1 /*
   2  * Copyright 1997-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
  20  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
  21  * have any questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 // A constantPool is an array containing class constants as described in the
  26 // class file.
  27 //
  28 // Most of the constant pool entries are written during class parsing, which
  29 // is safe.  For klass and string types, the constant pool entry is
  30 // modified when the entry is resolved.  If a klass or string constant pool
  31 // entry is read without a lock, only the resolved state guarantees that
  32 // the entry in the constant pool is a klass or String object and
  33 // not a symbolOop.
  35 class SymbolHashMap;
  37 class constantPoolOopDesc : public oopDesc {
  38   friend class VMStructs;
  39   friend class BytecodeInterpreter;  // Directly extracts an oop in the pool for fast instanceof/checkcast
  40  private:
  41   typeArrayOop         _tags; // the tag array describing the constant pool's contents
  42   constantPoolCacheOop _cache;         // the cache holding interpreter runtime information
  43   klassOop             _pool_holder;   // the corresponding class
  44   int                  _flags;         // a few header bits to describe contents for GC
  45   int                  _length; // number of elements in the array
  46   volatile bool        _is_conc_safe; // if true, safe for concurrent
  47                                       // GC processing
  48   // only set to non-zero if constant pool is merged by RedefineClasses
  49   int                  _orig_length;
  51   void set_tags(typeArrayOop tags)             { oop_store_without_check((oop*)&_tags, tags); }
  52   void tag_at_put(int which, jbyte t)          { tags()->byte_at_put(which, t); }
  53   void release_tag_at_put(int which, jbyte t)  { tags()->release_byte_at_put(which, t); }
  55   enum FlagBit {
  56     FB_has_invokedynamic = 1,
  57     FB_has_pseudo_string = 2
  58   };
  60   int flags() const                         { return _flags; }
  61   void set_flags(int f)                     { _flags = f; }
  62   bool flag_at(FlagBit fb) const            { return (_flags & (1 << (int)fb)) != 0; }
  63   void set_flag_at(FlagBit fb);
  64   // no clear_flag_at function; they only increase
  66  private:
  67   intptr_t* base() const { return (intptr_t*) (((char*) this) + sizeof(constantPoolOopDesc)); }
  68   oop* tags_addr()       { return (oop*)&_tags; }
  69   oop* cache_addr()      { return (oop*)&_cache; }
  71   oop* obj_at_addr(int which) const {
  72     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
  73     return (oop*) &base()[which];
  74   }
  76   jint* int_at_addr(int which) const {
  77     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
  78     return (jint*) &base()[which];
  79   }
  81   jlong* long_at_addr(int which) const {
  82     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
  83     return (jlong*) &base()[which];
  84   }
  86   jfloat* float_at_addr(int which) const {
  87     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
  88     return (jfloat*) &base()[which];
  89   }
  91   jdouble* double_at_addr(int which) const {
  92     assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
  93     return (jdouble*) &base()[which];
  94   }
  96  public:
  97   typeArrayOop tags() const                 { return _tags; }
  99   bool has_pseudo_string() const            { return flag_at(FB_has_pseudo_string); }
 100   bool has_invokedynamic() const            { return flag_at(FB_has_invokedynamic); }
 101   void set_pseudo_string()                  {    set_flag_at(FB_has_pseudo_string); }
 102   void set_invokedynamic()                  {    set_flag_at(FB_has_invokedynamic); }
 104   // Klass holding pool
 105   klassOop pool_holder() const              { return _pool_holder; }
 106   void set_pool_holder(klassOop k)          { oop_store_without_check((oop*)&_pool_holder, (oop) k); }
 107   oop* pool_holder_addr()                   { return (oop*)&_pool_holder; }
 109   // Interpreter runtime support
 110   constantPoolCacheOop cache() const        { return _cache; }
 111   void set_cache(constantPoolCacheOop cache){ oop_store((oop*)&_cache, cache); }
 113   // Assembly code support
 114   static int tags_offset_in_bytes()         { return offset_of(constantPoolOopDesc, _tags); }
 115   static int cache_offset_in_bytes()        { return offset_of(constantPoolOopDesc, _cache); }
 116   static int pool_holder_offset_in_bytes()  { return offset_of(constantPoolOopDesc, _pool_holder); }
 118   // Storing constants
 120   void klass_at_put(int which, klassOop k) {
 121     oop_store_without_check((volatile oop *)obj_at_addr(which), oop(k));
 122     // The interpreter assumes when the tag is stored, the klass is resolved
 123     // and the klassOop is a klass rather than a symbolOop, so we need
 124     // hardware store ordering here.
