free_chunks[MediumIndex].set_size(get_size_for_nonhumongous_chunktype(MediumIndex, is_class));
+// Return a single chunk to the freelist and adjust accounting. No merge is attempted.
+void ChunkManager::return_chunk_simple(Metachunk* c) {
+  DEBUG_ONLY(c->verify(false));
+  const chklvl_t lvl = c->level();
+  _chunks[lvl].add(c);
+  _total_word_size.increment_by(c->word_size());
+  _committed_word_size.increment_by(c->committed_words());
+// Take a single chunk from the given freelist and adjust counters. Returns NULL
+// if there is no fitting chunk for this level.
+Metachunk* ChunkManager::remove_first_chunk_at_level(chklvl_t l) {
+  DEBUG_ONLY(chklvl::check_valid_level(l);)
+  Metachunk* c = _chunks[l].remove_first();
+  if (c != NULL) {
+    _total_word_size.decrement_by(c->word_size());
+    _committed_word_size.decrement_by(c->committed_words());
+  }
+  return c;
+// Creates a chunk manager with a given name (which is for debug purposes only)
+// and an associated space list which will be used to request new chunks from
+// (see get_chunk())
+ChunkManager::ChunkManager(const char* name, VirtualSpaceList* space_list)
+  : _vslist(space_list),
+    _name(name),
+    _chunks()
+// Given a chunk we are about to handout to the caller, make sure it is committed
+// according to constants::committed_words_on_fresh_chunks
+bool ChunkManager::commit_chunk_before_handout(Metachunk* c) {
+  const size_t must_be_committed = MIN2(c->word_size(), constants::committed_words_on_fresh_chunks);
+  return c->ensure_committed(must_be_committed);
-void ChunkManager::remove_chunk(Metachunk* chunk) {
-  size_t word_size = chunk->word_size();
-  ChunkIndex index = list_index(word_size);
-  if (index != HumongousIndex) {
-    free_chunks(index)->remove_chunk(chunk);
+#ifdef ASSERT
+// Given a splinters array returned from a split operation, check that it meets expectations
+static void check_splinters_array(Metachunk* splinters[chklvl::NUM_CHUNK_LEVELS], chklvl_t min, chklvl_t max) {
+  // The array shall contain splinters in the range [min, max] and nothing outside. The chunk levels for
+  // the chunks must match too.
+  for (chklvl_t l = chklvl::ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL; l <= chklvl::HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; l ++) {
+    if (l >= min && l < max) {
+      assert(splinters[l] != NULL, "Missing splinters");
+      assert(splinters[l]->level() == l, "Unexpected level");
+      splinters[l]->verify(false);
   } else {
-    humongous_dictionary()->remove_chunk(chunk);
+      assert(splinters[l] == NULL, "Unexpected splinters");
+    }
-  // Chunk has been removed from the chunks free list, update counters.
-  account_for_removed_chunk(chunk);
-bool ChunkManager::attempt_to_coalesce_around_chunk(Metachunk* chunk, ChunkIndex target_chunk_type) {
-  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
-  assert(chunk != NULL, "invalid chunk pointer");
-  // Check for valid merge combinations.
-  assert((chunk->get_chunk_type() == SpecializedIndex &&
-          (target_chunk_type == SmallIndex || target_chunk_type == MediumIndex)) ||
-         (chunk->get_chunk_type() == SmallIndex && target_chunk_type == MediumIndex),
-        "Invalid chunk merge combination.");
-  const size_t target_chunk_word_size =
-    get_size_for_nonhumongous_chunktype(target_chunk_type, this->is_class());
-  // [ prospective merge region )
-  MetaWord* const p_merge_region_start =
-    (MetaWord*) align_down(chunk, target_chunk_word_size * sizeof(MetaWord));
-  MetaWord* const p_merge_region_end =
-    p_merge_region_start + target_chunk_word_size;
-  // We need the VirtualSpaceNode containing this chunk and its occupancy map.
-  VirtualSpaceNode* const vsn = chunk->container();
-  OccupancyMap* const ocmap = vsn->occupancy_map();
-  // The prospective chunk merge range must be completely contained by the
-  // committed range of the virtual space node.
