/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ClassEmitter.Flag.PRIVATE; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ClassEmitter.Flag.STATIC; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.ARGUMENTS; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.CALLEE; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.GET_MAP; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.GET_STRING; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.QUICK_PREFIX; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.REGEX_PREFIX; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.RETURN; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.SCOPE; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.SPLIT_ARRAY_ARG; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.SPLIT_PREFIX; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.THIS; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.VARARGS; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.constructorNoLookup; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.interfaceCallNoLookup; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.methodDescriptor; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.staticCallNoLookup; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.typeDescriptor; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.virtualCallNoLookup; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Symbol.IS_INTERNAL; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Symbol.IS_TEMP; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.NashornCallSiteDescriptor.CALLSITE_FAST_SCOPE; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.NashornCallSiteDescriptor.CALLSITE_SCOPE; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.NashornCallSiteDescriptor.CALLSITE_STRICT; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ClassEmitter.Flag; import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.Call; import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.RuntimeCallSite.SpecializedRuntimeNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.ArrayType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.AccessNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BaseNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BinaryNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Block; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BlockStatement; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BreakNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BreakableNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CallNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CaseNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CatchNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ContinueNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.EmptyNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Expression; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ExpressionStatement; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ForNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.FunctionNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.FunctionNode.CompilationState; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IdentNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IfNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IndexNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LexicalContext; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LexicalContextNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LiteralNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode.ArrayUnit; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LoopNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ObjectNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.PropertyNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ReturnNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.RuntimeNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.RuntimeNode.Request; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SplitNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Statement; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SwitchNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Symbol; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.TernaryNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ThrowNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.TryNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.UnaryNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.VarNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.WhileNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.WithNode; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.NodeOperatorVisitor; import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.NodeVisitor; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.Global; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.ScriptFunctionImpl; import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.Lexer.RegexToken; import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Debug; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.DebugLogger; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.JSType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Property; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.PropertyMap; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.RecompilableScriptFunctionData; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Scope; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunction; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Undefined; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.ArrayData; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.LinkerCallSite; /** * This is the lowest tier of the code generator. It takes lowered ASTs emitted * from Lower and emits Java byte code. The byte code emission logic is broken * out into MethodEmitter. MethodEmitter works internally with a type stack, and * keeps track of the contents of the byte code stack. This way we avoid a large * number of special cases on the form *
 * if (type == INT) {
 *     visitInsn(ILOAD, slot);
 * } else if (type == DOUBLE) {
 *     visitInsn(DOUBLE, slot);
 * }
* This quickly became apparent when the code generator was generalized to work * with all types, and not just numbers or objects. *

