< prev index next >


Print this page

 774     st->print("# stack alignment check");
 775 #endif
 776   }
 777   if (C->stub_function() != NULL && BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_nmethod() != NULL) {
 778     st->print("\n\t");
 779     st->print("cmpl    [r15_thread + #disarmed_offset], #disarmed_value\t");
 780     st->print("\n\t");
 781     st->print("je      fast_entry\t");
 782     st->print("\n\t");
 783     st->print("call    #nmethod_entry_barrier_stub\t");
 784     st->print("\n\tfast_entry:");
 785   }
 786   st->cr();
 787 }
 788 #endif
 790 void MachPrologNode::emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const {
 791   Compile* C = ra_->C;
 792   MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
 794   int framesize = C->frame_size_in_bytes();
 795   int bangsize = C->bang_size_in_bytes();
 797   __ verified_entry(framesize, C->need_stack_bang(bangsize)?bangsize:0, false, C->stub_function() != NULL);
 799   C->set_frame_complete(cbuf.insts_size());
 801   if (C->has_mach_constant_base_node()) {
 802     // NOTE: We set the table base offset here because users might be
 803     // emitted before MachConstantBaseNode.
 804     Compile::ConstantTable& constant_table = C->constant_table();
 805     constant_table.set_table_base_offset(constant_table.calculate_table_base_offset());
 806   }
 807 }
 809 uint MachPrologNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
 810 {
 811   return MachNode::size(ra_); // too many variables; just compute it
 812                               // the hard way
 813 }
 815 int MachPrologNode::reloc() const
 816 {
 817   return 0; // a large enough number

 851                    "# Safepoint: poll for GC");
 852     } else {
 853       st->print_cr("testl  rax, [rip + #offset_to_poll_page]\t"
 854                    "# Safepoint: poll for GC");
 855     }
 856   }
 857 }
 858 #endif
 860 void MachEpilogNode::emit(CodeBuffer& cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
 861 {
 862   Compile* C = ra_->C;
 863   MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
 865   if (generate_vzeroupper(C)) {
 866     // Clear upper bits of YMM registers when current compiled code uses
 867     // wide vectors to avoid AVX <-> SSE transition penalty during call.
 868     __ vzeroupper();
 869   }
 871   int framesize = C->frame_size_in_bytes();
 872   assert((framesize & (StackAlignmentInBytes-1)) == 0, "frame size not aligned");
 873   // Remove word for return adr already pushed
 874   // and RBP
 875   framesize -= 2*wordSize;
 877   // Note that VerifyStackAtCalls' Majik cookie does not change the frame size popped here
 879   if (framesize) {
 880     emit_opcode(cbuf, Assembler::REX_W);
 881     if (framesize < 0x80) {
 882       emit_opcode(cbuf, 0x83); // addq rsp, #framesize
 883       emit_rm(cbuf, 0x3, 0x00, RSP_enc);
 884       emit_d8(cbuf, framesize);
 885     } else {
 886       emit_opcode(cbuf, 0x81); // addq rsp, #framesize
 887       emit_rm(cbuf, 0x3, 0x00, RSP_enc);
 888       emit_d32(cbuf, framesize);
 889     }
 890   }
 892   // popq rbp
 893   emit_opcode(cbuf, 0x58 | RBP_enc);
 895   if (StackReservedPages > 0 && C->has_reserved_stack_access()) {
 896     __ reserved_stack_check();
 897   }
 899   if (do_polling() && C->is_method_compilation()) {
 900     MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
 901     if (SafepointMechanism::uses_thread_local_poll()) {
 902       __ movq(rscratch1, Address(r15_thread, Thread::polling_page_offset()));
 903       __ relocate(relocInfo::poll_return_type);
 904       __ testl(rax, Address(rscratch1, 0));
 905     } else {
 906       AddressLiteral polling_page(os::get_polling_page(), relocInfo::poll_return_type);
 907       if (Assembler::is_polling_page_far()) {
 908         __ lea(rscratch1, polling_page);
 909         __ relocate(relocInfo::poll_return_type);
 910         __ testl(rax, Address(rscratch1, 0));
 911       } else {
 912         __ testl(rax, polling_page);
 913       }

1446     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x2, reg & 7, 0x04);
1447     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x0, 0x04, RSP_enc);
1448     emit_d32(cbuf, offset);
1449   } else {
1450     emit_opcode(cbuf, reg < 8 ? Assembler::REX_W : Assembler::REX_WR);
1451     emit_opcode(cbuf, 0x8D); // LEA  reg,[SP+offset]
1452     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x1, reg & 7, 0x04);
1453     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x0, 0x04, RSP_enc);
1454     emit_d8(cbuf, offset);
1455   }
1456 }
1458 uint BoxLockNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const
1459 {
1460   int offset = ra_->reg2offset(in_RegMask(0).find_first_elem());
1461   return (offset < 0x80) ? 5 : 8; // REX
1462 }
1464 //=============================================================================
1465 #ifndef PRODUCT