-  if (p_merge_region_start < vsn->bottom() || p_merge_region_end > vsn->top()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Only attempt to merge this range if at its start a chunk starts and at its end
-  // a chunk ends. If a chunk (can only be humongous) straddles either start or end
-  // of that range, we cannot merge.
-  if (!ocmap->chunk_starts_at_address(p_merge_region_start)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (p_merge_region_end < vsn->top() &&
-      !ocmap->chunk_starts_at_address(p_merge_region_end)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Now check if the prospective merge area contains live chunks. If it does we cannot merge.
-  if (ocmap->is_region_in_use(p_merge_region_start, target_chunk_word_size)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Success! Remove all chunks in this region...
-  log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("%s: coalescing chunks in area [%p-%p)...",
-    (is_class() ? "class space" : "metaspace"),
-    p_merge_region_start, p_merge_region_end);
-  const int num_chunks_removed =
-    remove_chunks_in_area(p_merge_region_start, target_chunk_word_size);
-  // ... and create a single new bigger chunk.
-  Metachunk* const p_new_chunk =
-      ::new (p_merge_region_start) Metachunk(target_chunk_type, is_class(), target_chunk_word_size, vsn);
-  assert(p_new_chunk == (Metachunk*)p_merge_region_start, "Sanity");
-  p_new_chunk->set_origin(origin_merge);
-  log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("%s: created coalesced chunk at %p, size " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX ".",
-    (is_class() ? "class space" : "metaspace"),
-    p_new_chunk, p_new_chunk->word_size() * sizeof(MetaWord));
-  // Fix occupancy map: remove old start bits of the small chunks and set new start bit.
-  ocmap->wipe_chunk_start_bits_in_region(p_merge_region_start, target_chunk_word_size);
-  ocmap->set_chunk_starts_at_address(p_merge_region_start, true);
-  // Mark chunk as free. Note: it is not necessary to update the occupancy
-  // map in-use map, because the old chunks were also free, so nothing
-  // should have changed.
-  p_new_chunk->set_is_tagged_free(true);
-  // Add new chunk to its freelist.
-  ChunkList* const list = free_chunks(target_chunk_type);
-  list->return_chunk_at_head(p_new_chunk);
-  // And adjust ChunkManager:: _free_chunks_count (_free_chunks_total
-  // should not have changed, because the size of the space should be the same)
-  _free_chunks_count -= num_chunks_removed;
-  _free_chunks_count ++;
-  // VirtualSpaceNode::chunk_count does not have to be modified:
-  // it means "number of active (non-free) chunks", so merging free chunks
-  // should not affect that count.
-  // At the end of a chunk merge, run verification tests.
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  EVERY_NTH(VerifyMetaspaceInterval)
-    locked_verify(true);
-    vsn->verify(true);
-  g_internal_statistics.num_chunk_merges ++;
-  return true;
-// Remove all chunks in the given area - the chunks are supposed to be free -
-// from their corresponding freelists. Mark them as invalid.
-// - This does not correct the occupancy map.
-// - This does not adjust the counters in ChunkManager.
-// - Does not adjust container count counter in containing VirtualSpaceNode
-// Returns number of chunks removed.
-int ChunkManager::remove_chunks_in_area(MetaWord* p, size_t word_size) {
-  assert(p != NULL && word_size > 0, "Invalid range.");
-  const size_t smallest_chunk_size = get_size_for_nonhumongous_chunktype(SpecializedIndex, is_class());
-  assert_is_aligned(word_size, smallest_chunk_size);
-  Metachunk* const start = (Metachunk*) p;
-  const Metachunk* const end = (Metachunk*)(p + word_size);
-  Metachunk* cur = start;
-  int num_removed = 0;
-  while (cur < end) {
-    Metachunk* next = (Metachunk*)(((MetaWord*)cur) + cur->word_size());
-    DEBUG_ONLY(do_verify_chunk(cur));
-    assert(cur->get_chunk_type() != HumongousIndex, "Unexpected humongous chunk found at %p.", cur);
-    assert(cur->is_tagged_free(), "Chunk expected to be free (%p)", cur);
-    log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("%s: removing chunk %p, size " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX ".",
-      (is_class() ? "class space" : "metaspace"),
-      cur, cur->word_size() * sizeof(MetaWord));
-    cur->remove_sentinel();
-    // Note: cannot call ChunkManager::remove_chunk, because that
-    // modifies the counters in ChunkManager, which we do not want. So
-    // we call remove_chunk on the freelist directly (see also the
-    // splitting function which does the same).
