1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "compiler/compileTask.hpp"
  27 #include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
  28 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  29 #include "compiler/compilerDirectives.hpp"
  30 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  31 #include "logging/logStream.hpp"
  32 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  33 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  35 CompileTask*  CompileTask::_task_free_list = NULL;
  36 #ifdef ASSERT
  37 int CompileTask::_num_allocated_tasks = 0;
  38 #endif
  40 /**
  41  * Allocate a CompileTask, from the free list if possible.
  42  */
  43 CompileTask* CompileTask::allocate() {
  44   MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
  45   CompileTask* task = NULL;
  47   if (_task_free_list != NULL) {
  48     task = _task_free_list;
  49     _task_free_list = task->next();
  50     task->set_next(NULL);
  51   } else {
  52     task = new CompileTask();
  53     DEBUG_ONLY(_num_allocated_tasks++;)
  54     assert (WhiteBoxAPI || JVMCI_ONLY(UseJVMCICompiler ||) _num_allocated_tasks < 10000, "Leaking compilation tasks?");
  55     task->set_next(NULL);
  56     task->set_is_free(true);
  57   }
  58   assert(task->is_free(), "Task must be free.");
  59   task->set_is_free(false);
  60   return task;
  61 }
  63 /**
  64 * Add a task to the free list.
  65 */
  66 void CompileTask::free(CompileTask* task) {
  67   MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
  68   if (!task->is_free()) {
  69     task->set_code(NULL);
  70     assert(!task->lock()->is_locked(), "Should not be locked when freed");
  71     if ((task->_method_holder != NULL && JNIHandles::is_weak_global_handle(task->_method_holder)) ||
  72         (task->_hot_method_holder != NULL && JNIHandles::is_weak_global_handle(task->_hot_method_holder))) {
  73       JNIHandles::destroy_weak_global(task->_method_holder);
  74       JNIHandles::destroy_weak_global(task->_hot_method_holder);
  75     } else {
  76       JNIHandles::destroy_global(task->_method_holder);
  77       JNIHandles::destroy_global(task->_hot_method_holder);
  78     }
  79     if (task->_failure_reason_on_C_heap && task->_failure_reason != NULL) {
  80       os::free((void*) task->_failure_reason);
  81     }
  82     task->_failure_reason = NULL;
  83     task->_failure_reason_on_C_heap = false;
  85     task->set_is_free(true);
  86     task->set_next(_task_free_list);
  87     _task_free_list = task;
  88   }
  89 }
  91 void CompileTask::initialize(int compile_id,
  92                              const methodHandle& method,
  93                              int osr_bci,
  94                              int comp_level,
  95                              const methodHandle& hot_method,
  96                              int hot_count,
  97                              CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
  98                              bool is_blocking) {
  99   assert(!_lock->is_locked(), "bad locking");
 101   Thread* thread = Thread::current();
 102   _compile_id = compile_id;
 103   _method = method();
 104   _method_holder = JNIHandles::make_weak_global(Handle(thread, method->method_holder()->klass_holder()));
 105   _osr_bci = osr_bci;
 106   _is_blocking = is_blocking;
 107   JVMCI_ONLY(_has_waiter = CompileBroker::compiler(comp_level)->is_jvmci();)
 108   JVMCI_ONLY(_jvmci_compiler_thread = NULL;)
 109   _comp_level = comp_level;
 110   _num_inlined_bytecodes = 0;
 112   _is_complete = false;
 113   _is_success = false;
 114   _code_handle = NULL;
 116   _hot_method = NULL;
 117   _hot_method_holder = NULL;
 118   _hot_count = hot_count;
 119   _time_queued = os::elapsed_counter();
 120   _time_started = 0;
 121   _compile_reason = compile_reason;
 122   _failure_reason = NULL;
 123   _failure_reason_on_C_heap = false;
 125   if (LogCompilation) {
 126     if (hot_method.not_null()) {
 127       if (hot_method == method) {
 128         _hot_method = _method;
 129       } else {
 130         _hot_method = hot_method();
 131         // only add loader or mirror if different from _method_holder
 132         _hot_method_holder = JNIHandles::make_weak_global(Handle(thread, hot_method->method_holder()->klass_holder()));
 133       }
 134     }
 135   }
 137   _next = NULL;
 138 }
 140 /**
 141  * Returns the compiler for this task.
