< prev index next >


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 173   assert(index < field_count(), "index out of bounds");
 174   return value_klass()->declared_nonstatic_field_at(index)->type();
 175 }
 177 bool ValueTypeBaseNode::field_is_flattened(uint index) const {
 178   assert(index < field_count(), "index out of bounds");
 179   ciField* field = value_klass()->declared_nonstatic_field_at(index);
 180   assert(!field->is_flattened() || field->type()->is_valuetype(), "must be a value type");
 181   return field->is_flattened();
 182 }
 184 int ValueTypeBaseNode::make_scalar_in_safepoint(Unique_Node_List& worklist, SafePointNode* sfpt, Node* root, PhaseGVN* gvn) {
 185   ciValueKlass* vk = value_klass();
 186   uint nfields = vk->nof_nonstatic_fields();
 187   JVMState* jvms = sfpt->jvms();
 188   int start = jvms->debug_start();
 189   int end   = jvms->debug_end();
 190   // Replace safepoint edge by SafePointScalarObjectNode and add field values
 191   assert(jvms != NULL, "missing JVMS");
 192   uint first_ind = (sfpt->req() - jvms->scloff());
 193   const TypeValueTypePtr* res_type = value_type_ptr();
 194   SafePointScalarObjectNode* sobj = new SafePointScalarObjectNode(res_type,
 195 #ifdef ASSERT
 196                                                                   NULL,
 197 #endif
 198                                                                   first_ind, nfields);
 199   sobj->init_req(0, root);
 200   // Iterate over the value type fields in order of increasing
 201   // offset and add the field values to the safepoint.
 202   for (uint j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
 203     int offset = vk->nonstatic_field_at(j)->offset();
 204     Node* value = field_value_by_offset(offset, true /* include flattened value type fields */);
 205     if (value->is_ValueType()) {
 206       if (value->as_ValueType()->is_allocated(gvn)) {
 207         value = value->as_ValueType()->get_oop();
 208       } else {
 209         // Add non-flattened value type field to the worklist to process later
 210         worklist.push(value);
 211       }
 212     }
 213     sfpt->add_req(value);
 214   }

 310     Node* value = NULL;
 311     ciType* ft = field_type(i);
 312     if (field_is_flattened(i)) {
 313       // Recursively load the flattened value type field
 314       value = ValueTypeNode::make_from_flattened(gvn, ft->as_value_klass(), ctl, mem, base, ptr, holder, offset);
 315     } else {
 316       const Type* con_type = NULL;
 317       if (base->is_Con()) {
 318         // If the oop to the value type is constant (static final field), we can
 319         // also treat the fields as constants because the value type is immutable.
 320         const TypeOopPtr* oop_ptr = base->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr();
 321         ciObject* constant_oop = oop_ptr->const_oop();
 322         ciField* field = holder->get_field_by_offset(offset, false);
 323         assert(field != NULL, "field not found");
 324         ciConstant constant = constant_oop->as_instance()->field_value(field);
 325         con_type = Type::make_from_constant(constant, /*require_const=*/ true);
 326       }
 327       if (con_type != NULL) {
 328         // Found a constant field value
 329         value = gvn.transform(gvn.makecon(con_type));
 330         if (con_type->isa_valuetypeptr()) {
 331           // Constant, non-flattened value type field
 332           value = ValueTypeNode::make_from_oop(gvn, ctl, mem, value, ft->as_value_klass());
 333         }
 334       } else {
 335         // Load field value from memory
 336         const TypePtr* adr_type = field_adr_type(base, offset, holder, gvn);
 337         Node* adr = gvn.transform(new AddPNode(base, ptr, gvn.MakeConX(offset)));
 338         BasicType bt = type2field[ft->basic_type()];
 339         assert(is_java_primitive(bt) || adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop() == UseCompressedOops, "inconsistent");
 340         const Type* rt = Type::get_const_type(ft);
 341         const TypeAryPtr* ary_type = gvn.type(base)->isa_aryptr();
 342         bool is_array = ary_type != NULL;
 343         Node* load_mem = mem;
 344         if (mem->is_MergeMem()) {
 345           load_mem = mem->as_MergeMem()->memory_at(gvn.C->get_alias_index(adr_type));
 346         }
 347         value = gvn.transform(LoadNode::make(gvn, is_array ? ctl : NULL, load_mem, adr, adr_type, rt, bt, MemNode::unordered));
 348         if (bt == T_VALUETYPE) {
 349           // Non-flattened value type field, check for null
 350           value = ValueTypeNode::make_from_oop(gvn, ctl, mem, value, ft->as_value_klass(), /* null_check */ true);

