1 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:10 Expected statement but found let declaration
   2 if (true) let x = 1;
   3           ^
   4 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:10 Expected statement but found const declaration
   5 if (true) const x = 1;
   6           ^
   7 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:13 Expected statement but found let declaration
   8 while (true) let x = 1;
   9              ^
  10 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:13 Expected statement but found const declaration
  11 while (true) const x = 1;
  12              ^
  13 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:9 Expected statement but found let declaration
  14 for (;;) let x = 1;
  15          ^
  16 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:9 Expected statement but found const declaration
  17 for (;;) const x = 1;
  18          ^
  19 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:3 Expected statement but found let declaration
  20 do let x = 1; while (true);
  21    ^
  22 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:3 Expected statement but found const declaration
  23 do const x = 1; while (true);
  24    ^
  25 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:9 Expected statement but found const declaration
  26 with (y) const x = 1;
  27          ^
  28 SyntaxError: test/nashorn/script/basic/es6/let-const-statement-context.js#34:8<eval>:1:9 Expected statement but found let declaration
  29 with (y) let x = 1;
  30          ^