1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   3  * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Red Hat Inc. All rights reserved.
   5  *
   6  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   9  *
  10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  13  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  14  * accompanied this code).
  15  *
  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  * questions.
  23  *
  24  */
  26 #include <sys/types.h>
  28 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  29 #include "asm/assembler.hpp"
  30 #include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
  31 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  33 #include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
  34 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  35 #include "nativeInst_aarch64.hpp"
  36 #include "opto/compile.hpp"
  37 #include "opto/node.hpp"
  38 #include "runtime/biasedLocking.hpp"
  39 #include "runtime/icache.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
  41 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  44 #include "gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
  45 #include "gc/g1/g1SATBCardTableModRefBS.hpp"
  46 #include "gc/g1/heapRegion.hpp"
  47 #endif
  49 #ifdef PRODUCT
  50 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) /* nothing */
  51 #define STOP(error) stop(error)
  52 #else
  53 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) block_comment(str)
  54 #define STOP(error) block_comment(error); stop(error)
  55 #endif
  57 #define BIND(label) bind(label); BLOCK_COMMENT(#label ":")
  59 // Patch any kind of instruction; there may be several instructions.
  60 // Return the total length (in bytes) of the instructions.
  61 int MacroAssembler::pd_patch_instruction_size(address branch, address target) {
  62   int instructions = 1;
  63   assert((uint64_t)target < (1ul << 48), "48-bit overflow in address constant");
  64   long offset = (target - branch) >> 2;
  65   unsigned insn = *(unsigned*)branch;
  66   if ((Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 29, 24) & 0b111011) == 0b011000) {
  67     // Load register (literal)
  68     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
  69   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 26) == 0b00101) {
  70     // Unconditional branch (immediate)
  71     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 25, 0, offset);
  72   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 25) == 0b0101010) {
  73     // Conditional branch (immediate)
  74     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
  75   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 25) == 0b011010) {
  76     // Compare & branch (immediate)
  77     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
  78   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 25) == 0b011011) {
  79     // Test & branch (immediate)
  80     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 18, 5, offset);
  81   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 28, 24) == 0b10000) {
  82     // PC-rel. addressing
  83     offset = target-branch;
  84     int shift = Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 31);
  85     if (shift) {
  86       u_int64_t dest = (u_int64_t)target;
  87       uint64_t pc_page = (uint64_t)branch >> 12;
  88       uint64_t adr_page = (uint64_t)target >> 12;
  89       unsigned offset_lo = dest & 0xfff;
  90       offset = adr_page - pc_page;
  92       // We handle 3 types of PC relative addressing
  93       //   1 - adrp    Rx, target_page
  94       //       ldr/str Ry, [Rx, #offset_in_page]
  95       //   2 - adrp    Rx, target_page
  96       //       add     Ry, Rx, #offset_in_page
  97       //   3 - adrp    Rx, target_page (page aligned reloc, offset == 0)
  98       // In the first 2 cases we must check that Rx is the same in the adrp and the
  99       // subsequent ldr/str or add instruction. Otherwise we could accidentally end
 100       // up treating a type 3 relocation as a type 1 or 2 just because it happened
 101       // to be followed by a random unrelated ldr/str or add instruction.
 102       //
 103       // In the case of a type 3 relocation, we know that these are only generated
 104       // for the safepoint polling page, or for the card type byte map base so we
 105       // assert as much and of course that the offset is 0.
 106       //
 107       unsigned insn2 = ((unsigned*)branch)[1];
 108       if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 29, 24) == 0b111001 &&
 109                 Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 4, 0) ==
 110                         Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 9, 5)) {
 111         // Load/store register (unsigned immediate)
 112         unsigned size = Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 31, 30);
 113         Instruction_aarch64::patch(branch + sizeof (unsigned),
 114                                     21, 10, offset_lo >> size);
 115         guarantee(((dest >> size) << size) == dest, "misaligned target");
 116         instructions = 2;
 117       } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 31, 22) == 0b1001000100 &&
 118                 Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 4, 0) ==
 119                         Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 4, 0)) {
 120         // add (immediate)
 121         Instruction_aarch64::patch(branch + sizeof (unsigned),
 122                                    21, 10, offset_lo);
 123         instructions = 2;
 124       } else {
 125         assert((jbyte *)target ==
 126                 ((CardTableModRefBS*)(Universe::heap()->barrier_set()))->byte_map_base ||
 127                target == StubRoutines::crc_table_addr() ||
 128                (address)target == os::get_polling_page(),
 129                "adrp must be polling page or byte map base");
 130         assert(offset_lo == 0, "offset must be 0 for polling page or byte map base");
 131       }
 132     }
 133     int offset_lo = offset & 3;
 134     offset >>= 2;
 135     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
 136     Instruction_aarch64::patch(branch, 30, 29, offset_lo);
 137   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 21) == 0b11010010100) {
 138     u_int64_t dest = (u_int64_t)target;
 139     // Move wide constant
 140     assert(nativeInstruction_at(branch+4)->is_movk(), "wrong insns in patch");
 141     assert(nativeInstruction_at(branch+8)->is_movk(), "wrong insns in patch");
 142     Instruction_aarch64::patch(branch, 20, 5, dest & 0xffff);
 143     Instruction_aarch64::patch(branch+4, 20, 5, (dest >>= 16) & 0xffff);
 144     Instruction_aarch64::patch(branch+8, 20, 5, (dest >>= 16) & 0xffff);
 145     assert(target_addr_for_insn(branch) == target, "should be");
 146     instructions = 3;
 147   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 22) == 0b1011100101 &&
 148              Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 4, 0) == 0b11111) {
 149     // nothing to do
 150     assert(target == 0, "did not expect to relocate target for polling page load");
 151   } else {
 152     ShouldNotReachHere();
 153   }
 154   return instructions * NativeInstruction::instruction_size;
 155 }
 157 int MacroAssembler::patch_oop(address insn_addr, address o) {
 158   int instructions;
 159   unsigned insn = *(unsigned*)insn_addr;
 160   assert(nativeInstruction_at(insn_addr+4)->is_movk(), "wrong insns in patch");
 162   // OOPs are either narrow (32 bits) or wide (48 bits).  We encode
 163   // narrow OOPs by setting the upper 16 bits in the first
 164   // instruction.
 165   if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 21) == 0b11010010101) {
 166     // Move narrow OOP
 167     narrowOop n = oopDesc::encode_heap_oop((oop)o);
 168     Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr, 20, 5, n >> 16);
 169     Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr+4, 20, 5, n & 0xffff);
 170     instructions = 2;
 171   } else {
 172     // Move wide OOP
 173     assert(nativeInstruction_at(insn_addr+8)->is_movk(), "wrong insns in patch");
 174     uintptr_t dest = (uintptr_t)o;
 175     Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr, 20, 5, dest & 0xffff);
 176     Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr+4, 20, 5, (dest >>= 16) & 0xffff);
 177     Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr+8, 20, 5, (dest >>= 16) & 0xffff);
 178     instructions = 3;
 179   }
 180   return instructions * NativeInstruction::instruction_size;
 181 }
 183 address MacroAssembler::target_addr_for_insn(address insn_addr, unsigned insn) {
 184   long offset = 0;
 185   if ((Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 29, 24) & 0b011011) == 0b00011000) {
 186     // Load register (literal)
 187     offset = Instruction_aarch64::sextract(insn, 23, 5);
 188     return address(((uint64_t)insn_addr + (offset << 2)));
 189   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 26) == 0b00101) {
 190     // Unconditional branch (immediate)
 191     offset = Instruction_aarch64::sextract(insn, 25, 0);
 192   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 25) == 0b0101010) {
 193     // Conditional branch (immediate)
 194     offset = Instruction_aarch64::sextract(insn, 23, 5);
 195   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 25) == 0b011010) {
 196     // Compare & branch (immediate)
 197     offset = Instruction_aarch64::sextract(insn, 23, 5);
 198    } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 25) == 0b011011) {
 199     // Test & branch (immediate)
 200     offset = Instruction_aarch64::sextract(insn, 18, 5);
 201   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 28, 24) == 0b10000) {
 202     // PC-rel. addressing
 203     offset = Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 29);
 204     offset |= Instruction_aarch64::sextract(insn, 23, 5) << 2;
 205     int shift = Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 31) ? 12 : 0;
 206     if (shift) {
 207       offset <<= shift;
 208       uint64_t target_page = ((uint64_t)insn_addr) + offset;
 209       target_page &= ((uint64_t)-1) << shift;
 210       // Return the target address for the following sequences
 211       //   1 - adrp    Rx, target_page
 212       //       ldr/str Ry, [Rx, #offset_in_page]
 213       //   2 - adrp    Rx, target_page         ]
 214       //       add     Ry, Rx, #offset_in_page
 215       //   3 - adrp    Rx, target_page (page aligned reloc, offset == 0)
 216       //
 217       // In the first two cases  we check that the register is the same and
 218       // return the target_page + the offset within the page.
 219       // Otherwise we assume it is a page aligned relocation and return
 220       // the target page only. The only cases this is generated is for
 221       // the safepoint polling page or for the card table byte map base so
 222       // we assert as much.
 223       //
 224       unsigned insn2 = ((unsigned*)insn_addr)[1];
 225       if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 29, 24) == 0b111001 &&
 226                 Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 4, 0) ==
 227                         Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 9, 5)) {
 228         // Load/store register (unsigned immediate)
 229         unsigned int byte_offset = Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 21, 10);
 230         unsigned int size = Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 31, 30);
 231         return address(target_page + (byte_offset << size));
 232       } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 31, 22) == 0b1001000100 &&
 233                 Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 4, 0) ==
 234                         Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 4, 0)) {
 235         // add (immediate)
 236         unsigned int byte_offset = Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn2, 21, 10);
 237         return address(target_page + byte_offset);
 238       } else {
 239         assert((jbyte *)target_page ==
 240                 ((CardTableModRefBS*)(Universe::heap()->barrier_set()))->byte_map_base ||
 241                (address)target_page == os::get_polling_page(),
 242                "adrp must be polling page or byte map base");
 243         return (address)target_page;
 244       }
 245     } else {
 246       ShouldNotReachHere();
 247     }
 248   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 23) == 0b110100101) {
 249     u_int32_t *insns = (u_int32_t *)insn_addr;
 250     // Move wide constant: movz, movk, movk.  See movptr().
 251     assert(nativeInstruction_at(insns+1)->is_movk(), "wrong insns in patch");
 252     assert(nativeInstruction_at(insns+2)->is_movk(), "wrong insns in patch");
 253     return address(u_int64_t(Instruction_aarch64::extract(insns[0], 20, 5))
 254                    + (u_int64_t(Instruction_aarch64::extract(insns[1], 20, 5)) << 16)
 255                    + (u_int64_t(Instruction_aarch64::extract(insns[2], 20, 5)) << 32));
 256   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 22) == 0b1011100101 &&
 257              Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 4, 0) == 0b11111) {
 258     return 0;
 259   } else {
 260     ShouldNotReachHere();
 261   }
 262   return address(((uint64_t)insn_addr + (offset << 2)));
 263 }
 265 void MacroAssembler::serialize_memory(Register thread, Register tmp) {
 266   dsb(Assembler::SY);
 267 }
 270 void MacroAssembler::reset_last_Java_frame(bool clear_fp,
 271                                            bool clear_pc) {
 272   // we must set sp to zero to clear frame
 273   str(zr, Address(rthread, JavaThread::last_Java_sp_offset()));
 274   // must clear fp, so that compiled frames are not confused; it is
 275   // possible that we need it only for debugging
 276   if (clear_fp) {
 277     str(zr, Address(rthread, JavaThread::last_Java_fp_offset()));
 278   }
 280   if (clear_pc) {
 281     str(zr, Address(rthread, JavaThread::last_Java_pc_offset()));
 282   }
 283 }
 285 // Calls to C land
 286 //
 287 // When entering C land, the rfp, & resp of the last Java frame have to be recorded
 288 // in the (thread-local) JavaThread object. When leaving C land, the last Java fp
 289 // has to be reset to 0. This is required to allow proper stack traversal.
 290 void MacroAssembler::set_last_Java_frame(Register last_java_sp,
 291                                          Register last_java_fp,
 292                                          Register last_java_pc,
 293                                          Register scratch) {
 295   if (last_java_pc->is_valid()) {
 296       str(last_java_pc, Address(rthread,
 297                                 JavaThread::frame_anchor_offset()
 298                                 + JavaFrameAnchor::last_Java_pc_offset()));
 299     }
 301   // determine last_java_sp register
 302   if (last_java_sp == sp) {
 303     mov(scratch, sp);
 304     last_java_sp = scratch;
 305   } else if (!last_java_sp->is_valid()) {
 306     last_java_sp = esp;
 307   }
 309   str(last_java_sp, Address(rthread, JavaThread::last_Java_sp_offset()));
 311   // last_java_fp is optional
 312   if (last_java_fp->is_valid()) {
 313     str(last_java_fp, Address(rthread, JavaThread::last_Java_fp_offset()));
 314   }
 315 }
 317 void MacroAssembler::set_last_Java_frame(Register last_java_sp,
 318                                          Register last_java_fp,
 319                                          address  last_java_pc,
 320                                          Register scratch) {
 321   if (last_java_pc != NULL) {
 322     adr(scratch, last_java_pc);
 323   } else {
 324     // FIXME: This is almost never correct.  We should delete all
 325     // cases of set_last_Java_frame with last_java_pc=NULL and use the
 326     // correct return address instead.
 327     adr(scratch, pc());
 328   }
 330   str(scratch, Address(rthread,
 331                        JavaThread::frame_anchor_offset()
 332                        + JavaFrameAnchor::last_Java_pc_offset()));
 334   set_last_Java_frame(last_java_sp, last_java_fp, noreg, scratch);
 335 }
 337 void MacroAssembler::set_last_Java_frame(Register last_java_sp,
 338                                          Register last_java_fp,
 339                                          Label &L,
 340                                          Register scratch) {
 341   if (L.is_bound()) {
 342     set_last_Java_frame(last_java_sp, last_java_fp, target(L), scratch);
 343   } else {
 344     InstructionMark im(this);
 345     L.add_patch_at(code(), locator());
 346     set_last_Java_frame(last_java_sp, last_java_fp, (address)NULL, scratch);
 347   }
 348 }
 350 void MacroAssembler::far_call(Address entry, CodeBuffer *cbuf, Register tmp) {
 351   assert(ReservedCodeCacheSize < 4*G, "branch out of range");
 352   assert(CodeCache::find_blob(entry.target()) != NULL,
 353          "destination of far call not found in code cache");
 354   if (far_branches()) {
 355     unsigned long offset;
 356     // We can use ADRP here because we know that the total size of
 357     // the code cache cannot exceed 2Gb.
 358     adrp(tmp, entry, offset);
 359     add(tmp, tmp, offset);
 360     if (cbuf) cbuf->set_insts_mark();
 361     blr(tmp);
 362   } else {
 363     if (cbuf) cbuf->set_insts_mark();
 364     bl(entry);
 365   }
 366 }
 368 void MacroAssembler::far_jump(Address entry, CodeBuffer *cbuf, Register tmp) {
 369   assert(ReservedCodeCacheSize < 4*G, "branch out of range");
 370   assert(CodeCache::find_blob(entry.target()) != NULL,
 371          "destination of far call not found in code cache");
 372   if (far_branches()) {
 373     unsigned long offset;
 374     // We can use ADRP here because we know that the total size of
 375     // the code cache cannot exceed 2Gb.
 376     adrp(tmp, entry, offset);
 377     add(tmp, tmp, offset);
 378     if (cbuf) cbuf->set_insts_mark();
 379     br(tmp);
 380   } else {
 381     if (cbuf) cbuf->set_insts_mark();
 382     b(entry);
 383   }
 384 }
 386 int MacroAssembler::biased_locking_enter(Register lock_reg,
 387                                          Register obj_reg,
 388                                          Register swap_reg,
 389                                          Register tmp_reg,
 390                                          bool swap_reg_contains_mark,
 391                                          Label& done,
 392                                          Label* slow_case,
 393                                          BiasedLockingCounters* counters) {
 394   assert(UseBiasedLocking, "why call this otherwise?");
 395   assert_different_registers(lock_reg, obj_reg, swap_reg);
 397   if (PrintBiasedLockingStatistics && counters == NULL)
 398     counters = BiasedLocking::counters();
 400   bool need_tmp_reg = false;
 401   if (tmp_reg == noreg) {
 402     tmp_reg = rscratch2;
 403   }
 404   assert_different_registers(lock_reg, obj_reg, swap_reg, tmp_reg, rscratch1);
 405   assert(markOopDesc::age_shift == markOopDesc::lock_bits + markOopDesc::biased_lock_bits, "biased locking makes assumptions about bit layout");
 406   Address mark_addr      (obj_reg, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes());
 407   Address klass_addr     (obj_reg, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes());
 408   Address saved_mark_addr(lock_reg, 0);
 410   // Biased locking
 411   // See whether the lock is currently biased toward our thread and
 412   // whether the epoch is still valid
 413   // Note that the runtime guarantees sufficient alignment of JavaThread
 414   // pointers to allow age to be placed into low bits
 415   // First check to see whether biasing is even enabled for this object
 416   Label cas_label;
 417   int null_check_offset = -1;
 418   if (!swap_reg_contains_mark) {
 419     null_check_offset = offset();
 420     ldr(swap_reg, mark_addr);
 421   }
 422   andr(tmp_reg, swap_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place);
 423   cmp(tmp_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_pattern);
 424   br(Assembler::NE, cas_label);
 425   // The bias pattern is present in the object's header. Need to check
 426   // whether the bias owner and the epoch are both still current.
 427   load_prototype_header(tmp_reg, obj_reg);
 428   orr(tmp_reg, tmp_reg, rthread);
 429   eor(tmp_reg, swap_reg, tmp_reg);
 430   andr(tmp_reg, tmp_reg, ~((int) markOopDesc::age_mask_in_place));
 431   if (counters != NULL) {
 432     Label around;
 433     cbnz(tmp_reg, around);
 434     atomic_incw(Address((address)counters->biased_lock_entry_count_addr()), tmp_reg, rscratch1);
 435     b(done);
 436     bind(around);
 437   } else {
 438     cbz(tmp_reg, done);
 439   }
 441   Label try_revoke_bias;
 442   Label try_rebias;
 444   // At this point we know that the header has the bias pattern and
 445   // that we are not the bias owner in the current epoch. We need to
 446   // figure out more details about the state of the header in order to
 447   // know what operations can be legally performed on the object's
 448   // header.
 450   // If the low three bits in the xor result aren't clear, that means
 451   // the prototype header is no longer biased and we have to revoke
 452   // the bias on this object.
 453   andr(rscratch1, tmp_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place);
 454   cbnz(rscratch1, try_revoke_bias);
 456   // Biasing is still enabled for this data type. See whether the
 457   // epoch of the current bias is still valid, meaning that the epoch
 458   // bits of the mark word are equal to the epoch bits of the
 459   // prototype header. (Note that the prototype header's epoch bits
 460   // only change at a safepoint.) If not, attempt to rebias the object
 461   // toward the current thread. Note that we must be absolutely sure
 462   // that the current epoch is invalid in order to do this because
 463   // otherwise the manipulations it performs on the mark word are
 464   // illegal.
 465   andr(rscratch1, tmp_reg, markOopDesc::epoch_mask_in_place);
 466   cbnz(rscratch1, try_rebias);
 468   // The epoch of the current bias is still valid but we know nothing
 469   // about the owner; it might be set or it might be clear. Try to
 470   // acquire the bias of the object using an atomic operation. If this
 471   // fails we will go in to the runtime to revoke the object's bias.
 472   // Note that we first construct the presumed unbiased header so we
 473   // don't accidentally blow away another thread's valid bias.
 474   {
 475     Label here;
 476     mov(rscratch1, markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place | markOopDesc::age_mask_in_place | markOopDesc::epoch_mask_in_place);
 477     andr(swap_reg, swap_reg, rscratch1);
 478     orr(tmp_reg, swap_reg, rthread);
 479     cmpxchgptr(swap_reg, tmp_reg, obj_reg, rscratch1, here, slow_case);
 480     // If the biasing toward our thread failed, this means that
 481     // another thread succeeded in biasing it toward itself and we
 482     // need to revoke that bias. The revocation will occur in the
 483     // interpreter runtime in the slow case.
 484     bind(here);
 485     if (counters != NULL) {
 486       atomic_incw(Address((address)counters->anonymously_biased_lock_entry_count_addr()),
 487                   tmp_reg, rscratch1);
 488     }
 489   }
 490   b(done);
 492   bind(try_rebias);
 493   // At this point we know the epoch has expired, meaning that the
 494   // current "bias owner", if any, is actually invalid. Under these
 495   // circumstances _only_, we are allowed to use the current header's
 496   // value as the comparison value when doing the cas to acquire the
 497   // bias in the current epoch. In other words, we allow transfer of
 498   // the bias from one thread to another directly in this situation.
 499   //
 500   // FIXME: due to a lack of registers we currently blow away the age
 501   // bits in this situation. Should attempt to preserve them.
 502   {
 503     Label here;
 504     load_prototype_header(tmp_reg, obj_reg);
 505     orr(tmp_reg, rthread, tmp_reg);
 506     cmpxchgptr(swap_reg, tmp_reg, obj_reg, rscratch1, here, slow_case);
 507     // If the biasing toward our thread failed, then another thread
 508     // succeeded in biasing it toward itself and we need to revoke that
 509     // bias. The revocation will occur in the runtime in the slow case.
 510     bind(here);
 511     if (counters != NULL) {
 512       atomic_incw(Address((address)counters->rebiased_lock_entry_count_addr()),
 513                   tmp_reg, rscratch1);
 514     }
 515   }
 516   b(done);
 518   bind(try_revoke_bias);
 519   // The prototype mark in the klass doesn't have the bias bit set any
 520   // more, indicating that objects of this data type are not supposed
 521   // to be biased any more. We are going to try to reset the mark of
 522   // this object to the prototype value and fall through to the
 523   // CAS-based locking scheme. Note that if our CAS fails, it means
 524   // that another thread raced us for the privilege of revoking the
 525   // bias of this particular object, so it's okay to continue in the
 526   // normal locking code.
