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 641       if (UseSSE > 2) {
 642         if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
 643           FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, true);
 644         }
 645       } else {
 646         // The AES intrinsic stubs require AES instruction support (of course)
 647         // but also require sse3 mode or higher for instructions it use.
 648         if (UseAESIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
 649           warning("X86 AES intrinsics require SSE3 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 650         }
 651         FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, false);
 652       }
 654       // --AES-CTR begins--
 655       if (!UseAESIntrinsics) {
 656         if (UseAESCTRIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics)) {
 657           warning("AES-CTR intrinsics require UseAESIntrinsics flag to be enabled. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 658           FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false);
 659         }
 660       } else {
 661         if(supports_sse4_1() && UseSSE >= 4) {
 662           if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics)) {
 663             FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics, true);
 664           }
 665         } else {
 666            // The AES-CTR intrinsic stubs require AES instruction support (of course)
 667            // but also require sse4.1 mode or higher for instructions it use.
 668           if (UseAESCTRIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics)) {
 669              warning("X86 AES-CTR intrinsics require SSE4.1 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 670            }
 671            FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false);
 672         }
 673       }
 674       // --AES-CTR ends--
 675     }
 676   } else if (UseAES || UseAESIntrinsics || UseAESCTRIntrinsics) {
 677     if (UseAES && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES)) {
 678       warning("AES instructions are not available on this CPU");
 679       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, false);
 680     }
 681     if (UseAESIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {

 953       if( supports_sse4a() ) {
 954         UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll = true; // use movaps, movapd only on '10h'
 955       } else {
 956         UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll = false;
 957       }
 958     }
 959     if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseXmmI2F) ) {
 960       if( supports_sse4a() ) {
 961         UseXmmI2F = true;
 962       } else {
 963         UseXmmI2F = false;
 964       }
 965     }
 966     if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseXmmI2D) ) {
 967       if( supports_sse4a() ) {
 968         UseXmmI2D = true;
 969       } else {
 970         UseXmmI2D = false;
 971       }
 972     }
 973     if (supports_sse4_2() && UseSSE >= 4) {
 974       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics)) {
 975         FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, true);
 976       }
 977     } else {
 978       if (UseSSE42Intrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
 979         warning("SSE4.2 intrinsics require SSE4.2 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 980       }
 981       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, false);
 982     }
 984     // some defaults for AMD family 15h
 985     if ( cpu_family() == 0x15 ) {
 986       // On family 15h processors default is no sw prefetch
 987       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) {
 988         AllocatePrefetchStyle = 0;
 989       }
 990       // Also, if some other prefetch style is specified, default instruction type is PREFETCHW
 991       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) {
 992         AllocatePrefetchInstr = 3;
 993       }

1033       if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxLoopPad) ) {
1034         // For new Intel cpus do the next optimization:
1035         // don't align the beginning of a loop if there are enough instructions
1036         // left (NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign defined in c2_globals.hpp)
1037         // in current fetch line (OptoLoopAlignment) or the padding
1038         // is big (> MaxLoopPad).
1039         // Set MaxLoopPad to 11 for new Intel cpus to reduce number of
1040         // generated NOP instructions. 11 is the largest size of one
1041         // address NOP instruction '0F 1F' (see Assembler::nop(i)).
1042         MaxLoopPad = 11;
1043       }
1044 #endif // COMPILER2
1045       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseXMMForArrayCopy)) {
1046         UseXMMForArrayCopy = true; // use SSE2 movq on new Intel cpus
1047       }
1048       if (supports_sse4_2() && supports_ht()) { // Newest Intel cpus
1049         if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseUnalignedLoadStores)) {
1050           UseUnalignedLoadStores = true; // use movdqu on newest Intel cpus
1051         }
1052       }
1053       if (supports_sse4_2() && UseSSE >= 4) {
1054         if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics)) {
1055           FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, true);
1056         }
1057       } else {
1058         if (UseSSE42Intrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
1059           warning("SSE4.2 intrinsics require SSE4.2 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
1060         }
1061         FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, false);
1062       }
1063     }
1064     if ((cpu_family() == 0x06) &&
1065         ((extended_cpu_model() == 0x36) || // Centerton
1066          (extended_cpu_model() == 0x37) || // Silvermont
1067          (extended_cpu_model() == 0x4D))) {
1068 #ifdef COMPILER2
1069       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(OptoScheduling)) {
1070         OptoScheduling = true;
1071       }
1072 #endif
1073       if (supports_sse4_2()) { // Silvermont

