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rev 52572 : JDK-8212657: Implementation of JDK-8204089 Promptly Return Unused Committed Memory from G1
Summary: Issue optional, default enabled, concurrent cycles when the VM is idle to reclaim unused internal and Java heap memory.
Contributed-by: Rodrigo Bruno <rbruno@gsd.inesc-id.pt>, Ruslan Synytsky <rs@jelastic.com>, Thomas Schatzl <thomas.schatzl@oracle.com>
rev 52573 : [mq]: 8212657-stefanj-review

@@ -300,8 +300,25 @@
   diagnostic(bool, G1VerifyHeapRegionCodeRoots, false,                      \
           "Verify the code root lists attached to each heap region.")       \
   develop(bool, G1VerifyBitmaps, false,                                     \
-          "Verifies the consistency of the marking bitmaps")
+          "Verifies the consistency of the marking bitmaps")                \
+                                                                            \
+  manageable(uintx, G1PeriodicGCInterval, 0,                                \
+          "Number of milliseconds after a previous GC to wait before "      \
+          "triggering a periodic gc. A value of zero disables periodically "\
+          "enforced gc cycles.")                                            \
+          range(0, max_jlong)                                               \
+                                                                            \
+  product(bool, G1PeriodicGCInvokesConcurrent, true,                        \
+          "Determines the kind of periodic GC. Set to true to have G1 "     \
+          "perform a concurrent GC as periodic GC, otherwise use a STW "    \
+          "Full GC.")                                                       \
+                                                                            \
+  manageable(uintx, G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold, 0,                     \
+          "Maximum recent system wide system load as returned by the 1m "   \
+          "value of getloadavg() at which G1 triggers a periodic GC. A "    \
+          "load above this value cancels a given periodic GC. A value of "  \
+          "zero disables this check.")                                      \
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