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  67         }
  68     }
  70     private static Stream<Cursor> enumConstants(Cursor c) {
  71         return c.children().filter(cx -> cx.kind() == CursorKind.EnumConstantDecl);
  72     }
  74     public EnumTree createEnum(Cursor c) {
  75         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.EnumDecl);
  76         List<FieldTree> consts = new ArrayList<>();
  77         enumConstants(c).forEachOrdered(cx -> consts.add((FieldTree)createTree(cx)));
  78         return createEnumCommon(c, consts);
  79     }
  81     public EnumTree createEnum(Cursor c, List<FieldTree> fields) {
  82         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.EnumDecl);
  83         return createEnumCommon(c, fields);
  84     }
  86     private EnumTree createEnumCommon(Cursor c, List<FieldTree> fields) {
  87         Optional<Tree> def = Optional.ofNullable(c.isDefinition()? null : createTree(c.getDefinition()));

  88         return checkCache(c, EnumTree.class, ()->new EnumTree(c, def, fields));
  89     }
  91     public FieldTree createField(Cursor c) {
  92         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.EnumConstantDecl, CursorKind.FieldDecl);
  93         return checkCache(c, FieldTree.class, ()->new FieldTree(c));
  94     }
  96     public FunctionTree createFunction(Cursor c) {
  97         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.FunctionDecl);
  98         return checkCache(c, FunctionTree.class, ()->new FunctionTree(c));
  99     }
 101     public MacroTree createMacro(Cursor c, Optional<Object> value) {
 102         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.MacroDefinition);
 103         return checkCache(c, MacroTree.class, ()->new MacroTree(c, value));
 104     }
 106     public HeaderTree createHeader(Cursor c, Path path, List<Tree> decls) {
 107         return checkCache(c, HeaderTree.class, ()->new HeaderTree(c, path, decls));
 108     }
 110     public StructTree createStruct(Cursor c) {
 111         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.StructDecl, CursorKind.UnionDecl);
 112         List<Tree> decls = c.children().map(this::createTree).collect(Collectors.toList());
 113         return createStructCommon(c, decls);
 114     }
 116     public StructTree createStruct(Cursor c, List<Tree> declarations) {
 117         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.StructDecl, CursorKind.UnionDecl);
 118         return createStructCommon(c, declarations);
 119     }
 121     private StructTree createStructCommon(Cursor c, List<Tree> declarations) {
 122         Optional<Tree> def = Optional.ofNullable(c.isDefinition()? null : createTree(c.getDefinition()));

 123         return checkCache(c, StructTree.class, ()->new StructTree(c, def, declarations));
 124     }
 126     public TypedefTree createTypedef(Cursor c) {
 127         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.TypedefDecl);
 128         Cursor dcl = c.type().canonicalType().getDeclarationCursor();
 129         Optional<Tree> def = Optional.ofNullable(dcl.isDefinition()? createTree(dcl) : null);
 130         return checkCache(c, TypedefTree.class, ()->{
 131             return new TypedefTree(c, def);
 132         });
 133     }
 135     private VarTree createVar(Cursor c) {
 136         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.VarDecl);
 137         return checkCache(c, VarTree.class, ()->new VarTree(c));
 138     }
 140     private void checkCursor(Cursor c, CursorKind k) {
 141         if (c.kind() != k) {
 142             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid cursor kind");

  67         }
  68     }
  70     private static Stream<Cursor> enumConstants(Cursor c) {
  71         return c.children().filter(cx -> cx.kind() == CursorKind.EnumConstantDecl);
  72     }
  74     public EnumTree createEnum(Cursor c) {
  75         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.EnumDecl);
  76         List<FieldTree> consts = new ArrayList<>();
  77         enumConstants(c).forEachOrdered(cx -> consts.add((FieldTree)createTree(cx)));
  78         return createEnumCommon(c, consts);
  79     }
  81     public EnumTree createEnum(Cursor c, List<FieldTree> fields) {
  82         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.EnumDecl);
  83         return createEnumCommon(c, fields);
  84     }
  86     private EnumTree createEnumCommon(Cursor c, List<FieldTree> fields) {
  87         // If the current Cursor is not a definition, get the definition
  88         // and wrap it only if that is a valid definition.
  89         Optional<Tree> def = Optional.ofNullable(
  90             (c.isDefinition() || c.getDefinition().isInvalid())?
  91             null : createTree(c.getDefinition())
  92         );
  93         return checkCache(c, EnumTree.class, ()->new EnumTree(c, def, fields));
  94     }
  96     public FieldTree createField(Cursor c) {
  97         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.EnumConstantDecl, CursorKind.FieldDecl);
  98         return checkCache(c, FieldTree.class, ()->new FieldTree(c));
  99     }
 101     public FunctionTree createFunction(Cursor c) {
 102         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.FunctionDecl);
 103         return checkCache(c, FunctionTree.class, ()->new FunctionTree(c));
 104     }
 106     public MacroTree createMacro(Cursor c, Optional<Object> value) {
 107         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.MacroDefinition);
 108         return checkCache(c, MacroTree.class, ()->new MacroTree(c, value));
 109     }
 111     public HeaderTree createHeader(Cursor c, Path path, List<Tree> decls) {
 112         return checkCache(c, HeaderTree.class, ()->new HeaderTree(c, path, decls));
 113     }
 115     public StructTree createStruct(Cursor c) {
 116         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.StructDecl, CursorKind.UnionDecl);
 117         List<Tree> decls = c.children().map(this::createTree).collect(Collectors.toList());
 118         return createStructCommon(c, decls);
 119     }
 121     public StructTree createStruct(Cursor c, List<Tree> declarations) {
 122         checkCursorAny(c, CursorKind.StructDecl, CursorKind.UnionDecl);
 123         return createStructCommon(c, declarations);
 124     }
 126     private StructTree createStructCommon(Cursor c, List<Tree> declarations) {
 127         // If the current Cursor is not a definition, get the definition
 128         // and wrap it only if that is a valid definition.
 129         Optional<Tree> def = Optional.ofNullable(
 130             (c.isDefinition() || c.getDefinition().isInvalid())?
 131             null : createTree(c.getDefinition())
 132         );
 133         return checkCache(c, StructTree.class, ()->new StructTree(c, def, declarations));
 134     }
 136     public TypedefTree createTypedef(Cursor c) {
 137         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.TypedefDecl);
 138         Cursor dcl = c.type().canonicalType().getDeclarationCursor();
 139         Optional<Tree> def = Optional.ofNullable(dcl.isDefinition()? createTree(dcl) : null);
 140         return checkCache(c, TypedefTree.class, ()->{
 141             return new TypedefTree(c, def);
 142         });
 143     }
 145     private VarTree createVar(Cursor c) {
 146         checkCursor(c, CursorKind.VarDecl);
 147         return checkCache(c, VarTree.class, ()->new VarTree(c));
 148     }
 150     private void checkCursor(Cursor c, CursorKind k) {
 151         if (c.kind() != k) {
 152             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid cursor kind");
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