< prev index next >


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  74  private:
  75   // If you add a new field that points to any metaspace object, you
  76   // must add this field to Method::metaspace_pointers_do().
  77   ConstMethod*      _constMethod;                // Method read-only data.
  78   MethodData*       _method_data;
  79   MethodCounters*   _method_counters;
  80   AccessFlags       _access_flags;               // Access flags
  81   int               _vtable_index;               // vtable index of this method (see VtableIndexFlag)
  82                                                  // note: can have vtables with >2**16 elements (because of inheritance)
  83   u2                _intrinsic_id;               // vmSymbols::intrinsic_id (0 == _none)
  85   // Flags
  86   enum Flags {
  87     _caller_sensitive      = 1 << 0,
  88     _force_inline          = 1 << 1,
  89     _dont_inline           = 1 << 2,
  90     _hidden                = 1 << 3,
  91     _has_injected_profile  = 1 << 4,
  92     _running_emcp          = 1 << 5,
  93     _intrinsic_candidate   = 1 << 6,
  94     _reserved_stack_access = 1 << 7

  95   };
  96   mutable u2 _flags;
 100 #ifndef PRODUCT
 101   int               _compiled_invocation_count;  // Number of nmethod invocations so far (for perf. debugging)
 102 #endif
 103   // Entry point for calling both from and to the interpreter.
 104   address _i2i_entry;           // All-args-on-stack calling convention
 105   // Entry point for calling from compiled code, to compiled code if it exists
 106   // or else the interpreter.
 107   volatile address _from_compiled_entry;        // Cache of: _code ? _code->entry_point() : _adapter->c2i_entry()

 108   // The entry point for calling both from and to compiled code is
 109   // "_code->entry_point()".  Because of tiered compilation and de-opt, this
 110   // field can come and go.  It can transition from NULL to not-null at any
 111   // time (whenever a compile completes).  It can transition from not-null to
 112   // NULL only at safepoints (because of a de-opt).
 113   CompiledMethod* volatile _code;                       // Points to the corresponding piece of native code
 114   volatile address           _from_interpreted_entry; // Cache of _code ? _adapter->i2c_entry() : _i2i_entry

 116 #if INCLUDE_AOT && defined(TIERED)
 117   CompiledMethod* _aot_code;
 118 #endif
 120   // Constructor
 121   Method(ConstMethod* xconst, AccessFlags access_flags);
 122  public:
 124   static Method* allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
 125                           int byte_code_size,
 126                           AccessFlags access_flags,
 127                           InlineTableSizes* sizes,
 128                           ConstMethod::MethodType method_type,
 129                           TRAPS);
 131   // CDS and vtbl checking can create an empty Method to get vtbl pointer.
 132   Method(){}
 134   bool is_method() const volatile { return true; }

 432     if (TieredCompilation) ShouldNotReachHere();
 433     MethodCounters* mcs = get_method_counters(CHECK_0);
 434     return (mcs == NULL) ? 0 : mcs->increment_interpreter_invocation_count();
 435   }
 436 #endif
 438 #ifndef PRODUCT
 439   int  compiled_invocation_count() const         { return _compiled_invocation_count;  }
 440   void set_compiled_invocation_count(int count)  { _compiled_invocation_count = count; }
 441 #else
 442   // for PrintMethodData in a product build
 443   int  compiled_invocation_count() const         { return 0;  }
 444 #endif // not PRODUCT
 446   // Clear (non-shared space) pointers which could not be relevant
 447   // if this (shared) method were mapped into another JVM.
 448   void remove_unshareable_info();
 450   // nmethod/verified compiler entry
 451   address verified_code_entry();