 125     release_tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Class);
 126     if (UseConcMarkSweepGC) {
 127       // In case the earlier card-mark was consumed by a concurrent
 128       // marking thread before the tag was updated, redirty the card.
 129       oop_store_without_check((volatile oop *)obj_at_addr(which), oop(k));
 130     }
 131   }
 133   // For temporary use while constructing constant pool
 134   void klass_index_at_put(int which, int name_index) {
 135     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_ClassIndex);
 136     *int_at_addr(which) = name_index;
 137   }
 139   // Temporary until actual use
 140   void unresolved_klass_at_put(int which, symbolOop s) {
 141     // Overwrite the old index with a GC friendly value so
 142     // that if GC looks during the transition it won't try
 143     // to treat a small integer as oop.
 144     *obj_at_addr(which) = NULL;
 145     release_tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass);
 146     oop_store_without_check(obj_at_addr(which), oop(s));
 147   }
 149   // Temporary until actual use
 150   void unresolved_string_at_put(int which, symbolOop s) {
 151     *obj_at_addr(which) = NULL;
 152     release_tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString);
 153     oop_store_without_check(obj_at_addr(which), oop(s));
 154   }
 156   void int_at_put(int which, jint i) {
 157     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Integer);
 158     *int_at_addr(which) = i;
 159   }
 161   void long_at_put(int which, jlong l) {
 162     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Long);
 163     // *long_at_addr(which) = l;
 164     Bytes::put_native_u8((address)long_at_addr(which), *((u8*) &l));
 165   }
 167   void float_at_put(int which, jfloat f) {
 168     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Float);
 169     *float_at_addr(which) = f;
 170   }
 172   void double_at_put(int which, jdouble d) {
 173     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Double);
 174     // *double_at_addr(which) = d;
 175     // u8 temp = *(u8*) &d;
 176     Bytes::put_native_u8((address) double_at_addr(which), *((u8*) &d));
 177   }
 179   void symbol_at_put(int which, symbolOop s) {
 180     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8);
 181     oop_store_without_check(obj_at_addr(which), oop(s));
 182   }
 184   void string_at_put(int which, oop str) {
 185     oop_store((volatile oop*)obj_at_addr(which), str);
 186     release_tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_String);
 187     if (UseConcMarkSweepGC) {
 188       // In case the earlier card-mark was consumed by a concurrent
 189       // marking thread before the tag was updated, redirty the card.
 190       oop_store_without_check((volatile oop *)obj_at_addr(which), str);
 191     }
 192   }
 194   void object_at_put(int which, oop str) {
 195     oop_store((volatile oop*) obj_at_addr(which), str);
 196     release_tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Object);
 197     if (UseConcMarkSweepGC) {
 198       // In case the earlier card-mark was consumed by a concurrent
 199       // marking thread before the tag was updated, redirty the card.
