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 861   case 0xC4: // VEX_3bytes
 862   case 0xC5: // VEX_2bytes
 863     assert((UseAVX > 0), "shouldn't have VEX prefix");
 864     assert(ip == inst+1, "no prefixes allowed");
 865     // C4 and C5 are also used as opcodes for PINSRW and PEXTRW instructions
 866     // but they have prefix 0x0F and processed when 0x0F processed above.
 867     //
 868     // In 32-bit mode the VEX first byte C4 and C5 alias onto LDS and LES
 869     // instructions (these instructions are not supported in 64-bit mode).
 870     // To distinguish them bits [7:6] are set in the VEX second byte since
 871     // ModRM byte can not be of the form 11xxxxxx in 32-bit mode. To set
 872     // those VEX bits REX and vvvv bits are inverted.
 873     //
 874     // Fortunately C2 doesn't generate these instructions so we don't need
 875     // to check for them in product version.
 877     // Check second byte
 878     NOT_LP64(assert((0xC0 & *ip) == 0xC0, "shouldn't have LDS and LES instructions"));

 880     // First byte
 881     if ((0xFF & *inst) == VEX_3bytes) {

 882       ip++; // third byte
 883       is_64bit = ((VEX_W & *ip) == VEX_W);

 884     }
 885     ip++; // opcode
 886     // To find the end of instruction (which == end_pc_operand).

 887     switch (0xFF & *ip) {
 888     case 0x61: // pcmpestri r, r/a, #8
 889     case 0x70: // pshufd r, r/a, #8
 890     case 0x73: // psrldq r, #8

 891       tail_size = 1;  // the imm8
 892       break;
 893     default:

 894       break;
 895     }
 896     ip++; // skip opcode
 897     debug_only(has_disp32 = true); // has both kinds of operands!
 898     break;
 900   case 0x62: // EVEX_4bytes
 901     assert((UseAVX > 0), "shouldn't have EVEX prefix");
 902     assert(ip == inst+1, "no prefixes allowed");
 903     // no EVEX collisions, all instructions that have 0x62 opcodes
 904     // have EVEX versions and are subopcodes of 0x66
 905     ip++; // skip P0 and exmaine W in P1
 906     is_64bit = ((VEX_W & *ip) == VEX_W);
 907     ip++; // move to P2
 908     ip++; // skip P2, move to opcode
 909     // To find the end of instruction (which == end_pc_operand).
 910     switch (0xFF & *ip) {
 911     case 0x61: // pcmpestri r, r/a, #8
 912     case 0x70: // pshufd r, r/a, #8
 913     case 0x73: // psrldq r, #8

2461     _input_size_in_bits = EVEX_64bit;
2462     simd_prefix(src, xnoreg, dst, VEX_SIMD_66, /* no_mask_reg */ true,
2463                 VEX_OPCODE_0F, /* rex_w */ true);
2464   } else {
2465     simd_prefix(dst, src, VEX_SIMD_66, /* no_mask_reg */ true);
2466   }
2467   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xD6);
2468   emit_operand(src, dst);
2469 }
2471 void Assembler::movsbl(Register dst, Address src) { // movsxb
2472   InstructionMark im(this);
2473   prefix(src, dst);
2474   emit_int8(0x0F);
2475   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xBE);
2476   emit_operand(dst, src);
2477 }
2479 void Assembler::movsbl(Register dst, Register src) { // movsxb
2480   NOT_LP64(assert(src->has_byte_register(), "must have byte register"));
2481   int encode = prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), src->encoding(), true);
2482   emit_int8(0x0F);
2483   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xBE);
2484   emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
2485 }
2487 void Assembler::movsd(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src) {
2488   NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2(), ""));
2489   if (VM_Version::supports_evex()) {
2490     emit_simd_arith_q(0x10, dst, src, VEX_SIMD_F2, /* no_mask_reg */ true);
2491   } else {
2492     emit_simd_arith(0x10, dst, src, VEX_SIMD_F2);
2493   }
2494 }
2496 void Assembler::movsd(XMMRegister dst, Address src) {
2497   NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2(), ""));
2498   if (VM_Version::supports_evex()) {
2499     _tuple_type = EVEX_T1S;
2500     _input_size_in_bits = EVEX_64bit;
2501     emit_simd_arith_nonds_q(0x10, dst, src, VEX_SIMD_F2, /* no_mask_reg */ true);

2578 }
2580 void Assembler::movw(Address dst, Register src) {
2581   InstructionMark im(this);
2582   emit_int8(0x66);
2583   prefix(dst, src);
2584   emit_int8((unsigned char)0x89);
2585   emit_operand(src, dst);
2586 }
2588 void Assembler::movzbl(Register dst, Address src) { // movzxb
2589   InstructionMark im(this);
2590   prefix(src, dst);
2591   emit_int8(0x0F);
2592   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB6);
2593   emit_operand(dst, src);
2594 }
2596 void Assembler::movzbl(Register dst, Register src) { // movzxb
2597   NOT_LP64(assert(src->has_byte_register(), "must have byte register"));
2598   int encode = prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), src->encoding(), true);
2599   emit_int8(0x0F);
2600   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB6);
2601   emit_int8(0xC0 | encode);
2602 }
2604 void Assembler::movzwl(Register dst, Address src) { // movzxw
2605   InstructionMark im(this);
2606   prefix(src, dst);
2607   emit_int8(0x0F);
2608   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB7);
2609   emit_operand(dst, src);
2610 }
2612 void Assembler::movzwl(Register dst, Register src) { // movzxw
2613   int encode = prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), src->encoding());
2614   emit_int8(0x0F);
2615   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB7);
2616   emit_int8(0xC0 | encode);
2617 }

