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 170             if (annos.length != 0 &&
 171                 (list == null || list.contains(m.getName()))) {
 172                 tests.put(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::" + m.getName(), m);
 173             }
 174         }
 175     }
 177     protected void run(String[] args, Class<?>... classes) throws Throwable {
 178         if (args.length == 0) {
 179             // Spawn a new VM instance
 180             execute_vm();
 181         } else {
 182             // Execute tests
 183             run(classes);
 184         }
 185     }
 187     private void execute_vm() throws Throwable {
 188         Asserts.assertFalse(tests.isEmpty(), "no tests to execute");
 189         ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(defaultFlags);

 190         if (VERIFY_VM) {
 191             args.addAll(verifyFlags);
 192         }
 193         // Run tests in own process and verify output
 194         args.add(getClass().getName());
 195         args.add("run");
 196         // Spawn process with default JVM options from the test's run command
 197         String[] vmInputArgs = InputArguments.getVmInputArgs();
 198         String[] cmds = Arrays.copyOf(vmInputArgs, vmInputArgs.length + args.size());
 199         System.arraycopy(args.toArray(), 0, cmds, vmInputArgs.length, args.size());
 200         OutputAnalyzer oa = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(cmds);
 201         // If ideal graph printing is enabled/supported, verify output
 202         String output = oa.getOutput();
 203         oa.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 204         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 205             if (output.contains("PrintIdeal enabled") && !output.contains("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs is not supported on this platform")) {
 206                 parseOutput(output);
 207             } else {
 208                 System.out.println(output);
 209                 System.out.println("WARNING: IR verification failed! Running with -Xint, -Xcomp or release build?");

 170             if (annos.length != 0 &&
 171                 (list == null || list.contains(m.getName()))) {
 172                 tests.put(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::" + m.getName(), m);
 173             }
 174         }
 175     }
 177     protected void run(String[] args, Class<?>... classes) throws Throwable {
 178         if (args.length == 0) {
 179             // Spawn a new VM instance
 180             execute_vm();
 181         } else {
 182             // Execute tests
 183             run(classes);
 184         }
 185     }
 187     private void execute_vm() throws Throwable {
 188         Asserts.assertFalse(tests.isEmpty(), "no tests to execute");
 189         ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(defaultFlags);
 190         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 191             // Always trap for exception throwing to not confuse IR verification
 192             args.add("-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow");
 193         }
 194         if (VERIFY_VM) {
 195             args.addAll(verifyFlags);
 196         }
 197         // Run tests in own process and verify output
 198         args.add(getClass().getName());
 199         args.add("run");
 200         // Spawn process with default JVM options from the test's run command
 201         String[] vmInputArgs = InputArguments.getVmInputArgs();
 202         String[] cmds = Arrays.copyOf(vmInputArgs, vmInputArgs.length + args.size());
 203         System.arraycopy(args.toArray(), 0, cmds, vmInputArgs.length, args.size());
 204         OutputAnalyzer oa = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(cmds);
 205         // If ideal graph printing is enabled/supported, verify output
 206         String output = oa.getOutput();
 207         oa.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 208         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 209             if (output.contains("PrintIdeal enabled") && !output.contains("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs is not supported on this platform")) {
 210                 parseOutput(output);
 211             } else {
 212                 System.out.println(output);
 213                 System.out.println("WARNING: IR verification failed! Running with -Xint, -Xcomp or release build?");

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