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  76 // Prevent method compilation
  77 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  78 @interface DontCompile { }
  80 // Number of warmup iterations
  81 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  82 @interface Warmup {
  83     int value();
  84 }
  86 public abstract class ValueTypeTest {
  87     // Run "jtreg -Dtest.c1=true" to enable experimental C1 testing.
  88     static final boolean TEST_C1 = Boolean.getBoolean("test.c1");
  90     // Random test values
  91     public static final int  rI = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextInt() % 1000;
  92     public static final long rL = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextLong() % 1000;
  94     // User defined settings

  95     private static final boolean PRINT_GRAPH = true;
  96     private static final boolean PRINT_TIMES = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("PrintTimes", "false"));
  97     private static       boolean VERIFY_IR = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyIR", "true")) && (!TEST_C1);
  98     private static final boolean VERIFY_VM = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyVM", "false"));
  99     private static final String SCENARIOS = System.getProperty("Scenarios", "");
 100     private static final String TESTLIST = System.getProperty("Testlist", "");
 101     private static final String EXCLUDELIST = System.getProperty("Exclude", "");
 102     private static final int WARMUP = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("Warmup", "251"));
 103     private static final boolean DUMP_REPLAY = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("DumpReplay", "false"));
 105     // Pre-defined settings
 106     private static final List<String> defaultFlags = Arrays.asList(
 107         "-XX:-BackgroundCompilation", "-XX:CICompilerCount=1",
 108         "-XX:+PrintCompilation", "-XX:+PrintIdeal", "-XX:+PrintOptoAssembly",
 109         "-XX:CompileCommand=quiet",
 110         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.invoke.*::*",
 111         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Long::sum",
 112         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Object::<init>",
 113         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.*::*");

 114     private static final List<String> verifyFlags = Arrays.asList(
 115         "-XX:+VerifyOops", "-XX:+VerifyStack", "-XX:+VerifyLastFrame", "-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC", "-XX:+VerifyAfterGC",
 116         "-XX:+VerifyDuringGC", "-XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing", "-XX:+StressValueTypeReturnedAsFields");
 118     protected static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
 119     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn = 0x1;
 120     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff = 0x2;
 121     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn = 0x4;
 122     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff = 0x8;
 123     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn = 0x10;
 124     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff = 0x20;

 125     static final int AllFlags = ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn | ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff | ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn;
 126     protected static final boolean ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs");
 127     protected static final boolean ValueTypeArrayFlatten = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueArrayFlatten");
 128     protected static final boolean ValueTypeReturnedAsFields = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypeReturnedAsFields");

 129     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ANY = -2;
 130     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION = TEST_C1 ? 1 : 4;
 131     protected static final Hashtable<String, Method> tests = new Hashtable<String, Method>();
 132     protected static final boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler");
 133     protected static final boolean PRINT_IDEAL  = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("PrintIdeal");
 134     protected static final boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp();
 136     // Regular expressions used to match nodes in the PrintIdeal output
 137     protected static final String START = "(\\d+\\t(.*";
 138     protected static final String MID = ".*)+\\t===.*";
 139     protected static final String END = ")|";
 140     protected static final String ALLOC  = "(.*precise klass compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_instance_Java" + END;
 141     protected static final String ALLOCA = "(.*precise klass \\[Lcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_array_Java" + END;
 142     protected static final String LOAD   = START + "Load(B|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 143     protected static final String LOADK  = START + "LoadK" + MID + END;
 144     protected static final String STORE  = START + "Store(B|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 145     protected static final String LOOP   = START + "Loop" + MID + "" + END;
 146     protected static final String TRAP   = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "uncommon_trap.*(unstable_if|predicate)" + END;
 147     protected static final String RETURN = START + "Return" + MID + "returns" + END;
 148     protected static final String LINKTOSTATIC = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "linkToStatic" + END;
 149     protected static final String NPE = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "null_check" + END;
 150     protected static final String CALL = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + END;
 151     protected static final String STOREVALUETYPEFIELDS = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "store_value_type_fields" + END;
 152     protected static final String SCOBJ = "(.*# ScObj.*" + END;
 154     public static String[] concat(String prefix[], String... extra) {

