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  38 import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunctionData;
  39 import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject;
  40 import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.AccessorProperty;
  42 /**
  43  * Concrete implementation of ScriptFunction. This sets correct map for the
  44  * function objects -- to expose properties like "prototype", "length" etc.
  45  */
  46 public class ScriptFunctionImpl extends ScriptFunction {
  48     /** Reference to constructor prototype. */
  49     private Object prototype;
  51     // property map for strict mode functions
  52     private static final PropertyMap strictmodemap$;
  53     // property map for bound functions
  54     private static final PropertyMap boundfunctionmap$;
  55     // property map for non-strict, non-bound functions.
  56     private static final PropertyMap map$;
  58     static PropertyMap getInitialMap() {
  59         return map$;
  60     }
  62     static PropertyMap getInitialAnonymousMap() {
  63         return AnonymousFunction.getInitialMap();
  64     }
  66     static PropertyMap getInitialStrictMap() {
  67         return strictmodemap$;
  68     }
  70     static PropertyMap getInitialBoundMap() {
  71         return boundfunctionmap$;
  72     }
  74     // Marker object for lazily initialized prototype object
  75     private static final Object LAZY_PROTOTYPE = new Object();
  77     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final MethodHandle[] specs, final Global global) {
  78         super(name, invokeHandle, getInitialMap(), null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR);
  79         init(global);
  80     }
  82     /**
  83      * Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, no membercount, use the default map.
  84      * Creates builtin functions only.
  85      *
  86      * @param name name of function
  87      * @param invokeHandle handle for invocation
  88      * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
  89      */
  90     ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final MethodHandle[] specs) {
  91         this(name, invokeHandle, specs, Global.instance());
  92     }
  94     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final PropertyMap map, final MethodHandle[] specs, final Global global) {
  95         super(name, invokeHandle, map.addAll(getInitialMap()), null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR);
  96         init(global);
  97     }
  99     /**
 100      * Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, no membercount, use the map passed as argument.
 101      * Creates builtin functions only.
 102      *
 103      * @param name name of function
 104      * @param invokeHandle handle for invocation
 105      * @param map initial property map
 106      * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
 107      */
 108     ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final PropertyMap map, final MethodHandle[] specs) {
 109         this(name, invokeHandle, map, specs, Global.instance());
 110     }
 112     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final ScriptObject scope, final MethodHandle[] specs, final int flags, final Global global) {
 113         super(name, methodHandle, getMap(global, isStrict(flags)), scope, specs, flags);
 114         init(global);
 115     }
 117     /**
 118      * Constructor called by Global.newScriptFunction (runtime).
 119      *
 120      * @param name name of function
 121      * @param methodHandle handle for invocation
 122      * @param scope scope object
 123      * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
 124      * @param flags {@link ScriptFunctionData} flags
 125      */
 126     ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final ScriptObject scope, final MethodHandle[] specs, final int flags) {
 127         this(name, methodHandle, scope, specs, flags, Global.instance());
 128     }
 130     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data, final ScriptObject scope, final Global global) {
 131         super(data, getMap(global, data.isStrict()), scope);
 132         init(global);
 133     }
 135     /**
 136      * Constructor called by (compiler) generated code for {@link ScriptObject}s.
 137      *
 138      * @param data static function data
 139      * @param scope scope object
 140      */
 141     public ScriptFunctionImpl(final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data, final ScriptObject scope) {
 142         this(data, scope, Global.instance());
 143     }
 145     /**
 146      * Only invoked internally from {@link BoundScriptFunctionImpl} constructor.
 147      * @param data the script function data for the bound function.
 148      * @param global the global object
 149      */
 150     ScriptFunctionImpl(final ScriptFunctionData data, final Global global) {
 151         super(data, getInitialBoundMap(), null);
 152         init(global);
 153     }
 155     static {
 156         final ArrayList<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>(3);
 157         properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("prototype", Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE, G$PROTOTYPE, S$PROTOTYPE));
 158         properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("length",  Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE | Property.NOT_WRITABLE, G$LENGTH, null));
 159         properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("name", Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE | Property.NOT_WRITABLE, G$NAME, null));
 160         map$ = PropertyMap.newMap(properties);
 161         strictmodemap$ = createStrictModeMap(map$);
 162         boundfunctionmap$ = createBoundFunctionMap(strictmodemap$);
 163     }
 165     private static PropertyMap createStrictModeMap(final PropertyMap map) {
 166         final int flags = Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE;
 167         PropertyMap newMap = map;
 168         // Need to add properties directly to map since slots are assigned speculatively by newUserAccessors.