* The CodeGenerator visits nodes only once, tags them as resolved and emits * bytecode for them. */ final class CodeGenerator extends NodeOperatorVisitor { private static final String GLOBAL_OBJECT = Type.getInternalName(Global.class); private static final String SCRIPTFUNCTION_IMPL_OBJECT = Type.getInternalName(ScriptFunctionImpl.class); /** Constant data & installation. The only reason the compiler keeps this is because it is assigned * by reflection in class installation */ private final Compiler compiler; /** Call site flags given to the code generator to be used for all generated call sites */ private final int callSiteFlags; /** How many regexp fields have been emitted */ private int regexFieldCount; /** Line number for last statement. If we encounter a new line number, line number bytecode information * needs to be generated */ private int lastLineNumber = -1; /** When should we stop caching regexp expressions in fields to limit bytecode size? */ private static final int MAX_REGEX_FIELDS = 2 * 1024; /** Current method emitter */ private MethodEmitter method; /** Current compile unit */ private CompileUnit unit; private static final DebugLogger LOG = new DebugLogger("codegen", "nashorn.codegen.debug"); /** From what size should we use spill instead of fields for JavaScript objects? */ private static final int OBJECT_SPILL_THRESHOLD = 300; private final Set emittedMethods = new HashSet<>(); /** * Constructor. * * @param compiler */ CodeGenerator(final Compiler compiler) { super(new CodeGeneratorLexicalContext()); this.compiler = compiler; this.callSiteFlags = compiler.getEnv()._callsite_flags; } /** * Gets the call site flags, adding the strict flag if the current function * being generated is in strict mode * * @return the correct flags for a call site in the current function */ int getCallSiteFlags() { return lc.getCurrentFunction().isStrict() ? callSiteFlags | CALLSITE_STRICT : callSiteFlags; } /** * Load an identity node * * @param identNode an identity node to load * @return the method generator used */ private MethodEmitter loadIdent(final IdentNode identNode, final Type type) { final Symbol symbol = identNode.getSymbol(); if (!symbol.isScope()) { assert symbol.hasSlot() || symbol.isParam(); return method.load(symbol).convert(type); } final String name = symbol.getName(); final Source source = lc.getCurrentFunction().getSource(); if (CompilerConstants.__FILE__.name().equals(name)) { return method.load(source.getName()); } else if (CompilerConstants.__DIR__.name().equals(name)) { return method.load(source.getBase()); } else if (CompilerConstants.__LINE__.name().equals(name)) { return method.load(source.getLine(identNode.position())).convert(Type.OBJECT); } else { assert identNode.getSymbol().isScope() : identNode + " is not in scope!"; final int flags = CALLSITE_SCOPE | getCallSiteFlags(); method.loadCompilerConstant(SCOPE); if (isFastScope(symbol)) { // Only generate shared scope getter for fast-scope symbols so we know we can dial in correct scope. if (symbol.getUseCount() > SharedScopeCall.FAST_SCOPE_GET_THRESHOLD) { return loadSharedScopeVar(type, symbol, flags); } return loadFastScopeVar(type, symbol, flags, identNode.isFunction()); } return method.dynamicGet(type, identNode.getName(), flags, identNode.isFunction()); } } /** * Check if this symbol can be accessed directly with a putfield or getfield or dynamic load * * @param symbol symbol to check for fast scope * @return true if fast scope */ private boolean isFastScope(final Symbol symbol) { if (!symbol.isScope()) { return false; } if (!lc.inDynamicScope()) { // If there's no with or eval in context, and the symbol is marked as scoped, it is fast scoped. Such a // symbol must either be global, or its defining block must need scope. assert symbol.isGlobal() || lc.getDefiningBlock(symbol).needsScope() : symbol.getName(); return true; } if (symbol.isGlobal()) { // Shortcut: if there's a with or eval in context, globals can't be fast scoped return false; } // Otherwise, check if there's a dynamic scope between use of the symbol and its definition final String name = symbol.getName(); boolean previousWasBlock = false; for (final Iterator it = lc.getAllNodes(); it.hasNext();) { final LexicalContextNode node = it.next(); if (node instanceof Block) { // If this block defines the symbol, then we can fast scope the symbol. final Block block = (Block)node; if (block.getExistingSymbol(name) == symbol) { assert block.needsScope(); return true; } previousWasBlock = true; } else { if ((node instanceof WithNode && previousWasBlock) || (node instanceof FunctionNode && CodeGeneratorLexicalContext.isFunctionDynamicScope((FunctionNode)node))) { // If we hit a scope that can have symbols introduced into it at run time before finding the defining // block, the symbol can't be fast scoped. A WithNode only counts if we've immediately seen a block // before - its block. Otherwise, we are currently processing the WithNode's expression, and that's // obviously not subjected to introducing new symbols. return false; } previousWasBlock = false; } } // Should've found the symbol defined in a block throw new AssertionError(); } private MethodEmitter loadSharedScopeVar(final Type valueType, final Symbol symbol, final int flags) { method.load(isFastScope(symbol) ? getScopeProtoDepth(lc.getCurrentBlock(), symbol) : -1); final SharedScopeCall scopeCall = lc.getScopeGet(unit, valueType, symbol, flags | CALLSITE_FAST_SCOPE); return scopeCall.generateInvoke(method); } private MethodEmitter loadFastScopeVar(final Type valueType, final Symbol symbol, final int flags, final boolean isMethod) { loadFastScopeProto(symbol, false); return method.dynamicGet(valueType, symbol.getName(), flags | CALLSITE_FAST_SCOPE, isMethod); } private MethodEmitter storeFastScopeVar(final Symbol symbol, final int flags) { loadFastScopeProto(symbol, true); method.dynamicSet(symbol.getName(), flags | CALLSITE_FAST_SCOPE); return method; } private int getScopeProtoDepth(final Block startingBlock, final Symbol symbol) { int depth = 0; final String name = symbol.getName(); for(final Iterator blocks = lc.getBlocks(startingBlock); blocks.hasNext();) { final Block currentBlock = blocks.next(); if (currentBlock.getExistingSymbol(name) == symbol) { return depth; } if (currentBlock.needsScope()) { ++depth; } } return -1; } private void loadFastScopeProto(final Symbol symbol, final boolean swap) { final int depth = getScopeProtoDepth(lc.getCurrentBlock(), symbol); assert depth != -1; if (depth > 0) { if (swap) { method.swap(); } for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { method.invoke(ScriptObject.GET_PROTO); } if (swap) { method.swap(); } } } /** * Generate code that loads this node to the stack. This method is only * public to be accessible from the maps sub package. Do not call externally * * @param node node to load * * @return the method emitter used */ MethodEmitter load(final Expression node) { return load(node, node.hasType() ? node.getType() : null, false); } // Test whether conversion from source to target involves a call of ES 9.1 ToPrimitive // with possible side effects from calling an object's toString or valueOf methods. private boolean noToPrimitiveConversion(final Type source, final Type target) { // Object to boolean conversion does not cause ToPrimitive call return source.isJSPrimitive() || !target.isJSPrimitive() || target.isBoolean(); } MethodEmitter loadBinaryOperands(final Expression lhs, final Expression rhs, final Type type) { return loadBinaryOperands(lhs, rhs, type, false); } private MethodEmitter