-    ChunkList* const list = free_chunks(list_index(cur->word_size()));
-    list->remove_chunk(cur);
-    num_removed ++;
-    cur = next;
-  }
-  return num_removed;
+// Given a chunk which must be outside of a freelist and must be free, split it to
+// meet a target level and return it. Splinters are added to the freelist.
+Metachunk* ChunkManager::split_chunk_and_add_splinters(Metachunk* c, chklvl_t target_level) {
+  assert(c->is_free() && c->level() > target_level, "Invalid chunk for splitting");
+  DEBUG_ONLY(chklvl::check_valid_level(target_level);)
+  const chklvl_t orig_level = c->level();
+  Metachunk* splinters[chklvl::NUM_CHUNK_LEVELS] = { 0 };
+  c = c->vsnode()->split(target_level, c, splinters);
+  // Splitting should never fail.
+  assert(c != NULL, "Split failed");
+  assert(c->level() == target_level, "Sanity");
+  DEBUG_ONLY(c->verify(false));
+  DEBUG_ONLY(check_splinters_array(splinters, orig_level + 1, target_level);)
+  // Return splinters to freelist.
+  for (chklvl_t l = orig_level + 1; l <= target_level; l ++) {
+    return_chunk_simple(splinters[l]);
+  }
+  return c;
+// Get a chunk and be smart about it.
+// - 1) Attempt to find a free chunk of exactly the pref_level level
+// - 2) Failing that, attempt to find a chunk smaller or equal the minimal level.
+// - 3) Failing that, attempt to find a free chunk of larger size and split it.
+// - 4) Failing that, attempt to allocate a new chunk from the connected virtual space.
+// - Failing that, give up and return NULL.
+// Note: this is not guaranteed to return a *committed* chunk. The chunk manager will
+//   attempt to commit the returned chunk according to constants::committed_words_on_fresh_chunks;
+//   but this may fail if we hit a commit limit. In that case, a partly uncommit chunk
+//   will be returned, and the commit is attempted again when we allocate from the chunk's
+//   uncommitted area. See also Metachunk::allocate.
+Metachunk* ChunkManager::get_chunk(chklvl_t min_level, chklvl_t pref_level) {
-// Update internal accounting after a chunk was added
-void ChunkManager::account_for_added_chunk(const Metachunk* c) {
-  _free_chunks_count ++;
-  _free_chunks_total += c->word_size();
+  DEBUG_ONLY(chklvl::check_valid_level(min_level);)
+  DEBUG_ONLY(chklvl::check_valid_level(pref_level);)
-// Update internal accounting after a chunk was removed
-void ChunkManager::account_for_removed_chunk(const Metachunk* c) {
-  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
-  assert(_free_chunks_count >= 1,
-    "ChunkManager::_free_chunks_count: about to go negative (" SIZE_FORMAT ").", _free_chunks_count);
-  assert(_free_chunks_total >= c->word_size(),
-    "ChunkManager::_free_chunks_total: about to go negative"
-     "(now: " SIZE_FORMAT ", decrement value: " SIZE_FORMAT ").", _free_chunks_total, c->word_size());
-  _free_chunks_count --;
-  _free_chunks_total -= c->word_size();
-ChunkIndex ChunkManager::list_index(size_t size) {
-  return get_chunk_type_by_size(size, is_class());
-size_t ChunkManager::size_by_index(ChunkIndex index) const {
-  index_bounds_check(index);
-  assert(index != HumongousIndex, "Do not call for humongous chunks.");
-  return get_size_for_nonhumongous_chunktype(index, is_class());
+  Metachunk* c = NULL;
-#ifdef ASSERT
-void ChunkManager::verify(bool slow) const {
-  MutexLocker cl(MetaspaceExpand_lock,
-                     Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
-  locked_verify(slow);
+  // 1) Attempt to find a free chunk of exactly the pref_level level
+  c = remove_first_chunk_at_level(pref_level);
-void ChunkManager::locked_verify(bool slow) const {
-  log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("verifying %s chunkmanager (%s).",
-    (is_class() ? "class space" : "metaspace"), (slow ? "slow" : "quick"));
-  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
-  size_t chunks_counted = 0;
-  size_t wordsize_chunks_counted = 0;
-  for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfFreeLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
-    const ChunkList* list = _free_chunks + i;
-    if (list != NULL) {
-      Metachunk* chunk = list->head();
-      while (chunk) {
-        if (slow) {
-          do_verify_chunk(chunk);
-        }
-        assert(chunk->is_tagged_free(), "Chunk should be tagged as free.");
-        chunks_counted ++;
-        wordsize_chunks_counted += chunk->size();
-        chunk = chunk->next();
+  // 2) Failing that, attempt to find a chunk smaller or equal the minimal level.