 527   //
 528   // FIXME: due to a lack of registers we currently blow away the age
 529   // bits in this situation. Should attempt to preserve them.
 530   {
 531     Label here, nope;
 532     load_prototype_header(tmp_reg, obj_reg);
 533     cmpxchgptr(swap_reg, tmp_reg, obj_reg, rscratch1, here, &nope);
 534     bind(here);
 536     // Fall through to the normal CAS-based lock, because no matter what
 537     // the result of the above CAS, some thread must have succeeded in
 538     // removing the bias bit from the object's header.
 539     if (counters != NULL) {
 540       atomic_incw(Address((address)counters->revoked_lock_entry_count_addr()), tmp_reg,
 541                   rscratch1);
 542     }
 543     bind(nope);
 544   }
 546   bind(cas_label);
 548   return null_check_offset;
 549 }
 551 void MacroAssembler::biased_locking_exit(Register obj_reg, Register temp_reg, Label& done) {
 552   assert(UseBiasedLocking, "why call this otherwise?");
 554   // Check for biased locking unlock case, which is a no-op
 555   // Note: we do not have to check the thread ID for two reasons.
 556   // First, the interpreter checks for IllegalMonitorStateException at
 557   // a higher level. Second, if the bias was revoked while we held the
 558   // lock, the object could not be rebiased toward another thread, so
 559   // the bias bit would be clear.
 560   ldr(temp_reg, Address(obj_reg, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
 561   andr(temp_reg, temp_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place);
 562   cmp(temp_reg, markOopDesc::biased_lock_pattern);
 563   br(Assembler::EQ, done);
 564 }
 567 // added to make this compile
 569 REGISTER_DEFINITION(Register, noreg);
 571 static void pass_arg0(MacroAssembler* masm, Register arg) {
 572   if (c_rarg0 != arg ) {
 573     masm->mov(c_rarg0, arg);
 574   }
 575 }
 577 static void pass_arg1(MacroAssembler* masm, Register arg) {
 578   if (c_rarg1 != arg ) {
 579     masm->mov(c_rarg1, arg);
 580   }
 581 }
 583 static void pass_arg2(MacroAssembler* masm, Register arg) {
 584   if (c_rarg2 != arg ) {
 585     masm->mov(c_rarg2, arg);
 586   }
 587 }
 589 static void pass_arg3(MacroAssembler* masm, Register arg) {
 590   if (c_rarg3 != arg ) {
 591     masm->mov(c_rarg3, arg);
 592   }
 593 }
 595 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_base(Register oop_result,
 596                                   Register java_thread,
 597                                   Register last_java_sp,
 598                                   address  entry_point,
 599                                   int      number_of_arguments,
 600                                   bool     check_exceptions) {
 601    // determine java_thread register
 602   if (!java_thread->is_valid()) {
 603     java_thread = rthread;
 604   }
 606   // determine last_java_sp register
 607   if (!last_java_sp->is_valid()) {
 608     last_java_sp = esp;
 609   }
 611   // debugging support
 612   assert(number_of_arguments >= 0   , "cannot have negative number of arguments");
 613   assert(java_thread == rthread, "unexpected register");
 614 #ifdef ASSERT
 615   // TraceBytecodes does not use r12 but saves it over the call, so don't verify
 616   // if ((UseCompressedOops || UseCompressedClassPointers) && !TraceBytecodes) verify_heapbase("call_VM_base: heap base corrupted?");
 617 #endif // ASSERT
 619   assert(java_thread != oop_result  , "cannot use the same register for java_thread & oop_result");
 620   assert(java_thread != last_java_sp, "cannot use the same register for java_thread & last_java_sp");
 622   // push java thread (becomes first argument of C function)
 624   mov(c_rarg0, java_thread);
 626   // set last Java frame before call
 627   assert(last_java_sp != rfp, "can't use rfp");
 629   Label l;
 630   set_last_Java_frame(last_java_sp, rfp, l, rscratch1);
 632   // do the call, remove parameters
 633   MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, number_of_arguments, &l);
 635   // reset last Java frame
 636   // Only interpreter should have to clear fp
 637   reset_last_Java_frame(true, true);
 639    // C++ interp handles this in the interpreter
 640   check_and_handle_popframe(java_thread);
 641   check_and_handle_earlyret(java_thread);
 643   if (check_exceptions) {
 644     // check for pending exceptions (java_thread is set upon return)
 645     ldr(rscratch1, Address(java_thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset())));
 646     Label ok;
 647     cbz(rscratch1, ok);
 648     lea(rscratch1, RuntimeAddress(StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry()));
 649     br(rscratch1);
 650     bind(ok);
 651   }
 653   // get oop result if there is one and reset the value in the thread
 654   if (oop_result->is_valid()) {
 655     get_vm_result(oop_result, java_thread);
 656   }
 657 }
 659 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_helper(Register oop_result, address entry_point, int number_of_arguments, bool check_exceptions) {
 660   call_VM_base(oop_result, noreg, noreg, entry_point, number_of_arguments, check_exceptions);
 661 }
 663 // Maybe emit a call via a trampoline.  If the code cache is small
 664 // trampolines won't be emitted.
 666 void MacroAssembler::trampoline_call(Address entry, CodeBuffer *cbuf) {
 667   assert(entry.rspec().type() == relocInfo::runtime_call_type
 668          || entry.rspec().type() == relocInfo::opt_virtual_call_type
 669          || entry.rspec().type() == relocInfo::static_call_type
 670          || entry.rspec().type() == relocInfo::virtual_call_type, "wrong reloc type");
 672   unsigned int start_offset = offset();
 673   if (far_branches() && !Compile::current()->in_scratch_emit_size()) {
 674     emit_trampoline_stub(offset(), entry.target());
 675     if (Compile::current()->failing()) { return; } // CodeCache is full
 676   }
 678   if (cbuf) cbuf->set_insts_mark();
 679   relocate(entry.rspec());
 680   if (Assembler::reachable_from_branch_at(pc(), entry.target())) {
 681     bl(entry.target());
 682   } else {
 683     bl(pc());
 684   }
 685 }
 688 // Emit a trampoline stub for a call to a target which is too far away.
 689 //
 690 // code sequences:
 691 //
 692 // call-site:
 693 //   branch-and-link to <destination> or <trampoline stub>
 694 //
 695 // Related trampoline stub for this call site in the stub section:
 696 //   load the call target from the constant pool
 697 //   branch (LR still points to the call site above)
 699 void MacroAssembler::emit_trampoline_stub(int insts_call_instruction_offset,
 700                                              address dest) {
 701   address stub = start_a_stub(Compile::MAX_stubs_size/2);
 702   if (stub == NULL) {
 703     return;
 704   }
 706   // Create a trampoline stub relocation which relates this trampoline stub
 707   // with the call instruction at insts_call_instruction_offset in the
 708   // instructions code-section.
 709   align(wordSize);
 710   relocate(trampoline_stub_Relocation::spec(code()->insts()->start()
 711                                             + insts_call_instruction_offset));
 712   const int stub_start_offset = offset();
 714   // Now, create the trampoline stub's code:
 715   // - load the call
 716   // - call
 717   Label target;
 718   ldr(rscratch1, target);
 719   br(rscratch1);
 720   bind(target);
 721   assert(offset() - stub_start_offset == NativeCallTrampolineStub::data_offset,
 722          "should be");
 723   emit_int64((int64_t)dest);
 725   const address stub_start_addr = addr_at(stub_start_offset);
 727   assert(is_NativeCallTrampolineStub_at(stub_start_addr), "doesn't look like a trampoline");
 729   end_a_stub();
 730 }
 732 void MacroAssembler::ic_call(address entry) {
 733   RelocationHolder rh = virtual_call_Relocation::spec(pc());
 734   // address const_ptr = long_constant((jlong)Universe::non_oop_word());
 735   // unsigned long offset;
 736   // ldr_constant(rscratch2, const_ptr);
 737   movptr(rscratch2, (uintptr_t)Universe::non_oop_word());
 738   trampoline_call(Address(entry, rh));
 739 }
 741 // Implementation of call_VM versions
 743 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 744                              address entry_point,
 745                              bool check_exceptions) {
 746   call_VM_helper(oop_result, entry_point, 0, check_exceptions);
 747 }
 749 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 750                              address entry_point,
 751                              Register arg_1,
 752                              bool check_exceptions) {
 753   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
 754   call_VM_helper(oop_result, entry_point, 1, check_exceptions);
 755 }
 757 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 758                              address entry_point,
 759                              Register arg_1,
 760                              Register arg_2,
 761                              bool check_exceptions) {
 762   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
 763   pass_arg2(this, arg_2);
 764   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
 765   call_VM_helper(oop_result, entry_point, 2, check_exceptions);
 766 }
 768 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 769                              address entry_point,
 770                              Register arg_1,
 771                              Register arg_2,
 772                              Register arg_3,
 773                              bool check_exceptions) {
 774   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg3, "smashed arg");
 775   assert(arg_2 != c_rarg3, "smashed arg");
 776   pass_arg3(this, arg_3);
 778   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
 779   pass_arg2(this, arg_2);
 781   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
 782   call_VM_helper(oop_result, entry_point, 3, check_exceptions);
 783 }
 785 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 786                              Register last_java_sp,
 787                              address entry_point,
 788                              int number_of_arguments,
 789                              bool check_exceptions) {
 790   call_VM_base(oop_result, rthread, last_java_sp, entry_point, number_of_arguments, check_exceptions);
 791 }
 793 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 794                              Register last_java_sp,
 795                              address entry_point,
 796                              Register arg_1,
 797                              bool check_exceptions) {
 798   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
 799   call_VM(oop_result, last_java_sp, entry_point, 1, check_exceptions);
 800 }
 802 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 803                              Register last_java_sp,
 804                              address entry_point,
 805                              Register arg_1,
 806                              Register arg_2,
 807                              bool check_exceptions) {
 809   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
 810   pass_arg2(this, arg_2);
 811   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
 812   call_VM(oop_result, last_java_sp, entry_point, 2, check_exceptions);
 813 }
 815 void MacroAssembler::call_VM(Register oop_result,
 816                              Register last_java_sp,
 817                              address entry_point,
 818                              Register arg_1,
 819                              Register arg_2,
 820                              Register arg_3,
 821                              bool check_exceptions) {
 822   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg3, "smashed arg");
 823   assert(arg_2 != c_rarg3, "smashed arg");
 824   pass_arg3(this, arg_3);
 825   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
 826   pass_arg2(this, arg_2);
 827   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
 828   call_VM(oop_result, last_java_sp, entry_point, 3, check_exceptions);
 829 }
 832 void MacroAssembler::get_vm_result(Register oop_result, Register java_thread) {
 833   ldr(oop_result, Address(java_thread, JavaThread::vm_result_offset()));
 834   str(zr, Address(java_thread, JavaThread::vm_result_offset()));
 835   verify_oop(oop_result, "broken oop in call_VM_base");
 836 }
 838 void MacroAssembler::get_vm_result_2(Register metadata_result, Register java_thread) {
 839   ldr(metadata_result, Address(java_thread, JavaThread::vm_result_2_offset()));
 840   str(zr, Address(java_thread, JavaThread::vm_result_2_offset()));
 841 }
 843 void MacroAssembler::align(int modulus) {
 844   while (offset() % modulus != 0) nop();
 845 }
 847 // these are no-ops overridden by InterpreterMacroAssembler
 849 void MacroAssembler::check_and_handle_earlyret(Register java_thread) { }
 851 void MacroAssembler::check_and_handle_popframe(Register java_thread) { }
 854 RegisterOrConstant MacroAssembler::delayed_value_impl(intptr_t* delayed_value_addr,
 855                                                       Register tmp,
 856                                                       int offset) {
 857   intptr_t value = *delayed_value_addr;
 858   if (value != 0)
 859     return RegisterOrConstant(value + offset);
 861   // load indirectly to solve generation ordering problem
 862   ldr(tmp, ExternalAddress((address) delayed_value_addr));
 864   if (offset != 0)
 865     add(tmp, tmp, offset);
 867   return RegisterOrConstant(tmp);
 868 }
 871 void MacroAssembler:: notify(int type) {
 872   if (type == bytecode_start) {
 873     // set_last_Java_frame(esp, rfp, (address)NULL);
 874     Assembler:: notify(type);
 875     // reset_last_Java_frame(true, false);
 876   }
 877   else
 878     Assembler:: notify(type);
 879 }
 881 // Look up the method for a megamorphic invokeinterface call.
 882 // The target method is determined by <intf_klass, itable_index>.
 883 // The receiver klass is in recv_klass.
 884 // On success, the result will be in method_result, and execution falls through.
 885 // On failure, execution transfers to the given label.
 886 void MacroAssembler::lookup_interface_method(Register recv_klass,
 887                                              Register intf_klass,
 888                                              RegisterOrConstant itable_index,
 889                                              Register method_result,
 890                                              Register scan_temp,
 891                                              Label& L_no_such_interface) {
 892   assert_different_registers(recv_klass, intf_klass, method_result, scan_temp);
 893   assert(itable_index.is_constant() || itable_index.as_register() == method_result,
 894          "caller must use same register for non-constant itable index as for method");
 896   // Compute start of first itableOffsetEntry (which is at the end of the vtable)
 897   int vtable_base = InstanceKlass::vtable_start_offset() * wordSize;
 898   int itentry_off = itableMethodEntry::method_offset_in_bytes();
 899   int scan_step   = itableOffsetEntry::size() * wordSize;
 900   int vte_size    = vtableEntry::size() * wordSize;
 901   assert(vte_size == wordSize, "else adjust times_vte_scale");
 903   ldrw(scan_temp, Address(recv_klass, InstanceKlass::vtable_length_offset() * wordSize));
 905   // %%% Could store the aligned, prescaled offset in the klassoop.
 906   // lea(scan_temp, Address(recv_klass, scan_temp, times_vte_scale, vtable_base));
 907   lea(scan_temp, Address(recv_klass, scan_temp, Address::lsl(3)));
 908   add(scan_temp, scan_temp, vtable_base);
 909   if (HeapWordsPerLong > 1) {
 910     // Round up to align_object_offset boundary
 911     // see code for instanceKlass::start_of_itable!
 912     round_to(scan_temp, BytesPerLong);
 913   }
 915   // Adjust recv_klass by scaled itable_index, so we can free itable_index.
 916   assert(itableMethodEntry::size() * wordSize == wordSize, "adjust the scaling in the code below");
 917   // lea(recv_klass, Address(recv_klass, itable_index, Address::times_ptr, itentry_off));
 918   lea(recv_klass, Address(recv_klass, itable_index, Address::lsl(3)));
 919   if (itentry_off)
 920     add(recv_klass, recv_klass, itentry_off);
 922   // for (scan = klass->itable(); scan->interface() != NULL; scan += scan_step) {
 923   //   if (scan->interface() == intf) {
 924   //     result = (klass + scan->offset() + itable_index);
 925   //   }
 926   // }
 927   Label search, found_method;
 929   for (int peel = 1; peel >= 0; peel--) {
 930     ldr(method_result, Address(scan_temp, itableOffsetEntry::interface_offset_in_bytes()));
 931     cmp(intf_klass, method_result);
 933     if (peel) {
 934       br(Assembler::EQ, found_method);
 935     } else {
 936       br(Assembler::NE, search);
 937       // (invert the test to fall through to found_method...)
 938     }
 940     if (!peel)  break;
 942     bind(search);
 944     // Check that the previous entry is non-null.  A null entry means that
 945     // the receiver class doesn't implement the interface, and wasn't the
 946     // same as when the caller was compiled.
 947     cbz(method_result, L_no_such_interface);
 948     add(scan_temp, scan_temp, scan_step);
 949   }
 951   bind(found_method);
 953   // Got a hit.
 954   ldr(scan_temp, Address(scan_temp, itableOffsetEntry::offset_offset_in_bytes()));
 955   ldr(method_result, Address(recv_klass, scan_temp));
 956 }
 958 // virtual method calling
 959 void MacroAssembler::lookup_virtual_method(Register recv_klass,
 960                                            RegisterOrConstant vtable_index,
 961                                            Register method_result) {
 962   const int base = InstanceKlass::vtable_start_offset() * wordSize;
 963   assert(vtableEntry::size() * wordSize == 8,
 964          "adjust the scaling in the code below");
 965   int vtable_offset_in_bytes = base + vtableEntry::method_offset_in_bytes();
 967   if (vtable_index.is_register()) {
 968     lea(method_result, Address(recv_klass,
 969                                vtable_index.as_register(),
 970                                Address::lsl(LogBytesPerWord)));
 971     ldr(method_result, Address(method_result, vtable_offset_in_bytes));
 972   } else {
 973     vtable_offset_in_bytes += vtable_index.as_constant() * wordSize;
 974     ldr(method_result, Address(recv_klass, vtable_offset_in_bytes));
 975   }
 976 }
 978 void MacroAssembler::check_klass_subtype(Register sub_klass,
 979                            Register super_klass,
 980                            Register temp_reg,
 981                            Label& L_success) {
 982   Label L_failure;
 983   check_klass_subtype_fast_path(sub_klass, super_klass, temp_reg,        &L_success, &L_failure, NULL);
 984   check_klass_subtype_slow_path(sub_klass, super_klass, temp_reg, noreg, &L_success, NULL);
 985   bind(L_failure);
 986 }
 989 void MacroAssembler::check_klass_subtype_fast_path(Register sub_klass,
 990                                                    Register super_klass,
 991                                                    Register temp_reg,
 992                                                    Label* L_success,
 993                                                    Label* L_failure,
 994                                                    Label* L_slow_path,
 995                                         RegisterOrConstant super_check_offset) {
 996   assert_different_registers(sub_klass, super_klass, temp_reg);
 997   bool must_load_sco = (super_check_offset.constant_or_zero() == -1);
 998   if (super_check_offset.is_register()) {
 999     assert_different_registers(sub_klass, super_klass,
1000                                super_check_offset.as_register());
1001   } else if (must_load_sco) {
1002     assert(temp_reg != noreg, "supply either a temp or a register offset");
1003   }
1005   Label L_fallthrough;
1006   int label_nulls = 0;
1007   if (L_success == NULL)   { L_success   = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; }
1008   if (L_failure == NULL)   { L_failure   = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; }
1009   if (L_slow_path == NULL) { L_slow_path = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; }
1010   assert(label_nulls <= 1, "at most one NULL in the batch");
1012   int sc_offset = in_bytes(Klass::secondary_super_cache_offset());
1013   int sco_offset = in_bytes(Klass::super_check_offset_offset());
1014   Address super_check_offset_addr(super_klass, sco_offset);
1016   // Hacked jmp, which may only be used just before L_fallthrough.
1017 #define final_jmp(label)                                                \
1018   if (&(label) == &L_fallthrough) { /*do nothing*/ }                    \
1019   else                            b(label)                /*omit semi*/
1021   // If the pointers are equal, we are done (e.g., String[] elements).
1022   // This self-check enables sharing of secondary supertype arrays among
1023   // non-primary types such as array-of-interface.  Otherwise, each such
1024   // type would need its own customized SSA.
1025   // We move this check to the front of the fast path because many
1026   // type checks are in fact trivially successful in this manner,
1027   // so we get a nicely predicted branch right at the start of the check.
1028   cmp(sub_klass, super_klass);
1029   br(Assembler::EQ, *L_success);
1031   // Check the supertype display:
1032   if (must_load_sco) {
1033     ldrw(temp_reg, super_check_offset_addr);
1034     super_check_offset = RegisterOrConstant(temp_reg);
1035   }
1036   Address super_check_addr(sub_klass, super_check_offset);
1037   ldr(rscratch1, super_check_addr);
1038   cmp(super_klass, rscratch1); // load displayed supertype
1040   // This check has worked decisively for primary supers.
1041   // Secondary supers are sought in the super_cache ('super_cache_addr').
1042   // (Secondary supers are interfaces and very deeply nested subtypes.)
1043   // This works in the same check above because of a tricky aliasing
1044   // between the super_cache and the primary super display elements.
1045   // (The 'super_check_addr' can address either, as the case requires.)
1046   // Note that the cache is updated below if it does not help us find
1047   // what we need immediately.
1048   // So if it was a primary super, we can just fail immediately.
1049   // Otherwise, it's the slow path for us (no success at this point).
1051   if (super_check_offset.is_register()) {
1052     br(Assembler::EQ, *L_success);
1053     cmp(super_check_offset.as_register(), sc_offset);
1054     if (L_failure == &L_fallthrough) {
1055       br(Assembler::EQ, *L_slow_path);
1056     } else {
1057       br(Assembler::NE, *L_failure);
1058       final_jmp(*L_slow_path);
1059     }
1060   } else if (super_check_offset.as_constant() == sc_offset) {
1061     // Need a slow path; fast failure is impossible.
1062     if (L_slow_path == &L_fallthrough) {
1063       br(Assembler::EQ, *L_success);
1064     } else {
1065       br(Assembler::NE, *L_slow_path);
1066       final_jmp(*L_success);
1067     }
1068   } else {
1069     // No slow path; it's a fast decision.