1466 void MachUEPNode::format(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_, outputStream* st) const
1467 {
1468   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
1469     st->print_cr("movl    rscratch1, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t# compressed klass");
1470     st->print_cr("\tdecode_klass_not_null rscratch1, rscratch1");
1471     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, rscratch1\t # Inline cache check");
1472   } else {
1473     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t"
1474                  "# Inline cache check");
1475   }
1476   st->print_cr("\tjne     SharedRuntime::_ic_miss_stub");
1477   st->print_cr("\tnop\t# nops to align entry point");
1478 }
1479 #endif
1481 void MachUEPNode::emit(CodeBuffer& cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
1482 {
1483   MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
1484   uint insts_size = cbuf.insts_size();
1485   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {

6584   format %{ "MEMBAR-storestore (empty encoding)" %}
6585   ins_encode( );
6586   ins_pipe(empty);
6587 %}
6589 //----------Move Instructions--------------------------------------------------
6591 instruct castX2P(rRegP dst, rRegL src)
6592 %{
6593   match(Set dst (CastX2P src));
6595   format %{ "movq    $dst, $src\t# long->ptr" %}
6596   ins_encode %{
6597     if ($dst$$reg != $src$$reg) {
6598       __ movptr($dst$$Register, $src$$Register);
6599     }
6600   %}
6601   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg); // XXX
6602 %}

6604 instruct castP2X(rRegL dst, rRegP src)
6605 %{
6606   match(Set dst (CastP2X src));
6608   format %{ "movq    $dst, $src\t# ptr -> long" %}
6609   ins_encode %{
6610     if ($dst$$reg != $src$$reg) {
6611       __ movptr($dst$$Register, $src$$Register);
6612     }
6613   %}
6614   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg); // XXX
6615 %}
6617 // Convert oop into int for vectors alignment masking
6618 instruct convP2I(rRegI dst, rRegP src)
6619 %{
6620   match(Set dst (ConvL2I (CastP2X src)));
6622   format %{ "movl    $dst, $src\t# ptr -> int" %}
6623   ins_encode %{

10819   ins_encode %{
10820     __ movdl($dst$$XMMRegister, $src$$Register);
10821   %}
10822   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
10823 %}
10825 instruct MoveL2D_reg_reg(regD dst, rRegL src) %{
10826   match(Set dst (MoveL2D src));
10827   effect(DEF dst, USE src);
10828   ins_cost(100);
10829   format %{ "movd    $dst,$src\t# MoveL2D" %}
10830   ins_encode %{
10831      __ movdq($dst$$XMMRegister, $src$$Register);
10832   %}
10833   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
10834 %}
10837 // =======================================================================
10838 // fast clearing of an array
10839 instruct rep_stos(rcx_RegL cnt, rdi_RegP base, regD tmp, rax_RegI zero,
10840                   Universe dummy, rFlagsReg cr)
10841 %{
10842   predicate(!((ClearArrayNode*)n)->is_large());
10843   match(Set dummy (ClearArray cnt base));
10844   effect(USE_KILL cnt, USE_KILL base, TEMP tmp, KILL zero, KILL cr);
10846   format %{ $$template
10847     $$emit$$"xorq    rax, rax\t# ClearArray:\n\t"
10848     $$emit$$"cmp     InitArrayShortSize,rcx\n\t"
10849     $$emit$$"jg      LARGE\n\t"
10850     $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10851     $$emit$$"js      DONE\t# Zero length\n\t"
10852     $$emit$$"mov     rax,(rdi,rcx,8)\t# LOOP\n\t"
10853     $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10854     $$emit$$"jge     LOOP\n\t"
10855     $$emit$$"jmp     DONE\n\t"
10856     $$emit$$"# LARGE:\n\t"
10857     if (UseFastStosb) {
10858        $$emit$$"shlq    rcx,3\t# Convert doublewords to bytes\n\t"
10859        $$emit$$"rep     stosb\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--\n\t"
10860     } else if (UseXMMForObjInit) {
10861        $$emit$$"mov     rdi,rax\n\t"
10862        $$emit$$"vpxor   ymm0,ymm0,ymm0\n\t"