 292                 ((list == null || list.contains(m.getName())) && (exclude == null || !exclude.contains(m.getName())))) {
 293                 tests.put(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::" + m.getName(), m);
 294             }
 295         }
 296     }
 298     protected void run(String[] args, Class<?>... classes) throws Throwable {
 299         if (args.length == 0) {
 300             // Spawn a new VM instance
 301             execute_vm();
 302         } else {
 303             // Execute tests
 304             run(classes);
 305         }
 306     }
 308     private void execute_vm() throws Throwable {
 309         Asserts.assertFalse(tests.isEmpty(), "no tests to execute");
 310         ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(defaultFlags);
 311         String[] vmInputArgs = InputArguments.getVmInputArgs();
 312         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 313             for (String arg : vmInputArgs) {
 314                 if (arg.startsWith("-XX:CompileThreshold")) {
 315                     // Disable IR verification if
 316                     VERIFY_IR = false;
 317                 }
 318                 // Check if the JVM supports value type specific default arguments from the test's run commands
 319                 if (arg.startsWith("-XX:+ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs") ||
 320                     arg.startsWith("-XX:+ValueTypeReturnedAsFields")) {
 321                     Boolean value = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag(arg.substring(5));
 322                     if (!value) {
 323                         System.out.println("WARNING: could not enable " + arg.substring(5) + ". Skipping IR verification.");
 324                         VERIFY_IR = false;
 325                     }
 326                 } else if (arg.startsWith("-XX:-ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs") ||
 327                            arg.startsWith("-XX:-ValueTypeReturnedAsFields")) {
 328                     Boolean value = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag(arg.substring(5));
 329                     if (value) {
 330                         System.out.println("WARNING: could not disable " + arg.substring(5) + ". Skipping IR verification.");
 331                         VERIFY_IR = false;
 332                     }
 333                 }
 334             }

 335             // Always trap for exception throwing to not confuse IR verification
 336             args.add("-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow");
 337         }
 338         if (VERIFY_VM) {
 339             args.addAll(verifyFlags);
 340         }
 341         // Run tests in own process and verify output
 342         args.add(getClass().getName());
 343         args.add("run");
 344         // Spawn process with default JVM options from the test's run command
 345         String[] cmds = Arrays.copyOf(vmInputArgs, vmInputArgs.length + args.size());
 346         System.arraycopy(args.toArray(), 0, cmds, vmInputArgs.length, args.size());
 347         OutputAnalyzer oa = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(cmds);
 348         // If ideal graph printing is enabled/supported, verify output
 349         String output = oa.getOutput();
 350         oa.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 351         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 352             if (output.contains("PrintIdeal enabled")) {
 353                 parseOutput(output);
 354             } else {

 398             // Parse graph using regular expressions to determine if it contains forbidden nodes
 399             Test[] annos = test.getAnnotationsByType(Test.class);
 400             Test anno = null;
 401             for (Test a : annos) {
 402                 if ((a.valid() & ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn) != 0 && ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
 403                     assert anno == null;
 404                     anno = a;
 405                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff) != 0 && !ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
 406                     assert anno == null;
 407                     anno = a;
 408                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn) != 0 && ValueTypeArrayFlatten) {
 409                     assert anno == null;
 410                     anno = a;
 411                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff) != 0 && !ValueTypeArrayFlatten) {
 412                     assert anno == null;
 413                     anno = a;
 414                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn) != 0 && ValueTypeReturnedAsFields) {
 415                     assert anno == null;
 416                     anno = a;
 417                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff) != 0 && !ValueTypeReturnedAsFields) {

 418                     assert anno == null;
 419                     anno = a;
 420                 }
 421             }
 422             assert anno != null;
 423             String regexFail = anno.failOn();
 424             if (!regexFail.isEmpty()) {
 425                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexFail.substring(0, regexFail.length()-1));
 426                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 427                 boolean found = matcher.find();
 428                 Asserts.assertFalse(found, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains forbidden node:\n" + (found ? matcher.group() : ""));
 429             }
 430             String[] regexMatch = anno.match();
 431             int[] matchCount = anno.matchCount();
 432             for (int i = 0; i < regexMatch.length; ++i) {
 433                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexMatch[i].substring(0, regexMatch[i].length()-1));
 434                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 435                 int count = 0;
 436                 String nodes = "";
 437                 while (matcher.find()) {