1070     if (L_failure == &L_fallthrough) {
1071       br(Assembler::EQ, *L_success);
1072     } else {
1073       br(Assembler::NE, *L_failure);
1074       final_jmp(*L_success);
1075     }
1076   }
1078   bind(L_fallthrough);
1080 #undef final_jmp
1081 }
1083 // These two are taken from x86, but they look generally useful
1085 // scans count pointer sized words at [addr] for occurence of value,
1086 // generic
1087 void MacroAssembler::repne_scan(Register addr, Register value, Register count,
1088                                 Register scratch) {
1089   Label Lloop, Lexit;
1090   cbz(count, Lexit);
1091   bind(Lloop);
1092   ldr(scratch, post(addr, wordSize));
1093   cmp(value, scratch);
1094   br(EQ, Lexit);
1095   sub(count, count, 1);
1096   cbnz(count, Lloop);
1097   bind(Lexit);
1098 }
1100 // scans count 4 byte words at [addr] for occurence of value,
1101 // generic
1102 void MacroAssembler::repne_scanw(Register addr, Register value, Register count,
1103                                 Register scratch) {
1104   Label Lloop, Lexit;
1105   cbz(count, Lexit);
1106   bind(Lloop);
1107   ldrw(scratch, post(addr, wordSize));
1108   cmpw(value, scratch);
1109   br(EQ, Lexit);
1110   sub(count, count, 1);
1111   cbnz(count, Lloop);
1112   bind(Lexit);
1113 }
1115 void MacroAssembler::check_klass_subtype_slow_path(Register sub_klass,
1116                                                    Register super_klass,
1117                                                    Register temp_reg,
1118                                                    Register temp2_reg,
1119                                                    Label* L_success,
1120                                                    Label* L_failure,
1121                                                    bool set_cond_codes) {
1122   assert_different_registers(sub_klass, super_klass, temp_reg);
1123   if (temp2_reg != noreg)
1124     assert_different_registers(sub_klass, super_klass, temp_reg, temp2_reg, rscratch1);
1125 #define IS_A_TEMP(reg) ((reg) == temp_reg || (reg) == temp2_reg)
1127   Label L_fallthrough;
1128   int label_nulls = 0;
1129   if (L_success == NULL)   { L_success   = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; }
1130   if (L_failure == NULL)   { L_failure   = &L_fallthrough; label_nulls++; }
1131   assert(label_nulls <= 1, "at most one NULL in the batch");
1133   // a couple of useful fields in sub_klass:
1134   int ss_offset = in_bytes(Klass::secondary_supers_offset());
1135   int sc_offset = in_bytes(Klass::secondary_super_cache_offset());
1136   Address secondary_supers_addr(sub_klass, ss_offset);
1137   Address super_cache_addr(     sub_klass, sc_offset);
1139   BLOCK_COMMENT("check_klass_subtype_slow_path");
1141   // Do a linear scan of the secondary super-klass chain.
1142   // This code is rarely used, so simplicity is a virtue here.
1143   // The repne_scan instruction uses fixed registers, which we must spill.
1144   // Don't worry too much about pre-existing connections with the input regs.
1146   assert(sub_klass != r0, "killed reg"); // killed by mov(r0, super)
1147   assert(sub_klass != r2, "killed reg"); // killed by lea(r2, &pst_counter)
1149   // Get super_klass value into r0 (even if it was in r5 or r2).
1150   RegSet pushed_registers;
1151   if (!IS_A_TEMP(r2))    pushed_registers += r2;
1152   if (!IS_A_TEMP(r5))    pushed_registers += r5;
1154   if (super_klass != r0 || UseCompressedOops) {
1155     if (!IS_A_TEMP(r0))   pushed_registers += r0;
1156   }
1158   push(pushed_registers, sp);
1160 #ifndef PRODUCT
1161   mov(rscratch2, (address)&SharedRuntime::_partial_subtype_ctr);
1162   Address pst_counter_addr(rscratch2);
1163   ldr(rscratch1, pst_counter_addr);
1164   add(rscratch1, rscratch1, 1);
1165   str(rscratch1, pst_counter_addr);
1166 #endif //PRODUCT
1168   // We will consult the secondary-super array.
1169   ldr(r5, secondary_supers_addr);
1170   // Load the array length.
1171   ldrw(r2, Address(r5, Array<Klass*>::length_offset_in_bytes()));
1172   // Skip to start of data.
1173   add(r5, r5, Array<Klass*>::base_offset_in_bytes());
1175   cmp(sp, zr); // Clear Z flag; SP is never zero
1176   // Scan R2 words at [R5] for an occurrence of R0.
1177   // Set NZ/Z based on last compare.
1178   repne_scan(r5, r0, r2, rscratch1);
1180   // Unspill the temp. registers:
1181   pop(pushed_registers, sp);
1183   br(Assembler::NE, *L_failure);
1185   // Success.  Cache the super we found and proceed in triumph.
1186   str(super_klass, super_cache_addr);
1188   if (L_success != &L_fallthrough) {
1189     b(*L_success);
1190   }
1192 #undef IS_A_TEMP
1194   bind(L_fallthrough);
1195 }
1198 void MacroAssembler::verify_oop(Register reg, const char* s) {
1199   if (!VerifyOops) return;
1201   // Pass register number to verify_oop_subroutine
1202   const char* b = NULL;
1203   {
1204     ResourceMark rm;
1205     stringStream ss;
1206     ss.print("verify_oop: %s: %s", reg->name(), s);
1207     b = code_string(ss.as_string());
1208   }
1209   BLOCK_COMMENT("verify_oop {");
1211   stp(r0, rscratch1, Address(pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
1212   stp(rscratch2, lr, Address(pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
1214   mov(r0, reg);
1215   mov(rscratch1, (address)b);
1217   // call indirectly to solve generation ordering problem
1218   lea(rscratch2, ExternalAddress(StubRoutines::verify_oop_subroutine_entry_address()));
1219   ldr(rscratch2, Address(rscratch2));
1220   blr(rscratch2);
1222   ldp(rscratch2, lr, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
1223   ldp(r0, rscratch1, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
1225   BLOCK_COMMENT("} verify_oop");
1226 }
1228 void MacroAssembler::verify_oop_addr(Address addr, const char* s) {
1229   if (!VerifyOops) return;
1231   const char* b = NULL;
1232   {
1233     ResourceMark rm;
1234     stringStream ss;
1235     ss.print("verify_oop_addr: %s", s);
1236     b = code_string(ss.as_string());
1237   }
1238   BLOCK_COMMENT("verify_oop_addr {");
1240   stp(r0, rscratch1, Address(pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
1241   stp(rscratch2, lr, Address(pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
1243   // addr may contain sp so we will have to adjust it based on the
1244   // pushes that we just did.
1245   if (addr.uses(sp)) {
1246     lea(r0, addr);
1247     ldr(r0, Address(r0, 4 * wordSize));
1248   } else {
1249     ldr(r0, addr);
1250   }
1251   mov(rscratch1, (address)b);
1253   // call indirectly to solve generation ordering problem
1254   lea(rscratch2, ExternalAddress(StubRoutines::verify_oop_subroutine_entry_address()));
1255   ldr(rscratch2, Address(rscratch2));
1256   blr(rscratch2);
1258   ldp(rscratch2, lr, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
1259   ldp(r0, rscratch1, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
1261   BLOCK_COMMENT("} verify_oop_addr");
1262 }
1264 Address MacroAssembler::argument_address(RegisterOrConstant arg_slot,
1265                                          int extra_slot_offset) {
1266   // cf. TemplateTable::prepare_invoke(), if (load_receiver).
1267   int stackElementSize = Interpreter::stackElementSize;
1268   int offset = Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(extra_slot_offset+0);
1269 #ifdef ASSERT
1270   int offset1 = Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(extra_slot_offset+1);
1271   assert(offset1 - offset == stackElementSize, "correct arithmetic");
1272 #endif
1273   if (arg_slot.is_constant()) {
1274     return Address(esp, arg_slot.as_constant() * stackElementSize
1275                    + offset);
1276   } else {
1277     add(rscratch1, esp, arg_slot.as_register(),
1278         ext::uxtx, exact_log2(stackElementSize));
1279     return Address(rscratch1, offset);
1280   }
1281 }
1283 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base(address entry_point,
1284                                        int number_of_arguments,
1285                                        Label *retaddr) {
1286   call_VM_leaf_base1(entry_point, number_of_arguments, 0, ret_type_integral, retaddr);
1287 }
1289 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base1(address entry_point,
1290                                         int number_of_gp_arguments,
1291                                         int number_of_fp_arguments,
1292                                         ret_type type,
1293                                         Label *retaddr) {
1294   Label E, L;
1296   stp(rscratch1, rmethod, Address(pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
1298   // We add 1 to number_of_arguments because the thread in arg0 is
1299   // not counted
1300   mov(rscratch1, entry_point);
1301   blrt(rscratch1, number_of_gp_arguments + 1, number_of_fp_arguments, type);
1302   if (retaddr)
1303     bind(*retaddr);
1305   ldp(rscratch1, rmethod, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
1306   maybe_isb();
1307 }
1309 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, int number_of_arguments) {
1310   call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, number_of_arguments);
1311 }
1313 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, Register arg_0) {
1314   pass_arg0(this, arg_0);
1315   call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, 1);
1316 }
1318 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, Register arg_0, Register arg_1) {
1319   pass_arg0(this, arg_0);
1320   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
1321   call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, 2);
1322 }
1324 void MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, Register arg_0,
1325                                   Register arg_1, Register arg_2) {
1326   pass_arg0(this, arg_0);
1327   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
1328   pass_arg2(this, arg_2);
1329   call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, 3);
1330 }
1332 void MacroAssembler::super_call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, Register arg_0) {
1333   pass_arg0(this, arg_0);
1334   MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, 1);
1335 }
1337 void MacroAssembler::super_call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, Register arg_0, Register arg_1) {
1339   assert(arg_0 != c_rarg1, "smashed arg");
1340   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
1341   pass_arg0(this, arg_0);
1342   MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, 2);
1343 }
1345 void MacroAssembler::super_call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, Register arg_0, Register arg_1, Register arg_2) {
1346   assert(arg_0 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
1347   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
1348   pass_arg2(this, arg_2);
1349   assert(arg_0 != c_rarg1, "smashed arg");
1350   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
1351   pass_arg0(this, arg_0);
1352   MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, 3);
1353 }
1355 void MacroAssembler::super_call_VM_leaf(address entry_point, Register arg_0, Register arg_1, Register arg_2, Register arg_3) {
1356   assert(arg_0 != c_rarg3, "smashed arg");
1357   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg3, "smashed arg");
1358   assert(arg_2 != c_rarg3, "smashed arg");
1359   pass_arg3(this, arg_3);
1360   assert(arg_0 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
1361   assert(arg_1 != c_rarg2, "smashed arg");
1362   pass_arg2(this, arg_2);
1363   assert(arg_0 != c_rarg1, "smashed arg");
1364   pass_arg1(this, arg_1);
1365   pass_arg0(this, arg_0);
1366   MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base(entry_point, 4);
1367 }
1369 void MacroAssembler::null_check(Register reg, int offset) {
1370   if (needs_explicit_null_check(offset)) {
1371     // provoke OS NULL exception if reg = NULL by
1372     // accessing M[reg] w/o changing any registers
1373     // NOTE: this is plenty to provoke a segv
1374     ldr(zr, Address(reg));
1375   } else {
1376     // nothing to do, (later) access of M[reg + offset]
1377     // will provoke OS NULL exception if reg = NULL
1378   }
1379 }
1381 // MacroAssembler protected routines needed to implement
1382 // public methods
1384 void MacroAssembler::mov(Register r, Address dest) {
1385   code_section()->relocate(pc(), dest.rspec());
1386   u_int64_t imm64 = (u_int64_t)dest.target();
1387   movptr(r, imm64);
1388 }
1390 // Move a constant pointer into r.  In AArch64 mode the virtual
1391 // address space is 48 bits in size, so we only need three
1392 // instructions to create a patchable instruction sequence that can
1393 // reach anywhere.
1394 void MacroAssembler::movptr(Register r, uintptr_t imm64) {
1395 #ifndef PRODUCT
1396   {
1397     char buffer[64];
1398     snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "0x%"PRIX64, imm64);
1399     block_comment(buffer);
1400   }
1401 #endif
1402   assert(imm64 < (1ul << 48), "48-bit overflow in address constant");
1403   movz(r, imm64 & 0xffff);
1404   imm64 >>= 16;
1405   movk(r, imm64 & 0xffff, 16);
1406   imm64 >>= 16;
1407   movk(r, imm64 & 0xffff, 32);
1408 }
1410 // Macro to mov replicated immediate to vector register.
1411 //  Vd will get the following values for different arrangements in T
1412 //   imm32 == hex 000000gh  T8B:  Vd = ghghghghghghghgh
1413 //   imm32 == hex 000000gh  T16B: Vd = ghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghgh
1414 //   imm32 == hex 0000efgh  T4H:  Vd = efghefghefghefgh
1415 //   imm32 == hex 0000efgh  T8H:  Vd = efghefghefghefghefghefghefghefgh
1416 //   imm32 == hex abcdefgh  T2S:  Vd = abcdefghabcdefgh
1417 //   imm32 == hex abcdefgh  T4S:  Vd = abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh
1418 //   T1D/T2D: invalid
1419 void MacroAssembler::mov(FloatRegister Vd, SIMD_Arrangement T, u_int32_t imm32) {
1420   assert(T != T1D && T != T2D, "invalid arrangement");
1421   if (T == T8B || T == T16B) {
1422     assert((imm32 & ~0xff) == 0, "extraneous bits in unsigned imm32 (T8B/T16B)");
1423     movi(Vd, T, imm32 & 0xff, 0);
1424     return;
1425   }
1426   u_int32_t nimm32 = ~imm32;
1427   if (T == T4H || T == T8H) {
1428     assert((imm32  & ~0xffff) == 0, "extraneous bits in unsigned imm32 (T4H/T8H)");
1429     imm32 &= 0xffff;
1430     nimm32 &= 0xffff;
1431   }
1432   u_int32_t x = imm32;
1433   int movi_cnt = 0;
1434   int movn_cnt = 0;
1435   while (x) { if (x & 0xff) movi_cnt++; x >>= 8; }
1436   x = nimm32;
1437   while (x) { if (x & 0xff) movn_cnt++; x >>= 8; }
1438   if (movn_cnt < movi_cnt) imm32 = nimm32;
1439   unsigned lsl = 0;
1440   while (imm32 && (imm32 & 0xff) == 0) { lsl += 8; imm32 >>= 8; }
1441   if (movn_cnt < movi_cnt)
1442     mvni(Vd, T, imm32 & 0xff, lsl);
1443   else
1444     movi(Vd, T, imm32 & 0xff, lsl);
1445   imm32 >>= 8; lsl += 8;
1446   while (imm32) {
1447     while ((imm32 & 0xff) == 0) { lsl += 8; imm32 >>= 8; }
1448     if (movn_cnt < movi_cnt)
1449       bici(Vd, T, imm32 & 0xff, lsl);
1450     else
1451       orri(Vd, T, imm32 & 0xff, lsl);
1452     lsl += 8; imm32 >>= 8;
1453   }
1454 }
1456 void MacroAssembler::mov_immediate64(Register dst, u_int64_t imm64)
1457 {
1458 #ifndef PRODUCT
1459   {
1460     char buffer[64];
1461     snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "0x%"PRIX64, imm64);
1462     block_comment(buffer);
1463   }
1464 #endif
1465   if (operand_valid_for_logical_immediate(false, imm64)) {
1466     orr(dst, zr, imm64);
1467   } else {
1468     // we can use a combination of MOVZ or MOVN with
1469     // MOVK to build up the constant
1470     u_int64_t imm_h[4];
1471     int zero_count = 0;
1472     int neg_count = 0;
1473     int i;
1474     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1475       imm_h[i] = ((imm64 >> (i * 16)) & 0xffffL);
1476       if (imm_h[i] == 0) {
1477         zero_count++;
1478       } else if (imm_h[i] == 0xffffL) {
1479         neg_count++;
1480       }
1481     }
1482     if (zero_count == 4) {
1483       // one MOVZ will do
1484       movz(dst, 0);
1485     } else if (neg_count == 4) {
1486       // one MOVN will do
1487       movn(dst, 0);
1488     } else if (zero_count == 3) {
1489       for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1490         if (imm_h[i] != 0L) {
1491           movz(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1492           break;
1493         }
1494       }
1495     } else if (neg_count == 3) {
1496       // one MOVN will do
1497       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1498         if (imm_h[i] != 0xffffL) {
1499           movn(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i] ^ 0xffffL, (i << 4));
1500           break;
1501         }
1502       }
1503     } else if (zero_count == 2) {
1504       // one MOVZ and one MOVK will do
1505       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1506         if (imm_h[i] != 0L) {
1507           movz(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1508           i++;
1509           break;
1510         }
1511       }
1512       for (;i < 4; i++) {
1513         if (imm_h[i] != 0L) {
1514           movk(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1515         }
1516       }
1517     } else if (neg_count == 2) {
1518       // one MOVN and one MOVK will do
1519       for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1520         if (imm_h[i] != 0xffffL) {
1521           movn(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i] ^ 0xffffL, (i << 4));
1522           i++;
1523           break;
1524         }
1525       }
1526       for (;i < 4; i++) {
1527         if (imm_h[i] != 0xffffL) {
1528           movk(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1529         }
1530       }
1531     } else if (zero_count == 1) {
1532       // one MOVZ and two MOVKs will do
1533       for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1534         if (imm_h[i] != 0L) {
1535           movz(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1536           i++;
1537           break;
1538         }
1539       }
1540       for (;i < 4; i++) {
1541         if (imm_h[i] != 0x0L) {
1542           movk(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1543         }
1544       }
1545     } else if (neg_count == 1) {
1546       // one MOVN and two MOVKs will do
1547       for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1548         if (imm_h[i] != 0xffffL) {
1549           movn(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i] ^ 0xffffL, (i << 4));
1550           i++;
1551           break;
1552         }
1553       }
1554       for (;i < 4; i++) {
1555         if (imm_h[i] != 0xffffL) {
1556           movk(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1557         }
1558       }
1559     } else {
1560       // use a MOVZ and 3 MOVKs (makes it easier to debug)
1561       movz(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[0], 0);
1562       for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
1563         movk(dst, (u_int32_t)imm_h[i], (i << 4));
1564       }
1565     }
1566   }
1567 }
1569 void MacroAssembler::mov_immediate32(Register dst, u_int32_t imm32)
1570 {
1571 #ifndef PRODUCT
1572     {
1573       char buffer[64];
1574       snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "0x%"PRIX32, imm32);
1575       block_comment(buffer);
1576     }
1577 #endif
1578   if (operand_valid_for_logical_immediate(true, imm32)) {
1579     orrw(dst, zr, imm32);
1580   } else {
1581     // we can use MOVZ, MOVN or two calls to MOVK to build up the
1582     // constant
1583     u_int32_t imm_h[2];
1584     imm_h[0] = imm32 & 0xffff;
1585     imm_h[1] = ((imm32 >> 16) & 0xffff);
1586     if (imm_h[0] == 0) {
1587       movzw(dst, imm_h[1], 16);
1588     } else if (imm_h[0] == 0xffff) {
1589       movnw(dst, imm_h[1] ^ 0xffff, 16);
1590     } else if (imm_h[1] == 0) {
1591       movzw(dst, imm_h[0], 0);
1592     } else if (imm_h[1] == 0xffff) {
1593       movnw(dst, imm_h[0] ^ 0xffff, 0);
1594     } else {
1595       // use a MOVZ and MOVK (makes it easier to debug)
1596       movzw(dst, imm_h[0], 0);
1597       movkw(dst, imm_h[1], 16);
1598     }
1599   }
1600 }
1602 // Form an address from base + offset in Rd.  Rd may or may
1603 // not actually be used: you must use the Address that is returned.
1604 // It is up to you to ensure that the shift provided matches the size
1605 // of your data.
1606 Address MacroAssembler::form_address(Register Rd, Register base, long byte_offset, int shift) {
1607   if (Address::offset_ok_for_immed(byte_offset, shift))
1608     // It fits; no need for any heroics
1609     return Address(base, byte_offset);
1611   // Don't do anything clever with negative or misaligned offsets
1612   unsigned mask = (1 << shift) - 1;
1613   if (byte_offset < 0 || byte_offset & mask) {
1614     mov(Rd, byte_offset);
1615     add(Rd, base, Rd);
1616     return Address(Rd);
1617   }
1619   // See if we can do this with two 12-bit offsets
1620   {
1621     unsigned long word_offset = byte_offset >> shift;
1622     unsigned long masked_offset = word_offset & 0xfff000;
1623     if (Address::offset_ok_for_immed(word_offset - masked_offset)
1624         && Assembler::operand_valid_for_add_sub_immediate(masked_offset << shift)) {
1625       add(Rd, base, masked_offset << shift);
1626       word_offset -= masked_offset;
1627       return Address(Rd, word_offset << shift);
1628     }
1629   }
1631   // Do it the hard way
1632   mov(Rd, byte_offset);
1633   add(Rd, base, Rd);
1634   return Address(Rd);
1635 }
1637 void MacroAssembler::atomic_incw(Register counter_addr, Register tmp) {
1638   Label retry_load;
1639   bind(retry_load);
1640   // flush and load exclusive from the memory location
1641   ldxrw(tmp, counter_addr);
1642   addw(tmp, tmp, 1);
1643   // if we store+flush with no intervening write tmp wil be zero
1644   stxrw(tmp, tmp, counter_addr);
1645   cbnzw(tmp, retry_load);
1646 }
1649 int MacroAssembler::corrected_idivl(Register result, Register ra, Register rb,
1650                                     bool want_remainder, Register scratch)
1651 {
1652   // Full implementation of Java idiv and irem.  The function
1653   // returns the (pc) offset of the div instruction - may be needed
1654   // for implicit exceptions.
1655   //
1656   // constraint : ra/rb =/= scratch
1657   //         normal case
1658   //
1659   // input : ra: dividend
1660   //         rb: divisor
1661   //
1662   // result: either
1663   //         quotient  (= ra idiv rb)
1664   //         remainder (= ra irem rb)
1666   assert(ra != scratch && rb != scratch, "reg cannot be scratch");
1668   int idivl_offset = offset();
1669   if (! want_remainder) {
1670     sdivw(result, ra, rb);
1671   } else {
1672     sdivw(scratch, ra, rb);
1673     Assembler::msubw(result, scratch, rb, ra);
1674   }
1676   return idivl_offset;
1677 }
1679 int MacroAssembler::corrected_idivq(Register result, Register ra, Register rb,
1680                                     bool want_remainder, Register scratch)
1681 {
1682   // Full implementation of Java ldiv and lrem.  The function
1683   // returns the (pc) offset of the div instruction - may be needed
1684   // for implicit exceptions.