 142  */
 143 AbstractCompiler* CompileTask::compiler() {
 144   return CompileBroker::compiler(_comp_level);
 145 }
 147 // Replace weak handles by strong handles to avoid unloading during compilation.
 148 CompileTask* CompileTask::select_for_compilation() {
 149   if (is_unloaded()) {
 150     // Guard against concurrent class unloading
 151     return NULL;
 152   }
 153   Thread* thread = Thread::current();
 154   assert(_method->method_holder()->is_loader_alive(), "should be alive");
 155   Handle method_holder(thread, _method->method_holder()->klass_holder());
 156   JNIHandles::destroy_weak_global(_method_holder);
 157   JNIHandles::destroy_weak_global(_hot_method_holder);
 158   _method_holder = JNIHandles::make_global(method_holder);
 159   if (_hot_method != NULL) {
 160     _hot_method_holder = JNIHandles::make_global(Handle(thread, _hot_method->method_holder()->klass_holder()));
 161   }
 162   return this;
 163 }
 165 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 166 // CompileTask::code/set_code
 167 //
 168 nmethod* CompileTask::code() const {
 169   if (_code_handle == NULL)  return NULL;
 170   CodeBlob *blob = _code_handle->code();
 171   if (blob != NULL) {
 172     return blob->as_nmethod();
 173   }
 174   return NULL;
 175 }
 177 void CompileTask::set_code(nmethod* nm) {
 178   if (_code_handle == NULL && nm == NULL)  return;
 179   guarantee(_code_handle != NULL, "");
 180   _code_handle->set_code(nm);
 181   if (nm == NULL)  _code_handle = NULL;  // drop the handle also
 182 }
 184 void CompileTask::mark_on_stack() {
 185   if (is_unloaded()) {
 186     return;
 187   }
 188   // Mark these methods as something redefine classes cannot remove.
 189   _method->set_on_stack(true);
 190   if (_hot_method != NULL) {
 191     _hot_method->set_on_stack(true);
 192   }
 193 }
 195 bool CompileTask::is_unloaded() const {
 196   return _method_holder != NULL && JNIHandles::is_weak_global_handle(_method_holder) && JNIHandles::is_global_weak_cleared(_method_holder);
 197 }
 199 // RedefineClasses support
 200 void CompileTask::metadata_do(void f(Metadata*)) {
 201   if (is_unloaded()) {
 202     return;
 203   }
 204   f(method());
 205   if (hot_method() != NULL && hot_method() != method()) {
 206     f(hot_method());
 207   }
 208 }
 210 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 211 // CompileTask::print_line_on_error
 212 //
 213 // This function is called by fatal error handler when the thread
 214 // causing troubles is a compiler thread.
 215 //
 216 // Do not grab any lock, do not allocate memory.
 217 //
 218 // Otherwise it's the same as CompileTask::print_line()
 219 //
 220 void CompileTask::print_line_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) {
 221   // print compiler name
 222   st->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level()));
 223   print(st);
 224 }
 226 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 227 // CompileTask::print_tty
 228 void CompileTask::print_tty() {
 229   ttyLocker ttyl;  // keep the following output all in one block
 230   // print compiler name if requested
 231   if (CIPrintCompilerName) {
 232     tty->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level()));
 233   }
 234   print(tty);
 235 }
 237 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 238 // CompileTask::print_impl
 239 void CompileTask::print_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
 240                              bool is_osr_method, int osr_bci, bool is_blocking,
 241                              const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr,
 242                              jlong time_queued, jlong time_started) {
 243   if (!short_form) {
 244     // Print current time
 245     st->print("%7d ", (int)st->time_stamp().milliseconds());
 246     if (Verbose && time_queued != 0) {
 247       // Print time in queue and time being processed by compiler thread
 248       jlong now = os::elapsed_counter();
 249       st->print("%d ", (int)TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(now-time_queued));
 250       if (time_started != 0) {
 251         st->print("%d ", (int)TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(now-time_started));
 252       }
 253     }
 254   }
 255   // print compiler name if requested
 256   if (CIPrintCompilerName) {
 257     st->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level));
 258   }
 259   st->print("%4d ", compile_id);    // print compilation number
 261   // For unloaded methods the transition to zombie occurs after the
 262   // method is cleared so it's impossible to report accurate
 263   // information for that case.