10863        $$emit$$"jmpq    L_zero_64_bytes\n\t"
10864        $$emit$$"# L_loop:\t# 64-byte LOOP\n\t"
10865        $$emit$$"vmovdqu ymm0,(rax)\n\t"
10866        $$emit$$"vmovdqu ymm0,0x20(rax)\n\t"
10867        $$emit$$"add     0x40,rax\n\t"
10868        $$emit$$"# L_zero_64_bytes:\n\t"
10869        $$emit$$"sub     0x8,rcx\n\t"
10870        $$emit$$"jge     L_loop\n\t"
10871        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10872        $$emit$$"jl      L_tail\n\t"
10873        $$emit$$"vmovdqu ymm0,(rax)\n\t"
10874        $$emit$$"add     0x20,rax\n\t"
10875        $$emit$$"sub     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10876        $$emit$$"# L_tail:\t# Clearing tail bytes\n\t"
10877        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10878        $$emit$$"jle     L_end\n\t"
10879        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10880        $$emit$$"# L_sloop:\t# 8-byte short loop\n\t"
10881        $$emit$$"vmovq   xmm0,(rax)\n\t"
10882        $$emit$$"add     0x8,rax\n\t"
10883        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10884        $$emit$$"jge     L_sloop\n\t"
10885        $$emit$$"# L_end:\n\t"
10886     } else {
10887        $$emit$$"rep     stosq\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--\n\t"
10888     }
10889     $$emit$$"# DONE"
10890   %}
10891   ins_encode %{
10892     __ clear_mem($base$$Register, $cnt$$Register, $zero$$Register,
10893                  $tmp$$XMMRegister, false);
10894   %}
10895   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
10896 %}
10898 instruct rep_stos_large(rcx_RegL cnt, rdi_RegP base, regD tmp, rax_RegI zero,
10899                         Universe dummy, rFlagsReg cr)
10900 %{
10901   predicate(((ClearArrayNode*)n)->is_large());
10902   match(Set dummy (ClearArray cnt base));
10903   effect(USE_KILL cnt, USE_KILL base, TEMP tmp, KILL zero, KILL cr);
10905   format %{ $$template
10906     if (UseFastStosb) {
10907        $$emit$$"xorq    rax, rax\t# ClearArray:\n\t"
10908        $$emit$$"shlq    rcx,3\t# Convert doublewords to bytes\n\t"
10909        $$emit$$"rep     stosb\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--"
10910     } else if (UseXMMForObjInit) {
10911        $$emit$$"mov     rdi,rax\t# ClearArray:\n\t"
10912        $$emit$$"vpxor   ymm0,ymm0,ymm0\n\t"

10913        $$emit$$"jmpq    L_zero_64_bytes\n\t"
10914        $$emit$$"# L_loop:\t# 64-byte LOOP\n\t"
10915        $$emit$$"vmovdqu ymm0,(rax)\n\t"
10916        $$emit$$"vmovdqu ymm0,0x20(rax)\n\t"
10917        $$emit$$"add     0x40,rax\n\t"
10918        $$emit$$"# L_zero_64_bytes:\n\t"
10919        $$emit$$"sub     0x8,rcx\n\t"
10920        $$emit$$"jge     L_loop\n\t"
10921        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10922        $$emit$$"jl      L_tail\n\t"
10923        $$emit$$"vmovdqu ymm0,(rax)\n\t"
10924        $$emit$$"add     0x20,rax\n\t"
10925        $$emit$$"sub     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10926        $$emit$$"# L_tail:\t# Clearing tail bytes\n\t"
10927        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10928        $$emit$$"jle     L_end\n\t"
10929        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10930        $$emit$$"# L_sloop:\t# 8-byte short loop\n\t"
10931        $$emit$$"vmovq   xmm0,(rax)\n\t"
10932        $$emit$$"add     0x8,rax\n\t"
10933        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10934        $$emit$$"jge     L_sloop\n\t"
10935        $$emit$$"# L_end:\n\t"
10936     } else {
10937        $$emit$$"xorq    rax, rax\t# ClearArray:\n\t"
10938        $$emit$$"rep     stosq\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--"
10939     }
10940   %}
10941   ins_encode %{
10942     __ clear_mem($base$$Register, $cnt$$Register, $zero$$Register,
10943                  $tmp$$XMMRegister, true);

10944   %}
10945   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
10946 %}
10948 instruct string_compareL(rdi_RegP str1, rcx_RegI cnt1, rsi_RegP str2, rdx_RegI cnt2,
10949                          rax_RegI result, legVecS tmp1, rFlagsReg cr)
10950 %{
10951   predicate(((StrCompNode*)n)->encoding() == StrIntrinsicNode::LL);
10952   match(Set result (StrComp (Binary str1 cnt1) (Binary str2 cnt2)));
10953   effect(TEMP tmp1, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, USE_KILL cnt1, USE_KILL cnt2, KILL cr);
10955   format %{ "String Compare byte[] $str1,$cnt1,$str2,$cnt2 -> $result   // KILL $tmp1" %}
10956   ins_encode %{
10957     __ string_compare($str1$$Register, $str2$$Register,
10958                       $cnt1$$Register, $cnt2$$Register, $result$$Register,
10959                       $tmp1$$XMMRegister, StrIntrinsicNode::LL);
10960   %}
10961   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
10962 %}