+  if (c == NULL) {
+    for (chklvl_t lvl = pref_level + 1; lvl <= min_level; lvl ++) {
+      c = remove_first_chunk_at_level(lvl);
+      if (c != NULL) {
+        break;
-  chunks_counted += humongous_dictionary()->total_free_blocks();
-  wordsize_chunks_counted += humongous_dictionary()->total_size();
-  assert(chunks_counted == _free_chunks_count && wordsize_chunks_counted == _free_chunks_total,
-         "freelist accounting mismatch: "
-         "we think: " SIZE_FORMAT " chunks, total " SIZE_FORMAT " words, "
-         "reality: " SIZE_FORMAT " chunks, total " SIZE_FORMAT " words.",
-         _free_chunks_count, _free_chunks_total,
-         chunks_counted, wordsize_chunks_counted);
-#endif // ASSERT
-void ChunkManager::locked_print_free_chunks(outputStream* st) {
-  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
-  st->print_cr("Free chunk total " SIZE_FORMAT "  count " SIZE_FORMAT,
-                _free_chunks_total, _free_chunks_count);
-ChunkList* ChunkManager::free_chunks(ChunkIndex index) {
-  assert(index == SpecializedIndex || index == SmallIndex || index == MediumIndex,
-         "Bad index: %d", (int)index);
-  return &_free_chunks[index];
-ChunkList* ChunkManager::find_free_chunks_list(size_t word_size) {
-  ChunkIndex index = list_index(word_size);
-  assert(index < HumongousIndex, "No humongous list");
-  return free_chunks(index);
-// Helper for chunk splitting: given a target chunk size and a larger free chunk,
-// split up the larger chunk into n smaller chunks, at least one of which should be
-// the target chunk of target chunk size. The smaller chunks, including the target
-// chunk, are returned to the freelist. The pointer to the target chunk is returned.
-// Note that this chunk is supposed to be removed from the freelist right away.
-Metachunk* ChunkManager::split_chunk(size_t target_chunk_word_size, Metachunk* larger_chunk) {
-  assert(larger_chunk->word_size() > target_chunk_word_size, "Sanity");
-  const ChunkIndex larger_chunk_index = larger_chunk->get_chunk_type();
-  const ChunkIndex target_chunk_index = get_chunk_type_by_size(target_chunk_word_size, is_class());
-  MetaWord* const region_start = (MetaWord*)larger_chunk;
-  const size_t region_word_len = larger_chunk->word_size();
-  MetaWord* const region_end = region_start + region_word_len;
-  VirtualSpaceNode* const vsn = larger_chunk->container();
-  OccupancyMap* const ocmap = vsn->occupancy_map();
-  // Any larger non-humongous chunk size is a multiple of any smaller chunk size.
-  // Since non-humongous chunks are aligned to their chunk size, the larger chunk should start
-  // at an address suitable to place the smaller target chunk.
-  assert_is_aligned(region_start, target_chunk_word_size);
-  // Remove old chunk.
-  free_chunks(larger_chunk_index)->remove_chunk(larger_chunk);
-  larger_chunk->remove_sentinel();
-  // Prevent access to the old chunk from here on.
-  larger_chunk = NULL;
-  // ... and wipe it.
-  DEBUG_ONLY(memset(region_start, 0xfe, region_word_len * BytesPerWord));
-  // In its place create first the target chunk...
-  MetaWord* p = region_start;
-  Metachunk* target_chunk = ::new (p) Metachunk(target_chunk_index, is_class(), target_chunk_word_size, vsn);
-  assert(target_chunk == (Metachunk*)p, "Sanity");
-  target_chunk->set_origin(origin_split);
-  // Note: we do not need to mark its start in the occupancy map
-  // because it coincides with the old chunk start.
