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 224         addl     $1,%eax
 225         subl     $1,%ecx
 226         jnz      6b
 227 7:      popl     %edi
 228         popl     %esi
 229         ret
 230 acb_CopyLeft:
 231         std
 232         leal     -4(%edi,%ecx),%edi   # to + count - 4
 233         movl     %eax,%esi            # from + count - 1
 234         movl     %ecx,%eax
 235         subl     $3,%esi              # from + count - 4
 236         cmpl     $3,%ecx
 237         jbe      5f
 238 1:      shrl     $2,%ecx
 239         jz       4f
 240         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 241         jbe      2f                   # <= 32 dwords
 242         rep;     smovl
 243         jmp      4f
 244         .=.+8
 245 2:      subl     %esi,%edi
 246         .p2align 4,,15
 247 3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
 248         movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
 249         subl     $4,%esi
 250         subl     $1,%ecx
 251         jnz      3b
 252         addl     %esi,%edi
 253 4:      movl     %eax,%ecx
 254 5:      andl     $3,%ecx
 255         jz       7f
 256         subl     %esi,%edi
 257         addl     $3,%esi
 258 6:      movb     (%esi),%dl
 259         movb     %dl,(%edi,%esi,1)
 260         subl     $1,%esi
 261         subl     $1,%ecx
 262         jnz      6b
 263 7:      cld
 264         popl     %edi

 361         pushl    %esi
 362         movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      # count
 363         pushl    %edi
 364         movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      # from
 365         movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      # to
 366         cmpl     %esi,%edi
 367         leal     -2(%esi,%ecx,2),%eax # from + count*2 - 2
 368         jbe      acs_CopyRight
 369         cmpl     %eax,%edi
 370         jbe      acs_CopyLeft 
 371 acs_CopyRight:
 372         movl     %ecx,%eax            # word count
 373         sarl     %ecx                 # dword count
 374         jz       4f                   # no dwords to move
 375         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 376         jbe      2f                   # <= 32 dwords
 377         # copy aligned dwords
 378         rep;     smovl
 379         jmp      4f 
 380         # copy aligned dwords
 381         .=.+5
 382 2:      subl     %esi,%edi 
 383         .p2align 4,,15
 384 3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
 385         movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
 386         addl     $4,%esi
 387         subl     $1,%ecx
 388         jnz      3b
 389         addl     %esi,%edi
 390 4:      andl     $1,%eax              # suffix count
 391         jz       5f                   # no suffix
 392         # copy suffix
 393         movw     (%esi),%dx
 394         movw     %dx,(%edi)
 395 5:      popl     %edi
 396         popl     %esi
 397         ret
 398 acs_CopyLeft:
 399         std
 400         leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,2),%edi # to + count*2 - 4
 401         movl     %eax,%esi            # from + count*2 - 2

 437         .type    _Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jints,@function
 438 _Copy_conjoint_jints_atomic:
 439 _Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jints:
 440         pushl    %esi
 441         movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      # count
 442         pushl    %edi
 443         movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      # from
 444         movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      # to
 445         cmpl     %esi,%edi
 446         leal     -4(%esi,%ecx,4),%eax # from + count*4 - 4
 447         jbe      ci_CopyRight
 448         cmpl     %eax,%edi
 449         jbe      ci_CopyLeft 
 450 ci_CopyRight:
 451         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 452         jbe      2f                   # <= 32 dwords
 453         rep;     smovl
 454         popl     %edi
 455         popl     %esi
 456         ret
 457         .=.+10
 458 2:      subl     %esi,%edi
 459         jmp      4f
 460         .p2align 4,,15
 461 3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
 462         movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
 463         addl     $4,%esi
 464 4:      subl     $1,%ecx
 465         jge      3b
 466         popl     %edi
 467         popl     %esi
 468         ret
 469 ci_CopyLeft:
 470         std
 471         leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,4),%edi # to + count*4 - 4
 472         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 473         ja       4f                   # > 32 dwords
 474         subl     %eax,%edi            # eax == from + count*4 - 4
 475         jmp      3f
 476         .p2align 4,,15
 477 2:      movl     (%eax),%edx