12497   ins_cost(300);
12498   format %{ "call,runtime " %}
12499   ins_encode(clear_avx, Java_To_Runtime(meth));
12500   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12501 %}
12503 // Call runtime without safepoint
12504 instruct CallLeafDirect(method meth)
12505 %{
12506   match(CallLeaf);
12507   effect(USE meth);
12509   ins_cost(300);
12510   format %{ "call_leaf,runtime " %}
12511   ins_encode(clear_avx, Java_To_Runtime(meth));
12512   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12513 %}
12515 // Call runtime without safepoint

12516 instruct CallLeafNoFPDirect(method meth)
12517 %{

12518   match(CallLeafNoFP);
12519   effect(USE meth);
12521   ins_cost(300);
12522   format %{ "call_leaf_nofp,runtime " %}
12523   ins_encode(clear_avx, Java_To_Runtime(meth));
12524   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12525 %}
12527 // Return Instruction
12528 // Remove the return address & jump to it.
12529 // Notice: We always emit a nop after a ret to make sure there is room
12530 // for safepoint patching
12531 instruct Ret()
12532 %{
12533   match(Return);
12535   format %{ "ret" %}
12536   opcode(0xC3);
12537   ins_encode(OpcP);

 774     st->print("# stack alignment check");
 775 #endif
 776   }
 777   if (C->stub_function() != NULL && BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_nmethod() != NULL) {
 778     st->print("\n\t");
 779     st->print("cmpl    [r15_thread + #disarmed_offset], #disarmed_value\t");
 780     st->print("\n\t");
 781     st->print("je      fast_entry\t");
 782     st->print("\n\t");
 783     st->print("call    #nmethod_entry_barrier_stub\t");
 784     st->print("\n\tfast_entry:");
 785   }
 786   st->cr();
 787 }
 788 #endif
 790 void MachPrologNode::emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const {
 791   Compile* C = ra_->C;
 792   MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
 794   __ verified_entry(C);
 795   __ bind(*_verified_entry);

 797   C->set_frame_complete(cbuf.insts_size());
 799   if (C->has_mach_constant_base_node()) {
 800     // NOTE: We set the table base offset here because users might be
 801     // emitted before MachConstantBaseNode.
 802     Compile::ConstantTable& constant_table = C->constant_table();
 803     constant_table.set_table_base_offset(constant_table.calculate_table_base_offset());
 804   }
 805 }
 807 uint MachPrologNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
 808 {
 809   return MachNode::size(ra_); // too many variables; just compute it
 810                               // the hard way
 811 }
 813 int MachPrologNode::reloc() const
 814 {
 815   return 0; // a large enough number

 849                    "# Safepoint: poll for GC");
 850     } else {
 851       st->print_cr("testl  rax, [rip + #offset_to_poll_page]\t"
 852                    "# Safepoint: poll for GC");
 853     }
 854   }
 855 }
 856 #endif
 858 void MachEpilogNode::emit(CodeBuffer& cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
 859 {
 860   Compile* C = ra_->C;
 861   MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
 863   if (generate_vzeroupper(C)) {
 864     // Clear upper bits of YMM registers when current compiled code uses
 865     // wide vectors to avoid AVX <-> SSE transition penalty during call.
 866     __ vzeroupper();
 867   }
 869   __ restore_stack(C);


 872   if (StackReservedPages > 0 && C->has_reserved_stack_access()) {
 873     __ reserved_stack_check();
 874   }
 876   if (do_polling() && C->is_method_compilation()) {
 877     MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
 878     if (SafepointMechanism::uses_thread_local_poll()) {
 879       __ movq(rscratch1, Address(r15_thread, Thread::polling_page_offset()));
 880       __ relocate(relocInfo::poll_return_type);
 881       __ testl(rax, Address(rscratch1, 0));
 882     } else {
 883       AddressLiteral polling_page(os::get_polling_page(), relocInfo::poll_return_type);
 884       if (Assembler::is_polling_page_far()) {
 885         __ lea(rscratch1, polling_page);
 886         __ relocate(relocInfo::poll_return_type);
 887         __ testl(rax, Address(rscratch1, 0));
 888       } else {
 889         __ testl(rax, polling_page);
 890       }

