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 273      * compactly stored in this field and used in computations.
 274      */
 275     private final transient long intCompact;
 277     // All 18-digit base ten strings fit into a long; not all 19-digit
 278     // strings will
 279     private static final int MAX_COMPACT_DIGITS = 18;
 281     /* Appease the serialization gods */
 282     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6108874887143696463L;
 284     private static final ThreadLocal<StringBuilderHelper>
 285         threadLocalStringBuilderHelper = new ThreadLocal<StringBuilderHelper>() {
 286         @Override
 287         protected StringBuilderHelper initialValue() {
 288             return new StringBuilderHelper();
 289         }
 290     };
 292     // Cache of common small BigDecimal values.
 293     private static final BigDecimal ZERO_THROUGH_TEN[] = {
 294         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO,       0,  0, 1),
 295         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ONE,        1,  0, 1),
 296         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.TWO,        2,  0, 1),
 297         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(3), 3,  0, 1),
 298         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(4), 4,  0, 1),
 299         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(5), 5,  0, 1),
 300         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(6), 6,  0, 1),
 301         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(7), 7,  0, 1),
 302         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(8), 8,  0, 1),
 303         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(9), 9,  0, 1),
 304         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.TEN,        10, 0, 2),
 305     };
 307     // Cache of zero scaled by 0 - 15
 308     private static final BigDecimal[] ZERO_SCALED_BY = {
 309         ZERO_THROUGH_TEN[0],
 310         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 1, 1),
 311         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 2, 1),
 312         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 3, 1),
 313         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 4, 1),

 516                 }
 517                 if (prec == 0) // no digits found
 518                     throw new NumberFormatException("No digits found.");
 519                 // Adjust scale if exp is not zero.
 520                 if (exp != 0) { // had significant exponent
 521                     scl = adjustScale(scl, exp);
 522                 }
 523                 rs = isneg ? -rs : rs;
 524                 int mcp = mc.precision;
 525                 int drop = prec - mcp; // prec has range [1, MAX_INT], mcp has range [0, MAX_INT];
 526                                        // therefore, this subtract cannot overflow
 527                 if (mcp > 0 && drop > 0) {  // do rounding
 528                     while (drop > 0) {
 529                         scl = checkScaleNonZero((long) scl - drop);
 530                         rs = divideAndRound(rs, LONG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE[drop], mc.roundingMode.oldMode);
 531                         prec = longDigitLength(rs);
 532                         drop = prec - mcp;
 533                     }
 534                 }
 535             } else {
 536                 char coeff[] = new char[len];
 537                 for (; len > 0; offset++, len--) {
 538                     c = in[offset];
 539                     // have digit
 540                     if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || Character.isDigit(c)) {
 541                         // First compact case, we need not to preserve the character
 542                         // and we can just compute the value in place.
 543                         if (c == '0' || Character.digit(c, 10) == 0) {
 544                             if (prec == 0) {
 545                                 coeff[idx] = c;
 546                                 prec = 1;
 547                             } else if (idx != 0) {
 548                                 coeff[idx++] = c;
 549                                 ++prec;
 550                             } // else c must be a redundant leading zero
 551                         } else {
 552                             if (prec != 1 || idx != 0)
 553                                 ++prec; // prec unchanged if preceded by 0s
 554                             coeff[idx++] = c;
 555                         }
 556                         if (dot)

1357                 result = lhsIsZero ? doRound(augend, mc) : doRound(lhs, mc);
1359                 if (result.scale() == preferredScale)
1360                     return result;
1361                 else if (result.scale() > preferredScale) {
1362                     return stripZerosToMatchScale(result.intVal, result.intCompact, result.scale, preferredScale);
1363                 } else { // result.scale < preferredScale
1364                     int precisionDiff = mc.precision - result.precision();
1365                     int scaleDiff     = preferredScale - result.scale();
1367                     if (precisionDiff >= scaleDiff)
1368                         return result.setScale(preferredScale); // can achieve target scale
1369                     else
1370                         return result.setScale(result.scale() + precisionDiff);
1371                 }
1372             }
1373         }
1375         long padding = (long) lhs.scale - augend.scale;
1376         if (padding != 0) { // scales differ; alignment needed
1377             BigDecimal arg[] = preAlign(lhs, augend, padding, mc);
1378             matchScale(arg);
1379             lhs = arg[0];
1380             augend = arg[1];
1381         }
1382         return doRound(lhs.inflated().add(augend.inflated()), lhs.scale, mc);
1383     }
1385     /**
1386      * Returns an array of length two, the sum of whose entries is
1387      * equal to the rounded sum of the {@code BigDecimal} arguments.
1388      *
1389      * <p>If the digit positions of the arguments have a sufficient
1390      * gap between them, the value smaller in magnitude can be
1391      * condensed into a {@literal "sticky bit"} and the end result will
1392      * round the same way <em>if</em> the precision of the final
1393      * result does not include the high order digit of the small
1394      * magnitude operand.
1395      *
1396      * <p>Note that while strictly speaking this is an optimization,
1397      * it makes a much wider range of additions practical.

