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rev 1082 : [mq]: indy.compiler.patch

 534                      XMM8,  XMM8_H,
 535                      XMM9,  XMM9_H,
 536                      XMM10, XMM10_H,
 537                      XMM11, XMM11_H,
 538                      XMM12, XMM12_H,
 539                      XMM13, XMM13_H,
 540                      XMM14, XMM14_H,
 541                      XMM15, XMM15_H);
 542 %}
 545 //----------SOURCE BLOCK-------------------------------------------------------
 546 // This is a block of C++ code which provides values, functions, and
 547 // definitions necessary in the rest of the architecture description
 548 source %{
 549 #define   RELOC_IMM64    Assembler::imm_operand
 550 #define   RELOC_DISP32   Assembler::disp32_operand
 552 #define __ _masm.

 554 // !!!!! Special hack to get all types of calls to specify the byte offset
 555 //       from the start of the call to the point where the return address
 556 //       will point.
 557 int MachCallStaticJavaNode::ret_addr_offset()
 558 {
 559   return 5; // 5 bytes from start of call to where return address points

 560 }
 562 int MachCallDynamicJavaNode::ret_addr_offset()
 563 {
 564   return 15; // 15 bytes from start of call to where return address points
 565 }
 567 // In os_cpu .ad file
 568 // int MachCallRuntimeNode::ret_addr_offset()
 570 // Indicate if the safepoint node needs the polling page as an input.
 571 // Since amd64 does not have absolute addressing but RIP-relative
 572 // addressing and the polling page is within 2G, it doesn't.
 573 bool SafePointNode::needs_polling_address_input()
 574 {
 575   return false;
 576 }
 578 //
 579 // Compute padding required for nodes which need alignment
 580 //
 582 // The address of the call instruction needs to be 4-byte aligned to
 583 // ensure that it does not span a cache line so that it can be patched.
 584 int CallStaticJavaDirectNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const
 585 {
 586   current_offset += 1; // skip call opcode byte
 587   return round_to(current_offset, alignment_required()) - current_offset;
 588 }
 590 // The address of the call instruction needs to be 4-byte aligned to
 591 // ensure that it does not span a cache line so that it can be patched.

 592 int CallDynamicJavaDirectNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const
 593 {
 594   current_offset += 11; // skip movq instruction + call opcode byte
 595   return round_to(current_offset, alignment_required()) - current_offset;
 596 }
 598 #ifndef PRODUCT
 599 void MachBreakpointNode::format(PhaseRegAlloc*, outputStream* st) const
 600 {
 601   st->print("INT3");
 602 }
 603 #endif
 605 // EMIT_RM()
 606 void emit_rm(CodeBuffer &cbuf, int f1, int f2, int f3)
 607 {
 608   unsigned char c = (unsigned char) ((f1 << 6) | (f2 << 3) | f3);
 609   *(cbuf.code_end()) = c;
 610   cbuf.set_code_end(cbuf.code_end() + 1);
 611 }

2096 // Register for DIVI projection of divmodI
2097 RegMask Matcher::divI_proj_mask() {
2098   return INT_RAX_REG_mask;
2099 }
2101 // Register for MODI projection of divmodI
2102 RegMask Matcher::modI_proj_mask() {
2103   return INT_RDX_REG_mask;
2104 }
2106 // Register for DIVL projection of divmodL
2107 RegMask Matcher::divL_proj_mask() {
2108   return LONG_RAX_REG_mask;
2109 }
2111 // Register for MODL projection of divmodL
2112 RegMask Matcher::modL_proj_mask() {
2113   return LONG_RDX_REG_mask;
2114 }

2116 static Address build_address(int b, int i, int s, int d) {
2117   Register index = as_Register(i);
2118   Address::ScaleFactor scale = (Address::ScaleFactor)s;
2119   if (index == rsp) {
2120     index = noreg;
2121     scale = Address::no_scale;
2122   }
2123   Address addr(as_Register(b), index, scale, d);
2124   return addr;
2125 }
2127 %}
2129 //----------ENCODING BLOCK-----------------------------------------------------
2130 // This block specifies the encoding classes used by the compiler to
2131 // output byte streams.  Encoding classes are parameterized macros
2132 // used by Machine Instruction Nodes in order to generate the bit
2133 // encoding of the instruction.  Operands specify their base encoding
2134 // interface with the interface keyword.  There are currently
2135 // supported four interfaces, REG_INTER, CONST_INTER, MEMORY_INTER, &