 452   bool check_code() const;      // Not inline to avoid circular ref
 453   CompiledMethod* volatile code() const;
 454   void clear_code(bool acquire_lock = true);    // Clear out any compiled code
 455   static void set_code(const methodHandle& mh, CompiledMethod* code);
 456   void set_adapter_entry(AdapterHandlerEntry* adapter) {
 457     constMethod()->set_adapter_entry(adapter);
 458   }
 459   void update_adapter_trampoline(AdapterHandlerEntry* adapter) {
 460     constMethod()->update_adapter_trampoline(adapter);
 461   }
 463   address get_i2c_entry();
 464   address get_c2i_entry();
 465   address get_c2i_unverified_entry();
 466   AdapterHandlerEntry* adapter() const {
 467     return constMethod()->adapter();
 468   }
 469   // setup entry points
 470   void link_method(const methodHandle& method, TRAPS);
 471   // clear entry points. Used by sharing code during dump time

 558   // localvariable table
 559   bool has_localvariable_table() const
 560                           { return constMethod()->has_localvariable_table(); }
 561   int localvariable_table_length() const
 562                         { return constMethod()->localvariable_table_length(); }
 563   LocalVariableTableElement* localvariable_table_start() const
 564                          { return constMethod()->localvariable_table_start(); }
 566   bool has_linenumber_table() const
 567                               { return constMethod()->has_linenumber_table(); }
 568   u_char* compressed_linenumber_table() const
 569                        { return constMethod()->compressed_linenumber_table(); }
 571   // method holder (the Klass* holding this method)
 572   InstanceKlass* method_holder() const         { return constants()->pool_holder(); }
 574   void compute_size_of_parameters(Thread *thread); // word size of parameters (receiver if any + arguments)
 575   Symbol* klass_name() const;                    // returns the name of the method holder
 576   BasicType result_type() const;                 // type of the method result
 577   bool is_returning_oop() const                  { BasicType r = result_type(); return (r == T_OBJECT || r == T_ARRAY); }
 578   bool is_returning_fp() const                   { BasicType r = result_type(); return (r == T_FLOAT || r == T_DOUBLE); }

 580   // Checked exceptions thrown by this method (resolved to mirrors)
 581   objArrayHandle resolved_checked_exceptions(TRAPS) { return resolved_checked_exceptions_impl(this, THREAD); }
 583   // Access flags
 584   bool is_public() const                         { return access_flags().is_public();      }
 585   bool is_private() const                        { return access_flags().is_private();     }
 586   bool is_protected() const                      { return access_flags().is_protected();   }
 587   bool is_package_private() const                { return !is_public() && !is_private() && !is_protected(); }
 588   bool is_static() const                         { return access_flags().is_static();      }
 589   bool is_final() const                          { return access_flags().is_final();       }
 590   bool is_synchronized() const                   { return access_flags().is_synchronized();}
 591   bool is_native() const                         { return access_flags().is_native();      }
 592   bool is_abstract() const                       { return access_flags().is_abstract();    }
 593   bool is_strict() const                         { return access_flags().is_strict();      }
 594   bool is_synthetic() const                      { return access_flags().is_synthetic();   }
 596   // returns true if contains only return operation
 597   bool is_empty_method() const;

 668 #ifdef TIERED
 669   bool has_aot_code() const                      { return aot_code() != NULL; }
 670 #endif
 672   // sizing
 673   static int header_size()                       {
 674     return align_up((int)sizeof(Method), wordSize) / wordSize;
 675   }
 676   static int size(bool is_native);
 677   int size() const                               { return method_size(); }
 679   void collect_statistics(KlassSizeStats *sz) const;
 680 #endif
 681   void log_touched(TRAPS);
 682   static void print_touched_methods(outputStream* out);
 684   // interpreter support
 685   static ByteSize const_offset()                 { return byte_offset_of(Method, _constMethod       ); }
 686   static ByteSize access_flags_offset()          { return byte_offset_of(Method, _access_flags      ); }
 687   static ByteSize from_compiled_offset()         { return byte_offset_of(Method, _from_compiled_entry); }

 688   static ByteSize code_offset()                  { return byte_offset_of(Method, _code); }