1423     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x2, reg & 7, 0x04);
1424     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x0, 0x04, RSP_enc);
1425     emit_d32(cbuf, offset);
1426   } else {
1427     emit_opcode(cbuf, reg < 8 ? Assembler::REX_W : Assembler::REX_WR);
1428     emit_opcode(cbuf, 0x8D); // LEA  reg,[SP+offset]
1429     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x1, reg & 7, 0x04);
1430     emit_rm(cbuf, 0x0, 0x04, RSP_enc);
1431     emit_d8(cbuf, offset);
1432   }
1433 }
1435 uint BoxLockNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const
1436 {
1437   int offset = ra_->reg2offset(in_RegMask(0).find_first_elem());
1438   return (offset < 0x80) ? 5 : 8; // REX
1439 }
1441 //=============================================================================
1442 #ifndef PRODUCT
1443 void MachVEPNode::format(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_, outputStream* st) const
1444 {
1445   st->print_cr("MachVEPNode");
1446 }
1447 #endif
1449 void MachVEPNode::emit(CodeBuffer& cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
1450 {
1451   MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
1452   if (!_verified) {  
1453     uint insts_size = cbuf.insts_size();
1454     if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
1455       masm.load_klass(rscratch1, j_rarg0);
1456       masm.cmpptr(rax, rscratch1);
1457     } else {
1458       masm.cmpptr(rax, Address(j_rarg0, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
1459     }
1460     masm.jump_cc(Assembler::notEqual, RuntimeAddress(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()));
1461   } else {
1462     // Unpack value type args passed as oop and then jump to
1463     // the verified entry point (skipping the unverified entry).
1464     masm.unpack_value_args(ra_->C, _receiver_only);
1465     masm.jmp(*_verified_entry);
1466   }
1467 }
1469 uint MachVEPNode::size(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
1470 {
1471   return MachNode::size(ra_); // too many variables; just compute it the hard way
1472 }
1474 //=============================================================================
1475 #ifndef PRODUCT
1476 void MachUEPNode::format(PhaseRegAlloc* ra_, outputStream* st) const
1477 {
1478   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
1479     st->print_cr("movl    rscratch1, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t# compressed klass");
1480     st->print_cr("\tdecode_klass_not_null rscratch1, rscratch1");
1481     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, rscratch1\t # Inline cache check");
1482   } else {
1483     st->print_cr("\tcmpq    rax, [j_rarg0 + oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()]\t"
1484                  "# Inline cache check");
1485   }
1486   st->print_cr("\tjne     SharedRuntime::_ic_miss_stub");
1487   st->print_cr("\tnop\t# nops to align entry point");
1488 }
1489 #endif
1491 void MachUEPNode::emit(CodeBuffer& cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc* ra_) const
1492 {
1493   MacroAssembler masm(&cbuf);
1494   uint insts_size = cbuf.insts_size();
1495   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {

6594   format %{ "MEMBAR-storestore (empty encoding)" %}
6595   ins_encode( );
6596   ins_pipe(empty);
6597 %}
6599 //----------Move Instructions--------------------------------------------------
6601 instruct castX2P(rRegP dst, rRegL src)
6602 %{
6603   match(Set dst (CastX2P src));
6605   format %{ "movq    $dst, $src\t# long->ptr" %}
6606   ins_encode %{
6607     if ($dst$$reg != $src$$reg) {
6608       __ movptr($dst$$Register, $src$$Register);
6609     }
6610   %}
6611   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg); // XXX
6612 %}
6614 instruct castN2X(rRegL dst, rRegN src)
6615 %{
6616   match(Set dst (CastP2X src));
6618   format %{ "movq    $dst, $src\t# ptr -> long" %}
6619   ins_encode %{
6620     if ($dst$$reg != $src$$reg) {
6621       __ movptr($dst$$Register, $src$$Register);
6622     }
6623   %}
6624   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg); // XXX
6625 %}
6627 instruct castP2X(rRegL dst, rRegP src)
6628 %{
6629   match(Set dst (CastP2X src));
6631   format %{ "movq    $dst, $src\t# ptr -> long" %}
6632   ins_encode %{
6633     if ($dst$$reg != $src$$reg) {
6634       __ movptr($dst$$Register, $src$$Register);
6635     }
6636   %}
6637   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg); // XXX
6638 %}
6640 // Convert oop into int for vectors alignment masking
6641 instruct convP2I(rRegI dst, rRegP src)
6642 %{
6643   match(Set dst (ConvL2I (CastP2X src)));
6645   format %{ "movl    $dst, $src\t# ptr -> int" %}
6646   ins_encode %{