1896                                    Math.min(precisionDiff, preferredScale - result.scale) );
1897         } else {
1898             return stripZerosToMatchScale(result.intVal,result.intCompact,result.scale,preferredScale);
1899         }
1900     }
1902     /**
1903      * Returns a {@code BigDecimal} whose value is {@code (this % divisor)}.
1904      *
1905      * <p>The remainder is given by
1906      * {@code this.subtract(this.divideToIntegralValue(divisor).multiply(divisor))}.
1907      * Note that this is <em>not</em> the modulo operation (the result can be
1908      * negative).
1909      *
1910      * @param  divisor value by which this {@code BigDecimal} is to be divided.
1911      * @return {@code this % divisor}.
1912      * @throws ArithmeticException if {@code divisor==0}
1913      * @since  1.5
1914      */
1915     public BigDecimal remainder(BigDecimal divisor) {
1916         BigDecimal divrem[] = this.divideAndRemainder(divisor);
1917         return divrem[1];
1918     }
1921     /**
1922      * Returns a {@code BigDecimal} whose value is {@code (this %
1923      * divisor)}, with rounding according to the context settings.
1924      * The {@code MathContext} settings affect the implicit divide
1925      * used to compute the remainder.  The remainder computation
1926      * itself is by definition exact.  Therefore, the remainder may
1927      * contain more than {@code mc.getPrecision()} digits.
1928      *
1929      * <p>The remainder is given by
1930      * {@code this.subtract(this.divideToIntegralValue(divisor,
1931      * mc).multiply(divisor))}.  Note that this is not the modulo
1932      * operation (the result can be negative).
1933      *
1934      * @param  divisor value by which this {@code BigDecimal} is to be divided.
1935      * @param  mc the context to use.
1936      * @return {@code this % divisor}, rounded as necessary.
1937      * @throws ArithmeticException if {@code divisor==0}
1938      * @throws ArithmeticException if the result is inexact but the
1939      *         rounding mode is {@code UNNECESSARY}, or {@code mc.precision}
1940      *         {@literal >} 0 and the result of {@code this.divideToIntgralValue(divisor)} would
1941      *         require a precision of more than {@code mc.precision} digits.
1942      * @see    #divideToIntegralValue(java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.MathContext)
1943      * @since  1.5
1944      */
1945     public BigDecimal remainder(BigDecimal divisor, MathContext mc) {
1946         BigDecimal divrem[] = this.divideAndRemainder(divisor, mc);
1947         return divrem[1];
1948     }
1950     /**
1951      * Returns a two-element {@code BigDecimal} array containing the
1952      * result of {@code divideToIntegralValue} followed by the result of
1953      * {@code remainder} on the two operands.
1954      *
1955      * <p>Note that if both the integer quotient and remainder are
1956      * needed, this method is faster than using the
1957      * {@code divideToIntegralValue} and {@code remainder} methods
1958      * separately because the division need only be carried out once.
1959      *
1960      * @param  divisor value by which this {@code BigDecimal} is to be divided,
1961      *         and the remainder computed.
1962      * @return a two element {@code BigDecimal} array: the quotient
1963      *         (the result of {@code divideToIntegralValue}) is the initial element
1964      *         and the remainder is the final element.
1965      * @throws ArithmeticException if {@code divisor==0}
1966      * @see    #divideToIntegralValue(java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.MathContext)

