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  28 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  29 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/fieldType.hpp"
  31 #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
  33 // Placeholder methods
  35 PlaceholderEntry* PlaceholderTable::new_entry(int hash, Symbol* name,
  36                                               ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  37                                               bool havesupername,
  38                                               Symbol* supername) {
  39   PlaceholderEntry* entry = (PlaceholderEntry*)Hashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>::new_entry(hash, name);
  40   // Hashtable with Symbol* literal must increment and decrement refcount.
  41   name->increment_refcount();
  42   entry->set_loader_data(loader_data);
  43   entry->set_havesupername(havesupername);
  44   entry->set_supername(supername);
  45   entry->set_superThreadQ(NULL);
  46   entry->set_loadInstanceThreadQ(NULL);
  47   entry->set_defineThreadQ(NULL);

  48   entry->set_definer(NULL);
  49   entry->set_instance_klass(NULL);
  50   return entry;
  51 }
  53 void PlaceholderTable::free_entry(PlaceholderEntry* entry) {
  54   // decrement Symbol refcount here because Hashtable doesn't.
  55   entry->literal()->decrement_refcount();
  56   if (entry->supername() != NULL) entry->supername()->decrement_refcount();
  57   Hashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>::free_entry(entry);
  58 }
  61 // Placeholder objects represent classes currently being loaded.
  62 // All threads examining the placeholder table must hold the
  63 // SystemDictionary_lock, so we don't need special precautions
  64 // on store ordering here.
  65 void PlaceholderTable::add_entry(int index, unsigned int hash,
  66                                  Symbol* class_name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  67                                  bool havesupername, Symbol* supername){

 149 // loadInstanceThreadQ tracks load_instance_class calls
 150 // definer() tracks the single thread that owns define token
 151 // defineThreadQ tracks waiters on defining thread's results
 152 // 1st claimant creates placeholder
 153 // find_and_add adds SeenThread entry for appropriate queue
 154 // All claimants remove SeenThread after completing action
 155 // On removal: if definer and all queues empty, remove entry
 156 // Note: you can be in both placeholders and systemDictionary
 157 // Therefore - must always check SD first
 158 // Ignores the case where entry is not found
 159 void PlaceholderTable::find_and_remove(int index, unsigned int hash,
 160                                        Symbol* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
 161                                        classloadAction action,
 162                                        Thread* thread) {
 163     assert_locked_or_safepoint(SystemDictionary_lock);
 164     PlaceholderEntry *probe = get_entry(index, hash, name, loader_data);
 165     if (probe != NULL) {
 166        probe->remove_seen_thread(thread, action);
 167        // If no other threads using this entry, and this thread is not using this entry for other states
 168        if ((probe->superThreadQ() == NULL) && (probe->loadInstanceThreadQ() == NULL)
 169           && (probe->defineThreadQ() == NULL) && (probe->definer() == NULL)) {

 170          remove_entry(index, hash, name, loader_data);
 171        }
 172     }
 173   }
 175 PlaceholderTable::PlaceholderTable(int table_size)
 176     : Hashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>(table_size, sizeof(PlaceholderEntry)) {
 177 }
 179 void PlaceholderEntry::verify() const {
 180   guarantee(loader_data() != NULL, "Must have been setup.");
 181   guarantee(loader_data()->class_loader() == NULL || loader_data()->class_loader()->is_instance(),
 182             "checking type of _loader");
 183   guarantee(instance_klass() == NULL
 184             || instance_klass()->is_instance_klass(),
 185             "checking type of instance_klass result");
 186 }
 188 void PlaceholderTable::verify() {
 189   verify_table<PlaceholderEntry>("Placeholder Table");

 203     st->print(", supername ");
 204     supername()->print_value_on(st);
 205   }
 206   if (definer() != NULL) {
 207     st->print(", definer ");
 208     definer()->print_value_on(st);
 209   }
 210   if (instance_klass() != NULL) {
 211     st->print(", InstanceKlass ");
 212     instance_klass()->print_value_on(st);
 213   }
 214   st->cr();
 215   st->print("loadInstanceThreadQ threads:");
 216   loadInstanceThreadQ()->print_action_queue(st);
 217   st->cr();
 218   st->print("superThreadQ threads:");
 219   superThreadQ()->print_action_queue(st);
 220   st->cr();
 221   st->print("defineThreadQ threads:");
 222   defineThreadQ()->print_action_queue(st);

 223   st->cr();
 224 }
 226 void PlaceholderTable::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
 227   st->print_cr("Placeholder table (table_size=%d, placeholders=%d)",
 228                 table_size(), number_of_entries());
 229   for (int pindex = 0; pindex < table_size(); pindex++) {
 230     for (PlaceholderEntry* probe = bucket(pindex);
 231                            probe != NULL;
 232                            probe = probe->next()) {
 233       st->print("%4d: placeholder ", pindex);
 234       probe->print_entry(st);
 235     }
 236   }
 237 }