6432 int Assembler::prefix_and_encode(int reg_enc, bool byteinst) {
6433   if (reg_enc >= 8) {
6434     prefix(REX_B);
6435     reg_enc -= 8;
6436   } else if (byteinst && reg_enc >= 4) {
6437     prefix(REX);
6438   }
6439   return reg_enc;
6440 }
6442 int Assembler::prefixq_and_encode(int reg_enc) {
6443   if (reg_enc < 8) {
6444     prefix(REX_W);
6445   } else {
6446     prefix(REX_WB);
6447     reg_enc -= 8;
6448   }
6449   return reg_enc;
6450 }
6452 int Assembler::prefix_and_encode(int dst_enc, int src_enc, bool byteinst) {
6453   if (dst_enc < 8) {
6454     if (src_enc >= 8) {
6455       prefix(REX_B);
6456       src_enc -= 8;
6457     } else if (byteinst && src_enc >= 4) {
6458       prefix(REX);
6459     }
6460   } else {
6461     if (src_enc < 8) {
6462       prefix(REX_R);
6463     } else {
6464       prefix(REX_RB);
6465       src_enc -= 8;
6466     }
6467     dst_enc -= 8;
6468   }
6469   return dst_enc << 3 | src_enc;
6470 }
6472 int Assembler::prefixq_and_encode(int dst_enc, int src_enc) {
6473   if (dst_enc < 8) {
6474     if (src_enc < 8) {
6475       prefix(REX_W);
6476     } else {
6477       prefix(REX_WB);

 861   case 0xC4: // VEX_3bytes
 862   case 0xC5: // VEX_2bytes
 863     assert((UseAVX > 0), "shouldn't have VEX prefix");
 864     assert(ip == inst+1, "no prefixes allowed");
 865     // C4 and C5 are also used as opcodes for PINSRW and PEXTRW instructions
 866     // but they have prefix 0x0F and processed when 0x0F processed above.
 867     //
 868     // In 32-bit mode the VEX first byte C4 and C5 alias onto LDS and LES
 869     // instructions (these instructions are not supported in 64-bit mode).
 870     // To distinguish them bits [7:6] are set in the VEX second byte since
 871     // ModRM byte can not be of the form 11xxxxxx in 32-bit mode. To set
 872     // those VEX bits REX and vvvv bits are inverted.
 873     //
 874     // Fortunately C2 doesn't generate these instructions so we don't need
 875     // to check for them in product version.
 877     // Check second byte
 878     NOT_LP64(assert((0xC0 & *ip) == 0xC0, "shouldn't have LDS and LES instructions"));
 880     int vex_opcode;
 881     // First byte
 882     if ((0xFF & *inst) == VEX_3bytes) {
 883       vex_opcode = VEX_OPCODE_MASK & *ip;
 884       ip++; // third byte
 885       is_64bit = ((VEX_W & *ip) == VEX_W);
 886     } else {
 887       vex_opcode = VEX_OPCODE_0F;
 888     }
 889     ip++; // opcode
 890     // To find the end of instruction (which == end_pc_operand).
 891     switch (vex_opcode) {
 892       case VEX_OPCODE_0F:
 893         switch (0xFF & *ip) {

 894         case 0x70: // pshufd r, r/a, #8
 895         case 0x71: // ps[rl|ra|ll]w r, #8
 896         case 0x72: // ps[rl|ra|ll]d r, #8
 897         case 0x73: // ps[rl|ra|ll]q r, #8
 898         case 0xC2: // cmp[ps|pd|ss|sd] r, r, r/a, #8
 899         case 0xC4: // pinsrw r, r, r/a, #8
 900         case 0xC5: // pextrw r/a, r, #8
 901         case 0xC6: // shufp[s|d] r, r, r/a, #8
 902           tail_size = 1;  // the imm8
 903           break;
 904         }
 905         break;
 906       case VEX_OPCODE_0F_3A:
 907         tail_size = 1;
 908         break;
 909     }
 910     ip++; // skip opcode
 911     debug_only(has_disp32 = true); // has both kinds of operands!
 912     break;
 914   case 0x62: // EVEX_4bytes
 915     assert((UseAVX > 0), "shouldn't have EVEX prefix");
 916     assert(ip == inst+1, "no prefixes allowed");
 917     // no EVEX collisions, all instructions that have 0x62 opcodes
 918     // have EVEX versions and are subopcodes of 0x66
 919     ip++; // skip P0 and exmaine W in P1
 920     is_64bit = ((VEX_W & *ip) == VEX_W);
 921     ip++; // move to P2
 922     ip++; // skip P2, move to opcode
 923     // To find the end of instruction (which == end_pc_operand).
 924     switch (0xFF & *ip) {
 925     case 0x61: // pcmpestri r, r/a, #8
 926     case 0x70: // pshufd r, r/a, #8
 927     case 0x73: // psrldq r, #8