-  // Mark chunk as free and return to the freelist.
-  do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(target_chunk, false);
-  free_chunks(target_chunk_index)->return_chunk_at_head(target_chunk);
-  // This chunk should now be valid and can be verified.
-  DEBUG_ONLY(do_verify_chunk(target_chunk));
-  // In the remaining space create the remainder chunks.
-  p += target_chunk->word_size();
-  assert(p < region_end, "Sanity");
-  while (p < region_end) {
-    // Find the largest chunk size which fits the alignment requirements at address p.
-    ChunkIndex this_chunk_index = prev_chunk_index(larger_chunk_index);
-    size_t this_chunk_word_size = 0;
-    for(;;) {
-      this_chunk_word_size = get_size_for_nonhumongous_chunktype(this_chunk_index, is_class());
-      if (is_aligned(p, this_chunk_word_size * BytesPerWord)) {
+  // 3) Failing that, attempt to find a free chunk of larger size and split it.
+  if (c == NULL) {
+    for (chklvl_t lvl = pref_level - 1; lvl >= chklvl::ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL; lvl --) {
+      c = remove_first_chunk_at_level(lvl);
+      if (c != NULL) {
+        // Split chunk; add splinters to freelist
+        c = split_chunk_and_add_splinters(c, pref_level);
-      } else {
-        this_chunk_index = prev_chunk_index(this_chunk_index);
-        assert(this_chunk_index >= target_chunk_index, "Sanity");
-    assert(this_chunk_word_size >= target_chunk_word_size, "Sanity");
-    assert(is_aligned(p, this_chunk_word_size * BytesPerWord), "Sanity");
-    assert(p + this_chunk_word_size <= region_end, "Sanity");
-    // Create splitting chunk.
-    Metachunk* this_chunk = ::new (p) Metachunk(this_chunk_index, is_class(), this_chunk_word_size, vsn);
-    assert(this_chunk == (Metachunk*)p, "Sanity");
-    this_chunk->set_origin(origin_split);
-    ocmap->set_chunk_starts_at_address(p, true);
-    do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(this_chunk, false);
-    // This chunk should be valid and can be verified.
-    DEBUG_ONLY(do_verify_chunk(this_chunk));
-    // Return this chunk to freelist and correct counter.
-    free_chunks(this_chunk_index)->return_chunk_at_head(this_chunk);
-    _free_chunks_count ++;
-    log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("Created chunk at " PTR_FORMAT ", word size "
-      SIZE_FORMAT_HEX " (%s), in split region [" PTR_FORMAT "..." PTR_FORMAT ").",
-      p2i(this_chunk), this_chunk->word_size(), chunk_size_name(this_chunk_index),
-      p2i(region_start), p2i(region_end));
-    p += this_chunk_word_size;
-  // Note: at this point, the VirtualSpaceNode is invalid since we split a chunk and
-  // did not yet hand out part of that split; so, vsn->verify_free_chunks_are_ideally_merged()
-  // would assert. Instead, do all verifications in the caller.
-  DEBUG_ONLY(g_internal_statistics.num_chunk_splits ++);
-  return target_chunk;
-Metachunk* ChunkManager::free_chunks_get(size_t word_size) {
-  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
+  // 4) Failing that, attempt to allocate a new chunk from the connected virtual space.
+  if (c == NULL) {
-  Metachunk* chunk = NULL;
-  bool we_did_split_a_chunk = false;
+    c = _vslist->allocate_root_chunk();
-  if (list_index(word_size) != HumongousIndex) {
+    // This should always work. Note that getting the root chunk may not mean we committed memory.
+    assert(c != NULL, "Unexpected");
-    ChunkList* free_list = find_free_chunks_list(word_size);
-    assert(free_list != NULL, "Sanity check");
+    // Split this root chunk to the desired chunk size.
+    c = split_chunk_and_add_splinters(c, pref_level);
-    chunk = free_list->head();
-    if (chunk == NULL) {
-      // Split large chunks into smaller chunks if there are no smaller chunks, just large chunks.
-      // This is the counterpart of the coalescing-upon-chunk-return.