1685   //
1686   // constraint : ra/rb =/= scratch
1687   //         normal case
1688   //
1689   // input : ra: dividend
1690   //         rb: divisor
1691   //
1692   // result: either
1693   //         quotient  (= ra idiv rb)
1694   //         remainder (= ra irem rb)
1696   assert(ra != scratch && rb != scratch, "reg cannot be scratch");
1698   int idivq_offset = offset();
1699   if (! want_remainder) {
1700     sdiv(result, ra, rb);
1701   } else {
1702     sdiv(scratch, ra, rb);
1703     Assembler::msub(result, scratch, rb, ra);
1704   }
1706   return idivq_offset;
1707 }
1709 // MacroAssembler routines found actually to be needed
1711 void MacroAssembler::push(Register src)
1712 {
1713   str(src, Address(pre(esp, -1 * wordSize)));
1714 }
1716 void MacroAssembler::pop(Register dst)
1717 {
1718   ldr(dst, Address(post(esp, 1 * wordSize)));
1719 }
1721 // Note: load_unsigned_short used to be called load_unsigned_word.
1722 int MacroAssembler::load_unsigned_short(Register dst, Address src) {
1723   int off = offset();
1724   ldrh(dst, src);
1725   return off;
1726 }
1728 int MacroAssembler::load_unsigned_byte(Register dst, Address src) {
1729   int off = offset();
1730   ldrb(dst, src);
1731   return off;
1732 }
1734 int MacroAssembler::load_signed_short(Register dst, Address src) {
1735   int off = offset();
1736   ldrsh(dst, src);
1737   return off;
1738 }
1740 int MacroAssembler::load_signed_byte(Register dst, Address src) {
1741   int off = offset();
1742   ldrsb(dst, src);
1743   return off;
1744 }
1746 int MacroAssembler::load_signed_short32(Register dst, Address src) {
1747   int off = offset();
1748   ldrshw(dst, src);
1749   return off;
1750 }
1752 int MacroAssembler::load_signed_byte32(Register dst, Address src) {
1753   int off = offset();
1754   ldrsbw(dst, src);
1755   return off;
1756 }
1758 void MacroAssembler::load_sized_value(Register dst, Address src, size_t size_in_bytes, bool is_signed, Register dst2) {
1759   switch (size_in_bytes) {
1760   case  8:  ldr(dst, src); break;
1761   case  4:  ldrw(dst, src); break;
1762   case  2:  is_signed ? load_signed_short(dst, src) : load_unsigned_short(dst, src); break;
1763   case  1:  is_signed ? load_signed_byte( dst, src) : load_unsigned_byte( dst, src); break;
1764   default:  ShouldNotReachHere();
1765   }
1766 }
1768 void MacroAssembler::store_sized_value(Address dst, Register src, size_t size_in_bytes, Register src2) {
1769   switch (size_in_bytes) {
1770   case  8:  str(src, dst); break;
1771   case  4:  strw(src, dst); break;
1772   case  2:  strh(src, dst); break;
1773   case  1:  strb(src, dst); break;
1774   default:  ShouldNotReachHere();
1775   }
1776 }
1778 void MacroAssembler::decrementw(Register reg, int value)
1779 {
1780   if (value < 0)  { incrementw(reg, -value);      return; }
1781   if (value == 0) {                               return; }
1782   if (value < (1 << 12)) { subw(reg, reg, value); return; }
1783   /* else */ {
1784     guarantee(reg != rscratch2, "invalid dst for register decrement");
1785     movw(rscratch2, (unsigned)value);
1786     subw(reg, reg, rscratch2);
1787   }
1788 }
1790 void MacroAssembler::decrement(Register reg, int value)
1791 {
1792   if (value < 0)  { increment(reg, -value);      return; }
1793   if (value == 0) {                              return; }
1794   if (value < (1 << 12)) { sub(reg, reg, value); return; }
1795   /* else */ {
1796     assert(reg != rscratch2, "invalid dst for register decrement");
1797     mov(rscratch2, (unsigned long)value);
1798     sub(reg, reg, rscratch2);
1799   }
1800 }
1802 void MacroAssembler::decrementw(Address dst, int value)
1803 {
1804   assert(!dst.uses(rscratch1), "invalid dst for address decrement");
1805   ldrw(rscratch1, dst);
1806   decrementw(rscratch1, value);
1807   strw(rscratch1, dst);
1808 }
1810 void MacroAssembler::decrement(Address dst, int value)
1811 {
1812   assert(!dst.uses(rscratch1), "invalid address for decrement");
1813   ldr(rscratch1, dst);
1814   decrement(rscratch1, value);
1815   str(rscratch1, dst);
1816 }
1818 void MacroAssembler::incrementw(Register reg, int value)
1819 {
1820   if (value < 0)  { decrementw(reg, -value);      return; }
1821   if (value == 0) {                               return; }
1822   if (value < (1 << 12)) { addw(reg, reg, value); return; }
1823   /* else */ {
1824     assert(reg != rscratch2, "invalid dst for register increment");
1825     movw(rscratch2, (unsigned)value);
1826     addw(reg, reg, rscratch2);
1827   }
1828 }
1830 void MacroAssembler::increment(Register reg, int value)
1831 {
1832   if (value < 0)  { decrement(reg, -value);      return; }
1833   if (value == 0) {                              return; }
1834   if (value < (1 << 12)) { add(reg, reg, value); return; }
1835   /* else */ {
1836     assert(reg != rscratch2, "invalid dst for register increment");
1837     movw(rscratch2, (unsigned)value);
1838     add(reg, reg, rscratch2);
1839   }
1840 }
1842 void MacroAssembler::incrementw(Address dst, int value)
1843 {
1844   assert(!dst.uses(rscratch1), "invalid dst for address increment");
1845   ldrw(rscratch1, dst);
1846   incrementw(rscratch1, value);
1847   strw(rscratch1, dst);
1848 }
1850 void MacroAssembler::increment(Address dst, int value)
1851 {
1852   assert(!dst.uses(rscratch1), "invalid dst for address increment");
1853   ldr(rscratch1, dst);
1854   increment(rscratch1, value);
1855   str(rscratch1, dst);
1856 }
1859 void MacroAssembler::pusha() {
1860   push(0x7fffffff, sp);
1861 }
1863 void MacroAssembler::popa() {
1864   pop(0x7fffffff, sp);
1865 }
1867 // Push lots of registers in the bit set supplied.  Don't push sp.
1868 // Return the number of words pushed
1869 int MacroAssembler::push(unsigned int bitset, Register stack) {
1870   int words_pushed = 0;
1872   // Scan bitset to accumulate register pairs
1873   unsigned char regs[32];
1874   int count = 0;
1875   for (int reg = 0; reg <= 30; reg++) {
1876     if (1 & bitset)
1877       regs[count++] = reg;
1878     bitset >>= 1;
1879   }
1880   regs[count++] = zr->encoding_nocheck();
1881   count &= ~1;  // Only push an even nuber of regs
1883   if (count) {
1884     stp(as_Register(regs[0]), as_Register(regs[1]),
1885        Address(pre(stack, -count * wordSize)));
1886     words_pushed += 2;
1887   }
1888   for (int i = 2; i < count; i += 2) {
1889     stp(as_Register(regs[i]), as_Register(regs[i+1]),
1890        Address(stack, i * wordSize));
1891     words_pushed += 2;
1892   }
1894   assert(words_pushed == count, "oops, pushed != count");
1896   return count;
1897 }
1899 int MacroAssembler::pop(unsigned int bitset, Register stack) {
1900   int words_pushed = 0;
1902   // Scan bitset to accumulate register pairs
1903   unsigned char regs[32];
1904   int count = 0;
1905   for (int reg = 0; reg <= 30; reg++) {
1906     if (1 & bitset)
1907       regs[count++] = reg;
1908     bitset >>= 1;
1909   }
1910   regs[count++] = zr->encoding_nocheck();
1911   count &= ~1;
1913   for (int i = 2; i < count; i += 2) {
1914     ldp(as_Register(regs[i]), as_Register(regs[i+1]),
1915        Address(stack, i * wordSize));
1916     words_pushed += 2;
1917   }
1918   if (count) {
1919     ldp(as_Register(regs[0]), as_Register(regs[1]),
1920        Address(post(stack, count * wordSize)));
1921     words_pushed += 2;
1922   }
1924   assert(words_pushed == count, "oops, pushed != count");
1926   return count;
1927 }
1928 #ifdef ASSERT
1929 void MacroAssembler::verify_heapbase(const char* msg) {
1930 #if 0
1931   assert (UseCompressedOops || UseCompressedClassPointers, "should be compressed");
1932   assert (Universe::heap() != NULL, "java heap should be initialized");
1933   if (CheckCompressedOops) {
1934     Label ok;
1935     push(1 << rscratch1->encoding(), sp); // cmpptr trashes rscratch1
1936     cmpptr(rheapbase, ExternalAddress((address)Universe::narrow_ptrs_base_addr()));
1937     br(Assembler::EQ, ok);
1938     stop(msg);
1939     bind(ok);
1940     pop(1 << rscratch1->encoding(), sp);
1941   }
1942 #endif
1943 }
1944 #endif
1946 void MacroAssembler::stop(const char* msg) {
1947   address ip = pc();
1948   pusha();
1949   mov(c_rarg0, (address)msg);
1950   mov(c_rarg1, (address)ip);
1951   mov(c_rarg2, sp);
1952   mov(c_rarg3, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, MacroAssembler::debug64));
1953   // call(c_rarg3);
1954   blrt(c_rarg3, 3, 0, 1);
1955   hlt(0);
1956 }
1958 // If a constant does not fit in an immediate field, generate some
1959 // number of MOV instructions and then perform the operation.
1960 void MacroAssembler::wrap_add_sub_imm_insn(Register Rd, Register Rn, unsigned imm,
1961                                            add_sub_imm_insn insn1,
1962                                            add_sub_reg_insn insn2) {
1963   assert(Rd != zr, "Rd = zr and not setting flags?");
1964   if (operand_valid_for_add_sub_immediate((int)imm)) {
1965     (this->*insn1)(Rd, Rn, imm);
1966   } else {
1967     if (uabs(imm) < (1 << 24)) {
1968        (this->*insn1)(Rd, Rn, imm & -(1 << 12));
1969        (this->*insn1)(Rd, Rd, imm & ((1 << 12)-1));
1970     } else {
1971        assert_different_registers(Rd, Rn);
1972        mov(Rd, (uint64_t)imm);
1973        (this->*insn2)(Rd, Rn, Rd, LSL, 0);
1974     }
1975   }
1976 }
1978 // Seperate vsn which sets the flags. Optimisations are more restricted
1979 // because we must set the flags correctly.
1980 void MacroAssembler::wrap_adds_subs_imm_insn(Register Rd, Register Rn, unsigned imm,
1981                                            add_sub_imm_insn insn1,
1982                                            add_sub_reg_insn insn2) {
1983   if (operand_valid_for_add_sub_immediate((int)imm)) {
1984     (this->*insn1)(Rd, Rn, imm);
1985   } else {
1986     assert_different_registers(Rd, Rn);
1987     assert(Rd != zr, "overflow in immediate operand");
1988     mov(Rd, (uint64_t)imm);
1989     (this->*insn2)(Rd, Rn, Rd, LSL, 0);
1990   }
1991 }
1994 void MacroAssembler::add(Register Rd, Register Rn, RegisterOrConstant increment) {
1995   if (increment.is_register()) {
1996     add(Rd, Rn, increment.as_register());
1997   } else {
1998     add(Rd, Rn, increment.as_constant());
1999   }
2000 }
2002 void MacroAssembler::addw(Register Rd, Register Rn, RegisterOrConstant increment) {
2003   if (increment.is_register()) {
2004     addw(Rd, Rn, increment.as_register());
2005   } else {
2006     addw(Rd, Rn, increment.as_constant());
2007   }
2008 }
2010 void MacroAssembler::reinit_heapbase()
2011 {
2012   if (UseCompressedOops) {
2013     if (Universe::is_fully_initialized()) {
2014       mov(rheapbase, Universe::narrow_ptrs_base());
2015     } else {
2016       lea(rheapbase, ExternalAddress((address)Universe::narrow_ptrs_base_addr()));
2017       ldr(rheapbase, Address(rheapbase));
2018     }
2019   }
2020 }
2022 // this simulates the behaviour of the x86 cmpxchg instruction using a
2023 // load linked/store conditional pair. we use the acquire/release
2024 // versions of these instructions so that we flush pending writes as
2025 // per Java semantics.
2027 // n.b the x86 version assumes the old value to be compared against is
2028 // in rax and updates rax with the value located in memory if the
2029 // cmpxchg fails. we supply a register for the old value explicitly
2031 // the aarch64 load linked/store conditional instructions do not
2032 // accept an offset. so, unlike x86, we must provide a plain register
2033 // to identify the memory word to be compared/exchanged rather than a
2034 // register+offset Address.
2036 void MacroAssembler::cmpxchgptr(Register oldv, Register newv, Register addr, Register tmp,
2037                                 Label &succeed, Label *fail) {
2038   // oldv holds comparison value
2039   // newv holds value to write in exchange
2040   // addr identifies memory word to compare against/update
2041   // tmp returns 0/1 for success/failure
2042   Label retry_load, nope;
2044   bind(retry_load);
2045   // flush and load exclusive from the memory location
2046   // and fail if it is not what we expect
2047   ldaxr(tmp, addr);
2048   cmp(tmp, oldv);
2049   br(Assembler::NE, nope);
2050   // if we store+flush with no intervening write tmp wil be zero
2051   stlxr(tmp, newv, addr);
2052   cbzw(tmp, succeed);
2053   // retry so we only ever return after a load fails to compare
2054   // ensures we don't return a stale value after a failed write.
2055   b(retry_load);
2056   // if the memory word differs we return it in oldv and signal a fail
2057   bind(nope);
2058   membar(AnyAny);
2059   mov(oldv, tmp);
2060   if (fail)
2061     b(*fail);
2062 }
2064 void MacroAssembler::cmpxchgw(Register oldv, Register newv, Register addr, Register tmp,
2065                                 Label &succeed, Label *fail) {
2066   // oldv holds comparison value
2067   // newv holds value to write in exchange
2068   // addr identifies memory word to compare against/update
2069   // tmp returns 0/1 for success/failure
2070   Label retry_load, nope;
2072   bind(retry_load);
2073   // flush and load exclusive from the memory location
2074   // and fail if it is not what we expect
2075   ldaxrw(tmp, addr);
2076   cmp(tmp, oldv);
2077   br(Assembler::NE, nope);
2078   // if we store+flush with no intervening write tmp wil be zero
2079   stlxrw(tmp, newv, addr);
2080   cbzw(tmp, succeed);
2081   // retry so we only ever return after a load fails to compare
2082   // ensures we don't return a stale value after a failed write.
2083   b(retry_load);
2084   // if the memory word differs we return it in oldv and signal a fail
2085   bind(nope);
2086   membar(AnyAny);
2087   mov(oldv, tmp);
2088   if (fail)
2089     b(*fail);
2090 }
2092 static bool different(Register a, RegisterOrConstant b, Register c) {
2093   if (b.is_constant())
2094     return a != c;
2095   else
2096     return a != b.as_register() && a != c && b.as_register() != c;
2097 }
2099 #define ATOMIC_OP(LDXR, OP, STXR)                                       \
2100 void MacroAssembler::atomic_##OP(Register prev, RegisterOrConstant incr, Register addr) { \
2101   Register result = rscratch2;                                          \
2102   if (prev->is_valid())                                                 \
2103     result = different(prev, incr, addr) ? prev : rscratch2;            \
2104                                                                         \
2105   Label retry_load;                                                     \
2106   bind(retry_load);                                                     \
2107   LDXR(result, addr);                                                   \
2108   OP(rscratch1, result, incr);                                          \
2109   STXR(rscratch1, rscratch1, addr);                                     \
2110   cbnzw(rscratch1, retry_load);                                         \
2111   if (prev->is_valid() && prev != result)                               \
2112     mov(prev, result);                                                  \
2113 }
2115 ATOMIC_OP(ldxr, add, stxr)
2116 ATOMIC_OP(ldxrw, addw, stxrw)
2118 #undef ATOMIC_OP
2120 #define ATOMIC_XCHG(OP, LDXR, STXR)                                     \
2121 void MacroAssembler::atomic_##OP(Register prev, Register newv, Register addr) { \
2122   Register result = rscratch2;                                          \
2123   if (prev->is_valid())                                                 \
2124     result = different(prev, newv, addr) ? prev : rscratch2;            \
2125                                                                         \
2126   Label retry_load;                                                     \
2127   bind(retry_load);                                                     \
2128   LDXR(result, addr);                                                   \
2129   STXR(rscratch1, newv, addr);                                          \
2130   cbnzw(rscratch1, retry_load);                                         \
2131   if (prev->is_valid() && prev != result)                               \
2132     mov(prev, result);                                                  \
2133 }
2135 ATOMIC_XCHG(xchg, ldxr, stxr)
2136 ATOMIC_XCHG(xchgw, ldxrw, stxrw)
2138 #undef ATOMIC_XCHG
2140 void MacroAssembler::incr_allocated_bytes(Register thread,
2141                                           Register var_size_in_bytes,
2142                                           int con_size_in_bytes,
2143                                           Register t1) {
2144   if (!thread->is_valid()) {
2145     thread = rthread;
2146   }
2147   assert(t1->is_valid(), "need temp reg");
2149   ldr(t1, Address(thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::allocated_bytes_offset())));
2150   if (var_size_in_bytes->is_valid()) {
2151     add(t1, t1, var_size_in_bytes);
2152   } else {
2153     add(t1, t1, con_size_in_bytes);
2154   }
2155   str(t1, Address(thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::allocated_bytes_offset())));
2156 }
2158 #ifndef PRODUCT
2159 extern "C" void findpc(intptr_t x);
2160 #endif
2162 void MacroAssembler::debug64(char* msg, int64_t pc, int64_t regs[])
2163 {
2164   // In order to get locks to work, we need to fake a in_VM state
2165   if (ShowMessageBoxOnError ) {
2166     JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
2167     JavaThreadState saved_state = thread->thread_state();
2168     thread->set_thread_state(_thread_in_vm);
2169 #ifndef PRODUCT
2170     if (CountBytecodes || TraceBytecodes || StopInterpreterAt) {
2171       ttyLocker ttyl;
2172       BytecodeCounter::print();
2173     }
2174 #endif
2175     if (os::message_box(msg, "Execution stopped, print registers?")) {
2176       ttyLocker ttyl;
2177       tty->print_cr(" pc = 0x%016lx", pc);
2178 #ifndef PRODUCT
2179       tty->cr();
2180       findpc(pc);
2181       tty->cr();
2182 #endif
2183       tty->print_cr(" r0 = 0x%016lx", regs[0]);
2184       tty->print_cr(" r1 = 0x%016lx", regs[1]);
2185       tty->print_cr(" r2 = 0x%016lx", regs[2]);
2186       tty->print_cr(" r3 = 0x%016lx", regs[3]);
2187       tty->print_cr(" r4 = 0x%016lx", regs[4]);
2188       tty->print_cr(" r5 = 0x%016lx", regs[5]);
2189       tty->print_cr(" r6 = 0x%016lx", regs[6]);
2190       tty->print_cr(" r7 = 0x%016lx", regs[7]);
2191       tty->print_cr(" r8 = 0x%016lx", regs[8]);
2192       tty->print_cr(" r9 = 0x%016lx", regs[9]);
2193       tty->print_cr("r10 = 0x%016lx", regs[10]);
2194       tty->print_cr("r11 = 0x%016lx", regs[11]);
2195       tty->print_cr("r12 = 0x%016lx", regs[12]);
2196       tty->print_cr("r13 = 0x%016lx", regs[13]);
2197       tty->print_cr("r14 = 0x%016lx", regs[14]);
2198       tty->print_cr("r15 = 0x%016lx", regs[15]);
2199       tty->print_cr("r16 = 0x%016lx", regs[16]);
2200       tty->print_cr("r17 = 0x%016lx", regs[17]);
2201       tty->print_cr("r18 = 0x%016lx", regs[18]);
2202       tty->print_cr("r19 = 0x%016lx", regs[19]);
2203       tty->print_cr("r20 = 0x%016lx", regs[20]);
2204       tty->print_cr("r21 = 0x%016lx", regs[21]);
2205       tty->print_cr("r22 = 0x%016lx", regs[22]);
2206       tty->print_cr("r23 = 0x%016lx", regs[23]);
2207       tty->print_cr("r24 = 0x%016lx", regs[24]);
2208       tty->print_cr("r25 = 0x%016lx", regs[25]);
2209       tty->print_cr("r26 = 0x%016lx", regs[26]);
2210       tty->print_cr("r27 = 0x%016lx", regs[27]);
2211       tty->print_cr("r28 = 0x%016lx", regs[28]);
2212       tty->print_cr("r30 = 0x%016lx", regs[30]);
2213       tty->print_cr("r31 = 0x%016lx", regs[31]);
2214       BREAKPOINT;
2215     }
2216     ThreadStateTransition::transition(thread, _thread_in_vm, saved_state);
2217   } else {
2218     ttyLocker ttyl;
2219     ::tty->print_cr("=============== DEBUG MESSAGE: %s ================\n",
2220                     msg);
2221     assert(false, err_msg("DEBUG MESSAGE: %s", msg));
2222   }
2223 }
2225 #ifdef BUILTIN_SIM
2226 // routine to generate an x86 prolog for a stub function which
2227 // bootstraps into the generated ARM code which directly follows the
2228 // stub
2229 //
2230 // the argument encodes the number of general and fp registers
2231 // passed by the caller and the callng convention (currently just
2232 // the number of general registers and assumes C argument passing)
2234 extern "C" {
2235 int aarch64_stub_prolog_size();
2236 void aarch64_stub_prolog();
2237 void aarch64_prolog();
2238 }
2240 void MacroAssembler::c_stub_prolog(int gp_arg_count, int fp_arg_count, int ret_type,
2241                                    address *prolog_ptr)
2242 {
2243   int calltype = (((ret_type & 0x3) << 8) |
2244                   ((fp_arg_count & 0xf) << 4) |
2245                   (gp_arg_count & 0xf));
2247   // the addresses for the x86 to ARM entry code we need to use
2248   address start = pc();
2249   // printf("start = %lx\n", start);
2250   int byteCount =  aarch64_stub_prolog_size();
2251   // printf("byteCount = %x\n", byteCount);
2252   int instructionCount = (byteCount + 3)/ 4;
2253   // printf("instructionCount = %x\n", instructionCount);
2254   for (int i = 0; i < instructionCount; i++) {
2255     nop();
2256   }
2258   memcpy(start, (void*)aarch64_stub_prolog, byteCount);
2260   // write the address of the setup routine and the call format at the
2261   // end of into the copied code
2262   u_int64_t *patch_end = (u_int64_t *)(start + byteCount);
2263   if (prolog_ptr)
2264     patch_end[-2] = (u_int64_t)prolog_ptr;
2265   patch_end[-1] = calltype;
2266 }
2267 #endif
2269 void MacroAssembler::push_CPU_state() {
2270     push(0x3fffffff, sp);         // integer registers except lr & sp
2272     for (int i = 30; i >= 0; i -= 2)
2273       stpd(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+1),
2274            Address(pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
2275 }
2277 void MacroAssembler::pop_CPU_state() {
2278   for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 2)
2279     ldpd(as_FloatRegister(i), as_FloatRegister(i+1),
2280          Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
2282   pop(0x3fffffff, sp);         // integer registers except lr & sp
2283 }
2285 /**
2286  * Helpers for multiply_to_len().