10842   ins_encode %{
10843     __ movdl($dst$$XMMRegister, $src$$Register);
10844   %}
10845   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
10846 %}
10848 instruct MoveL2D_reg_reg(regD dst, rRegL src) %{
10849   match(Set dst (MoveL2D src));
10850   effect(DEF dst, USE src);
10851   ins_cost(100);
10852   format %{ "movd    $dst,$src\t# MoveL2D" %}
10853   ins_encode %{
10854      __ movdq($dst$$XMMRegister, $src$$Register);
10855   %}
10856   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
10857 %}
10860 // =======================================================================
10861 // fast clearing of an array
10862 instruct rep_stos(rcx_RegL cnt, rdi_RegP base, regD tmp, rax_RegL val,
10863                   Universe dummy, rFlagsReg cr)
10864 %{
10865   predicate(!((ClearArrayNode*)n)->is_large() && !((ClearArrayNode*)n)->word_copy_only());
10866   match(Set dummy (ClearArray (Binary cnt base) val));
10867   effect(USE_KILL cnt, USE_KILL base, TEMP tmp, KILL cr);
10869   format %{ $$template

10870     $$emit$$"cmp     InitArrayShortSize,rcx\n\t"
10871     $$emit$$"jg      LARGE\n\t"
10872     $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10873     $$emit$$"js      DONE\t# Zero length\n\t"
10874     $$emit$$"mov     rax,(rdi,rcx,8)\t# LOOP\n\t"
10875     $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10876     $$emit$$"jge     LOOP\n\t"
10877     $$emit$$"jmp     DONE\n\t"
10878     $$emit$$"# LARGE:\n\t"
10879     if (UseFastStosb) {
10880        $$emit$$"shlq    rcx,3\t# Convert doublewords to bytes\n\t"
10881        $$emit$$"rep     stosb\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--\n\t"
10882     } else if (UseXMMForObjInit) {
10883        $$emit$$"movdq   $tmp, $val\n\t"
10884        $$emit$$"punpcklqdq $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
10885        $$emit$$"vinserti128_high $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
10886        $$emit$$"jmpq    L_zero_64_bytes\n\t"
10887        $$emit$$"# L_loop:\t# 64-byte LOOP\n\t"
10888        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
10889        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,0x20(rax)\n\t"
10890        $$emit$$"add     0x40,rax\n\t"
10891        $$emit$$"# L_zero_64_bytes:\n\t"
10892        $$emit$$"sub     0x8,rcx\n\t"
10893        $$emit$$"jge     L_loop\n\t"
10894        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10895        $$emit$$"jl      L_tail\n\t"
10896        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
10897        $$emit$$"add     0x20,rax\n\t"
10898        $$emit$$"sub     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10899        $$emit$$"# L_tail:\t# Clearing tail bytes\n\t"
10900        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10901        $$emit$$"jle     L_end\n\t"
10902        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10903        $$emit$$"# L_sloop:\t# 8-byte short loop\n\t"
10904        $$emit$$"vmovq   xmm0,(rax)\n\t"
10905        $$emit$$"add     0x8,rax\n\t"
10906        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10907        $$emit$$"jge     L_sloop\n\t"
10908        $$emit$$"# L_end:\n\t"
10909     } else {
10910        $$emit$$"rep     stosq\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--\n\t"
10911     }
10912     $$emit$$"# DONE"
10913   %}
10914   ins_encode %{
10915     __ clear_mem($base$$Register, $cnt$$Register, $val$$Register,
10916                  $tmp$$XMMRegister, false, false);
10917   %}
10918   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
10919 %}
10921 instruct rep_stos_word_copy(rcx_RegL cnt, rdi_RegP base, regD tmp, rax_RegL val,
10922                   Universe dummy, rFlagsReg cr)
10923 %{
10924   predicate(!((ClearArrayNode*)n)->is_large() && ((ClearArrayNode*)n)->word_copy_only());
10925   match(Set dummy (ClearArray (Binary cnt base) val));
10926   effect(USE_KILL cnt, USE_KILL base, TEMP tmp, KILL cr);
10928   format %{ $$template
10929     $$emit$$"cmp     InitArrayShortSize,rcx\n\t"
10930     $$emit$$"jg      LARGE\n\t"
10931     $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10932     $$emit$$"js      DONE\t# Zero length\n\t"
10933     $$emit$$"mov     rax,(rdi,rcx,8)\t# LOOP\n\t"
10934     $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10935     $$emit$$"jge     LOOP\n\t"
10936     $$emit$$"jmp     DONE\n\t"
10937     $$emit$$"# LARGE:\n\t"
10938     if (UseXMMForObjInit) {
10939        $$emit$$"movdq   $tmp, $val\n\t"
10940        $$emit$$"punpcklqdq $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
10941        $$emit$$"vinserti128_high $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
10942        $$emit$$"jmpq    L_zero_64_bytes\n\t"
10943        $$emit$$"# L_loop:\t# 64-byte LOOP\n\t"
10944        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
10945        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,0x20(rax)\n\t"
10946        $$emit$$"add     0x40,rax\n\t"
10947        $$emit$$"# L_zero_64_bytes:\n\t"
10948        $$emit$$"sub     0x8,rcx\n\t"
10949        $$emit$$"jge     L_loop\n\t"
10950        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10951        $$emit$$"jl      L_tail\n\t"
10952        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
10953        $$emit$$"add     0x20,rax\n\t"
10954        $$emit$$"sub     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10955        $$emit$$"# L_tail:\t# Clearing tail bytes\n\t"
10956        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
10957        $$emit$$"jle     L_end\n\t"
10958        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10959        $$emit$$"# L_sloop:\t# 8-byte short loop\n\t"
10960        $$emit$$"vmovq   xmm0,(rax)\n\t"
10961        $$emit$$"add     0x8,rax\n\t"
10962        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
10963        $$emit$$"jge     L_sloop\n\t"
10964        $$emit$$"# L_end:\n\t"
10965     } else {
10966        $$emit$$"rep     stosq\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--\n\t"
10967     }
10968     $$emit$$"# DONE"
10969   %}
10970   ins_encode %{
10971     __ clear_mem($base$$Register, $cnt$$Register, $val$$Register,
10972                  $tmp$$XMMRegister, false, true);
10973   %}
10974   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
10975 %}
10977 instruct rep_stos_large(rcx_RegL cnt, rdi_RegP base, regD tmp, rax_RegL val,
10978                         Universe dummy, rFlagsReg cr)
10979 %{
10980   predicate(((ClearArrayNode*)n)->is_large() && !((ClearArrayNode*)n)->word_copy_only());
10981   match(Set dummy (ClearArray (Binary cnt base) val));
10982   effect(USE_KILL cnt, USE_KILL base, TEMP tmp, KILL cr);
10984   format %{ $$template
10985     if (UseFastStosb) {