 200       oop_store_without_check((volatile oop*) obj_at_addr(which), str);
 201     }
 202   }
 204   // For temporary use while constructing constant pool
 205   void string_index_at_put(int which, int string_index) {
 206     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex);
 207     *int_at_addr(which) = string_index;
 208   }
 210   void field_at_put(int which, int class_index, int name_and_type_index) {
 211     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref);
 212     *int_at_addr(which) = ((jint) name_and_type_index<<16) | class_index;
 213   }
 215   void method_at_put(int which, int class_index, int name_and_type_index) {
 216     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref);
 217     *int_at_addr(which) = ((jint) name_and_type_index<<16) | class_index;
 218   }
 220   void interface_method_at_put(int which, int class_index, int name_and_type_index) {
 221     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref);
 222     *int_at_addr(which) = ((jint) name_and_type_index<<16) | class_index;  // Not so nice
 223   }
 225   void name_and_type_at_put(int which, int name_index, int signature_index) {
 226     tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType);
 227     *int_at_addr(which) = ((jint) signature_index<<16) | name_index;  // Not so nice
 228   }
 230   // Tag query
 232   constantTag tag_at(int which) const { return (constantTag)tags()->byte_at_acquire(which); }
 234   // Whether the entry is a pointer that must be GC'd.
 235   bool is_pointer_entry(int which) {
 236     constantTag tag = tag_at(which);
 237     return tag.is_klass() ||
 238       tag.is_unresolved_klass() ||
 239       tag.is_symbol() ||
 240       tag.is_unresolved_string() ||
 241       tag.is_string() ||
 242       tag.is_object();
 243   }
 245   // Fetching constants
 247   klassOop klass_at(int which, TRAPS) {
 248     constantPoolHandle h_this(THREAD, this);
 249     return klass_at_impl(h_this, which, CHECK_NULL);
 250   }
 252   symbolOop klass_name_at(int which);  // Returns the name, w/o resolving.
 254   klassOop resolved_klass_at(int which) {  // Used by Compiler
 255     guarantee(tag_at(which).is_klass(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 256     // Must do an acquire here in case another thread resolved the klass
 257     // behind our back, lest we later load stale values thru the oop.
 258     return klassOop((oop)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(obj_at_addr(which)));
 259   }
 261   // This method should only be used with a cpool lock or during parsing or gc
 262   symbolOop unresolved_klass_at(int which) {     // Temporary until actual use
 263     symbolOop s = symbolOop((oop)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(obj_at_addr(which)));
 264     // check that the klass is still unresolved.
 265     assert(tag_at(which).is_unresolved_klass(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 266     return s;
 267   }
 269   // RedefineClasses() API support:
 270   symbolOop klass_at_noresolve(int which) { return klass_name_at(which); }
 272   jint int_at(int which) {
 273     assert(tag_at(which).is_int(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 274     return *int_at_addr(which);
 275   }
 277   jlong long_at(int which) {
 278     assert(tag_at(which).is_long(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 279     // return *long_at_addr(which);
 280     u8 tmp = Bytes::get_native_u8((address)&base()[which]);
 281     return *((jlong*)&tmp);
 282   }
 284   jfloat float_at(int which) {
 285     assert(tag_at(which).is_float(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 286     return *float_at_addr(which);
 287   }
 289   jdouble double_at(int which) {
 290     assert(tag_at(which).is_double(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 291     u8 tmp = Bytes::get_native_u8((address)&base()[which]);
 292     return *((jdouble*)&tmp);
 293   }
 295   symbolOop symbol_at(int which) {
 296     assert(tag_at(which).is_utf8(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 297     return symbolOop(*obj_at_addr(which));
 298   }
 300   oop string_at(int which, TRAPS) {
 301     constantPoolHandle h_this(THREAD, this);
 302     return string_at_impl(h_this, which, CHECK_NULL);
 303   }
 305   oop object_at(int which) {
 306     assert(tag_at(which).is_object(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 307     return *obj_at_addr(which);
 308   }
 310   // A "pseudo-string" is an non-string oop that has found is way into
 311   // a String entry.
 312   // Under AnonymousClasses this can happen if the user patches a live
 313   // object into a CONSTANT_String entry of an anonymous class.
 314   // Method oops internally created for method handles may also
 315   // use pseudo-strings to link themselves to related metaobjects.