  76 // Prevent method compilation
  77 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  78 @interface DontCompile { }
  80 // Number of warmup iterations
  81 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  82 @interface Warmup {
  83     int value();
  84 }
  86 public abstract class ValueTypeTest {
  87     // Run "jtreg -Dtest.c1=true" to enable experimental C1 testing.
  88     static final boolean TEST_C1 = Boolean.getBoolean("test.c1");
  90     // Random test values
  91     public static final int  rI = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextInt() % 1000;
  92     public static final long rL = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextLong() % 1000;
  94     // User defined settings
  95     protected static final boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp();
  96     private static final boolean PRINT_GRAPH = true;
  97     private static final boolean PRINT_TIMES = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("PrintTimes", "false"));
  98     private static       boolean VERIFY_IR = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyIR", "true")) && !TEST_C1 && !XCOMP;
  99     private static final boolean VERIFY_VM = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyVM", "false"));
 100     private static final String SCENARIOS = System.getProperty("Scenarios", "");
 101     private static final String TESTLIST = System.getProperty("Testlist", "");
 102     private static final String EXCLUDELIST = System.getProperty("Exclude", "");
 103     private static final int WARMUP = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("Warmup", "251"));
 104     private static final boolean DUMP_REPLAY = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("DumpReplay", "false"));
 106     // Pre-defined settings
 107     private static final List<String> defaultFlags = Arrays.asList(
 108         "-XX:-BackgroundCompilation", "-XX:CICompilerCount=1",

 109         "-XX:CompileCommand=quiet",
 110         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.invoke.*::*",
 111         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Long::sum",
 112         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Object::<init>",
 113         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.*::*");
 114     private static final List<String> printFlags = Arrays.asList(
 115         "-XX:+PrintCompilation", "-XX:+PrintIdeal", "-XX:+PrintOptoAssembly");
 116     private static final List<String> verifyFlags = Arrays.asList(
 117         "-XX:+VerifyOops", "-XX:+VerifyStack", "-XX:+VerifyLastFrame", "-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC", "-XX:+VerifyAfterGC",
 118         "-XX:+VerifyDuringGC", "-XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing", "-XX:+StressValueTypeReturnedAsFields");
 120     protected static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
 121     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn = 0x1;
 122     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff = 0x2;
 123     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn = 0x4;
 124     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff = 0x8;
 125     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn = 0x10;
 126     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff = 0x20;
 127     protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOn = 0x40;
 128     protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOff = 0x80;
 129     static final int AllFlags = ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn | ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff | ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn;
 130     protected static final boolean ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs");
 131     protected static final boolean ValueTypeArrayFlatten = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueArrayFlatten");
 132     protected static final boolean ValueTypeReturnedAsFields = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypeReturnedAsFields");
 133     protected static final boolean AlwaysIncrementalInline = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("AlwaysIncrementalInline");
 134     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ANY = -2;
 135     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION = TEST_C1 ? 1 : 4;
 136     protected static final Hashtable<String, Method> tests = new Hashtable<String, Method>();
 137     protected static final boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler");
 138     protected static final boolean PRINT_IDEAL  = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("PrintIdeal");

 140     // Regular expressions used to match nodes in the PrintIdeal output
 141     protected static final String START = "(\\d+\\t(.*";
 142     protected static final String MID = ".*)+\\t===.*";
 143     protected static final String END = ")|";
 144     protected static final String ALLOC  = "(.*precise klass compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_instance_Java" + END;
 145     protected static final String ALLOCA = "(.*precise klass \\[Lcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_array_Java" + END;
 146     protected static final String LOAD   = START + "Load(B|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 147     protected static final String LOADK  = START + "LoadK" + MID + END;
 148     protected static final String STORE  = START + "Store(B|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 149     protected static final String LOOP   = START + "Loop" + MID + "" + END;
 150     protected static final String TRAP   = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "uncommon_trap.*(unstable_if|predicate)" + END;
 151     protected static final String RETURN = START + "Return" + MID + "returns" + END;
 152     protected static final String LINKTOSTATIC = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "linkToStatic" + END;
 153     protected static final String NPE = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "null_check" + END;
 154     protected static final String CALL = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + END;
 155     protected static final String STOREVALUETYPEFIELDS = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "store_value_type_fields" + END;
 156     protected static final String SCOBJ = "(.*# ScObj.*" + END;
 158     public static String[] concat(String prefix[], String... extra) {