loadBinaryOperands(final Expression lhs, final Expression rhs, final Type type, final boolean baseAlreadyOnStack) { // ECMAScript 5.1 specification (sections 11.5-11.11 and 11.13) prescribes that when evaluating a binary // expression "LEFT op RIGHT", the order of operations must be: LOAD LEFT, LOAD RIGHT, CONVERT LEFT, CONVERT // RIGHT, EXECUTE OP. Unfortunately, doing it in this order defeats potential optimizations that arise when we // can combine a LOAD with a CONVERT operation (e.g. use a dynamic getter with the conversion target type as its // return value). What we do here is reorder LOAD RIGHT and CONVERT LEFT when possible; it is possible only when // we can prove that executing CONVERT LEFT can't have a side effect that changes the value of LOAD RIGHT. // Basically, if we know that either LEFT already is a primitive value, or does not have to be converted to // a primitive value, or RIGHT is an expression that loads without side effects, then we can do the // reordering and collapse LOAD/CONVERT into a single operation; otherwise we need to do the more costly // separate operations to preserve specification semantics. if (noToPrimitiveConversion(lhs.getType(), type) || rhs.isLocal()) { // Can reorder. Combine load and convert into single operations. load(lhs, type, baseAlreadyOnStack); load(rhs, type, false); } else { // Can't reorder. Load and convert separately. load(lhs, lhs.getType(), baseAlreadyOnStack); load(rhs, rhs.getType(), false); method.swap().convert(type).swap().convert(type); } return method; } MethodEmitter loadBinaryOperands(final BinaryNode node) { return loadBinaryOperands(node.lhs(), node.rhs(), node.getType(), false); } MethodEmitter load(final Expression node, final Type type) { return load(node, type, false); } private MethodEmitter load(final Expression node, final Type type, final boolean baseAlreadyOnStack) { final Symbol symbol = node.getSymbol(); // If we lack symbols, we just generate what we see. if (symbol == null || type == null) { node.accept(this); return method; } assert !type.isUnknown(); /* * The load may be of type IdentNode, e.g. "x", AccessNode, e.g. "x.y" * or IndexNode e.g. "x[y]". Both AccessNodes and IndexNodes are * BaseNodes and the logic for loading the base object is reused */ final CodeGenerator codegen = this; node.accept(new NodeVisitor(lc) { @Override public boolean enterIdentNode(final IdentNode identNode) { loadIdent(identNode, type); return false; } @Override public boolean enterAccessNode(final AccessNode accessNode) { if (!baseAlreadyOnStack) { load(accessNode.getBase(), Type.OBJECT); } assert method.peekType().isObject(); method.dynamicGet(type, accessNode.getProperty().getName(), getCallSiteFlags(), accessNode.isFunction()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterIndexNode(final IndexNode indexNode) { if (!baseAlreadyOnStack) { load(indexNode.getBase(), Type.OBJECT); load(indexNode.getIndex()); } method.dynamicGetIndex(type, getCallSiteFlags(), indexNode.isFunction()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterFunctionNode(FunctionNode functionNode) { // function nodes will always leave a constructed function object on stack, no need to load the symbol // separately as in enterDefault() lc.pop(functionNode); functionNode.accept(codegen); // NOTE: functionNode.accept() will produce a different FunctionNode that we discard. This incidentally // doesn't cause problems as we're never touching FunctionNode again after it's visited here - codegen // is the last element in the compilation pipeline, the AST it produces is not used externally. So, we // re-push the original functionNode. lc.push(functionNode); method.convert(type); return false; } @Override public boolean enterCallNode(CallNode callNode) { return codegen.enterCallNode(callNode, type); } @Override public boolean enterLiteralNode(LiteralNode literalNode) { return codegen.enterLiteralNode(literalNode, type); } @Override public boolean enterDefault(final Node otherNode) { final Node currentDiscard = codegen.lc.getCurrentDiscard(); otherNode.accept(codegen); // generate code for whatever we are looking at. if(currentDiscard != otherNode) { method.load(symbol); // load the final symbol to the stack (or nop if no slot, then result is already there) assert method.peekType() != null; method.convert(type); } return false; } }); return method; } @Override public boolean enterAccessNode(final AccessNode accessNode) { load(accessNode); return false; } /** * Initialize a specific set of vars to undefined. This has to be done at * the start of each method for local variables that aren't passed as * parameters. * * @param symbols list of symbols. */ private void initSymbols(final Iterable symbols) { final LinkedList numbers = new LinkedList<>(); final LinkedList objects = new LinkedList<>(); for (final Symbol symbol : symbols) { /* * The following symbols are guaranteed to be defined and thus safe * from having undefined written to them: parameters internals this * * Otherwise we must, unless we perform control/escape analysis, * assign them undefined. */ final boolean isInternal = symbol.isParam() || symbol.isInternal() || symbol.isThis() || !symbol.canBeUndefined(); if (symbol.hasSlot() && !isInternal) { assert symbol.getSymbolType().isNumber() || symbol.getSymbolType().isObject() : "no potentially undefined narrower local vars than doubles are allowed: " + symbol + " in " + lc.getCurrentFunction(); if (symbol.getSymbolType().isNumber()) { numbers.add(symbol); } else if (symbol.getSymbolType().isObject()) { objects.add(symbol); } } } initSymbols(numbers, Type.NUMBER); initSymbols(objects, Type.OBJECT); } private void initSymbols(final LinkedList symbols, final Type type) { final Iterator it = symbols.iterator(); if(it.hasNext()) { method.loadUndefined(type); boolean hasNext; do { final Symbol symbol = it.next(); hasNext = it.hasNext(); if(hasNext) { method.dup(); } method.store(symbol); } while(hasNext); } } /** * Create symbol debug information. * * @param block block containing symbols. */ private void symbolInfo(final Block block) { for (final Symbol symbol : block.getSymbols()) { if (symbol.hasSlot()) { method.localVariable(symbol, block.getEntryLabel(), block.getBreakLabel()); } } } @Override public boolean enterBlock(final Block block) { if(lc.isFunctionBody() && emittedMethods.contains(lc.getCurrentFunction().getName())) { return false; } method.label(block.getEntryLabel()); initLocals(block); return true; } @Override public Node leaveBlock(final Block block) { method.label(block.getBreakLabel()); symbolInfo(block); if (block.needsScope() && !block.isTerminal()) { popBlockScope(block); } return block; } private void popBlockScope(final Block block) { final Label exitLabel = new Label("block_exit"); final Label recoveryLabel = new Label("block_catch"); final Label skipLabel = new Label("skip_catch"); /* pop scope a la try-finally */ method.loadCompilerConstant(SCOPE); method.invoke(ScriptObject.GET_PROTO); method.storeCompilerConstant(SCOPE); method._goto(skipLabel); method.label(exitLabel); method._catch(recoveryLabel); method.loadCompilerConstant(SCOPE); method.invoke(ScriptObject.GET_PROTO); method.storeCompilerConstant(SCOPE); method.athrow(); method.label(skipLabel); method._try(block.getEntryLabel(), exitLabel, recoveryLabel, Throwable.class); } @Override public boolean enterBreakNode(final BreakNode breakNode) { lineNumber(breakNode); final BreakableNode breakFrom = lc.getBreakable(breakNode.getLabel()); for (int i = 0; i < lc.getScopeNestingLevelTo(breakFrom); i++) { closeWith(); } method.splitAwareGoto(lc, breakFrom.getBreakLabel()); return false; } private int loadArgs(final List args) { return loadArgs(args, null, false, args.size()); } private int loadArgs(final List args, final String signature, final boolean isVarArg, final int argCount) { // arg have already been converted to objects here. if (isVarArg || argCount > LinkerCallSite.ARGLIMIT) { loadArgsArray(args); return 1; } // pad with undefined if size is too short. argCount is the real number of args int n = 0; final Type[] params = signature == null ? null : Type.getMethodArguments(signature); for (final Expression arg : args) { assert arg != null; if (n >= argCount) { load(arg); method.pop(); // we had to load the arg for its side effects } else if (params != null) { load(arg, params[n]); } else { load(arg); } n++; } while (n < argCount) { method.loadUndefined(Type.OBJECT); n++; } return argCount; } @Override public boolean enterCallNode(final CallNode callNode) { return enterCallNode(callNode, callNode.getType()); } private boolean enterCallNode(final CallNode callNode, final Type callNodeType) { lineNumber(callNode.getLineNumber()); final List args = callNode.getArgs(); final Expression function = callNode.getFunction(); final Block currentBlock = lc.getCurrentBlock(); final CodeGeneratorLexicalContext codegenLexicalContext = lc; function.accept(new NodeVisitor(new LexicalContext()) { private MethodEmitter sharedScopeCall(final IdentNode identNode, final int flags) { final Symbol symbol = identNode.getSymbol(); int scopeCallFlags = flags; method.loadCompilerConstant(SCOPE); if (isFastScope(symbol)) { method.load(getScopeProtoDepth(currentBlock, symbol)); scopeCallFlags |= CALLSITE_FAST_SCOPE; } else { method.load(-1); // Bypass fast-scope code in shared callsite } loadArgs(args); final Type[] paramTypes = method.getTypesFromStack(args.size()); final SharedScopeCall scopeCall = codegenLexicalContext.getScopeCall(unit, symbol, identNode.getType(), callNodeType, paramTypes, scopeCallFlags); return scopeCall.generateInvoke(method); } private void scopeCall(final IdentNode node, final int flags) { load(node, Type.OBJECT); // Type.OBJECT as foo() makes no sense if foo == 3 // ScriptFunction will see CALLSITE_SCOPE and will bind scope accordingly. method.loadUndefined(Type.OBJECT); //the 'this' object method.dynamicCall(callNodeType, 2 + loadArgs(args), flags); } private void evalCall(final IdentNode node, final int flags) { load(node, Type.OBJECT); // Type.OBJECT as foo() makes no sense if foo == 3 final Label not_eval = new Label("not_eval"); final Label eval_done = new Label("eval_done"); // check if this is the real built-in eval method.dup(); globalIsEval(); method.ifeq(not_eval); // We don't need ScriptFunction object for 'eval' method.pop(); method.loadCompilerConstant(SCOPE); // Load up self (scope). final CallNode.EvalArgs evalArgs = callNode.getEvalArgs(); // load evaluated code load(evalArgs.getCode(), Type.OBJECT); // load second and subsequent args for side-effect final List args = callNode.getArgs(); final int numArgs = args.size(); for (int i = 1; i < numArgs; i++) { load(args.get(i)).pop(); } // special/extra 'eval' arguments load(evalArgs.getThis()); method.load(evalArgs.getLocation()); method.load(evalArgs.getStrictMode()); method.convert(Type.OBJECT); // direct call to Global.directEval globalDirectEval(); method.convert(callNodeType); method._goto(eval_done); method.label(not_eval); // This is some scope 'eval' or global eval replaced by user // but not the built-in ECMAScript 'eval' function call method.loadNull(); method.dynamicCall(callNodeType, 2 + loadArgs(args), flags); method.label(eval_done); } @Override public boolean enterIdentNode(final IdentNode node) { final Symbol symbol = node.getSymbol(); if (symbol.isScope()) { final int flags = getCallSiteFlags() | CALLSITE_SCOPE; final int useCount = symbol.getUseCount(); // Threshold for generating shared scope callsite is lower for fast scope symbols because we know // we can dial in the correct scope. However, we also need to enable it for non-fast scopes to // support huge scripts like mandreel.js. if (callNode.isEval()) { evalCall(node, flags); } else if (useCount <= SharedScopeCall.FAST_SCOPE_CALL_THRESHOLD || (!isFastScope(symbol) && useCount <= SharedScopeCall.SLOW_SCOPE_CALL_THRESHOLD) || CodeGenerator.this.lc.inDynamicScope()) { scopeCall(node, flags); } else { sharedScopeCall(node, flags); } assert method.peekType().equals(callNodeType) : method.peekType() + "!=" + callNode.getType(); } else { enterDefault(node); } return false; } @Override public boolean enterAccessNode(final AccessNode node) { load(node.getBase(), Type.OBJECT); method.dup(); method.dynamicGet(node.getType(), node.getProperty().getName(), getCallSiteFlags(), true); method.swap(); method.dynamicCall(callNodeType, 2 + loadArgs(args), getCallSiteFlags()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode origCallee) { // NOTE: visiting the callee will leave a constructed ScriptFunction object on the stack if // callee.needsCallee() == true final FunctionNode callee = (FunctionNode)origCallee.accept(CodeGenerator.this); final boolean isVarArg = callee.isVarArg(); final int argCount = isVarArg ? -1 : callee.getParameters().size(); final String signature = new FunctionSignature(true, callee.needsCallee(), callee.getReturnType(), isVarArg ? null : callee.getParameters()).toString(); if (callee.isStrict()) { // self is undefined method.loadUndefined(Type.OBJECT); } else { // get global from scope (which is the self) globalInstance(); } loadArgs(args, signature, isVarArg, argCount); assert callee.getCompileUnit() != null : "no compile unit for " + callee.getName() + " " + Debug.id(callee) + " " + callNode; method.invokestatic(callee.getCompileUnit().getUnitClassName(), callee.getName(), signature); assert method.peekType().equals(callee.getReturnType()) : method.peekType() + " != " + callee.getReturnType(); method.convert(callNodeType); return false; } @Override public boolean enterIndexNode(final IndexNode node) { load(node.getBase(), Type.OBJECT); method.dup(); final Type indexType = node.getIndex().getType(); if (indexType.isObject() || indexType.isBoolean()) { load(node.getIndex(), Type.OBJECT); //TODO } else { load(node.getIndex()); } method.dynamicGetIndex(node.getType(), getCallSiteFlags(), true); method.swap(); method.dynamicCall(callNodeType, 2 + loadArgs(args), getCallSiteFlags()); return false; } @Override protected boolean enterDefault(final Node node) { // Load up function. load(function, Type.OBJECT); //TODO, e.g. booleans can be used as functions method.loadUndefined(Type.OBJECT); // ScriptFunction will figure out the correct this when it sees CALLSITE_SCOPE method.dynamicCall(callNodeType, 2 + loadArgs(args), getCallSiteFlags() | CALLSITE_SCOPE); return false; } }); method.store(callNode.getSymbol()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterContinueNode(final ContinueNode continueNode) { lineNumber(continueNode); final LoopNode continueTo = lc.getContinueTo(continueNode.getLabel()); for (int i = 0; i < lc.getScopeNestingLevelTo(continueTo); i++) { closeWith(); } method.splitAwareGoto(lc, continueTo.getContinueLabel()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterEmptyNode(final EmptyNode emptyNode) { lineNumber(emptyNode); return false; } @Override public boolean enterExpressionStatement(final ExpressionStatement expressionStatement) { lineNumber(expressionStatement); expressionStatement.getExpression().accept(this); return false; } @Override public boolean enterBlockStatement(final BlockStatement blockStatement) { lineNumber(blockStatement); blockStatement.getBlock().accept(this); return false; } @Override public boolean enterForNode(final ForNode forNode) { lineNumber(forNode); if (forNode.isForIn()) { enterForIn(forNode); } else { enterFor(forNode); } return false; } private void enterFor(final ForNode forNode) { final Expression init = forNode.getInit(); final Expression test = forNode.getTest(); final Block body = forNode.getBody(); final Expression modify = forNode.getModify(); if (init != null) { init.accept(this); } final Label loopLabel = new Label("loop"); final Label testLabel = new Label("test"); method._goto(testLabel); method.label(loopLabel); body.accept(this); method.label(forNode.getContinueLabel()); if (!body.isTerminal() && modify != null) { load(modify); } method.label(testLabel); if (test != null) { new BranchOptimizer(this, method).execute(test, loopLabel, true); } else { method._goto(loopLabel); } method.label(forNode.getBreakLabel()); } private void enterForIn(final ForNode forNode) { final Block body = forNode.getBody(); final Expression modify = forNode.getModify(); final Symbol iter = forNode.getIterator(); final Label loopLabel = new Label("loop"); final Expression init = forNode.getInit(); load(modify, Type.OBJECT); method.invoke(forNode.isForEach() ? ScriptRuntime.TO_VALUE_ITERATOR : ScriptRuntime.TO_PROPERTY_ITERATOR); method.store(iter); method._goto(forNode.getContinueLabel()); method.label(loopLabel); new Store(init) { @Override protected void storeNonDiscard() { return; } @Override protected void evaluate() { method.load(iter); method.invoke(interfaceCallNoLookup(Iterator.class, "next", Object.class)); } }.store(); body.accept(this); method.label(forNode.getContinueLabel()); method.load(iter); method.invoke(interfaceCallNoLookup(Iterator.class, "hasNext", boolean.class)); method.ifne(loopLabel); method.label(forNode.getBreakLabel()); } /** * Initialize the slots in a frame to undefined. * * @param block block with local vars. */ private void initLocals(final Block block) { lc.nextFreeSlot(block); final boolean isFunctionBody = lc.isFunctionBody(); final FunctionNode function = lc.getCurrentFunction(); if (isFunctionBody) { if(method.hasScope()) { if (function.needsParentScope()) { method.loadCompilerConstant(CALLEE); method.invoke(ScriptFunction.GET_SCOPE); } else { assert function.hasScopeBlock(); method.loadNull(); } method.storeCompilerConstant(SCOPE); } if (function.needsArguments()) { initArguments(function); } } /* * Determine if block needs scope, if not, just do initSymbols for this block. */ if (block.needsScope()) { /* * Determine if function is varargs and consequently variables have to * be in the scope. */ final boolean varsInScope = function.allVarsInScope(); // TODO for LET we can do better: if *block* does not contain any eval/with, we don't need its vars in scope. final List nameList = new ArrayList<>(); final List locals = new ArrayList<>(); // Initalize symbols and values final List newSymbols = new ArrayList<>(); final List values = new ArrayList<>(); final boolean hasArguments = function.needsArguments(); for (final Symbol symbol : block.getSymbols()) { if (symbol.isInternal() || symbol.isThis() || symbol.isTemp()) { continue; } if (symbol.isVar()) { if (varsInScope || symbol.isScope()) { nameList.add(symbol.getName()); newSymbols.add(symbol); values.add(null); assert symbol.isScope() : "scope for " + symbol + " should have been set in Lower already " + function.getName(); assert !symbol.hasSlot() : "slot for " + symbol + " should have been removed in Lower already" + function.getName(); } else { assert symbol.hasSlot() : symbol + " should have a slot only, no scope"; locals.add(symbol); } } else if (symbol.isParam() && (varsInScope || hasArguments || symbol.isScope())) { nameList.add(symbol.getName()); newSymbols.add(symbol); values.add(hasArguments ? null : symbol); assert symbol.isScope() : "scope for " + symbol + " should have been set in Lower already " + function.getName() + " varsInScope="+varsInScope+" hasArguments="+hasArguments+" symbol.isScope()=" + symbol.isScope(); assert !(hasArguments && symbol.hasSlot()) : "slot for " + symbol + " should have been removed in Lower already " + function.getName(); } } // we may have locals that need to be initialized initSymbols(locals); /* * Create a new object based on the symbols and values, generate * bootstrap code for object */ new FieldObjectCreator(this, nameList, newSymbols, values, true, hasArguments) { @Override protected void loadValue(final Symbol value) { method.load(value); } }.makeObject(method); // runScript(): merge scope into global if (isFunctionBody && function.isProgram()) { method.invoke(ScriptRuntime.MERGE_SCOPE); } method.storeCompilerConstant(SCOPE); } else { // Since we don't have a scope, parameters didn't get assigned array indices by the FieldObjectCreator, so // we need to assign them separately here. int nextParam = 0; if (isFunctionBody && function.isVarArg()) { for (final IdentNode param : function.getParameters()) { param.getSymbol().setFieldIndex(nextParam++); } } initSymbols(block.getSymbols()); } // Debugging: print symbols? @see --print-symbols flag printSymbols(block, (isFunctionBody ? "Function " : "Block in ") + (function.getIdent() == null ? "" : function.getIdent().getName())); } private void initArguments(final FunctionNode function) { method.loadCompilerConstant(VARARGS); if (function.needsCallee()) { method.loadCompilerConstant(CALLEE); } else { // If function is strict mode, "arguments.callee" is not populated, so we don't necessarily need the // caller. assert