 317   bool is_pseudo_string_at(int which);
 319   oop pseudo_string_at(int which) {
 320     assert(tag_at(which).is_string(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 321     return *obj_at_addr(which);
 322   }
 324   void pseudo_string_at_put(int which, oop x) {
 325     assert(AnonymousClasses, "");
 326     set_pseudo_string();        // mark header
 327     assert(tag_at(which).is_string() || tag_at(which).is_unresolved_string(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 328     string_at_put(which, x);    // this works just fine
 329   }
 331   // only called when we are sure a string entry is already resolved (via an
 332   // earlier string_at call.
 333   oop resolved_string_at(int which) {
 334     assert(tag_at(which).is_string(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 335     // Must do an acquire here in case another thread resolved the klass
 336     // behind our back, lest we later load stale values thru the oop.
 337     return (oop)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(obj_at_addr(which));
 338   }
 340   // This method should only be used with a cpool lock or during parsing or gc
 341   symbolOop unresolved_string_at(int which) {    // Temporary until actual use
 342     symbolOop s = symbolOop((oop)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(obj_at_addr(which)));
 343     // check that the string is still unresolved.
 344     assert(tag_at(which).is_unresolved_string(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 345     return s;
 346   }
 348   // Returns an UTF8 for a CONSTANT_String entry at a given index.
 349   // UTF8 char* representation was chosen to avoid conversion of
 350   // java_lang_Strings at resolved entries into symbolOops
 351   // or vice versa.
 352   // Caller is responsible for checking for pseudo-strings.
 353   char* string_at_noresolve(int which);
 355   jint name_and_type_at(int which) {
 356     assert(tag_at(which).is_name_and_type(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 357     return *int_at_addr(which);
 358   }
 360   // The following methods (name/signature/klass_ref_at, klass_ref_at_noresolve,
 361   // name_and_type_ref_index_at) all expect to be passed indices obtained
 362   // directly from the bytecode, and extracted according to java byte order.
 363   // If the indices are meant to refer to fields or methods, they are
 364   // actually potentially byte-swapped, rewritten constant pool cache indices.
 365   // The routine remap_instruction_operand_from_cache manages the adjustment
 366   // of these values back to constant pool indices.
 368   // There are also "uncached" versions which do not adjust the operand index; see below.
 370   // Lookup for entries consisting of (klass_index, name_and_type index)
 371   klassOop klass_ref_at(int which, TRAPS);
 372   symbolOop klass_ref_at_noresolve(int which);
 373   symbolOop name_ref_at(int which)                { return impl_name_ref_at(which, false); }
 374   symbolOop signature_ref_at(int which)           { return impl_signature_ref_at(which, false); }
 376   int klass_ref_index_at(int which)               { return impl_klass_ref_index_at(which, false); }
 377   int name_and_type_ref_index_at(int which)       { return impl_name_and_type_ref_index_at(which, false); }
 379   // Lookup for entries consisting of (name_index, signature_index)
 380   int name_ref_index_at(int which_nt);            // ==  low-order jshort of name_and_type_at(which_nt)
 381   int signature_ref_index_at(int which_nt);       // == high-order jshort of name_and_type_at(which_nt)
 383   BasicType basic_type_for_signature_at(int which);
 385   // Resolve string constants (to prevent allocation during compilation)
 386   void resolve_string_constants(TRAPS) {
 387     constantPoolHandle h_this(THREAD, this);
 388     resolve_string_constants_impl(h_this, CHECK);
 389   }
 391   // Klass name matches name at offset
 392   bool klass_name_at_matches(instanceKlassHandle k, int which);
 394   // Sizing
 395   int length() const                   { return _length; }
 396   void set_length(int length)          { _length = length; }
 398   // Tells whether index is within bounds.