 387         bool is_array = ary_type != NULL;
 388         kit->store_oop(kit->control(), base, adr, adr_type, value, val_type, bt, is_array, MemNode::unordered, false, deoptimize_on_exception);
 389       }
 390     }
 391   }
 392 }
 394 ValueTypeBaseNode* ValueTypeBaseNode::allocate(GraphKit* kit, bool deoptimize_on_exception) {
 395   Node* in_oop = get_oop();
 396   Node* null_ctl = kit->top();
 397   // Check if value type is already allocated
 398   Node* not_null_oop = kit->null_check_oop(in_oop, &null_ctl);
 399   if (null_ctl->is_top()) {
 400     // Value type is allocated
 401     return this;
 402   }
 403   // Not able to prove that value type is allocated.
 404   // Emit runtime check that may be folded later.
 405   assert(!is_allocated(&kit->gvn()), "should not be allocated");
 406   RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
 407   PhiNode* oop = new PhiNode(region, value_type_ptr());
 408   PhiNode* io  = new PhiNode(region, Type::ABIO);
 409   PhiNode* mem = new PhiNode(region, Type::MEMORY, TypePtr::BOTTOM);
 411   // Oop is non-NULL, use it
 412   region->init_req(1, kit->control());
 413   oop   ->init_req(1, not_null_oop);
 414   io    ->init_req(1, kit->i_o());
 415   mem   ->init_req(1, kit->merged_memory());
 417   // Oop is NULL, allocate value type
 418   kit->set_control(null_ctl);
 419   kit->kill_dead_locals();
 420   ciValueKlass* vk = value_klass();
 421   Node* klass_node = kit->makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(vk));
 422   Node* alloc_oop  = kit->new_instance(klass_node, NULL, NULL, deoptimize_on_exception, this);
 423   // Write field values to memory
 424   store(kit, alloc_oop, alloc_oop, vk, 0, deoptimize_on_exception);
 425   region->init_req(2, kit->control());
 426   oop   ->init_req(2, alloc_oop);
 427   io    ->init_req(2, kit->i_o());

 578     assert(vt->is_allocated(&gvn), "value type should be allocated");
 579     assert(init_ctl != ctl || oop->is_Con() || oop->is_CheckCastPP() || oop->Opcode() == Op_ValueTypePtr ||
 580            vt->is_loaded(&gvn) == oop, "value type should be loaded");
 581   }
 583   if (buffer_check && vk->is_bufferable()) {
 584     // Check if oop is in heap bounds or if it points into the vtBuffer:
 585     // base <= oop < (base + size)  <=>  (oop - base) <U size
 586     // Discard buffer oops to avoid storing them into fields or arrays.
 587     assert(!gvn.type(oop)->isa_narrowoop(), "should not be a narrow oop");
 588     Node* heap_base = gvn.MakeConX((intptr_t)Universe::heap()->base());
 589     Node* heap_size = gvn.MakeConX(Universe::heap()->max_capacity());
 590     Node* sub = gvn.transform(new SubXNode(gvn.transform(new CastP2XNode(NULL, oop)), heap_base));
 591     Node* chk = gvn.transform(new CmpUXNode(sub, heap_size));
 592     Node* tst = gvn.transform(new BoolNode(chk, BoolTest::lt));
 593     IfNode* iff = gvn.transform(new IfNode(ctl, tst, PROB_MAX, COUNT_UNKNOWN))->as_If();
 595     Node* region = new RegionNode(3);
 596     region->init_req(1, gvn.transform(new IfTrueNode(iff)));
 597     region->init_req(2, gvn.transform(new IfFalseNode(iff)));
 598     Node* new_oop = new PhiNode(region, vt->value_type_ptr());
 599     new_oop->init_req(1, oop);
 600     new_oop->init_req(2, gvn.zerocon(T_VALUETYPE));
 602     gvn.hash_delete(vt);
 603     vt->set_oop(gvn.transform(new_oop));
 604     vt = gvn.transform(vt)->as_ValueType();
 605     ctl = gvn.transform(region);
 606   }
 608   return vt;
 609 }
 611 // GraphKit wrapper for the 'make_from_oop' method
 612 ValueTypeNode* ValueTypeNode::make_from_oop(GraphKit* kit, Node* oop, ciValueKlass* vk, bool null_check, bool buffer_check) {
 613   Node* ctl = kit->control();
 614   ValueTypeNode* vt = make_from_oop(kit->gvn(), ctl, kit->merged_memory(), oop, vk, null_check, buffer_check);
 615   kit->set_control(ctl);
 616   return vt;
 617 }