3616                 if (Math.abs(intCompact) < 1L<<52 ) {
3617                     // Don't have too guard against
3618                     // Math.abs(MIN_VALUE) because of outer check
3619                     // against INFLATED.
3620                     if (scale > 0 && scale < DOUBLE_10_POW.length) {
3621                         return (double)intCompact / DOUBLE_10_POW[scale];
3622                     } else if (scale < 0 && scale > -DOUBLE_10_POW.length) {
3623                         return (double)intCompact * DOUBLE_10_POW[-scale];
3624                     }
3625                 }
3626             }
3627         }
3628         // Somewhat inefficient, but guaranteed to work.
3629         return Double.parseDouble(this.toString());
3630     }
3632     /**
3633      * Powers of 10 which can be represented exactly in {@code
3634      * double}.
3635      */
3636     private static final double DOUBLE_10_POW[] = {
3637         1.0e0,  1.0e1,  1.0e2,  1.0e3,  1.0e4,  1.0e5,
3638         1.0e6,  1.0e7,  1.0e8,  1.0e9,  1.0e10, 1.0e11,
3639         1.0e12, 1.0e13, 1.0e14, 1.0e15, 1.0e16, 1.0e17,
3640         1.0e18, 1.0e19, 1.0e20, 1.0e21, 1.0e22
3641     };
3643     /**
3644      * Powers of 10 which can be represented exactly in {@code
3645      * float}.
3646      */
3647     private static final float FLOAT_10_POW[] = {
3648         1.0e0f, 1.0e1f, 1.0e2f, 1.0e3f, 1.0e4f, 1.0e5f,
3649         1.0e6f, 1.0e7f, 1.0e8f, 1.0e9f, 1.0e10f
3650     };
3652     /**
3653      * Returns the size of an ulp, a unit in the last place, of this
3654      * {@code BigDecimal}.  An ulp of a nonzero {@code BigDecimal}
3655      * value is the positive distance between this value and the
3656      * {@code BigDecimal} value next larger in magnitude with the
3657      * same number of digits.  An ulp of a zero value is numerically
3658      * equal to 1 with the scale of {@code this}.  The result is
3659      * stored with the same scale as {@code this} so the result
3660      * for zero and nonzero values is equal to {@code [1,
3661      * this.scale()]}.
3662      *
3663      * @return the size of an ulp of {@code this}
3664      * @since 1.5
3665      */
3666     public BigDecimal ulp() {
3667         return BigDecimal.valueOf(1, this.scale(), 1);

3935         10,                    // 1 / 10^1
3936         100,                   // 2 / 10^2
3937         1000,                  // 3 / 10^3
3938         10000,                 // 4 / 10^4
3939         100000,                // 5 / 10^5
3940         1000000,               // 6 / 10^6
3941         10000000,              // 7 / 10^7
3942         100000000,             // 8 / 10^8
3943         1000000000,            // 9 / 10^9
3944         10000000000L,          // 10 / 10^10
3945         100000000000L,         // 11 / 10^11
3946         1000000000000L,        // 12 / 10^12
3947         10000000000000L,       // 13 / 10^13
3948         100000000000000L,      // 14 / 10^14
3949         1000000000000000L,     // 15 / 10^15
3950         10000000000000000L,    // 16 / 10^16
3951         100000000000000000L,   // 17 / 10^17
3952         1000000000000000000L   // 18 / 10^18
3953     };
3955     private static volatile BigInteger BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE[] = {
3956         BigInteger.ONE,
3957         BigInteger.valueOf(10),
3958         BigInteger.valueOf(100),
3959         BigInteger.valueOf(1000),
3960         BigInteger.valueOf(10000),
3961         BigInteger.valueOf(100000),
3962         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000),
3963         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000),
3964         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000),
3965         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000),
3966         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000L),
3967         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000L),
3968         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000L),
3969         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000000L),
3970         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000000L),
3971         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000000L),
3972         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000000000L),
3973         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000000000L),
3974         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000000000L)
3975     };
3977     private static final int BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE_INITLEN =
3978         BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE.length;
3979     private static final int BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE_MAX =
3982     private static final long THRESHOLDS_TABLE[] = {
3983         Long.MAX_VALUE,                     // 0
3984         Long.MAX_VALUE/10L,                 // 1
3985         Long.MAX_VALUE/100L,                // 2
3986         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000L,               // 3
3987         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000L,              // 4
3988         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000L,             // 5
3989         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000L,            // 6
3990         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000L,           // 7
3991         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000L,          // 8
3992         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000L,         // 9
3993         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000000L,        // 10
3994         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000000L,       // 11
3995         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000000L,      // 12
3996         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000000000L,     // 13
3997         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000000000L,    // 14
3998         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000000000L,   // 15
3999         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000000000000L,  // 16
4000         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000000000000L, // 17
4001         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000000000000L // 18
4002     };