 399   bool is_within_bounds(int index) const {
 400     return 0 <= index && index < length();
 401   }
 403   static int header_size()             { return sizeof(constantPoolOopDesc)/HeapWordSize; }
 404   static int object_size(int length)   { return align_object_size(header_size() + length); }
 405   int object_size()                    { return object_size(length()); }
 407   bool is_conc_safe()                  { return _is_conc_safe; }
 408   void set_is_conc_safe(bool v)        { _is_conc_safe = v; }
 410   friend class constantPoolKlass;
 411   friend class ClassFileParser;
 412   friend class SystemDictionary;
 414   // Used by compiler to prevent classloading.
 415   static klassOop klass_at_if_loaded          (constantPoolHandle this_oop, int which);
 416   static klassOop klass_ref_at_if_loaded      (constantPoolHandle this_oop, int which);
 417   // Same as above - but does LinkResolving.
 418   static klassOop klass_ref_at_if_loaded_check(constantPoolHandle this_oop, int which, TRAPS);
 420   // Routines currently used for annotations (only called by jvm.cpp) but which might be used in the
 421   // future by other Java code. These take constant pool indices rather than possibly-byte-swapped
 422   // constant pool cache indices as do the peer methods above.
 423   symbolOop uncached_name_ref_at(int which)                 { return impl_name_ref_at(which, true); }
 424   symbolOop uncached_signature_ref_at(int which)            { return impl_signature_ref_at(which, true); }
 425   int       uncached_klass_ref_index_at(int which)          { return impl_klass_ref_index_at(which, true); }
 426   int       uncached_name_and_type_ref_index_at(int which)  { return impl_name_and_type_ref_index_at(which, true); }
 428   // Sharing
 429   int pre_resolve_shared_klasses(TRAPS);
 430   void shared_symbols_iterate(OopClosure* closure0);
 431   void shared_tags_iterate(OopClosure* closure0);
 432   void shared_strings_iterate(OopClosure* closure0);
 434   // Debugging
 435   const char* printable_name_at(int which) PRODUCT_RETURN0;
 437  private:
 439   symbolOop impl_name_ref_at(int which, bool uncached);
 440   symbolOop impl_signature_ref_at(int which, bool uncached);
 441   int       impl_klass_ref_index_at(int which, bool uncached);
 442   int       impl_name_and_type_ref_index_at(int which, bool uncached);
 444   int remap_instruction_operand_from_cache(int operand);
 446   // Used while constructing constant pool (only by ClassFileParser)
 447   jint klass_index_at(int which) {
 448     assert(tag_at(which).is_klass_index(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 449     return *int_at_addr(which);
 450   }
 452   jint string_index_at(int which) {
 453     assert(tag_at(which).is_string_index(), "Corrupted constant pool");
 454     return *int_at_addr(which);
 455   }
 457   // Performs the LinkResolver checks
 458   static void verify_constant_pool_resolve(constantPoolHandle this_oop, KlassHandle klass, TRAPS);
 460   // Implementation of methods that needs an exposed 'this' pointer, in order to
 461   // handle GC while executing the method
 462   static klassOop klass_at_impl(constantPoolHandle this_oop, int which, TRAPS);
 463   static oop string_at_impl(constantPoolHandle this_oop, int which, TRAPS);
 465   // Resolve string constants (to prevent allocation during compilation)
 466   static void resolve_string_constants_impl(constantPoolHandle this_oop, TRAPS);
 468  public:
 469   // Merging constantPoolOop support:
 470   bool compare_entry_to(int index1, constantPoolHandle cp2, int index2, TRAPS);
 471   void copy_cp_to(int start_i, int end_i, constantPoolHandle to_cp, int to_i,
 472     TRAPS);
 473   void copy_entry_to(int from_i, constantPoolHandle to_cp, int to_i, TRAPS);
 474   int  find_matching_entry(int pattern_i, constantPoolHandle search_cp, TRAPS);
 475   int  orig_length() const                { return _orig_length; }
 476   void set_orig_length(int orig_length)   { _orig_length = orig_length; }
 479   // JVMTI accesss - GetConstantPool, RetransformClasses, ...
 480   friend class JvmtiConstantPoolReconstituter;
 482  private:
 483   jint cpool_entry_size(jint idx);
 484   jint hash_entries_to(SymbolHashMap *symmap, SymbolHashMap *classmap);
 486   // Copy cpool bytes into byte array.