10986        $$emit$$"shlq    rcx,3\t# Convert doublewords to bytes\n\t"
10987        $$emit$$"rep     stosb\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--"
10988     } else if (UseXMMForObjInit) {
10989        $$emit$$"movdq   $tmp, $val\n\t"
10990        $$emit$$"punpcklqdq $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
10991        $$emit$$"vinserti128_high $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
10992        $$emit$$"jmpq    L_zero_64_bytes\n\t"
10993        $$emit$$"# L_loop:\t# 64-byte LOOP\n\t"
10994        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
10995        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,0x20(rax)\n\t"
10996        $$emit$$"add     0x40,rax\n\t"
10997        $$emit$$"# L_zero_64_bytes:\n\t"
10998        $$emit$$"sub     0x8,rcx\n\t"
10999        $$emit$$"jge     L_loop\n\t"
11000        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
11001        $$emit$$"jl      L_tail\n\t"
11002        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
11003        $$emit$$"add     0x20,rax\n\t"
11004        $$emit$$"sub     0x4,rcx\n\t"
11005        $$emit$$"# L_tail:\t# Clearing tail bytes\n\t"
11006        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
11007        $$emit$$"jle     L_end\n\t"
11008        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
11009        $$emit$$"# L_sloop:\t# 8-byte short loop\n\t"
11010        $$emit$$"vmovq   xmm0,(rax)\n\t"
11011        $$emit$$"add     0x8,rax\n\t"
11012        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
11013        $$emit$$"jge     L_sloop\n\t"
11014        $$emit$$"# L_end:\n\t"
11015     } else {