4695     /**
4696      * Tests if quotient has to be incremented according the roundingMode
4697      */
4698     private static boolean needIncrement(MutableBigInteger mdivisor, int roundingMode,
4699                                          int qsign, MutableBigInteger mq, MutableBigInteger mr) {
4700         assert !mr.isZero();
4701         int cmpFracHalf = mr.compareHalf(mdivisor);
4702         return commonNeedIncrement(roundingMode, qsign, cmpFracHalf, mq.isOdd());
4703     }
4705     /**
4706      * Remove insignificant trailing zeros from this
4707      * {@code BigInteger} value until the preferred scale is reached or no
4708      * more zeros can be removed.  If the preferred scale is less than
4709      * Integer.MIN_VALUE, all the trailing zeros will be removed.
4710      *
4711      * @return new {@code BigDecimal} with a scale possibly reduced
4712      * to be closed to the preferred scale.
4713      */
4714     private static BigDecimal createAndStripZerosToMatchScale(BigInteger intVal, int scale, long preferredScale) {
4715         BigInteger qr[]; // quotient-remainder pair
4716         while (intVal.compareMagnitude(BigInteger.TEN) >= 0
4717                && scale > preferredScale) {
4718             if (intVal.testBit(0))
4719                 break; // odd number cannot end in 0
4720             qr = intVal.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.TEN);
4721             if (qr[1].signum() != 0)
4722                 break; // non-0 remainder
4723             intVal = qr[0];
4724             scale = checkScale(intVal,(long) scale - 1); // could Overflow
4725         }
4726         return valueOf(intVal, scale, 0);
4727     }
4729     /**
4730      * Remove insignificant trailing zeros from this
4731      * {@code long} value until the preferred scale is reached or no
4732      * more zeros can be removed.  If the preferred scale is less than
4733      * Integer.MIN_VALUE, all the trailing zeros will be removed.
4734      *
4735      * @return new {@code BigDecimal} with a scale possibly reduced

 273      * compactly stored in this field and used in computations.
 274      */
 275     private final transient long intCompact;
 277     // All 18-digit base ten strings fit into a long; not all 19-digit
 278     // strings will
 279     private static final int MAX_COMPACT_DIGITS = 18;
 281     /* Appease the serialization gods */
 282     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6108874887143696463L;
 284     private static final ThreadLocal<StringBuilderHelper>
 285         threadLocalStringBuilderHelper = new ThreadLocal<StringBuilderHelper>() {
 286         @Override
 287         protected StringBuilderHelper initialValue() {
 288             return new StringBuilderHelper();
 289         }
 290     };
 292     // Cache of common small BigDecimal values.
 293     private static final BigDecimal[] ZERO_THROUGH_TEN = {
 294         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO,       0,  0, 1),
 295         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ONE,        1,  0, 1),
 296         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.TWO,        2,  0, 1),
 297         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(3), 3,  0, 1),
 298         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(4), 4,  0, 1),
 299         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(5), 5,  0, 1),
 300         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(6), 6,  0, 1),
 301         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(7), 7,  0, 1),
 302         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(8), 8,  0, 1),
 303         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(9), 9,  0, 1),
 304         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.TEN,        10, 0, 2),
 305     };
 307     // Cache of zero scaled by 0 - 15
 308     private static final BigDecimal[] ZERO_SCALED_BY = {
 309         ZERO_THROUGH_TEN[0],
 310         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 1, 1),
 311         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 2, 1),
 312         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 3, 1),
 313         new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO, 0, 4, 1),