function.isStrict(); method.loadNull(); } method.load(function.getParameters().size()); globalAllocateArguments(); method.storeCompilerConstant(ARGUMENTS); } @Override public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) { if (functionNode.isLazy()) { // Must do it now; can't postpone it until leaveFunctionNode() newFunctionObject(functionNode, functionNode); return false; } final String fnName = functionNode.getName(); // NOTE: we only emit the method for a function with the given name once. We can have multiple functions with // the same name as a result of inlining finally blocks. However, in the future -- with type specialization, // notably -- we might need to check for both name *and* signature. Of course, even that might not be // sufficient; the function might have a code dependency on the type of the variables in its enclosing scopes, // and the type of such a variable can be different in catch and finally blocks. So, in the future we will have // to decide to either generate a unique method for each inlined copy of the function, maybe figure out its // exact type closure and deduplicate based on that, or just decide that functions in finally blocks aren't // worth it, and generate one method with most generic type closure. if(!emittedMethods.contains(fnName)) { LOG.info("=== BEGIN ", fnName); assert functionNode.getCompileUnit() != null : "no compile unit for " + fnName + " " + Debug.id(functionNode); unit = lc.pushCompileUnit(functionNode.getCompileUnit()); assert lc.hasCompileUnits(); method = lc.pushMethodEmitter(unit.getClassEmitter().method(functionNode)); // new method - reset last line number lastLineNumber = -1; // Mark end for variable tables. method.begin(); } return true; } @Override public Node leaveFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) { try { if(emittedMethods.add(functionNode.getName())) { method.end(); // wrap up this method unit = lc.popCompileUnit(functionNode.getCompileUnit()); method = lc.popMethodEmitter(method); LOG.info("=== END ", functionNode.getName()); } final FunctionNode newFunctionNode = functionNode.setState(lc, CompilationState.EMITTED); newFunctionObject(newFunctionNode, functionNode); return newFunctionNode; } catch (final Throwable t) { Context.printStackTrace(t); final VerifyError e = new VerifyError("Code generation bug in \"" + functionNode.getName() + "\": likely stack misaligned: " + t + " " + functionNode.getSource().getName()); e.initCause(t); throw e; } } @Override public boolean enterIdentNode(final IdentNode identNode) { return false; } @Override public boolean enterIfNode(final IfNode ifNode) { lineNumber(ifNode); final Expression test = ifNode.getTest(); final Block pass = ifNode.getPass(); final Block fail = ifNode.getFail(); final Label failLabel = new Label("if_fail"); final Label afterLabel = fail == null ? failLabel : new Label("if_done"); new BranchOptimizer(this, method).execute(test, failLabel, false); boolean passTerminal = false; boolean failTerminal = false; pass.accept(this); if (!pass.hasTerminalFlags()) { method._goto(afterLabel); //don't fallthru to fail block } else { passTerminal = pass.isTerminal(); } if (fail != null) { method.label(failLabel); fail.accept(this); failTerminal = fail.isTerminal(); } //if if terminates, put the after label there if (!passTerminal || !failTerminal) { method.label(afterLabel); } return false; } @Override public boolean enterIndexNode(final IndexNode indexNode) { load(indexNode); return false; } private void lineNumber(final Statement statement) { lineNumber(statement.getLineNumber()); } private void lineNumber(int lineNumber) { if (lineNumber != lastLineNumber) { method.lineNumber(lineNumber); } lastLineNumber = lineNumber; } /** * Load a list of nodes as an array of a specific type * The array will contain the visited nodes. * * @param arrayLiteralNode the array of contents * @param arrayType the type of the array, e.g. ARRAY_NUMBER or ARRAY_OBJECT * * @return the method generator that was used */ private MethodEmitter loadArray(final ArrayLiteralNode arrayLiteralNode, final ArrayType arrayType) { assert arrayType == Type.INT_ARRAY || arrayType == Type.LONG_ARRAY || arrayType == Type.NUMBER_ARRAY || arrayType == Type.OBJECT_ARRAY; final Expression[] nodes = arrayLiteralNode.getValue(); final Object presets = arrayLiteralNode.getPresets(); final int[] postsets = arrayLiteralNode.getPostsets(); final Class type = arrayType.getTypeClass(); final List units = arrayLiteralNode.getUnits(); loadConstant(presets); final Type elementType = arrayType.getElementType(); if (units != null) { final MethodEmitter savedMethod = method; final FunctionNode currentFunction = lc.getCurrentFunction(); for (final ArrayUnit arrayUnit : units) { unit = lc.pushCompileUnit(arrayUnit.getCompileUnit()); final String className = unit.getUnitClassName(); final String name = currentFunction.uniqueName(SPLIT_PREFIX.symbolName()); final String signature = methodDescriptor(type, ScriptFunction.class, Object.class, ScriptObject.class, type); final MethodEmitter me = unit.getClassEmitter().method(EnumSet.of(Flag.PUBLIC, Flag.STATIC), name, signature); method = lc.pushMethodEmitter(me); method.setFunctionNode(currentFunction); method.begin(); fixScopeSlot(currentFunction); method.load(arrayType, SPLIT_ARRAY_ARG.slot()); for (int i = arrayUnit.getLo(); i < arrayUnit.getHi(); i++) { storeElement(nodes, elementType, postsets[i]); } method._return(); method.end(); method = lc.popMethodEmitter(me); assert method == savedMethod; method.loadCompilerConstant(CALLEE); method.swap(); method.loadCompilerConstant(THIS); method.swap(); method.loadCompilerConstant(SCOPE); method.swap(); method.invokestatic(className, name, signature); unit = lc.popCompileUnit(unit); } return method; } for (final int postset : postsets) { storeElement(nodes, elementType, postset); } return method; } private void storeElement(final Expression[] nodes, final Type elementType, final int index) { method.dup(); method.load(index); final Expression element = nodes[index]; if (element == null) { method.loadEmpty(elementType); } else { load(element, elementType); } method.arraystore(); } private MethodEmitter loadArgsArray(final List args) { final Object[] array = new Object[args.size()]; loadConstant(array); for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { method.dup(); method.load(i); load(args.get(i), Type.OBJECT); //has to be upcast to object or we fail method.arraystore(); } return method; } /** * Load a constant from the constant array. This is only public to be callable from the objects * subpackage. Do not call directly. * * @param string string to load */ void loadConstant(final String string) { final String unitClassName = unit.getUnitClassName(); final ClassEmitter classEmitter = unit.getClassEmitter(); final int index = compiler.getConstantData().add(string); method.load(index); method.invokestatic(unitClassName, GET_STRING.symbolName(), methodDescriptor(String.class, int.class)); classEmitter.needGetConstantMethod(String.class); } /** * Load