 689   static ByteSize method_data_offset()           {
 690     return byte_offset_of(Method, _method_data);
 691   }
 692   static ByteSize method_counters_offset()       {
 693     return byte_offset_of(Method, _method_counters);
 694   }
 695 #ifndef PRODUCT
 696   static ByteSize compiled_invocation_counter_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Method, _compiled_invocation_count); }
 697 #endif // not PRODUCT
 698   static ByteSize native_function_offset()       { return in_ByteSize(sizeof(Method));                 }
 699   static ByteSize from_interpreted_offset()      { return byte_offset_of(Method, _from_interpreted_entry ); }
 700   static ByteSize interpreter_entry_offset()     { return byte_offset_of(Method, _i2i_entry ); }
 701   static ByteSize signature_handler_offset()     { return in_ByteSize(sizeof(Method) + wordSize);      }
 702   static ByteSize itable_index_offset()          { return byte_offset_of(Method, _vtable_index ); }
 704   // for code generation
 705   static int method_data_offset_in_bytes()       { return offset_of(Method, _method_data); }
 706   static int intrinsic_id_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(Method, _intrinsic_id); }
 707   static int intrinsic_id_size_in_bytes()        { return sizeof(u2); }

 709   // Static methods that are used to implement member methods where an exposed this pointer
 710   // is needed due to possible GCs
 711   static objArrayHandle resolved_checked_exceptions_impl(Method* method, TRAPS);
 713   // Returns the byte code index from the byte code pointer
 714   int     bci_from(address bcp) const;
 715   address bcp_from(int bci) const;
 716   address bcp_from(address bcp) const;
 717   int validate_bci_from_bcp(address bcp) const;
 718   int validate_bci(int bci) const;
 720   // Returns the line number for a bci if debugging information for the method is prowided,
 721   // -1 is returned otherwise.
 722   int line_number_from_bci(int bci) const;
 724   // Reflection support
 725   bool is_overridden_in(Klass* k) const;
 727   // Stack walking support
 728   bool is_ignored_by_security_stack_walk() const;

 866   bool intrinsic_candidate() {
 867     return (_flags & _intrinsic_candidate) != 0;
 868   }
 869   void set_intrinsic_candidate(bool x) {
 870     _flags = x ? (_flags | _intrinsic_candidate) : (_flags & ~_intrinsic_candidate);
 871   }
 873   bool has_injected_profile() {
 874     return (_flags & _has_injected_profile) != 0;
 875   }
 876   void set_has_injected_profile(bool x) {
 877     _flags = x ? (_flags | _has_injected_profile) : (_flags & ~_has_injected_profile);
 878   }
 880   bool has_reserved_stack_access() {
 881     return (_flags & _reserved_stack_access) != 0;
 882   }
 884   void set_has_reserved_stack_access(bool x) {
 885     _flags = x ? (_flags | _reserved_stack_access) : (_flags & ~_reserved_stack_access);

 886   }
 890   ConstMethod::MethodType method_type() const {
 891       return _constMethod->method_type();
 892   }
 893   bool is_overpass() const { return method_type() == ConstMethod::OVERPASS; }
 895   // On-stack replacement support
 896   bool has_osr_nmethod(int level, bool match_level) {
 897    return method_holder()->lookup_osr_nmethod(this, InvocationEntryBci, level, match_level) != NULL;
 898   }
 900   int mark_osr_nmethods() {
 901     return method_holder()->mark_osr_nmethods(this);
 902   }
 904   nmethod* lookup_osr_nmethod_for(int bci, int level, bool match_level) {
 905     return method_holder()->lookup_osr_nmethod(this, bci, level, match_level);

