1 [
   2   {
   3     "fileName": "test.js",
   4     "code": "ident (19, 1)",
   5     "columnNumber": "19",
   6     "kind": "ERROR",
   7     "position": "19",
   8     "message": "test.js:1:19 Property \"k\" already defined\n    var a = { k:1, k:2 }\n                   ^",
   9     "lineNumber": "1"
  10   }
  11 ]
  12 [
  13   {
  14     "fileName": "test.js",
  15     "code": "with (19, 4)",
  16     "columnNumber": "4",
  17     "kind": "ERROR",
  18     "position": "19",
  19     "message": "test.js:2:4 \"with\" statement cannot be used in strict mode\n    with(x) {}\n    ^",
  20     "lineNumber": "2"
  21   }
  22 ]
  23 [
  24   {
  25     "fileName": "test.js",
  26     "code": "ident (8, 4)",
  27     "columnNumber": "8",
  28     "kind": "ERROR",
  29     "position": "8",
  30     "message": "test.js:1:8 \"eval\" cannot be used as variable name in strict mode\n    var eval = \"test value\";\n        ^",
  31     "lineNumber": "1"
  32   }
  33 ]
  34 [
  35   {
  36     "fileName": "test.js",
  37     "code": "ident (8, 9)",
  38     "columnNumber": "8",
  39     "kind": "ERROR",
  40     "position": "8",
  41     "message": "test.js:1:8 \"arguments\" cannot be used as variable name in strict mode\n    var arguments = \"test value\";\n        ^",
  42     "lineNumber": "1"
  43   }
  44 ]
  45 [
  46   {
  47     "fileName": "test.js",
  48     "code": "function (23, 8)",
  49     "columnNumber": "6",
  50     "kind": "ERROR",
  51     "position": "23",
  52     "message": "test.js:2:6 In strict mode, function declarations can only occur at program or function body level. You should use a function expression here instead.\n    \t\tfunction a () {}\n    \t\t^",
  53     "lineNumber": "2"
  54   }
  55 ]
  56 [
  57   {
  58     "fileName": "test.js",
  59     "code": "ident (26, 3)",
  60     "columnNumber": "26",
  61     "kind": "ERROR",
  62     "position": "26",
  63     "message": "test.js:1:26 Property \"x\" already defined\n    var a = { get x() {}, get x() {}};\n                          ^",
  64     "lineNumber": "1"
  65   },
  66   {
  67     "fileName": "test.js",
  68     "code": "ident (65, 3)",
  69     "columnNumber": "26",
  70     "kind": "ERROR",
  71     "position": "65",
  72     "message": "test.js:2:26 Property \"x\" already defined\n    var a = { set x() {}, set x() {}};\n                          ^",
  73     "lineNumber": "2"
  74   }
  75 ]
  76 [
  77   {
  78     "fileName": "test.js",
  79     "code": "; (15, 1)",
  80     "columnNumber": "15",
  81     "kind": "ERROR",
  82     "position": "15",
  83     "message": "test.js:1:15 Unclosed group near index 9\n([a-z])+(\n    /([a-z])+(/;\n               ^",
  84     "lineNumber": "1"
  85   },
  86   {
  87     "fileName": "test.js",
  88     "code": "; (32, 1)",
  89     "columnNumber": "15",
  90     "kind": "ERROR",
  91     "position": "32",
  92     "message": "test.js:2:15 Unsupported RegExp flag: h\n    /([a-z])+/h;\n               ^",
  93     "lineNumber": "2"
  94   }
  95 ]