/* * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.jextract.tree; import java.foreign.layout.Address; import java.foreign.layout.Function; import java.foreign.layout.Group; import java.foreign.layout.Layout; import java.foreign.layout.Padding; import java.foreign.layout.Sequence; import java.foreign.layout.Unresolved; import java.foreign.layout.Value; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import jdk.internal.clang.Cursor; import jdk.internal.clang.CursorKind; import jdk.internal.clang.SourceLocation; import jdk.internal.clang.Type; import jdk.internal.clang.TypeKind; import jdk.internal.foreign.memory.Types; /** * General Layout utility functions */ public final class LayoutUtils { private LayoutUtils() {} public static String getName(Type type) { Cursor c = type.getDeclarationCursor(); if (c.isInvalid()) { return type.spelling(); } return getName(c); } public static String getName(Tree tree) { String name = tree.name(); return name.isEmpty()? getName(tree.cursor()) : name; } private static String getName(Cursor cursor) { // Use cursor name instead of type name, this way we don't have struct // or enum prefix String nativeName = cursor.spelling(); if (nativeName.isEmpty()) { Type t = cursor.type(); nativeName = t.spelling(); if (nativeName.contains("::") || nativeName.contains(" ")) { SourceLocation.Location loc = cursor.getSourceLocation().getFileLocation(); return "anon$" + loc.path().getFileName().toString().replaceAll("\\.", "_") + "$" + loc.offset(); } } return nativeName; } private static boolean isFunction(Type clang_type) { switch (clang_type.kind()) { case Unexposed: case Typedef: case Elaborated: return isFunction(clang_type.canonicalType()); case FunctionProto: case FunctionNoProto: return true; default: return false; } } public static Function getFunction(Type t) { assert isFunction(t) : "not a function type"; switch (t.kind()) { case Unexposed: case Typedef: case Elaborated: return parseFunctionInternal(t.canonicalType()); case FunctionProto: case FunctionNoProto: return parseFunctionInternal(t); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported type kind: " + t.kind()); } } private static Function parseFunctionInternal(Type t) { final int argSize = t.numberOfArgs(); Layout[] args = new Layout[argSize]; for (int i = 0; i < argSize; i++) { Layout l = getLayout(t.argType(i)); args[i] = l instanceof Sequence? Address.ofLayout(64, ((Sequence)l).element()) : l; } if (t.resultType().kind() == TypeKind.Void) { return Function.ofVoid(t.isVariadic(), args); } else { return Function.of(getLayout(t.resultType()), t.isVariadic(), args); } } public static Layout getLayout(Type t) { switch(t.kind()) { case Bool: return Types.BOOLEAN; case Int: return Types.INT; case UInt: return Types.UNSIGNED.INT; case Int128: return Types.INT128; case UInt128: return Types.UNSIGNED.INT128; case Short: return Types.SHORT; case UShort: return Types.UNSIGNED.SHORT; case Long: return Types.LONG; case ULong: return Types.UNSIGNED.LONG; case LongLong: return Types.LONG_LONG; case ULongLong: return Types.UNSIGNED.LONG_LONG; case SChar: return Types.BYTE; case Char_S: case Char_U: case UChar: return Types.UNSIGNED.BYTE; case Float: return Types.FLOAT; case Double: return Types.DOUBLE; case LongDouble: return Types.LONG_DOUBLE; case Record: return getRecordReferenceLayout(t); case Enum: return Types.INT; case ConstantArray: return Sequence.of(t.getNumberOfElements(), getLayout(t.getElementType())); case IncompleteArray: return Sequence.of(0L, getLayout(t.getElementType())); case Unexposed: case Typedef: case Elaborated: return getLayout(t.canonicalType()); case Pointer: case BlockPointer: return parsePointerInternal(t.getPointeeType()); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported type kind: " + t.kind()); } } private static Address parsePointerInternal(Type pointeeType) { switch (pointeeType.kind()) { case Unexposed: case Typedef: case Elaborated: return parsePointerInternal(pointeeType.canonicalType()); case FunctionProto: case FunctionNoProto: return Address.ofFunction(64, parseFunctionInternal(pointeeType)); case Void: return Address.ofVoid(64); default: return Address.ofLayout(64, getLayout(pointeeType)); } } private static Layout getRecordReferenceLayout(Type t) { //symbolic reference