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 668                 } else {
 669                     throw new NoSuchElementException();
 670                 }
 671             }
 673             @Override
 674             public void remove() {
 675                 throw new ReadOnlyFileSystemException();
 676             }
 677         };
 678     }
 680     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 681     // Helpers for JrtFileSystemProvider and JrtFileSystem
 682     final int getPathLength() {
 683         return path.length;
 684     }
 686     final void createDirectory(FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
 687             throws IOException {
 688         jrtfs.createDirectory(getResolvedPath(), attrs);
 689     }
 691     final InputStream newInputStream(OpenOption... options) throws IOException {
 692         if (options.length > 0) {
 693             for (OpenOption opt : options) {
 694                 if (opt != READ) {
 695                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("'" + opt + "' not allowed");
 696                 }
 697             }
 698         }
 699         return jrtfs.newInputStream(getResolvedPath());
 700     }
 702     final DirectoryStream<Path> newDirectoryStream(Filter<? super Path> filter)
 703             throws IOException {
 704         return new JrtDirectoryStream(this, filter);
 705     }
 707     final void delete() throws IOException {
 708         jrtfs.deleteFile(getResolvedPath(), true);
 709     }
 711     final void deleteIfExists() throws IOException {
 712         jrtfs.deleteFile(getResolvedPath(), false);
 713     }
 715     final AbstractJrtFileAttributes getAttributes(LinkOption... options) throws IOException {
 716         AbstractJrtFileAttributes zfas = jrtfs.getFileAttributes(getResolvedPath(), options);
 717         if (zfas == null) {
 718             throw new NoSuchFileException(toString());
 719         }
 720         return zfas;
 721     }
 723     final void setAttribute(String attribute, Object value, LinkOption... options)
 724             throws IOException {
 725         String type;
 726         String attr;
 727         int colonPos = attribute.indexOf(':');
 728         if (colonPos == -1) {
 729             type = "basic";
 730             attr = attribute;
 731         } else {
 732             type = attribute.substring(0, colonPos++);
 733             attr = attribute.substring(colonPos);
 734         }
 735         JrtFileAttributeView view = JrtFileAttributeView.get(this, type, options);
 736         if (view == null) {
 737             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("view <" + view + "> is not supported");
 738         }
 739         view.setAttribute(attr, value);
 740     }
 742     final void setTimes(FileTime mtime, FileTime atime, FileTime ctime)
 743             throws IOException {
 744         jrtfs.setTimes(getResolvedPath(), mtime, atime, ctime);
 745     }
 747     final Map<String, Object> readAttributes(String attributes, LinkOption... options)
 748             throws IOException {
 749         String view;
 750         String attrs;
 751         int colonPos = attributes.indexOf(':');
 752         if (colonPos == -1) {
 753             view = "basic";
 754             attrs = attributes;
 755         } else {
 756             view = attributes.substring(0, colonPos++);
 757             attrs = attributes.substring(colonPos);
 758         }
 759         JrtFileAttributeView jrtfv = JrtFileAttributeView.get(this, view, options);
 760         if (jrtfv == null) {
 761             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("view not supported");
 762         }
 763         return jrtfv.readAttributes(attrs);
 764     }

 772     }
 774     final boolean isSameFile(Path other) throws IOException {
 775         if (this.equals(other)) {
 776             return true;
 777         }
 778         if (other == null
 779                 || this.getFileSystem() != other.getFileSystem()) {
 780             return false;
 781         }
 782         this.checkAccess();
 783         AbstractJrtPath target = (AbstractJrtPath) other;
 784         target.checkAccess();
 785         return Arrays.equals(this.getResolvedPath(), target.getResolvedPath())
 786                 || jrtfs.isSameFile(this, target);
 787     }
 789     final SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
 790             FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
 791             throws IOException {
 792         return jrtfs.newByteChannel(getResolvedPath(), options, attrs);
 793     }
 795     final FileChannel newFileChannel(Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