2287  */
2288 void MacroAssembler::add2_with_carry(Register final_dest_hi, Register dest_hi, Register dest_lo,
2289                                      Register src1, Register src2) {
2290   adds(dest_lo, dest_lo, src1);
2291   adc(dest_hi, dest_hi, zr);
2292   adds(dest_lo, dest_lo, src2);
2293   adc(final_dest_hi, dest_hi, zr);
2294 }
2296 // Generate an address from (r + r1 extend offset).  "size" is the
2297 // size of the operand.  The result may be in rscratch2.
2298 Address MacroAssembler::offsetted_address(Register r, Register r1,
2299                                           Address::extend ext, int offset, int size) {
2300   if (offset || (ext.shift() % size != 0)) {
2301     lea(rscratch2, Address(r, r1, ext));
2302     return Address(rscratch2, offset);
2303   } else {
2304     return Address(r, r1, ext);
2305   }
2306 }
2308 /**
2309  * Multiply 64 bit by 64 bit first loop.
2310  */
2311 void MacroAssembler::multiply_64_x_64_loop(Register x, Register xstart, Register x_xstart,
2312                                            Register y, Register y_idx, Register z,
2313                                            Register carry, Register product,
2314                                            Register idx, Register kdx) {
2315   //
2316   //  jlong carry, x[], y[], z[];
2317   //  for (int idx=ystart, kdx=ystart+1+xstart; idx >= 0; idx-, kdx--) {
2318   //    huge_128 product = y[idx] * x[xstart] + carry;
2319   //    z[kdx] = (jlong)product;
2320   //    carry  = (jlong)(product >>> 64);
2321   //  }
2322   //  z[xstart] = carry;
2323   //
2325   Label L_first_loop, L_first_loop_exit;
2326   Label L_one_x, L_one_y, L_multiply;
2328   subsw(xstart, xstart, 1);
2329   br(Assembler::MI, L_one_x);
2331   lea(rscratch1, Address(x, xstart, Address::lsl(LogBytesPerInt)));
2332   ldr(x_xstart, Address(rscratch1));
2333   ror(x_xstart, x_xstart, 32); // convert big-endian to little-endian
2335   bind(L_first_loop);
2336   subsw(idx, idx, 1);
2337   br(Assembler::MI, L_first_loop_exit);
2338   subsw(idx, idx, 1);
2339   br(Assembler::MI, L_one_y);
2340   lea(rscratch1, Address(y, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2341   ldr(y_idx, Address(rscratch1));
2342   ror(y_idx, y_idx, 32); // convert big-endian to little-endian
2343   bind(L_multiply);
2345   // AArch64 has a multiply-accumulate instruction that we can't use
2346   // here because it has no way to process carries, so we have to use
2347   // separate add and adc instructions.  Bah.
2348   umulh(rscratch1, x_xstart, y_idx); // x_xstart * y_idx -> rscratch1:product
2349   mul(product, x_xstart, y_idx);
2350   adds(product, product, carry);
2351   adc(carry, rscratch1, zr);   // x_xstart * y_idx + carry -> carry:product
2353   subw(kdx, kdx, 2);
2354   ror(product, product, 32); // back to big-endian
2355   str(product, offsetted_address(z, kdx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt), 0, BytesPerLong));
2357   b(L_first_loop);
2359   bind(L_one_y);
2360   ldrw(y_idx, Address(y,  0));
2361   b(L_multiply);
2363   bind(L_one_x);
2364   ldrw(x_xstart, Address(x,  0));
2365   b(L_first_loop);
2367   bind(L_first_loop_exit);
2368 }
2370 /**
2371  * Multiply 128 bit by 128. Unrolled inner loop.
2372  *
2373  */
2374 void MacroAssembler::multiply_128_x_128_loop(Register y, Register z,
2375                                              Register carry, Register carry2,
2376                                              Register idx, Register jdx,
2377                                              Register yz_idx1, Register yz_idx2,
2378                                              Register tmp, Register tmp3, Register tmp4,
2379                                              Register tmp6, Register product_hi) {
2381   //   jlong carry, x[], y[], z[];
2382   //   int kdx = ystart+1;
2383   //   for (int idx=ystart-2; idx >= 0; idx -= 2) { // Third loop
2384   //     huge_128 tmp3 = (y[idx+1] * product_hi) + z[kdx+idx+1] + carry;
2385   //     jlong carry2  = (jlong)(tmp3 >>> 64);
2386   //     huge_128 tmp4 = (y[idx]   * product_hi) + z[kdx+idx] + carry2;
2387   //     carry  = (jlong)(tmp4 >>> 64);
2388   //     z[kdx+idx+1] = (jlong)tmp3;
2389   //     z[kdx+idx] = (jlong)tmp4;
2390   //   }
2391   //   idx += 2;
2392   //   if (idx > 0) {
2393   //     yz_idx1 = (y[idx] * product_hi) + z[kdx+idx] + carry;
2394   //     z[kdx+idx] = (jlong)yz_idx1;
2395   //     carry  = (jlong)(yz_idx1 >>> 64);
2396   //   }
2397   //
2399   Label L_third_loop, L_third_loop_exit, L_post_third_loop_done;
2401   lsrw(jdx, idx, 2);
2403   bind(L_third_loop);
2405   subsw(jdx, jdx, 1);
2406   br(Assembler::MI, L_third_loop_exit);
2407   subw(idx, idx, 4);
2409   lea(rscratch1, Address(y, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2411   ldp(yz_idx2, yz_idx1, Address(rscratch1, 0));
2413   lea(tmp6, Address(z, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2415   ror(yz_idx1, yz_idx1, 32); // convert big-endian to little-endian
2416   ror(yz_idx2, yz_idx2, 32);
2418   ldp(rscratch2, rscratch1, Address(tmp6, 0));
2420   mul(tmp3, product_hi, yz_idx1);  //  yz_idx1 * product_hi -> tmp4:tmp3
2421   umulh(tmp4, product_hi, yz_idx1);
2423   ror(rscratch1, rscratch1, 32); // convert big-endian to little-endian
2424   ror(rscratch2, rscratch2, 32);
2426   mul(tmp, product_hi, yz_idx2);   //  yz_idx2 * product_hi -> carry2:tmp
2427   umulh(carry2, product_hi, yz_idx2);
2429   // propagate sum of both multiplications into carry:tmp4:tmp3
2430   adds(tmp3, tmp3, carry);
2431   adc(tmp4, tmp4, zr);
2432   adds(tmp3, tmp3, rscratch1);
2433   adcs(tmp4, tmp4, tmp);
2434   adc(carry, carry2, zr);
2435   adds(tmp4, tmp4, rscratch2);
2436   adc(carry, carry, zr);
2438   ror(tmp3, tmp3, 32); // convert little-endian to big-endian
2439   ror(tmp4, tmp4, 32);
2440   stp(tmp4, tmp3, Address(tmp6, 0));
2442   b(L_third_loop);
2443   bind (L_third_loop_exit);
2445   andw (idx, idx, 0x3);
2446   cbz(idx, L_post_third_loop_done);
2448   Label L_check_1;
2449   subsw(idx, idx, 2);
2450   br(Assembler::MI, L_check_1);
2452   lea(rscratch1, Address(y, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2453   ldr(yz_idx1, Address(rscratch1, 0));
2454   ror(yz_idx1, yz_idx1, 32);
2455   mul(tmp3, product_hi, yz_idx1);  //  yz_idx1 * product_hi -> tmp4:tmp3
2456   umulh(tmp4, product_hi, yz_idx1);
2457   lea(rscratch1, Address(z, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2458   ldr(yz_idx2, Address(rscratch1, 0));
2459   ror(yz_idx2, yz_idx2, 32);
2461   add2_with_carry(carry, tmp4, tmp3, carry, yz_idx2);
2463   ror(tmp3, tmp3, 32);
2464   str(tmp3, Address(rscratch1, 0));
2466   bind (L_check_1);
2468   andw (idx, idx, 0x1);
2469   subsw(idx, idx, 1);
2470   br(Assembler::MI, L_post_third_loop_done);
2471   ldrw(tmp4, Address(y, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2472   mul(tmp3, tmp4, product_hi);  //  tmp4 * product_hi -> carry2:tmp3
2473   umulh(carry2, tmp4, product_hi);
2474   ldrw(tmp4, Address(z, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2476   add2_with_carry(carry2, tmp3, tmp4, carry);
2478   strw(tmp3, Address(z, idx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2479   extr(carry, carry2, tmp3, 32);
2481   bind(L_post_third_loop_done);
2482 }
2484 /**
2485  * Code for BigInteger::multiplyToLen() instrinsic.
2486  *
2487  * r0: x
2488  * r1: xlen
2489  * r2: y
2490  * r3: ylen
2491  * r4:  z
2492  * r5: zlen
2493  * r10: tmp1
2494  * r11: tmp2
2495  * r12: tmp3
2496  * r13: tmp4
2497  * r14: tmp5
2498  * r15: tmp6
2499  * r16: tmp7
2500  *
2501  */
2502 void MacroAssembler::multiply_to_len(Register x, Register xlen, Register y, Register ylen,
2503                                      Register z, Register zlen,
2504                                      Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3, Register tmp4,
2505                                      Register tmp5, Register tmp6, Register product_hi) {
2507   assert_different_registers(x, xlen, y, ylen, z, zlen, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6);
2509   const Register idx = tmp1;
2510   const Register kdx = tmp2;
2511   const Register xstart = tmp3;
2513   const Register y_idx = tmp4;
2514   const Register carry = tmp5;
2515   const Register product  = xlen;
2516   const Register x_xstart = zlen;  // reuse register
2518   // First Loop.
2519   //
2520   //  final static long LONG_MASK = 0xffffffffL;
2521   //  int xstart = xlen - 1;
2522   //  int ystart = ylen - 1;
2523   //  long carry = 0;
2524   //  for (int idx=ystart, kdx=ystart+1+xstart; idx >= 0; idx-, kdx--) {
2525   //    long product = (y[idx] & LONG_MASK) * (x[xstart] & LONG_MASK) + carry;
2526   //    z[kdx] = (int)product;
2527   //    carry = product >>> 32;
2528   //  }
2529   //  z[xstart] = (int)carry;
2530   //
2532   movw(idx, ylen);      // idx = ylen;
2533   movw(kdx, zlen);      // kdx = xlen+ylen;
2534   mov(carry, zr);       // carry = 0;
2536   Label L_done;
2538   movw(xstart, xlen);
2539   subsw(xstart, xstart, 1);
2540   br(Assembler::MI, L_done);
2542   multiply_64_x_64_loop(x, xstart, x_xstart, y, y_idx, z, carry, product, idx, kdx);
2544   Label L_second_loop;
2545   cbzw(kdx, L_second_loop);
2547   Label L_carry;
2548   subw(kdx, kdx, 1);
2549   cbzw(kdx, L_carry);
2551   strw(carry, Address(z, kdx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2552   lsr(carry, carry, 32);
2553   subw(kdx, kdx, 1);
2555   bind(L_carry);
2556   strw(carry, Address(z, kdx, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2558   // Second and third (nested) loops.
2559   //
2560   // for (int i = xstart-1; i >= 0; i--) { // Second loop
2561   //   carry = 0;
2562   //   for (int jdx=ystart, k=ystart+1+i; jdx >= 0; jdx--, k--) { // Third loop
2563   //     long product = (y[jdx] & LONG_MASK) * (x[i] & LONG_MASK) +
2564   //                    (z[k] & LONG_MASK) + carry;
2565   //     z[k] = (int)product;
2566   //     carry = product >>> 32;
2567   //   }
2568   //   z[i] = (int)carry;
2569   // }
2570   //
2571   // i = xlen, j = tmp1, k = tmp2, carry = tmp5, x[i] = product_hi
2573   const Register jdx = tmp1;
2575   bind(L_second_loop);
2576   mov(carry, zr);                // carry = 0;
2577   movw(jdx, ylen);               // j = ystart+1
2579   subsw(xstart, xstart, 1);      // i = xstart-1;
2580   br(Assembler::MI, L_done);
2582   str(z, Address(pre(sp, -4 * wordSize)));
2584   Label L_last_x;
2585   lea(z, offsetted_address(z, xstart, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt), 4, BytesPerInt)); // z = z + k - j
2586   subsw(xstart, xstart, 1);       // i = xstart-1;
2587   br(Assembler::MI, L_last_x);
2589   lea(rscratch1, Address(x, xstart, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2590   ldr(product_hi, Address(rscratch1));
2591   ror(product_hi, product_hi, 32);  // convert big-endian to little-endian
2593   Label L_third_loop_prologue;
2594   bind(L_third_loop_prologue);
2596   str(ylen, Address(sp, wordSize));
2597   stp(x, xstart, Address(sp, 2 * wordSize));
2598   multiply_128_x_128_loop(y, z, carry, x, jdx, ylen, product,
2599                           tmp2, x_xstart, tmp3, tmp4, tmp6, product_hi);
2600   ldp(z, ylen, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
2601   ldp(x, xlen, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));   // copy old xstart -> xlen
2603   addw(tmp3, xlen, 1);
2604   strw(carry, Address(z, tmp3, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2605   subsw(tmp3, tmp3, 1);
2606   br(Assembler::MI, L_done);
2608   lsr(carry, carry, 32);
2609   strw(carry, Address(z, tmp3, Address::uxtw(LogBytesPerInt)));
2610   b(L_second_loop);
2612   // Next infrequent code is moved outside loops.
2613   bind(L_last_x);
2614   ldrw(product_hi, Address(x,  0));
2615   b(L_third_loop_prologue);
2617   bind(L_done);
2618 }
2620 /**
2621  * Emits code to update CRC-32 with a byte value according to constants in table
2622  *
2623  * @param [in,out]crc   Register containing the crc.
2624  * @param [in]val       Register containing the byte to fold into the CRC.
2625  * @param [in]table     Register containing the table of crc constants.
2626  *
2627  * uint32_t crc;
2628  * val = crc_table[(val ^ crc) & 0xFF];
2629  * crc = val ^ (crc >> 8);
2630  *
2631  */
2632 void MacroAssembler::update_byte_crc32(Register crc, Register val, Register table) {
2633   eor(val, val, crc);
2634   andr(val, val, 0xff);
2635   ldrw(val, Address(table, val, Address::lsl(2)));
2636   eor(crc, val, crc, Assembler::LSR, 8);
2637 }
2639 /**
2640  * Emits code to update CRC-32 with a 32-bit value according to tables 0 to 3
2641  *
2642  * @param [in,out]crc   Register containing the crc.
2643  * @param [in]v         Register containing the 32-bit to fold into the CRC.
2644  * @param [in]table0    Register containing table 0 of crc constants.
2645  * @param [in]table1    Register containing table 1 of crc constants.
2646  * @param [in]table2    Register containing table 2 of crc constants.
2647  * @param [in]table3    Register containing table 3 of crc constants.