 264   bool is_synchronized = false;
 265   bool has_exception_handler = false;
 266   bool is_native = false;
 267   if (method != NULL) {
 268     is_synchronized       = method->is_synchronized();
 269     has_exception_handler = method->has_exception_handler();
 270     is_native             = method->is_native();
 271   }
 272   // method attributes
 273   const char compile_type   = is_osr_method                   ? '%' : ' ';
 274   const char sync_char      = is_synchronized                 ? 's' : ' ';
 275   const char exception_char = has_exception_handler           ? '!' : ' ';
 276   const char blocking_char  = is_blocking                     ? 'b' : ' ';
 277   const char native_char    = is_native                       ? 'n' : ' ';
 279   // print method attributes
 280   st->print("%c%c%c%c%c ", compile_type, sync_char, exception_char, blocking_char, native_char);
 282   if (TieredCompilation) {
 283     if (comp_level != -1)  st->print("%d ", comp_level);
 284     else                   st->print("- ");
 285   }
 286   st->print("     ");  // more indent
 288   if (method == NULL) {
 289     st->print("(method)");
 290   } else {
 291     method->print_short_name(st);
 292     if (is_osr_method) {
 293       st->print(" @ %d", osr_bci);
 294     }
 295     if (method->is_native())
 296       st->print(" (native)");
 297     else
 298       st->print(" (%d bytes)", method->code_size());
 299   }
 301   if (msg != NULL) {
 302     st->print("   %s", msg);
 303   }
 304   if (cr) {
 305     st->cr();
 306   }
 307 }
 309 void CompileTask::print_inline_indent(int inline_level, outputStream* st) {
 310   //         1234567
 311   st->print("        ");     // print timestamp
 312   //         1234
 313   st->print("     ");        // print compilation number
 314   //         %s!bn
 315   st->print("      ");       // print method attributes
 316   if (TieredCompilation) {
 317     st->print("  ");
 318   }
 319   st->print("     ");        // more indent
 320   st->print("    ");         // initial inlining indent
 321   for (int i = 0; i < inline_level; i++)  st->print("  ");
 322 }
 324 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 325 // CompileTask::print_compilation
 326 void CompileTask::print(outputStream* st, const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr) {
 327   bool is_osr_method = osr_bci() != InvocationEntryBci;
 328   print_impl(st, is_unloaded() ? NULL : method(), compile_id(), comp_level(), is_osr_method, osr_bci(), is_blocking(), msg, short_form, cr, _time_queued, _time_started);
 329 }
 331 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 332 // CompileTask::log_task
 333 void CompileTask::log_task(xmlStream* log) {
 334   Thread* thread = Thread::current();
 335   methodHandle method(thread, this->method());
 336   ResourceMark rm(thread);
 338   // <task id='9' method='M' osr_bci='X' level='1' blocking='1' stamp='1.234'>
 339   log->print(" compile_id='%d'", _compile_id);
 340   if (_osr_bci != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci) {
 341     log->print(" compile_kind='osr'");  // same as nmethod::compile_kind
 342   } // else compile_kind='c2c'
 343   if (!method.is_null())  log->method(method);
 344   if (_osr_bci != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci) {
 345     log->print(" osr_bci='%d'", _osr_bci);
 346   }
 347   if (_comp_level != CompLevel_highest_tier) {
 348     log->print(" level='%d'", _comp_level);
 349   }
 350   if (_is_blocking) {
 351     log->print(" blocking='1'");
 352   }
 353   log->stamp();
 354 }
 356 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 357 // CompileTask::log_task_queued
 358 void CompileTask::log_task_queued() {
 359   Thread* thread = Thread::current();
 360   ttyLocker ttyl;
 361   ResourceMark rm(thread);
 363   xtty->begin_elem("task_queued");
 364   log_task(xtty);
 365   assert(_compile_reason > CompileTask::Reason_None && _compile_reason < CompileTask::Reason_Count, "Valid values");
 366   xtty->print(" comment='%s'", reason_name(_compile_reason));
 368   if (_hot_method != NULL) {
 369     methodHandle hot(thread, _hot_method);
 370     methodHandle method(thread, _method);
 371     if (hot() != method()) {
 372       xtty->method(hot);
 373     }
 374   }
 375   if (_hot_count != 0) {
 376     xtty->print(" hot_count='%d'", _hot_count);
 377   }
 378   xtty->end_elem();
 379 }
 382 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 383 // CompileTask::log_task_start
 384 void CompileTask::log_task_start(CompileLog* log)   {
 385   log->begin_head("task");
 386   log_task(log);
 387   log->end_head();
 388 }
 391 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 392 // CompileTask::log_task_done
 393 void CompileTask::log_task_done(CompileLog* log) {
 394   Thread* thread = Thread::current();
 395   methodHandle method(thread, this->method());
 396   ResourceMark rm(thread);
 398   if (!_is_success) {
 399     const char* reason = _failure_reason != NULL ? _failure_reason : "unknown";
 400     log->elem("failure reason='%s'", reason);
 401   }
 403   // <task_done ... stamp='1.234'>  </task>
 404   nmethod* nm = code();
 405   log->begin_elem("task_done success='%d' nmsize='%d' count='%d'",
 406                   _is_success, nm == NULL ? 0 : nm->content_size(),
 407                   method->invocation_count());
 408   int bec = method->backedge_count();
 409   if (bec != 0)  log->print(" backedge_count='%d'", bec);
 410   // Note:  "_is_complete" is about to be set, but is not.
