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 891           "as RuntimeVisibleAnnotations")                                   \
 892                                                                             \
 893   develop(uintx, PreallocatedOutOfMemoryErrorCount, 4,                      \
 894           "Number of OutOfMemoryErrors preallocated with backtrace")        \
 895                                                                             \
 896   product(bool, UseXMMForArrayCopy, false,                                  \
 897           "Use SSE2 MOVQ instruction for Arraycopy")                        \
 898                                                                             \
 899   product(intx, FieldsAllocationStyle, 1,                                   \
 900           "0 - type based with oops first, "                                \
 901           "1 - with oops last, "                                            \
 902           "2 - oops in super and sub classes are together")                 \
 903           range(0, 2)                                                       \
 904                                                                             \
 905   product(bool, CompactFields, true,                                        \
 906           "Allocate nonstatic fields in gaps between previous fields")      \
 907                                                                             \
 908   notproduct(bool, PrintFieldLayout, false,                                 \
 909           "Print field layout for each class")                              \
 910                                                                             \

 911   /* Need to limit the extent of the padding to reasonable size.          */\
 912   /* 8K is well beyond the reasonable HW cache line size, even with       */\
 913   /* aggressive prefetching, while still leaving the room for segregating */\
 914   /* among the distinct pages.                                            */\
 915   product(intx, ContendedPaddingWidth, 128,                                 \
 916           "How many bytes to pad the fields/classes marked @Contended with")\
 917           range(0, 8192)                                                    \
 918           constraint(ContendedPaddingWidthConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
 919                                                                             \
 920   product(bool, EnableContended, true,                                      \
 921           "Enable @Contended annotation support")                           \
 922                                                                             \
 923   product(bool, RestrictContended, true,                                    \
 924           "Restrict @Contended to trusted classes")                         \
 925                                                                             \
 926   product(bool, UseBiasedLocking, true,                                     \
 927           "Enable biased locking in JVM")                                   \
 928                                                                             \
 929   product(intx, BiasedLockingStartupDelay, 0,                               \
 930           "Number of milliseconds to wait before enabling biased locking")  \

2527                                                                             \
2528   develop(bool, VerifyMetaspace, false,                                     \
2529           "Verify metaspace on chunk movements.")                           \
2530                                                                             \
2531   diagnostic(bool, ShowRegistersOnAssert, true,                             \
2532           "On internal errors, include registers in error report.")         \
2533                                                                             \
2534   experimental(bool, UseSwitchProfiling, true,                              \
2535           "leverage profiling for table/lookup switch")                     \
2536                                                                             \
2537   JFR_ONLY(product(bool, FlightRecorder, false,                             \
2538           "Enable Flight Recorder"))                                        \
2539                                                                             \
2540   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, FlightRecorderOptions, NULL,                      \
2541           "Flight Recorder options"))                                       \
2542                                                                             \
2543   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, StartFlightRecording, NULL,                       \
2544           "Start flight recording with options"))                           \
2545                                                                             \
2546   experimental(bool, UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps, false,                     \
2547           "Use platform unstable time where supported for timestamps only")

2549 #define VM_FLAGS(develop,                                                   \
2550                  develop_pd,                                                \
2551                  product,                                                   \
2552                  product_pd,                                                \
2553                  diagnostic,                                                \
2554                  diagnostic_pd,                                             \
2555                  experimental,                                              \
2556                  notproduct,                                                \
2557                  manageable,                                                \
2558                  product_rw,                                                \
2559                  lp64_product,                                              \
2560                  range,                                                     \
2561                  constraint,                                                \
2562                  writeable)                                                 \
2563                                                                             \
2564   RUNTIME_FLAGS(                                                            \
2565     develop,                                                                \
2566     develop_pd,                                                             \
2567     product,                                                                \