11016        $$emit$$"rep     stosq\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--"
11017     }
11018   %}
11019   ins_encode %{
11020     __ clear_mem($base$$Register, $cnt$$Register, $val$$Register,
11021                  $tmp$$XMMRegister, true, false);
11022   %}
11023   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
11024 %}
11026 instruct rep_stos_large_word_copy(rcx_RegL cnt, rdi_RegP base, regD tmp, rax_RegL val, 
11027                         Universe dummy, rFlagsReg cr)
11028 %{
11029   predicate(((ClearArrayNode*)n)->is_large() && ((ClearArrayNode*)n)->word_copy_only());
11030   match(Set dummy (ClearArray (Binary cnt base) val));
11031   effect(USE_KILL cnt, USE_KILL base, TEMP tmp, KILL cr);
11033   format %{ $$template
11034     if (UseXMMForObjInit) {
11035        $$emit$$"movdq   $tmp, $val\n\t"
11036        $$emit$$"punpcklqdq $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
11037        $$emit$$"vinserti128_high $tmp, $tmp\n\t"
11038        $$emit$$"jmpq    L_zero_64_bytes\n\t"
11039        $$emit$$"# L_loop:\t# 64-byte LOOP\n\t"
11040        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
11041        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,0x20(rax)\n\t"
11042        $$emit$$"add     0x40,rax\n\t"
11043        $$emit$$"# L_zero_64_bytes:\n\t"
11044        $$emit$$"sub     0x8,rcx\n\t"
11045        $$emit$$"jge     L_loop\n\t"
11046        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
11047        $$emit$$"jl      L_tail\n\t"
11048        $$emit$$"vmovdqu $tmp,(rax)\n\t"
11049        $$emit$$"add     0x20,rax\n\t"
11050        $$emit$$"sub     0x4,rcx\n\t"
11051        $$emit$$"# L_tail:\t# Clearing tail bytes\n\t"
11052        $$emit$$"add     0x4,rcx\n\t"
11053        $$emit$$"jle     L_end\n\t"
11054        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
11055        $$emit$$"# L_sloop:\t# 8-byte short loop\n\t"
11056        $$emit$$"vmovq   xmm0,(rax)\n\t"
11057        $$emit$$"add     0x8,rax\n\t"
11058        $$emit$$"dec     rcx\n\t"
11059        $$emit$$"jge     L_sloop\n\t"
11060        $$emit$$"# L_end:\n\t"
11061     } else {
11062        $$emit$$"rep     stosq\t# Store rax to *rdi++ while rcx--"
11063     }
11064   %}
11065   ins_encode %{
11066     __ clear_mem($base$$Register, $cnt$$Register, $val$$Register, 
11067                  $tmp$$XMMRegister, true, true);
11068   %}
11069   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
11070 %}
11072 instruct string_compareL(rdi_RegP str1, rcx_RegI cnt1, rsi_RegP str2, rdx_RegI cnt2,
11073                          rax_RegI result, legVecS tmp1, rFlagsReg cr)
11074 %{
11075   predicate(((StrCompNode*)n)->encoding() == StrIntrinsicNode::LL);
11076   match(Set result (StrComp (Binary str1 cnt1) (Binary str2 cnt2)));
11077   effect(TEMP tmp1, USE_KILL str1, USE_KILL str2, USE_KILL cnt1, USE_KILL cnt2, KILL cr);
11079   format %{ "String Compare byte[] $str1,$cnt1,$str2,$cnt2 -> $result   // KILL $tmp1" %}
11080   ins_encode %{
11081     __ string_compare($str1$$Register, $str2$$Register,
11082                       $cnt1$$Register, $cnt2$$Register, $result$$Register,
11083                       $tmp1$$XMMRegister, StrIntrinsicNode::LL);
11084   %}
11085   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
11086 %}

12621   ins_cost(300);
12622   format %{ "call,runtime " %}
12623   ins_encode(clear_avx, Java_To_Runtime(meth));
12624   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12625 %}
12627 // Call runtime without safepoint
12628 instruct CallLeafDirect(method meth)
12629 %{
12630   match(CallLeaf);
12631   effect(USE meth);
12633   ins_cost(300);
12634   format %{ "call_leaf,runtime " %}
12635   ins_encode(clear_avx, Java_To_Runtime(meth));
12636   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12637 %}
12639 // Call runtime without safepoint
12640 // entry point is null, target holds the address to call
12641 instruct CallLeafNoFPInDirect(rRegP target)
12642 %{
12643   predicate(n->as_Call()->entry_point() == NULL);
12644   match(CallLeafNoFP target);
12646   ins_cost(300);
12647   format %{ "call_leaf_nofp,runtime indirect " %}
12648   ins_encode %{
12649      __ call($target$$Register);
12650   %}
12652   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12653 %}
12655 instruct CallLeafNoFPDirect(method meth)
12656 %{
12657   predicate(n->as_Call()->entry_point() != NULL);
12658   match(CallLeafNoFP);
12659   effect(USE meth);
12661   ins_cost(300);
12662   format %{ "call_leaf_nofp,runtime " %}
12663   ins_encode(clear_avx, Java_To_Runtime(meth));
12664   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12665 %}
12667 // Return Instruction
12668 // Remove the return address & jump to it.
12669 // Notice: We always emit a nop after a ret to make sure there is room
12670 // for safepoint patching
12671 instruct Ret()
12672 %{
12673   match(Return);
12675   format %{ "ret" %}
12676   opcode(0xC3);
12677   ins_encode(OpcP);

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