+  }
-      ChunkIndex target_chunk_index = get_chunk_type_by_size(word_size, is_class());
+  // Note that we should at this point have a chunk; should always work. If we hit
+  // a commit limit in the meantime, the chunk may still be uncommitted, but the chunk
+  // itself should exist now.
+  assert(c != NULL, "Unexpected");
-      // Is there a larger chunk we could split?
-      Metachunk* larger_chunk = NULL;
-      ChunkIndex larger_chunk_index = next_chunk_index(target_chunk_index);
-      while (larger_chunk == NULL && larger_chunk_index < NumberOfFreeLists) {
-        larger_chunk = free_chunks(larger_chunk_index)->head();
-        if (larger_chunk == NULL) {
-          larger_chunk_index = next_chunk_index(larger_chunk_index);
-        }
+  // Before returning the chunk, attempt to commit it according to the handout rules.
+  // If that fails, we ignore the error and return the uncommitted chunk.
+  if (commit_chunk_before_handout(c) == false) {
+    log_info(gc, metaspace)("Failed to commit chunk prior to handout.");
-      if (larger_chunk != NULL) {
-        assert(larger_chunk->word_size() > word_size, "Sanity");
-        assert(larger_chunk->get_chunk_type() == larger_chunk_index, "Sanity");
+  DEBUG_ONLY(verify(false);)
-        // We found a larger chunk. Lets split it up:
-        // - remove old chunk
-        // - in its place, create new smaller chunks, with at least one chunk
-        //   being of target size, the others sized as large as possible. This
-        //   is to make sure the resulting chunks are "as coalesced as possible"
-        //   (similar to VirtualSpaceNode::retire()).
-        // Note: during this operation both ChunkManager and VirtualSpaceNode
-        //  are temporarily invalid, so be careful with asserts.
+  return c;
-        log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("%s: splitting chunk " PTR_FORMAT
-           ", word size " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX " (%s), to get a chunk of word size " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX " (%s)...",
-          (is_class() ? "class space" : "metaspace"), p2i(larger_chunk), larger_chunk->word_size(),
-          chunk_size_name(larger_chunk_index), word_size, chunk_size_name(target_chunk_index));
+} // ChunkManager::get_chunk
-        chunk = split_chunk(word_size, larger_chunk);
-        // This should have worked.
-        assert(chunk != NULL, "Sanity");
-        assert(chunk->word_size() == word_size, "Sanity");
-        assert(chunk->is_tagged_free(), "Sanity");
+// Return a single chunk to the ChunkManager and adjust accounting. May merge chunk
+//  with neighbors.
+// Happens after a Classloader was unloaded and releases its metaspace chunks.
+// !! Note: this may invalidate the chunk. Do not access the chunk after
+//    this function returns !!
+void ChunkManager::return_chunk(Metachunk* c) {
-        we_did_split_a_chunk = true;
+  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
+  DEBUG_ONLY(c->verify(false);)
-      }
-    }
+  const chklvl_t orig_lvl = c->level();
-    if (chunk == NULL) {
-      return NULL;
-    }
+  int num_merged[chklvl::NUM_CHUNK_LEVELS] = { 0 };
+  Metachunk* c2 = c->vsnode()->merge(c, num_merged);
-    // Remove the chunk as the head of the list.
-    free_list->remove_chunk(chunk);
+  if (c2 != NULL) {
+    DEBUG_ONLY(c2->verify(false));
-    log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("ChunkManager::free_chunks_get: free_list: " PTR_FORMAT " chunks left: " SSIZE_FORMAT ".",
-                                       p2i(free_list), free_list->count());
+    // We did merge chunks and now have a bigger chunk.
+    assert(c2->level() < orig_lvl, "Sanity");
-  } else {
-    chunk = humongous_dictionary()->get_chunk(word_size);
-    if (chunk == NULL) {
-      return NULL;
+    // Adjust counters - the merged-in chunks have been removed from the free lists, but the counters
+    // in this chunk manager must be adjusted too.
+    size_t size_chunks_removed = 0;
+    for (chklvl_t l = chklvl::ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL; l <= chklvl::HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; l ++) {
+      if (num_merged[l] > 0) {
+        // Since we have a binary tree, we should exactly see one merge per level.