 649   if (field_count() == 0) {
 650     assert(is_allocated(phase), "must be allocated");
 651     return get_oop();
 652   }
 653   for (uint i = 0; i < field_count(); ++i) {
 654     int offset = holder_offset + field_offset(i);
 655     Node* value = field_value(i);
 656     if (value->isa_DecodeN()) {
 657       // Skip DecodeN
 658       value = value->in(1);
 659     }
 660     if (value->isa_Load()) {
 661       // Check if base and offset of field load matches value type layout
 662       intptr_t loffset = 0;
 663       Node* lbase = AddPNode::Ideal_base_and_offset(value->in(MemNode::Address), phase, loffset);
 664       if (lbase == NULL || (lbase != base && base != NULL) || loffset != offset) {
 665         return NULL;
 666       } else if (base == NULL) {
 667         // Set base and check if pointer type matches
 668         base = lbase;
 669         const TypeValueTypePtr* vtptr = phase->type(base)->isa_valuetypeptr();
 670         if (vtptr == NULL || !vtptr->value_klass()->equals(vk)) {
 671           return NULL;
 672         }
 673       }
 674     } else if (value->isa_ValueType()) {
 675       // Check value type field load recursively
 676       ValueTypeNode* vt = value->as_ValueType();
 677       base = vt->is_loaded(phase, vk, base, offset - vt->value_klass()->first_field_offset());
 678       if (base == NULL) {
 679         return NULL;
 680       }
 681     } else {
 682       return NULL;
 683     }
 684   }
 685   return base;
 686 }
 688 Node* ValueTypeNode::allocate_fields(GraphKit* kit) {
 689   ValueTypeNode* vt = clone()->as_ValueType();
 690   for (uint i = 0; i < field_count(); i++) {

 901 ValueTypePtrNode* ValueTypePtrNode::make_from_value_type(PhaseGVN& gvn, ValueTypeNode* vt) {
 902   ValueTypePtrNode* vtptr = new ValueTypePtrNode(vt->value_klass(), vt->get_oop());
 903   for (uint i = Oop+1; i < vt->req(); i++) {
 904     vtptr->init_req(i, vt->in(i));
 905   }
 906   return gvn.transform(vtptr)->as_ValueTypePtr();
 907 }
 909 ValueTypePtrNode* ValueTypePtrNode::make_from_call(GraphKit* kit, ciValueKlass* vk, CallNode* call) {
 910   ValueTypePtrNode* vtptr = new ValueTypePtrNode(vk, kit->zerocon(T_VALUETYPE));
 911   Node* ctl = kit->control();
 912   vtptr->initialize(&kit->gvn(), ctl, kit->merged_memory(), call, vk);
 913   kit->set_control(ctl);
 914   return vtptr;
 915 }
 917 ValueTypePtrNode* ValueTypePtrNode::make_from_oop(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node*& ctl, Node* mem, Node* oop) {
 918   // Create and initialize a ValueTypePtrNode by loading all field
 919   // values from a heap-allocated version and also save the oop.
 920   ciValueKlass* vk = gvn.type(oop)->is_valuetypeptr()->value_klass();
 921   ValueTypePtrNode* vtptr = new ValueTypePtrNode(vk, oop);
 922   vtptr->load(gvn, ctl, mem, oop, oop, vk);
 923   return vtptr;
 924 }