  74  private:
  75   // If you add a new field that points to any metaspace object, you
  76   // must add this field to Method::metaspace_pointers_do().
  77   ConstMethod*      _constMethod;                // Method read-only data.
  78   MethodData*       _method_data;
  79   MethodCounters*   _method_counters;
  80   AccessFlags       _access_flags;               // Access flags
  81   int               _vtable_index;               // vtable index of this method (see VtableIndexFlag)
  82                                                  // note: can have vtables with >2**16 elements (because of inheritance)
  83   u2                _intrinsic_id;               // vmSymbols::intrinsic_id (0 == _none)
  85   // Flags
  86   enum Flags {
  87     _caller_sensitive      = 1 << 0,
  88     _force_inline          = 1 << 1,
  89     _dont_inline           = 1 << 2,
  90     _hidden                = 1 << 3,
  91     _has_injected_profile  = 1 << 4,
  92     _running_emcp          = 1 << 5,
  93     _intrinsic_candidate   = 1 << 6,
  94     _reserved_stack_access = 1 << 7,
  95     _scalarized_args       = 1 << 8,
  96     _needs_stack_repair    = 1 << 9
  97   };
  98   mutable u2 _flags;
 102 #ifndef PRODUCT
 103   int               _compiled_invocation_count;  // Number of nmethod invocations so far (for perf. debugging)
 104 #endif
 105   // Entry point for calling both from and to the interpreter.
 106   address _i2i_entry;           // All-args-on-stack calling convention
 107   // Entry point for calling from compiled code, to compiled code if it exists
 108   // or else the interpreter.
 109   volatile address _from_compiled_entry;          // Cache of: _code ? _code->verified_entry_point()          : _adapter->c2i_entry()
 110   volatile address _from_compiled_value_ro_entry; // Cache of: _code ? _code->verified_value_ro_entry_point() : _adapter->c2i_value_ro_entry()
 111   volatile address _from_compiled_value_entry;    // Cache of: _code ? _code->verified_value_entry_point()    : _adapter->c2i_value_entry()
 112   // The entry point for calling both from and to compiled code is
 113   // "_code->entry_point()".  Because of tiered compilation and de-opt, this
 114   // field can come and go.  It can transition from NULL to not-null at any
 115   // time (whenever a compile completes).  It can transition from not-null to
 116   // NULL only at safepoints (because of a de-opt).
 117   CompiledMethod* volatile _code;                       // Points to the corresponding piece of native code
 118   volatile address           _from_interpreted_entry; // Cache of _code ? _adapter->i2c_entry() : _i2i_entry
 119   int _max_vt_buffer; // max number of VT buffer chunk to use before recycling
 121 #if INCLUDE_AOT && defined(TIERED)
 122   CompiledMethod* _aot_code;
 123 #endif
 125   // Constructor
 126   Method(ConstMethod* xconst, AccessFlags access_flags);
 127  public:
 129   static Method* allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
 130                           int byte_code_size,
 131                           AccessFlags access_flags,
 132                           InlineTableSizes* sizes,
 133                           ConstMethod::MethodType method_type,
 134                           TRAPS);
 136   // CDS and vtbl checking can create an empty Method to get vtbl pointer.
 137   Method(){}
 139   bool is_method() const volatile { return true; }

 437     if (TieredCompilation) ShouldNotReachHere();
 438     MethodCounters* mcs = get_method_counters(CHECK_0);
 439     return (mcs == NULL) ? 0 : mcs->increment_interpreter_invocation_count();
 440   }
 441 #endif
 443 #ifndef PRODUCT
 444   int  compiled_invocation_count() const         { return _compiled_invocation_count;  }
 445   void set_compiled_invocation_count(int count)  { _compiled_invocation_count = count; }
 446 #else
 447   // for PrintMethodData in a product build
 448   int  compiled_invocation_count() const         { return 0;  }
 449 #endif // not PRODUCT
 451   // Clear (non-shared space) pointers which could not be relevant
 452   // if this (shared) method were mapped into another JVM.
 453   void remove_unshareable_info();
 455   // nmethod/verified compiler entry
 456   address verified_code_entry();
 457   address verified_value_ro_code_entry();
 458   bool check_code() const;      // Not inline to avoid circular ref
 459   CompiledMethod* volatile code() const;
 460   void clear_code(bool acquire_lock = true);    // Clear out any compiled code
 461   static void set_code(const methodHandle& mh, CompiledMethod* code);
 462   void set_adapter_entry(AdapterHandlerEntry* adapter) {
 463     constMethod()->set_adapter_entry(adapter);
 464   }
 465   void update_adapter_trampoline(AdapterHandlerEntry* adapter) {
 466     constMethod()->update_adapter_trampoline(adapter);
 467   }
 469   address get_i2c_entry();
 470   address get_c2i_entry();
 471   address get_c2i_unverified_entry();
 472   AdapterHandlerEntry* adapter() const {
 473     return constMethod()->adapter();
 474   }
 475   // setup entry points
 476   void link_method(const methodHandle& method, TRAPS);
 477   // clear entry points. Used by sharing code during dump time