2648  *
2649  * uint32_t crc;
2650  *   v = crc ^ v
2651  *   crc = table3[v&0xff]^table2[(v>>8)&0xff]^table1[(v>>16)&0xff]^table0[v>>24]
2652  *
2653  */
2654 void MacroAssembler::update_word_crc32(Register crc, Register v, Register tmp,
2655         Register table0, Register table1, Register table2, Register table3,
2656         bool upper) {
2657   eor(v, crc, v, upper ? LSR:LSL, upper ? 32:0);
2658   uxtb(tmp, v);
2659   ldrw(crc, Address(table3, tmp, Address::lsl(2)));
2660   ubfx(tmp, v, 8, 8);
2661   ldrw(tmp, Address(table2, tmp, Address::lsl(2)));
2662   eor(crc, crc, tmp);
2663   ubfx(tmp, v, 16, 8);
2664   ldrw(tmp, Address(table1, tmp, Address::lsl(2)));
2665   eor(crc, crc, tmp);
2666   ubfx(tmp, v, 24, 8);
2667   ldrw(tmp, Address(table0, tmp, Address::lsl(2)));
2668   eor(crc, crc, tmp);
2669 }
2671 /**
2672  * @param crc   register containing existing CRC (32-bit)
2673  * @param buf   register pointing to input byte buffer (byte*)
2674  * @param len   register containing number of bytes
2675  * @param table register that will contain address of CRC table
2676  * @param tmp   scratch register
2677  */
2678 void MacroAssembler::kernel_crc32(Register crc, Register buf, Register len,
2679         Register table0, Register table1, Register table2, Register table3,
2680         Register tmp, Register tmp2, Register tmp3) {
2681   Label L_by16, L_by16_loop, L_by4, L_by4_loop, L_by1, L_by1_loop, L_exit;
2682   unsigned long offset;
2684     ornw(crc, zr, crc);
2686   if (UseCRC32) {
2687     Label CRC_by64_loop, CRC_by4_loop, CRC_by1_loop;
2689       subs(len, len, 64);
2690       br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by64_loop);
2691       adds(len, len, 64-4);
2692       br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by4_loop);
2693       adds(len, len, 4);
2694       br(Assembler::GT, CRC_by1_loop);
2695       b(L_exit);
2697     BIND(CRC_by4_loop);
2698       ldrw(tmp, Address(post(buf, 4)));
2699       subs(len, len, 4);
2700       crc32w(crc, crc, tmp);
2701       br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by4_loop);
2702       adds(len, len, 4);
2703       br(Assembler::LE, L_exit);
2704     BIND(CRC_by1_loop);
2705       ldrb(tmp, Address(post(buf, 1)));
2706       subs(len, len, 1);
2707       crc32b(crc, crc, tmp);
2708       br(Assembler::GT, CRC_by1_loop);
2709       b(L_exit);
2711       align(CodeEntryAlignment);
2712     BIND(CRC_by64_loop);
2713       subs(len, len, 64);
2714       ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2715       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp);
2716       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp3);
2717       ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2718       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp);
2719       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp3);
2720       ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2721       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp);
2722       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp3);
2723       ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2724       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp);
2725       crc32x(crc, crc, tmp3);
2726       br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by64_loop);
2727       adds(len, len, 64-4);
2728       br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by4_loop);
2729       adds(len, len, 4);
2730       br(Assembler::GT, CRC_by1_loop);
2731     BIND(L_exit);
2732       ornw(crc, zr, crc);
2733       return;
2734   }
2736     adrp(table0, ExternalAddress(StubRoutines::crc_table_addr()), offset);
2737     if (offset) add(table0, table0, offset);
2738     add(table1, table0, 1*256*sizeof(juint));
2739     add(table2, table0, 2*256*sizeof(juint));
2740     add(table3, table0, 3*256*sizeof(juint));
2742   if (UseNeon) {
2743       cmp(len, 64);
2744       br(Assembler::LT, L_by16);
2745       eor(v16, T16B, v16, v16);
2747     Label L_fold;
2749       add(tmp, table0, 4*256*sizeof(juint)); // Point at the Neon constants
2751       ld1(v0, v1, T2D, post(buf, 32));
2752       ld1r(v4, T2D, post(tmp, 8));
2753       ld1r(v5, T2D, post(tmp, 8));
2754       ld1r(v6, T2D, post(tmp, 8));
2755       ld1r(v7, T2D, post(tmp, 8));
2756       mov(v16, T4S, 0, crc);
2758       eor(v0, T16B, v0, v16);
2759       sub(len, len, 64);
2761     BIND(L_fold);
2762       pmull(v22, T8H, v0, v5, T8B);
2763       pmull(v20, T8H, v0, v7, T8B);
2764       pmull(v23, T8H, v0, v4, T8B);
2765       pmull(v21, T8H, v0, v6, T8B);
2767       pmull2(v18, T8H, v0, v5, T16B);
2768       pmull2(v16, T8H, v0, v7, T16B);
2769       pmull2(v19, T8H, v0, v4, T16B);
2770       pmull2(v17, T8H, v0, v6, T16B);
2772       uzp1(v24, v20, v22, T8H);
2773       uzp2(v25, v20, v22, T8H);
2774       eor(v20, T16B, v24, v25);
2776       uzp1(v26, v16, v18, T8H);
2777       uzp2(v27, v16, v18, T8H);
2778       eor(v16, T16B, v26, v27);
2780       ushll2(v22, T4S, v20, T8H, 8);
2781       ushll(v20, T4S, v20, T4H, 8);
2783       ushll2(v18, T4S, v16, T8H, 8);
2784       ushll(v16, T4S, v16, T4H, 8);
2786       eor(v22, T16B, v23, v22);
2787       eor(v18, T16B, v19, v18);
2788       eor(v20, T16B, v21, v20);
2789       eor(v16, T16B, v17, v16);
2791       uzp1(v17, v16, v20, T2D);
2792       uzp2(v21, v16, v20, T2D);
2793       eor(v17, T16B, v17, v21);
2795       ushll2(v20, T2D, v17, T4S, 16);
2796       ushll(v16, T2D, v17, T2S, 16);
2798       eor(v20, T16B, v20, v22);
2799       eor(v16, T16B, v16, v18);
2801       uzp1(v17, v20, v16, T2D);
2802       uzp2(v21, v20, v16, T2D);
2803       eor(v28, T16B, v17, v21);
2805       pmull(v22, T8H, v1, v5, T8B);
2806       pmull(v20, T8H, v1, v7, T8B);
2807       pmull(v23, T8H, v1, v4, T8B);
2808       pmull(v21, T8H, v1, v6, T8B);
2810       pmull2(v18, T8H, v1, v5, T16B);
2811       pmull2(v16, T8H, v1, v7, T16B);
2812       pmull2(v19, T8H, v1, v4, T16B);
2813       pmull2(v17, T8H, v1, v6, T16B);
2815       ld1(v0, v1, T2D, post(buf, 32));
2817       uzp1(v24, v20, v22, T8H);
2818       uzp2(v25, v20, v22, T8H);
2819       eor(v20, T16B, v24, v25);
2821       uzp1(v26, v16, v18, T8H);
2822       uzp2(v27, v16, v18, T8H);
2823       eor(v16, T16B, v26, v27);
2825       ushll2(v22, T4S, v20, T8H, 8);
2826       ushll(v20, T4S, v20, T4H, 8);
2828       ushll2(v18, T4S, v16, T8H, 8);
2829       ushll(v16, T4S, v16, T4H, 8);
2831       eor(v22, T16B, v23, v22);
2832       eor(v18, T16B, v19, v18);
2833       eor(v20, T16B, v21, v20);
2834       eor(v16, T16B, v17, v16);
2836       uzp1(v17, v16, v20, T2D);
2837       uzp2(v21, v16, v20, T2D);
2838       eor(v16, T16B, v17, v21);
2840       ushll2(v20, T2D, v16, T4S, 16);
2841       ushll(v16, T2D, v16, T2S, 16);
2843       eor(v20, T16B, v22, v20);
2844       eor(v16, T16B, v16, v18);
2846       uzp1(v17, v20, v16, T2D);
2847       uzp2(v21, v20, v16, T2D);
2848       eor(v20, T16B, v17, v21);
2850       shl(v16, T2D, v28, 1);
2851       shl(v17, T2D, v20, 1);
2853       eor(v0, T16B, v0, v16);
2854       eor(v1, T16B, v1, v17);
2856       subs(len, len, 32);
2857       br(Assembler::GE, L_fold);
2859       mov(crc, 0);
2860       mov(tmp, v0, T1D, 0);
2861       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, false);
2862       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, true);
2863       mov(tmp, v0, T1D, 1);
2864       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, false);
2865       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, true);
2866       mov(tmp, v1, T1D, 0);
2867       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, false);
2868       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, true);
2869       mov(tmp, v1, T1D, 1);
2870       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, false);
2871       update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, true);
2873       add(len, len, 32);
2874   }
2876   BIND(L_by16);
2877     subs(len, len, 16);
2878     br(Assembler::GE, L_by16_loop);
2879     adds(len, len, 16-4);
2880     br(Assembler::GE, L_by4_loop);
2881     adds(len, len, 4);
2882     br(Assembler::GT, L_by1_loop);
2883     b(L_exit);
2885   BIND(L_by4_loop);
2886     ldrw(tmp, Address(post(buf, 4)));
2887     update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3);
2888     subs(len, len, 4);
2889     br(Assembler::GE, L_by4_loop);
2890     adds(len, len, 4);
2891     br(Assembler::LE, L_exit);
2892   BIND(L_by1_loop);
2893     subs(len, len, 1);
2894     ldrb(tmp, Address(post(buf, 1)));
2895     update_byte_crc32(crc, tmp, table0);
2896     br(Assembler::GT, L_by1_loop);
2897     b(L_exit);
2899     align(CodeEntryAlignment);
2900   BIND(L_by16_loop);
2901     subs(len, len, 16);
2902     ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2903     update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, false);
2904     update_word_crc32(crc, tmp, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, true);
2905     update_word_crc32(crc, tmp3, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, false);
2906     update_word_crc32(crc, tmp3, tmp2, table0, table1, table2, table3, true);
2907     br(Assembler::GE, L_by16_loop);
2908     adds(len, len, 16-4);
2909     br(Assembler::GE, L_by4_loop);
2910     adds(len, len, 4);
2911     br(Assembler::GT, L_by1_loop);
2912   BIND(L_exit);
2913     ornw(crc, zr, crc);
2914 }
2916 /**
2917  * @param crc   register containing existing CRC (32-bit)
2918  * @param buf   register pointing to input byte buffer (byte*)
2919  * @param len   register containing number of bytes
2920  * @param table register that will contain address of CRC table
2921  * @param tmp   scratch register
2922  */
2923 void MacroAssembler::kernel_crc32c(Register crc, Register buf, Register len,
2924         Register table0, Register table1, Register table2, Register table3,
2925         Register tmp, Register tmp2, Register tmp3) {
2926   Label L_exit;
2927   Label CRC_by64_loop, CRC_by4_loop, CRC_by1_loop;
2929     subs(len, len, 64);
2930     br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by64_loop);
2931     adds(len, len, 64-4);
2932     br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by4_loop);
2933     adds(len, len, 4);
2934     br(Assembler::GT, CRC_by1_loop);
2935     b(L_exit);
2937   BIND(CRC_by4_loop);
2938     ldrw(tmp, Address(post(buf, 4)));
2939     subs(len, len, 4);
2940     crc32cw(crc, crc, tmp);
2941     br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by4_loop);
2942     adds(len, len, 4);
2943     br(Assembler::LE, L_exit);
2944   BIND(CRC_by1_loop);
2945     ldrb(tmp, Address(post(buf, 1)));
2946     subs(len, len, 1);
2947     crc32cb(crc, crc, tmp);
2948     br(Assembler::GT, CRC_by1_loop);
2949     b(L_exit);
2951     align(CodeEntryAlignment);
2952   BIND(CRC_by64_loop);
2953     subs(len, len, 64);
2954     ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2955     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp);
2956     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp3);
2957     ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2958     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp);
2959     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp3);
2960     ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2961     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp);
2962     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp3);
2963     ldp(tmp, tmp3, Address(post(buf, 16)));
2964     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp);
2965     crc32cx(crc, crc, tmp3);
2966     br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by64_loop);
2967     adds(len, len, 64-4);
2968     br(Assembler::GE, CRC_by4_loop);
2969     adds(len, len, 4);
2970     br(Assembler::GT, CRC_by1_loop);
2971   BIND(L_exit);
2972     return;
2973 }
2975 SkipIfEqual::SkipIfEqual(
2976     MacroAssembler* masm, const bool* flag_addr, bool value) {
2977   _masm = masm;
2978   unsigned long offset;
2979   _masm->adrp(rscratch1, ExternalAddress((address)flag_addr), offset);
2980   _masm->ldrb(rscratch1, Address(rscratch1, offset));
2981   _masm->cbzw(rscratch1, _label);
2982 }
2984 SkipIfEqual::~SkipIfEqual() {
2985   _masm->bind(_label);
2986 }
2988 void MacroAssembler::cmpptr(Register src1, Address src2) {
2989   unsigned long offset;
2990   adrp(rscratch1, src2, offset);
2991   ldr(rscratch1, Address(rscratch1, offset));
2992   cmp(src1, rscratch1);
2993 }
2995 void MacroAssembler::store_check(Register obj, Address dst) {
2996   store_check(obj);
2997 }
2999 void MacroAssembler::store_check(Register obj) {
3000   // Does a store check for the oop in register obj. The content of
3001   // register obj is destroyed afterwards.
3003   BarrierSet* bs = Universe::heap()->barrier_set();
3004   assert(bs->kind() == BarrierSet::CardTableModRef, "Wrong barrier set kind");
3006   CardTableModRefBS* ct = barrier_set_cast<CardTableModRefBS>(bs);
3007   assert(sizeof(*ct->byte_map_base) == sizeof(jbyte), "adjust this code");
3009   lsr(obj, obj, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift);
3011   assert(CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val() == 0, "must be");
3013   {
3014     ExternalAddress cardtable((address) ct->byte_map_base);
3015     unsigned long offset;
3016     adrp(rscratch1, cardtable, offset);
3017     assert(offset == 0, "byte_map_base is misaligned");
3018   }
3020   if (UseCondCardMark) {
3021     Label L_already_dirty;
3022     ldrb(rscratch2,  Address(obj, rscratch1));
3023     cbz(rscratch2, L_already_dirty);
3024     strb(zr, Address(obj, rscratch1));
3025     bind(L_already_dirty);
3026   } else {
3027     strb(zr, Address(obj, rscratch1));
3028   }
3029 }
3031 void MacroAssembler::load_klass(Register dst, Register src) {
3032   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3033     ldrw(dst, Address(src, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
3034     decode_klass_not_null(dst);
3035   } else {
3036     ldr(dst, Address(src, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
3037   }
3038 }
3040 void MacroAssembler::cmp_klass(Register oop, Register trial_klass, Register tmp) {
3041   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3042     ldrw(tmp, Address(oop, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
3043     if (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL) {
3044       cmp(trial_klass, tmp, LSL, Universe::narrow_klass_shift());
3045       return;
3046     } else if (((uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base() & 0xffffffff) == 0
3047                && Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0) {
3048       // Only the bottom 32 bits matter
3049       cmpw(trial_klass, tmp);
3050       return;
3051     }
3052     decode_klass_not_null(tmp);
3053   } else {
3054     ldr(tmp, Address(oop, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
3055   }
3056   cmp(trial_klass, tmp);
3057 }
3059 void MacroAssembler::load_prototype_header(Register dst, Register src) {
3060   load_klass(dst, src);
3061   ldr(dst, Address(dst, Klass::prototype_header_offset()));
3062 }
3064 void MacroAssembler::store_klass(Register dst, Register src) {
3065   // FIXME: Should this be a store release?  concurrent gcs assumes
3066   // klass length is valid if klass field is not null.
3067   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3068     encode_klass_not_null(src);
3069     strw(src, Address(dst, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
3070   } else {
3071     str(src, Address(dst, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
3072   }
3073 }
3075 void MacroAssembler::store_klass_gap(Register dst, Register src) {
3076   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3077     // Store to klass gap in destination
3078     strw(src, Address(dst, oopDesc::klass_gap_offset_in_bytes()));
3079   }
3080 }
3082 // Algorithm must match oop.inline.hpp encode_heap_oop.
3083 void MacroAssembler::encode_heap_oop(Register d, Register s) {
3084 #ifdef ASSERT
3085   verify_heapbase("MacroAssembler::encode_heap_oop: heap base corrupted?");
3086 #endif
3087   verify_oop(s, "broken oop in encode_heap_oop");
3088   if (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) {
3089     if (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() != 0) {
3090       assert (LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_oop_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3091       lsr(d, s, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3092     } else {
3093       mov(d, s);
3094     }
3095   } else {
3096     subs(d, s, rheapbase);
3097     csel(d, d, zr, Assembler::HS);
3098     lsr(d, d, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3100     /*  Old algorithm: is this any worse?
3101     Label nonnull;
3102     cbnz(r, nonnull);
3103     sub(r, r, rheapbase);
3104     bind(nonnull);
3105     lsr(r, r, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3106     */
3107   }
3108 }
3110 void MacroAssembler::encode_heap_oop_not_null(Register r) {
3111 #ifdef ASSERT
3112   verify_heapbase("MacroAssembler::encode_heap_oop_not_null: heap base corrupted?");
3113   if (CheckCompressedOops) {
3114     Label ok;
3115     cbnz(r, ok);
3116     stop("null oop passed to encode_heap_oop_not_null");
3117     bind(ok);
3118   }
3119 #endif
3120   verify_oop(r, "broken oop in encode_heap_oop_not_null");
3121   if (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL) {
3122     sub(r, r, rheapbase);
3123   }
3124   if (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() != 0) {
3125     assert (LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_oop_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3126     lsr(r, r, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3127   }
3128 }
3130 void MacroAssembler::encode_heap_oop_not_null(Register dst, Register src) {
3131 #ifdef ASSERT
3132   verify_heapbase("MacroAssembler::encode_heap_oop_not_null2: heap base corrupted?");
3133   if (CheckCompressedOops) {
3134     Label ok;
3135     cbnz(src, ok);
3136     stop("null oop passed to encode_heap_oop_not_null2");
3137     bind(ok);
3138   }
3139 #endif
3140   verify_oop(src, "broken oop in encode_heap_oop_not_null2");
3142   Register data = src;
3143   if (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL) {
3144     sub(dst, src, rheapbase);
3145     data = dst;
3146   }
3147   if (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() != 0) {
3148     assert (LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_oop_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3149     lsr(dst, data, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3150     data = dst;
3151   }
3152   if (data == src)
3153     mov(dst, src);
3154 }
3156 void  MacroAssembler::decode_heap_oop(Register d, Register s) {
3157 #ifdef ASSERT
3158   verify_heapbase("MacroAssembler::decode_heap_oop: heap base corrupted?");
3159 #endif
3160   if (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL) {
3161     if (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() != 0 || d != s) {
3162       lsl(d, s, Universe::narrow_oop_shift());
3163     }
3164   } else {
3165     Label done;
3166     if (d != s)
3167       mov(d, s);
3168     cbz(s, done);
3169     add(d, rheapbase, s, Assembler::LSL, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3170     bind(done);
3171   }
3172   verify_oop(d, "broken oop in decode_heap_oop");
3173 }
3175 void  MacroAssembler::decode_heap_oop_not_null(Register r) {
3176   assert (UseCompressedOops, "should only be used for compressed headers");
3177   assert (Universe::heap() != NULL, "java heap should be initialized");
3178   // Cannot assert, unverified entry point counts instructions (see .ad file)
3179   // vtableStubs also counts instructions in pd_code_size_limit.
3180   // Also do not verify_oop as this is called by verify_oop.
3181   if (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() != 0) {
3182     assert(LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_oop_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3183     if (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL) {
3184       add(r, rheapbase, r, Assembler::LSL, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3185     } else {
3186       add(r, zr, r, Assembler::LSL, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3187     }
3188   } else {
3189     assert (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL, "sanity");
3190   }
3191 }
3193 void  MacroAssembler::decode_heap_oop_not_null(Register dst, Register src) {
3194   assert (UseCompressedOops, "should only be used for compressed headers");
3195   assert (Universe::heap() != NULL, "java heap should be initialized");
3196   // Cannot assert, unverified entry point counts instructions (see .ad file)
3197   // vtableStubs also counts instructions in pd_code_size_limit.
3198   // Also do not verify_oop as this is called by verify_oop.
3199   if (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() != 0) {
3200     assert(LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_oop_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3201     if (Universe::narrow_oop_base() != NULL) {
3202       add(dst, rheapbase, src, Assembler::LSL, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3203     } else {
3204       add(dst, zr, src, Assembler::LSL, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
3205     }
3206   } else {
3207     assert (Universe::narrow_oop_base() == NULL, "sanity");
3208     if (dst != src) {
3209       mov(dst, src);
3210     }
3211   }
3212 }
3214 void MacroAssembler::encode_klass_not_null(Register dst, Register src) {
3215   if (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL) {
3216     if (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() != 0) {
3217       assert (LogKlassAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_klass_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3218       lsr(dst, src, LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
3219     } else {
3220       if (dst != src) mov(dst, src);
3221     }
3222     return;
3223   }
3225   if (use_XOR_for_compressed_class_base) {
3226     if (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() != 0) {
3227       eor(dst, src, (uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base());
3228       lsr(dst, dst, LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
3229     } else {
3230       eor(dst, src, (uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base());
3231     }
3232     return;
3233   }
3235   if (((uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base() & 0xffffffff) == 0
3236       && Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0) {
3237     movw(dst, src);
3238     return;
3239   }
3241 #ifdef ASSERT
3242   verify_heapbase("MacroAssembler::encode_klass_not_null2: heap base corrupted?");
3243 #endif
3245   Register rbase = dst;
3246   if (dst == src) rbase = rheapbase;
3247   mov(rbase, (uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base());
3248   sub(dst, src, rbase);
3249   if (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() != 0) {
3250     assert (LogKlassAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_klass_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3251     lsr(dst, dst, LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
3252   }
3253   if (dst == src) reinit_heapbase();
3254 }
3256 void MacroAssembler::encode_klass_not_null(Register r) {
3257   encode_klass_not_null(r, r);
3258 }
3260 void  MacroAssembler::decode_klass_not_null(Register dst, Register src) {
3261   Register rbase = dst;
3262   assert (UseCompressedClassPointers, "should only be used for compressed headers");
3264   if (Universe::narrow_klass_base() == NULL) {
3265     if (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() != 0) {
3266       assert(LogKlassAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_klass_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3267       lsl(dst, src, LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
3268     } else {
3269       if (dst != src) mov(dst, src);
3270     }
3271     return;
3272   }
3274   if (use_XOR_for_compressed_class_base) {
3275     if (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() != 0) {
3276       lsl(dst, src, LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
3277       eor(dst, dst, (uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base());
3278     } else {
3279       eor(dst, src, (uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base());
3280     }
3281     return;
3282   }
3284   if (((uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base() & 0xffffffff) == 0
3285       && Universe::narrow_klass_shift() == 0) {
3286     if (dst != src)
3287       movw(dst, src);
3288     movk(dst, (uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base() >> 32, 32);
3289     return;
3290   }
3292   // Cannot assert, unverified entry point counts instructions (see .ad file)
3293   // vtableStubs also counts instructions in pd_code_size_limit.
3294   // Also do not verify_oop as this is called by verify_oop.
3295   if (dst == src) rbase = rheapbase;
3296   mov(rbase, (uint64_t)Universe::narrow_klass_base());
3297   if (Universe::narrow_klass_shift() != 0) {
3298     assert(LogKlassAlignmentInBytes == Universe::narrow_klass_shift(), "decode alg wrong");
3299     add(dst, rbase, src, Assembler::LSL, LogKlassAlignmentInBytes);
3300   } else {
3301     add(dst, rbase, src);
3302   }
3303   if (dst == src) reinit_heapbase();
3304 }
3306 void  MacroAssembler::decode_klass_not_null(Register r) {
3307   decode_klass_not_null(r, r);
3308 }
3310 void  MacroAssembler::set_narrow_oop(Register dst, jobject obj) {
3311   assert (UseCompressedOops, "should only be used for compressed oops");
3312   assert (Universe::heap() != NULL, "java heap should be initialized");
3313   assert (oop_recorder() != NULL, "this assembler needs an OopRecorder");
3315   int oop_index = oop_recorder()->find_index(obj);
3316   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(JNIHandles::resolve(obj)), "should be real oop");
3318   InstructionMark im(this);
3319   RelocationHolder rspec = oop_Relocation::spec(oop_index);
3320   code_section()->relocate(inst_mark(), rspec);
3321   movz(dst, 0xDEAD, 16);
3322   movk(dst, 0xBEEF);
3323 }
3325 void  MacroAssembler::set_narrow_klass(Register dst, Klass* k) {
3326   assert (UseCompressedClassPointers, "should only be used for compressed headers");
3327   assert (oop_recorder() != NULL, "this assembler needs an OopRecorder");
3328   int index = oop_recorder()->find_index(k);
3329   assert(! Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(k), "should not be an oop");
3331   InstructionMark im(this);
3332   RelocationHolder rspec = metadata_Relocation::spec(index);
3333   code_section()->relocate(inst_mark(), rspec);
3334   narrowKlass nk = Klass::encode_klass(k);
3335   movz(dst, (nk >> 16), 16);
3336   movk(dst, nk & 0xffff);
3337 }
3339 void MacroAssembler::load_heap_oop(Register dst, Address src)
3340 {
3341   if (UseCompressedOops) {
3342     ldrw(dst, src);
3343     decode_heap_oop(dst);
3344   } else {
3345     ldr(dst, src);
3346   }
3347 }
3349 void MacroAssembler::load_heap_oop_not_null(Register dst, Address src)
3350 {
3351   if (UseCompressedOops) {
3352     ldrw(dst, src);
3353     decode_heap_oop_not_null(dst);
3354   } else {
3355     ldr(dst, src);
3356   }
3357 }
3359 void MacroAssembler::store_heap_oop(Address dst, Register src) {
3360   if (UseCompressedOops) {
3361     assert(!dst.uses(src), "not enough registers");
3362     encode_heap_oop(src);
3363     strw(src, dst);
3364   } else
3365     str(src, dst);
3366 }
3368 // Used for storing NULLs.
3369 void MacroAssembler::store_heap_oop_null(Address dst) {
3370   if (UseCompressedOops) {
3371     strw(zr, dst);
3372   } else
3373     str(zr, dst);
3374 }
3377 void MacroAssembler::g1_write_barrier_pre(Register obj,
3378                                           Register pre_val,
3379                                           Register thread,
3380                                           Register tmp,
3381                                           bool tosca_live,
3382                                           bool expand_call) {
3383   // If expand_call is true then we expand the call_VM_leaf macro
3384   // directly to skip generating the check by
3385   // InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base that checks _last_sp.
3387   assert(thread == rthread, "must be");
3389   Label done;
3390   Label runtime;
3392   assert(pre_val != noreg, "check this code");
3394   if (obj != noreg)
3395     assert_different_registers(obj, pre_val, tmp);
3397   Address in_progress(thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::satb_mark_queue_offset() +
3398                                        PtrQueue::byte_offset_of_active()));
3399   Address index(thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::satb_mark_queue_offset() +
3400                                        PtrQueue::byte_offset_of_index()));
3401   Address buffer(thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::satb_mark_queue_offset() +
3402                                        PtrQueue::byte_offset_of_buf()));
3405   // Is marking active?