 411   if (_num_inlined_bytecodes != 0) {
 412     log->print(" inlined_bytes='%d'", _num_inlined_bytecodes);
 413   }
 414   log->stamp();
 415   log->end_elem();
 416   log->clear_identities();   // next task will have different CI
 417   log->tail("task");
 418   if (log->unflushed_count() > 2000) {
 419     log->flush();
 420   }
 421   log->mark_file_end();
 422 }
 424 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 425 // CompileTask::check_break_at_flags
 426 bool CompileTask::check_break_at_flags() {
 427   int compile_id = this->_compile_id;
 428   bool is_osr = (_osr_bci != CompileBroker::standard_entry_bci);
 430   if (CICountOSR && is_osr && (compile_id == CIBreakAtOSR)) {
 431     return true;
 432   } else {
 433     return (compile_id == CIBreakAt);
 434   }
 435 }
 437 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 438 // CompileTask::print_inlining
 439 void CompileTask::print_inlining_inner(outputStream* st, ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg) {
 440   //         1234567
 441   st->print("        ");     // print timestamp
 442   //         1234
 443   st->print("     ");        // print compilation number
 445   // method attributes
 446   if (method->is_loaded()) {
 447     const char sync_char      = method->is_synchronized()        ? 's' : ' ';
 448     const char exception_char = method->has_exception_handlers() ? '!' : ' ';
 449     const char monitors_char  = method->has_monitor_bytecodes()  ? 'm' : ' ';
 451     // print method attributes
 452     st->print(" %c%c%c  ", sync_char, exception_char, monitors_char);
 453   } else {
 454     //         %s!bn
 455     st->print("      ");     // print method attributes
 456   }
 458   if (TieredCompilation) {
 459     st->print("  ");
 460   }
 461   st->print("     ");        // more indent
 462   st->print("    ");         // initial inlining indent
 464   for (int i = 0; i < inline_level; i++)  st->print("  ");
 466   st->print("@ %d  ", bci);  // print bci
 467   method->print_short_name(st);
 468   if (method->is_loaded())
 469     st->print(" (%d bytes)", method->code_size());
 470   else
 471     st->print(" (not loaded)");
 473   if (msg != NULL) {
 474     st->print("   %s", msg);
 475   }
 476   st->cr();
 477 }
 479 void CompileTask::print_ul(const char* msg){
 480   LogTarget(Debug, jit, compilation) lt;
 481   if (lt.is_enabled()) {
 482     LogStream ls(lt);
 483     print(&ls, msg, /* short form */ true, /* cr */ true);
 484   }
 485 }
 487 void CompileTask::print_ul(const nmethod* nm, const char* msg) {
 488   LogTarget(Debug, jit, compilation) lt;
 489   if (lt.is_enabled()) {
 490     LogStream ls(lt);
 491     print_impl(&ls, nm->method(), nm->compile_id(),
 492                nm->comp_level(), nm->is_osr_method(),
 493                nm->is_osr_method() ? nm->osr_entry_bci() : -1,
 494                /*is_blocking*/ false,
 495                msg, /* short form */ true, /* cr */ true);
 496   }
 497 }
 499 void CompileTask::print_inlining_ul(ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, const char* msg) {
 500   LogTarget(Debug, jit, inlining) lt;
 501   if (lt.is_enabled()) {
 502     LogStream ls(lt);
 503     print_inlining_inner(&ls, method, inline_level, bci, msg);
 504   }
 505 }