 296                 ((list == null || list.contains(m.getName())) && (exclude == null || !exclude.contains(m.getName())))) {
 297                 tests.put(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::" + m.getName(), m);
 298             }
 299         }
 300     }
 302     protected void run(String[] args, Class<?>... classes) throws Throwable {
 303         if (args.length == 0) {
 304             // Spawn a new VM instance
 305             execute_vm();
 306         } else {
 307             // Execute tests
 308             run(classes);
 309         }
 310     }
 312     private void execute_vm() throws Throwable {
 313         Asserts.assertFalse(tests.isEmpty(), "no tests to execute");
 314         ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(defaultFlags);
 315         String[] vmInputArgs = InputArguments.getVmInputArgs();

 316         for (String arg : vmInputArgs) {
 317             if (arg.startsWith("-XX:CompileThreshold")) {
 318                 // Disable IR verification if non-default CompileThreshold is set

 319                 VERIFY_IR = false;
 320             }
 321         }
 322         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 323             // Add print flags for IR verification
 324             args.addAll(printFlags);
 325             // Always trap for exception throwing to not confuse IR verification
 326             args.add("-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow");
 327         }
 328         if (VERIFY_VM) {
 329             args.addAll(verifyFlags);
 330         }
 331         // Run tests in own process and verify output
 332         args.add(getClass().getName());
 333         args.add("run");
 334         // Spawn process with default JVM options from the test's run command
 335         String[] cmds = Arrays.copyOf(vmInputArgs, vmInputArgs.length + args.size());
 336         System.arraycopy(args.toArray(), 0, cmds, vmInputArgs.length, args.size());
 337         OutputAnalyzer oa = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(cmds);
 338         // If ideal graph printing is enabled/supported, verify output
 339         String output = oa.getOutput();
 340         oa.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 341         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 342             if (output.contains("PrintIdeal enabled")) {
 343                 parseOutput(output);
 344             } else {

 388             // Parse graph using regular expressions to determine if it contains forbidden nodes
 389             Test[] annos = test.getAnnotationsByType(Test.class);
 390             Test anno = null;
 391             for (Test a : annos) {
 392                 if ((a.valid() & ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn) != 0 && ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
 393                     assert anno == null;
 394                     anno = a;
 395                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff) != 0 && !ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
 396                     assert anno == null;
 397                     anno = a;
 398                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn) != 0 && ValueTypeArrayFlatten) {
 399                     assert anno == null;
 400                     anno = a;
 401                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff) != 0 && !ValueTypeArrayFlatten) {
 402                     assert anno == null;
 403                     anno = a;
 404                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn) != 0 && ValueTypeReturnedAsFields) {
 405                     assert anno == null;
 406                     anno = a;
 407                 } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff) != 0 && !ValueTypeReturnedAsFields) {
 408                     assert anno == null;
 409                     anno = a;
 410                 } else if ((a.valid() & AlwaysIncrementalInlineOn) != 0 && AlwaysIncrementalInline) {
 411                     assert anno == null;
 412                     anno = a;
 413                 } else if ((a.valid() & AlwaysIncrementalInlineOff) != 0 && !AlwaysIncrementalInline) {
 414                     assert anno == null;
 415                     anno = a;
 416                 }
 417             }
 418             assert anno != null;
 419             String regexFail = anno.failOn();
 420             if (!regexFail.isEmpty()) {
 421                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexFail.substring(0, regexFail.length()-1));
 422                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 423                 boolean found = matcher.find();
 424                 Asserts.assertFalse(found, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains forbidden node:\n" + (found ? matcher.group() : ""));
 425             }
 426             String[] regexMatch = anno.match();
 427             int[] matchCount = anno.matchCount();
 428             for (int i = 0; i < regexMatch.length; ++i) {
 429                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexMatch[i].substring(0, regexMatch[i].length()-1));
 430                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 431                 int count = 0;
 432                 String nodes = "";
 433                 while (matcher.find()) {

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