Code Review for src.8u

Prepared by:tschatzl on Wed Jul 16 15:28:34 CEST 2014
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Summary of changes: 85 lines changed: 21 ins; 34 del; 30 mod; 1793 unchg
Patch of changes: src.8u.patch
Legend: Modified file
Deleted file
New file

Cdiffs Udiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionRemSet.cpp

rev 6324 : 8037344: Use the "next" field to iterate over fine remembered instead of using the hash table
Summary: After changes to the PerRegionTable where all these PRTs are linked together in an additional field, simplify iterating over all PRTs by using these links instead of walki
Reviewed-by: mgerdin, jwilhelm, brutisso
56 lines changed: 18 ins; 21 del; 17 mod; 1309 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionRemSet.hpp

rev 6322 : 8038930: G1CodeRootSet::test fails with assert(_num_chunks_handed_out == 0) failed: No elements must have been handed out yet
Summary: The test incorrectly assumed that it had been started with no other previous compilation activity. Fix this by allowing multiple code root free chunk lists, and use one separate from the global one to perform the test.
Reviewed-by: brutisso
rev 6324 : 8037344: Use the "next" field to iterate over fine remembered instead of using the hash table
Summary: After changes to the PerRegionTable where all these PRTs are linked together in an additional field, simplify iterating over all PRTs by using these links instead of walki
Reviewed-by: mgerdin, jwilhelm, brutisso
29 lines changed: 3 ins; 13 del; 13 mod; 484 unchg

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