2591                                      /*set_cond_codes:*/ true);
2592     if ($primary) {
2593       __ xorptr(Rrdi, Rrdi);
2594     }
2595     __ bind(miss);
2596   %}
2598   enc_class Java_To_Interpreter(method meth)
2599   %{
2600     // CALL Java_To_Interpreter
2601     // This is the instruction starting address for relocation info.
2602     cbuf.set_inst_mark();
2603     $$$emit8$primary;
2604     // CALL directly to the runtime
2605     emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,
2606                    (int) ($meth$$method - ((intptr_t) cbuf.code_end()) - 4),
2607                    runtime_call_Relocation::spec(),
2608                    RELOC_DISP32);
2609   %}

2611   enc_class Java_Static_Call(method meth)
2612   %{
2613     // JAVA STATIC CALL
2614     // CALL to fixup routine.  Fixup routine uses ScopeDesc info to
2615     // determine who we intended to call.
2616     cbuf.set_inst_mark();
2617     $$$emit8$primary;
2619     if (!_method) {
2620       emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,
2621                      (int) ($meth$$method - ((intptr_t) cbuf.code_end()) - 4),
2622                      runtime_call_Relocation::spec(),
2623                      RELOC_DISP32);
2624     } else if (_optimized_virtual) {
2625       emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,
2626                      (int) ($meth$$method - ((intptr_t) cbuf.code_end()) - 4),
2627                      opt_virtual_call_Relocation::spec(),
2628                      RELOC_DISP32);
2629     } else {
2630       emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,

12509 // ============================================================================
12510 // Safepoint Instructions
12511 instruct safePoint_poll(rFlagsReg cr)
12512 %{
12513   match(SafePoint);
12514   effect(KILL cr);
12516   format %{ "testl   rax, [rip + #offset_to_poll_page]\t"
12517             "# Safepoint: poll for GC" %}
12518   size(6); // Opcode + ModRM + Disp32 == 6 bytes
12519   ins_cost(125);
12520   ins_encode(enc_safepoint_poll);
12521   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_mem);
12522 %}
12524 // ============================================================================
12525 // Procedure Call/Return Instructions
12526 // Call Java Static Instruction
12527 // Note: If this code changes, the corresponding ret_addr_offset() and
12528 //       compute_padding() functions will have to be adjusted.
12529 instruct CallStaticJavaDirect(method meth)
12530 %{
12531   match(CallStaticJava);

12532   effect(USE meth);
12534   ins_cost(300);
12535   format %{ "call,static " %}
12536   opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */
12537   ins_encode(Java_Static_Call(meth), call_epilog);
12538   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12539   ins_pc_relative(1);
12540   ins_alignment(4);
12541 %}

12543 // Call Java Dynamic Instruction
12544 // Note: If this code changes, the corresponding ret_addr_offset() and
12545 //       compute_padding() functions will have to be adjusted.
12546 instruct CallDynamicJavaDirect(method meth)
12547 %{
12548   match(CallDynamicJava);
12549   effect(USE meth);
12551   ins_cost(300);
12552   format %{ "movq    rax, #Universe::non_oop_word()\n\t"
12553             "call,dynamic " %}
12554   opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */
12555   ins_encode(Java_Dynamic_Call(meth), call_epilog);
12556   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12557   ins_pc_relative(1);
12558   ins_alignment(4);
12559 %}
12561 // Call Runtime Instruction
12562 instruct CallRuntimeDirect(method meth)