+        assert(num_merged[l] == 1, "sanity");
+        _chunks[l].dec_counter_by(1);
+        size_chunks_removed += chklvl::word_size_for_level(l);
-    log_trace(gc, metaspace, alloc)("Free list allocate humongous chunk size " SIZE_FORMAT " for requested size " SIZE_FORMAT " waste " SIZE_FORMAT,
-                                    chunk->word_size(), word_size, chunk->word_size() - word_size);
+    _total_word_size.decrement_by(size_chunks_removed);
-  // Chunk has been removed from the chunk manager; update counters.
-  account_for_removed_chunk(chunk);
-  do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(chunk, true);
-  chunk->container()->inc_container_count();
-  chunk->inc_use_count();
+    c = c2;
+  }
-  // Remove it from the links to this freelist
-  chunk->set_next(NULL);
-  chunk->set_prev(NULL);
+  return_chunk_simple(c);
-  // Run some verifications (some more if we did a chunk split)
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  EVERY_NTH(VerifyMetaspaceInterval)
-    // Be extra verify-y when chunk split happened.
-    locked_verify(true);
-    VirtualSpaceNode* const vsn = chunk->container();
-    vsn->verify(true);
-    if (we_did_split_a_chunk) {
-      vsn->verify_free_chunks_are_ideally_merged();
-    }
-  g_internal_statistics.num_chunks_removed_from_freelist ++;
+ChunkManager* ChunkManager::_chunkmanager_class = NULL;
+ChunkManager* ChunkManager::_chunkmanager_nonclass = NULL;
+void ChunkManager::set_chunkmanager_class(ChunkManager* cm) {
+  assert(_chunkmanager_class == NULL, "Sanity");
+  _chunkmanager_class = cm;
-  return chunk;
+void ChunkManager::set_chunkmanager_nonclass(ChunkManager* cm) {
+  assert(_chunkmanager_nonclass == NULL, "Sanity");
+  _chunkmanager_nonclass = cm;
-Metachunk* ChunkManager::chunk_freelist_allocate(size_t word_size) {
-  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
-  // Take from the beginning of the list
-  Metachunk* chunk = free_chunks_get(word_size);
-  if (chunk == NULL) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
+// Update statistics.
+void ChunkManager::add_to_statistics(ChunkManagerStatistics* out) const {
-  assert((word_size <= chunk->word_size()) ||
-         (list_index(chunk->word_size()) == HumongousIndex),
-         "Non-humongous variable sized chunk");
-  LogTarget(Trace, gc, metaspace, freelist) lt;
-  if (lt.is_enabled()) {
-    size_t list_count;
-    if (list_index(word_size) < HumongousIndex) {
-      ChunkList* list = find_free_chunks_list(word_size);
-      list_count = list->count();
-    } else {
-      list_count = humongous_dictionary()->total_count();
-    }
-    LogStream ls(lt);
-    ls.print("ChunkManager::chunk_freelist_allocate: " PTR_FORMAT " chunk " PTR_FORMAT "  size " SIZE_FORMAT " count " SIZE_FORMAT " ",
-             p2i(this), p2i(chunk), chunk->word_size(), list_count);
-    ResourceMark rm;
-    locked_print_free_chunks(&ls);
+  for (chklvl_t l = chklvl::ROOT_CHUNK_LEVEL; l <= chklvl::HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; l ++) {
+    out->num_chunks[l] += _chunks[l].size();
-  return chunk;
-void ChunkManager::return_single_chunk(Metachunk* chunk) {
 #ifdef ASSERT
-  EVERY_NTH(VerifyMetaspaceInterval)
-    this->locked_verify(false);
-    do_verify_chunk(chunk);
-  const ChunkIndex index = chunk->get_chunk_type();
-  assert_lock_strong(MetaspaceExpand_lock);
-  DEBUG_ONLY(g_internal_statistics.num_chunks_added_to_freelist ++;)
-  assert(chunk != NULL, "Expected chunk.");
-  assert(chunk->container() != NULL, "Container should have been set.");
-  assert(chunk->is_tagged_free() == false, "Chunk should be in use.");
-  index_bounds_check(index);
-  // Note: mangle *before* returning the chunk to the freelist or dictionary. It does not
-  // matter for the freelist (non-humongous chunks), but the humongous chunk dictionary
-  // keeps tree node pointers in the chunk payload area which mangle will overwrite.
-  DEBUG_ONLY(chunk->mangle(badMetaWordVal);)
-  // may need node for verification later after chunk may have been merged away.