 516                 }
 517                 if (prec == 0) // no digits found
 518                     throw new NumberFormatException("No digits found.");
 519                 // Adjust scale if exp is not zero.
 520                 if (exp != 0) { // had significant exponent
 521                     scl = adjustScale(scl, exp);
 522                 }
 523                 rs = isneg ? -rs : rs;
 524                 int mcp = mc.precision;
 525                 int drop = prec - mcp; // prec has range [1, MAX_INT], mcp has range [0, MAX_INT];
 526                                        // therefore, this subtract cannot overflow
 527                 if (mcp > 0 && drop > 0) {  // do rounding
 528                     while (drop > 0) {
 529                         scl = checkScaleNonZero((long) scl - drop);
 530                         rs = divideAndRound(rs, LONG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE[drop], mc.roundingMode.oldMode);
 531                         prec = longDigitLength(rs);
 532                         drop = prec - mcp;
 533                     }
 534                 }
 535             } else {
 536                 char[] coeff = new char[len];
 537                 for (; len > 0; offset++, len--) {
 538                     c = in[offset];
 539                     // have digit
 540                     if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || Character.isDigit(c)) {
 541                         // First compact case, we need not to preserve the character
 542                         // and we can just compute the value in place.
 543                         if (c == '0' || Character.digit(c, 10) == 0) {
 544                             if (prec == 0) {
 545                                 coeff[idx] = c;
 546                                 prec = 1;
 547                             } else if (idx != 0) {
 548                                 coeff[idx++] = c;
 549                                 ++prec;
 550                             } // else c must be a redundant leading zero
 551                         } else {
 552                             if (prec != 1 || idx != 0)
 553                                 ++prec; // prec unchanged if preceded by 0s
 554                             coeff[idx++] = c;
 555                         }
 556                         if (dot)

1357                 result = lhsIsZero ? doRound(augend, mc) : doRound(lhs, mc);
1359                 if (result.scale() == preferredScale)
1360                     return result;
1361                 else if (result.scale() > preferredScale) {
1362                     return stripZerosToMatchScale(result.intVal, result.intCompact, result.scale, preferredScale);
1363                 } else { // result.scale < preferredScale
1364                     int precisionDiff = mc.precision - result.precision();
1365                     int scaleDiff     = preferredScale - result.scale();
1367                     if (precisionDiff >= scaleDiff)
1368                         return result.setScale(preferredScale); // can achieve target scale
1369                     else
1370                         return result.setScale(result.scale() + precisionDiff);
1371                 }
1372             }
1373         }
1375         long padding = (long) lhs.scale - augend.scale;
1376         if (padding != 0) { // scales differ; alignment needed
1377             BigDecimal[] arg = preAlign(lhs, augend, padding, mc);
1378             matchScale(arg);
1379             lhs = arg[0];
1380             augend = arg[1];
1381         }
1382         return doRound(lhs.inflated().add(augend.inflated()), lhs.scale, mc);
1383     }
1385     /**
1386      * Returns an array of length two, the sum of whose entries is
1387      * equal to the rounded sum of the {@code BigDecimal} arguments.
1388      *
1389      * <p>If the digit positions of the arguments have a sufficient
1390      * gap between them, the value smaller in magnitude can be
1391      * condensed into a {@literal "sticky bit"} and the end result will
1392      * round the same way <em>if</em> the precision of the final
1393      * result does not include the high order digit of the small
1394      * magnitude operand.
1395      *
1396      * <p>Note that while strictly speaking this is an optimization,
1397      * it makes a much wider range of additions practical.