 796             FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
 797             throws IOException {
 798         return jrtfs.newFileChannel(getResolvedPath(), options, attrs);
 799     }
 801     final void checkAccess(AccessMode... modes) throws IOException {
 802         boolean w = false;
 803         boolean x = false;
 804         for (AccessMode mode : modes) {
 805             switch (mode) {
 806                 case READ:
 807                     break;
 808                 case WRITE:
 809                     w = true;
 810                     break;
 811                 case EXECUTE:
 812                     x = true;
 813                     break;
 814                 default:
 815                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 816             }
 817         }
 819         BasicFileAttributes attrs = jrtfs.getFileAttributes(getResolvedPath());
 820         if (attrs == null && (path.length != 1 || path[0] != '/')) {
 821             throw new NoSuchFileException(toString());
 822         }
 823         if (w) {
 824 //            if (jrtfs.isReadOnly())
 825             throw new AccessDeniedException(toString());
 826         }
 827         if (x) {
 828             throw new AccessDeniedException(toString());
 829         }
 830     }
 832     final boolean exists() {
 833         try {
 834             return jrtfs.exists(getResolvedPath());
 835         } catch (IOException x) {
 836         }
 837         return false;
 838     }
 840     final OutputStream newOutputStream(OpenOption... options) throws IOException {
 841         if (options.length == 0) {
 842             return jrtfs.newOutputStream(getResolvedPath(),
 843                     CREATE_NEW, WRITE);
 844         }
 845         return jrtfs.newOutputStream(getResolvedPath(), options);
 846     }
 848     final void move(AbstractJrtPath target, CopyOption... options)
 849             throws IOException {
 850         if (this.jrtfs == target.jrtfs) {
 851             jrtfs.copyFile(true,
 852                     getResolvedPath(), target.getResolvedPath(),
 853                     options);
 854         } else {
 855             copyToTarget(target, options);
 856             delete();
 857         }
 858     }
 860     final void copy(AbstractJrtPath target, CopyOption... options)
 861             throws IOException {
 862         if (this.jrtfs == target.jrtfs) {
 863             jrtfs.copyFile(false,
 864                     getResolvedPath(), target.getResolvedPath(),
 865                     options);
 866         } else {
 867             copyToTarget(target, options);
 868         }
 869     }
 871     private void copyToTarget(AbstractJrtPath target, CopyOption... options)
 872             throws IOException {
 873         boolean replaceExisting = false;
 874         boolean copyAttrs = false;
 875         for (CopyOption opt : options) {
 876             if (opt == REPLACE_EXISTING) {
 877                 replaceExisting = true;
 878             } else if (opt == COPY_ATTRIBUTES) {
 879                 copyAttrs = true;
 880             }
 881         }
 882         // attributes of source file
 883         BasicFileAttributes jrtfas = getAttributes();
 884         // check if target exists
 885         boolean exists;
 886         if (replaceExisting) {
 887             try {
 888                 target.deleteIfExists();
 889                 exists = false;
 890             } catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException x) {
 891                 exists = true;
 892             }
 893         } else {
 894             exists = target.exists();
 895         }
 896         if (exists) {
 897             throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(target.toString());
 898         }
 900         if (jrtfas.isDirectory()) {
 901             // create directory or file
 902             target.createDirectory();
 903         } else {
 904             try (InputStream is = jrtfs.newInputStream(getResolvedPath()); OutputStream os = target.newOutputStream()) {
 905                 byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
 906                 int n;
 907                 while ((n = is.read(buf)) != -1) {
 908                     os.write(buf, 0, n);
 909                 }
 910             }
 911         }
 912         if (copyAttrs) {
 913             BasicFileAttributeView view
 914                     = JrtFileAttributeView.get(target, BasicFileAttributeView.class);
 915             try {
 916                 view.setTimes(jrtfas.lastModifiedTime(),
 917                         jrtfas.lastAccessTime(),
 918                         jrtfas.creationTime());
 919             } catch (IOException x) {
 920                 // rollback?