-  DEBUG_ONLY(VirtualSpaceNode* vsn = chunk->container(); )
-  if (index != HumongousIndex) {
-    // Return non-humongous chunk to freelist.
-    ChunkList* list = free_chunks(index);
-    assert(list->size() == chunk->word_size(), "Wrong chunk type.");
-    list->return_chunk_at_head(chunk);
-    log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("returned one %s chunk at " PTR_FORMAT " to freelist.",
-        chunk_size_name(index), p2i(chunk));
-  } else {
-    // Return humongous chunk to dictionary.
-    assert(chunk->word_size() > free_chunks(MediumIndex)->size(), "Wrong chunk type.");
-    assert(chunk->word_size() % free_chunks(SpecializedIndex)->size() == 0,
-           "Humongous chunk has wrong alignment.");
-    _humongous_dictionary.return_chunk(chunk);
-    log_trace(gc, metaspace, freelist)("returned one %s chunk at " PTR_FORMAT " (word size " SIZE_FORMAT ") to freelist.",
-        chunk_size_name(index), p2i(chunk), chunk->word_size());
-  }
-  chunk->container()->dec_container_count();
-  do_update_in_use_info_for_chunk(chunk, false);
-  // Chunk has been added; update counters.
-  account_for_added_chunk(chunk);
+void ChunkManager::verify(bool slow) const {
-  // Attempt coalesce returned chunks with its neighboring chunks:
-  // if this chunk is small or special, attempt to coalesce to a medium chunk.
-  if (index == SmallIndex || index == SpecializedIndex) {
-    if (!attempt_to_coalesce_around_chunk(chunk, MediumIndex)) {
-      // This did not work. But if this chunk is special, we still may form a small chunk?
-      if (index == SpecializedIndex) {
-        if (!attempt_to_coalesce_around_chunk(chunk, SmallIndex)) {
-          // give up.
-        }
+  size_t word_size = 0;
+  size_t committed_word_size = 0;
+  for (chklvl_t l = chklvl::LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL;
+       l <= chklvl::HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; l ++)
+  {
+    const Metachunk* c = _chunks[l].first();
+    int num = 0;
+    while (c) {
+      assert(c->level() == l, "Wrong level");
+      assert(c->is_free(), "Chunk is not free.");
+      num ++;
+      committed_word_size += c->committed_words();
+      c->verify(slow);
+      c = c->next();
+    assert(num == _chunks[l].size(), "Sanity");
+    word_size += num * chklvl::word_size_for_level(l);
-  }
-  // From here on do not access chunk anymore, it may have been merged with another chunk.
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  EVERY_NTH(VerifyMetaspaceInterval)
-    this->locked_verify(true);
-    vsn->verify(true);
-    vsn->verify_free_chunks_are_ideally_merged();
+  _total_word_size.check(word_size);
+  _committed_word_size.check(committed_word_size);
-void ChunkManager::return_chunk_list(Metachunk* chunks) {
-  if (chunks == NULL) {
-    return;
-  }
-  LogTarget(Trace, gc, metaspace, freelist) log;
-  if (log.is_enabled()) { // tracing
-    log.print("returning list of chunks...");
-  }
-  unsigned num_chunks_returned = 0;
-  size_t size_chunks_returned = 0;
-  Metachunk* cur = chunks;
-  while (cur != NULL) {
-    // Capture the next link before it is changed
-    // by the call to return_chunk_at_head();
-    Metachunk* next = cur->next();
-    if (log.is_enabled()) { // tracing
-      num_chunks_returned ++;
-      size_chunks_returned += cur->word_size();
-    }
-    return_single_chunk(cur);
-    cur = next;
-  }
-  if (log.is_enabled()) { // tracing
-    log.print("returned %u chunks to freelist, total word size " SIZE_FORMAT ".",
-        num_chunks_returned, size_chunks_returned);
-  }
+#endif // ASSERT
-void ChunkManager::collect_statistics(ChunkManagerStatistics* out) const {
-  MutexLocker cl(MetaspaceExpand_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
-  for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
-    out->chunk_stats(i).add(num_free_chunks(i), size_free_chunks_in_bytes(i) / sizeof(MetaWord));
-  }
 } // namespace metaspace
< prev index next >