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 599 //------------------------------makecon----------------------------------------
 600 ConNode* PhaseTransform::makecon(const Type *t) {
 601   assert(t->singleton(), "must be a constant");
 602   assert(!t->empty() || t == Type::TOP, "must not be vacuous range");
 603   switch (t->base()) {  // fast paths
 604   case Type::Half:
 605   case Type::Top:  return (ConNode*) C->top();
 606   case Type::Int:  return intcon( t->is_int()->get_con() );
 607   case Type::Long: return longcon( t->is_long()->get_con() );
 608   }
 609   if (t->is_zero_type())
 610     return zerocon(t->basic_type());
 611   return uncached_makecon(t);
 612 }
 614 //--------------------------uncached_makecon-----------------------------------
 615 // Make an idealized constant - one of ConINode, ConPNode, etc.
 616 ConNode* PhaseValues::uncached_makecon(const Type *t) {
 617   assert(t->singleton(), "must be a constant");
 618   ConNode* x = ConNode::make(C, t);
 619   ConNode* k = (ConNode*)hash_find_insert(x); // Value numbering
 620   if (k == NULL) {
 621     set_type(x, t);             // Missed, provide type mapping
 622     GrowableArray<Node_Notes*>* nna = C->node_note_array();
 623     if (nna != NULL) {
 624       Node_Notes* loc = C->locate_node_notes(nna, x->_idx, true);
 625       loc->clear(); // do not put debug info on constants
 626     }
 627   } else {
 628     x->destruct();              // Hit, destroy duplicate constant
 629     x = k;                      // use existing constant
 630   }
 631   return x;
 632 }
 634 //------------------------------intcon-----------------------------------------
 635 // Fast integer constant.  Same as "transform(new ConINode(TypeInt::make(i)))"
 636 ConINode* PhaseTransform::intcon(int i) {
 637   // Small integer?  Check cache! Check that cached node is not dead
 638   if (i >= _icon_min && i <= _icon_max) {

1611           trstack.push(new_input);
1612         }
1613         assert( new_input == clone->in(i), "insanity check");
1614       }
1615     }
1616   }
1617   return new_node;
1618 }
1621 //------------------------------transform_once---------------------------------
1622 // For PhaseCCP, transformation is IDENTITY unless Node computed a constant.
1623 Node *PhaseCCP::transform_once( Node *n ) {
1624   const Type *t = type(n);
1625   // Constant?  Use constant Node instead
1626   if( t->singleton() ) {
1627     Node *nn = n;               // Default is to return the original constant
1628     if( t == Type::TOP ) {
1629       // cache my top node on the Compile instance
1630       if( C->cached_top_node() == NULL || C->cached_top_node()->in(0) == NULL ) {
1631         C->set_cached_top_node( ConNode::make(C, Type::TOP) );
1632         set_type(C->top(), Type::TOP);
1633       }
1634       nn = C->top();
1635     }
1636     if( !n->is_Con() ) {
1637       if( t != Type::TOP ) {
1638         nn = makecon(t);        // ConNode::make(t);
1639         NOT_PRODUCT( inc_constants(); )
1640       } else if( n->is_Region() ) { // Unreachable region
1641         // Note: nn == C->top()
1642         n->set_req(0, NULL);        // Cut selfreference
1643         // Eagerly remove dead phis to avoid phis copies creation.
1644         for (DUIterator i = n->outs(); n->has_out(i); i++) {
1645           Node* m = n->out(i);
1646           if( m->is_Phi() ) {
1647             assert(type(m) == Type::TOP, "Unreachable region should not have live phis.");
1648             replace_node(m, nn);
1649             --i; // deleted this phi; rescan starting with next position
1650           }
1651         }

1737 }
1739 //------------------------------do_transform-----------------------------------
1740 void PhasePeephole::do_transform() {
1741   bool method_name_not_printed = true;
1743   // Examine each basic block
1744   for (uint block_number = 1; block_number < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); ++block_number) {
1745     Block* block = _cfg.get_block(block_number);
1746     bool block_not_printed = true;
1748     // and each instruction within a block
1749     uint end_index = block->number_of_nodes();
1750     // block->end_idx() not valid after PhaseRegAlloc
1751     for( uint instruction_index = 1; instruction_index < end_index; ++instruction_index ) {
1752       Node     *n = block->get_node(instruction_index);
1753       if( n->is_Mach() ) {
1754         MachNode *m = n->as_Mach();
1755         int deleted_count = 0;
1756         // check for peephole opportunities
1757         MachNode *m2 = m->peephole( block, instruction_index, _regalloc, deleted_count, C );
1758         if( m2 != NULL ) {
1759 #ifndef PRODUCT
1760           if( PrintOptoPeephole ) {
1761             // Print method, first time only
1762             if( C->method() && method_name_not_printed ) {
1763               C->method()->print_short_name(); tty->cr();
1764               method_name_not_printed = false;
1765             }
1766             // Print this block
1767             if( Verbose && block_not_printed) {
1768               tty->print_cr("in block");
1769               block->dump();
1770               block_not_printed = false;
1771             }
1772             // Print instructions being deleted
1773             for( int i = (deleted_count - 1); i >= 0; --i ) {
1774               block->get_node(instruction_index-i)->as_Mach()->format(_regalloc); tty->cr();
1775             }
1776             tty->print_cr("replaced with");
1777             // Print new instruction