3406   if (in_bytes(PtrQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 4) {
3407     ldrw(tmp, in_progress);
3408   } else {
3409     assert(in_bytes(PtrQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 1, "Assumption");
3410     ldrb(tmp, in_progress);
3411   }
3412   cbzw(tmp, done);
3414   // Do we need to load the previous value?
3415   if (obj != noreg) {
3416     load_heap_oop(pre_val, Address(obj, 0));
3417   }
3419   // Is the previous value null?
3420   cbz(pre_val, done);
3422   // Can we store original value in the thread's buffer?
3423   // Is index == 0?
3424   // (The index field is typed as size_t.)
3426   ldr(tmp, index);                      // tmp := *index_adr
3427   cbz(tmp, runtime);                    // tmp == 0?
3428                                         // If yes, goto runtime
3430   sub(tmp, tmp, wordSize);              // tmp := tmp - wordSize
3431   str(tmp, index);                      // *index_adr := tmp
3432   ldr(rscratch1, buffer);
3433   add(tmp, tmp, rscratch1);             // tmp := tmp + *buffer_adr
3435   // Record the previous value
3436   str(pre_val, Address(tmp, 0));
3437   b(done);
3439   bind(runtime);
3440   // save the live input values
3441   push(r0->bit(tosca_live) | obj->bit(obj != noreg) | pre_val->bit(true), sp);
3443   // Calling the runtime using the regular call_VM_leaf mechanism generates
3444   // code (generated by InterpreterMacroAssember::call_VM_leaf_base)
3445   // that checks that the *(rfp+frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp) == NULL.
3446   //
3447   // If we care generating the pre-barrier without a frame (e.g. in the
3448   // intrinsified Reference.get() routine) then ebp might be pointing to
3449   // the caller frame and so this check will most likely fail at runtime.
3450   //
3451   // Expanding the call directly bypasses the generation of the check.
3452   // So when we do not have have a full interpreter frame on the stack
3453   // expand_call should be passed true.
3455   if (expand_call) {
3456     assert(pre_val != c_rarg1, "smashed arg");
3457     pass_arg1(this, thread);
3458     pass_arg0(this, pre_val);
3459     MacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::g1_wb_pre), 2);
3460   } else {
3461     call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::g1_wb_pre), pre_val, thread);
3462   }
3464   pop(r0->bit(tosca_live) | obj->bit(obj != noreg) | pre_val->bit(true), sp);
3466   bind(done);
3467 }
3469 void MacroAssembler::g1_write_barrier_post(Register store_addr,
3470                                            Register new_val,
3471                                            Register thread,
3472                                            Register tmp,
3473                                            Register tmp2) {
3474   assert(thread == rthread, "must be");
3476   Address queue_index(thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_offset() +
3477                                        PtrQueue::byte_offset_of_index()));
3478   Address buffer(thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::dirty_card_queue_offset() +
3479                                        PtrQueue::byte_offset_of_buf()));
3481   BarrierSet* bs = Universe::heap()->barrier_set();
3482   CardTableModRefBS* ct = (CardTableModRefBS*)bs;
3483   assert(sizeof(*ct->byte_map_base) == sizeof(jbyte), "adjust this code");
3485   Label done;
3486   Label runtime;
3488   // Does store cross heap regions?
3490   eor(tmp, store_addr, new_val);
3491   lsr(tmp, tmp, HeapRegion::LogOfHRGrainBytes);
3492   cbz(tmp, done);
3494   // crosses regions, storing NULL?
3496   cbz(new_val, done);
3498   // storing region crossing non-NULL, is card already dirty?
3500   ExternalAddress cardtable((address) ct->byte_map_base);
3501   assert(sizeof(*ct->byte_map_base) == sizeof(jbyte), "adjust this code");
3502   const Register card_addr = tmp;
3504   lsr(card_addr, store_addr, CardTableModRefBS::card_shift);
3506   unsigned long offset;
3507   adrp(tmp2, cardtable, offset);
3509   // get the address of the card
3510   add(card_addr, card_addr, tmp2);
3511   ldrb(tmp2, Address(card_addr, offset));
3512   cmpw(tmp2, (int)G1SATBCardTableModRefBS::g1_young_card_val());
3513   br(Assembler::EQ, done);
3515   assert((int)CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val() == 0, "must be 0");
3517   membar(Assembler::StoreLoad);
3519   ldrb(tmp2, Address(card_addr, offset));
3520   cbzw(tmp2, done);
3522   // storing a region crossing, non-NULL oop, card is clean.
3523   // dirty card and log.
3525   strb(zr, Address(card_addr, offset));
3527   ldr(rscratch1, queue_index);
3528   cbz(rscratch1, runtime);
3529   sub(rscratch1, rscratch1, wordSize);
3530   str(rscratch1, queue_index);
3532   ldr(tmp2, buffer);
3533   str(card_addr, Address(tmp2, rscratch1));
3534   b(done);
3536   bind(runtime);
3537   // save the live input values
3538   push(store_addr->bit(true) | new_val->bit(true), sp);
3539   call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::g1_wb_post), card_addr, thread);
3540   pop(store_addr->bit(true) | new_val->bit(true), sp);
3542   bind(done);
3543 }
3545 #endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
3547 Address MacroAssembler::allocate_metadata_address(Metadata* obj) {
3548   assert(oop_recorder() != NULL, "this assembler needs a Recorder");
3549   int index = oop_recorder()->allocate_metadata_index(obj);
3550   RelocationHolder rspec = metadata_Relocation::spec(index);
3551   return Address((address)obj, rspec);
3552 }
3554 // Move an oop into a register.  immediate is true if we want
3555 // immediate instrcutions, i.e. we are not going to patch this
3556 // instruction while the code is being executed by another thread.  In
3557 // that case we can use move immediates rather than the constant pool.
3558 void MacroAssembler::movoop(Register dst, jobject obj, bool immediate) {
3559   int oop_index;
3560   if (obj == NULL) {
3561     oop_index = oop_recorder()->allocate_oop_index(obj);
3562   } else {
3563     oop_index = oop_recorder()->find_index(obj);
3564     assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(JNIHandles::resolve(obj)), "should be real oop");
3565   }
3566   RelocationHolder rspec = oop_Relocation::spec(oop_index);
3567   if (! immediate) {
3568     address dummy = address(uintptr_t(pc()) & -wordSize); // A nearby aligned address
3569     ldr_constant(dst, Address(dummy, rspec));
3570   } else
3571     mov(dst, Address((address)obj, rspec));
3572 }
3574 // Move a metadata address into a register.
3575 void MacroAssembler::mov_metadata(Register dst, Metadata* obj) {
3576   int oop_index;
3577   if (obj == NULL) {
3578     oop_index = oop_recorder()->allocate_metadata_index(obj);
3579   } else {
3580     oop_index = oop_recorder()->find_index(obj);
3581   }
3582   RelocationHolder rspec = metadata_Relocation::spec(oop_index);
3583   mov(dst, Address((address)obj, rspec));
3584 }
3586 Address MacroAssembler::constant_oop_address(jobject obj) {
3587   assert(oop_recorder() != NULL, "this assembler needs an OopRecorder");
3588   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(JNIHandles::resolve(obj)), "not an oop");
3589   int oop_index = oop_recorder()->find_index(obj);
3590   return Address((address)obj, oop_Relocation::spec(oop_index));
3591 }
3593 // Defines obj, preserves var_size_in_bytes, okay for t2 == var_size_in_bytes.
3594 void MacroAssembler::tlab_allocate(Register obj,
3595                                    Register var_size_in_bytes,
3596                                    int con_size_in_bytes,
3597                                    Register t1,
3598                                    Register t2,
3599                                    Label& slow_case) {
3600   assert_different_registers(obj, t2);
3601   assert_different_registers(obj, var_size_in_bytes);
3602   Register end = t2;
3604   // verify_tlab();
3606   ldr(obj, Address(rthread, JavaThread::tlab_top_offset()));
3607   if (var_size_in_bytes == noreg) {
3608     lea(end, Address(obj, con_size_in_bytes));
3609   } else {
3610     lea(end, Address(obj, var_size_in_bytes));
3611   }
3612   ldr(rscratch1, Address(rthread, JavaThread::tlab_end_offset()));
3613   cmp(end, rscratch1);
3614   br(Assembler::HI, slow_case);
3616   // update the tlab top pointer
3617   str(end, Address(rthread, JavaThread::tlab_top_offset()));
3619   // recover var_size_in_bytes if necessary
3620   if (var_size_in_bytes == end) {
3621     sub(var_size_in_bytes, var_size_in_bytes, obj);
3622   }
3623   // verify_tlab();
3624 }
3626 // Preserves r19, and r3.
3627 Register MacroAssembler::tlab_refill(Label& retry,
3628                                      Label& try_eden,
3629                                      Label& slow_case) {
3630   Register top = r0;
3631   Register t1  = r2;
3632   Register t2  = r4;
3633   assert_different_registers(top, rthread, t1, t2, /* preserve: */ r19, r3);
3634   Label do_refill, discard_tlab;
3636   if (!Universe::heap()->supports_inline_contig_alloc()) {
3637     // No allocation in the shared eden.
3638     b(slow_case);
3639   }
3641   ldr(top, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_top_offset())));
3642   ldr(t1,  Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_end_offset())));
3644   // calculate amount of free space
3645   sub(t1, t1, top);
3646   lsr(t1, t1, LogHeapWordSize);
3648   // Retain tlab and allocate object in shared space if
3649   // the amount free in the tlab is too large to discard.
3651   ldr(rscratch1, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_refill_waste_limit_offset())));
3652   cmp(t1, rscratch1);
3653   br(Assembler::LE, discard_tlab);
3655   // Retain
3656   // ldr(rscratch1, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_refill_waste_limit_offset())));
3657   mov(t2, (int32_t) ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::refill_waste_limit_increment());
3658   add(rscratch1, rscratch1, t2);
3659   str(rscratch1, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_refill_waste_limit_offset())));
3661   if (TLABStats) {
3662     // increment number of slow_allocations
3663     addmw(Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_slow_allocations_offset())),
3664          1, rscratch1);
3665   }
3666   b(try_eden);
3668   bind(discard_tlab);
3669   if (TLABStats) {
3670     // increment number of refills
3671     addmw(Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_number_of_refills_offset())), 1,
3672          rscratch1);
3673     // accumulate wastage -- t1 is amount free in tlab
3674     addmw(Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_fast_refill_waste_offset())), t1,
3675          rscratch1);
3676   }
3678   // if tlab is currently allocated (top or end != null) then
3679   // fill [top, end + alignment_reserve) with array object
3680   cbz(top, do_refill);
3682   // set up the mark word
3683   mov(rscratch1, (intptr_t)markOopDesc::prototype()->copy_set_hash(0x2));
3684   str(rscratch1, Address(top, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
3685   // set the length to the remaining space
3686   sub(t1, t1, typeArrayOopDesc::header_size(T_INT));
3687   add(t1, t1, (int32_t)ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::alignment_reserve());
3688   lsl(t1, t1, log2_intptr(HeapWordSize/sizeof(jint)));
3689   strw(t1, Address(top, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes()));
3690   // set klass to intArrayKlass
3691   {
3692     unsigned long offset;
3693     // dubious reloc why not an oop reloc?
3694     adrp(rscratch1, ExternalAddress((address)Universe::intArrayKlassObj_addr()),
3695          offset);
3696     ldr(t1, Address(rscratch1, offset));
3697   }
3698   // store klass last.  concurrent gcs assumes klass length is valid if
3699   // klass field is not null.
3700   store_klass(top, t1);
3702   mov(t1, top);
3703   ldr(rscratch1, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_start_offset())));
3704   sub(t1, t1, rscratch1);
3705   incr_allocated_bytes(rthread, t1, 0, rscratch1);
3707   // refill the tlab with an eden allocation
3708   bind(do_refill);
3709   ldr(t1, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_size_offset())));
3710   lsl(t1, t1, LogHeapWordSize);
3711   // allocate new tlab, address returned in top
3712   eden_allocate(top, t1, 0, t2, slow_case);
3714   // Check that t1 was preserved in eden_allocate.
3715 #ifdef ASSERT
3716   if (UseTLAB) {
3717     Label ok;
3718     Register tsize = r4;
3719     assert_different_registers(tsize, rthread, t1);
3720     str(tsize, Address(pre(sp, -16)));
3721     ldr(tsize, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_size_offset())));
3722     lsl(tsize, tsize, LogHeapWordSize);
3723     cmp(t1, tsize);
3724     br(Assembler::EQ, ok);
3725     STOP("assert(t1 != tlab size)");
3726     should_not_reach_here();
3728     bind(ok);
3729     ldr(tsize, Address(post(sp, 16)));
3730   }
3731 #endif
3732   str(top, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_start_offset())));
3733   str(top, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_top_offset())));
3734   add(top, top, t1);
3735   sub(top, top, (int32_t)ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::alignment_reserve_in_bytes());
3736   str(top, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_end_offset())));
3737   verify_tlab();
3738   b(retry);
3740   return rthread; // for use by caller
3741 }
3743 // Defines obj, preserves var_size_in_bytes
3744 void MacroAssembler::eden_allocate(Register obj,
3745                                    Register var_size_in_bytes,
3746                                    int con_size_in_bytes,
3747                                    Register t1,
3748                                    Label& slow_case) {
3749   assert_different_registers(obj, var_size_in_bytes, t1);
3750   if (!Universe::heap()->supports_inline_contig_alloc()) {
3751     b(slow_case);
3752   } else {
3753     Register end = t1;
3754     Register heap_end = rscratch2;
3755     Label retry;
3756     bind(retry);
3757     {
3758       unsigned long offset;
3759       adrp(rscratch1, ExternalAddress((address) Universe::heap()->end_addr()), offset);
3760       ldr(heap_end, Address(rscratch1, offset));
3761     }
3763     ExternalAddress heap_top((address) Universe::heap()->top_addr());
3765     // Get the current top of the heap
3766     {
3767       unsigned long offset;
3768       adrp(rscratch1, heap_top, offset);
3769       // Use add() here after ARDP, rather than lea().
3770       // lea() does not generate anything if its offset is zero.
3771       // However, relocs expect to find either an ADD or a load/store
3772       // insn after an ADRP.  add() always generates an ADD insn, even
3773       // for add(Rn, Rn, 0).
3774       add(rscratch1, rscratch1, offset);
3775       ldaxr(obj, rscratch1);
3776     }
3778     // Adjust it my the size of our new object
3779     if (var_size_in_bytes == noreg) {
3780       lea(end, Address(obj, con_size_in_bytes));
3781     } else {
3782       lea(end, Address(obj, var_size_in_bytes));
3783     }
3785     // if end < obj then we wrapped around high memory
3786     cmp(end, obj);
3787     br(Assembler::LO, slow_case);
3789     cmp(end, heap_end);
3790     br(Assembler::HI, slow_case);
3792     // If heap_top hasn't been changed by some other thread, update it.
3793     stlxr(rscratch2, end, rscratch1);
3794     cbnzw(rscratch2, retry);
3795   }
3796 }
3798 void MacroAssembler::verify_tlab() {
3799 #ifdef ASSERT
3800   if (UseTLAB && VerifyOops) {
3801     Label next, ok;
3803     stp(rscratch2, rscratch1, Address(pre(sp, -16)));
3805     ldr(rscratch2, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_top_offset())));
3806     ldr(rscratch1, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_start_offset())));
3807     cmp(rscratch2, rscratch1);
3808     br(Assembler::HS, next);
3809     STOP("assert(top >= start)");
3810     should_not_reach_here();
3812     bind(next);
3813     ldr(rscratch2, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_end_offset())));
3814     ldr(rscratch1, Address(rthread, in_bytes(JavaThread::tlab_top_offset())));
3815     cmp(rscratch2, rscratch1);
3816     br(Assembler::HS, ok);
3817     STOP("assert(top <= end)");
3818     should_not_reach_here();
3820     bind(ok);
3821     ldp(rscratch2, rscratch1, Address(post(sp, 16)));
3822   }
3823 #endif
3824 }
3826 // Writes to stack successive pages until offset reached to check for
3827 // stack overflow + shadow pages.  This clobbers tmp.
3828 void MacroAssembler::bang_stack_size(Register size, Register tmp) {
3829   assert_different_registers(tmp, size, rscratch1);
3830   mov(tmp, sp);
3831   // Bang stack for total size given plus shadow page size.
3832   // Bang one page at a time because large size can bang beyond yellow and
3833   // red zones.
3834   Label loop;
3835   mov(rscratch1, os::vm_page_size());
3836   bind(loop);
3837   lea(tmp, Address(tmp, -os::vm_page_size()));
3838   subsw(size, size, rscratch1);
3839   str(size, Address(tmp));
3840   br(Assembler::GT, loop);
3842   // Bang down shadow pages too.
3843   // At this point, (tmp-0) is the last address touched, so don't
3844   // touch it again.  (It was touched as (tmp-pagesize) but then tmp
3845   // was post-decremented.)  Skip this address by starting at i=1, and
3846   // touch a few more pages below.  N.B.  It is important to touch all
3847   // the way down to and including i=StackShadowPages.
3848   for (int i = 0; i< StackShadowPages-1; i++) {
3849     // this could be any sized move but this is can be a debugging crumb
3850     // so the bigger the better.
3851     lea(tmp, Address(tmp, -os::vm_page_size()));
3852     str(size, Address(tmp));
3853   }
3854 }
3857 address MacroAssembler::read_polling_page(Register r, address page, relocInfo::relocType rtype) {
3858   unsigned long off;
3859   adrp(r, Address(page, rtype), off);
3860   InstructionMark im(this);
3861   code_section()->relocate(inst_mark(), rtype);
3862   ldrw(zr, Address(r, off));
3863   return inst_mark();
3864 }
3866 address MacroAssembler::read_polling_page(Register r, relocInfo::relocType rtype) {
3867   InstructionMark im(this);
3868   code_section()->relocate(inst_mark(), rtype);
3869   ldrw(zr, Address(r, 0));
3870   return inst_mark();
3871 }
3873 void MacroAssembler::adrp(Register reg1, const Address &dest, unsigned long &byte_offset) {
3874   relocInfo::relocType rtype = dest.rspec().reloc()->type();
3875   if (uabs(pc() - dest.target()) >= (1LL << 32)) {
3876     guarantee(rtype == relocInfo::none
3877               || rtype == relocInfo::external_word_type
3878               || rtype == relocInfo::poll_type
3879               || rtype == relocInfo::poll_return_type,
3880               "can only use a fixed address with an ADRP");
3881     // Out of range.  This doesn't happen very often, but we have to
3882     // handle it
3883     mov(reg1, dest);
3884     byte_offset = 0;
3885   } else {
3886     InstructionMark im(this);
3887     code_section()->relocate(inst_mark(), dest.rspec());
3888     byte_offset = (uint64_t)dest.target() & 0xfff;
3889     _adrp(reg1, dest.target());
3890   }
3891 }
3893 void MacroAssembler::build_frame(int framesize) {
3894   assert(framesize > 0, "framesize must be > 0");
3895   if (framesize < ((1 << 9) + 2 * wordSize)) {
3896     sub(sp, sp, framesize);
3897     stp(rfp, lr, Address(sp, framesize - 2 * wordSize));
3898     if (PreserveFramePointer) add(rfp, sp, framesize - 2 * wordSize);
3899   } else {
3900     stp(rfp, lr, Address(pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
3901     if (PreserveFramePointer) mov(rfp, sp);
3902     if (framesize < ((1 << 12) + 2 * wordSize))
3903       sub(sp, sp, framesize - 2 * wordSize);
3904     else {
3905       mov(rscratch1, framesize - 2 * wordSize);
3906       sub(sp, sp, rscratch1);
3907     }
3908   }
3909 }
3911 void MacroAssembler::remove_frame(int framesize) {
3912   assert(framesize > 0, "framesize must be > 0");
3913   if (framesize < ((1 << 9) + 2 * wordSize)) {
3914     ldp(rfp, lr, Address(sp, framesize - 2 * wordSize));
3915     add(sp, sp, framesize);
3916   } else {
3917     if (framesize < ((1 << 12) + 2 * wordSize))
3918       add(sp, sp, framesize - 2 * wordSize);
3919     else {
3920       mov(rscratch1, framesize - 2 * wordSize);
3921       add(sp, sp, rscratch1);
3922     }
3923     ldp(rfp, lr, Address(post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
3924   }
3925 }
3928 // Search for str1 in str2 and return index or -1
3929 void MacroAssembler::string_indexof(Register str2, Register str1,
3930                                     Register cnt2, Register cnt1,
3931                                     Register tmp1, Register tmp2,
3932                                     Register tmp3, Register tmp4,
3933                                     int icnt1, Register result) {
3936   Register ch1 = rscratch1;
3937   Register ch2 = rscratch2;
3938   Register cnt1tmp = tmp1;
3939   Register cnt2tmp = tmp2;
3940   Register cnt1_neg = cnt1;
3941   Register cnt2_neg = cnt2;
3942   Register result_tmp = tmp4;
3944   // Note, inline_string_indexOf() generates checks:
3945   // if (substr.count > string.count) return -1;
3946   // if (substr.count == 0) return 0;
3948 // We have two strings, a source string in str2, cnt2 and a pattern string
3949 // in str1, cnt1. Find the 1st occurence of pattern in source or return -1.
3951 // For larger pattern and source we use a simplified Boyer Moore algorithm.
3952 // With a small pattern and source we use linear scan.
3954   if (icnt1 == -1) {
3955     cmp(cnt1, 256);             // Use Linear Scan if cnt1 < 8 || cnt1 >= 256
3956     ccmp(cnt1, 8, 0b0000, LO);  // Can't handle skip >= 256 because we use
3957     br(LO, LINEARSEARCH);       // a byte array.
3958     cmp(cnt1, cnt2, LSR, 2);    // Source must be 4 * pattern for BM
3959     br(HS, LINEARSEARCH);
3960   }
3962 // The Boyer Moore alogorithm is based on the description here:-
3963 //
3964 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyer%E2%80%93Moore_string_search_algorithm
3965 //
3966 // This describes and algorithm with 2 shift rules. The 'Bad Character' rule
3967 // and the 'Good Suffix' rule.