 564   // localvariable table
 565   bool has_localvariable_table() const
 566                           { return constMethod()->has_localvariable_table(); }
 567   int localvariable_table_length() const
 568                         { return constMethod()->localvariable_table_length(); }
 569   LocalVariableTableElement* localvariable_table_start() const
 570                          { return constMethod()->localvariable_table_start(); }
 572   bool has_linenumber_table() const
 573                               { return constMethod()->has_linenumber_table(); }
 574   u_char* compressed_linenumber_table() const
 575                        { return constMethod()->compressed_linenumber_table(); }
 577   // method holder (the Klass* holding this method)
 578   InstanceKlass* method_holder() const         { return constants()->pool_holder(); }
 580   void compute_size_of_parameters(Thread *thread); // word size of parameters (receiver if any + arguments)
 581   Symbol* klass_name() const;                    // returns the name of the method holder
 582   BasicType result_type() const;                 // type of the method result
 583   bool may_return_oop() const                    { BasicType r = result_type(); return (r == T_OBJECT || r == T_ARRAY ||  r == T_VALUETYPE); }
 584 #ifdef ASSERT
 585   ValueKlass* returned_value_type(Thread* thread) const;
 586 #endif
 588   // Checked exceptions thrown by this method (resolved to mirrors)
 589   objArrayHandle resolved_checked_exceptions(TRAPS) { return resolved_checked_exceptions_impl(this, THREAD); }
 591   // Access flags
 592   bool is_public() const                         { return access_flags().is_public();      }
 593   bool is_private() const                        { return access_flags().is_private();     }
 594   bool is_protected() const                      { return access_flags().is_protected();   }
 595   bool is_package_private() const                { return !is_public() && !is_private() && !is_protected(); }
 596   bool is_static() const                         { return access_flags().is_static();      }
 597   bool is_final() const                          { return access_flags().is_final();       }
 598   bool is_synchronized() const                   { return access_flags().is_synchronized();}
 599   bool is_native() const                         { return access_flags().is_native();      }
 600   bool is_abstract() const                       { return access_flags().is_abstract();    }
 601   bool is_strict() const                         { return access_flags().is_strict();      }
 602   bool is_synthetic() const                      { return access_flags().is_synthetic();   }
 604   // returns true if contains only return operation
 605   bool is_empty_method() const;