 599 //------------------------------makecon----------------------------------------
 600 ConNode* PhaseTransform::makecon(const Type *t) {
 601   assert(t->singleton(), "must be a constant");
 602   assert(!t->empty() || t == Type::TOP, "must not be vacuous range");
 603   switch (t->base()) {  // fast paths
 604   case Type::Half:
 605   case Type::Top:  return (ConNode*) C->top();
 606   case Type::Int:  return intcon( t->is_int()->get_con() );
 607   case Type::Long: return longcon( t->is_long()->get_con() );
 608   }
 609   if (t->is_zero_type())
 610     return zerocon(t->basic_type());
 611   return uncached_makecon(t);
 612 }
 614 //--------------------------uncached_makecon-----------------------------------
 615 // Make an idealized constant - one of ConINode, ConPNode, etc.
 616 ConNode* PhaseValues::uncached_makecon(const Type *t) {
 617   assert(t->singleton(), "must be a constant");
 618   ConNode* x = ConNode::make(t);
 619   ConNode* k = (ConNode*)hash_find_insert(x); // Value numbering
 620   if (k == NULL) {
 621     set_type(x, t);             // Missed, provide type mapping
 622     GrowableArray<Node_Notes*>* nna = C->node_note_array();
 623     if (nna != NULL) {
 624       Node_Notes* loc = C->locate_node_notes(nna, x->_idx, true);
 625       loc->clear(); // do not put debug info on constants
 626     }
 627   } else {
 628     x->destruct();              // Hit, destroy duplicate constant
 629     x = k;                      // use existing constant
 630   }
 631   return x;
 632 }
 634 //------------------------------intcon-----------------------------------------
 635 // Fast integer constant.  Same as "transform(new ConINode(TypeInt::make(i)))"
 636 ConINode* PhaseTransform::intcon(int i) {
 637   // Small integer?  Check cache! Check that cached node is not dead
 638   if (i >= _icon_min && i <= _icon_max) {

1611           trstack.push(new_input);
1612         }
1613         assert( new_input == clone->in(i), "insanity check");
1614       }
1615     }
1616   }
1617   return new_node;
1618 }
1621 //------------------------------transform_once---------------------------------
1622 // For PhaseCCP, transformation is IDENTITY unless Node computed a constant.
1623 Node *PhaseCCP::transform_once( Node *n ) {
1624   const Type *t = type(n);
1625   // Constant?  Use constant Node instead
1626   if( t->singleton() ) {
1627     Node *nn = n;               // Default is to return the original constant
1628     if( t == Type::TOP ) {
1629       // cache my top node on the Compile instance
1630       if( C->cached_top_node() == NULL || C->cached_top_node()->in(0) == NULL ) {
1631         C->set_cached_top_node( ConNode::make(Type::TOP) );
1632         set_type(C->top(), Type::TOP);
1633       }
1634       nn = C->top();
1635     }
1636     if( !n->is_Con() ) {
1637       if( t != Type::TOP ) {
1638         nn = makecon(t);        // ConNode::make(t);
1639         NOT_PRODUCT( inc_constants(); )
1640       } else if( n->is_Region() ) { // Unreachable region
1641         // Note: nn == C->top()
1642         n->set_req(0, NULL);        // Cut selfreference
1643         // Eagerly remove dead phis to avoid phis copies creation.
1644         for (DUIterator i = n->outs(); n->has_out(i); i++) {
1645           Node* m = n->out(i);
1646           if( m->is_Phi() ) {
1647             assert(type(m) == Type::TOP, "Unreachable region should not have live phis.");
1648             replace_node(m, nn);
1649             --i; // deleted this phi; rescan starting with next position
1650           }
1651         }

1737 }
1739 //------------------------------do_transform-----------------------------------
1740 void PhasePeephole::do_transform() {
1741   bool method_name_not_printed = true;
1743   // Examine each basic block
1744   for (uint block_number = 1; block_number < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); ++block_number) {
1745     Block* block = _cfg.get_block(block_number);
1746     bool block_not_printed = true;
1748     // and each instruction within a block
1749     uint end_index = block->number_of_nodes();
1750     // block->end_idx() not valid after PhaseRegAlloc
1751     for( uint instruction_index = 1; instruction_index < end_index; ++instruction_index ) {
1752       Node     *n = block->get_node(instruction_index);
1753       if( n->is_Mach() ) {
1754         MachNode *m = n->as_Mach();
1755         int deleted_count = 0;
1756         // check for peephole opportunities
1757         MachNode *m2 = m->peephole( block, instruction_index, _regalloc, deleted_count );
1758         if( m2 != NULL ) {
1759 #ifndef PRODUCT
1760           if( PrintOptoPeephole ) {
1761             // Print method, first time only
1762             if( C->method() && method_name_not_printed ) {
1763               C->method()->print_short_name(); tty->cr();
1764               method_name_not_printed = false;
1765             }
1766             // Print this block
1767             if( Verbose && block_not_printed) {
1768               tty->print_cr("in block");
1769               block->dump();
1770               block_not_printed = false;
1771             }
1772             // Print instructions being deleted
1773             for( int i = (deleted_count - 1); i >= 0; --i ) {
1774               block->get_node(instruction_index-i)->as_Mach()->format(_regalloc); tty->cr();
1775             }
1776             tty->print_cr("replaced with");
1777             // Print new instruction

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