3968 //
3969 // These rules are essentially heuristics for how far we can shift the
3970 // pattern along the search string.
3971 //
3972 // The implementation here uses the 'Bad Character' rule only because of the
3973 // complexity of initialisation for the 'Good Suffix' rule.
3974 //
3975 // This is also known as the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm:-
3976 //
3977 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyer-Moore-Horspool_algorithm
3978 //
3979 // #define ASIZE 128
3980 //
3981 //    int bm(unsigned char *x, int m, unsigned char *y, int n) {
3982 //       int i, j;
3983 //       unsigned c;
3984 //       unsigned char bc[ASIZE];
3985 //
3986 //       /* Preprocessing */
3987 //       for (i = 0; i < ASIZE; ++i)
3988 //          bc[i] = 0;
3989 //       for (i = 0; i < m - 1; ) {
3990 //          c = x[i];
3991 //          ++i;
3992 //          if (c < ASIZE) bc[c] = i;
3993 //       }
3994 //
3995 //       /* Searching */
3996 //       j = 0;
3997 //       while (j <= n - m) {
3998 //          c = y[i+j];
3999 //          if (x[m-1] == c)
4000 //            for (i = m - 2; i >= 0 && x[i] == y[i + j]; --i);
4001 //          if (i < 0) return j;
4002 //          if (c < ASIZE)
4003 //            j = j - bc[y[j+m-1]] + m;
4004 //          else
4005 //            j += 1; // Advance by 1 only if char >= ASIZE
4006 //       }
4007 //    }
4009   if (icnt1 == -1) {
4010     BIND(BM);
4015     Register cnt1end = tmp2;
4016     Register str2end = cnt2;
4017     Register skipch = tmp2;
4019     // Restrict ASIZE to 128 to reduce stack space/initialisation.
4020     // The presence of chars >= ASIZE in the target string does not affect
4021     // performance, but we must be careful not to initialise them in the stack
4022     // array.
4023     // The presence of chars >= ASIZE in the source string may adversely affect
4024     // performance since we can only advance by one when we encounter one.
4026       stp(zr, zr, pre(sp, -128));
4027       for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
4028           stp(zr, zr, Address(sp, i*16));
4030       mov(cnt1tmp, 0);
4031       sub(cnt1end, cnt1, 1);
4032     BIND(BCLOOP);
4033       ldrh(ch1, Address(str1, cnt1tmp, Address::lsl(1)));
4034       cmp(ch1, 128);
4035       add(cnt1tmp, cnt1tmp, 1);
4036       br(HS, BCSKIP);
4037       strb(cnt1tmp, Address(sp, ch1));
4038     BIND(BCSKIP);
4039       cmp(cnt1tmp, cnt1end);
4040       br(LT, BCLOOP);
4042       mov(result_tmp, str2);
4044       sub(cnt2, cnt2, cnt1);
4045       add(str2end, str2, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4046     BIND(BMLOOPSTR2);
4047       sub(cnt1tmp, cnt1, 1);
4048       ldrh(ch1, Address(str1, cnt1tmp, Address::lsl(1)));
4049       ldrh(skipch, Address(str2, cnt1tmp, Address::lsl(1)));
4050       cmp(ch1, skipch);
4051       br(NE, BMSKIP);
4052       subs(cnt1tmp, cnt1tmp, 1);
4053       br(LT, BMMATCH);
4054     BIND(BMLOOPSTR1);
4055       ldrh(ch1, Address(str1, cnt1tmp, Address::lsl(1)));
4056       ldrh(ch2, Address(str2, cnt1tmp, Address::lsl(1)));
4057       cmp(ch1, ch2);
4058       br(NE, BMSKIP);
4059       subs(cnt1tmp, cnt1tmp, 1);
4060       br(GE, BMLOOPSTR1);
4061     BIND(BMMATCH);
4062       sub(result_tmp, str2, result_tmp);
4063       lsr(result, result_tmp, 1);
4064       add(sp, sp, 128);
4065       b(DONE);
4066     BIND(BMADV);
4067       add(str2, str2, 2);
4068       b(BMCHECKEND);
4069     BIND(BMSKIP);
4070       cmp(skipch, 128);
4071       br(HS, BMADV);
4072       ldrb(ch2, Address(sp, skipch));
4073       add(str2, str2, cnt1, LSL, 1);
4074       sub(str2, str2, ch2, LSL, 1);
4076       cmp(str2, str2end);
4077       br(LE, BMLOOPSTR2);
4078       add(sp, sp, 128);
4079       b(NOMATCH);
4080   }
4083   {
4084     Label DO1, DO2, DO3;
4086     Register str2tmp = tmp2;
4087     Register first = tmp3;
4089     if (icnt1 == -1)
4090     {
4093         cmp(cnt1, 4);
4094         br(LT, DOSHORT);
4096         sub(cnt2, cnt2, cnt1);
4097         sub(cnt1, cnt1, 4);
4098         mov(result_tmp, cnt2);
4100         lea(str1, Address(str1, cnt1, Address::uxtw(1)));
4101         lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4102         sub(cnt1_neg, zr, cnt1, LSL, 1);
4103         sub(cnt2_neg, zr, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4104         ldr(first, Address(str1, cnt1_neg));
4106       BIND(FIRST_LOOP);
4107         ldr(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2_neg));
4108         cmp(first, ch2);
4109         br(EQ, STR1_LOOP);
4110       BIND(STR2_NEXT);
4111         adds(cnt2_neg, cnt2_neg, 2);
4112         br(LE, FIRST_LOOP);
4113         b(NOMATCH);
4115       BIND(STR1_LOOP);
4116         adds(cnt1tmp, cnt1_neg, 8);
4117         add(cnt2tmp, cnt2_neg, 8);
4118         br(GE, LAST_WORD);
4120       BIND(STR1_NEXT);
4121         ldr(ch1, Address(str1, cnt1tmp));
4122         ldr(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2tmp));
4123         cmp(ch1, ch2);
4124         br(NE, STR2_NEXT);
4125         adds(cnt1tmp, cnt1tmp, 8);
4126         add(cnt2tmp, cnt2tmp, 8);
4127         br(LT, STR1_NEXT);
4129       BIND(LAST_WORD);
4130         ldr(ch1, Address(str1));
4131         sub(str2tmp, str2, cnt1_neg);         // adjust to corresponding
4132         ldr(ch2, Address(str2tmp, cnt2_neg)); // word in str2
4133         cmp(ch1, ch2);
4134         br(NE, STR2_NEXT);
4135         b(MATCH);
4137       BIND(DOSHORT);
4138         cmp(cnt1, 2);
4139         br(LT, DO1);
4140         br(GT, DO3);
4141     }
4143     if (icnt1 == 4) {
4144       Label CH1_LOOP;
4146         ldr(ch1, str1);
4147         sub(cnt2, cnt2, 4);
4148         mov(result_tmp, cnt2);
4149         lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4150         sub(cnt2_neg, zr, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4152       BIND(CH1_LOOP);
4153         ldr(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2_neg));
4154         cmp(ch1, ch2);
4155         br(EQ, MATCH);
4156         adds(cnt2_neg, cnt2_neg, 2);
4157         br(LE, CH1_LOOP);
4158         b(NOMATCH);
4159     }
4161     if (icnt1 == -1 || icnt1 == 2) {
4162       Label CH1_LOOP;
4164       BIND(DO2);
4165         ldrw(ch1, str1);
4166         sub(cnt2, cnt2, 2);
4167         mov(result_tmp, cnt2);
4168         lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4169         sub(cnt2_neg, zr, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4171       BIND(CH1_LOOP);
4172         ldrw(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2_neg));
4173         cmp(ch1, ch2);
4174         br(EQ, MATCH);
4175         adds(cnt2_neg, cnt2_neg, 2);
4176         br(LE, CH1_LOOP);
4177         b(NOMATCH);
4178     }
4180     if (icnt1 == -1 || icnt1 == 3) {
4181       Label FIRST_LOOP, STR2_NEXT, STR1_LOOP;
4183       BIND(DO3);
4184         ldrw(first, str1);
4185         ldrh(ch1, Address(str1, 4));
4187         sub(cnt2, cnt2, 3);
4188         mov(result_tmp, cnt2);
4189         lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4190         sub(cnt2_neg, zr, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4192       BIND(FIRST_LOOP);
4193         ldrw(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2_neg));
4194         cmpw(first, ch2);
4195         br(EQ, STR1_LOOP);
4196       BIND(STR2_NEXT);
4197         adds(cnt2_neg, cnt2_neg, 2);
4198         br(LE, FIRST_LOOP);
4199         b(NOMATCH);
4201       BIND(STR1_LOOP);
4202         add(cnt2tmp, cnt2_neg, 4);
4203         ldrh(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2tmp));
4204         cmp(ch1, ch2);
4205         br(NE, STR2_NEXT);
4206         b(MATCH);
4207     }
4209     if (icnt1 == -1 || icnt1 == 1) {
4210       Label CH1_LOOP, HAS_ZERO;
4211       Label DO1_SHORT, DO1_LOOP;
4213       BIND(DO1);
4214         ldrh(ch1, str1);
4215         cmp(cnt2, 4);
4216         br(LT, DO1_SHORT);
4218         orr(ch1, ch1, ch1, LSL, 16);
4219         orr(ch1, ch1, ch1, LSL, 32);
4221         sub(cnt2, cnt2, 4);
4222         mov(result_tmp, cnt2);
4223         lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4224         sub(cnt2_neg, zr, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4226         mov(tmp3, 0x0001000100010001);
4227       BIND(CH1_LOOP);
4228         ldr(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2_neg));
4229         eor(ch2, ch1, ch2);
4230         sub(tmp1, ch2, tmp3);
4231         orr(tmp2, ch2, 0x7fff7fff7fff7fff);
4232         bics(tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);
4233         br(NE, HAS_ZERO);
4234         adds(cnt2_neg, cnt2_neg, 8);
4235         br(LT, CH1_LOOP);
4237         cmp(cnt2_neg, 8);
4238         mov(cnt2_neg, 0);
4239         br(LT, CH1_LOOP);
4240         b(NOMATCH);
4242       BIND(HAS_ZERO);
4243         rev(tmp1, tmp1);
4244         clz(tmp1, tmp1);
4245         add(cnt2_neg, cnt2_neg, tmp1, LSR, 3);
4246         b(MATCH);
4248       BIND(DO1_SHORT);
4249         mov(result_tmp, cnt2);
4250         lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4251         sub(cnt2_neg, zr, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4252       BIND(DO1_LOOP);
4253         ldrh(ch2, Address(str2, cnt2_neg));
4254         cmpw(ch1, ch2);
4255         br(EQ, MATCH);
4256         adds(cnt2_neg, cnt2_neg, 2);
4257         br(LT, DO1_LOOP);
4258     }
4259   }
4261     mov(result, -1);
4262     b(DONE);
4263   BIND(MATCH);
4264     add(result, result_tmp, cnt2_neg, ASR, 1);
4265   BIND(DONE);
4266 }
4268 // Compare strings.
4269 void MacroAssembler::string_compare(Register str1, Register str2,
4270                                     Register cnt1, Register cnt2, Register result,
4271                                     Register tmp1) {
4275   BLOCK_COMMENT("string_compare {");
4277   // Compute the minimum of the string lengths and save the difference.
4278   subsw(tmp1, cnt1, cnt2);
4279   cselw(cnt2, cnt1, cnt2, Assembler::LE); // min
4281   // A very short string
4282   cmpw(cnt2, 4);
4283   br(Assembler::LT, SHORT_STRING);
4285   // Check if the strings start at the same location.
4286   cmp(str1, str2);
4287   br(Assembler::EQ, LENGTH_DIFF);
4289   // Compare longwords
4290   {
4291     subw(cnt2, cnt2, 4); // The last longword is a special case
4293     // Move both string pointers to the last longword of their
4294     // strings, negate the remaining count, and convert it to bytes.
4295     lea(str1, Address(str1, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4296     lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt2, Address::uxtw(1)));
4297     sub(cnt2, zr, cnt2, LSL, 1);
4299     // Loop, loading longwords and comparing them into rscratch2.
4300     bind(NEXT_WORD);
4301     ldr(result, Address(str1, cnt2));
4302     ldr(cnt1, Address(str2, cnt2));
4303     adds(cnt2, cnt2, wordSize);
4304     eor(rscratch2, result, cnt1);
4305     cbnz(rscratch2, DIFFERENCE);
4306     br(Assembler::LT, NEXT_WORD);
4308     // Last longword.  In the case where length == 4 we compare the
4309     // same longword twice, but that's still faster than another
4310     // conditional branch.
4312     ldr(result, Address(str1));
4313     ldr(cnt1, Address(str2));
4314     eor(rscratch2, result, cnt1);
4315     cbz(rscratch2, LENGTH_DIFF);
4317     // Find the first different characters in the longwords and
4318     // compute their difference.
4319     bind(DIFFERENCE);
4320     rev(rscratch2, rscratch2);
4321     clz(rscratch2, rscratch2);
4322     andr(rscratch2, rscratch2, -16);
4323     lsrv(result, result, rscratch2);
4324     uxthw(result, result);
4325     lsrv(cnt1, cnt1, rscratch2);
4326     uxthw(cnt1, cnt1);
4327     subw(result, result, cnt1);
4328     b(DONE);
4329   }
4331   bind(SHORT_STRING);
4332   // Is the minimum length zero?
4333   cbz(cnt2, LENGTH_DIFF);
4335   bind(SHORT_LOOP);
4336   load_unsigned_short(result, Address(post(str1, 2)));
4337   load_unsigned_short(cnt1, Address(post(str2, 2)));
4338   subw(result, result, cnt1);
4339   cbnz(result, DONE);
4340   sub(cnt2, cnt2, 1);
4341   cbnz(cnt2, SHORT_LOOP);
4343   // Strings are equal up to min length.  Return the length difference.
4344   bind(LENGTH_DIFF);
4345   mov(result, tmp1);
4347   // That's it
4348   bind(DONE);
4350   BLOCK_COMMENT("} string_compare");
4351 }
4354 void MacroAssembler::string_equals(Register str1, Register str2,
4355                                    Register cnt, Register result,
4356                                    Register tmp1) {
4358     NEXT_WORD;
4360   const Register tmp2 = rscratch1;
4361   assert_different_registers(str1, str2, cnt, result, tmp1, tmp2, rscratch2);
4363   BLOCK_COMMENT("string_equals {");
4365   // Start by assuming that the strings are not equal.
4366   mov(result, zr);
4368   // A very short string
4369   cmpw(cnt, 4);
4370   br(Assembler::LT, SHORT_STRING);
4372   // Check if the strings start at the same location.
4373   cmp(str1, str2);
4374   br(Assembler::EQ, SAME_CHARS);
4376   // Compare longwords
4377   {
4378     subw(cnt, cnt, 4); // The last longword is a special case
4380     // Move both string pointers to the last longword of their
4381     // strings, negate the remaining count, and convert it to bytes.
4382     lea(str1, Address(str1, cnt, Address::uxtw(1)));
4383     lea(str2, Address(str2, cnt, Address::uxtw(1)));
4384     sub(cnt, zr, cnt, LSL, 1);
4386     // Loop, loading longwords and comparing them into rscratch2.
4387     bind(NEXT_WORD);
4388     ldr(tmp1, Address(str1, cnt));
4389     ldr(tmp2, Address(str2, cnt));
4390     adds(cnt, cnt, wordSize);
4391     eor(rscratch2, tmp1, tmp2);
4392     cbnz(rscratch2, DONE);
4393     br(Assembler::LT, NEXT_WORD);
4395     // Last longword.  In the case where length == 4 we compare the
4396     // same longword twice, but that's still faster than another
4397     // conditional branch.
4399     ldr(tmp1, Address(str1));
4400     ldr(tmp2, Address(str2));
4401     eor(rscratch2, tmp1, tmp2);
4402     cbz(rscratch2, SAME_CHARS);
4403     b(DONE);
4404   }
4406   bind(SHORT_STRING);
4407   // Is the length zero?
4408   cbz(cnt, SAME_CHARS);
4410   bind(SHORT_LOOP);
4411   load_unsigned_short(tmp1, Address(post(str1, 2)));
4412   load_unsigned_short(tmp2, Address(post(str2, 2)));
4413   subw(tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);
4414   cbnz(tmp1, DONE);
4415   sub(cnt, cnt, 1);
4416   cbnz(cnt, SHORT_LOOP);
4418   // Strings are equal.
4419   bind(SAME_CHARS);
4420   mov(result, true);
4422   // That's it
4423   bind(DONE);
4425   BLOCK_COMMENT("} string_equals");
4426 }
4428 // Compare char[] arrays aligned to 4 bytes
4429 void MacroAssembler::char_arrays_equals(Register ary1, Register ary2,
4430                                         Register result, Register tmp1)
4431 {
4432   Register cnt1 = rscratch1;
4433   Register cnt2 = rscratch2;
4434   Register tmp2 = rscratch2;
4436   Label SAME, DIFFER, NEXT, TAIL03, TAIL01;
4438   int length_offset  = arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes();
4439   int base_offset    = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_CHAR);
4441   BLOCK_COMMENT("char_arrays_equals  {");
4443     // different until proven equal
4444     mov(result, false);
4446     // same array?
4447     cmp(ary1, ary2);
4448     br(Assembler::EQ, SAME);
4450     // ne if either null
4451     cbz(ary1, DIFFER);
4452     cbz(ary2, DIFFER);
4454     // lengths ne?
4455     ldrw(cnt1, Address(ary1, length_offset));
4456     ldrw(cnt2, Address(ary2, length_offset));
4457     cmp(cnt1, cnt2);
4458     br(Assembler::NE, DIFFER);
4460     lea(ary1, Address(ary1, base_offset));
4461     lea(ary2, Address(ary2, base_offset));
4463     subs(cnt1, cnt1, 4);
4464     br(LT, TAIL03);
4466   BIND(NEXT);
4467     ldr(tmp1, Address(post(ary1, 8)));
4468     ldr(tmp2, Address(post(ary2, 8)));
4469     subs(cnt1, cnt1, 4);
4470     eor(tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);
4471     cbnz(tmp1, DIFFER);
4472     br(GE, NEXT);
4474   BIND(TAIL03);  // 0-3 chars left, cnt1 = #chars left - 4
4475     tst(cnt1, 0b10);
4476     br(EQ, TAIL01);
4477     ldrw(tmp1, Address(post(ary1, 4)));
4478     ldrw(tmp2, Address(post(ary2, 4)));
4479     cmp(tmp1, tmp2);
4480     br(NE, DIFFER);
4481   BIND(TAIL01);  // 0-1 chars left
4482     tst(cnt1, 0b01);
4483     br(EQ, SAME);
4484     ldrh(tmp1, ary1);
4485     ldrh(tmp2, ary2);
4486     cmp(tmp1, tmp2);
4487     br(NE, DIFFER);
4489   BIND(SAME);
4490     mov(result, true);
4491   BIND(DIFFER); // result already set
4493   BLOCK_COMMENT("} char_arrays_equals");
4494 }
4496 // encode char[] to byte[] in ISO_8859_1
4497 void MacroAssembler::encode_iso_array(Register src, Register dst,
4498                       Register len, Register result,
4499                       FloatRegister Vtmp1, FloatRegister Vtmp2,
4500                       FloatRegister Vtmp3, FloatRegister Vtmp4)
4501 {
4502     Label DONE, NEXT_32, LOOP_8, NEXT_8, LOOP_1, NEXT_1;
4503     Register tmp1 = rscratch1;
4505       mov(result, len); // Save initial len
4507 #ifndef BUILTIN_SIM
4508       subs(len, len, 32);
4509       br(LT, LOOP_8);
4511 // The following code uses the SIMD 'uqxtn' and 'uqxtn2' instructions
4512 // to convert chars to bytes. These set the 'QC' bit in the FPSR if
4513 // any char could not fit in a byte, so clear the FPSR so we can test it.
4514       clear_fpsr();
4516     BIND(NEXT_32);
4517       ld1(Vtmp1, Vtmp2, Vtmp3, Vtmp4, T8H, src);
4518       uqxtn(Vtmp1, T8B, Vtmp1, T8H);  // uqxtn  - write bottom half
4519       uqxtn(Vtmp1, T16B, Vtmp2, T8H); // uqxtn2 - write top half
4520       uqxtn(Vtmp2, T8B, Vtmp3, T8H);
4521       uqxtn(Vtmp2, T16B, Vtmp4, T8H); // uqxtn2
4522       get_fpsr(tmp1);
4523       cbnzw(tmp1, LOOP_8);
4524       st1(Vtmp1, Vtmp2, T16B, post(dst, 32));
4525       subs(len, len, 32);
4526       add(src, src, 64);
4527       br(GE, NEXT_32);
4529     BIND(LOOP_8);
4530       adds(len, len, 32-8);
4531       br(LT, LOOP_1);
4532       clear_fpsr(); // QC may be set from loop above, clear again
4533     BIND(NEXT_8);
4534       ld1(Vtmp1, T8H, src);
4535       uqxtn(Vtmp1, T8B, Vtmp1, T8H);
4536       get_fpsr(tmp1);
4537       cbnzw(tmp1, LOOP_1);
4538       st1(Vtmp1, T8B, post(dst, 8));
4539       subs(len, len, 8);
4540       add(src, src, 16);
4541       br(GE, NEXT_8);
4543     BIND(LOOP_1);
4544       adds(len, len, 8);
4545       br(LE, DONE);
4546 #else
4547       cbz(len, DONE);
4548 #endif
4549     BIND(NEXT_1);
4550       ldrh(tmp1, Address(post(src, 2)));
4551       tst(tmp1, 0xff00);
4552       br(NE, DONE);
4553       strb(tmp1, Address(post(dst, 1)));
4554       subs(len, len, 1);
4555       br(GT, NEXT_1);
4557     BIND(DONE);
4558       sub(result, result, len); // Return index where we stopped
4559 }