 534                      XMM8,  XMM8_H,
 535                      XMM9,  XMM9_H,
 536                      XMM10, XMM10_H,
 537                      XMM11, XMM11_H,
 538                      XMM12, XMM12_H,
 539                      XMM13, XMM13_H,
 540                      XMM14, XMM14_H,
 541                      XMM15, XMM15_H);
 542 %}
 545 //----------SOURCE BLOCK-------------------------------------------------------
 546 // This is a block of C++ code which provides values, functions, and
 547 // definitions necessary in the rest of the architecture description
 548 source %{
 549 #define   RELOC_IMM64    Assembler::imm_operand
 550 #define   RELOC_DISP32   Assembler::disp32_operand
 552 #define __ _masm.
 554 static int preserve_SP_size() {
 555   return LP64_ONLY(1 +) 2;  // [rex,] op, rm(reg/reg)
 556 }
 558 // !!!!! Special hack to get all types of calls to specify the byte offset
 559 //       from the start of the call to the point where the return address
 560 //       will point.
 561 int MachCallStaticJavaNode::ret_addr_offset()
 562 {
 563   int offset = 5; // 5 bytes from start of call to where return address points
 564   if (_method_handle_invoke)
 565     offset += preserve_SP_size();
 566   return offset;
 567 }
 569 int MachCallDynamicJavaNode::ret_addr_offset()
 570 {
 571   return 15; // 15 bytes from start of call to where return address points
 572 }
 574 // In os_cpu .ad file
 575 // int MachCallRuntimeNode::ret_addr_offset()
 577 // Indicate if the safepoint node needs the polling page as an input.
 578 // Since amd64 does not have absolute addressing but RIP-relative
 579 // addressing and the polling page is within 2G, it doesn't.
 580 bool SafePointNode::needs_polling_address_input()
 581 {
 582   return false;
 583 }
 585 //
 586 // Compute padding required for nodes which need alignment
 587 //
 589 // The address of the call instruction needs to be 4-byte aligned to
 590 // ensure that it does not span a cache line so that it can be patched.
 591 int CallStaticJavaDirectNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const
 592 {
 593   current_offset += 1; // skip call opcode byte
 594   return round_to(current_offset, alignment_required()) - current_offset;
 595 }
 597 // The address of the call instruction needs to be 4-byte aligned to
 598 // ensure that it does not span a cache line so that it can be patched.
 599 int CallStaticJavaHandleNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const
 600 {
 601   current_offset += preserve_SP_size();   // skip mov rbp, rsp
 602   current_offset += 1; // skip call opcode byte
 603   return round_to(current_offset, alignment_required()) - current_offset;
 604 }
 606 // The address of the call instruction needs to be 4-byte aligned to
 607 // ensure that it does not span a cache line so that it can be patched.
 608 int CallDynamicJavaDirectNode::compute_padding(int current_offset) const
 609 {
 610   current_offset += 11; // skip movq instruction + call opcode byte
 611   return round_to(current_offset, alignment_required()) - current_offset;
 612 }
 614 #ifndef PRODUCT
 615 void MachBreakpointNode::format(PhaseRegAlloc*, outputStream* st) const
 616 {
 617   st->print("INT3");
 618 }
 619 #endif
 621 // EMIT_RM()
 622 void emit_rm(CodeBuffer &cbuf, int f1, int f2, int f3)
 623 {
 624   unsigned char c = (unsigned char) ((f1 << 6) | (f2 << 3) | f3);
 625   *(cbuf.code_end()) = c;
 626   cbuf.set_code_end(cbuf.code_end() + 1);
 627 }

2112 // Register for DIVI projection of divmodI
2113 RegMask Matcher::divI_proj_mask() {
2114   return INT_RAX_REG_mask;
2115 }
2117 // Register for MODI projection of divmodI
2118 RegMask Matcher::modI_proj_mask() {
2119   return INT_RDX_REG_mask;
2120 }
2122 // Register for DIVL projection of divmodL
2123 RegMask Matcher::divL_proj_mask() {
2124   return LONG_RAX_REG_mask;
2125 }
2127 // Register for MODL projection of divmodL
2128 RegMask Matcher::modL_proj_mask() {
2129   return LONG_RDX_REG_mask;
2130 }
2132 const RegMask Matcher::method_handle_invoke_SP_save_mask() {
2133   return PTR_RBP_REG_mask;
2134 }
2136 static Address build_address(int b, int i, int s, int d) {
2137   Register index = as_Register(i);
2138   Address::ScaleFactor scale = (Address::ScaleFactor)s;
2139   if (index == rsp) {
2140     index = noreg;
2141     scale = Address::no_scale;
2142   }
2143   Address addr(as_Register(b), index, scale, d);
2144   return addr;
2145 }
2147 %}
2149 //----------ENCODING BLOCK-----------------------------------------------------
2150 // This block specifies the encoding classes used by the compiler to
2151 // output byte streams.  Encoding classes are parameterized macros
2152 // used by Machine Instruction Nodes in order to generate the bit
2153 // encoding of the instruction.  Operands specify their base encoding
2154 // interface with the interface keyword.  There are currently
2155 // supported four interfaces, REG_INTER, CONST_INTER, MEMORY_INTER, &