a constant from the constant array. This is only public to be callable from the objects * subpackage. Do not call directly. * * @param object object to load */ void loadConstant(final Object object) { final String unitClassName = unit.getUnitClassName(); final ClassEmitter classEmitter = unit.getClassEmitter(); final int index = compiler.getConstantData().add(object); final Class cls = object.getClass(); if (cls == PropertyMap.class) { method.load(index); method.invokestatic(unitClassName, GET_MAP.symbolName(), methodDescriptor(PropertyMap.class, int.class)); classEmitter.needGetConstantMethod(PropertyMap.class); } else if (cls.isArray()) { method.load(index); final String methodName = ClassEmitter.getArrayMethodName(cls); method.invokestatic(unitClassName, methodName, methodDescriptor(cls, int.class)); classEmitter.needGetConstantMethod(cls); } else { method.loadConstants().load(index).arrayload(); if (object instanceof ArrayData) { // avoid cast to non-public ArrayData subclass method.checkcast(ArrayData.class); method.invoke(virtualCallNoLookup(ArrayData.class, "copy", ArrayData.class)); } else if (cls != Object.class) { method.checkcast(cls); } } } // literal values private MethodEmitter loadLiteral(final LiteralNode node, final Type type) { final Object value = node.getValue(); if (value == null) { method.loadNull(); } else if (value instanceof Undefined) { method.loadUndefined(Type.OBJECT); } else if (value instanceof String) { final String string = (String)value; if (string.length() > (MethodEmitter.LARGE_STRING_THRESHOLD / 3)) { // 3 == max bytes per encoded char loadConstant(string); } else { method.load(string); } } else if (value instanceof RegexToken) { loadRegex((RegexToken)value); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { method.load((Boolean)value); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { if(type.isEquivalentTo(Type.NUMBER)) { method.load(((Integer)value).doubleValue()); } else if(type.isEquivalentTo(Type.LONG)) { method.load(((Integer)value).longValue()); } else { method.load((Integer)value); } } else if (value instanceof Long) { if(type.isEquivalentTo(Type.NUMBER)) { method.load(((Long)value).doubleValue()); } else { method.load((Long)value); } } else if (value instanceof Double) { method.load((Double)value); } else if (node instanceof ArrayLiteralNode) { final ArrayLiteralNode arrayLiteral = (ArrayLiteralNode)node; final ArrayType atype = arrayLiteral.getArrayType(); loadArray(arrayLiteral, atype); globalAllocateArray(atype); } else { assert false : "Unknown literal for " + node.getClass() + " " + value.getClass() + " " + value; } return method; } private MethodEmitter loadRegexToken(final RegexToken value) { method.load(value.getExpression()); method.load(value.getOptions()); return globalNewRegExp(); } private MethodEmitter loadRegex(final RegexToken regexToken) { if (regexFieldCount > MAX_REGEX_FIELDS) { return loadRegexToken(regexToken); } // emit field final String regexName = lc.getCurrentFunction().uniqueName(REGEX_PREFIX.symbolName()); final ClassEmitter classEmitter = unit.getClassEmitter(); classEmitter.field(EnumSet.of(PRIVATE, STATIC), regexName, Object.class); regexFieldCount++; // get field, if null create new regex, finally clone regex object method.getStatic(unit.getUnitClassName(), regexName, typeDescriptor(Object.class)); method.dup(); final Label cachedLabel = new Label("cached"); method.ifnonnull(cachedLabel); method.pop(); loadRegexToken(regexToken); method.dup(); method.putStatic(unit.getUnitClassName(), regexName, typeDescriptor(Object.class)); method.label(cachedLabel); globalRegExpCopy(); return method; } @Override public boolean enterLiteralNode(final LiteralNode literalNode) { return enterLiteralNode(literalNode, literalNode.getType()); } private boolean enterLiteralNode(final LiteralNode literalNode, final Type type) { assert literalNode.getSymbol() != null : literalNode + " has no symbol"; loadLiteral(literalNode, type).convert(type).store(literalNode.getSymbol()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterObjectNode(final ObjectNode objectNode) { final List elements = objectNode.getElements(); final List keys = new ArrayList<>(); final List symbols = new ArrayList<>(); final List values = new ArrayList<>(); boolean hasGettersSetters = false; Expression protoNode = null; for (PropertyNode propertyNode: elements) { final Expression value = propertyNode.getValue(); final String key = propertyNode.getKeyName(); final Symbol symbol = value == null ? null : propertyNode.getKey().getSymbol(); if (value == null) { hasGettersSetters = true; } else if (key.equals(ScriptObject.PROTO_PROPERTY_NAME)) { protoNode = value; continue; } keys.add(key); symbols.add(symbol); values.add(value); } if (elements.size() > OBJECT_SPILL_THRESHOLD) { new SpillObjectCreator(this, keys, symbols, values).makeObject(method); } else { new FieldObjectCreator(this, keys, symbols, values) { @Override protected void loadValue(final Expression node) { load(node); } /** * Ensure that the properties start out as object types so that * we can do putfield initializations instead of dynamicSetIndex * which would be the case to determine initial property type * otherwise. * * Use case, it's very expensive to do a million var x = {a:obj, b:obj} * just to have to invalidate them immediately on initialization * * see NASHORN-594 */ @Override protected MapCreator newMapCreator(final Class fieldObjectClass) { return new MapCreator(fieldObjectClass, keys, symbols) { @Override protected int getPropertyFlags(final Symbol symbol, final boolean hasArguments) { return super.getPropertyFlags(symbol, hasArguments) | Property.IS_ALWAYS_OBJECT; } }; } }.makeObject(method); } method.dup(); if (protoNode != null) { load(protoNode); method.invoke(ScriptObject.SET_PROTO_CHECK); } else { globalObjectPrototype(); method.invoke(ScriptObject.SET_PROTO); } if (hasGettersSetters) { for (final PropertyNode propertyNode : elements) { final FunctionNode getter = propertyNode.getGetter(); final FunctionNode setter = propertyNode.getSetter(); if (getter == null && setter == null) { continue; } method.dup().loadKey(propertyNode.getKey()); if (getter == null) { method.loadNull(); } else { getter.accept(this); } if (setter == null) { method.loadNull(); } else { setter.accept(this); } method.invoke(ScriptObject.SET_USER_ACCESSORS); } } method.store(objectNode.getSymbol()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterReturnNode(final ReturnNode returnNode) { lineNumber(returnNode); method.registerReturn(); final Type returnType = lc.getCurrentFunction().getReturnType(); final Expression expression = returnNode.getExpression(); if (expression != null) { load(expression); } else { method.loadUndefined(returnType); } method._return(returnType); return false; } private static boolean isNullLiteral(final Node node) { return node instanceof