1896                                    Math.min(precisionDiff, preferredScale - result.scale) );
1897         } else {
1898             return stripZerosToMatchScale(result.intVal,result.intCompact,result.scale,preferredScale);
1899         }
1900     }
1902     /**
1903      * Returns a {@code BigDecimal} whose value is {@code (this % divisor)}.
1904      *
1905      * <p>The remainder is given by
1906      * {@code this.subtract(this.divideToIntegralValue(divisor).multiply(divisor))}.
1907      * Note that this is <em>not</em> the modulo operation (the result can be
1908      * negative).
1909      *
1910      * @param  divisor value by which this {@code BigDecimal} is to be divided.
1911      * @return {@code this % divisor}.
1912      * @throws ArithmeticException if {@code divisor==0}
1913      * @since  1.5
1914      */
1915     public BigDecimal remainder(BigDecimal divisor) {
1916         BigDecimal[] divrem = this.divideAndRemainder(divisor);
1917         return divrem[1];
1918     }
1921     /**
1922      * Returns a {@code BigDecimal} whose value is {@code (this %
1923      * divisor)}, with rounding according to the context settings.
1924      * The {@code MathContext} settings affect the implicit divide
1925      * used to compute the remainder.  The remainder computation
1926      * itself is by definition exact.  Therefore, the remainder may
1927      * contain more than {@code mc.getPrecision()} digits.
1928      *
1929      * <p>The remainder is given by
1930      * {@code this.subtract(this.divideToIntegralValue(divisor,
1931      * mc).multiply(divisor))}.  Note that this is not the modulo
1932      * operation (the result can be negative).
1933      *
1934      * @param  divisor value by which this {@code BigDecimal} is to be divided.
1935      * @param  mc the context to use.
1936      * @return {@code this % divisor}, rounded as necessary.
1937      * @throws ArithmeticException if {@code divisor==0}
1938      * @throws ArithmeticException if the result is inexact but the
1939      *         rounding mode is {@code UNNECESSARY}, or {@code mc.precision}
1940      *         {@literal >} 0 and the result of {@code this.divideToIntgralValue(divisor)} would
1941      *         require a precision of more than {@code mc.precision} digits.
1942      * @see    #divideToIntegralValue(java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.MathContext)
1943      * @since  1.5
1944      */
1945     public BigDecimal remainder(BigDecimal divisor, MathContext mc) {
1946         BigDecimal[] divrem = this.divideAndRemainder(divisor, mc);
1947         return divrem[1];
1948     }
1950     /**
1951      * Returns a two-element {@code BigDecimal} array containing the
1952      * result of {@code divideToIntegralValue} followed by the result of
1953      * {@code remainder} on the two operands.
1954      *
1955      * <p>Note that if both the integer quotient and remainder are
1956      * needed, this method is faster than using the
1957      * {@code divideToIntegralValue} and {@code remainder} methods
1958      * separately because the division need only be carried out once.
1959      *
1960      * @param  divisor value by which this {@code BigDecimal} is to be divided,
1961      *         and the remainder computed.
1962      * @return a two element {@code BigDecimal} array: the quotient
1963      *         (the result of {@code divideToIntegralValue}) is the initial element
1964      *         and the remainder is the final element.
1965      * @throws ArithmeticException if {@code divisor==0}
1966      * @see    #divideToIntegralValue(java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.MathContext)

3616                 if (Math.abs(intCompact) < 1L<<52 ) {
3617                     // Don't have too guard against
3618                     // Math.abs(MIN_VALUE) because of outer check
3619                     // against INFLATED.
3620                     if (scale > 0 && scale < DOUBLE_10_POW.length) {
3621                         return (double)intCompact / DOUBLE_10_POW[scale];
3622                     } else if (scale < 0 && scale > -DOUBLE_10_POW.length) {
3623                         return (double)intCompact * DOUBLE_10_POW[-scale];
3624                     }
3625                 }
3626             }
3627         }
3628         // Somewhat inefficient, but guaranteed to work.
3629         return Double.parseDouble(this.toString());
3630     }
3632     /**
3633      * Powers of 10 which can be represented exactly in {@code
3634      * double}.
3635      */
3636     private static final double[] DOUBLE_10_POW = {
3637         1.0e0,  1.0e1,  1.0e2,  1.0e3,  1.0e4,  1.0e5,
3638         1.0e6,  1.0e7,  1.0e8,  1.0e9,  1.0e10, 1.0e11,
3639         1.0e12, 1.0e13, 1.0e14, 1.0e15, 1.0e16, 1.0e17,
3640         1.0e18, 1.0e19, 1.0e20, 1.0e21, 1.0e22
3641     };
3643     /**
3644      * Powers of 10 which can be represented exactly in {@code
3645      * float}.
3646      */
3647     private static final float[] FLOAT_10_POW = {
3648         1.0e0f, 1.0e1f, 1.0e2f, 1.0e3f, 1.0e4f, 1.0e5f,
3649         1.0e6f, 1.0e7f, 1.0e8f, 1.0e9f, 1.0e10f
3650     };
3652     /**
3653      * Returns the size of an ulp, a unit in the last place, of this
3654      * {@code BigDecimal}.  An ulp of a nonzero {@code BigDecimal}
3655      * value is the positive distance between this value and the
3656      * {@code BigDecimal} value next larger in magnitude with the
3657      * same number of digits.  An ulp of a zero value is numerically
3658      * equal to 1 with the scale of {@code this}.  The result is
3659      * stored with the same scale as {@code this} so the result
3660      * for zero and nonzero values is equal to {@code [1,
3661      * this.scale()]}.
3662      *
3663      * @return the size of an ulp of {@code this}
3664      * @since 1.5
3665      */
3666     public BigDecimal ulp() {
3667         return BigDecimal.valueOf(1, this.scale(), 1);