 224         addl     $1,%eax
 225         subl     $1,%ecx
 226         jnz      6b
 227 7:      popl     %edi
 228         popl     %esi
 229         ret
 230 acb_CopyLeft:
 231         std
 232         leal     -4(%edi,%ecx),%edi   # to + count - 4
 233         movl     %eax,%esi            # from + count - 1
 234         movl     %ecx,%eax
 235         subl     $3,%esi              # from + count - 4
 236         cmpl     $3,%ecx
 237         jbe      5f
 238 1:      shrl     $2,%ecx
 239         jz       4f
 240         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 241         jbe      2f                   # <= 32 dwords
 242         rep;     smovl
 243         jmp      4f
 244         .space 8
 245 2:      subl     %esi,%edi
 246         .p2align 4,,15
 247 3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
 248         movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
 249         subl     $4,%esi
 250         subl     $1,%ecx
 251         jnz      3b
 252         addl     %esi,%edi
 253 4:      movl     %eax,%ecx
 254 5:      andl     $3,%ecx
 255         jz       7f
 256         subl     %esi,%edi
 257         addl     $3,%esi
 258 6:      movb     (%esi),%dl
 259         movb     %dl,(%edi,%esi,1)
 260         subl     $1,%esi
 261         subl     $1,%ecx
 262         jnz      6b
 263 7:      cld
 264         popl     %edi

 361         pushl    %esi
 362         movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      # count
 363         pushl    %edi
 364         movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      # from
 365         movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      # to
 366         cmpl     %esi,%edi
 367         leal     -2(%esi,%ecx,2),%eax # from + count*2 - 2
 368         jbe      acs_CopyRight
 369         cmpl     %eax,%edi
 370         jbe      acs_CopyLeft 
 371 acs_CopyRight:
 372         movl     %ecx,%eax            # word count
 373         sarl     %ecx                 # dword count
 374         jz       4f                   # no dwords to move
 375         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 376         jbe      2f                   # <= 32 dwords
 377         # copy aligned dwords
 378         rep;     smovl
 379         jmp      4f 
 380         # copy aligned dwords
 381         .space 5
 382 2:      subl     %esi,%edi 
 383         .p2align 4,,15
 384 3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
 385         movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
 386         addl     $4,%esi
 387         subl     $1,%ecx
 388         jnz      3b
 389         addl     %esi,%edi
 390 4:      andl     $1,%eax              # suffix count
 391         jz       5f                   # no suffix
 392         # copy suffix
 393         movw     (%esi),%dx
 394         movw     %dx,(%edi)
 395 5:      popl     %edi
 396         popl     %esi
 397         ret
 398 acs_CopyLeft:
 399         std
 400         leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,2),%edi # to + count*2 - 4
 401         movl     %eax,%esi            # from + count*2 - 2

 437         .type    _Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jints,@function
 438 _Copy_conjoint_jints_atomic:
 439 _Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jints:
 440         pushl    %esi
 441         movl     4+12(%esp),%ecx      # count
 442         pushl    %edi
 443         movl     8+ 4(%esp),%esi      # from
 444         movl     8+ 8(%esp),%edi      # to
 445         cmpl     %esi,%edi
 446         leal     -4(%esi,%ecx,4),%eax # from + count*4 - 4
 447         jbe      ci_CopyRight
 448         cmpl     %eax,%edi
 449         jbe      ci_CopyLeft 
 450 ci_CopyRight:
 451         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 452         jbe      2f                   # <= 32 dwords
 453         rep;     smovl
 454         popl     %edi
 455         popl     %esi
 456         ret
 457         .space 10
 458 2:      subl     %esi,%edi
 459         jmp      4f
 460         .p2align 4,,15
 461 3:      movl     (%esi),%edx
 462         movl     %edx,(%edi,%esi,1)
 463         addl     $4,%esi
 464 4:      subl     $1,%ecx
 465         jge      3b
 466         popl     %edi
 467         popl     %esi
 468         ret
 469 ci_CopyLeft:
 470         std
 471         leal     -4(%edi,%ecx,4),%edi # to + count*4 - 4
 472         cmpl     $32,%ecx
 473         ja       4f                   # > 32 dwords
 474         subl     %eax,%edi            # eax == from + count*4 - 4
 475         jmp      3f
 476         .p2align 4,,15
 477 2:      movl     (%eax),%edx

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