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rev 60420 : imported patch 8248401-Refactor-unify-RMI-gc-support-functionality

@@ -73,11 +73,10 @@
 class Generation: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
   friend class VMStructs;
-  jlong _time_of_last_gc; // time when last gc on this generation happened (ms)
   MemRegion _prev_used_region; // for collectors that want to "remember" a value for
                                // used region at some specific point during collection.
   GCMemoryManager* _gc_manager;

@@ -361,29 +360,10 @@
   // Some generations may need to be "fixed-up" after some allocation
   // activity to make them parsable again. The default is to do nothing.
   virtual void ensure_parsability() {}
-  // Time (in ms) when we were last collected or now if a collection is
-  // in progress.
-  virtual jlong time_of_last_gc(jlong now) {
-    // Both _time_of_last_gc and now are set using a time source
-    // that guarantees monotonically non-decreasing values provided
-    // the underlying platform provides such a source. So we still
-    // have to guard against non-monotonicity.
-      if (now < _time_of_last_gc) {
-        log_warning(gc)("time warp: " JLONG_FORMAT " to " JLONG_FORMAT, _time_of_last_gc, now);
-      }
-    )
-    return _time_of_last_gc;
-  }
-  virtual void update_time_of_last_gc(jlong now)  {
-    _time_of_last_gc = now;
-  }
   // Generations may keep statistics about collection. This method
   // updates those statistics. current_generation is the generation
   // that was most recently collected. This allows the generation to
   // decide what statistics are valid to collect. For example, the
   // generation can decide to gather the amount of promoted data if
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