 169         newMap = newMap.addPropertyNoHistory(map.newUserAccessors("arguments", flags));
 170         newMap = newMap.addPropertyNoHistory(map.newUserAccessors("caller", flags));
 171         return newMap;
 172     }
 174     private static boolean isStrict(final int flags) {
 175         return (flags & ScriptFunctionData.IS_STRICT) != 0;
 176     }
 178     // Choose the map based on strict mode!
 179     private static PropertyMap getMap(final Global global, final boolean strict) {
 180         return strict ? getInitialStrictMap() : getInitialMap();
 181     }
 183     private static PropertyMap createBoundFunctionMap(final PropertyMap strictModeMap) {
 184         // Bound function map is same as strict function map, but additionally lacks the "prototype" property, see
 185         // ECMAScript 5.1 section
 186         return strictModeMap.deleteProperty(strictModeMap.findProperty("prototype"));
 187     }
 189     // Instance of this class is used as global anonymous function which
 190     // serves as Function.prototype object.
 191     private static class AnonymousFunction extends ScriptFunctionImpl {
 192         private static final PropertyMap anonmap$ = PropertyMap.newMap();
 194         static PropertyMap getInitialMap() {
 195             return anonmap$;
 196         }
 198         AnonymousFunction(final Global global) {
 199             super("", GlobalFunctions.ANONYMOUS, getInitialAnonymousMap(), null);
 200         }
 201     }
 203     static ScriptFunctionImpl newAnonymousFunction(final Global global) {
 204         return new AnonymousFunction(global);
 205     }
 207     /**
 208      * Factory method for non-constructor built-in functions
 209      *
 210      * @param name   function name
 211      * @param methodHandle handle for invocation
 212      * @param specs  specialized versions of function if available, null otherwise
 213      * @return new ScriptFunction
 214      */
 215     static ScriptFunction makeFunction(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final MethodHandle[] specs) {
 216         final ScriptFunctionImpl func = new ScriptFunctionImpl(name, methodHandle, null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN);
 217         func.setPrototype(UNDEFINED);
 218         // Non-constructor built-in functions do not have "prototype" property
 219         func.deleteOwnProperty(func.getMap().findProperty("prototype"));

  38 import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunctionData;
  39 import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject;
  40 import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.AccessorProperty;
  42 /**
  43  * Concrete implementation of ScriptFunction. This sets correct map for the
  44  * function objects -- to expose properties like "prototype", "length" etc.
  45  */
  46 public class ScriptFunctionImpl extends ScriptFunction {
  48     /** Reference to constructor prototype. */
  49     private Object prototype;
  51     // property map for strict mode functions
  52     private static final PropertyMap strictmodemap$;
  53     // property map for bound functions
  54     private static final PropertyMap boundfunctionmap$;
  55     // property map for non-strict, non-bound functions.
  56     private static final PropertyMap map$;

  58     // Marker object for lazily initialized prototype object
  59     private static final Object LAZY_PROTOTYPE = new Object();
  61     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final MethodHandle[] specs, final Global global) {
  62         super(name, invokeHandle, map$, null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR);
  63         init(global);
  64     }
  66     /**
  67      * Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, no membercount, use the default map.
  68      * Creates builtin functions only.
  69      *
  70      * @param name name of function
  71      * @param invokeHandle handle for invocation
  72      * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
  73      */
  74     ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final MethodHandle[] specs) {
  75         this(name, invokeHandle, specs, Global.instance());
  76     }
  78     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final PropertyMap map, final MethodHandle[] specs, final Global global) {
  79         super(name, invokeHandle, map.addAll(map$), null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR);
  80         init(global);
  81     }
  83     /**
  84      * Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, no membercount, use the map passed as argument.
  85      * Creates builtin functions only.
  86      *
  87      * @param name name of function
  88      * @param invokeHandle handle for invocation
  89      * @param map initial property map
  90      * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
  91      */
  92     ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final PropertyMap map, final MethodHandle[] specs) {
  93         this(name, invokeHandle, map, specs, Global.instance());
  94     }
  96     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final ScriptObject scope, final MethodHandle[] specs, final int flags, final Global global) {
  97         super(name, methodHandle, getMap(isStrict(flags)), scope, specs, flags);
  98         init(global);
  99     }
 101     /**
 102      * Constructor called by Global.newScriptFunction (runtime).