 921                 try {
 922                     target.delete();
 923                 } catch (IOException ignore) {
 924                 }

 668                 } else {
 669                     throw new NoSuchElementException();
 670                 }
 671             }
 673             @Override
 674             public void remove() {
 675                 throw new ReadOnlyFileSystemException();
 676             }
 677         };
 678     }
 680     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 681     // Helpers for JrtFileSystemProvider and JrtFileSystem
 682     final int getPathLength() {
 683         return path.length;
 684     }
 686     final void createDirectory(FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
 687             throws IOException {
 688         jrtfs.createDirectory(this, attrs);
 689     }
 691     final InputStream newInputStream(OpenOption... options) throws IOException {
 692         if (options.length > 0) {
 693             for (OpenOption opt : options) {
 694                 if (opt != READ) {
 695                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("'" + opt + "' not allowed");
 696                 }
 697             }
 698         }
 699         return jrtfs.newInputStream(this);
 700     }
 702     final DirectoryStream<Path> newDirectoryStream(Filter<? super Path> filter)
 703             throws IOException {
 704         return new JrtDirectoryStream(this, filter);
 705     }
 707     final void delete() throws IOException {
 708         jrtfs.deleteFile(this, true);
 709     }
 711     final void deleteIfExists() throws IOException {
 712         jrtfs.deleteFile(this, false);
 713     }
 715     final AbstractJrtFileAttributes getAttributes(LinkOption... options) throws IOException {
 716         AbstractJrtFileAttributes zfas = jrtfs.getFileAttributes(this, options);
 717         if (zfas == null) {
 718             throw new NoSuchFileException(toString());
 719         }
 720         return zfas;
 721     }
 723     final void setAttribute(String attribute, Object value, LinkOption... options)
 724             throws IOException {
 725         String type;
 726         String attr;
 727         int colonPos = attribute.indexOf(':');
 728         if (colonPos == -1) {
 729             type = "basic";
 730             attr = attribute;
 731         } else {
 732             type = attribute.substring(0, colonPos++);
 733             attr = attribute.substring(colonPos);
 734         }
 735         JrtFileAttributeView view = JrtFileAttributeView.get(this, type, options);
 736         if (view == null) {
 737             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("view <" + view + "> is not supported");
 738         }
 739         view.setAttribute(attr, value);
 740     }
 742     final void setTimes(FileTime mtime, FileTime atime, FileTime ctime)
 743             throws IOException {
 744         jrtfs.setTimes(this, mtime, atime, ctime);
 745     }
 747     final Map<String, Object> readAttributes(String attributes, LinkOption... options)
 748             throws IOException {
 749         String view;
 750         String attrs;
 751         int colonPos = attributes.indexOf(':');
 752         if (colonPos == -1) {
 753             view = "basic";
 754             attrs = attributes;
 755         } else {
 756             view = attributes.substring(0, colonPos++);
 757             attrs = attributes.substring(colonPos);
 758         }
 759         JrtFileAttributeView jrtfv = JrtFileAttributeView.get(this, view, options);
 760         if (jrtfv == null) {
 761             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("view not supported");
 762         }
 763         return jrtfv.readAttributes(attrs);
 764     }

 772     }
 774     final boolean isSameFile(Path other) throws IOException {
 775         if (this.equals(other)) {
 776             return true;
 777         }
 778         if (other == null
 779                 || this.getFileSystem() != other.getFileSystem()) {
 780             return false;
 781         }
 782         this.checkAccess();
 783         AbstractJrtPath target = (AbstractJrtPath) other;
 784         target.checkAccess();
 785         return Arrays.equals(this.getResolvedPath(), target.getResolvedPath())
 786                 || jrtfs.isSameFile(this, target);
 787     }
 789     final SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
 790             FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
 791             throws IOException {
 792         return jrtfs.newByteChannel(this, options, attrs);
 793     }
 795     final FileChannel newFileChannel(Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
 796             FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
