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2636   develop(bool, TimeLivenessAnalysis, false,                                \
2637           "Time computation of bytecode liveness analysis")                 \
2638                                                                             \
2639   develop(bool, TraceLivenessGen, false,                                    \
2640           "Trace the generation of liveness analysis information")          \
2641                                                                             \
2642   notproduct(bool, TraceLivenessQuery, false,                               \
2643           "Trace queries of liveness analysis information")                 \
2644                                                                             \
2645   notproduct(bool, CollectIndexSetStatistics, false,                        \
2646           "Collect information about IndexSets")                            \
2647                                                                             \
2648   develop(bool, UseLoopSafepoints, true,                                    \
2649           "Generate Safepoint nodes in every loop")                         \
2650                                                                             \
2651   develop(intx, FastAllocateSizeLimit, 128*K,                               \
2652           /* Note:  This value is zero mod 1<<13 for a cheap sparc set. */  \
2653           "Inline allocations larger than this in doublewords must go slow")\
2654                                                                             \
2655   product(bool, AggressiveOpts, false,                                      \
2656           "Enable aggressive optimizations - see arguments.cpp")            \
2657                                                                             \
2658   product_pd(bool, CompactStrings,                                          \
2659           "Enable Strings to use single byte chars in backing store")       \
2660                                                                             \
2661   product_pd(uintx, TypeProfileLevel,                                       \
2662           "=XYZ, with Z: Type profiling of arguments at call; "             \
2663                      "Y: Type profiling of return value at call; "          \
2664                      "X: Type profiling of parameters to methods; "         \
2665           "X, Y and Z in 0=off ; 1=jsr292 only; 2=all methods")             \
2666           constraint(TypeProfileLevelConstraintFunc, AfterErgo)             \
2667                                                                             \
2668   product(intx, TypeProfileArgsLimit,     2,                                \
2669           "max number of call arguments to consider for type profiling")    \
2670           range(0, 16)                                                      \
2671                                                                             \
2672   product(intx, TypeProfileParmsLimit,    2,                                \
2673           "max number of incoming parameters to consider for type profiling"\
2674           ", -1 for all")                                                   \
2675           range(-1, 64)                                                     \
2676                                                                             \

2636   develop(bool, TimeLivenessAnalysis, false,                                \
2637           "Time computation of bytecode liveness analysis")                 \
2638                                                                             \
2639   develop(bool, TraceLivenessGen, false,                                    \
2640           "Trace the generation of liveness analysis information")          \
2641                                                                             \
2642   notproduct(bool, TraceLivenessQuery, false,                               \
2643           "Trace queries of liveness analysis information")                 \
2644                                                                             \
2645   notproduct(bool, CollectIndexSetStatistics, false,                        \
2646           "Collect information about IndexSets")                            \
2647                                                                             \
2648   develop(bool, UseLoopSafepoints, true,                                    \
2649           "Generate Safepoint nodes in every loop")                         \
2650                                                                             \
2651   develop(intx, FastAllocateSizeLimit, 128*K,                               \
2652           /* Note:  This value is zero mod 1<<13 for a cheap sparc set. */  \
2653           "Inline allocations larger than this in doublewords must go slow")\
2654                                                                             \
2655   product(bool, AggressiveOpts, false,                                      \
2656           "(Deprecated) Enable aggressive optimizations - see arguments.cpp") \
2657                                                                             \
2658   product_pd(bool, CompactStrings,                                          \
2659           "Enable Strings to use single byte chars in backing store")       \
2660                                                                             \
2661   product_pd(uintx, TypeProfileLevel,                                       \
2662           "=XYZ, with Z: Type profiling of arguments at call; "             \
2663                      "Y: Type profiling of return value at call; "          \
2664                      "X: Type profiling of parameters to methods; "         \
2665           "X, Y and Z in 0=off ; 1=jsr292 only; 2=all methods")             \
2666           constraint(TypeProfileLevelConstraintFunc, AfterErgo)             \
2667                                                                             \
2668   product(intx, TypeProfileArgsLimit,     2,                                \
2669           "max number of call arguments to consider for type profiling")    \
2670           range(0, 16)                                                      \
2671                                                                             \
2672   product(intx, TypeProfileParmsLimit,    2,                                \
2673           "max number of incoming parameters to consider for type profiling"\
2674           ", -1 for all")                                                   \
2675           range(-1, 64)                                                     \
2676                                                                             \

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