 103      *
 104      * @param name name of function
 105      * @param methodHandle handle for invocation
 106      * @param scope scope object
 107      * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
 108      * @param flags {@link ScriptFunctionData} flags
 109      */
 110     ScriptFunctionImpl(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final ScriptObject scope, final MethodHandle[] specs, final int flags) {
 111         this(name, methodHandle, scope, specs, flags, Global.instance());
 112     }
 114     private ScriptFunctionImpl(final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data, final ScriptObject scope, final Global global) {
 115         super(data, getMap(data.isStrict()), scope);
 116         init(global);
 117     }
 119     /**
 120      * Constructor called by (compiler) generated code for {@link ScriptObject}s.
 121      *
 122      * @param data static function data
 123      * @param scope scope object
 124      */
 125     public ScriptFunctionImpl(final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data, final ScriptObject scope) {
 126         this(data, scope, Global.instance());
 127     }
 129     /**
 130      * Only invoked internally from {@link BoundScriptFunctionImpl} constructor.
 131      * @param data the script function data for the bound function.
 132      * @param global the global object
 133      */
 134     ScriptFunctionImpl(final ScriptFunctionData data, final Global global) {
 135         super(data, boundfunctionmap$, null);
 136         init(global);
 137     }
 139     static {
 140         final ArrayList<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>(3);
 141         properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("prototype", Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE, G$PROTOTYPE, S$PROTOTYPE));
 142         properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("length",  Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE | Property.NOT_WRITABLE, G$LENGTH, null));
 143         properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("name", Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE | Property.NOT_WRITABLE, G$NAME, null));
 144         map$ = PropertyMap.newMap(properties);
 145         strictmodemap$ = createStrictModeMap(map$);
 146         boundfunctionmap$ = createBoundFunctionMap(strictmodemap$);
 147     }
 149     private static PropertyMap createStrictModeMap(final PropertyMap map) {
 150         final int flags = Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE;
 151         PropertyMap newMap = map;
 152         // Need to add properties directly to map since slots are assigned speculatively by newUserAccessors.
 153         newMap = newMap.addPropertyNoHistory(map.newUserAccessors("arguments", flags));
 154         newMap = newMap.addPropertyNoHistory(map.newUserAccessors("caller", flags));
 155         return newMap;
 156     }
 158     private static boolean isStrict(final int flags) {
 159         return (flags & ScriptFunctionData.IS_STRICT) != 0;
 160     }
 162     // Choose the map based on strict mode!
 163     private static PropertyMap getMap(final boolean strict) {
 164         return strict ? strictmodemap$ : map$;
 165     }
 167     private static PropertyMap createBoundFunctionMap(final PropertyMap strictModeMap) {
 168         // Bound function map is same as strict function map, but additionally lacks the "prototype" property, see
 169         // ECMAScript 5.1 section
 170         return strictModeMap.deleteProperty(strictModeMap.findProperty("prototype"));
 171     }
 173     // Instance of this class is used as global anonymous function which
 174     // serves as Function.prototype object.
 175     private static class AnonymousFunction extends ScriptFunctionImpl {
 176         private static final PropertyMap anonmap$ = PropertyMap.newMap();

 178         AnonymousFunction(final Global global) {
 179             super("", GlobalFunctions.ANONYMOUS, anonmap$, null);
 180         }
 181     }
 183     static ScriptFunctionImpl newAnonymousFunction(final Global global) {
 184         return new AnonymousFunction(global);
 185     }
 187     /**
 188      * Factory method for non-constructor built-in functions
 189      *
 190      * @param name   function name
 191      * @param methodHandle handle for invocation
 192      * @param specs  specialized versions of function if available, null otherwise
 193      * @return new ScriptFunction
 194      */
 195     static ScriptFunction makeFunction(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final MethodHandle[] specs) {
 196         final ScriptFunctionImpl func = new ScriptFunctionImpl(name, methodHandle, null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN);
 197         func.setPrototype(UNDEFINED);
 198         // Non-constructor built-in functions do not have "prototype" property
 199         func.deleteOwnProperty(func.getMap().findProperty("prototype"));