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rev 11974 : imported patch 8159422-high-mark-stack-contention
rev 11975 : imported patch 8159422-mikael-review
rev 11977 : imported patch 8159422-kim-review
rev 11978 : imported patch 8159422-kim-review2

@@ -188,20 +188,26 @@
   // Allocate a new chunk from the reserved memory, using the high water mark. Returns
   // NULL if out of memory.
   OopChunk* allocate_new_chunk();
-  size_t volatile _chunks_in_chunk_list;
+  volatile size_t _chunks_in_chunk_list;
   volatile bool _out_of_memory;
   // Atomically add the given chunk to the list.
   void add_chunk_to_list(OopChunk* volatile* list, OopChunk* elem);
   // Atomically remove and return a chunk from the given list. Returns NULL if the
   // list is empty.
   OopChunk* remove_chunk_from_list(OopChunk* volatile* list); 
+  void add_chunk_to_chunk_list(OopChunk* elem);
+  void add_chunk_to_free_list(OopChunk* elem);
+  OopChunk* remove_chunk_from_chunk_list();
+  OopChunk* remove_chunk_from_free_list();
   bool  _should_expand;
   // Resizes the mark stack to the given new capacity. Releases any previous
   // memory if successful.
   bool resize(size_t new_capacity);

@@ -227,12 +233,12 @@
   // chunk may contain up to OopsPerChunk elements. If there are less, the last
   // element in the array is a NULL pointer.
   bool par_pop_chunk(oop* buffer);
   // Return whether the chunk list is empty. Racy due to unsynchronized access to 
-  // _chunks_in_chunk_list.
-  bool is_empty() const { return _chunks_in_chunk_list == 0; }
+  // _chunk_list.
+  bool is_empty() const { return _chunk_list == NULL; }
   size_t capacity() const  { return _chunk_capacity; }
   bool is_out_of_memory() const { return _out_of_memory; }
   void clear_out_of_memory() { _out_of_memory = false; }
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