 891           "as RuntimeVisibleAnnotations")                                   \
 892                                                                             \
 893   develop(uintx, PreallocatedOutOfMemoryErrorCount, 4,                      \
 894           "Number of OutOfMemoryErrors preallocated with backtrace")        \
 895                                                                             \
 896   product(bool, UseXMMForArrayCopy, false,                                  \
 897           "Use SSE2 MOVQ instruction for Arraycopy")                        \
 898                                                                             \
 899   product(intx, FieldsAllocationStyle, 1,                                   \
 900           "0 - type based with oops first, "                                \
 901           "1 - with oops last, "                                            \
 902           "2 - oops in super and sub classes are together")                 \
 903           range(0, 2)                                                       \
 904                                                                             \
 905   product(bool, CompactFields, true,                                        \
 906           "Allocate nonstatic fields in gaps between previous fields")      \
 907                                                                             \
 908   notproduct(bool, PrintFieldLayout, false,                                 \
 909           "Print field layout for each class")                              \
 910                                                                             \
 911   notproduct(bool, PrintValueLayout, false,                                 \
 912           "Print field layout for each value type")                         \
 913                                                                             \
 914   notproduct(bool, PrintValueArrayLayout, false,                            \
 915           "Print array layout for each value type array")                   \
 916                                                                             \
 917   product(bool, ValueArrayFlatten, true,                                    \
 918           "Flatten value array elements, if possible")                      \
 919                                                                             \
 920   product(intx, ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize, -1,                              \
 921           "Max size for flattening value array elements, <0 no limit")      \
 922                                                                             \
 923   product(intx, ValueFieldMaxFlatSize, 128,                                 \
 924           "Max size for flattening value type fields, <0 no limit")         \
 925                                                                             \
 926   product(intx, ValueArrayElemMaxFlatOops, 4,                               \
 927           "Max nof embedded object references in a value type to flatten, <0 no limit")  \
 928                                                                             \
 929   product(bool, ValueArrayAtomicAccess, false,                              \
 930           "Atomic value array accesses by-default, for all value arrays")   \
 931                                                                             \
 932   /* Need to limit the extent of the padding to reasonable size.          */\
 933   /* 8K is well beyond the reasonable HW cache line size, even with       */\
 934   /* aggressive prefetching, while still leaving the room for segregating */\
 935   /* among the distinct pages.                                            */\
 936   product(intx, ContendedPaddingWidth, 128,                                 \
 937           "How many bytes to pad the fields/classes marked @Contended with")\
 938           range(0, 8192)                                                    \
 939           constraint(ContendedPaddingWidthConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
 940                                                                             \
 941   product(bool, EnableContended, true,                                      \
 942           "Enable @Contended annotation support")                           \
 943                                                                             \
 944   product(bool, RestrictContended, true,                                    \
 945           "Restrict @Contended to trusted classes")                         \
 946                                                                             \
 947   product(bool, UseBiasedLocking, true,                                     \
 948           "Enable biased locking in JVM")                                   \
 949                                                                             \
 950   product(intx, BiasedLockingStartupDelay, 0,                               \
 951           "Number of milliseconds to wait before enabling biased locking")  \

2548                                                                             \
2549   develop(bool, VerifyMetaspace, false,                                     \
2550           "Verify metaspace on chunk movements.")                           \
2551                                                                             \
2552   diagnostic(bool, ShowRegistersOnAssert, true,                             \
2553           "On internal errors, include registers in error report.")         \
2554                                                                             \
2555   experimental(bool, UseSwitchProfiling, true,                              \
2556           "leverage profiling for table/lookup switch")                     \
2557                                                                             \
2558   JFR_ONLY(product(bool, FlightRecorder, false,                             \
2559           "Enable Flight Recorder"))                                        \
2560                                                                             \
2561   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, FlightRecorderOptions, NULL,                      \
2562           "Flight Recorder options"))                                       \
2563                                                                             \
2564   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, StartFlightRecording, NULL,                       \
2565           "Start flight recording with options"))                           \
2566                                                                             \
2567   experimental(bool, UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps, false,                     \
2568           "Use platform unstable time where supported for timestamps only") \
2569                                                                             \
2570   product(bool, EnableValhalla, false,                                      \
2571           "Enable experimental Valhalla features")                          \
2572                                                                             \
2573   product(bool, EnableValhallaC1, false,                                    \
2574           "Enable C1 compiler for Valhalla")                                \
2575                                                                             \
2576   product_pd(bool, ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs,                               \
2577           "Pass each value type field as an argument at calls")             \
2578                                                                             \
2579   product_pd(bool, ValueTypeReturnedAsFields,                               \
2580           "Return fields instead of a value type reference")                \
2581                                                                             \
2582   develop(bool, StressValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs, false,                     \
2583           "Stress passing each value type field as an argument at calls")   \
2584                                                                             \
2585   develop(bool, StressValueTypeReturnedAsFields, false,                     \
2586           "Stress return of fields instead of a value type reference")      \
2587                                                                             \
2588   develop(bool, ScalarizeValueTypes, true,                                  \
2589           "Scalarize value types in compiled code")                         \
2590                                                                             \
2591   experimental(uint, ACmpOnValues, 2,                                       \
2592                "0 = regular acmp"                                           \
2593                "1 = always false for value, perturbation scheme"            \
2594                "2 = always false for value"                                 \
2595                "3 = substitutability test")                                 \
2596                range(0, 3)                                                  \
2600 #define VM_FLAGS(develop,                                                   \
2601                  develop_pd,                                                \
2602                  product,                                                   \
2603                  product_pd,                                                \
2604                  diagnostic,                                                \
2605                  diagnostic_pd,                                             \
2606                  experimental,                                              \
2607                  notproduct,                                                \
2608                  manageable,                                                \
2609                  product_rw,                                                \
2610                  lp64_product,                                              \
2611                  range,                                                     \
2612                  constraint,                                                \
2613                  writeable)                                                 \
2614                                                                             \
2615   RUNTIME_FLAGS(                                                            \
2616     develop,                                                                \
2617     develop_pd,                                                             \
2618     product,                                                                \

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