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*** 596,605 **** --- 596,607 ---- _nmethod_end_offset = _nul_chk_table_offset; _compile_id = compile_id; _comp_level = CompLevel_none; _entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Entry); _verified_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry); + _verified_value_entry_point = _verified_entry_point; + _verified_value_ro_entry_point = _verified_entry_point; _osr_entry_point = NULL; _exception_cache = NULL; _pc_desc_container.reset_to(NULL); _hotness_counter = NMethodSweeper::hotness_counter_reset_val();
*** 756,765 **** --- 758,769 ---- _handler_table_offset = _dependencies_offset + align_up((int)dependencies->size_in_bytes (), oopSize); _nul_chk_table_offset = _handler_table_offset + align_up(handler_table->size_in_bytes(), oopSize); _nmethod_end_offset = _nul_chk_table_offset + align_up(nul_chk_table->size_in_bytes(), oopSize); _entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Entry); _verified_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry); + _verified_value_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Value_Entry); + _verified_value_ro_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Value_Entry_RO); _osr_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::OSR_Entry); _exception_cache = NULL; _scopes_data_begin = (address) this + scopes_data_offset;
*** 2222,2232 **** PcDesc* pd = pc_desc_at(nativeCall_at(call_site)->return_address()); assert(pd != NULL, "PcDesc must exist"); for (ScopeDesc* sd = new ScopeDesc(this, pd->scope_decode_offset(), pd->obj_decode_offset(), pd->should_reexecute(), pd->rethrow_exception(), ! pd->return_oop()); !sd->is_top(); sd = sd->sender()) { sd->verify(); } } --- 2226,2236 ---- PcDesc* pd = pc_desc_at(nativeCall_at(call_site)->return_address()); assert(pd != NULL, "PcDesc must exist"); for (ScopeDesc* sd = new ScopeDesc(this, pd->scope_decode_offset(), pd->obj_decode_offset(), pd->should_reexecute(), pd->rethrow_exception(), ! pd->return_oop(), pd->return_vt()); !sd->is_top(); sd = sd->sender()) { sd->verify(); } }
*** 2567,2636 **** ScopeDesc* nmethod::scope_desc_in(address begin, address end) { PcDesc* p = pc_desc_near(begin+1); if (p != NULL && p->real_pc(this) <= end) { return new ScopeDesc(this, p->scope_decode_offset(), p->obj_decode_offset(), p->should_reexecute(), p->rethrow_exception(), ! p->return_oop()); } return NULL; } void nmethod::print_nmethod_labels(outputStream* stream, address block_begin) const { ! if (block_begin == entry_point()) stream->print_cr("[Entry Point]"); ! if (block_begin == verified_entry_point()) stream->print_cr("[Verified Entry Point]"); ! if (JVMCI_ONLY(_exception_offset >= 0 &&) block_begin == exception_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Exception Handler]"); ! if (block_begin == stub_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Stub Code]"); ! if (JVMCI_ONLY(_deopt_handler_begin != NULL &&) block_begin == deopt_handler_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Deopt Handler Code]"); ! ! if (has_method_handle_invokes()) ! if (block_begin == deopt_mh_handler_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Deopt MH Handler Code]"); ! ! if (block_begin == consts_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Constants]"); ! ! if (block_begin == entry_point()) { methodHandle m = method(); if (m.not_null()) { stream->print(" # "); m->print_value_on(stream); stream->cr(); } if (m.not_null() && !is_osr_method()) { ResourceMark rm; ! int sizeargs = m->size_of_parameters(); ! BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sizeargs); ! VMRegPair* regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, sizeargs); ! { ! int sig_index = 0; ! if (!m->is_static()) ! sig_bt[sig_index++] = T_OBJECT; // 'this' ! for (SignatureStream ss(m->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) { BasicType t = ss.type(); ! sig_bt[sig_index++] = t; if (type2size[t] == 2) { ! sig_bt[sig_index++] = T_VOID; } else { assert(type2size[t] == 1, "size is 1 or 2"); } } - assert(sig_index == sizeargs, ""); - } const char* spname = "sp"; // make arch-specific? ! intptr_t out_preserve = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, sizeargs, false); int stack_slot_offset = this->frame_size() * wordSize; int tab1 = 14, tab2 = 24; int sig_index = 0; ! int arg_index = (m->is_static() ? 