2611                                      /*set_cond_codes:*/ true);
2612     if ($primary) {
2613       __ xorptr(Rrdi, Rrdi);
2614     }
2615     __ bind(miss);
2616   %}
2618   enc_class Java_To_Interpreter(method meth)
2619   %{
2620     // CALL Java_To_Interpreter
2621     // This is the instruction starting address for relocation info.
2622     cbuf.set_inst_mark();
2623     $$$emit8$primary;
2624     // CALL directly to the runtime
2625     emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,
2626                    (int) ($meth$$method - ((intptr_t) cbuf.code_end()) - 4),
2627                    runtime_call_Relocation::spec(),
2628                    RELOC_DISP32);
2629   %}
2631   enc_class preserve_SP %{
2632     debug_only(int off0 = cbuf.code_size());
2633     MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
2634     // RBP is preserved across all calls, even compiled calls.
2635     // Use it to preserve RSP in places where the callee might change the SP.
2636     __ movptr(rbp, rsp);
2637     debug_only(int off1 = cbuf.code_size());
2638     assert(off1 - off0 == preserve_SP_size(), "correct size prediction");
2639   %}
2641   enc_class restore_SP %{
2642     MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
2643     __ movptr(rsp, rbp);
2644   %}
2646   enc_class Java_Static_Call(method meth)
2647   %{
2648     // JAVA STATIC CALL
2649     // CALL to fixup routine.  Fixup routine uses ScopeDesc info to
2650     // determine who we intended to call.
2651     cbuf.set_inst_mark();
2652     $$$emit8$primary;
2654     if (!_method) {
2655       emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,
2656                      (int) ($meth$$method - ((intptr_t) cbuf.code_end()) - 4),
2657                      runtime_call_Relocation::spec(),
2658                      RELOC_DISP32);
2659     } else if (_optimized_virtual) {
2660       emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,
2661                      (int) ($meth$$method - ((intptr_t) cbuf.code_end()) - 4),
2662                      opt_virtual_call_Relocation::spec(),
2663                      RELOC_DISP32);
2664     } else {
2665       emit_d32_reloc(cbuf,

12544 // ============================================================================
12545 // Safepoint Instructions
12546 instruct safePoint_poll(rFlagsReg cr)
12547 %{
12548   match(SafePoint);
12549   effect(KILL cr);
12551   format %{ "testl   rax, [rip + #offset_to_poll_page]\t"
12552             "# Safepoint: poll for GC" %}
12553   size(6); // Opcode + ModRM + Disp32 == 6 bytes
12554   ins_cost(125);
12555   ins_encode(enc_safepoint_poll);
12556   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_mem);
12557 %}
12559 // ============================================================================
12560 // Procedure Call/Return Instructions
12561 // Call Java Static Instruction
12562 // Note: If this code changes, the corresponding ret_addr_offset() and
12563 //       compute_padding() functions will have to be adjusted.
12564 instruct CallStaticJavaDirect(method meth) %{

12565   match(CallStaticJava);
12566   predicate(!((CallStaticJavaNode*) n)->is_method_handle_invoke());
12567   effect(USE meth);
12569   ins_cost(300);
12570   format %{ "call,static " %}
12571   opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */
12572   ins_encode(Java_Static_Call(meth), call_epilog);
12573   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12574   ins_pc_relative(1);
12575   ins_alignment(4);
12576 %}
12578 // Call Java Static Instruction (method handle version)
12579 // Note: If this code changes, the corresponding ret_addr_offset() and
12580 //       compute_padding() functions will have to be adjusted.
12581 instruct CallStaticJavaHandle(method meth, rbp_RegP rbp) %{
12582   match(CallStaticJava);
12583   predicate(((CallStaticJavaNode*) n)->is_method_handle_invoke());
12584   effect(USE meth);
12585   // RBP is saved by all callees (for interpreter stack correction).
12586   // We use it here for a similar purpose, in {preserve,restore}_SP.
12588   ins_cost(300);
12589   format %{ "call,static MethodHandle " %}
12590   opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */
12591   ins_encode(preserve_SP,
12592              Java_Static_Call(meth),
12593              restore_SP,
12594              call_epilog);
12595   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12596   ins_pc_relative(1);
12597   ins_alignment(4);
12598 %}
12600 // Call Java Dynamic Instruction
12601 // Note: If this code changes, the corresponding ret_addr_offset() and
12602 //       compute_padding() functions will have to be adjusted.
12603 instruct CallDynamicJavaDirect(method meth)
12604 %{
12605   match(CallDynamicJava);
12606   effect(USE meth);
12608   ins_cost(300);
12609   format %{ "movq    rax, #Universe::non_oop_word()\n\t"
12610             "call,dynamic " %}
12611   opcode(0xE8); /* E8 cd */
12612   ins_encode(Java_Dynamic_Call(meth), call_epilog);
12613   ins_pipe(pipe_slow);
12614   ins_pc_relative(1);
12615   ins_alignment(4);
12616 %}
12618 // Call Runtime Instruction
12619 instruct CallRuntimeDirect(method meth)

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