 173   assert(index < field_count(), "index out of bounds");
 174   return value_klass()->declared_nonstatic_field_at(index)->type();
 175 }
 177 bool ValueTypeBaseNode::field_is_flattened(uint index) const {
 178   assert(index < field_count(), "index out of bounds");
 179   ciField* field = value_klass()->declared_nonstatic_field_at(index);
 180   assert(!field->is_flattened() || field->type()->is_valuetype(), "must be a value type");
 181   return field->is_flattened();
 182 }
 184 int ValueTypeBaseNode::make_scalar_in_safepoint(Unique_Node_List& worklist, SafePointNode* sfpt, Node* root, PhaseGVN* gvn) {
 185   ciValueKlass* vk = value_klass();
 186   uint nfields = vk->nof_nonstatic_fields();
 187   JVMState* jvms = sfpt->jvms();
 188   int start = jvms->debug_start();
 189   int end   = jvms->debug_end();
 190   // Replace safepoint edge by SafePointScalarObjectNode and add field values
 191   assert(jvms != NULL, "missing JVMS");
 192   uint first_ind = (sfpt->req() - jvms->scloff());
 193   SafePointScalarObjectNode* sobj = new SafePointScalarObjectNode(value_ptr(),

 194 #ifdef ASSERT
 195                                                                   NULL,
 196 #endif
 197                                                                   first_ind, nfields);
 198   sobj->init_req(0, root);
 199   // Iterate over the value type fields in order of increasing
 200   // offset and add the field values to the safepoint.
 201   for (uint j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
 202     int offset = vk->nonstatic_field_at(j)->offset();
 203     Node* value = field_value_by_offset(offset, true /* include flattened value type fields */);
 204     if (value->is_ValueType()) {
 205       if (value->as_ValueType()->is_allocated(gvn)) {
 206         value = value->as_ValueType()->get_oop();
 207       } else {
 208         // Add non-flattened value type field to the worklist to process later
 209         worklist.push(value);
 210       }
 211     }
 212     sfpt->add_req(value);
 213   }

 309     Node* value = NULL;
 310     ciType* ft = field_type(i);
 311     if (field_is_flattened(i)) {
 312       // Recursively load the flattened value type field
 313       value = ValueTypeNode::make_from_flattened(gvn, ft->as_value_klass(), ctl, mem, base, ptr, holder, offset);
 314     } else {
 315       const Type* con_type = NULL;
 316       if (base->is_Con()) {
 317         // If the oop to the value type is constant (static final field), we can
 318         // also treat the fields as constants because the value type is immutable.
 319         const TypeOopPtr* oop_ptr = base->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr();
 320         ciObject* constant_oop = oop_ptr->const_oop();
 321         ciField* field = holder->get_field_by_offset(offset, false);
 322         assert(field != NULL, "field not found");
 323         ciConstant constant = constant_oop->as_instance()->field_value(field);
 324         con_type = Type::make_from_constant(constant, /*require_const=*/ true);
 325       }
 326       if (con_type != NULL) {
 327         // Found a constant field value
 328         value = gvn.transform(gvn.makecon(con_type));
 329         if (con_type->is_valuetypeptr()) {
 330           // Constant, non-flattened value type field
 331           value = ValueTypeNode::make_from_oop(gvn, ctl, mem, value, ft->as_value_klass());
 332         }
 333       } else {
 334         // Load field value from memory
 335         const TypePtr* adr_type = field_adr_type(base, offset, holder, gvn);
 336         Node* adr = gvn.transform(new AddPNode(base, ptr, gvn.MakeConX(offset)));
 337         BasicType bt = type2field[ft->basic_type()];
 338         assert(is_java_primitive(bt) || adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop() == UseCompressedOops, "inconsistent");
 339         const Type* rt = Type::get_const_type(ft);
 340         const TypeAryPtr* ary_type = gvn.type(base)->isa_aryptr();
 341         bool is_array = ary_type != NULL;
 342         Node* load_mem = mem;
 343         if (mem->is_MergeMem()) {
 344           load_mem = mem->as_MergeMem()->memory_at(gvn.C->get_alias_index(adr_type));
 345         }
 346         value = gvn.transform(LoadNode::make(gvn, is_array ? ctl : NULL, load_mem, adr, adr_type, rt, bt, MemNode::unordered));
 347         if (bt == T_VALUETYPE) {
 348           // Non-flattened value type field, check for null
 349           value = ValueTypeNode::make_from_oop(gvn, ctl, mem, value, ft->as_value_klass(), /* null_check */ true);