2475     _input_size_in_bits = EVEX_64bit;
2476     simd_prefix(src, xnoreg, dst, VEX_SIMD_66, /* no_mask_reg */ true,
2477                 VEX_OPCODE_0F, /* rex_w */ true);
2478   } else {
2479     simd_prefix(dst, src, VEX_SIMD_66, /* no_mask_reg */ true);
2480   }
2481   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xD6);
2482   emit_operand(src, dst);
2483 }
2485 void Assembler::movsbl(Register dst, Address src) { // movsxb
2486   InstructionMark im(this);
2487   prefix(src, dst);
2488   emit_int8(0x0F);
2489   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xBE);
2490   emit_operand(dst, src);
2491 }
2493 void Assembler::movsbl(Register dst, Register src) { // movsxb
2494   NOT_LP64(assert(src->has_byte_register(), "must have byte register"));
2495   int encode = prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), false, src->encoding(), true);
2496   emit_int8(0x0F);
2497   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xBE);
2498   emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
2499 }
2501 void Assembler::movsd(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src) {
2502   NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2(), ""));
2503   if (VM_Version::supports_evex()) {
2504     emit_simd_arith_q(0x10, dst, src, VEX_SIMD_F2, /* no_mask_reg */ true);
2505   } else {
2506     emit_simd_arith(0x10, dst, src, VEX_SIMD_F2);
2507   }
2508 }
2510 void Assembler::movsd(XMMRegister dst, Address src) {
2511   NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2(), ""));
2512   if (VM_Version::supports_evex()) {
2513     _tuple_type = EVEX_T1S;
2514     _input_size_in_bits = EVEX_64bit;
2515     emit_simd_arith_nonds_q(0x10, dst, src, VEX_SIMD_F2, /* no_mask_reg */ true);

2592 }
2594 void Assembler::movw(Address dst, Register src) {
2595   InstructionMark im(this);
2596   emit_int8(0x66);
2597   prefix(dst, src);
2598   emit_int8((unsigned char)0x89);
2599   emit_operand(src, dst);
2600 }
2602 void Assembler::movzbl(Register dst, Address src) { // movzxb
2603   InstructionMark im(this);
2604   prefix(src, dst);
2605   emit_int8(0x0F);
2606   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB6);
2607   emit_operand(dst, src);
2608 }
2610 void Assembler::movzbl(Register dst, Register src) { // movzxb
2611   NOT_LP64(assert(src->has_byte_register(), "must have byte register"));
2612   int encode = prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), false, src->encoding(), true);
2613   emit_int8(0x0F);
2614   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB6);
2615   emit_int8(0xC0 | encode);
2616 }
2618 void Assembler::movzwl(Register dst, Address src) { // movzxw
2619   InstructionMark im(this);
2620   prefix(src, dst);
2621   emit_int8(0x0F);
2622   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB7);
2623   emit_operand(dst, src);
2624 }
2626 void Assembler::movzwl(Register dst, Register src) { // movzxw
2627   int encode = prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), src->encoding());
2628   emit_int8(0x0F);
2629   emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB7);
2630   emit_int8(0xC0 | encode);
2631 }

6446 int Assembler::prefix_and_encode(int reg_enc, bool byteinst) {
6447   if (reg_enc >= 8) {
6448     prefix(REX_B);
6449     reg_enc -= 8;
6450   } else if (byteinst && reg_enc >= 4) {
6451     prefix(REX);
6452   }
6453   return reg_enc;
6454 }
6456 int Assembler::prefixq_and_encode(int reg_enc) {
6457   if (reg_enc < 8) {
6458     prefix(REX_W);
6459   } else {
6460     prefix(REX_WB);
6461     reg_enc -= 8;
6462   }
6463   return reg_enc;
6464 }
6466 int Assembler::prefix_and_encode(int dst_enc, bool dst_is_byte, int src_enc, bool src_is_byte) {
6467   if (dst_enc < 8) {
6468     if (src_enc >= 8) {
6469       prefix(REX_B);
6470       src_enc -= 8;
6471     } else if ((src_is_byte && src_enc >= 4) || (dst_is_byte && dst_enc >= 4)) {
6472       prefix(REX);
6473     }
6474   } else {
6475     if (src_enc < 8) {
6476       prefix(REX_R);
6477     } else {
6478       prefix(REX_RB);
6479       src_enc -= 8;
6480     }
6481     dst_enc -= 8;
6482   }
6483   return dst_enc << 3 | src_enc;
6484 }
6486 int Assembler::prefixq_and_encode(int dst_enc, int src_enc) {
6487   if (dst_enc < 8) {
6488     if (src_enc < 8) {
6489       prefix(REX_W);
6490     } else {
6491       prefix(REX_WB);

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