 641       if (UseSSE > 2) {
 642         if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
 643           FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, true);
 644         }
 645       } else {
 646         // The AES intrinsic stubs require AES instruction support (of course)
 647         // but also require sse3 mode or higher for instructions it use.
 648         if (UseAESIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
 649           warning("X86 AES intrinsics require SSE3 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 650         }
 651         FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, false);
 652       }
 654       // --AES-CTR begins--
 655       if (!UseAESIntrinsics) {
 656         if (UseAESCTRIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics)) {
 657           warning("AES-CTR intrinsics require UseAESIntrinsics flag to be enabled. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 658           FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false);
 659         }
 660       } else {
 661         if(supports_sse4_1()) {
 662           if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics)) {
 663             FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics, true);
 664           }
 665         } else {
 666            // The AES-CTR intrinsic stubs require AES instruction support (of course)
 667            // but also require sse4.1 mode or higher for instructions it use.
 668           if (UseAESCTRIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics)) {
 669              warning("X86 AES-CTR intrinsics require SSE4.1 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 670            }
 671            FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false);
 672         }
 673       }
 674       // --AES-CTR ends--
 675     }
 676   } else if (UseAES || UseAESIntrinsics || UseAESCTRIntrinsics) {
 677     if (UseAES && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES)) {
 678       warning("AES instructions are not available on this CPU");
 679       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, false);
 680     }
 681     if (UseAESIntrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {

 953       if( supports_sse4a() ) {
 954         UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll = true; // use movaps, movapd only on '10h'
 955       } else {
 956         UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll = false;
 957       }
 958     }
 959     if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseXmmI2F) ) {
 960       if( supports_sse4a() ) {
 961         UseXmmI2F = true;
 962       } else {
 963         UseXmmI2F = false;
 964       }
 965     }
 966     if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseXmmI2D) ) {
 967       if( supports_sse4a() ) {
 968         UseXmmI2D = true;
 969       } else {
 970         UseXmmI2D = false;
 971       }
 972     }
 973     if (supports_sse4_2()) {
 974       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics)) {
 975         FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, true);
 976       }
 977     } else {
 978       if (UseSSE42Intrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
 979         warning("SSE4.2 intrinsics require SSE4.2 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
 980       }
 981       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, false);
 982     }
 984     // some defaults for AMD family 15h
 985     if ( cpu_family() == 0x15 ) {
 986       // On family 15h processors default is no sw prefetch
 987       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) {
 988         AllocatePrefetchStyle = 0;
 989       }
 990       // Also, if some other prefetch style is specified, default instruction type is PREFETCHW
 991       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) {
 992         AllocatePrefetchInstr = 3;
 993       }

1033       if( FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxLoopPad) ) {
1034         // For new Intel cpus do the next optimization:
1035         // don't align the beginning of a loop if there are enough instructions
1036         // left (NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign defined in c2_globals.hpp)
1037         // in current fetch line (OptoLoopAlignment) or the padding
1038         // is big (> MaxLoopPad).
1039         // Set MaxLoopPad to 11 for new Intel cpus to reduce number of
1040         // generated NOP instructions. 11 is the largest size of one
1041         // address NOP instruction '0F 1F' (see Assembler::nop(i)).
1042         MaxLoopPad = 11;
1043       }
1044 #endif // COMPILER2
1045       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseXMMForArrayCopy)) {
1046         UseXMMForArrayCopy = true; // use SSE2 movq on new Intel cpus
1047       }
1048       if (supports_sse4_2() && supports_ht()) { // Newest Intel cpus
1049         if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseUnalignedLoadStores)) {
1050           UseUnalignedLoadStores = true; // use movdqu on newest Intel cpus
1051         }
1052       }
1053       if (supports_sse4_2()) {
1054         if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics)) {
1055           FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, true);
1056         }
1057       } else {
1058         if (UseSSE42Intrinsics && !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
1059           warning("SSE4.2 intrinsics require SSE4.2 instructions or higher. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
1060         }
1061         FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSSE42Intrinsics, false);
1062       }
1063     }
1064     if ((cpu_family() == 0x06) &&
1065         ((extended_cpu_model() == 0x36) || // Centerton
1066          (extended_cpu_model() == 0x37) || // Silvermont
1067          (extended_cpu_model() == 0x4D))) {
1068 #ifdef COMPILER2
1069       if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(OptoScheduling)) {
1070         OptoScheduling = true;
1071       }
1072 #endif
1073       if (supports_sse4_2()) { // Silvermont

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