 386         bool is_array = ary_type != NULL;
 387         kit->store_oop(kit->control(), base, adr, adr_type, value, val_type, bt, is_array, MemNode::unordered, false, deoptimize_on_exception);
 388       }
 389     }
 390   }
 391 }
 393 ValueTypeBaseNode* ValueTypeBaseNode::allocate(GraphKit* kit, bool deoptimize_on_exception) {
 394   Node* in_oop = get_oop();
 395   Node* null_ctl = kit->top();
 396   // Check if value type is already allocated
 397   Node* not_null_oop = kit->null_check_oop(in_oop, &null_ctl);
 398   if (null_ctl->is_top()) {
 399     // Value type is allocated
 400     return this;
 401   }
 402   // Not able to prove that value type is allocated.
 403   // Emit runtime check that may be folded later.
 404   assert(!is_allocated(&kit->gvn()), "should not be allocated");
 405   RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
 406   PhiNode* oop = new PhiNode(region, value_ptr());
 407   PhiNode* io  = new PhiNode(region, Type::ABIO);
 408   PhiNode* mem = new PhiNode(region, Type::MEMORY, TypePtr::BOTTOM);
 410   // Oop is non-NULL, use it
 411   region->init_req(1, kit->control());
 412   oop   ->init_req(1, not_null_oop);
 413   io    ->init_req(1, kit->i_o());
 414   mem   ->init_req(1, kit->merged_memory());
 416   // Oop is NULL, allocate value type
 417   kit->set_control(null_ctl);
 418   kit->kill_dead_locals();
 419   ciValueKlass* vk = value_klass();
 420   Node* klass_node = kit->makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(vk));
 421   Node* alloc_oop  = kit->new_instance(klass_node, NULL, NULL, deoptimize_on_exception, this);
 422   // Write field values to memory
 423   store(kit, alloc_oop, alloc_oop, vk, 0, deoptimize_on_exception);
 424   region->init_req(2, kit->control());
 425   oop   ->init_req(2, alloc_oop);
 426   io    ->init_req(2, kit->i_o());

 577     assert(vt->is_allocated(&gvn), "value type should be allocated");
 578     assert(init_ctl != ctl || oop->is_Con() || oop->is_CheckCastPP() || oop->Opcode() == Op_ValueTypePtr ||
 579            vt->is_loaded(&gvn) == oop, "value type should be loaded");
 580   }
 582   if (buffer_check && vk->is_bufferable()) {
 583     // Check if oop is in heap bounds or if it points into the vtBuffer:
 584     // base <= oop < (base + size)  <=>  (oop - base) <U size
 585     // Discard buffer oops to avoid storing them into fields or arrays.
 586     assert(!gvn.type(oop)->isa_narrowoop(), "should not be a narrow oop");
 587     Node* heap_base = gvn.MakeConX((intptr_t)Universe::heap()->base());
 588     Node* heap_size = gvn.MakeConX(Universe::heap()->max_capacity());
 589     Node* sub = gvn.transform(new SubXNode(gvn.transform(new CastP2XNode(NULL, oop)), heap_base));
 590     Node* chk = gvn.transform(new CmpUXNode(sub, heap_size));
 591     Node* tst = gvn.transform(new BoolNode(chk, BoolTest::lt));
 592     IfNode* iff = gvn.transform(new IfNode(ctl, tst, PROB_MAX, COUNT_UNKNOWN))->as_If();
 594     Node* region = new RegionNode(3);
 595     region->init_req(1, gvn.transform(new IfTrueNode(iff)));
 596     region->init_req(2, gvn.transform(new IfFalseNode(iff)));
 597     Node* new_oop = new PhiNode(region, vt->value_ptr());
 598     new_oop->init_req(1, oop);
 599     new_oop->init_req(2, gvn.zerocon(T_VALUETYPE));
 601     gvn.hash_delete(vt);
 602     vt->set_oop(gvn.transform(new_oop));
 603     vt = gvn.transform(vt)->as_ValueType();
 604     ctl = gvn.transform(region);
 605   }
 607   return vt;
 608 }
 610 // GraphKit wrapper for the 'make_from_oop' method
 611 ValueTypeNode* ValueTypeNode::make_from_oop(GraphKit* kit, Node* oop, ciValueKlass* vk, bool null_check, bool buffer_check) {
 612   Node* ctl = kit->control();
 613   ValueTypeNode* vt = make_from_oop(kit->gvn(), ctl, kit->merged_memory(), oop, vk, null_check, buffer_check);
 614   kit->set_control(ctl);
 615   return vt;
 616 }