3935         10,                    // 1 / 10^1
3936         100,                   // 2 / 10^2
3937         1000,                  // 3 / 10^3
3938         10000,                 // 4 / 10^4
3939         100000,                // 5 / 10^5
3940         1000000,               // 6 / 10^6
3941         10000000,              // 7 / 10^7
3942         100000000,             // 8 / 10^8
3943         1000000000,            // 9 / 10^9
3944         10000000000L,          // 10 / 10^10
3945         100000000000L,         // 11 / 10^11
3946         1000000000000L,        // 12 / 10^12
3947         10000000000000L,       // 13 / 10^13
3948         100000000000000L,      // 14 / 10^14
3949         1000000000000000L,     // 15 / 10^15
3950         10000000000000000L,    // 16 / 10^16
3951         100000000000000000L,   // 17 / 10^17
3952         1000000000000000000L   // 18 / 10^18
3953     };
3955     private static volatile BigInteger[] BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE = {
3956         BigInteger.ONE,
3957         BigInteger.valueOf(10),
3958         BigInteger.valueOf(100),
3959         BigInteger.valueOf(1000),
3960         BigInteger.valueOf(10000),
3961         BigInteger.valueOf(100000),
3962         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000),
3963         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000),
3964         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000),
3965         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000),
3966         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000L),
3967         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000L),
3968         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000L),
3969         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000000L),
3970         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000000L),
3971         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000000L),
3972         BigInteger.valueOf(10000000000000000L),
3973         BigInteger.valueOf(100000000000000000L),
3974         BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000000000000L)
3975     };
3977     private static final int BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE_INITLEN =
3978         BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE.length;
3979     private static final int BIG_TEN_POWERS_TABLE_MAX =
3982     private static final long[] THRESHOLDS_TABLE = {
3983         Long.MAX_VALUE,                     // 0
3984         Long.MAX_VALUE/10L,                 // 1
3985         Long.MAX_VALUE/100L,                // 2
3986         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000L,               // 3
3987         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000L,              // 4
3988         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000L,             // 5
3989         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000L,            // 6
3990         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000L,           // 7
3991         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000L,          // 8
3992         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000L,         // 9
3993         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000000L,        // 10
3994         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000000L,       // 11
3995         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000000L,      // 12
3996         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000000000L,     // 13
3997         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000000000L,    // 14
3998         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000000000L,   // 15
3999         Long.MAX_VALUE/10000000000000000L,  // 16
4000         Long.MAX_VALUE/100000000000000000L, // 17
4001         Long.MAX_VALUE/1000000000000000000L // 18
4002     };

4695     /**
4696      * Tests if quotient has to be incremented according the roundingMode
4697      */
4698     private static boolean needIncrement(MutableBigInteger mdivisor, int roundingMode,
4699                                          int qsign, MutableBigInteger mq, MutableBigInteger mr) {
4700         assert !mr.isZero();
4701         int cmpFracHalf = mr.compareHalf(mdivisor);
4702         return commonNeedIncrement(roundingMode, qsign, cmpFracHalf, mq.isOdd());
4703     }
4705     /**
4706      * Remove insignificant trailing zeros from this
4707      * {@code BigInteger} value until the preferred scale is reached or no
4708      * more zeros can be removed.  If the preferred scale is less than
4709      * Integer.MIN_VALUE, all the trailing zeros will be removed.
4710      *
4711      * @return new {@code BigDecimal} with a scale possibly reduced
4712      * to be closed to the preferred scale.
4713      */
4714     private static BigDecimal createAndStripZerosToMatchScale(BigInteger intVal, int scale, long preferredScale) {
4715         BigInteger[] qr; // quotient-remainder pair
4716         while (intVal.compareMagnitude(BigInteger.TEN) >= 0
4717                && scale > preferredScale) {
4718             if (intVal.testBit(0))
4719                 break; // odd number cannot end in 0
4720             qr = intVal.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.TEN);
4721             if (qr[1].signum() != 0)
4722                 break; // non-0 remainder
4723             intVal = qr[0];
4724             scale = checkScale(intVal,(long) scale - 1); // could Overflow
4725         }
4726         return valueOf(intVal, scale, 0);
4727     }
4729     /**
4730      * Remove insignificant trailing zeros from this
4731      * {@code long} value until the preferred scale is reached or no
4732      * more zeros can be removed.  If the preferred scale is less than
4733      * Integer.MIN_VALUE, all the trailing zeros will be removed.
4734      *
4735      * @return new {@code BigDecimal} with a scale possibly reduced

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