 797             throws IOException {
 798         return jrtfs.newFileChannel(this, options, attrs);
 799     }
 801     final void checkAccess(AccessMode... modes) throws IOException {
 802         boolean w = false;
 803         boolean x = false;
 804         for (AccessMode mode : modes) {
 805             switch (mode) {
 806                 case READ:
 807                     break;
 808                 case WRITE:
 809                     w = true;
 810                     break;
 811                 case EXECUTE:
 812                     x = true;
 813                     break;
 814                 default:
 815                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 816             }
 817         }
 819         BasicFileAttributes attrs = jrtfs.getFileAttributes(this);
 820         if (attrs == null && (path.length != 1 || path[0] != '/')) {
 821             throw new NoSuchFileException(toString());
 822         }
 823         if (w) {
 824 //            if (jrtfs.isReadOnly())
 825             throw new AccessDeniedException(toString());
 826         }
 827         if (x) {
 828             throw new AccessDeniedException(toString());
 829         }
 830     }
 832     final boolean exists() {
 833         try {
 834             return jrtfs.exists(this);
 835         } catch (IOException x) {
 836         }
 837         return false;
 838     }
 840     final OutputStream newOutputStream(OpenOption... options) throws IOException {
 841         if (options.length == 0) {
 842             return jrtfs.newOutputStream(this,
 843                     CREATE_NEW, WRITE);
 844         }
 845         return jrtfs.newOutputStream(this, options);
 846     }
 848     final void move(AbstractJrtPath target, CopyOption... options)
 849             throws IOException {
 850         if (this.jrtfs == target.jrtfs) {
 851             jrtfs.copyFile(true,
 852                     this, target,
 853                     options);
 854         } else {
 855             copyToTarget(target, options);
 856             delete();
 857         }
 858     }
 860     final void copy(AbstractJrtPath target, CopyOption... options)
 861             throws IOException {
 862         if (this.jrtfs == target.jrtfs) {
 863             jrtfs.copyFile(false,
 864                     this, target,
 865                     options);
 866         } else {
 867             copyToTarget(target, options);
 868         }
 869     }
 871     private void copyToTarget(AbstractJrtPath target, CopyOption... options)
 872             throws IOException {
 873         boolean replaceExisting = false;
 874         boolean copyAttrs = false;
 875         for (CopyOption opt : options) {
 876             if (opt == REPLACE_EXISTING) {
 877                 replaceExisting = true;
 878             } else if (opt == COPY_ATTRIBUTES) {
 879                 copyAttrs = true;
 880             }
 881         }
 882         // attributes of source file
 883         BasicFileAttributes jrtfas = getAttributes();
 884         // check if target exists
 885         boolean exists;
 886         if (replaceExisting) {
 887             try {
 888                 target.deleteIfExists();
 889                 exists = false;
 890             } catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException x) {
 891                 exists = true;
 892             }
 893         } else {
 894             exists = target.exists();
 895         }
 896         if (exists) {
 897             throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(target.toString());
 898         }
 900         if (jrtfas.isDirectory()) {
 901             // create directory or file
 902             target.createDirectory();
 903         } else {
 904             try (InputStream is = jrtfs.newInputStream(this); OutputStream os = target.newOutputStream()) {
 905                 byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
 906                 int n;
 907                 while ((n = is.read(buf)) != -1) {
 908                     os.write(buf, 0, n);
 909                 }
 910             }
 911         }
 912         if (copyAttrs) {
 913             BasicFileAttributeView view
 914                     = JrtFileAttributeView.get(target, BasicFileAttributeView.class);
 915             try {
 916                 view.setTimes(jrtfas.lastModifiedTime(),
 917                         jrtfas.lastAccessTime(),
 918                         jrtfas.creationTime());
 919             } catch (IOException x) {
 920                 // rollback?
 921                 try {
 922                     target.delete();
 923                 } catch (IOException ignore) {
 924                 }
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