0 : -1); bool did_old_sp = false; ! for (SignatureStream ss(m->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ) { bool at_this = (arg_index == -1); bool at_old_sp = false; BasicType t = (at_this ? T_OBJECT : ss.type()); assert(t == sig_bt[sig_index], "sigs in sync"); ! if (at_this) stream->print(" # this: "); ! else stream->print(" # parm%d: ", arg_index); stream->move_to(tab1); VMReg fst = regs[sig_index].first(); VMReg snd = regs[sig_index].second(); if (fst->is_reg()) { stream->print("%s", fst->name()); --- 2571,2637 ---- ScopeDesc* nmethod::scope_desc_in(address begin, address end) { PcDesc* p = pc_desc_near(begin+1); if (p != NULL && p->real_pc(this) <= end) { return new ScopeDesc(this, p->scope_decode_offset(), p->obj_decode_offset(), p->should_reexecute(), p->rethrow_exception(), ! p->return_oop(), p->return_vt()); } return NULL; } void nmethod::print_nmethod_labels(outputStream* stream, address block_begin) const { ! address low = MIN4(entry_point(), verified_entry_point(), verified_value_entry_point(), verified_value_ro_entry_point()); ! assert(low != 0, "sanity"); ! if (block_begin == low) { ! // Print method arguments before the method entry methodHandle m = method(); if (m.not_null()) { stream->print(" # "); m->print_value_on(stream); stream->cr(); } if (m.not_null() && !is_osr_method()) { ResourceMark rm; ! int sizeargs = 0; ! BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, 256); ! VMRegPair* regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, 256); ! Symbol* sig = m->signature(); ! const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig_cc = m->adapter()->get_sig_cc(); ! if (m->has_scalarized_args()) { ! // Use extended signature if value type arguments are passed as fields ! assert(sig_cc != NULL, "must have scalarized signature"); ! sig = SigEntry::create_symbol(sig_cc); ! } else if (!m->is_static()) { ! sig_bt[sizeargs++] = T_OBJECT; // 'this' ! } ! for (SignatureStream ss(sig); !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) { BasicType t = ss.type(); ! sig_bt[sizeargs++] = t; if (type2size[t] == 2) { ! sig_bt[sizeargs++] = T_VOID; } else { assert(type2size[t] == 1, "size is 1 or 2"); } } const char* spname = "sp"; // make arch-specific? ! SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, sizeargs, false); int stack_slot_offset = this->frame_size() * wordSize; int tab1 = 14, tab2 = 24; int sig_index = 0; ! int sig_index_cc = 0; ! int arg_index = ((m->is_static() || m->has_scalarized_args()) ? 0 : -1); bool did_old_sp = false; ! for (SignatureStream ss(sig); !ss.at_return_type(); ) { bool at_this = (arg_index == -1); bool at_old_sp = false; BasicType t = (at_this ? T_OBJECT : ss.type()); assert(t == sig_bt[sig_index], "sigs in sync"); ! if (at_this) { stream->print(" # this: "); ! } else { stream->print(" # parm%d: ", arg_index); + } stream->move_to(tab1); VMReg fst = regs[sig_index].first(); VMReg snd = regs[sig_index].second(); if (fst->is_reg()) { stream->print("%s", fst->name());
*** 2659,2668 **** --- 2660,2678 ---- } } if (!did_name) stream->print("%s", type2name(t)); } + if (m->has_scalarized_args()) { + while (!SigEntry::skip_value_delimiters(sig_cc, sig_index_cc)) { + sig_index_cc++; + } + if (SigEntry::is_reserved_entry(sig_cc, sig_index_cc)) { + stream->print(" [RESERVED]"); + } + sig_index_cc += type2size[t]; + } if (at_old_sp) { stream->print(" (%s of caller)", spname); did_old_sp = true; } stream->cr();
*** 2677,2686 **** --- 2687,2709 ---- stream->print(" (%s of caller)", spname); stream->cr(); } } } + + if (block_begin == entry_point()) stream->print_cr("[Entry Point]"); + if (block_begin == verified_entry_point()) stream->print_cr("[Verified Entry Point]"); + if (block_begin == verified_value_entry_point()) stream->print_cr("[Verified Value Entry Point]"); + if (block_begin == verified_value_ro_entry_point()) stream->print_cr("[Verified Value Entry Point (RO)]"); + if (JVMCI_ONLY(_exception_offset >= 0 &&) block_begin == exception_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Exception Handler]"); + if (block_begin == stub_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Stub Code]"); + if (JVMCI_ONLY(_deopt_handler_begin != NULL &&) block_begin == deopt_handler_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Deopt Handler Code]"); + + if (has_method_handle_invokes()) + if (block_begin == deopt_mh_handler_begin()) stream->print_cr("[Deopt MH Handler Code]"); + + if (block_begin == consts_begin() && consts_begin() != low) stream->print_cr("[Constants]"); } void nmethod::print_code_comment_on(outputStream* st, int column, u_char* begin, u_char* end) { // First, find an oopmap in (begin, end]. // We use the odd half-closed interval so that oop maps and scope descs
*** 2755,2765 **** } default: break; } } ! st->print(" {reexecute=%d rethrow=%d return_oop=%d}", sd->should_reexecute(), sd->rethrow_exception(), sd->return_oop()); } // Print all scopes for (;sd != NULL; sd = sd->sender()) { st->move_to(column); --- 2778,2788 ---- } default: break; } } ! st->print(" {reexecute=%d rethrow=%d return_oop=%d return_vt=%d}", sd->should_reexecute(), sd->rethrow_exception(), sd->return_oop(), sd->return_vt()); } // Print all scopes for (;sd != NULL; sd = sd->sender()) { st->move_to(column);
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