  28 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  29 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/fieldType.hpp"
  31 #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
  33 // Placeholder methods
  35 PlaceholderEntry* PlaceholderTable::new_entry(int hash, Symbol* name,
  36                                               ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  37                                               bool havesupername,
  38                                               Symbol* supername) {
  39   PlaceholderEntry* entry = (PlaceholderEntry*)Hashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>::new_entry(hash, name);
  40   // Hashtable with Symbol* literal must increment and decrement refcount.
  41   name->increment_refcount();
  42   entry->set_loader_data(loader_data);
  43   entry->set_havesupername(havesupername);
  44   entry->set_supername(supername);
  45   entry->set_superThreadQ(NULL);
  46   entry->set_loadInstanceThreadQ(NULL);
  47   entry->set_defineThreadQ(NULL);
  48   entry->set_flattenableFieldQ(NULL);
  49   entry->set_definer(NULL);
  50   entry->set_instance_klass(NULL);
  51   return entry;
  52 }
  54 void PlaceholderTable::free_entry(PlaceholderEntry* entry) {
  55   // decrement Symbol refcount here because Hashtable doesn't.
  56   entry->literal()->decrement_refcount();
  57   if (entry->supername() != NULL) entry->supername()->decrement_refcount();
  58   Hashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>::free_entry(entry);
  59 }
  62 // Placeholder objects represent classes currently being loaded.
  63 // All threads examining the placeholder table must hold the
  64 // SystemDictionary_lock, so we don't need special precautions
  65 // on store ordering here.
  66 void PlaceholderTable::add_entry(int index, unsigned int hash,
  67                                  Symbol* class_name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  68                                  bool havesupername, Symbol* supername){

 150 // loadInstanceThreadQ tracks load_instance_class calls
 151 // definer() tracks the single thread that owns define token
 152 // defineThreadQ tracks waiters on defining thread's results
 153 // 1st claimant creates placeholder
 154 // find_and_add adds SeenThread entry for appropriate queue
 155 // All claimants remove SeenThread after completing action
 156 // On removal: if definer and all queues empty, remove entry
 157 // Note: you can be in both placeholders and systemDictionary
 158 // Therefore - must always check SD first
 159 // Ignores the case where entry is not found
 160 void PlaceholderTable::find_and_remove(int index, unsigned int hash,
 161                                        Symbol* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
 162                                        classloadAction action,
 163                                        Thread* thread) {
 164     assert_locked_or_safepoint(SystemDictionary_lock);
 165     PlaceholderEntry *probe = get_entry(index, hash, name, loader_data);
 166     if (probe != NULL) {
 167        probe->remove_seen_thread(thread, action);
 168        // If no other threads using this entry, and this thread is not using this entry for other states
 169        if ((probe->superThreadQ() == NULL) && (probe->loadInstanceThreadQ() == NULL)
 170           && (probe->defineThreadQ() == NULL) && (probe->definer() == NULL)
 171           && (probe->flattenableFieldQ() == NULL)) {
 172          remove_entry(index, hash, name, loader_data);
 173        }
 174     }
 175   }
 177 PlaceholderTable::PlaceholderTable(int table_size)
 178     : Hashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>(table_size, sizeof(PlaceholderEntry)) {
 179 }
 181 void PlaceholderEntry::verify() const {
 182   guarantee(loader_data() != NULL, "Must have been setup.");
 183   guarantee(loader_data()->class_loader() == NULL || loader_data()->class_loader()->is_instance(),
 184             "checking type of _loader");
 185   guarantee(instance_klass() == NULL
 186             || instance_klass()->is_instance_klass(),
 187             "checking type of instance_klass result");
 188 }
 190 void PlaceholderTable::verify() {
 191   verify_table<PlaceholderEntry>("Placeholder Table");

 205     st->print(", supername ");
 206     supername()->print_value_on(st);
 207   }
 208   if (definer() != NULL) {
 209     st->print(", definer ");
 210     definer()->print_value_on(st);
 211   }
 212   if (instance_klass() != NULL) {
 213     st->print(", InstanceKlass ");
 214     instance_klass()->print_value_on(st);
 215   }
 216   st->cr();
 217   st->print("loadInstanceThreadQ threads:");
 218   loadInstanceThreadQ()->print_action_queue(st);
 219   st->cr();
 220   st->print("superThreadQ threads:");
 221   superThreadQ()->print_action_queue(st);
 222   st->cr();
 223   st->print("defineThreadQ threads:");
 224   defineThreadQ()->print_action_queue(st);
 225   st->cr();
 226   st->print("flattenableFieldQ threads:");
 227   flattenableFieldQ()->print_action_queue(st);
 228   st->cr();
 229 }
 231 void PlaceholderTable::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
 232   st->print_cr("Placeholder table (table_size=%d, placeholders=%d)",
 233                 table_size(), number_of_entries());
 234   for (int pindex = 0; pindex < table_size(); pindex++) {
 235     for (PlaceholderEntry* probe = bucket(pindex);
 236                            probe != NULL;
 237                            probe = probe->next()) {
 238       st->print("%4d: placeholder ", pindex);
 239       probe->print_entry(st);
 240     }
 241   }
 242 }
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