return Unresolved.of() .withAnnotation(Layout.NAME, getName(t.canonicalType())); } static Layout getRecordLayout(Type t, BiFunction fieldMapper) { return getRecordLayoutInternal(0, t, t, fieldMapper); } private static Layout getRecordLayoutInternal(long offset, Type parent, Type t, BiFunction fieldMapper) { Cursor cu = t.getDeclarationCursor().getDefinition(); if (cu.isInvalid()) { return getRecordReferenceLayout(t); } final boolean isUnion = cu.kind() == CursorKind.UnionDecl; Stream fieldTypes = cu.children() .filter(cx -> cx.isAnonymousStruct() || cx.kind() == CursorKind.FieldDecl); List fieldLayouts = new ArrayList<>(); int pendingBitfieldStart = -1; long actualSize = 0L; for (Cursor c : fieldTypes.collect(Collectors.toList())) { boolean isBitfield = c.isBitField(); if (isBitfield && c.getBitFieldWidth() == 0) continue; long expectedOffset = offsetOf(parent, c); if (expectedOffset > offset) { if (isUnion) { throw new IllegalStateException("No padding in union elements!"); } fieldLayouts.add(Padding.of(expectedOffset - offset)); actualSize += (expectedOffset - offset); offset = expectedOffset; } if (isBitfield && !isUnion && pendingBitfieldStart == -1) { pendingBitfieldStart = fieldLayouts.size(); } if (!isBitfield && pendingBitfieldStart >= 0) { //emit/replace bitfields replaceBitfields(fieldLayouts, pendingBitfieldStart); pendingBitfieldStart = -1; } Layout fieldLayout = (c.isAnonymousStruct()) ? getRecordLayoutInternal(offset, parent, c.type(), fieldMapper) : fieldLayout(isUnion, c, fieldMapper); fieldLayouts.add(fieldLayout); long size = fieldSize(isUnion, c); if (isUnion) { actualSize = Math.max(actualSize, size); } else { offset += size; actualSize += size; } } long expectedSize = t.size() * 8; if (actualSize < expectedSize) { fieldLayouts.add(Padding.of(expectedSize - actualSize)); } if (pendingBitfieldStart >= 0) { //emit/replace bitfields replaceBitfields(fieldLayouts, pendingBitfieldStart); } Layout[] fields = fieldLayouts.toArray(new Layout[0]); Group g = isUnion ? Group.union(fields) : Group.struct(fields); return g.withAnnotation(Layout.NAME, getName(cu)); } private static Layout fieldLayout(boolean isUnion, Cursor c, BiFunction fieldMapper) { Layout layout = getLayout(c.type()); if (c.isBitField()) { boolean isSigned = ((Value)layout).kind() == Value.Kind.INTEGRAL_SIGNED; Layout sublayout = isSigned ? Value.ofSignedInt(c.getBitFieldWidth()) : Value.ofUnsignedInt(c.getBitFieldWidth()); sublayout = fieldMapper.apply(c, sublayout); return isUnion ? bitfield((Value)layout, List.of(sublayout)) : sublayout; } else { return fieldMapper.apply(c, layout); } } private static long fieldSize(boolean isUnion, Cursor c) { if (!c.isBitField() || isUnion) { return c.type().size() * 8; } else { return c.getBitFieldWidth(); } } private static void replaceBitfields(List layouts, int pendingBitfieldsStart) { long storageSize = storageSize(layouts); long offset = 0L; List newFields = new ArrayList<>(); List pendingFields = new ArrayList<>(); while (layouts.size() > pendingBitfieldsStart) { Layout l = layouts.remove(pendingBitfieldsStart); offset += l.bitsSize(); pendingFields.add(l); if (!pendingFields.isEmpty() && offset == storageSize) { //emit new newFields.add(bitfield(Value.ofUnsignedInt(storageSize), pendingFields)); pendingFields.clear(); offset = 0L; } else if (offset > storageSize) { throw new IllegalStateException("Crossing storage unit boundaries"); } } if (!pendingFields.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Partially used storage unit"); } //add back new fields newFields.forEach(layouts::add); } private static long storageSize(List layouts) { long size = layouts.stream().mapToLong(Layout::bitsSize).sum(); int[] sizes = { 64, 32, 16, 8 }; for (int s : sizes) { if (size % s == 0) { return s; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot infer storage size"); } private static Value bitfield(Value v, List sublayouts) { return v.withContents(Group.struct(sublayouts.toArray(new Layout[0]))); } private static long offsetOf(Type parent, Cursor c) { if (c.kind() == CursorKind.FieldDecl) { return parent.getOffsetOf(c.spelling()); } else { return c.children() .mapToLong(child -> offsetOf(parent, child)) .findFirst().orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new); } } }