 648   if (field_count() == 0) {
 649     assert(is_allocated(phase), "must be allocated");
 650     return get_oop();
 651   }
 652   for (uint i = 0; i < field_count(); ++i) {
 653     int offset = holder_offset + field_offset(i);
 654     Node* value = field_value(i);
 655     if (value->isa_DecodeN()) {
 656       // Skip DecodeN
 657       value = value->in(1);
 658     }
 659     if (value->isa_Load()) {
 660       // Check if base and offset of field load matches value type layout
 661       intptr_t loffset = 0;
 662       Node* lbase = AddPNode::Ideal_base_and_offset(value->in(MemNode::Address), phase, loffset);
 663       if (lbase == NULL || (lbase != base && base != NULL) || loffset != offset) {
 664         return NULL;
 665       } else if (base == NULL) {
 666         // Set base and check if pointer type matches
 667         base = lbase;
 668         const TypeInstPtr* vtptr = phase->type(base)->isa_instptr();
 669         if (vtptr == NULL || !vtptr->klass()->equals(vk)) {
 670           return NULL;
 671         }
 672       }
 673     } else if (value->isa_ValueType()) {
 674       // Check value type field load recursively
 675       ValueTypeNode* vt = value->as_ValueType();
 676       base = vt->is_loaded(phase, vk, base, offset - vt->value_klass()->first_field_offset());
 677       if (base == NULL) {
 678         return NULL;
 679       }
 680     } else {
 681       return NULL;
 682     }
 683   }
 684   return base;
 685 }
 687 Node* ValueTypeNode::allocate_fields(GraphKit* kit) {
 688   ValueTypeNode* vt = clone()->as_ValueType();
 689   for (uint i = 0; i < field_count(); i++) {

 900 ValueTypePtrNode* ValueTypePtrNode::make_from_value_type(PhaseGVN& gvn, ValueTypeNode* vt) {
 901   ValueTypePtrNode* vtptr = new ValueTypePtrNode(vt->value_klass(), vt->get_oop());
 902   for (uint i = Oop+1; i < vt->req(); i++) {
 903     vtptr->init_req(i, vt->in(i));
 904   }
 905   return gvn.transform(vtptr)->as_ValueTypePtr();
 906 }
 908 ValueTypePtrNode* ValueTypePtrNode::make_from_call(GraphKit* kit, ciValueKlass* vk, CallNode* call) {
 909   ValueTypePtrNode* vtptr = new ValueTypePtrNode(vk, kit->zerocon(T_VALUETYPE));
 910   Node* ctl = kit->control();
 911   vtptr->initialize(&kit->gvn(), ctl, kit->merged_memory(), call, vk);
 912   kit->set_control(ctl);
 913   return vtptr;
 914 }
 916 ValueTypePtrNode* ValueTypePtrNode::make_from_oop(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node*& ctl, Node* mem, Node* oop) {
 917   // Create and initialize a ValueTypePtrNode by loading all field
 918   // values from a heap-allocated version and also save the oop.
 919   ciValueKlass* vk = gvn.type(oop)->value_klass();
 920   ValueTypePtrNode* vtptr = new ValueTypePtrNode(vk, oop);
 921   vtptr->load(gvn, ctl, mem, oop, oop, vk);
 922   return vtptr;
 923 }
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