 487   // Returns:
 488   //  int > 0, count of the raw cpool bytes that have been copied
 489   //        0, OutOfMemory error
 490   //       -1, Internal error
 491   int  copy_cpool_bytes(int cpool_size,
 492                         SymbolHashMap* tbl,
 493                         unsigned char *bytes);
 494 };
 496 class SymbolHashMapEntry : public CHeapObj {
 497  private:
 498   unsigned int        _hash;   // 32-bit hash for item
 499   SymbolHashMapEntry* _next;   // Next element in the linked list for this bucket
 500   symbolOop           _symbol; // 1-st part of the mapping: symbol => value
 501   u2                  _value;  // 2-nd part of the mapping: symbol => value
 503  public:
 504   unsigned   int hash() const             { return _hash;   }
 505   void       set_hash(unsigned int hash)  { _hash = hash;   }
 507   SymbolHashMapEntry* next() const        { return _next;   }
 508   void set_next(SymbolHashMapEntry* next) { _next = next;   }
 510   symbolOop  symbol() const               { return _symbol; }
 511   void       set_symbol(symbolOop sym)    { _symbol = sym;  }
 513   u2         value() const                {  return _value; }
 514   void       set_value(u2 value)          { _value = value; }
 516   SymbolHashMapEntry(unsigned int hash, symbolOop symbol, u2 value)
 517     : _hash(hash), _symbol(symbol), _value(value), _next(NULL) {}
 519 }; // End SymbolHashMapEntry class
 522 class SymbolHashMapBucket : public CHeapObj {
 524 private:
 525   SymbolHashMapEntry*    _entry;
 527 public:
 528   SymbolHashMapEntry* entry() const         {  return _entry; }
 529   void set_entry(SymbolHashMapEntry* entry) { _entry = entry; }
 530   void clear()                              { _entry = NULL;  }
 532 }; // End SymbolHashMapBucket class
 535 class SymbolHashMap: public CHeapObj {
 537  private:
 538   // Default number of entries in the table
 539   enum SymbolHashMap_Constants {
 540     _Def_HashMap_Size = 256
 541   };
 543   int                   _table_size;
 544   SymbolHashMapBucket*  _buckets;
 546   void initialize_table(int table_size) {
 547     _table_size = table_size;
 548     _buckets = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(SymbolHashMapBucket, table_size);
 549     for (int index = 0; index < table_size; index++) {
 550       _buckets[index].clear();
 551     }
 552   }
 554  public:
 556   int table_size() const        { return _table_size; }
 558   SymbolHashMap()               { initialize_table(_Def_HashMap_Size); }
 559   SymbolHashMap(int table_size) { initialize_table(table_size); }
 561   // hash P(31) from Kernighan & Ritchie
 562   static unsigned int compute_hash(const char* str, int len) {
 563     unsigned int hash = 0;
 564     while (len-- > 0) {
 565       hash = 31*hash + (unsigned) *str;
 566       str++;
 567     }
 568     return hash;
 569   }
 571   SymbolHashMapEntry* bucket(int i) {
 572     return _buckets[i].entry();
 573   }
 575   void add_entry(symbolOop sym, u2 value);
 576   SymbolHashMapEntry* find_entry(symbolOop sym);
 578   u2 symbol_to_value(symbolOop sym) {
 579     SymbolHashMapEntry *entry = find_entry(sym);
 580     return (entry == NULL) ? 0 : entry->value();
 581   }
 583   ~SymbolHashMap() {
 584     SymbolHashMapEntry* next;
 585     for (int i = 0; i < _table_size; i++) {
 586       for (SymbolHashMapEntry* cur = bucket(i); cur != NULL; cur = next) {
 587         next = cur->next();
 588         delete(cur);
 589       }
 590     }
 591     delete _buckets;
 592   }
 593 }; // End SymbolHashMap class