LiteralNode && ((LiteralNode) node).isNull(); } private boolean nullCheck(final RuntimeNode runtimeNode, final List args, final String signature) { final Request request = runtimeNode.getRequest(); if (!Request.isEQ(request) && !Request.isNE(request)) { return false; } assert args.size() == 2 : "EQ or NE or TYPEOF need two args"; Expression lhs = args.get(0); Expression rhs = args.get(1); if (isNullLiteral(lhs)) { final Expression tmp = lhs; lhs = rhs; rhs = tmp; } // this is a null literal check, so if there is implicit coercion // involved like {D}x=null, we will fail - this is very rare if (isNullLiteral(rhs) && lhs.getType().isObject()) { final Label trueLabel = new Label("trueLabel"); final Label falseLabel = new Label("falseLabel"); final Label endLabel = new Label("end"); load(lhs); method.dup(); if (Request.isEQ(request)) { method.ifnull(trueLabel); } else if (Request.isNE(request)) { method.ifnonnull(trueLabel); } else { assert false : "Invalid request " + request; } method.label(falseLabel); load(rhs); method.invokestatic(CompilerConstants.className(ScriptRuntime.class), request.toString(), signature); method._goto(endLabel); method.label(trueLabel); // if NE (not strict) this can be "undefined != null" which is supposed to be false if (request == Request.NE) { method.loadUndefined(Type.OBJECT); final Label isUndefined = new Label("isUndefined"); final Label afterUndefinedCheck = new Label("afterUndefinedCheck"); method.if_acmpeq(isUndefined); // not undefined method.load(true); method._goto(afterUndefinedCheck); method.label(isUndefined); method.load(false); method.label(afterUndefinedCheck); } else { method.pop(); method.load(true); } method.label(endLabel); method.convert(runtimeNode.getType()); method.store(runtimeNode.getSymbol()); return true; } return false; } private boolean specializationCheck(final RuntimeNode.Request request, final Expression node, final List args) { if (!request.canSpecialize()) { return false; } assert args.size() == 2; final Type returnType = node.getType(); load(args.get(0)); load(args.get(1)); Request finalRequest = request; //if the request is a comparison, i.e. one that can be reversed //it keeps its semantic, but make sure that the object comes in //last final Request reverse = Request.reverse(request); if (method.peekType().isObject() && reverse != null) { //rhs is object if (!method.peekType(1).isObject()) { //lhs is not object method.swap(); //prefer object as lhs finalRequest = reverse; } } method.dynamicRuntimeCall( new SpecializedRuntimeNode( finalRequest, new Type[] { method.peekType(1), method.peekType() }, returnType).getInitialName(), returnType, finalRequest); method.convert(node.getType()); method.store(node.getSymbol()); return true; } private static boolean isReducible(final Request request) { return Request.isComparison(request) || request == Request.ADD; } @Override public boolean enterRuntimeNode(final RuntimeNode runtimeNode) { /* * First check if this should be something other than a runtime node * AccessSpecializer might have changed the type * * TODO - remove this - Access Specializer will always know after Attr/Lower */ final List args = runtimeNode.getArgs(); if (runtimeNode.isPrimitive() && !runtimeNode.isFinal() && isReducible(runtimeNode.getRequest())) { final Expression lhs = args.get(0); assert args.size() > 1 : runtimeNode + " must have two args"; final Expression rhs = args.get(1); final Type type = runtimeNode.getType(); final Symbol symbol = runtimeNode.getSymbol(); switch (runtimeNode.getRequest()) { case EQ: case EQ_STRICT: return enterCmp(lhs, rhs, Condition.EQ, type, symbol); case NE: case NE_STRICT: return enterCmp(lhs, rhs, Condition.NE, type, symbol); case LE: return enterCmp(lhs, rhs, Condition.LE, type, symbol); case LT: return enterCmp(lhs, rhs, Condition.LT, type, symbol); case GE: return enterCmp(lhs, rhs, Condition.GE, type, symbol); case GT: return enterCmp(lhs, rhs, Condition.GT, type, symbol); case ADD: Type widest = Type.widest(lhs.getType(), rhs.getType()); load(lhs, widest); load(rhs, widest); method.add(); method.convert(type); method.store(symbol); return false; default: // it's ok to send this one on with only primitive arguments, maybe INSTANCEOF(true, true) or similar // assert false : runtimeNode + " has all primitive arguments. This is an inconsistent state"; break; } } if (nullCheck(runtimeNode, args, new FunctionSignature(false, false, runtimeNode.getType(), args).toString())) { return false; } if (!runtimeNode.isFinal() && specializationCheck(runtimeNode.getRequest(), runtimeNode, args)) { return false; } for (final Expression arg : args) { load(arg, Type.OBJECT); } method.invokestatic( CompilerConstants.className(ScriptRuntime.class), runtimeNode.getRequest().toString(), new FunctionSignature( false, false, runtimeNode.getType(), args.size()).toString()); method.convert(runtimeNode.getType()); method.store(runtimeNode.getSymbol()); return false; } @Override public boolean enterSplitNode(final SplitNode splitNode) { final CompileUnit splitCompileUnit = splitNode.getCompileUnit(); final FunctionNode fn = lc.getCurrentFunction(); final String className = splitCompileUnit.getUnitClassName(); final String name = splitNode.getName(); final Class rtype = fn.getReturnType().getTypeClass(); final boolean needsArguments = fn.needsArguments(); final Class[] ptypes = needsArguments ? new Class[] {ScriptFunction.class, Object.class, ScriptObject.class, Object.class} : new Class[] {ScriptFunction.class, Object.class, ScriptObject.class}; final MethodEmitter caller = method; unit = lc.pushCompileUnit(splitCompileUnit); final Call splitCall = staticCallNoLookup( className, name, methodDescriptor(rtype, ptypes)); final MethodEmitter splitEmitter = splitCompileUnit.getClassEmitter().method( splitNode, name, rtype, ptypes); method = lc.pushMethodEmitter(splitEmitter); method.setFunctionNode(fn); assert fn.needsCallee() : "split function should require callee"; caller.loadCompilerConstant(CALLEE); caller.loadCompilerConstant(THIS); caller.loadCompilerConstant(SCOPE); if (needsArguments) { caller.loadCompilerConstant(ARGUMENTS); } caller.invoke(splitCall); caller.storeCompilerConstant(RETURN); method.begin(); // Copy scope to its target slot as first thing because the original slot could be used by return symbol. fixScopeSlot(fn); method.loadUndefined(fn.getReturnType()); method.storeCompilerConstant(RETURN); return true; } private void fixScopeSlot(final FunctionNode functionNode) { // TODO hack to move the scope to the expected slot (needed because split methods reuse the same slots as the root method) if (functionNode.compilerConstant(SCOPE).getSlot() != SCOPE.slot()) { method.load(Type.typeFor(ScriptObject.class), SCOPE.slot()); method.storeCompilerConstant(SCOPE); } } @Override public Node leaveSplitNode(final SplitNode splitNode) { assert method instanceof SplitMethodEmitter; final boolean hasReturn = method.hasReturn(); final List