 676 #ifdef TIERED
 677   bool has_aot_code() const                      { return aot_code() != NULL; }
 678 #endif
 680   // sizing
 681   static int header_size()                       {
 682     return align_up((int)sizeof(Method), wordSize) / wordSize;
 683   }
 684   static int size(bool is_native);
 685   int size() const                               { return method_size(); }
 687   void collect_statistics(KlassSizeStats *sz) const;
 688 #endif
 689   void log_touched(TRAPS);
 690   static void print_touched_methods(outputStream* out);
 692   // interpreter support
 693   static ByteSize const_offset()                 { return byte_offset_of(Method, _constMethod       ); }
 694   static ByteSize access_flags_offset()          { return byte_offset_of(Method, _access_flags      ); }
 695   static ByteSize from_compiled_offset()         { return byte_offset_of(Method, _from_compiled_entry); }
 696   static ByteSize from_compiled_value_offset()   { return byte_offset_of(Method, _from_compiled_value_entry); }
 697   static ByteSize from_compiled_value_ro_offset(){ return byte_offset_of(Method, _from_compiled_value_ro_entry); }
 698   static ByteSize code_offset()                  { return byte_offset_of(Method, _code); }
 699   static ByteSize flags_offset()                 { return byte_offset_of(Method, _flags); }
 700   static ByteSize method_data_offset()           {
 701     return byte_offset_of(Method, _method_data);
 702   }
 703   static ByteSize method_counters_offset()       {
 704     return byte_offset_of(Method, _method_counters);
 705   }
 706 #ifndef PRODUCT
 707   static ByteSize compiled_invocation_counter_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Method, _compiled_invocation_count); }
 708 #endif // not PRODUCT
 709   static ByteSize native_function_offset()       { return in_ByteSize(sizeof(Method));                 }
 710   static ByteSize from_interpreted_offset()      { return byte_offset_of(Method, _from_interpreted_entry ); }
 711   static ByteSize interpreter_entry_offset()     { return byte_offset_of(Method, _i2i_entry ); }
 712   static ByteSize signature_handler_offset()     { return in_ByteSize(sizeof(Method) + wordSize);      }
 713   static ByteSize itable_index_offset()          { return byte_offset_of(Method, _vtable_index ); }
 715   // for code generation
 716   static int method_data_offset_in_bytes()       { return offset_of(Method, _method_data); }
 717   static int intrinsic_id_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(Method, _intrinsic_id); }
 718   static int intrinsic_id_size_in_bytes()        { return sizeof(u2); }
 720   static ByteSize max_vt_buffer_offset()         { return byte_offset_of(Method, _max_vt_buffer); }
 722   // Static methods that are used to implement member methods where an exposed this pointer
 723   // is needed due to possible GCs
 724   static objArrayHandle resolved_checked_exceptions_impl(Method* method, TRAPS);
 726   // Returns the byte code index from the byte code pointer
 727   int     bci_from(address bcp) const;
 728   address bcp_from(int bci) const;
 729   address bcp_from(address bcp) const;
 730   int validate_bci_from_bcp(address bcp) const;
 731   int validate_bci(int bci) const;
 733   // Returns the line number for a bci if debugging information for the method is prowided,
 734   // -1 is returned otherwise.
 735   int line_number_from_bci(int bci) const;
 737   // Reflection support
 738   bool is_overridden_in(Klass* k) const;
 740   // Stack walking support
 741   bool is_ignored_by_security_stack_walk() const;

 879   bool intrinsic_candidate() {
 880     return (_flags & _intrinsic_candidate) != 0;
 881   }
 882   void set_intrinsic_candidate(bool x) {
 883     _flags = x ? (_flags | _intrinsic_candidate) : (_flags & ~_intrinsic_candidate);
 884   }
 886   bool has_injected_profile() {
 887     return (_flags & _has_injected_profile) != 0;
 888   }
 889   void set_has_injected_profile(bool x) {
 890     _flags = x ? (_flags | _has_injected_profile) : (_flags & ~_has_injected_profile);
 891   }
 893   bool has_reserved_stack_access() {
 894     return (_flags & _reserved_stack_access) != 0;
 895   }
 897   void set_has_reserved_stack_access(bool x) {
 898     _flags = x ? (_flags | _reserved_stack_access) : (_flags & ~_reserved_stack_access);
 899   }
 901   bool has_scalarized_args() {
 902     return (_flags & _scalarized_args) != 0;
 903   }
 905   void set_has_scalarized_args(bool x) {
 906     _flags = x ? (_flags | _scalarized_args) : (_flags & ~_scalarized_args);
 907   }
 909   bool needs_stack_repair() {
 910     return (_flags & _needs_stack_repair) != 0;
 911   }
 913   void set_needs_stack_repair(bool x) {
 914     _flags = x ? (_flags | _needs_stack_repair) : (_flags & ~_needs_stack_repair);
 915   }
 919   ConstMethod::MethodType method_type() const {
 920       return _constMethod->method_type();
 921   }
 922   bool is_overpass() const { return method_type() == ConstMethod::OVERPASS; }
 924   // On-stack replacement support
 925   bool has_osr_nmethod(int level, bool match_level) {
 926    return method_holder()->lookup_osr_nmethod(this, InvocationEntryBci, level, match_level) != NULL;
 927   }
 929   int mark_osr_nmethods() {
 930     return method_holder()->mark_osr_nmethods(this);
 931   }
 933   nmethod* lookup_osr_nmethod_for(int bci, int level, bool match_level) {
 934     return method_holder()->lookup_osr_nmethod(this, bci, level, match_level);

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